Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Supplemental Digital Content 1: Subjective Complaints QuestionsParaphrased Question Followed by Response Options with Subjective Complaint Response/s in Boldn% endorsedSourceParticipant - MemoryHave you noticed difficulties with your memory? (yes/ no)75464.99%MASIf yes to Q1, ask: Have you been concerned about your memory? (yes/ no)48932.31%MASIf yes to Q1, ask: Have you mentioned any concerns about memory to anyone? (yes/ no)43233.56%MASHave others commented on your memory? (yes/ no)82014.27%MASHave you seen a GP, specialist or other health professional about your memory? (yes/ no)8207.32%MASHave you had any treatment for your memory? (yes/ no)8211.22%MASCompared to 5 years ago, do you now find that you lose track of what you are doing? (no or less/ same/ little more/ lot more)82251.09%MASCompared to 5 years ago, do you now have more difficulty remembering appointments? (no or less/ same/ little more/ lot more)82510.06%MASCompared to 5 years ago, do you now have more difficulty remembering names? (no or less/ same/ little more/ lot more)82246.59%MASCompared to 5 years ago: Remembering the person just introduced to you (much better/ somewhat better/ about same/ somewhat worse/ much worse)82236.37%MAC-QCompared to 5 years ago: Recalling telephone numbers or post codes you use on a weekly basis? (much better/ somewhat better/ about same/ somewhat worse/ much worse)82517.58%MAC-QCompared to 5 years ago: Remembering where you have put objects at home/ office? (much better/ somewhat better/ about same/ somewhat worse/ much worse)82230.66%MAC-QCompared to 5 years ago: Remembering specific facts from a newspaper magazine you have just finished reading? (much better/ somewhat better/ about same/ somewhat worse/ much worse)82134.47%MAC-QCompared to 5 years ago: Remembering items you intended to buy at the supermarket or pharmacy? (much better/ somewhat better/ about same/ somewhat worse/ much worse)82422.09%MAC-QIn general how would you describe your memory as compared to 10 years ago (much better/ somewhat better/ about same/ somewhat worse/ much worse)82264.48%MAC-QParticipant – Non-memoryCompared to 5 years ago, do you have more difficulty finding the right words? (no or less/same/little more/lot more)82356.62%MASCompared to 5 years ago, do you now have more difficulty following a conversation? (no or less/same/little more/lot more)8245.46%MASCompared to 5 years ago, do you now have more difficulty explaining things? (no or less/same/little more/lot more)82219.34%MASCompared to 5 years ago, do you have more difficulty organizing or planning things? (no or less/same/little more/lot more)8227.42%MASCompared to 5 years ago, do you have more difficulty solving problems? (no or less/same/little more/lot more)8225.11%MASCompared to 5 years ago, do you now have more difficulty or less interest in your usual activities? (no or less/same/little more/lot more)82118.27%MASCompared to 5 years ago, do you now have more difficulty finding your way around familiar places? (no or less/same/little more/lot more)8223.04%MASCompared to 5 years ago, do you now have more difficulty finding your way around unfamiliar places? (no or less/same/little more/lot more)80315.57%MASCompared to 5 years ago, do you now have more trouble getting dressed? (no or less/same/little more/lot more)8241.46%MASInformant – MemoryHave you noticed participant having difficulty with memory? (yes/no)59734.51%MASIf yes to Q1, ask: Have you been concerned about participant’s memory? (yes/no)43619.27%MASIf yes to Q1, ask: Have you mentioned concerns about participant’s memory to someone else (possibly participant)? (yes/no)43726.09%MASParticipant has more trouble remembering things that happened recently (yes/no)77935.82%GP-CogParticipant has more trouble remembering conversations a few days later (yes/no)77924.39%GP-CogCompared to 5 years ago, participant’s remembering things about family and friends is (much improved/ a bit improved/ not much change/ a bit worse/ much worse)74617.43%IQCODECompared to 5 years ago, participant’s remembering things that happened recently(much improved/ a bit improved/ not much change/ a bit worse/ much worse)74724.50%IQCODECompared to 5 years ago, participant’s recalling conversations a few days later(much improved/ a bit improved/ not much change/ a bit worse/ much worse)74626.54%IQCODECompared to 5 years ago, participant’s remembering address and phone number(much improved/ a bit improved/ not much change/ a bit worse/ much worse)7463.35%IQCODECompared to 5 years ago, participant’s remembering day and month (much improved/ a bit improved/ not much change/ a bit worse/ much worse)7486.02%IQCODECompared to 5 years ago, participant’s remembering where things are usually kept (much improved/ a bit improved/ not much change/ a bit worse/ much worse)74513.96%IQCODECompared to 5 years ago, participant’s remembering where things put in a different place are(much improved/ a bit improved/ not much change/ a bit worse/ much worse)73733.38%IQCODECompared to 5 years ago, participant’s knowing how to work familiar machines (much improved/ a bit improved/ not much change/ a bit worse/ much worse)7396.09%IQCODECompared to 5 years ago, participant’s learning how to use a new gadget (much improved/ a bit improved/ not much change/ a bit worse/ much worse)73526.12%IQCODECompared to 5 years ago, participant’s learning new things in general (much improved/ a bit improved/ not much change/ a bit worse/ much worse)73622.01%IQCODEInformant – Non-memoryDoes participant have more difficulty in finding the right word? (yes/ no)77919.00%GP-CogCompared to 5 years ago, participant’s following a story (much