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Created by Kerry Moody

|Week Beginning: 22.4.2013 |PLC: My Wonderful World – Dinosaurs. What amazing animals can we find in our World? |Week: PLC 2 |

Key Question: Which animals lived on Earth a long time ago?

|Time |Monday – |Tuesday - |Wednesday – |Thursday |Friday |

| |SLT meeting 3:30pm |KM Out All Day DW Cover |KM Out Am DW Cover | | |

| | |Children: |Children: |Children: |Children: |

| |Carpet session 2: Mathematics | | | | |

| |Obj:N40-60e, j, k, m, n; ELGi, ii | | | | |

| |Warm Up: On IWB - roll a 1-6 numerical | | | | |

| |dice. Show me this no. on your fingers. | | | | |

| |What is the next no.?What comes before/ | | | | |

| |after/ what’s 1 more/ 2more..? Show me. | | | | |

| |Then just roll the dice, chn say next | | | | |

| |no. each time. Repeat 1-10 dice. | | | | |

| |Main Teaching Session: | | | | |

| |WALT: Relate addition to combining 2 | | | | |

| |grps of objects; find totals by counting| | | | |

| |on begin to use the vocabulary involved | | | | |

| |in adding. | | | | |

| |Give out numeral cards up to 20 and ask | | | | |

| |chn to build a tower of cubes to show | | | | |

| |their number. Ask 2 chn to stand up and | | | | |

| |compare the number of cubes in their | | | | |

| |tower. How many altogether? Who has the | | | | |

| |most/ least? Show timer on IWB – Model | | | | |

| |activity first: Tell the chn they have 1| | | | |

| |minute to try and find a person with a | | | | |

| |tower which has one more cube than their| | | | |

| |own. Repeat for 2 more. | | | | |

| | |

|10:35 |Carpet session 3: L&S |Carpet session 3: L&S |Carpet session 3: L&S |Carpet session 3: L&S |

| |Recall all previously learned GPCs: s/ a/ |Sing alphabet song |Sing alphabet song |Segmentation for spelling: Quickwrite|

| |t/ p/ i/ n/ m/ d/ g/ o/ c/ k/ ck/ e/ u/ r/|Recall all previously learned GPCs: s/ a/ t/ p/ i/ n/ m/ d/ g/ o/ c/ k/ ck/ e/ u/ r/|Recall all previously learned GPCs: s/ a/ |words p89: book, feet, soon, pain. |

| |h/ b/ f/ ff/ l/ ll/ ss/ j/ v/ w/x/ y/ z/ |h/ b/ f/ ff/ l/ ll/ ss/ j/ v/ w/x/ y/ z/ zz/qu/sh/ ch/ th/ ng/ai/ee/long oo |t/ p/ i/ n/ m/ d/ g/ o/ c/ k/ ck/ e/ u/ r/|Practice reading was, will, with |

| |zz/qu/sh/ ch/ th/ ng/ai/ee/long oo |Read through high frequency words learned so far: a, at, as, is, it, in, an, I, and,|h/ b/ f/ ff/ l/ ll/ ss/ j/ v/ w/x/ y/ z/ | |

| |Practice reading was, will, with p91. |on, not, into, can, no, go, to, get, got, the, back, put, his, him, of, dad, mum, |zz/qu/sh/ ch/ th/ ng/ai/ee/long oo |Teach ‘oa’ using phonics action/ song |

| |Teach short ‘oo’ using phonics action/ |up, off, had, we, me, be, he, she, are, see, was, will, with |Read through high frequency words learned |Segmenting for spelling: |

| |song | |so far: a, at, as, is, it, in, an, I, and,|Phoneme frame p88: loaf, toad, oak, |

| |Phoneme frame p88: book, look, cook, good.|Play Quick Write |on, not, into, can, no, go, to, get, got, |foal. |

| |Countdown p86 took, foot, wood, hook. | |the, back, put, his, him, of, dad, mum, |Blending for reading: Matching words |

| |Demonstration writing p97 write the | |up, off, had, we, me, be, he, she, are, |and pictures p87 coat, boat, soap, |

| |sentence: I can cook good food. | |see, was, will, with |goat |

| | | | |Reading captions activity Drawing p95:|

| | | |Play Quick Write |The coat is too big |

| |Children: HA Gruffalos |Children: MA Elmers |Children: MA Hungry Caterpillars |Children: LA Rainbow Fish |Children: HA Gruffalos |


|11:30 | | | | | |

| |CT/HLTA |

|1:00 |Carpet Session 5: Register and |Carpet Session 5: Register and |Carpet Session 5: Register and |

| |Wake & Shake – Take 10 |Wake & Shake – Take 10 |Wake & Shake – Take 10 |

|2:05 |Whole School Assembly | |

|2:20 |PLAYTIME |

|2:30 |Adult Led Activity |Adult Led Activity |Adult Led Activity |Adult Led Activity |

| |Obj: |Obj: |Obj: |Obj: |

| |CT AIA: Continue as before break |TA: AIA Continue as before break |TA: AIA Continue as before break |CT AIA: Continue as before break |

| | | | | |

| |TA: Outside Activities/ Observing/ Ind | | |TA: Outside Activities/ Observing/ Ind |

| |Readers |CT: Observing/ Ind Readers |CT: Observing/ Ind Readers |Readers |

|Continuous/ Enhanced Provision – Classroom/ Central Learning Environment |

|Malleable Act: |Make a dinosaur footprint in play-dough or plasticine. Experiment with different tools to make marks. | |

| | | |

|Sand Act: |Hide small fossils, rocks or plastic dinosaurs. Chn use brushes to gently sweep | | | |

| |away sand to reveal hidden treasures! How can you sort the fossils/ dinosaurs you | | | |

