Behavior Intervention Plan

Behavior Intervention Plan

|Behavior |Intervention |Anticipated Outcome (Behavior) |Person(s) Responsible |Review Notes/Evaluation |

| | | | |Dates |

| | | | | |

|The student frequently seeks out the | | | | |

|attention of the teacher. |Talk tickets |The student will learn to choose the |Mr. Holden (special education teacher)|The effectiveness of talk tickets will|

| | |times when she seeks out the teachers | |be reviewed every two weeks through |

| | |attention more thoughtfully. | |talking with the other teachers who |

| | | | |have her in their classes. |

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|The student’s attention seeking | |The intensity and frequency of these | | |

|behaviors becomes so intense that it | |disruptive attention seeking behaviors| |Data will be collected and monitored |

|disrupts the whole class. |The student will be sent to |will decrease. |Mr. Holden (special education |about the frequency and intensity of |

| |self-contained timeout and be | |teacher), Mrs. Blaha (special |her attention seeking behaviors to see|

| |debriefed about the situation | |education teacher) |if there is a decrease. |

|The student seeks attention by any |afterwards. | | | |

|means necessary. | | | | |

| | |Reinforcing opposing behavior will | |Data will be kept on the number of |

| | |decrease the target behavior while | |times that the student is sent to the |

| | |increasing desired behavior. |Mr. Holden (special education |library as a means of monitoring the |

| | | |teacher), Mrs. Blaha (special |frequency of the opposing behavior. |

| |Rewarding the student with praise when| |education teacher), general education | |

| |she seeks out attention in an | |teachers | |

| |appropriate manner. If she is able to | | | |

| |maintain this behavior throughout the | | | |

| |course of the day, she will be | | | |

| |rewarded with library time. | | | |

| | | | | |

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|The attention seeking behaviors | | | | |

|alienate her from being able to form | |The student will become more aware of | |The student will self report about the|

|meaningful relationships. | |her behaviors and how they affect her | |number of times she becomes aware that|

| | |ability to form long lasting | |her actions are aversely effecting her|

| |The student will be taught how to |friendships. |Mrs. Van Dyken (school social worker) |relationships with her peers once per |

| |monitor her behaviors and appropriate | | |week. |

| |ways to create and maintain | | | |

|The student has difficulty forming and|relationships (social skills group). | | | |

|maintaining friendships. | | | |The student will self-report about |

| | | | |situations in which she used acquired |

| | |The student will be provided | |social skills and the outcomes of them|

| |Seating arrangements will be created |opportunities to practice the social |Mr. Holden (special education |once per week. |

| |so that she is sitting near at least |skills she learns with her friends. |teacher), Mrs. Blaha (special | |

| |one person with whom the student has | |education teacher), general education | |

| |formed a meaningful relationship with.| |teachers | |


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