Syllabus for Spring 2007 - Ozarka College

Syllabus for Spring 2007

□ NRSG1213: Math for Nurses

LPN or LPN/LPTN to RN Transition Program

(This course will not transfer to meet the

BSN requirement of College Algebra)


MATH 1213: Math for Nurses (3 Credit Hours)

Provides instruction in dosage calculation using ratio to proportion as well as other means of calculation related to medication. Topics include; interpretation of drug labels, syringe types, conversions, roman numerals, reconstitution and apothecaries, mixing medications, IV flow rates, drip rates, interpretation of physician orders and transcribing to Medication Administration Records, dispensing, and proper documentation of medications as well as the Six Rights of Med administration and military time.


Ogden, Sheila J. (2005). Calculation of Drug Dosages, A work Text (7th edition).

St. Louis, MO: Mosby

ISBN # 0-323-04110-8


Drug Handbook either 2006 or 2007 edition for verification of safe dosages


Spring 2007

|Date |Test # |CONTENT |

|Week one |1 |Review of Mathematics Pre-Test |

| | |Chapter 1 Fractions and |

| | |Exam |

|Week two |2 |Chapter 2 Decimals and |

| | |Exam |

|Week three |3 |Chapter 3 Percents and |

| | |Exam |

|Week four |4 |Chapter 4 Ratios and |

| | |Exam |

|Week five |5 |Chapter 5 Proportions and Exam |

| | |Review of Mathematics Post Exam |

|Week six |6 |Chapter 6 Metric and Household Measurements and |

| | |Exam |

|Week seven |7 |Chapter 7 and 8 Apothecary and Household Measurements, Equivalents between Apothecary and |

| | |Metric Measurements and Exams |

|Week eight |8 |Chapters 9, 10, 11 |

| | |Interpretation of Physician’s Orders, How to Read Drug labels, Dimensional Analysis and the |

| | |Calculation of Drug Dosages and Exams |

|Week nine |9 |Chapter 12 Oral Dosages and |

| | |Exam |

|Week ten |10 |Chapter 13 Parenteral Dosages and |

| | |Exam |

|Week eleven |11 |Chapter 14 Dosages Measured in Units and |

| | |Exam |

|Week twelve |12 |Chapter 15 Intravenous Flow Rates and |

| | |Exam |

|Week thirteen |13 |Chapter 16 Critical Care IV Flow Rates and |

| | |Exam |

|Week fourteen |14 |Chapter 17 Pediatric Dosages and |

| | |Exam |

|Week fifteen |FINAL |Chapters 18, 19, 20 |

| | |Automated Medication Dispensing Systems, Special Considerations for the Administration of |

| | |Medications to the Elderly, Home Care Considerations of Medications and |

| | |Comprehensive Final |

Grading Policy:

A. The following grade equivalency is established for this course:

A = 90-100

B = 80-89

C = 70-79

D = 60-69 (failing)

F = ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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