ASTDD Best Practices Project

ASTDD Best Practices Project

Summary of the ASTDD Best Practices Committee Meeting

June 1-2, 2006 / Scottsdale, Arizona

I. Participants

Best Practices Committee Members:

Gordon Empey – Oregon State Dental Director

Mary Foley – Massachusetts State Dental Director

Barbara Gooch – Dental Officer, Division of Oral Health, CDC

Mark Mallatt – Indiana State Dental Director

Lynn Mouden – Arkansas State Dental Director

Jim Sutherland – Regional Dental Consultant, HRSA

ASTDD Best Practices Project Director: Julie Tang

Evaluation Consultant: BJ Tatro

II. Background Information

The purpose of the face-to-face meeting is to review the progress of current project activities and planned activities for the next fiscal year. In addition, the meeting provided time for the evaluation consultant to work with the Best Practices Committee to develop an evaluation plan for the Best Practices Project.

III. Meeting Objectives

The meeting objectives of the planning meeting included:

(1) Review the progress of the Best Practices Project

(2) Discuss the future direction of the Project and long-term development of activities.

(3) Develop a work plan for the next fiscal year.

(4) Develop an evaluation plan for the Best Practices Project

Attachment A includes the agenda for the meeting.

IV. Discussion and Decision-making

The Best Practices (BP) Committee reviewed the following during the meeting:

1. Shared observations of how the BP Project’s information is being used

( Dental Project Director shared several stories of how states have used BP information.

2. Reviewed the Project’s current activities

( Reviewed the BP Project’s logic model.

( Reported progress related to submissions, Best Practice Approach Reports, evidence building effort, and communication effort.

3. Demonstrated Web site development

( Reviewed the Web usage statistics for the BP pages and PDF submissions.

( Review of the Team Member administrative page set up for online review of submissions.

4. Developed an Evaluation Plan for the BP Project

( BJ Tatro, Ph.D., the contracted evaluation consultant, reviewed the logic model for the BP Project and gave the BP Committee an opportunity to add changes to update the logic model.

➢ BJ reviewed proposed evaluation model and evaluation measures and obtained approval from the BP Committee to finalize the evaluation plan.

➢ BJ will work with BP Project Director to finalize an evaluation report.

➢ Final evaluation report will be submitted to the BP Committee by 8/31/2006.

5. Planned next fiscal year’s activities

( Identified activities that will need to continue for the Project’s core business and new areas of activities.

( Identified tasks to be implemented by BP Committee members.

➢ Reviewed next steps & assignments.

➢ BP Project Director will prepare the BP Project’s Core Business and New Areas of Activities for FY 2006-07 and prepare the BP Project Work Plan for FY 2006-07.

V. Products

Ideas discussed and decisions made by the BP Committee provided the following products:

1) Core Business and New Activities for Development for FY 2006-07 (Attachment B)

2) BP Project Work Plan for FY 2006-07 (Attachment C)

3) Assignments to BP Committee Teams and Members (Attachment D)

Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors

Best Practices Committee Meeting


June 1-2, 2006

Hilton Garden Inn Scottsdale Old Town

7324 E. Indian School Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 / Phone: 480-481-0400

Day 1 Thursday, June 1, 2006 Hilton Garden Inn

7:15 Breakfast in the meeting room

8:00 - 10:00 Welcome by BP Committee Chair (Lynn Mouden)

Session #1 – Project Director’s Report (Julie Tang)

( BP Project accomplishments

( Progress on Website, online review, BPA reports & state submissions

Session #2 – Team Reports & Discussions

➢ Evidence Team

➢ Communication Team

➢ Review Teams (Red, White & Blue Teams)

➢ Ad Hoc Group on Emergent Issue

10:00 - 10:15 Break

10:15 - 11:30 Session #3 – Special Issue: Evaluation Plan / Part 1 (BJ Tatro, PhD)

