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UNIT 3 REVIEW Ch 4CULTURAL PROCESSESPart I: Material Traits 0241305029200-234950Culture = Material Culture = Non-Material Culture = Cultural landscape: Habit = Custom = Cultural Diffusion: spread of people’s cultures across space365760053975Expansion Diffusion: Stimulus Diffusion: Hierarchical Diffusion: Contagious Diffusion: Relocation Diffusion: FOLK/LOCAL CULTUREPOPULAR CULTUREKey characteristicsHearth Diffusion Current Distribution 46228010160342900010160FOLK CULTUREUnique regions of folk culture arise because of lack of interaction among groups, even those living nearby. Folk culture is more likely to be influenced by the local environment. Give an example to support each statement:People adapt their food preferences to conditions in the environment. Terroir: Food habits are strongly influenced by cultural traditionsCertain foods are eaten because their natural properties are perceived to enhance qualities considered desirable by the society. People refuse to eat particular plants or animals that are thought to embody negative forces in the environment. Such a restriction on behavior imposed by a social custom is a taboo. The type of building materials used to construct folk houses is influenced partly by the resources available in the environment. The distinctive form of housing or orientation of houses on land may result from customary beliefs or environmental factors. 2008-46359580-228600POPULAR CULTURECompared to folk culture, popular culture is dispersed and diffusion is fast.685800141605CLOTHING LDCs clothing reflects environmentMDCs clothing reflects occupation Communication and technology permits rapid diffusion of clothing styles from one region to another FOODPeople in a country with a more developed economy are likely to have the income, time, and inclination to facilitate greater adoption of popular culture Diffusion of popular food customs depends mostly on high income and national advertising48006001085855715000161290DIFFUSION OF POPULAR CULTUREDiscuss the role of Television/Internet in diffusing pop culture and its impact: Impact of Popular Culture on Folk Cultures:Impact on the Environment:3429000-44451828800-4445539115-2540502412039370How can folk cultures maintain their uniqueness? Placelessness: Cultural Interactions Cultural Convergence: Cultural Divergence: Acculturation:Assimilation:Maladaptive diffusion: Cultural imperialism: Cultural appropriation/misappropriation:Cultural homogenization: ................

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