1.5 Nutrition Research Statistics.docx

1.5 Nutrition Research Statistics

There are a number of different methods of nutrition research. We will first cover epidemiology, followed by in vitro research, animal research, and clinical trials. We are covering them in this order because relationships between diet and disease are often identified using epidemiology, investigated with in vitro and animal methods, and if further investigation is still required/justified, human studies/clinical trials are utilized.

But before we talk about the types of research, one important aspect in being able to interpret research is to have a basic understanding of statistical significance.

Statistical significance means that there is sufficient statistical evidence to suggest that the results are most likely NOT due to chance.

Statistical Significance is represented by p-values in most research. The p-value is an estimate of whether the difference is a statistical accident or due to random chance. A p-value of less than 0.05 (commonly written p-value ................

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