( Development of the evaluation plan for the BP Project

11:30 - 12:30 Working Lunch

➢ Development of the evaluation plan of the BP Project continues

12:30 - 1:00 Break

1:00 - 5:00 Session #4 – Special Issue: Evaluation Plan / Part 2 (BJ Tatro, PhD)

( Development of the evaluation plan for the BP Project continues


Day 2 Friday, June 2, 2006 Hilton Garden Inn

7:15 Breakfast in the meeting room

8:00 - 11:00 Session #5 – Developing Next Year’s Work Plan

➢ Core Business

1. Best Practices links in ASTDD Guidelines document

2. Fluoride varnish / providing resource information to states

3. Online reviews of practice submissions

4. New practice submissions

5. Phase II of ASTDD Website development

6. Head Start / develop best practice information

7. Other issues

➢ New Areas for Development

1. Emergent issues (e.g., program sustainability)

2. National Oral Health Policy Center & “Best Policies”

3. Communication strategies

4. Sharing best practices from a state perspective with other countries

5. States’ request for better access to full journal articles

6. Developing a stronger voice for local stakeholders to connect with ASTDD and at the national level

7. Evaluation of the BP Project

8. Enhancing the BP Committee working structure/processes and recruiting new members

9. Other issues

( Next Steps & Assignments

11:00 - 12:00 Working Lunch

➢ Open Discussion

➢ Adjournment

ASTDD Best Practices Project FY 2006-07

|ASTDD Best Practices Project |

|FY 2006-07Core Business and New Activities for Development |

|Project’s Core Business |Project’s New Activities for Development |

|1. Update Existing Practice Submissions |1. Develop and Implement Communication Strategies |

|- Work with IND to complete online database backend management |- The BP Communication Team coordinates BP communication strategies with |

|programming |ASTDD organizational communication plan. |

|- Use the new online process and work with the states to update |- The BP Communications Team will plan and implement communications to |

|submissions. |inspire states to develop best practices and be recognized for their best|

|- Link updated practice submissions to ASTDD Guidelines |efforts. |

| |- The BP Communications Team and Evidence Team improve |

| |access/translation/application of scientific information for state oral |

| |health programs. |

| |- Prepare a journal article that uses BP information to increase |

| |awareness of state oral health programs, their public health functions, |

| |and their best practices. |

| |- Increase awareness of emergent issues and understanding of how these |

| |issues challenges the states. |

|2. Collect New Practice Submissions |2. Develop New Resource Information to Help States Develop Their Best |

|- Continue to collect new report submissions to for new and existing Best|Practices (Emergent Issues and State of the Science) |

|Practices Approach Reports |- Ad Hoc Group on Emergent Issues continues to (a) promote awareness of |

|- Continue to add new summary submission to the collection on the ASTDD |emergent issues, (b) facilitate the development of a strategic plan to |

|Website |build infrastructure to address emergent issues and a process to assess |

|- Link new practice submissions to ASTDD Guidelines |needed public health actions, (c) maintain and improve the Emergent |

| |Issues Webpage, and (d) identify and collecting information on emerging |

| |practices and innovative practices for analysis. |

| |- Evidence Team continues to (a) build State of the Science information |

| |to assist states in translating and applying scientific information for |

| |program improvement, (b) maintain and improve the State of the Science |

| |Webpage, (c) work with CDC and other partners such as National Maternal |

| |and Child Oral Health Resource Center and ADA to link state of the |

| |science information to the Webpage. |

|3. Update Best Practice Approach Reports |3. Support policy development to promote best practices |

|- Set up updated reports for Web posting:: |- Work with ASTDD Policy Committee and National Oral Health Policy |

|1. Surveillance systems |Committee to develop reference materials to promote a role for state oral|

|2. State coalitions |health programs, to develop model policies related to best practice |

|Continue to update reports: |approaches, and to evaluate selected policies related to public health |

|1. Mandate for oral health program |policies. |

|2. Water fluoridation | |

|3. Fluoride Mouthrinse & Supplement | |

|4. School sealant programs | |

|5. Access to Care: Workforce Development | |


|4. Develop New Best Practice Approach Reports |4. Promote Building Analytical Capacity and Evaluation Capacity for |