| |have found? Use what the chn find for counting and calculating activities. | | | |

|Water Act: |Ping Pong Balls in shredded paper – Ask chn to find the dinosaur eggs and make a word. What words can you make? | | |

|Number World Act |Counting to ten: Enlarge & display a copy of Dinosaurs to Ten (see resources) & read it to chn. Using large plastic model |Use pictures and mathematical language to| |

| |dinosaurs, choose a child to stick a dinosaur to the f/c or stand a model dinosaur where it can be seen. Start poem again & |make sentences to describe animals based | |

| |get the chn to add dinosaurs each time one appears in the rhyme. Practise counting to ten along row of dinosaurs. Visit |on their height/ weight and length. | |

| | |(SSM40-60d, e; ELGi) | |

| |and play How big are you? (measures/length). | | |

|Music/ Listening |Animal masks/ pictures/ laundry basket. Ask chn to make up own versions of Down |5 Little Monkeys recreate using masks. | | |

|Act |in the Jungle/ Animal Safari CD | | | |

| | | | | |

|Writing Act: |Start an animal/dinosaur alphabet that can be added to as the PLC progresses. On large sheets of paper write each letter of |Can you make your own non-fiction book about dinosaurs? |

| |the alphabet in lower case. Invite chn to suggest animals that begin with each letter and to choose one of the | |

| |animals/dinosaurs suggested as an animal that they would like to find out more about. Use session to generate questions | |

| |which the chn would like answering and as a focus for their research. Chn to draw a picture and write a label/ caption of | |

| |their choice for their chosen research animal. (LA40-60a; ELGi, ii, iii; R40-60d; W40-60f, h, i) | |

|Construction Act:|Dear Zoo: Use cardboard boxes to make an interactive display of soft toy animals. | | |

| |Help chn to write a caption for their toy to explain what it is. Stick the | | |

| |captions the chn have written onto door flaps and enc. different chn to read the | | |

| |captions and make predictions about which animals are inside. | | |

|Creative Act: |Paper-plate dinosaur: AIA- Invite children to design and make a paper-plate dinosaur. Encourage them to look at different pictures of dinosaurs and decide which one they would like to design. Show how to cut a|

| |paper plate in half and use one part of it as the dinosaur’s body. If they want to make a fat dinosaur, leave the plate whole. Next ask them to draw body parts such as tail, legs, feet and head onto the strips|

| |of paper. Once they have drawn the features, cut them out and attach them to the paper plate where they think they should go. While children are drawing, encourage them to look at their chosen dinosaur picture|

| |and talk about features such as its long neck or tail, the spikes on its back or horn on its head. LA: Help children to secure the features to their plate dinosaur. MA: Draw simple shapes on to cardboard to |

| |represent parts of a dinosaur. HA: Encourage children to add extra features like spikes on its back or a horn on its head. (EMM40-60c, d, e; ELGii; links with PD MH40-60g; ELGii) |

|ICT/ Book Act: |Beebots and dinosaur cards. |Use paint program to create own ‘egg notices’. Make the | |

| |Can you control the Beebot to find the |font big & colourful. Decorate with appropriate pictures.| for the dinosaur field guide to find out lots of |

| |Tyrannosaurus Rex? What do you know |Print and display around egg. |amazing dinosaur facts; for |

| |about this dinosaur? | |the words and music for the Triceratops song; great |

| | | |information site to research different dinosaurs; ; |

| | | | to follow the dinosaur tracks game |

|Sml World/ Tuff |Create a dinosaur land in small world play – AIA: Ask them to think about where dinosaurs lived. Was it muddy? Was there grass? How did they drink water? Were there any trees? Encourage them to create an |

|spot Act: |exciting miniature world for their plastic dinosaurs. LA: Help children when thinking about what natural materials would be useful in the tray. HA: Make small trees to add to the dinosaur land. Support |

| |children in expressing their opinions and introduce language such as ‘like’, ‘dislike’, ‘prefer’ and ‘disagree’. MA: Help children to design and create a dinosaur land using their own ideas or developing the |

| |ideas of others. Use small world equipment and natural materials to create a dinosaur habitat. See Little Book of Small World Play pp 8-9. Choose one of the dinosaurs and tell the children where it is using |

| |simple directional language such as ‘in front of’ and ‘next to’. Let the children guess the animal and then have a go themselves. (SSM40-60c; ELGi) Calculate using the animals in the small world habitat. Tell|

| |dinosaur stories, how many animals now? Record as adding and subtraction sentences. (N40-6k; ELii) |

|Home Corner/ Role|Collaboratively create a dinosaur archaeological thematic role play area in the classroom and enjoy|Dinosaur Diary: Talk to the children about the imaginary dinosaur expedition. (See UtW) What did they enjoy |

|Play |using it as they undertake and negotiate a variety of roles and experiences. Plan a trip to the |most? Explain that we are going to make a diary of the expedition. Talk about the sequence of events such |

| |dinosaur valley - What will you take? What will the weather be like? Where will you stay? Map |as packing, setting off, spotting the first dinosaur, eating, setting up camp and coming home. Ask children |

| |making. Dinosaur Adventure: Listen to sounds, look at pictures etc, go through nature walk to |to draw pictures of what happened during the expedition and write a caption to go with the picture. Compile |

| |imagine we are searching for dinosaurs. Write sentences to describe the journey. (LA30-50a links |pictures and captions into a group diary. (S40—60b, d; W40-60h, i; ELGiii) |

| |with PSED MR30-50c,d; 40-60a; ELGi, ii; S40-60b) | |

|Outdoor Act: |See Outdoor Play Plans: |

| | |


Key Chn – KM: TE, LE, RC, KS, EH, KB, KN. LS:HO, ID, NB, KT, LT, JR



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