Sloggers & Betters 9

Sloggers & Betters 9

Birmingham – 25th June 2011

Here is your chance to come along and meet fellow solvers and setters in the picturesque heart of Birmingham.

You can also chance your arm with a specially set puzzle – you might just win a bottle of wine!

Date: Saturday 25th June 2011.

Time: Midday for 1pm lunch, then stay as long as you wish.

Venue: The Old Contemptibles, 176 Edmund Street, Birmingham B3 2HB (next to Snow Hill railway station). The pub is approximately 15 minutes’ walk (roughly north) from New Street station.

Car Parking: There is limited street parking which, obviously, can be difficult on a Saturday. There is a car park here:

[pic] [pic]

Food: Eating is not compulsory, but the pub offers a highly praised menu. We plan to lunch at 1pm. There is a separate restaurant area which seats around 20 people, although food from the same menu is also served in the main bar area. Please say now if you prefer to use the restaurant, as seats will have to be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.

For more details about the pub, and to download a PDF of the menu, please go to their website:

It will be helpful to the venue if they know in advance who’s eating what, so please select your dishes and let me know so I can advise them.

Who’s Who: I’ve taken delivery of pinned name badges so that we’re all more easily identifiable. How you are identified is entirely up to you; my proposal is that each badge will offer two lines of text, the upper one in bold. It may be that you’d prefer to be known only as the screenname(s) you use on your favourite blog/forum – or just your real name and no screenname(s) – or even both. Thus a badge might look like:

|David Smith |or |Carol Jones |or |Anax / Loroso |

|MisterDS | | | | |

The next bit:

OK, first thing is to find out if you can be there. Then, whether or not you’ll be having lunch – and what your food choices will be. And finally your name badge details.

Please fill in the details below and email this document to as soon as you can.

Don’t worry about putting TBA in the menu choice fields. The pub has indicated that while knowing choices in advance is useful it’s by no means essential. You’ll probably be perfectly OK to select dishes on the day.

|Name | |

|Email | |

|Attending? (Yes/No) | |

|Lunch? (Yes/No) | |

|Restaurant seat if available? (Yes/No/No preference) | |

|Starter (just put TBA if you want more time to decide): | |

|Main Course (just put TBA if you want more time to decide): | |

|Dessert (just put TBA if you want more time to decide): | |

|Name Badge Line 1 (bold) | |

|Name Badge Line 2 (optional) | |


The Old




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