|Continue efforts and seed new efforts to develop new Best Practice |State Oral Health Programs |

|Approach Reports: |- Seek opportunity to present a session at the 2007 NOHC for building |

|1. CSCHN |analytical capacity. |

|2. Early Prevention/Mothers, Infants & Toddlers |- Promote putting data to public health action for assessments and |

|3. School & Adolescent Oral Health |surveillance. |

|4. Tobacco Cessation/Oral Cancer Prevention |- Work with CDC to share their grantee evaluation and analytical tools, |

|- Continue efforts to identify groups interested in developing best |organizing the tools, and make accessible for states. |

|practice information. |- Support the CDC Evaluation Workgroup in conducting a national |

|- Link new Best Practice Approach Reports to ASTDD Guidelines. |evaluation on building infrastructure for state oral health programs. |

| |- Develop technical assistance and cooperative network to build |

| |analytical capacity and program evaluation (e.g., a program that will |

| |help states to learn more of analysis and program evaluation through |

| |coaching by states more experience). |

|5. Maintain and expand the Web-based resource on the ASTDD Web site |5. Pilot the New Evaluation Plan of the Best Practices Project |

|- Work with Web developer to build Web capacity to post new and expanded |- Collect evaluation data from primary/secondary sources. |

|resource information on the ASTDD Website. |- Conduct analysis and report evaluation measures according to the |

|- Work with Web developer to build a feature that allow linking a |evaluation plan. |

|topic-specific index listing of state practices from the BP database to |- Review evaluation measures, interpret findings and draw conclusions. |

|the ASTDD Guidelines. |- Assess/revise the evaluation plan for implement. |

|- Work to have states and partner organizations link Web-base resources | |

|to each other’s Websites. | |

|- Continue to add updated and new resource information to BP Web section | |

|and pages (including the Emergent Issues Webpage, State of the Science | |

|Webpage, Best Practice Reports, and summary/expanded practice | |

|submissions). | |

|- Develop new resource information (e.g., model policies, innovative | |

|practices, capacity and building tools) that helps states develop their | |

|own best practices. | |

ASTDD Best Practices Project FY 2006-07

|ASTDD Best Practices Project |

|Work Plan for FY 2006-07 |

|Objective A. By August 31, 2007, expand the ASTDD collection of resource information for best practices with at least 20 new practice |

|descriptions that include regional, state, territorial and/or local programs and with at least 2 new best practice approach reports. |

|A.1. Develop and disseminate best practice information. |

|Activities |Timeline |Person(s) Responsible |

|A.1.a. Provide training to use online process to manage best |Sep 2006 - Aug 2007 |BP Project Director (Julie Tang) will provide |

|practice information. | |training. |

|( Orient and train states on using online process to update | | |

|previous practice submissions and provide new submissions. | | |

|Orient and train BP Committee Members to use the online | | |

|process to approve submissions and best practice approach | | |

|reports. | | |

|A.1.b. Update submissions (descriptive practice reports and |Sep 2006 - Aug 2007 |BP Project Director will set up online update |

|one-page summaries). | |of submissions for each state and work with |

|Send periodic reminders to states for updating submissions | |states. |

|online. | | |

|Manage the database to post updated submissions. | |BP Committee will review and approve the |

|Link updated practice submissions to ASTDD Guidelines | |posting of updated submissions. |

|A.1.c. Collect new practice submissions. |Sep 2006 - Aug 2007 |BP Committee will select topics for submissions|

|( Collect submissions of successful practices on special | |and help solicit summary submissions. |

|topics based on need for developing new best practice approach| | |

|reports. | |BP Project Director will work with states to |

|Continue collaboration with expert groups to collect practice | |collect submissions. |

|submissions related to their interest areas. | | |

|Provide a general call to the states for submissions. | |3 BP subcommittees (Red, White and Blue Review |

|Link new practice submissions to ASTDD Guidelines | |Teams) will review the state submissions using |

