Gloucester County Institute of Technology (GCIT)

via Rowan College at Gloucester County (RCGC)

Instructor: Dr. Robert Anderson Fall 2015

Meeting Times: M-F, Room 211

Email: randerson@

Phone: 856-468-1445 x 2521

Textbook: Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology, Rizzo, Delmar Cengage Learning

Credit Hours: 4

Course Description:

ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY II offers a comprehensive study of the structure and function of the gross and microscopic organizations of the human body. Emphasis is place on the nervous, endocrine, immune, digestive, excretory, respiratory, circulatory, and reproductive systems. Laboratory Experiences are an integral part of the course and include computer assisted instruction and experimental labs, which reinforce scientific concepts.

Core Competencies: This course focuses on three of RCGC’s Core Competencies. The three are:

- Critical Thinking and Information Literacy

- Communication

- Teamwork


Student Objectives: Students will gain a fundamental understanding of the human body systems, how they integrate with one another and how their normal function and malfunction relate to human health. Student progress will be assessed using the following:

Course assessments: Student assessments will include unit/chapter tests and quizzes; research report, laboratory assignments, individual and group projects, and essays.

Examinations: will include multiple choice and essay questions. The information is based on lecture notes, laboratory exercises, textbook readings about lecture topics, and class activities. The assigned textbook readings are necessary to fully benefit from each class.

Quizzes: There will be quizzes that will cover laboratory and lecture material. These should help you to in preparation for the exams.

Lab Practicals: There will be two laboratory practicals. Lab practicals test students on the anatomy and in some cases physiological concepts of the organ systems that have previously been covered during lab and class discussion. These will be graded as an exam.

Lab Exercises: are to be turned in the day of the lab. Labs MUST be performed in the classroom and cannot be made up. Late laboratory exercises will not be accepted.

Expectations for students in a college course:

1. Students will be an active participant in their education.

2. Students will take responsibility for their own learning by asking questions and by completing assignments well and on time.

3. Honors students are expected to put extra effort into their work and spend time at home studying.

4. Students are expected to work cooperatively with their peers.

Academic Honesty and Plagiarism: Students are expected to do their own work. No cheating

or plagiarism will be tolerated. This includes copying. Students who work together must

be careful to write answers in their own words. If a student is caught cheating, they will

receive a zero for that assignment.

RCGC’s Academic Integrity Policy defines plagiarism as “the unacknowledged use of another’s means of expression and/or work product, whether published or unpublished, without proper credit through the use of quotation marks, citations and other customary means of identifying sources.” Essentially, this means – copying the words or ideas of others without the proper form of academic documentation.

- Plagiarism will result in a zero for the assignment and require a conference. The second offense will result in a F for the course.

Electronics: Use of cell phones, MP3 players, pagers, IPODs, and similar electronic devices is

NOT permitted during class time.

In addition, approval must be gained from the instructor prior to

student use of audio or video recording devices in class. The Board of Education believes pupils and/or school staff members should not be subject to having a video or audio recording taken of any pupil(s) or school staff member(s) for any purpose without the consent of the pupil, the pupil’s parent or guardian, and/or the school staff member.  In addition to protecting the privacy rights of pupils and school staff members, the Board recognizes such recordings can be disruptive to the educational program.  In addition, inappropriate recordings of educational material, pupil assessment instruments, and/or pupil assessment reviews can be used to compromise the integrity of the district’s educational program or lead to academic dishonesty in the event such recordings are stored and/or transmitted to other pupils.  Therefore, the Board of Education adopts this Policy regarding pupil use of electronic communication and recording devices.​

RCGC Attendance Policy: Students attain maximum academic benefit through regular class

attendance. There has been nothing else discovered that can replace daily, cumulative, educational growth from regular participation in class. Students are expected to attend all class sessions for which they are scheduled. The affect of absences will be determined by each instructor.

BIO-105 Attendance Policy – In the case of an absence, the student is responsible for

contacting the instructor. This contact should be made prior to the absence whenever possible. The student is responsible for obtaining class notes and assignments from other students in the class. Labs cannot be made up. Missed tests or quizzes must be made up within one week. It is the student’s responsibility to schedule a make up date with the teacher.


Tests 50%

Quizzes 20%

Labs 30%

Late work is unacceptable. Assignments will be accepted for 1 school day after the initial due date and receive up to half credit.

Class Procedures: Students are expected to read and be familiar with school policies as noted

in the student handbook. Additionally the following class procedures will be followed in

the science classroom:

1. Students will follow safe lab procedures as outlined in the Laboratory Safety Contract.

2. Be on time with your own pen/pencil, notebook, and journal.

3. Prepare to begin during attendance.

4. Have only course materials on your desk.

5. Follow class and school criteria for conduct, dress, and absence.

6. Be responsible and have productive work habits in class.

7. Be respectful to others and their property during class.

8. Gum and food are not permitted in the classroom.

Course Schedule

Lecture Topics Readings in Text Laboratory Exercise

|Endocrine System |Chapter 15 |Endocrine Lab |

|Blood |Chapter 16 |Blood Lab |

|The Heart |Chapter 17 |Heart Anatomy Lab |

| | |Heart Physiology Lab |

|Blood Vessels |Chapter 18 |Blood Pressure Lab |

|Lymphatic System |Chapter 19 | |

|Immune System |Chapter 20 |Immunology lab |

|Respiratory System |Chapter 21 |Respiratory Anatomy and Physiology Lab |

|Digestive System |Chapter 22 |Anatomy of Digestive System and Digestive Enzyme Lab |

|Urinary System/Fluid, Electrolyte and |Chapter 24 and 25 |Renal Lab |

|Acid/Base | | |

|Reproductive System |Chapter 26 |Anatomy of the reproductive system, Gametogenesis and Female |

| | |Cycles |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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