Paul J. Bohman Personal Portfolio

Personal ProductAssessment and analysis“Time and Money, everything in life requires either our time or our money” – John BohmanMarketing 200SectionStudent ID Number: 000533720Email: pjbohman@bsu.edupaul_bohman@Due Date: 2/22/13Date Submitted: 2/22/13Personal Mission Statement:I strive towards being an individual that makes an impact on the world. With skills I have learned growing up and through my education, I have harvests a specific skill set that allows me to be a positive leader and role model in everything I do. Being an individual in both my work and family life is extremely important to me and I consciously work towards playing a valuable role in every situation I am put in.Executive Summary:This is step one of a course paper for my Marketing class, in which we were to take several self-assessments and other tools to analyze our specific personality type, along with other strengths and weaknesses we possess. These included the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (Form Q), Strengths Finder 2.0, Sigi 3, and other personality surveys. Through the completion of each of these, I have been able to get a birds-eye-view of my strengths and weakness and how I can use those to my advantage in both my work and personal life.Table of ContentsPersonal Assessment Tools3Myer-Briggs Assignment Results3Sigi3 Assignment Results8StrengthsFinder 2.0 11Other Personality Surveys 13Bibliography 14Personal Assessment Tools:Below are the results of the personality assessments I completed, along with Myers-Briggs Indication, the Sigi 3, and the Strengthsfinder 2.0 assessments. Using his information that has been provided to me using the assessments and personal experience, I can efficiently put my strengths to good use in everything I do as well as using my weaknesses as a way to grow and develop for the future. Myers-Briggs AnalysisMyer-Briggs is a professional self-analysis that allows for a detailed personality assessment to be given that points out traits on both an individual and basic level. This assessment is important to have because it given an outside perspective to inner behaviors and how individuals like me function in everyday life. I have provided a table below that points out the major areas or study the survey gives the results that I enquired. Figure 1The Myers-Briggs analysis gives you information about your specific personality type based on the results from a survey you fill out. I filled out what they called the MBTI Form Q, which was a questionnaire, and based on my results, the analysis labeled me as an ENTP. As you can see in the table above, my strengths and personalities play towards thinking, extraverted, and perceptive. I am well developed in each of these categories, meaning that these are definite strengths that my personality follows in almost every situation. You can look at it as more of a “go to”, what I do automatically, and my instantaneous reaction to a situation. ENTP’s are thought of as Visionaries. As a whole, they strive on ideas and their external environment, liking everything to infinite possibilities. They are able to find solutions to problems by looking at the entirety of a situation as opposed to specific details. There is always in inflow of information in which their extroverted thinking enables them to fully grasp the world they live in and constantly attempt to understand it. These individuals strive to know their surrounding on an intimate level and spend their entire life in search for knowledge and greater understanding. For this reason, they are more concerned with understand the circumstances they are thrown into, rather than making a decision in itself. While following through with simple everyday tasks seems pointless to these types of individuals, they are always looking for ways to improve every day processes and look for a more effective and time efficient way to complete drab tasks that are performed daily and take up time they could be using to pursue the future knowledge that they so much crave.Another characteristic of the ENTP personality type is the distinct advantage of intuitively understanding people and situations they are involved in. They have a “knack” for putting themselves in the other person’s shoes and containing a situation that others would find difficult to understand or control. For this reason, ENTP’s are individuals who have the ability to be excellent leaders, even though they themselves may not realize it. Leading by example and being a role model is a big part of what makes up these individuals, constantly putting their views and beliefs out in the open for other people to see and take for their own. They are thought of as fluent conversationalists and can easily find commonalities and interests shared by all individuals in the group, also contributing to the social and leadership aspect of the ENTP personality type.This personality type of often referred to as a “lawyer type”, based on the idea that these types of individuals love to argue ad debate over just about anything. They have a way of quickly understanding a situation or topic and will gladly voice their opinion and diligently work on persuading and recruiting others to their side. Although they love a good argument, they always have a strong point to back up with views. ENTP’s follow strict logic when debating, which makes it difficult to oppose their views or arguments and come up with valid points against them.As you can see with my personal results, I am a very strong extroverted thinker. I enjoy looking at the basic, more general perspective of things and prefer to express my thoughts or opinions on these observations. I excel with hands on learning and thinking, always attempting to seek out a better process of way of doing things that would make it more worth everyone’s time. I can easily grasp more general knowledge and then look to link it with other outside information and make connections between the two. Another key trait that I fit into extremely well is the “thinking” aspect of the Myers-Briggs personality assessment. This attribute focuses on the mental, knowledgeable portion of life rather than the feeling and emotional portion. Instead of focusing on the emotional