| | |the database to review online: |

| | |L Mouden/J Sutherland/S Dodd |

| | |M Mallatt/B Gooch |

| | |G Empey/M Booth |

|A.1.d. Update best practice approach reports. |Sep 2006 - Aug 2007 |BP Project Director will work with resource |

|Continue to update existing best practice approach reports not| |people and states to gather new information and|

|completed in FY 04-05 (some reports waiting for new resource | |new practice examples to update reports. |

|information in the pipeline). | | |

|Target the following reports for update: | |3 BP subcommittees (Red, White and Blue Review |

|Mandate for State OH Program | |Teams) will review and approve the reports: |

|Community Water Fluoridation | |L Mouden/J Sutherland/S Dodd |

|Fluoride Rinse/Supplement | |M Mallatt/B Gooch |

|School Sealant Programs | |G Empey/M Booth |

|Access to Care: Workforce | | |

|Collect new resource information and additional state practice| | |

|examples to update remaining best practice approach reports. | | |

|Link updated best practice approach reports to ASTDD | | |

|Guidelines | | |

|A.1.e. Initiate and complete new best practice approach |Sep 2006 - Aug 2007 |BP Project Director will work with experts to |

|reports. | |conduct best practice analyses, prepare report |

|( Continue efforts to complete best practice approach reports | |content, and use state practice information. |

|initiated during FY 04-05 for Web posting. | | |

|Continue to work with ASTDD Workgroups to develop new Best | |Project Director will help collect state |

|Practice Approaches Reports for: | |practice examples to link to the new best |

|1. Early Prevention for Infants and Toddlers | |practice approach reports. |

|2. CSHCN Programs | | |

|Seed new efforts to develop best practice approach reports | |Assigned BP Committee Members will support the |

|for: | |development and finalization of Best Practice |

|Tobacco Cessation and Oral Cancer Prevention/Control | |Approach Reports. |

|School & Adolescent Oral Health (SAOH) Programs | |Sutherland – CSCHN |

|Connect with expert groups interested in developing best | |Tang – Early Prevention |

|practice information (e.g., Children’s Dental Health Project | |Mouden – Tobacco/Cancer |

|on adolescent health). | |Tang – SAOH |

|Link updated best practice approach reports to ASTDD | | |

|Guidelines | | |

|A.1.f. Maintain and expand Web site resource information. |Sep 2006 - Aug 2007 |BP Project Director will coordinate with ASTDD |

|Maintain | |Executive Director (Dean Perkins) and ASTDD Web|

|Work with Web developer to build Web capacity to post new and | |Workgroup to support Web redesign efforts. |

|expanded resource information on the ASTDD Website. | | |

|Work with Web developer to build a feature that allow linking | |BP Project Director will manage the Web-based |

|a topic-specific index listing of state practices from the BP | |resource materials and will serve on the ASTDD |

|database to the ASTDD Guidelines. | |Web Workgroup. |

|Work to have states and partner organizations to connect | | |

|Web-base resources on each other’s Websites. | |Ad Hoc Group on Emergent Issues and Evidence |

|Continue to add updated and new resource information to BP Web| |Team will maintain and expand resource |

|section and pages (including the Emergent Issues Webpage, | |information for their perspective Webpages. |

|State of the Science Webpage, Best Practice Reports, and | | |

|summary/expanded practice submissions). | | |

|Develop new resource information (e.g., model policies, | | |

|innovative practices, capacity and building tools) that helps | | |

|states develop their own best practices. | | |

|Objective B. By August 31, 2007, develop and implement strategies to promote best practice approaches and cultivate best practices. |

|B.1. Promote buy-in by end-users and partners for developing best practices. |

|Activities |Timeline |Person(s) Responsible |

|B.1.a. Develop and implement communication strategies to |Sep 2006 - Aug 2007 |BP Communication Team will develop a |

|promote best practices. | |communication plan and : |

|Work with the ASTDD Communication Committee to include | |Lynn Mouden (Team Leader) |

