
15522501913728PLEASE WRITE YOUR NAME IN THIS BOX!!!!!00PLEASE WRITE YOUR NAME IN THIS BOX!!!!!OR ENG: 4 to 8 MayMONDAY: READING# HARD WORDS: Practise reading these words. Make sure you understand their meaning.wentjumpedfairstoodboughtagainrodemustwalkedclimbedbehindfriendwhileMusathoughtpleaseturnedsillyaroundof coursecountsittingREAD Abu Ali counts his donkeysRead softly to yourselfRead aloud for someone in your homeLook for difficult words and use a dictionary to find their meaningsRead the story againAnswer the questions One day Abu?Ali went to the fair?and bought nine donkeys. He rode home on one of them. The rest of the donkeys?followed behind. After a while Abu Ali said to himself: “I must make sure all my donkeys are here.” He turned round to count them. “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Oh! Where’s number nine?” Abu Ali cried. He climbed down?from his?donkey. He looked behind the rocks and behind the trees, but there was no donkey to be seen. “I’ll count them?again,” Abu Ali said. “One, two,?three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Oh, he must have?come back.” So, Abu Ali climbed back onto?the donkey and trotted away. After a while he counted his donkeys again. He counted only eight! Once more he looked behind the rocks and behind the trees, but there was no donkey to be seen. “I will count again,” he?said, and this time there were?nine. Just then Abu Ali saw his friend Musa walking along the road. “Musa,” he called. “Help me to count my donkeys. I keep losing one. When I stop to count I have only eight,?but when I get down looking for the ninth, there he is again!” “Well, I can see ten donkeys, Abu Ali,” laughed Musa.?“And the tenth?donkey’s name is Abu Ali!”Explain in your own words why Abu Ali saw eight donkeys when he was riding and nine donkeys when he was on the ground.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How many times did Abu Ali count his donkeys before he met his friend?______________________________________________________Why did Musa see ten donkeys?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Do you think Abu Ali was a donkey? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________Why do we sometimes call someone a donkey? ___________________________________________________________________________________________Would you ever call somebody a donkey? Why or why not?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________TUESDAY: WRITINGFill in the missing letters from the alphabet in the blocks:acdfgjkloqtuwyzWrite down the letters which belong to the following numbers and see what words will be formed.1.2.1 8, 15, 13, 5, 23, 15, 18, 11 = h o m e w o r k1.2.2 19, 20, 15, 18, 9, 5, 19 = ____________________1.2.3 2, 15, 14, 5 = ____________________1.2.4 18, 5, 1, 4, 9, 14, 7 = ____________________A, B, C…ORDER: Arrange the words in alphabetical order:hear, bear, tear, near, rearsteep, sheep, sleep, sweep, suiterepaid, reopen, rent, inside, requiresenorita, sensitive, senior, senator, sentimentalWEDNESDAY: LANGUAGEWORDS I MUST KNOW!Read the following words and make sure you know their meaning and how to spell them.saw washow whothere their420253324911200here theyComplete the following sentences using… was or saw He _______here yesterday. I ______the ship out at sea. She ______singing to the children. They ______the man run plete the sentences with here and they.“Mike and Paul were going to come __________, but __________decided to go to town instead.Write 2 of your own sentences using how. Underline the word how in each sentence.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Write 2 of your own sentences using who. Underline the word who in each sentence.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ there theirUnderline ‘the’ in each word. Notice that both of these words begin with ‘the’. When something belongs to someone use ‘their’. When talking about a place, use ‘there’.Complete the sentences using … there or theirThis is __________car.I ran _________ as fast as I could.Look over __________! Is that __________boy?Is that __________cat over __________?497840060960002724608103520629994135417Ai as in rainAi as in rain -ay- as in tray -a-e as in snake F. Read these words – underline the ai, ay and a-e letters using different colours. train away shake chain stray snake paint player plate faint layer flame trail daylight brave tail spray chase drain crayon blade lane slain away G. Choose words from above that explain the following: Not scared - ________________ Lost animal - _________________ Move up and down, quickly - ________________ Weak and giddy - ____________________________ Member of a sports team - _____________________ Loose consciousness - _________________________ Light of a fire - _____________________________ Part of a knife - _____________________________ A form of transport - _________________________ Used to make something colourful - _______________ When the sun is shining - ______________________ opening for water - ___________________________THURSDAY, FRIDAYA VERB is an ACTION or DOING word. Every sentence must have a verb.Circle or underline the verbs in the sentences below:I ate my food quickly.She is sleeping.I shall go to town tomorrow.Why did you break the widow?I took a photo and ran to show my mom.A VERB also tells us if a sentence is in the PRESENT, PAST or FUTURE tense.Are the verbs below in the past or present tense?swam - past tensewon - _____________________________________break - _____________________________________knew - ______________________________________buy - _______________________________________caught - ____________________________________Write a sentence with each of the following verbs:was: ______________________________________________________________cried: ______________________________________________________________fell: ______________________________________________________________sat: ______________________________________________________________threw: ______________________________________________________________Write the words in the correct order to make sentences. Remember to add full stops!year will start next Tshepo school______________________________________________________________will go Saturday town to We on______________________________________________________________tomorrow be glue by The will dry______________________________________________________________rain will tonight It______________________________________________________________my this will do afternoon I homework______________________________________________________________ TOTAL: 20 ................

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