Unit 4 - Communication in Adult Social Care

|Assignment front sheet |

|Learner name | Assessor name |

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|Date issued |Completion date |Submitted on |

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|Qualification |Unit number and title |

|BTEC Level 1 Award in Preparing to Work in Adult Social Care (QCF) |Unit 4: Awareness of Communication in Adult Social Care |

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|Assignment title |Communication Skills |

|In this example assessment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria. |

|Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found. |

|Criteria |To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that | |Task no. | |Evidence |

|reference |the student is able to: | | | | |

|1.1 |Identify the range of communication skills needed in adult social care. | |1 | | |

|2.1 |Identify barriers to effective communication. | |2 | | |

|2.2 |List ways of overcoming barriers to effective communication. | |2 | | |

|3.1 |List the different purposes for which record keeping might be used. | |3 | | |

|3.2 |Give examples of different types of record keeping used in adult social care settings. | |3 | | |

|3.3 |Outline the skills needed to maintain clear, accurate and up to date records. | |3 | | |

|Learner declaration |

|I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged. |

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|Learner signature: Date: |

|Assignment brief |

|Qualification |BTEC Level 1 Award in Preparing to Work in Adult Social Care |

|Unit number and title |Unit 4: Awareness of Communication in Adult Social Care |

|Start date | |

|Deadline | |

|Assessor name | |

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|Assignment title |Communication Skills |

|The purpose of this assignment is to develop your awareness of communication in Adult Social |

|Care and the different skills which are essential for working in this sector. |

|Scenario |

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|You are preparing for work experience in a residential setting for older people who have |

|dementia. Your tutor has asked you to review your understanding of the communication skills |

|you will need to use and to think about some of the problems you might come across in this setting. |

|Task 1 |

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|Prepare a checklist, which identifies the range of communication skills needed for working in |

|adult social care. The checklist must include examples of skills needed for verbal, non-verbal |

|and written communication. |

|Task 2 |

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|Complete the table below to identify five different barriers, including one cultural difference and one environmental barrier, to effective communication and how|

|each of these barriers could be overcome. |

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|Barriers to communication |

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|How can the barrier be overcome? |

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|Task 3 |

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|Record keeping is an important communication skill for workers in adult social care settings. |

|Complete the table below to: |

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|list five different purposes of staff keeping records |

|give examples of different types of record keeping that might be used |

|outline five skills needed to maintain clear, accurate and up to date records |

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|Purposes of keeping records in adult social care |

|Example of different types of record keeping that might be used |

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|The skills needed by staff to maintain clear, accurate and up to date records are: |

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|Sources of information |

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|Relevant TV programmes/videos/DVDs |

|Examples of written communication in health and social care settings |

|Technological aids |

|Guest speakers |

|Setting visits |

|Examples of blank forms eg incident books, care sheets |

|This brief has been verified as being fit for purpose |

|Assessor | |

|Signature | |Date | |

|Internal verifier | |

| Signature | |Date | |


Evidence for Tasks 2 and 3 could take the form of verbal presentations, accompanied by an authenticated observation record/witness statements and PowerPoint presentation notes printed on A4 or over-head projector slides.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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