The Amazing Benefits of a Sphere of Influence Mailing List ...

The Amazing Benefits of a Sphere of Influence Mailing List

Your sphere of influence mailing list is the single most important tool that you have to jump start your career in real estate. If you have already been in real estate sales for some time, a sphere of influence mailing list will significantly increase your sales. Of course, to get these great results, you will need to couple an extensive mailing list with well-written, well-designed, and well-targeted direct mail pieces. To create a list that will be truly effective takes patience, thought, focus, and organization.

The first step is to start with a blank sheet of paper! List everyone that you know. It doesn't matter how well you know them- as long as they will recognize your name and have some type of relationship with you, they should go on the list. Don't limit yourself. When constructing your list, think about your friends, neighbors, co-workers if you are employed in another line of work, those you know through clubs and religious organizations, professionals you use (dentist, doctors, veterinarian, attorney), your children's teachers, parents, coaches, and troop leaders, business owners and workers of businesses you often visit (dry cleaners, local restaurants, taverns, grocery store), etc.

Often, you'll think of people when you are not sitting in front of a computer or at your desk, so carry something with you to capture names at all times. As soon as that name pops into your head, write it down. When you see someone you want on the list, but you don't know their name, tell them what you are doing, ask if they will agree to be on your list, and get their name, address, e-mail address, and phone number (always be sure to check your state and the national "Do Not Call/Do Not Fax/Do Not E-Mail" laws and discuss with your broker before contacting anyone). Usually people will be happy to give you their information.

Once you have several names, now it's time to construct your data base with their name, mailing address, e-mail address, and phone numbers. The research that you will need to do to accomplish this may sometimes get tedious, but it is well worth it! Whatever software that you use to capture this data, be sure that mailing labels can be easily printed from this data base. Remember that this is a dynamic, rather than stagnant, list which you will constantly be modifying and updating. Whenever you meet someone new, add them to your list. Whenever you complete a transaction, include your client on this list.

You should not include those who are in your listing farm or in your buyer farm on this list, unless you personally know them. Listing farm and buyer farm households should always be maintained separately as you should have customized, distinct direct mailing campaigns targeted to those on each list. Of course, in some cases, you may have households which may appear on your sphere of influence list as well as on a farm list. This is perfectly acceptable as long as the mailings which you send are (and should be) different.

You should have between 150 and 350 households on your list. If you have recently moved to another state or community, place those whom you knew in your former location on your list, too. You never know when those folks may refer business to you or relocate to your new community. If you have fewer than 150 households, think more!

Keep your list confidential- don't share it with anyone. This is a valuable asset of your real estate business that you will use throughout your career.


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