VER 1.0




(JANUARY 2011)

Table of Contents


Assemble cavity 2

Pressure-sealing test 3

Fix gas leakage 4

Hydrogen safety inspection and final permission from AD director 4

Tune resonance condition and calibration of RF cavity 5

Calibration of RF pickup probe 6

Cabling 7

Setup Optical system in the MTA 7

Timing calibration test 8

Beam Counter and Toroid Coil 8

Luminescence screen and CCD camera 8

Lock out tag out 8

Setup DAQ system 9







Appendix A, Unit 16

Appendix B, Cable configuration 16

Appendix C, Make high purity and mixed gases in the cavity 18


|[pic] |

|Fig. 1: CRLW window |

Precaution: Now the electronic log (Control Room Logbook Web application, CRLW) is the official log system for the high pressure RF cavity test. If you draw some picture on a paper including with the official logbook, scan the page and post on the CRLW system.

Contact Margherita Wiersma (x2684, vittone@) to create your account.

There are thirteen steps to prepare the high pressure RF cavity test.

Assemble cavity

Use 24 thread rods (order-made), 48 nuts and 48 washers to assemble top and bottom plates and a cylinder wall. Put Aluminum gaskets (thickness: 0.02”) between the plate and cylinder and tighten nuts and thread rods by using a torque wrench. Increase torque by 20 ft-lb[1] steps. Apply torque up to 100 ft-lb to seal 2000 psi[2] pressurized gas.

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|Fig. 2: fabricated old cavity |Fig. 3: Tighten nuts and thread rods |Fig. 4: RF power inlet and Al gasket |

Use 6 bolts (no washer) to assemble an RF power coaxial line on the top plate. Put an Aluminum gasket (thickness: 0.02”) between the flange and the top plate and tighten bolts by using a torque wrench. Apply torque up to 30 ft-lb to seal 2000 psi pressurized gas.

|[pic] |

|Fig. 5: Layout of instruments on the new top plate |

There are two 1/8’’ NPT fitting holes to assemble an RF field sense pickup antenna feedthrough. The feedthrough consists of a metallic jacket coaxial cable, a carbon fiber ferrule and a 1/8” NPT female. Clean the joint part and tighten the 1/8’’ NPT fitting RF feedthrough by using a Teflon tape and wrench.

There is one 1/8’’ NPT fitting hole to connect a gas inlet line. Clean the joint part and tighten a 1/8’’ NPT-Swagelock fitting by using a Teflon tape and wrench. Connect the special stainless steel tube; one end is a swagelock and the other one is a VCO fitting.

There are six 1/16’’ NPT fitting holes on the top plate and cylinder wall to assemble the special optical feedthrough. Clean the joint part and tighten the optical feedthrough by using a Teflon tape and wrench.

Pressure-sealing test

The gas safety assessment must be done with the Senior Safety Officer (SSO). Ask Raymond Lewis (x8445) to schedule the gas safety inspection. The document “EXHIBIT B, Pressure Testing Permit” is required for the pressure test. Ask the SSO to prepare the sheet.

There are two persons plus two SSOs to promote the pressure sealing test. One manipulates gas pressure with the SSO[3]. Other must check access to the MTA.

Replace the normal gas pressure relief valve to the special one that relieves the gas pressure at 2200 psi. The special gas relief valve is located in the Calibration Shop at the Proton Assembly building.

