CLASS XII 2019-20

Maximum marks =80 total no of questions = 34

|s. no |UNITS |1 MARK |3MARK |4MARK |5MARK |6 MARK |total |

|1 |Nature and significance|1 | |1 | | |16 |

| |of management | | | | | | |

|2 |Principles of |2 |1 | | | | |

| |management | | | | | | |

|3 |Business environment |1 | | |1 | | |

|4 |Planning |2 |1 | | | |14 |

|5 |Organising |2 |1 |1 | | | |

|166 |Staffing |2 |1 | | | |20 |

|7 |Directing |2 | | |1 |1 | |

|8 |Controlling |2 | | | | | |

|9 |Financial management |1 |1 |1 | | |15 |

|10 |Financial markets |1 | | | |1 | |

|11 |Marketing management |2 | | |1 | |15 |

|12 |Consumer protection |2 | | | |1 | |

| |No of questions |20 |5 |3 |3 |3 |80 |



| |CLASS XII (2019-20) | |

| |Max time :3:00 hrs Max Mark:80 | |

| |General Instructions : | |

| |(i) Questions no. 1 to 20 are MCQs | |

| |(ii) Answer to questions carrying 3 marks may be from 50-75 words. | |

| |(iii) Answer to questions carrying 4-5 marks may be about 150 words. | |

| |(iv) Answers to questions carrying 6 marks may be about 200 words. | |

| |(v) Attempt all parts of a question together. | |

|S.No. |Question |Marks |

|1. |To meet the objectives of the firm, the management of Bhavya Ltd. offers employment to physically challenged persons. Identify the |1 |

| |organizational objective it is trying to achieve. | |

| |Growth | |

| |Social | |

| |Personal | |

| |profit | |

|2. | Which principle of management is violated if an employee gets orders from more than one superior? |1 |

| |Unity of command | |

| |Unity of direction | |

| |Scalar chain | |

| |Division of work | |

|3. |‘Study Buddy Pvt.’ Is company dealing in stationery items. In order to establish standards of excellence and quality in materials and in| |

| |the performance of men and machines, the company adheres to benchmarks during production. Moreover, its products are available in | |

| |limited varieties, sizes and dimensions thereby eliminating superfluous diversity of products.Identify the technique of scientific | |

| |management which has been adopted by ‘Study Buddy Pvt. Ltd.’ | |

| |Standardisation and simplification | |

| |Harmony not discord | |

| |Cooperation not individualism | |

| |Science not rule of thumb | |

|4. |‘It is common now to see CD-ROM’s, computerized information kiosks, and Internet/Word Wide Web multimedia pages highlighting the virtues|1 |

| |of products.’ Name the dimension of the business environment highlighted by this statement. | |

| |Technological environment | |

| |Political environment | |

| |Social environment | |

| |Legal environment | |

|5. |Following are the steps of planning process. Arrange them in correct sequence |1 |

| |Developing premises | |

| |Identifying and evaluating the course of actions | |

| |Setting objective | |

| |Evaluating alternative courses | |

| |Select from the choices given below | |

| |(iii),(i),(ii),(iv) | |

| |(i),(ii),(iii),(iv) | |

| |(i),(iii),(iv),(ii) | |

| |(iv),(ii),(iii),((i) | |

|6. |Which of the following statement is false |1 |

| |Planning reduces creativity | |

| |Planning is economical | |

| |Planning focuses on achieving objectives | |

| |Planning is a mental exercise | |

|7. |The form of organisation known for giving rise to rumours is called |1 |

| |Centralised organisation | |

| |decentralised organisation | |

| |Informal organisation | |

| |Formal organisation | |

|8. |Which of the following is not an element of delegation |1 |

| |Accountability | |

| |Authority | |

| |Responsibility | |

| |Informal organisation | |

|9. |Which of the following option is correct |1 |

| |Recruitment is a positive step | |

| |Selection is a negative step | |

| |Both selection and recruitment are part of staffing | |

| |Options | |

| |1 is correct | |

| |2 is correct | |

| |Both 1 and 2 are correct | |

| |All are correct | |

|10. |------------------ is the process of learning and growth. |1 |

| |Training | |

| |Education | |

| |Development | |

| |None of these | |

|11. |Match the example of need in column 1 with type of need in column 2 as per Maslow’s need hierarchy theory of motivation |1 |

| |Column 1 Column 2 | |

| |Hunger (a)safety | |

| |Friendship (b)affiliation/belonging needs | |

| |Personal fulfilment (c)esteem needs | |

| |Stability of income (d)self actualisation needs | |

| |Status (e) basic physiological needs | |

| |Select from the options given below | |

| |1.(e);2.(c);3.(a);4.(e);5.(e) | |

| |1.(e);2.(b);3.(a);4.(c);5.(d) | |

| |1.(e);2.(b);3(d);4.(a);5.(c) | |

| |1.(e);2.(b);3.(d);4.(c);5.(a) | |

|12. | not included in Directing. |1 |

| |Planning | |

| |Leadership | |

| |Communication | |

| |motivation | |

|13. |Only increase in labour cost beyond 2% should be brought to the notice of management, which concept of controlling is this? |1 |

