Odessa State Medical University

Odessa National Medical University

Department of the infectious diseases


Head of the department

Professor ___________ T.V. Chaban


Calendar- thematic plan of the practical lessons

for students of the 3a group 6 course of the medical faculty

2020-2021 year

|№ |Data |Topic |Hours |The content of classes |

| |07.04.2021 |The principles of the treatment and prophylaxis of |2 |The principles of complex etiotropic and pathogenetic therapy of the patients. |

| | |the infectious diseases. |Practical |The general principles of prophylaxis of the infectious diseases. Measures about source of infection, ways of transmission, |

| | | |class |susceptible organism. Vaccin- and seroprophylaxis. Vaccinations. |

| |07.04.2021 |Differential diagnosis of infectious diseases with |4 |Acute infectious diseases, which are accompanied by diarrhea syndrome: salmonellosis, food intoxications, botulism, esherichiosis, |

| | |the syndrome of diarrhea. |Practical |campylobacteriosis, cholera, yersiniosis, viral diarrhea, and parasitic affections of intestines. Syndromes of gastroenteritis, |

| | | |class |gastroenterocolitis, colitis, intoxication syndrome. Dehydration shock. Emergency. |

| |08.04.2021 |Differential diagnosis of infectious diseases, with |4 |Clinic-pathophysiological characteristic of jaundice: suprahepatic, hepatic, and subhepatic. |

| | |syndrome of jaundice. |Practical |Infectious diseases, who are accompanied by jaundice syndrome: viral hepatitis A, B, C, D, E, leptospirosis, infectious |

| | | |class |mononucleosis, yersiniosis, parasitical diseases of liver, malaria. |

| | | | |Differential diagnosis of infectious diseases, with syndrome of jaundice. Differential diagnosis of infectious and noninfectious |

| | | | |jaundices. Laboratory diagnostics of jaundice. Acute hepatic encephalopathy. |

| |08.04.2021 |Differential diagnosis of infectious diseases, with |4 |Epidemiological and clinical features of acute respiratory diseases (influenza, parainfluenza, adenoviral, rhinoviral, herpetic |

| | |respiratory syndrome. |Practical |infection, enteroviral diseases, cytomegaloviral infections, meningococcal infection, mycoplasmosis, legionellosis). Examination |

| | | |class |patients with respiratory syndrome. Differential diagnostics of anginas.Acute respiratory insufficiency. |

| |09.04.2021 |Differential diagnosis of infectious diseases, with |4 |Meningeal syndrome in infectious (meningococcal meningitis, viral mucous meningitis, secondary mucous meningitis, leptospirosis, |

| | |мeningeal syndrome. |Practical |yersiniosis etc.) and noninfectious diseases (subarachnoidal hemorrhage, traumatic damage of brain). Differential diagnostics of |

| | | |class |meningites. Syndrome of edema–swelling of brain. |

| |09.04.2021 |Differential diagnosis of exanthemas. |4 |Acute infectious diseases with exanthemas: measles, scarlet fever, rubella, epidemic typhus, typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, |

| | | |Practical |meningococcemia, hemorrhagic fevers. Clinical, epidemiological and laboratories diagnostics. Differential diagnostics infectious and |

| | | |class |noninfectious exanthemas (skin diseases, drug disease, skin manifestations in collagenosis, hemorrhagic diathesis). Characteristics |

| | | | |of elements of exanthemas. “Children’s” droplet infections in adults. |

|7. |12.04.2021 |Differential diagnostics of lymphadenopathies. |6 |Clinical features of lymphadenopathy in AIDS, plague, tularemia, brucellosis, toxoplasmosis, rubella, infectious mononucleosis, |

| | |HIV – infection/AIDS. |Practical |cat-scratch disease, tuberculosis, diseases of blood. Differential diagnostics. Methods of diagnostics. |

| | | |class |Historic reference. Etiology. Epidemiology. Stages of HIV – infection. Diagnostic in different stages of HIV – infection. Clinical |

| | | | |and laboratory data. HIV-associate infections of viral, bacterial and protozoan etiology Treatment in different stages. Prophylaxis. |

|8 |13.04.2021 |Differential diagnosis of diseases with fever of |4 |Differential diagnostics of the diseases with prolonged fever (typhoid fever, paratyphoid A and B, spirochetal infections (systemic |

| | |unknown origin. |Practical |tick borreliosis, leptospirosis), rickettsioses, chlamidial infections, parasitic diseases (malaria, toxoplasmosis), viral |

| | | |class |infections, fungal diseases, bacterial infections, neoplastic diseases and other). |

|9 |14.04.2021 |Malaria. |4 |Infectious agents of human malaria. Development cycle of parasites. Features of immunity. Pathogenesis of disease’s attack, anemia, |

| | | |Practical |malarial coma, hemoglobinuria. Pathogenesis of early and later relapses. Features of clinical course of different malarial forms. |

| | | |class |Complicate forms of malaria.Cerebral coma, acute hemolysis, hemoglobinuric fever, renal insufficiency. Diagnosis. Treatment of |

| | | | |malarial coma and others complications. Treatment and prophylaxis of malaria. Basis antimalarial chemopreparations, mechanism of |

| | | | |theirs effect. Therapy of malaria, which is risen by chemoresistant forms of agents. Prophylaxis. |

|10 |15.04.2021 |Especially dangerous infections (cholera, plague, |4 |Etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis. Clinical manifestations, diagnostics, differential diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis. |

| | |variola, Yelow fever) |Practical |Problem of delivery’s chance of quarantine infections in Ukraine. Clinic-epidemic information for suspicion about quarantine |

| | | |class |infections. Documents, which are regulated doctor’s actions in suspicion about quarantine infections or in revealing of a patient |

| | | | |with cholera, plague, and yellow fever. International sanitary rules. Organization of isolation ward. Primary antiepidemic measures |

| | | | |in infection focus. Measures on special personal prophylaxis of infection. |

| | |At all |40 | |

Head of the educational part,

аssistant M.I. Chubach


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