|[pic] |

|Fig. 6: Gas manifold line in the gas manifold room. |

The process of safety test depends on the SSO. This is an example from last pressure test. 1) LOTO the gas manifold line in the MTA gas manifold room. 2) Connect Helium gas tank to the gas manifold line (Gas inlet line). Make sure all valves are closed. 3) Slightly open the primary gas regulator to check the residual pressure in the tank. The pressure must be higher than 2200 psi on the precision pressure gauge. 4) Open the inlet valve to transport the gas into the cavity in the MTA. 5) Once, the pressure reaches the aimed value, close the inlet valve to stop feeding gas in the cavity. First pressure point was 200 psi in the last test. 6) Wait for 5 min to make sure no leak. 7) Open the inlet valve to reach the next pressure point. We tested at 500 psi, 1000 psi, 1500 psi, and 1800 psi. 8) Pressurize the cavity up 2000 psi and wait for 15 min. 9) If there is no pressure drop, the test is done. 10) Vent gas from the cavity by opening the vent valve 2. 11) Close all valves and vent residual gas in the gas line. 12) Obtain signature from the SSO on the sheet.

It is worth to note that the gas pressure strongly depends on the gas temperature and the gas flow rate. If you use the gas tank that is stored outside of the gas manifold room, you should note that the gas temperature would be still cold. As a result, the gas pressure in the cavity will grow monotonically until the gas temperature reaches to the equilibrium condition. The time constant of equilibrium temperature is ~15 minutes. There is other pressure instability mechanism. The gas pressure sometimes oscillates if the cavity is pressurized too quickly. The sonic wave is generated and oscillated in the gas inlet line back and forth. The time constant of this oscillation is ~5 minutes.

Fix gas leakage

To find the leak spot, the most sensitive method is using a Helium leak detector. Ask Dave Augustine (x4451) to borrow it. Fill up the cavity with pressurized Helium gas and put the nozzle of leak detector close to the joint part to find the leak spot.

|[pic] |

|Fig. 7: Find bubble around a coaxial line by using a snoop |

|[pic] |

|Fig. 8: Hydrogen safety inspection (left) Jim|

|Kilmer (Right) Raymond Lewis |

If you do not have the leak detector, use an electric tape and wind a joint part (as shown in Figs. 2 and 3). Apply pressurized gas (any kind). If there is a leakage, you see that the tape is deformed. The other technique is using a snoop. Pour snoop around the joint part and apply pressurized gas (any kind). You will find bubbles if there is a leak.

Once you find the leakage, tighten bolts and nuts until the leakage is stopped. If the leakage takes place on the top and/or bottom plates or the RF power coaxial line, it is worth to replace the Al gasket.

Hydrogen safety inspection and final permission from AD director

In order to have the hydrogen safety inspection, the pressure sealing test is pre-required. You should also make sure that a hydrogen gas sensor is functional. The sensor must be checked every half year. Check the date of last test.

Ask Jim Kilmer (x2637) to schedule the safety inspection. When the hydrogen safety assessment is passed the SSO send a recommendation letter to Roger Dixon to give us the final permission to operate the high pressurized hydrogen gas filled RF cavity in the MTA experimental hall. The experimental chief receives the permission letter from the AD director. Also tell Bob Mau (x4429) about the safety inspection and the run plan. His crews must know the situation to search and secure (SS) the MTA.

Tune resonance condition and calibration of RF cavity[4]

Since hydrogen (and nitrogen) is a dielectric material, a resonant frequency in the cavity varies as a function of pressure due to the capacitance shift. The resonant frequency in the cavity shifts 10 MHz at 1600 psi (700 psi with N2). On the other hand, the frequency range of Klystron is 800 - 810 MHz. Thus, the resonance condition in the cavity must tune 810 MHz at atmospheric pressure. The capacitance of cavity can be tuned by adjusting the gap between two electrodes. Be aware that tuning the coupling strength of RF power coupler also shifts the resonant frequency. We need several iterations to reach the optimum resonance condition.

|[pic] |

|Fig. 9: RF coaxial power line |

You need an expert to tune the RF cavity. Ask Al Moretti (x4843) or Milorad Popovic (x4478).