connection between people and situations, they concentrate on how the facts match up with the entirety of a project. The big picture in what is important. By being a thinker as opposed to a feeler, people with this personality trait can easily connect projects and general knowledge together. This is a distinct advantage because many creative solutions come from stepping back and viewing the situation as a whole with certain problems that can be fixed by linking a product with other general product or knowledge to make improvements and make each product more effective and efficient. The strongest trait that I acquired from the Meyers-Briggs personality assessment was that of perspective. Individuals with this characteristic can easily view the world and the people in it as a united whole. The opposite of this would be judging, this focuses on the separation of people and how we are different from the next person. I believe that this in my strongest advantage. Being perceiving of individuals and situations allows for a casual, open-ended view of the world and it’s situations. Instead of focusing on differenced and systematic approaches, I am able to be innovative and come up with different solutions to problems that others would be restricted from due to their “scheduled” ways of thinking. In my life, I have never put much importance on the details; I have viewed the world as a whole that can productively work together to come up with unique processes and products that moves up forward instead of being stuck in certain ways and the norm. The abstract and theoretical view is what moves society further, the limits we have created for ourselves to follow only hinder our ability to think and create.The one weakness that was prominent in the Meyers-Briggs analysis was that on undeveloped emotional perspective. The survey results stated hat individuals with the ENTP personality type, such as myself, often lack a connection with individuals and situations on an emotional and feeling oriented level. This can be important, especially in individuals whose strengths consist of this category. It can create a barrier between these two individual types for the simple reason that they are opposing views and thought processes. ENTP’s focus on the logical aspect, where are other personality types, relying on their emotions to be their driving force. Although this can prove to be a challenge when dealing and communicating with certain individuals with these specific personality types, I believe this can play as a strength. As I have said, ENTP’s are strong conversationalists, connecting with individuals that others would have trouble connecting with. On a personal level, I can grasp outside views that oppose my own and can see an individual or situation from a basic level, which allows me to see another’s point more easily and adjust my argument to better fit the situation at hand. In a work oriented situation, this would be extremely useful due to the fact that I can work as a mediator, defusing the situation and being able to pull different individuals strengths and playing on those to some up with the best result. I believe that it is extremely important to have different personality types within a team so that all our “bases are covered” and the best solution can be found. Basic traits and job oriented fields that are specific to my results: - Project-oriented - Enjoy generating ideas and theories - Creative and ingenius - Bright and capable - Flexible and Diverse - Excellent communication skills - Enjoy debating issues with other people - Excellent people skills - Natural leaders, but do not like to control people - Resist being controlled by people - Lively and energetic; able to motivate others - Highly value knowledge and competence - Logical, rational thinkers - Able to grasp difficult concepts and theories - Enjoy solving difficult problems - Dislike confining schedules and environments - Dislike routine, detailed tasksSIGI 3 (Systems of Interactive Guidance and Information)This tool, provided to you by the Ball State University site, gives an in-depth perspective of certain traits for different personality types. This tool lists different job and career options that play towards individual’s strengths and personalities. In other words, this test provides career options that fit your specific personality type and what field you have the potential to be most effective in. They also give personality traits based on the four surveys you fill out, similar to the Myers-Briggs personality test. Specific results for the SIGI 3 survey:Figure 2After completing this survey, my SIGI 3 results based on my personality type were as follows:Working with peopleWorking with hands or EquipmentCommunicatingOrganizing InformationWorking with MathSpecial ActivitiesThese are the basic skills that the SIGI 3 pulled from personality type. Working with people and communication seemed to be a common characteristic in each of the surveys I took, and the SIGI 3 highlighted these as some of my main strengths. Persuading, negotiating, and selling are the three top skills within the “people” category that I posses. These are extremely important in my ability to persuade and connect ideas and people for the best and most efficient results. Explaining information ad developing new ideas are also extremely important to me and my skill set because it drives my ability to connect overall ideas and develop new, better, and innovative ideas. There where also several personality traits listed that include the following:EnterprisingInvestigativeRealisticSeveral jobs where listed as being linked with the ENTP personality type and my specific skill set. Some examples that the SIGI 3 listed where Business Owner, Market Analyst, Urban Planner, and several other management, innovative based jobs. Although my personality characteristics have specific areas of strength, they also focus on being a thinker and developer, constantly working with people and bringing new ideas into the greater picture. Because I am not detail oriented, I strive in an environment that is fast paced and unique, where it is crucial to like details with the bigger picture and not have a narrow view of any situation. A realistic view is extremely