| |Critical point control | |

| |management by exception | |

| |Budgetary control | |

| |None of these | |

|14. |An efficient control system helps to……………… |1 |

| |Accomplish organisational objectives | |

| |Boosts employee morale | |

| |Judges accuracy of standards | |

| |All of the above | |

|15. |Avik is the finance manager of Mars Ltd. In the current year, the company earned high profit. However, Avik thinks that it is better to |1 |

| |declare smaller dividend as he is unsure about the earning potential of the company in the coming years. Avik’s choice of dividend | |

| |decision is based on which of the factor that affect it? | |

| |Stability of Dividend | |

| |Amount of earning | |

| |Stability of earnings | |

| |Cash flow position | |

|16. |Sika ltd , a reputed industrial machines manufacturer needs Rs. 20 crore as additional capital to expand the business .Mr Amit Joshi | |

| |,the CEO of the company wants to raise funds through equity .The Finance Manager . Mr.Narender Singh suggested that the shares may be | |

| |sold to investing public through intermediaries , as the same will be less expansive. Name the method through which the company decided |1 |

| |to raise additional capital | |

| |Right issue | |

| |Private placement | |

| |Offer for sale | |

| |Offer through prospectus | |

|17. |For most consumer goods like soaps, oils,clothes,rice,sugar,pulses etc.,which type of channel of distribution is the most suitable? |1 |

| |Direct channel | |

| |One level channel | |

| |Two level channel | |

| |Three level channel | |

|18. |According to which concept of marketing emphasises greater importance to attracting and persuading customers to buy the products? |1 |

| |Production concept | |

| |Product concept | |

| |Sales concept | |

| |Marketing concept | |

|19. |Rajeev purchased a diesel car for Rs.7 lakhs from an automobile company and found its engine being defective .despite complaints the |1 |

| |defect was not rectified.Name the highest authority to file the complaint under consumer protection act. | |

| |District forum | |

| |State commission | |

| |National commission | |

| |Supreme court | |

|20. |Consumer should use ISI marked electrical appliance is an example of ............... |1 |

| |Right to be heard | |

| |Right to choose | |

| |Right to safety | |

| |Right to be informed | |

|21. |Describe briefly the following methods of training : |3 |

| |(i) Apprenticeship Training; and | |

| |(ii) Internship Training. | |

|22 |Apaar Foundation is a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) working to improve the lives of children with medical needs, the homeless and |3 |

| |victims of natural disasters. Apart from donations in cash, they collect dry ration, old clothes, shoes, toys, books and medicines from | |

| |donors. At Apaar Foundation’s office in Bhopal the material collected is segregated, classified and put in shelves and boxes that are | |

| |labelled systematically. There is a specific place for each of these items and volunteers put everything at their respective places.The | |

| |volunteer work is divided into specific jobs like fund raising, field visits, social media updates and so on. Each volunteer is part of | |

| |a particular team, depending on their competency and training. Each volunteer becomes specialized in their respective field, leading to| |

| |efficient utilization of human effort. | |

| |Identify and explain two principles of management adopted by Apaar Foundation. | |

| |OR | |

| |Soniya Ltd. was engaged in the business of manufacturing auto components. Lately, its business was expanding due to increased demand for| |

| |cars. The competition was also increasing. In order to keep its market share intact, the company directed its workforce to work | |

| |overtime. But this resulted in many problems. | |

| |Due to increased pressure of work the efficiency of workers declined. Sometimes, the subordinates had to work for more than one | |

| |superiors. The workers were becoming indisciplined. The spirit of teamwork, which had characterized the company previously, had begun to| |

| |wane. Identify any three principles of management (as given by Henry Fayol) which were being violated, quoting the lines from the above | |

| |case. | |

|23 |Give the meaning of Procedure and Rule as types of plans |3 |

|24 |“Formal organisation is considered better than informal organisation. ”Do you agree with this statement? Give three reasons. |3 |

|25 |Pinnacle Ltd. deals in the sale of stationery and office furniture. They source the finished products from reputed brands who give them | |

| |four to six months credit.Seeing the demand for electronic items, they are also planning to market these items by opening outlets |3 |

| |throughout India. For this, they have decided to join hands with a Japanese electronic goods manufacturer. | |

| |Identify and state any two factors that would affect fixed capital requirement of Pinnacle Ltd. as discussed above. | |

| | | |

|26 |The management of Vrinda Ltd. strongly believes that the members of an organization should work towards fulfilling the common |4 |

| |organizational goals. This requires team work and integration of efforts of all individuals, departments and specialists. This is | |

| |because all the individuals and departments depend on each other for information and resources to perform their respective activities. | |

| |Managers need to reconcile differences in approach, timing, effort or interest. At the same time it should enable all its members to | |

| |grow and develop. Thus, here is a need to harmonize individual goals and organizational goals. | |