|[pic] |

|Fig. 10: Adjust length of coaxial line |

1) Calibrate network analyzer. Set 1600 sampling points to measure the tuning parameters. 2) Measure resonant frequency, Q, S11, and S21 by using the network analyzer. 3) To adjust the coupling strength, adjust the length of coaxial line as shown in Fig. 10. There is a thread rod in the copper tube. 4) It is useful to record the number of turns of thread rod and resonant frequency. It has a linear relation. 5) Close the RF cavity. Do not tight the sealing in this time. Otherwise, you should change the gasket every time. 6) Measure the RF parameters again. Repeat 2) to 6) until all parameters are optimized. 7) Adjust the height of shims underneath the electrode (Fig. 10). To disassemble the electrode, use a special wrench (STORE THIS SPECIAL WRENCH IN THE YELLOW TOOL BOX). 8) Thickness of shims on each electrode must be equal. It is useful to record the resonant frequency and thickness of shims (it has a linear relation). 9) Repeat from 2) to 8) to achieve the optimum condition. 10) Tune the coupling strength of RF pickup probes.

Adjust length of coaxial power line

|Length |F0 |S11 |Q |

|5’’ | | | |

|5 ¼’’ | | | |

| | | | |

After bolting RF power coupler

|Length |F0 |S11 |Q |

| | | | |

Adjust shims size

|Thickness of shims |f0 |S11 |Q |

|0.01” | | | |

| | | | |

After tighten thread rod and nut

|Thickness of shims |f0 |S11 |Q |

| | | | |

|[pic] |[pic] |

|Fig. 11: Electrode, shims and RF coaxial line |Fig. 12: Depth of RF coaxial line last test |

Calibration of RF pickup probe

Once you finish tuning the RF power coupler, electrodes, and RF pickup probes, fill pressurized gas in the cavity to calibrate RF pickup probe as a function of gas pressure by using the network analyzer. To do this calibration, make sure that all bolts are tightened with proper torque. 11) Apply gas pressure in the cavity from the gas manifold room. People can stay in the MTA hall but must pay special attention on the cavity since the cavity stores energy. Since the network analyzer is calibrated just for one RF pickup probe, the pressure calibration must be done for each one of probes. 12) Use He and N2 mixed gas to realize the proper frequency and gas pressure. In last time, first, 400 psi N2 gas was filled in the cavity and 1200 psi He gas was added. The resonant frequency was 799.9 MHz. Then, the pressure released every 300 psi step and down to the atmospheric pressure.


|Pressure |f0 |

|Fig. 13: Cavity in the magnet |Fig. 14: Connect coaxial line to wave guide |

Setup Optical system in the MTA

|[pic] |

|Fig. 15: Spectrometer and trigger PMT |

There are six optical ports on the cavity; three ports on the top plate and other three on the cylinder wall. One of three ports connects to a bare optical device (SiPM or PMT) to use for the breakdown trigger signal. The other of three connects to a spectrometer[5]. The remaining fibers are a spare port.

1) Make sure that all power supply for the optical system is off. 2) Stretch the fiber between the optical port and optical device. 3) Connect the fiber to the device and optical port. Wind an optical tape if there is a light leak. 4) It would be better to stick warning signs on the fibers to pay attention for accessing people. 5) Stretch electric cables to the optical device (see “Cabling” section). If a SiPM is used as the optical device there are two kinds of cable: One is for the bias and other is for the signal. If a small PMT is used as the optical device there are three kinds of cable: One is for the bias, other is for the control, and another is for the signal, respectively. It is useful to record the cable # and device to minimize confusion. Connect orange cables to the remote USB transceiver. Make sure that all cables on the spectrometer are connected properly. 6) Open shutter on the spectrometer. There are two shutters at the both ends of spectrometer. The open position is that the shutter moves to the right side (you can see four small holes on the shutter plate if the shutter is a correct open position). 7) Open slit by tuning the micrometer. The slit size depends on the resolution of wavelength.

Default grating and slit size are 150 grating and 20 μm, respectively. It corresponds to the spatial resolution ±2 nm.

|[pic] |

|Fig. 16: Setup of timing calibration test |

Timing calibration test

Calibrate the timing of diagnostic system within 100 psec.

