Digestion Practice Test

Digestion Practice Test

True/False (15 marks)

____ 1. The canine teeth are needed for tearing your food.

____ 2. Physical digestion involves the release of enzymes to break down food.

____ 3. The ileum is the first section of the small intestine.

____ 4. Chyme is partially digested food that is passed into the small intestine.

____ 5. The study of body functions is referred to as physiology.

____ 6. As food approaches the stomach, the pyloric sphincter relaxes to allow food to enter.

____ 7. After food has been chewed the tongue helps to form the food into a bolus.

____ 8. The small intestine and large intestine are approximately the same length.

____ 9. In the worm, ingestion occurs through the skin.

____ 10. All humans have approximately the same number of taste buds.

____ 11. Most humans have a total of 36 teeth.

____ 12. The physical break down of food acts to increase the surface area for which enzymes can work.

____ 13. Physical digestion occurs in the stomach through a process called churning.

____ 14. The environmental conditions within the stomach are too acid for any organisms to survive.

____ 15. The most common form of diabetes is called Type 1 - Juvenile Diabetes.

Multiple Choice (25 marks)

____ 16. Which of the following organs is NOT a part of the digestive system?

|a. |intestines |c. |kidneys |

|b. |liver |d. |pancreas |

____ 17. Which of the following is the pathway taken by food through the digestive tube?

|a. |Esophagus, liver, pancreas, stomach, small intestine, |c. |Esophagus, stomach, large intestine, small intestine |

| |large intestine | | |

|b. |Esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine |d. |Esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, small intestine, |

| | | |colon |

____ 18. Which of the following digestive structures are not involved in physical digestion?

|a. |Crop |c. |Gizzard |

|b. |Tongue |d. |Stomach |

____ 19. Salivary amylase and pancreatic amylase are enzymes responsible for the chemical breakdown of:

|a. |Protein |c. |Lipids |

|b. |Carbohydrates |d. |Nucleic Acids |

____ 20. Fat digestion begins in the:

|a. |Mouth |c. |Small intestine |

|b. |Stomach |d. |Large intestine |

____ 21. What is the function of the liver in the human digestive system?

|a. |lowers pH to optimal levels |c. |produces bile |

|b. |breaks down and emulsifies fats |d. |stores bile |

____ 22. The region at the back of the mouth which is the passageway for both food and air is the:

|a. |pharynx |c. |epiglottis |

|b. |larynx |d. |esophagus |

____ 23. Which of the following is thought to be the leading cause of ulcer formation?

|a. |Stress |c. |Bacteria |

|b. |Diet |d. |Age |

____ 24. Which of the following is used to cure Crohn’s disease?

|a. |Drugs |c. |Surgery |

|b. |Nutrition supplements |d. |There is no cure for Crohn’s disease |

____ 25. Which type of tissue acts to cover and protect the body, organs and body cavities?

|a. |Connective |c. |Muscle |

|b. |Nervous |d. |Epithelial |

____ 26. In the _______________, water is re-absorbed and feces are passed to the last section of the digestive tract.

|a. |appendix |c. |large intestine |

|b. |rectum |d. |small intestine |

____ 27. During a dissection, the upper surface of an organism is referred to as…

|a. |Ventral |c. |Dorsal |

|b. |Lateral |d. |Anterior |

____ 28. Peristalsis is:

|a. |a wave of muscular contractions |c. |a process by which fat is broken down |

|b. |a flap of tissue that covers the trachea |d. |a disorder of the digestive system |

____ 29. The structure that produces saliva is/are the:

|a. |papilla |c. |taste buds |

|b. |salivary glands |d. |epiglottis |

____ 30. The gland responsible for the production of insulin and other digestive enzymes is:

|a. |pancreas |c. |gall bladder |

|b. |liver |d. |salivary gland |

____ 31. Which of the following structures allows worms to move through the soil?

|a. |Clitellum |c. |Mouth |

|b. |Seta |d. |Segments |

____ 32. Which of the following in NOT considered to be one of the human taste sensations?

|a. |salty |c. |bitter |

|b. |sweet |d. |meat |

____ 33. On average of ______ litres of fluid is produced by the human body on a daily basis.

|a. |9 |c. |7 |

|b. |8 |d. |2 |

____ 34. A boy swallows some food while doing a headstand. The food will move towards the stomach by the process of…

|a. |Gravity |c. |Emulsification |

|b. |Hydrolysis |d. |Peristalsis |

____ 35. Enzymes enter the small intestine through the:

|a. |Cystic duct |c. |Pancreatic duct |

|b. |Hepatic duct |d. |Common duct |

____ 36. Excessive damage to the liver tissue can lead to a condition called:

|a. |Cirrhosis |c. |Ulcers |

|b. |Crohns’s |d. |Constipation |

____ 37. The constant balance of internal conditions, despite environmental fluctuations is termed:

|a. |Homeolysis |c. |Homeophatic |

|b. |Homeosapian |d. |Homeostasis |

____ 38. Thermoregulation refers to control over which of the body’s conditions?

|a. |pH |c. |Temperature |

|b. |Water level |d. |Electrolytes |

____ 39. Taste buds for the sensation of “salty” are located in which region of the tongue?

|a. |Front |c. |Sides |

|b. |Back |d. |Middle |

____ 40. Which type of digestive system consists of a baglike structure with only one opening?

|a. |Vacuole system |c. |Bag system |

|b. |Open system |d. |Closed system |

Matching (8 marks)

Match the digestive secretion with its function, each choice may be used only once

|a. |salivary amylase |f. |trypsin |

|b. |hydrochloric acid |g. |pancreatic amylase |

|c. |pepsin |h. |peptidases |

|d. |bile |i. |maltase |

|e. |bicarbonate |

____ 41. completes the breakdown of proteins to amino acids

____ 42. emulsifies fat

____ 43. lowers pH

____ 44. raises pH

____ 45. begins breakdown of starch to sugars

____ 46. begins protein digestion

____ 47. breaks long-chain peptides to short-chain peptides

____ 48. breaks down maltose to glucose


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