|promoting best practices in the ASTDD overall communication | | |

|plan. | |BP Communication Team Leader serves on the |

|Implement communications to inspire states to develop best | |ASTDD Communication Committee and coordinates |

|practices and be recognized for their best efforts. | |efforts with the BP Project. |

|Implement communications to improve the access, translation | | |

|and application of scientific information for state oral | |BP Project Director supports the development |

|health programs. | |and implementation of the communication & |

|Increase awareness of emergent issues and understanding of how| |marketing plan. |

|these issues challenges the states. | | |

|Prepare a journal article that uses BP information to increase| |BP Committee Member (Barbara Gooch) and BP |

|awareness of state oral health programs, their public health | |Project Director will develop and submit a |

|functions, and their best practices. | |journal article. |

|Prepare an article on BP Project for the ASTDD newsletter. | | |

| | |BP Project Director will work with BP Committee|

| | |Chair on a BP Project article for the ASTDD |

| | |newsletter. |

|B.1.b. Implement a listserv communication campaign to |Sep 2006 - Aug 2007 |BP Communication Team will develop action steps|

|highlight and showcase best practice information and help keep| |as part of the strategic plan development. |

|best practices on the radar for end-users and partners | | |

|(regular postings on listserv). | |BP Project Director will work with BP |

| | |Communication Team to post listserv messages. |

|B.1.c. Seek out opportunities to link, coordinate and |Sep 2006 - Aug 2007 |BP Committee Members support efforts with |

|integrate best practices to initiatives and programs. | |agencies and organizations. |

|Work with ASTDD committees and workgroups on their oral health| | |

|focus areas | |BP Project Director provides staff support. |

|Follow up with HRSA to link to their “outstanding outcomes” | | |

|efforts. | |BP Project Director will work with ASTDD Policy|

|Work with the ASTDD Policy Committee and the National Oral | |Committee and NOHPC. |

|Health Policy Center (NOHPC) to translate best practices into | | |

|policies for use by states and funders including preparing a | | |

|reference document on policies for state oral health programs | | |

|and developing model policies. | | |

|B.2. Build capacity for developing and implementing best practices. |

|Activities |Timeline |Person(s) Responsible |

|B.2.a. Seek, identify and develop capacity building tools |Sep 2006 - Aug 2007 |BP Project Director will work with CDC and |

|related to best practice approaches. | |states. |

|( Work with CDC project officers and grantee states to | | |

|identify, develop and share “how-to” tools. | | |

|Work with CDC Evaluation Workgroup to share evaluation tools. | | |

|Collaborate with CDC to sponsor a session at the 2006 NOHC to| | |

|promote analytical capacity (putting data to public health | | |

|action) | | |

|B.2.b. Provide technical assistance for best practice |Sep 2006 - Aug 2007 |BP Committee supports efforts in seeking |

|approaches. | |resources for technical assistance. |

|Explore with CDC to draw on their grantee’s evaluation | | |

|experience to develop technical assistance and a | |BP Project Director will discuss options with |

|mentoring/coaching program to help states with program | |CDC on developing technical assistance. |

|evaluation. | | |

|Update BP handout provided to the ASTDD mentoring program. | |BP Project Director will respond to state |

|Explore with ASTDD Leadership Development Committee on | |inquiries for best practice information. |

|training opportunities related to best practices. | | |

|Respond to end-user requests for technical information and | | |

|assistance. | | |

|B.2.c. Stimulate research and improve access, translation and|Sep 2006 - Aug 2007 |BP Evidence Team will direct and support |

|application of scientific information for oral health program | |efforts: |

|development. | |Mark Mallatt/Team Leader |

|( Communicate with partners with influence on research to seek| |Barbara Gooch |

|opportunities to build evidence and expand knowledge for | |Jim Sutherland |

|program development. | | |

|Develop collaborative efforts to capture state of the science | |BP Evidence Team will help enlist partners who |

|for dental public health strategies and develop communication | |can provide state of the science information. |