1) Make sure all power supply is off. 2) Disconnect one of optical fibers and connect to the short pulse laser fiber. 3) Activate all optical devices. 4) Activate the short pulse laser and observe the time difference between optical signal and the laser pulse trigger signal. This time difference is the timing calibration between the optical and RF signals.

Beam Counter and Toroid Coil

1) Make sure that all power supplies for the beam counter is off. 2) Stretch the electric cable and connect to the beam counter. It is useful to record the cable # and device to avoid confusion (see “Cabling” section). 3) Stretch another set of electric cables and connect to the toroid coil. It is useful to record the cable # and device to avoid confusion (see “Cabling” section).

Luminescence screen and CCD camera

1) Make sure that all power supply for the CCD camera is off. 2) Set luminescence screen on the screen holder in front of the collimator block. 3) Connect the USB cable to the CCD camera. 4) Connect the USB cable to the USB remote transceiver. Do we need to trigger the CCD camera by the beam?

Lock out tag out

Ask Raymond Lewis (x8455) to LOTO the power supply and cable. Detail layout of electric power line and the RF cavity in the MTA are shown in the safety document “Muons Inc - September Running”.

Setup DAQ system

1) Login the RF monitor computer and the CAMAC computer. 2) Double click the RF monitor icon and the spectrometer icon on the RF monitor computer. 3) Type initial values on these applications. 4) Turn on the power supply of SiPM or PMT and Beam counter. The bias voltage of SiPM is 50 V, the bias and control voltage of PMT are 15 V and 0.9 V, respectively, and the bias voltage of beam counter is 1800 V.

Default sampling rate and record length of the fastest oscilloscope is 50 psec and 4 μs/div, respectively. Vertical resolution depends on the signal size. Acquisition mode and trigger level depend on the experimental mode and condition. Optimize these values by taking several sample measurements.

|[pic] |

|Fig. 17: Check the fastest digital oscilloscope display |


In order to train the surface of cavity, apply some amount of RF power in the cavity for a while.

1) Turn on the Klystron and activate the automatic conditioning program in the RF monitor computer.

2) Fill high purity H2 gas in the cavity. See Appendix C the process of filling a pure H2 gas in the cavity. Gas pressure is set 800 – 1000 psi that is around the knee point between the gas and metallic breakdowns. There is a resonant condition in the waveguide. Thus, the operation RF frequency must be out of the waveguide resonant frequency. Do circulator and damper eliminate this problem?

3) Monitor the RF amplitude until it reaches to 50 MV/m with copper electrodes.

Conditioning cavity

|Time |Pressure |f0 |Atten. in FG |Pickup |BD probability |

| |800 psi | |-10 dB | | |

| |800 psi | |-9.8 dB | | |

| | | | | | |

|[pic] |

|Fig. 18: Snapshot of LabView computer |

Record the parameters and analyze the raw data. Post the results on the CRLW and docdb systems.

CRLW system:

IIT DocDB: [6]

Format file name

There are two different types of file automatically created in the digital oscilloscope if you use the LabView computer. One is a snap shot of the oscilloscope (.png) and other is a raw data (.csv).

File name must be,


The year and date are automatically updated. The last xxxxx should represent the condition. Long file name is better than short one.

For example, if the background data was taken in 1300 psi H2 gas at 10:37:02 on December 1st, 2010, the file name can be “101201_103702_1300psi_BG.png”.

Use “_” or “-“ to have a space in the file name. Please do not use “ “ (space) or “,” or any meta fonts. These are often improperly converted in the different computer platform.


Vary H2 gas pressure and measure the probability function of breakdown in the cavity.

1) Start from low RF gradient without breakdown in the pressure range 800 to 1000 psi. Take pickup voltage.