improved/ a bit improved/ not much change/ a bit worse/ much worse)7416.75%IQCODECompared to 5 years ago, participant’s making decisions on everyday matters (much improved/ a bit improved/ not much change/ a bit worse/ much worse)74310.63%IQCODECompared to 5 years ago, participant’s using intelligence to reason things through (much improved/ a bit improved/ not much change/ a bit worse/ much worse)7419.04%IQCODENote: If the participant provided any of the responses in bold, the item was counted as “endorsed” and the item given a value of 1; otherwise the response was coded as 0 (see Analyses).MAS: devised for the Sydney Memory and Ageing Study by a panel of experts (psychiatrists, neurologist, neuropsychologists). MAC-Q: Memory Complaints Questionnaire ADDIN EN.CITE <EndNote><Cite><Author>Crook</Author><Year>1992</Year><RecNum>722</RecNum><record><rec-number>722</rec-number><foreign-keys><key app="EN" db-id="pxaf2paaixt2dhepr9c59dzt9t5xvvdp2rdz">722</key></foreign-keys><ref-type name="Journal Article">17</ref-type><contributors><authors><author>Crook, Thomas H.</author><author>Feher, Edward P.</author><author>Larrabee, Glenn J.</author></authors></contributors><titles><title>Assessment of memory complaint in age-associated memory impairment: The MAC-Q</title><secondary-title>International Psychogeriatrics</secondary-title></titles><periodical><full-title>International Psychogeriatrics</full-title><abbr-1>Int Psychogeriatr</abbr-1></periodical><pages>165-176</pages><volume>4</volume><number>2</number><dates><year>1992</year></dates><urls></urls></record></Cite></EndNote>(1); GPCOG: General Practitioner assessment of Cognition ADDIN EN.CITE <EndNote><Cite><Author>Brodaty</Author><Year>2002</Year><RecNum>699</RecNum><record><rec-number>699</rec-number><foreign-keys><key app="EN" db-id="pxaf2paaixt2dhepr9c59dzt9t5xvvdp2rdz">699</key></foreign-keys><ref-type name="Journal Article">17</ref-type><contributors><authors><author>Brodaty, Henry</author><author>Pond, Dimity</author><author>Kemp, Nicola M.</author><author>Luscombe, Georgina</author><author>Harding, Louise</author><author>Berman, Karen</author><author>Huppert, Felicia A.</author></authors></contributors><auth-address>School of Psychiatry, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.</auth-address><titles><title>The GPCOG: a new screening test for dementia designed for general practice</title><secondary-title>Journal of the American Geriatrics Society</secondary-title><alt-title>J Am Geriatr Soc</alt-title></titles><periodical><full-title>Journal of the American Geriatrics Society</full-title></periodical><pages>530-4</pages><volume>50</volume><number>3</number><keywords><keyword>Aged</keyword><keyword>Cognition</keyword><keyword>*Dementia/di [Diagnosis]</keyword><keyword>Dementia/px [Psychology]</keyword><keyword>Family Practice</keyword><keyword>Humans</keyword><keyword>*Psychiatric Status Rating Scales</keyword><keyword>Sensitivity and Specificity</keyword></keywords><dates><year>2002</year><pub-dates><date>Mar</date></pub-dates></dates><isbn>0002-8614</isbn><accession-num>11943052</accession-num><work-type>Validation Studies</work-type><urls></urls><language>English</language></record></Cite></EndNote>(2); IQCODE: modified short Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly ADDIN EN.CITE <EndNote><Cite><Author>Jorm</Author><Year>1994</Year><RecNum>677</RecNum><record><rec-number>677</rec-number><foreign-keys><key app="EN" db-id="pxaf2paaixt2dhepr9c59dzt9t5xvvdp2rdz">677</key></foreign-keys><ref-type name="Journal Article">17</ref-type><contributors><authors><author>Jorm, A. F.</author></authors></contributors><auth-address>NH&amp;MRC Social Psychiatry Research Unit, Australian National University, Canberra.</auth-address><titles><title>A short form of the Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly (IQCODE): development and cross-validation.</title><secondary-title>Psychological Medicine</secondary-title><alt-title>Psychol Med</alt-title></titles><periodical><full-title>Psychological Medicine</full-title><abbr-1>Psychol Med</abbr-1></periodical><alt-periodical><full-title>Psychological Medicine</full-title><abbr-1>Psychol Med</abbr-1></alt-periodical><pages>145-53</pages><volume>24</volume><number>1</number><keywords><keyword>*Aged/px [Psychology]</keyword><keyword>*Cognition Disorders/di [Diagnosis]</keyword><keyword>*Cognition Disorders/et [Etiology]</keyword><keyword>*Dementia/co [Complications]</keyword><keyword>Dementia/di [Diagnosis]</keyword><keyword>Employment</keyword><keyword>Geriatric Assessment</keyword><keyword>Humans</keyword><keyword>Memory Disorders/di [Diagnosis]</keyword><keyword>Memory Disorders/et [Etiology]</keyword><keyword>Psychiatric Status Rating Scales</keyword><keyword>*Questionnaires</keyword><keyword>*Reproducibility of Results</keyword></keywords><dates><year>1994</year><pub-dates><date>Feb</date></pub-dates></dates><isbn>0033-2917</isbn><accession-num>8208879</accession-num><work-type>Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov&apos;t</work-type><urls></urls><language>English</language></record></Cite></EndNote>(3)References ADDIN EN.REFLIST 1.Crook TH, Feher EP,Larrabee GJ: Assessment of memory complaint in age-associated memory impairment: The MAC-Q. Int Psychogeriatr 1992; 4:165-1762.Brodaty H, Pond D, Kemp NM, et al: The GPCOG: a new screening test for dementia designed for general practice. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2002; 50:530-5343.Jorm AF: A short form of the Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly (IQCODE): development and cross-validation. Psychol Med 1994; 24:145-153 ................

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