A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol - REVIEW

Stave One

_____1. Scrooge and Marley were ______________________.

A. brothers

B. business partners

C. best friends

D. "two kindred spirits

E. A and B

F. B and D

_____2. Scrooge's nephew came to his office to _______________.

A. offer Bob Cratchit's son a job

B. to collect a donation for charity

C. to invite his uncle to Christmas dinner

D. to pay his rent

_____3. When the two portly gentlemen come to Scrooge's office, he ___.

A. throws them out instantly

B. gives a generous donation to the poor

C. answers them sarcastically with a series of questions

D. invites them to have a glass of punch.

_____4. Scrooge, and the reader, have no clue that something strange is

happening as Scrooge arrives home.

A. True B. False

_____5. A series of supernatural events foreshadow the arrival of Marley's


A. True B. False

_____6. Marley is bound in chains ____________________.

A. because he escaped from prison

B. that represent his focus in his life on business

C. by Scrooge

_____7. The purpose of Marley's visit is ____________________________.

A. to warn Scrooge that three spirits will visit him

B. to warn Scrooge that he must change

C. to warn Scrooge if he does not change he will suffer like Marley

D. all of the above

Stave Two

_____8. The Ghost of Christmas Past is there for Scrooge's __________.

A. benevolence

B. vestige

C. reclamation

D. supplication

_____9. During one Christmas, Scrooge was left alone at school.

His only friends were_______________.

A. the charwoman, Mrs. Dilbert, and the cook

B. Fezziwig and his family

C. the characters from his books

D. his sister Fan and her son, Fred

_____10. Scrooge cannot believe that Fezziwig would waste his money on

a party.

A. True B. False

_____11. Scrooge regrets being so cruel to his clerk.

A. True B. False

_____12. After seeing his sister, Fan, Scrooge seems to regret his treatment

of his nephew.

A. True B. False

_____13. Belle is __________________________.

A. Scrooge's fiance

B. a poor, "dowerless girl"

C. a lovely young lady

D. all of the above

_____14. Scrooge feels nothing but relief after Belle leaves him.

A. True B. False

_____15. At the end of Stave Two, Scrooge _______________________.

A. tries to "extinguish" the ghost with its cap

B. spontaneously combusts

C. clings to the spirit's robe in supplication

_____16. After Scrooge and the Ghost of Christmas Past visit Fezziwig, Scrooge regrets ______________.

A. yelling at the young caroler.

B. not making a donation to the poor.

C. breaking up with Belle.

D. his treatment of his clerk.

E. All of the above

_____17. After reading Stave Two, the reader can infer the following about Scrooge

A. He cared a great deal for his sister.

B. His character has changed from when he was a

young man.

C. He regrets never marrying and having a family.

D. All of the above

Stave Three

Answer the following true/false questions over Stave Three.

Write the word true or false in the blank.

__________18. The Ghost of Christmas Present is a sinister phantom.

__________19. Despite their poverty, the Cratchits are merry on Christmas

because they are all together.

__________20. Scrooge sees that even in the most dismal, remote places people

celebrate Christmas.

__________21. Fred, Scrooge’s nephew, says he doesn’t feel sorry for Scrooge

because he is getting what he deserves in life.

__________22. Both the Cratchit family and Fred’s guests toast Scrooge.

__________23. The Ghost of Christmas Present says that, like Christmas, he returns

every year and never grows old.

__________24. The Ghost of Christmas Present reveals two children, Ignorance and

Want, hiding beneath his robes.

__________25. Ignorance and Want, the two children, are the personification of

social problems.

__________26. The Ghost of Christmas Present has a genial face.

__________27. The Ghost of Christmas Present carries a torch that spreads

Christmas cheer.

Staves Four - Five

_____28. The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come

A. is old, white, and bearded.

B. is dark, mysterious, and mute.

C. wears a green robe.

_____29. Scrooge overhears some businessmen heartlessly discussing

A. the fate of the poor.

B. a plan to bankrupt Scrooge.

C. the death of a man.

_____30. Of the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, Scrooge ___________.

A. clings to its robes in supplication.

B. wishes to profit from its lessons.

C. fears this spirit the most.

_____31. Scrooge sees the name Jacob Marley on the gravestone in the


A. True B. False

_____32. The Ghosts continue to visit Scrooge every year on Christmas Eve.

A. True B. False

_____33. After his journey with the last spirit, Scrooge buys a huge turkey to

A. dine on that day.

B. send to the Cratchit family.

C. give to the orphans.

Notes and Annotation - Choose the best response.

_____34. Scrooge is a _________________ character.

A. static

B. flat

C. dynamic

_____35. Scrooge is the _________________ of A Christmas Carol.

A. protagonist

B. antagonist

C. hero

_____36. The methods an author uses to create characters is called ______.

A. plot

B. setting

C. characterization

_____37. Scrooge’s nephew could be described as a _________ character.

A. static

B. dynamic

______38. In Stave One, Dickens uses (a, an) _______________________ to

emphasize that Marley is dead.

A. personification

B. imagery

C. allusion

D. diction

_____39. The character of Fezziwig is a ______________ for Scrooge’s character.

A. protagonist B. antagonist C. hero D. foil

______40. Which adjective best describes Scrooge’s character is Stave One?

A. avarice B. misanthropic C. veneration D. affable

_____41. “What shall I put you down for?’ asked the portly gentlemen.”

"Nothing!’ replied Scrooge.”

This is an example of

|A. |direct characterization |

|B. |indirect characterization |

_____42. "It was not a knocker, but [rather] Marley’s face” is an example of

|A. |direct characterization |

|B. |indirect characterization |

|C. |foreshadowing |

Syntax Analysis - Identify the following sentences as

A. simple B. compound C. complex

_____43. The clerk observed that it was only once a year.

_____44. The cold became intense.

_____45. I don't make merry myself at Christmas, and I can't afford to make

idle people merry.

_____46. During the whole of this time, Scrooge had acted like a man out of his wits.

_____47. Lights flashed up in the room upon the instant, and the curtains of his

bed were drawn.

_____48. But before he shut his heavy door, he walked through his rooms to see

that all was right.


Study the vocabulary charts for Stave One and Stave Two.

Be able to match the words with a definition.

Figurative Language

Study the examples of figurative language that we annotated

in class.

Match characters with quotations.

Study your Staves One & Two Test.


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