2) Gradually ramp RF gradient. Measure RF pickup voltage, attenuation strength in the function generator, frequency, and probability of breakdown, respectively. Take up to 20 % of breakdown probability.

3) Change pressure with 200 psi step size.

4) If the gas pressure is in the gas breakdown, the knee point, and the metallic breakdown, measure the breakdown light by using the spectrometer. The attenuation strength in the function generator sets 5 % of the probability of breakdown. If the spectroscopic light signal in the single shot is too small, take the spectroscopic light in the average mode. The number of acquisition for the average measurement is 50 times. Range of wavelength is from 300 nm to 800 nm. Every 10 nm steps. Take finer step size, 2 nm, at the resonant light, i.e. 656±30 nm (Hα), 488±10 nm (Hβ), 325±10 nm (Cu), 464±10 nm (Cu), 515±10 nm (Cu), and 521±10 nm (Cu).

5) Once the pressure reaches 1600 psi, release the gas pressure down to the original pressure minus 200 psi and take data.

6) Go down to 1 atmosphere.

Breakdown probability measurement

|Time |Pressure |f0 |Atten. in FG |Pickup |BD probability |

| |800 psi | |-10 dB | | |

| |800 psi | |-9.8 dB | | |

| | | | | | |

Spectroscopy measurement

|Time |Pressure |f0 |Pickup |Wavelength |BD probability |

| |500 psi | | |300 nm | |

| |500 psi | | |310 nm | |

| | | | | | |


Take pressure dependence measurement with different gas species, i.e. He and N2.

1) Fill high purity Helium gas in the cavity (see Appendix C).

2) Start from low RF gradient without breakdown in the pressure range 800 to 1000 psi. Take pickup voltage.

3) Gradually ramp RF gradient. Measure RF pickup voltage, attenuation strength in the function generator, frequency, and probability of breakdown, respectively. Take up to 20 % of breakdown probability.

4) Change pressure with 200 psi step size.

5) If the gas pressure is on the same pressure where the H2 breakdown spectrum is taken, measure the breakdown light by using the spectrometer. The attenuation strength in the function generator sets 5 % of the probability of breakdown. If the spectroscopic light signal in the single shot is too small, take the spectroscopic light in the average mode. The number of acquisition for the average measurement is 50 times. Range of wavelength is from 300 nm to 800 nm. Every 10 nm steps. Take finer step size, 2 nm, at the resonant light, i.e. 500±30 nm (He), 438±10 nm (He), 587±10 nm (He), 325±10 nm (Cu), 464±10 nm (Cu), 515±10 nm (Cu), and 521±10 nm (Cu).

6) Once the pressure reaches 1600 psi, release the gas pressure down to the original pressure minus 200 psi and take data.

7) Go down to 1 atmosphere.

Breakdown probability measurement

|Time |Pressure |f0 |Atten. in FG |Pickup |BD probability |

| |800 psi | |-10 dB | | |

| |800 psi | |-9.8 dB | | |

| | | | | | |

Spectroscopy measurement

|Time |Pressure |f0 |Pickup |Wavelength |BD probability |

| |500 psi | | |300 nm | |

| |500 psi | | |310 nm | |

| | | | | | |

Switch to N2.

8) Fill high purity N2 gas in the cavity (see Appendix C).

9) Start from low RF gradient without breakdown in the pressure range 800 to 1000 psi. Take pickup voltage.

10) Gradually ramp RF gradient. Measure RF pickup voltage, attenuation strength in the function generator, frequency, and probability of breakdown, respectively. Take up to 20 % of breakdown probability.

11) Change pressure with 200 psi step size.

