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|Reading Lesson: Dictionaries |Grade Level: 2 |

|Lesson Summary: [Common Core Standard Lang. 4.e and 2.e] Students use glossaries and print and digital dictionaries to check the spellings and definitions of words|

|and phrases. Advanced learners compare entries from different dictionaries. Struggling students answer questions about dictionaries. |

|Lesson Objectives: |

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|The students will know… |

|how to find words in digital and print dictionaries. |

|how to use dictionary entries to check spelling and meanings of words and phrases. |

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|The students will be able to… |

|use print and digital dictionaries to find words. |

|use dictionary entries to find spellings and definitions. |

|Learning Styles Targeted: |

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|Visual |

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|Auditory |

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|Kinesthetic/Tactile |

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|Pre-Assessment: |

|Tell students that they will be learning how to use dictionaries. Read the title “I Raised a Great Hullabaloo.” Ask students to raise hands if they know how to |

|spell hullabaloo, and then ask if they know its meaning. Call on students to tell how they could find out the spelling and meaning. List their answers. Lead a |

|class discussion about dictionaries. Have students suggest dictionary uses, and write the correct answers on the board. Note students who do not contribute to the |

|discussion. |

|Whole-Class Instruction |

|Materials Needed: |

|computer and projector, “hullabaloo” dictionary page*, “I Raised a Great Hullabaloo*,” “The Panther*,” On Your Own worksheet*, dictionaries for each student if |

|available, paper and pencils |

|Procedure: |

|Presentation |

|Explain that people use dictionaries to find the correct spellings and the meanings of words and phrases. A glossary is an alphabetical list of new or difficult |

|words and their meanings. Glossaries are often found at the back of textbooks. |

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|Tell students that when they come across a word that they do not know, like hullabaloo, they can use a dictionary to find the meaning. |

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|Display the dictionary page master on the wall. Point out the guide words at the top of the page. Explain that dictionaries are in alphabetical order and guide |

|words are the first and last words on the page. All of the words on the page come between the guide words in alphabetical order. |

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|Call on a volunteer to find hullabaloo and read the definition. |

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|Read “I Raised a Great Hullabaloo*” to the students. Ask them to raise hands if they know how to spell waiter and write one of their misspelled suggestions on the |

|board such as waitor. |

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|As you display an online dictionary such as on the wall, tell students that digital dictionaries can be used to find the correct spelling and |

|meaning of a word. Explain the process of looking up a word while you enter the misspelling waitor. Point out that there are no dictionary results for waitor, but |

|the site provides a list of words that include waiter and waitress. Demonstrate the process of clicking onto an item. Have volunteers read the correct spelling |

|and definition for waiter. |

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|Guided Practice |

|Read “The Panther*.” Ask volunteers to locate the words peppered, crouch, and behold in the print dictionary. Have them identify the guide words on the page and |

|read the definition. |

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|Assist a volunteer in searching for anther in the digital dictionary. Have him or her read the definition and share other results of the search. Explain that poets|

|sometimes use made-up spellings to make poems fun to read. Discuss what word Ogden Nash is replacing with anther. |

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|Independent Practice |

|Give each student a dictionary and an On Your Own worksheet*. Explain the directions, and have students work in pairs or small groups if there are not enough |

|dictionaries. |

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|Closing Activity |

|Ask students to think of the new words they learned as you write them on the board. Have them explain what each word means and how they could use a dictionary to |

|understand the meaning. |

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|Have students think of any words they learned to spell, and list those on the board. Discuss how they used the dictionary to find and confirm the spellings. |

|Advanced Learner |

|Materials Needed: |

|two or more different dictionaries, “Adventures of Isabel*” |

|Procedure: |

|Give each student a different dictionary, and project or handout “Adventures of Isabel*.” |

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|Ask a volunteer to read the poem. Then have students look up the underlined words. Challenge students to see who can find the words first. Ask students to identify|

|the guide words and read each definition of the underlined words from different dictionaries. |

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|Encourage students to compare and contrast the different dictionary entries for the same word. |

|Struggling Learner |

|Materials Needed: |

|a copy of the Show What You Know! worksheet* for each student, a copy of the “telephone” dictionary page* or a copy of any dictionary’s page with telephone on it |

|Procedure: |

|Have students take turns reading lines of the poem. |

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|Guide students in answering questions on the Show What You Know! worksheet*. |

*see supplemental resources


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