| |1. Identify the concept of management discussed above. | |

| |2. State any three features of the concept identified in (a) | |

| |OR | |

| |Sanjana is the branch manager of ABC Handicrafts Pvt. The company’s objective is to promote the sales of Indian handloom and handicraft | |

| |products. Its sells fabrics furnishings, ready-mades and household items are made out of traditional Indian fabrics.Sanjana decides | |

| |quantities, variety, colour and texture of all the above items and then allocates resources for their purchase form different suppliers.| |

| |She appoints a team of designers and crafts people in the company, who developed some prints for bed covers in bright colour on silk. | |

| |Although they looked very impressive, they were more expensive than they had planned to sell.Average customer could not afford to buy | |

| |it. Praising their effort, Sanjana suggested that they should keep the silk bed covers for special occasions like Diwali and Christmas | |

| |and offer the cotton bed covers on a regular basis to keep costs undercontrol.Identify the functions of management which Sanjaja | |

| |performs by quoting the lines from the above para. | |

|27 |Distinguish between functional structure and divisional structure. |4 |

|28 |Define financial management. What are the main objectives of financial management? Briefly explain. |4 |

|29 |Disco Ltd. manufactures fashionable and designer clothes. Recently it finds that the demand for its products has been declining. After |5 |

| |market research it was discovered that fashion and tastes of the consumers is changing at a fast pace. Customers’ demand is increasing. | |

| |New competitors have entered the market with new designs. It is very difficult for the company to predict future happenings. Also, it is| |

| |difficult to know the extent of the relative impact of the social, economic, political, technological or legal factors on decrease in | |

| |demand of its roducts in the market.A meeting was held in which managers from different functional levels heading Production, Marketing,| |

| |Finance, etc., for example, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Finance Officer, Vice President (Marketing) were present to discuss how to | |

| |deal with the situation. After a long discussion, it was decided that they would study and analyse the market first to identify customer| |

| |tastes and fashion and then manufacture garments accordingly. It was also decided to increase expenditure on advertising, after-sales | |

| |services, etc. | |

| |1. Identify any two features of business environment by quoting the lines from the above case. | |

| |2. At which level of management the meeting of managers of Disco Ltd. was held? | |

| |3. Identify any two impact of government policy changes on business, quoting lines from the above case. | |

|30 |Shyam bought a pain relieving ointment after seeing it being displayed in the chemist’s shop. The ointment tube was packed in a |5 |

| |cardboard box. Identify thedifferent levels of packaging of the pain relieving medicine, when it was purchased by Shyam. Also state the | |

| |functions of packaging. | |

| |OR | |

| |Explain any five functions of marketing management. | |

|31 |Q. 17. NOTICE |5 |

| |A meeting of all supervisors is scheduled on 20th August, 2016 | |

| |This notice was placed on the notice board in the reception area of XYZ Ltd. But it did not | |

| |mention clear specification regarding the time of meeting. Which barrier of communication | |

| |is referred to here? Explain any two other forms of barriers to effective communication under the same category. | |

| |OR | |

| |Smita had been working as an assistant manager with ‘Johnson Enterprises’ for the last ten years. She was very popular amongst her | |

| |colleagues because of her commitment and dedication towards the work. When the manager senior to her retired, all her colleagues thought| |

| |that now Smita would be promoted. But to everyone’s surprise the vacant post was filled by an outsider, Mrs. Rita. Smita felt | |

| |demoralized and her performance started eclining. She would abstain herself often and could not meet her targets. Mrs. Rita was a good | |

| |leader, who would not only instruct her subordinates but would also guide and inspire them. She noticed Smita’s behaviour and felt that | |

| |her performance could be improved. She started involving Smita in decision making-issues related to the organization and made her a part| |

| |of high level joint-management committed. Smita was now punctual in office and her performance started improving. | |

| |1. Identify the function of management being performed by Rita. | |

| |2. Name the element of the above function of management which helped Rita to | |

| |improve Smita’s behavior. | |

| |3. State any three features of the element identified in (ii) above. | |

|32 |State any two reliefs that the Consumer court can grant to consumers in case of genuine complaints in each of the following situations :|6 |

| |(i) Divya was charged more than the printed maximum retail price (MRP) for a | |

| |bottle of water. | |

| |(ii) Clara was sold a car with a defective engine. | |

| |(iii) Antony suffered injury while using newly bought defective electric heater. | |

| |OR | |

| |On her sister’s wedding, Radha decided to gift her gold earrings. When she shared her plan with her husband, he showed her an article in| |

| |the daily national newspaper under the heading “Jago Grahak Jago.” The campaign included details about the various aspects that people | |

| |must consider before buying any gold jewellery. | |

| |1. Why do you think campaigns like “Jago Grahak Jago” are inserted in the newspaper? | |

| |2. Name the right of consumer being fulfilled through this initiative of the government | |

| |3. State any three responsibilities that Radha must discharge as an aware consumer | |

| |while buying her sister’s wedding gift. | |

| | | |

|33 |Explain functions of stock exchange. |6 |

| |OR | |

| |Explain functions of Securities and exchange board of India | |

|34 |Explain different styles of leadership with examples |6 |


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