12) If the gas pressure is on the same pressure where the H2 breakdown spectrum is taken, measure the breakdown light by using the spectrometer. The attenuation strength in the function generator sets 5 % of the probability of breakdown. If the spectroscopic light signal in the single shot is too small, take the spectroscopic light in the average mode. The number of acquisition for the average measurement is 50 times. Range of wavelength is from 300 nm to 800 nm. Every 10 nm steps. Take finer step size, 2 nm, at the resonant light, i.e. 348±10 nm (N), 399±20 nm (N), 424±10 nm (N), 445±10 nm (N), 463±20 nm (N), 500±20 nm (N), 568±10 nm (N), 594±10 nm (N), 648±10 nm (N), 661±10 nm (N), 742±20 nm (N), 325±10 nm (Cu), 464±10 nm (Cu), 515±10 nm (Cu), and 521±10 nm (Cu).

13) Once the pressure reaches 1600 psi, release the gas pressure down to the original pressure minus 200 psi and take data.

14) Go down to 1 atmosphere.

Breakdown probability measurement

|Time |Pressure |f0 |Atten. in FG |Pickup |BD probability |

| |800 psi | |-10 dB | | |

| |800 psi | |-9.8 dB | | |

| | | | | | |

Spectroscopy measurement

|Time |Pressure |f0 |Pickup |Wavelength |BD probability |

| |500 psi | | |300 nm | |

| |500 psi | | |310 nm | |

| | | | | | |

Switch to H2+N2 (0.1 % and 1 %) mixed gas.

15) Fill H2+N2 mixed gas in the cavity (see Appendix C).

16) Start from low RF gradient without breakdown at 1600 psi. Take pickup voltage.

17) Gradually ramp RF gradient. Measure RF pickup voltage, attenuation strength in the function generator, frequency, and probability of breakdown, respectively. Take up to 20 % of breakdown probability.

18) Release pressure with 200 psi step size.

19) If the gas pressure is on the same pressure where the H2 breakdown spectrum is taken, measure the breakdown light by using the spectrometer. The attenuation strength in the function generator sets 5 % of the probability of breakdown. If the spectroscopic light signal in the single shot is too small, take the spectroscopic light in the average mode. The number of acquisition for the average measurement is 50 times. Range of wavelength is from 300 nm to 800 nm. Every 10 nm steps. Take finer step size, 2 nm, at the resonant light, i.e. 656±30 nm (Hα), 488±10 nm (Hβ), 348±10 nm (N), 399±20 nm (N), 424±10 nm (N), 445±10 nm (N), 463±20 nm (N), 500±20 nm (N), 568±10 nm (N), 594±10 nm (N), 648±10 nm (N), 661±10 nm (N), 742±20 nm (N), 325±10 nm (Cu), 464±10 nm (Cu), 515±10 nm (Cu), and 521±10 nm (Cu).

Breakdown probability measurement

|Time |Pressure |f0 |Atten. in FG |Pickup |BD probability |

| |800 psi | |-10 dB | | |

| |800 psi | |-9.8 dB | | |

| | | | | | |

Spectroscopy measurement

|Time |Pressure |f0 |Pickup |Wavelength |BD probability |

| |500 psi | | |300 nm | |

| |500 psi | | |310 nm | |

| | | | | | |


Transport a high intensity beam to the cavity.

The beam is assumed to be transported to the second beam absorber that is located in the MTA beam line before sending beam to the high pressure RF cavity.




Appendix A, Unit


Length … 1’’ = 25.4 mm

Pressure … 14.696 psi = 14.696 pounds-force/sq. inch = 1 atm

Torque … 1 ft-lb = 1 foot pound = 1.356 Newton meters

Appendix B, Cable configuration

Cable configuration in the MTA and the Linac Gallery.