|channels to improve access to key scientific information. | | |

| | |BP Evidence Team communicates with CDC/DOH to |

| | |follow up on CDC’s agency-wide public health |

| | |research agenda. |

| | | |

| | |BP Project Director will provide staff support.|

|B.3. Seed initiatives for developing and implementing best practices. |

|Activities |Timeline |Person(s) Responsible |

|B.3.a. Link efforts of promoting best practices to the ASTDD |Sep 2006 - Aug 2007 |BP Committee will direct and support efforts. |

|committees and projects. | | |

|Seek opportunities and develop collaboration with ASTDD | |BP Project Director will provide staff support.|

|committees/workgroups (e.g., Communication, Data. Leadership, | | |

|State Programs Evaluation, Mentoring, School & Adolescent Oral| |BP Project Director will initiate and maintain |

|Health, and Head Start Committees/Workgroups). | |links with ASTDD Committees/Workgroups. |

|Work with the SAOH Workgroup to complete the state profiles | | |

|and analyze the profiles to help develop best practice | | |

|information. | | |

|B.3.b. Link efforts of promoting best practices to public |Sep 2006 - Aug 2007 |BP Committee will direct and support efforts. |

|health initiatives and programs. | | |

|( Explore opportunities with CDC, NIDCR, ADA, HRSA and OHA. | |BP Project Director will provide staff support.|

|( Collaborate with ADEA and RWJ Pipeline projects to obtain | | |

|best practice resource information. | | |

|Objective C. By August 31, 2007, test the new evaluation plan for the ASTDD Best Practices Project activities and implement pilot evaluation |

|activities. |

|C.1. Develop, maintain and implement an evaluation plan of the Best Practices Project. |

|Activities |Timeline |Person(s) Responsible |

|C.1.a. Pilot the new evaluation plan for the Best Practices |Sep 2006 - Aug 2007 |BP Project Director will facilitate collection|

|Project to report on progress of project activities, outputs | |of evaluation data, report evaluation |

|and outcomes. | |measures, conduct analysis, and enlist the BP |

|( Use available primary and secondary data sources to track | |Committee to interpret findings and draw |

|and report the evaluation measures outlined in the BP Project | |conclusions. |

|evaluation plan | | |

|( Collect quantitative and qualitative evaluation data on | | |

|ongoing BP Project activities (e.g., periodic request of | | |

|reporting from BP Committee members and query BP database) | | |

|( Complete the reporting template on evaluation measures | | |

|( Review the evaluation measures with BP Committee, conduct | | |

|analysis, make translations, draw conclusions, and share | | |

|findings with ASTDD Executive Committee, ASTDD membership, | | |

|CDC, and HRSA. | | |

|C.1.b. Track usage of information from Web site and from |Sep 2006 - Aug 2007 |BP Project Director will work with Web |

|States. | |developer to set up Web usage statistics |

|( Work with ASTDD’s contracted Web developer to track | |reports, provide periodic reporting to BP |

|accurate and appropriate Web usage statistics and to provide | |Committee, and facilitate sharing of the |

|monthly, quarterly and annual reporting of Web usage for the | |findings on Web usage. |

|BP Web section and pages. (This activity is required due to | | |

|change to host server and Web management program). | |BP Project Director will communicate with |

|( Conduct analysis of Web usage statistics for the BP Web | |States, monitor listservs, attend meetings, |

|section and pages. | |coordinate with the ASTDD membership survey |

|( Collect stories on how best practice information is being | |etc. to collect stories on how BP information |

|used by states/partners. | |is being used. |

|( Share findings on the usage of information from Web site and| | |

|from States with BP Committee, ASTDD Executive Committee, | |BP Committee members will report stories of |

|ASTDD members, CDC and HRSA. | |state use of BP information to the BP Project |

| | |Director. |

|C.2. Conduct Best Practices Committee meetings and conference calls to keep Committee informed of Project activities, direct mid-course |

|adjustments, and to guide future activities. |

|Activities |Timeline |Person(s) Responsible |

|C.2.a. Hold a 1½-day face-to-face meeting for the BP Committee|Dates to be determined |BP Committee Chair |