important to individuals with my personality type, but what is more important, is the ability to bring together different situations and individuals, and link things that others fail to see a connection between. I feel that my personality tests show that I can be successful in any situation in which I am working with people and innovative ideas, and that I will bring a competitive and worthwhile view to any job or situation I am put into.StrengthsFinder 2.0Dr. Donald Clifton has dedicated his life at studying “what is right with people”, leading to a study of how people personalities fit with specific strengths and how we can use this information to be the most effective in our everyday lives. In doing this, the StregnthsFinder 2.0 was developed in order for people to learn more about themselves and how they can use their specific strengths to their advantage in life. The survey is a list of questions that individuals answer that depict their top five strengths and give information about how theses can be useful and applied to everyday living, both in work and personal lives. My top five strengths are as follows:Intuitive – those individuals who are intuitive have a instant connection with their surroundings. They use their previous knowledge as well as what they learn and draw from others as a means of interrelating between situations and coming up with a unique solution to each problem. These individuals have a basic ability to apply knowledge to life and to think fast on their feet, especially in times of pressure and confusion. I enjoy connecting people and situations and using with I have learned to better my situation. I also enjoy applying knowledge to the real world and learning from my mistakes, which this strength allows me to do particularly well.Connective – those that are connective have the ability and understanding to draw from their surrounding and take the basics. They understand the outline of complex situations quickly and can draw lines to and from specific objects that others would struggle or not realize was there in the first place. I believe that having this strength allows me to connect to individuals on a deeper level instantaneously. It also allows for viewing the world itself in a smaller scope and bringing people and things together. Leadership – those with leadership characteristics can influence others just by stating their opinion and following through. They typically stress logic and will easily convert others who did not originally agree with their views or opinions. Knowledge is extremely important to these individuals due to the fact that it is what they base their argument on and how they can persuade others so easily. This quality is so important in my personal life because it allows me to connect to others and get my point across effectively. I can bring this to any job and market.Innovative – individuals with this personality trait are confident in themselves and their environment. They can pick up different skills through separate experiences and apply them to a general picture or idea that they are formulating. These individuals are creative and think on their feet. They often excel in tasks that require thinking on a basic level and can dream up just about anything. I feel that innovation is a key trait in my life. I am able to find flaws in anything and are constantly finding ways to make different processed more efficient.Extroverted – individuals with this personality trait tend to be outward thinkers. They are good in groups and can easily toss ideas around. These individuals tend to easily express themselves and can talk up just about anyone. I believe that this trait in particular plays a huge part in my everyday life. I love discussing and arguing points with people and tend to be an outward thinker. In any business situation, this is extremely important because it allows me to connect to individuals and easily voice what needs to be done on a daily basis.Other Personality SurveysHumanmetrics Jung Typology Test41 questionsColor TestThe Big FivePersonality Max123 TestFree Personality TestIn general, they were very similar to the Myers-Briggs personality assessment. However, there were some differences, one survey results pointed out that I was an “architect”, another said that I had a “commander”, both of these personalities different than the results I had when doing each of the other personality tests. In general, I had the same results as the Myers-Briggs analysis of ENTP.In regards to my previous employment, I have always gotten feedback along the lines of being a leader, hard worker, and dedication to getting the job done efficiently and effectively. Although I have never officially been in the position of a manager, my employers have always looked to me as a leader in the group among everyone else do to my “people skills” and natural ability to understand any situation. I try to make a good impression with everyone I have come in contact with and someone who can be trusted to do the job correctly. Bibliography"Careers for ENTP Personality Types." Careers for ENTP Personality Types. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2013. <;." - The Free Five Minute Personality Test!" . N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2013."Free Personality Test ??” Learn Your Type." Free Personality Test. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2013."Leverage Your Personality Type." Leverage Your Personality Type. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2013."Myers Briggs Test | MBTI Personality Types." Myers Briggs Test | MBTI Personality Types. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2013. <., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2013. <;."Personality Test ??” Get to Know Your Personality Type in 41 Questions.." Personality Test. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2013."Portrait of an ENTP - Extraverted INtuitive Thinking Perceiving (Extraverted Intuition with Introverted Thinking)." Portrait of an ENTP. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2013. <;."Your Big Five Results." Your Big Five Results. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2013. ................

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