Cable configuration table in the MTA

|Device |Cable |Patch panel/Cable # |

|RF signal |Pickup 1 |Heliax ¼”, 3’ length, blue tag |RF#1, Heliax ½”, blue tag |

| | |+ Flexible coaxial cable, 1’ length | |

| |Pickup 2 | | |

|Directional coupler 1 |Forward | | |

| |Reflected | | |

|Directional coupler 2 |Forward | | |

| |Reflected | | |

|OPT1 |Bias | | |

| |Control | | |

| |Signal | | |

|OPT2 |Bias | | |

| |Control | | |

| |Signal | | |

|OPT3 |Bias | | |

| |Control | | |

| |Signal | | |

|OPT4 |Bias | | |

| |Control | | |

| |Signal | | |

|OPT5 |Bias | | |

| |Control | | |

| |Signal | | |

|OPT6 |Bias | | |

| |Control | | |

| |Signal | | |

|Toroid1 |Signal | | |

|Toroid2 |Signal | | |

|Beam counter1 |Bias | | |

| |Signal | | |

|Beam counter2 |Bias | | |

| |Signal | | |

|Beam counter3 |Bias | | |

| |Signal | | |

|CCD camera | | | |

|Spectrometer | | | |

Cable configuration table in the Linac Gallery

|Device |Cable |Patch panel/Cable # |

|RF signal |Pickup 1 |Heliax ¼”, 3’ length, blue tag |RF#1, Heliax ½”, blue tag |

| | |+ BNC adapter | |

| |Pickup 2 | | |

|Directional coupler 1 |Forward | | |

| |Reflected | | |

|Directional coupler 2 |Forward | | |

| |Reflected | | |

|OPT1 |Bias | | |

| |Control | | |

| |Signal | | |

|OPT2 |Bias | | |

| |Control | | |

| |Signal | | |

|OPT3 |Bias | | |

| |Control | | |

| |Signal | | |

|OPT4 |Bias | | |

| |Control | | |

| |Signal | | |

|OPT5 |Bias | | |

| |Control | | |

| |Signal | | |

|OPT6 |Bias | | |

| |Control | | |

| |Signal | | |

|Toroid1 |Signal | | |

|Toroid2 |Signal | | |

|Beam counter1 |Bias | | |

| |Signal | | |

|Beam counter2 |Bias | | |

| |Signal | | |

|Beam counter3 |Bias | | |

| |Signal | | |

|MCR beam signal | | | |

|CCD camera | | | |

|Spectrometer | | | |

Appendix C, Make high purity and mixed gases in the cavity

High purity hydrogen gas (99.999 %) can be purchased from Air Gas (Doug Fish, 630-231-9260, x5032). Ask Shelby (x3808) to purchase other kind of gases, i.e. N2, He, SF6, etc.

Make pure Hydrogen gas in the cavity

1) Add 500 psi H2 gas in the cavity.

2) Purge the gas.

3) Repeat 1) and 2) three times. Impurity of H2 gas in the cavity is 0.0025 % ((500/14.7)-3).

Make mixed gas in the cavity

1) Clean up the cavity with the dopant gas (the gas that is the lowest partial pressure in the mixed gas).

2) Fill the gas that has lowest partial pressure up to the proper pressure.

3) Add the second gas in the cavity up to the proper partial pressure.

4) Add another gas up to the proper partial pressure.

Example: Make 0.1 % of SF6 mixed hydrogen gas.

1) Purge the cavity with SF6.

2) Apply 150 psi SF6 in the cavity. (H2:SF6=0:10)

3) Apply 1500 psi H2 gas in the cavity. (H2:SF6=90:10)

4) Purge the cavity to atmospheric pressure. (H2:SF6=0.9:0.1)

5) Apply 1470 psi H2 gas in the cavity. (H2:SF6=99.9:0.1)


[1] See Appendix A to find the unit.

[2] It is a required gas pressure for the pressure safety test.

[3] “Pressure safety orientation” is required. He/She must also read the document “Muons Inc-September 2009 MTA Running”.

[4] AD director’s permission is not required for the calibration.

[5] Right now, the spectrometer has only one port. You should switch the fiber to observe the spectroscopic light from different side (top plate or cylindrical side).

[6] User name and password are required to access to the database. Ask Yonehara to access the docdb.


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