Jciindia | Be Better

BUSINESS AREAPLAN OF ACTION 2020BUSINESS PROGRAM BY ALL LOMS : JAN-DECOrganizing minimum three Local Organization level business programs like: Business SeminarBusiness Training ProgramDevelopment program for women entrepreneurshipOrganize Business Exchange meet before/after GB meeting.Local level business training program for lady Jc/anize Trade FaresABLE : ACADEMY FOR BUSINESS LEADERSHIP & EXCELLENCE Business training program to enhance the skills of business persons.2 Centers Duration: 3 ? DaysParticipants: Max. 75 including 5 from other NOM & 10 CorporateRegistration fees: 15000/- + GST per participant and corporate Rs.20,000/- + GST .Corporate participants should be promoted.National Trainers Must be a leading Business Trainers.Promotion by NDEligibility of participant: Active Jaycee with 1 Year continuous Membership. Following are Financial assistance from JCI IndiaHost subsidy Rs. 12000/- per participant. Faculty team: travel Rs. 8000/ maximum + Hon. Rs.5000/- for the event. Eminent speakers and India’s business icon should be invited as guest. Budget Provision TOBIP AWARD: AT NATCONTOBIP – Three Outstanding Business/Industrialist/Professional AwardHonoring 01 Businessman, 01 Professional, 01 Industrialist.Eligibility: Candidate can be Jc /Non Jc- Age no barDuly filled nomination form should send to NHQ in the form of CD/DVD within 15.10.202Promotions by LOMs/ZP/ZD/ND/NOMC/NHQKAMAL PATRA AWARD: AT ZONECON & NATCONHonoring one JCI member for his professional achievement . Eligibility: Zone level winners are eligible to contest in National level with JCI age (18-40)Promotions by LOMs/ZP/ZD/ND/NOMC/NHQFICCI & WTC : JAN-DECFederation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry Sign up for Membership with World Trade CentreContinue membership with FICCIDevelop membership with WTCPromotion by NDSKILL DEVELOPMENT TRAINING FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS : BY LOMS/ZONES: JANUARY- OCTOBERDuration: 2 DaysFor Whom: Final year students of Commerce/Arts/Science streams.About the course: Business/Skill Development training program for the College Students to create their own identity in future.Subjects: Banking Sector: Internet Banking, Deposits, Cheques, Availing Loans etcCustomer Care: Handling Customers, Crises management etcManners and Etiquettes: Good behavior, Gentleman ship, professionalism, Meet & greet, Handshakes, Table etiquettes.Office Management Skills: Basic in Computers, excel, Tally, Accounts etcGrooming: Personality developing, AttireGovernment Schemes: Program by State Govt. organizations on various schemes for Startups, Business, Small scale industry etc. e.g- MUDRA. Entrepreneurship: Training on Importance of Entrepreneurship ‘Power of Hour’Objective: Converting Job seekers to Job creators, Don’t run after jobs, start your own business. Any 4 Topics of 2 Hours each. Minimum: 30 Students per batch Maximum: 50 Students per batch Target: 10,000 participants before 30th SeptemberRecognition: A certificate signed by the National President.Note: Every LOM has to send participants’ list with the student name/mobile #/Email Id with College seal and signature of Principal of their respective pulsory for 100% efficiency criteria.BUSINESS TRAINING : IN THE NAME OF “JCI BUSINESS EXCELLENCE “ BY ALL ZONES : FEB TO AUGBusiness training for start ups / digitalization / innovation / social media / networking / advance business trainingA training program for Start Ups / Advance Business TrainingDuration: 2 Days. Centers: All zones Participants: Max. 40 including 30 Jaycees & 10 Non JayceesRegistration fees: Rs. 4000/- maximumCommon Modules by JCI IndiaPromotion by ZP/ZD/ND/NHQBUSINESS CONFERENCE BY ALL LOMS/ZONE : JANUARY TO OCTOBEROne or Half day Conference.Key Note address by Very Successful Business Icon.Business Training / SeminarHonoring Outstanding Businessman of every LOM.Visiting Card exchange / Contest.Business Stalls by membersBusiness Presentation Contest by AV, 3 minutes per participant.Buyer - Seller meetBusiness Awards & RecognitionsCompulsory for 100% efficiency criteria.Promotion by ZP/ZD/NDJCI ENTEREPURNERS NETWORK (JEN) : ALL ZONES: JAN-DECBusiness Network to establish among JCI membersMonthly /Bi Monthly/ Weekly meeting of JCI members who are in Business.Exchanging References. Common Model of JEN to be followed Recognitions: For giving maximum references & Introducing New Members Budget of max 3 lakhs allotted for JEN/pulsory for 100% Efficiency Criteria of LOMPromotion by Zone/NOMC/ND TRIO BUSINESS DAYS: BY LOMS: LAST WEEK OF APRIL 25-27Three days fully in business activitiesOrganise, Business training/ seminar, Business expo/Trade fare, B2B, Start-up trainings, , Training Seminars (with Corporate), Business Directory, Women Entrepreneurs Training program. Organize a training program for JCI & non JCI members regarding.Banking Sector, Insurance sector and tax sectorTo use our members to create awareness and educate people to live responsibly with less cash, Digital Marketing, More Digital money on less cash society. Compulsory for 100% efficiency criteria.Promotion by Zone/NOMC/NDBUSINESS DIRECTORY: ALL LOM/ZONE: JAN-APRILZone Business Directory to releaseThese directories will have the basic contact and service details of a company.?Can be in Hard Copy or Mobile App Or Website Zone Director Business will work on the same.Promotion by LOM/Zone/ZP/ZD/NDPARTNERSHIP WITH NATIONAL STOCK EXCHANGE : LOM/ZONE: JAN-SEPTEMBERInvestor Awareness Program in association with JCI & NSE. ND to explore the possibility. Guidelines:Jointly plan and schedule awareness sessionsThe sessions will be focused at general public , students and members of JCIBUSINESS MOBILE APP : LOM/ZONE: JAN-DECExplore the possibility to develop mobile appTo increase business connectivity in LOMs/ZonesPromotion by ZP/ZD/NDBUSINESS ICON : LOM : JAN-DEC Recognition and Honoring Program LOM Level in various sector of Business JANUARY – HOSPITALITY INDUSTRIES ( Hotel & Resorts)FEBRUARY – EDUCATION INDUSTRIES MARCH – WOMEN ENTERPRENEUR APRIL – HEALTH INDUSTRY ( Hospital , Lab & Pharma )MAY – FMCG / LOCAL STREET SHOPJUNE – FOOD INDUSTRY ( Restaurant and Catering )JULY – TOURISM INDUSTRYAUGUST – REAL ESTATE/ CONSTRUCTIONSSEPTEMBER – IT SECTOR/ E COMMERCEOCTOBER – WELLNESS / BEAUTY INDUSTRIES NOVEMBER – MULTIBRAND SHOWROOM AND MALLSDECEMBER – FARMING AND CULTIVATION INDUSTRYPromotion by ZP/ZD/NDBUSINESS BULLETIN : JAN-DECBusiness Bulletin will Publish in Quarterly basic Separately through Digital Format for More Specific Promotion of Business updates, Articles and JEN UpdatesPromotion by ND/NHQ ................

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