|to review project progress, discuss issues, and plan | |(L Mouden) |

|activities. |Location to be determined by the| |

| |Committee Chair |BP Project Director will prepare materials for|

| | |the meeting, help facilitate the meeting, and |

| | |prepare a meeting summary report. |

|C.2.b. Hold at least 3 quarterly conference calls for the BP |Scheduled conference calls: |BP Committee Chair |

|Committee to review and guide Project activities and hold |To be determined |(L Mouden) |

|additional conference calls for the BP subcommittees (work | | |

|teams and ad hoc groups) to plan, coordinate and review | |Communication Team Leader |

|subcommittee activities. | |(L Mouden) |

| | | |

| | |Evidence Team Leader |

| | |(M Mallatt) |

| | | |

| | |Emergent Issues Ad Hoc Group Leader |

| | |(G Empey) |

| | | |

| | |Submission Review Teams: |

| | |Red Team Leader (L Mouden) |

| | |White Team Leader (G Empey) |

| | |Blue Team Leader (M Mallatt) |

| | | |

| | |BP Project Director will prepare materials for|

| | |the conference calls and help facilitate the |

| | |conference calls. |

ASTDD Best Practices Project FY 2006-07

|ASTDD Best Practices Project Assignments for FY 2006-07 |

|Best Practices Teams / Members |Assigned Tasks |

|BP Committee |Invite states and their state/local partners to provide summary submissions as |

|All Members |opportunities arise. |

|Red Team |Review and update the Best Practice Approach Report: |

|L Mouden |- Statutory Mandate for State Oral Health Program |

|White Team |Review and update Best Practice Approach Report: |

|G Empey |- Access to Care: Workforce Development |

|Blue Team |Review and update the 3 Best Practice Approach Reports: |

|B Gooch |Community Water Fluoridation |

| |School Fluoride Mouthrinse & Supplement |

| |School Sealant Program |

|Communications Team |Develop and implement communication strategies to: |

|L Mouden / Team Leader |Inspire states to develop best practices and be recognized for their best efforts |

|D Perkins |Promote access, translation and application of scientific information for state oral |

|G Empey |health programs. |

|(M Booth & S Dodd?) |Prepare and submit journal articles. |

| |Post listserv information to promote best practices. |

|Evidence Team |Continue to develop state of the science information: |

|M Mallatt / Team Leader |Build State of the Science information to assist states in translating and applying |

|B Gooch |scientific information for program improvement |

|J Sutherland |Maintain and improve the State of the Science Webpage |

| |Work with CDC and other partners such as National Maternal and Child Oral Health |

| |Resource Center and ADA to link state of the science information to the Webpage. |

| | |

| |Continue work with ASTDD and CDC to develop technical assistance for analytical capacity|

| |building and program evaluation (e.g., mentoring/coaching program where non-funded |

| |states will work with CDC grantee states). |

|Ad Hoc Group on Emergent Issues |Maintain the Ad Hoc Group to increase awareness of emergent issues and to facilitate the|

|G Empey / Team Leader |development of a strategic plan to build infrastructure for addressing emergent issues |

|M Mallatt |and to develop a process to assess the need for public health actions. |

|J Sutherland |Support the development and finalization of the CSHCN Best Practice Approach Report. |

|J Tang | |

|M Booth |Work with Children’s Dental Health Project on: |

|J Tang |Draft a best practice approach report on Early Prevention |

| |Develop best practices information for adolescent oral health. |

|J Tang |Work with SAOH Workgroup to develop a Best Practice Approach Report on School Health |

|L Mouden |Support the development and finalization of the Tobacco Cessation and Oral Cancer |

|J Tang |Prevention/Control Best Practice Approach Report. |

| | |

| |Work with ASTDD Policy Committee and National Oral Health Policy Center to develop a |

| |reference document on policies for state oral health programs, develop model policies |

| |for best practices, and evaluate policies related to best practice approaches. |








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