ENGLISH DIRECT OBJECT/ ACCUSATIVE CASE SENTENCES The Accusative case introduces Sentences with a Subject, a transitive verb and a direct object.

The personal Pronuons are the Subject. The transitive verb meaning establishes the direct object.

The underlined words identify the direct object.

PRESENT TENSE 1. I buy the tires. 2. You bring the hammock. 3. He folds the flags. 4. She orders the tow bar. 5. We replace the pacemakers after 6 years. 6. They sell the diesel engines every Monday.

PAST TENSE 1. I bought the tires. 2. You brought the hammock. 3. He folded the flags. 4. She ordered the tow bar. 5. We replaced the pacemakers after 6 years. 6. They sold the diesel engines every Monday.

FUTURE TENSE 1. I will buy the tires. 2. You will bring the hammock. 3. He will fold the flags. 4. She will order the tow bar. 5. We will replace the pacemakers after 6 years. 6. They will sell the diesel engines every Monday.

Remember the Personal Pronouns, the transitive verbs and the direct objects. The personal pronouns are the subject . The transitive verb activity/meaning establishes and identifies the direct object. The spelling of the verbs on the 3 tenses

ENGLISH INDIRECT OBJECT / DATIVE CASE SENTENCES The Dative case introduces Sentences with a Subject, a transitive verb, an indirect object and a direct object.

The personal Pronuons are the Subject. The transitive verb meaning establishes the direct object.

The underlined words identify the direct object. The bold letters identify the indirect object.

Indirect Object Pronouns Me, You, Him, Her, Us, Them

The bold letters words introduce the Indirect Object Pronouns

PRESENT TENSE 1. I + fold + Them + the flag. 2. You + bring + Me + the tires. 3. He + sells + Us + the towbar. 4. She + replaces + You + the pacemaker. 5. We + order + Him + the diesel engine. 6. They + buy + Her + the hammock.

PAST TENSE 1. I + folded + them + the flag. 2. You + brought + me + the tires. 3. He + sold + us + the towbar. 4. She + replaced + you + the pacemaker. 5. We + ordered + him + the diesel engine. 6. They + bought + her + the hammock.

FUTURE TENSE 1. I + will fold + them + the flag. 2. You + will bring + me + the tires. 3. He + will sell + us + the towbar. 4. She + will replace + you + the pacemaker. 5. We + will order + him + the diesel engine. 6. They + will buy + her + the hammock.

Remember: the Personal Pronouns, the transitive verbs, the direct and indirect objects The personal pronouns are the subject . The transitive verb activity/meaning establishes and identifies the direct object. The underlined words and the bold letter words grammatical names The spelling of the verbs on the 3 tenses


The nominative case introduces Sentences with a Subject or Topic the linking verb to be and a Predicate or Topic's Comment.

The personal Pronuons identify the Subject or Topic. The underlined words identify the Predicate or Topic's Comment.

PRESENT TENSE 1. I am Anthony and I am the furniture store owner. 2. You are the father and you are the elementary school Librarian. 3. He is an activist and he is a math teacher. 4. She is my aunt and she is an internal medicine doctor. 5.We are smart and we are roofing material wholesalers. 6.They are the witnesses and they are on the U S witness protection program.

PAST TENSE 1. I was Anthony and I was the furniture store owner. 2. You were the father and you were the elementary school Librarian. 3. He was an activist and he was a math teacher. 4. She was my aunt and she was an internal medicine doctor. 5.We were smart and we were roofing material wholesalers. 6.They were the witnesses and they were on the U S witness protection program.

FUTURE TENSE 1. I will be Anthony and I will be the furniture store owner. 2. You will be the father and you will be the elementary school Librarian. 3. He will be an activist and he will be a math teacher. 4. She will be my aunt and she will be an internal medicine doctor. 5.We will be smart and we will be roofing material wholesalers 6. They will be the witnesses and they will be on the U S witness protection program.

Remember the Personal Pronouns and the Topics. The personal pronouns are the subject or topic. The comments about the subject or topic is the predicate. The spelling of the verb to be on the 3 tenses

ENGLISH POSESSIVE CASE NOUNS /GENETIVE CASE SENTENCES The Genitive case introduces sentences with a Subject linked to a possession

established with the verb's meaning and ending with a predicate.

The bold letters identify the possession linked to the subject The underlined words identify the predicate.

PRESENT TENSE 1. Alma's birthday is Wednesday, October 12, 1995;

Angel's birthday is Thursday, October 12, 1990.

2. Beatrice's cosmetology class returns to our high school with 6 blue ribbons and the 1st place trophy during their 3rd regional tournament participation.

3. Macario's hunting dogs locate and surround the wounded deer near the 6" deep dry lake sand dunes.

4. The Government's Billing Enforcement Division removal together with the Trans Union Credit Reporting Company break-in creates a fraudulent personal information collection surge and a derogatory reporting activity from the 3 Credit Bureaus throughout California.

5. The Colton's 3 day Festival generates the most money with the air balloons, the water balloons, the basketball court and the fishing pond stations.

6. The Garcia's identical twins are the MVP's on the Citrus Belt League and the CIF Baseball Championship game at The Angel's Stadium during this 2013 season


The Genitive case introduces sentences with a Subject linked to a possession established with the verb's meaning and ending with a predicate.

The bold letters identify the possession linked to the subject The underlined words identify the predicate.

1. Alma's birthday was Wednesday, October 12, 1995; Angel's birthday was Thursday, October 12, 1990.

2. Beatrice's cosmetology class returned to our high school with 6 blue ribbons and the 1st place trophy after their 3rd regional tournament participation.

3. Macario's hunting dogs located and surrounded the wounded deer near the 6" deep dry lake sand dunes.

4. The Government's Billing Enforcement Division removal together with the Trans Union Credit Reporting Company break-in created a fraudulent personal information collection surge and a derogatory reporting activity from the 3 Credit Bureaus throughout California.

5. The Colton's 3 day Festival generated the most money with the air balloons, the water balloons, the basketball court and the fishing pond stations.

6.The Garcia's identical twins were the MVP's on the Citrus Belt League and the CIF Baseball Championship game at The Angel's Stadium during this

2013 season.


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