The Direct Object (DO)

The Direct Object (DO)

I. The Direct Object (DO) of a sentence is the person or thing that is directly receiving the action.

(To find the direct object of a sentence we ask:

Who or what is directly receiving the action (verb)?

o Example: Bill threw the ball.

o Who or what did Bill throw? _______________

o Direct Object= __________________

II. Direct Object Pronouns (DOP’s) are used to replace direct objects in a sentence.

|me |nos |

|te |X |

|lo, la |los, las |

o Example: Bill threw the ball.

o In English: replace the DO (the ball) with it.

o In Spanish: replace the DO (the ball=la pelota) with la.

III. Pronoun Placement – DOP’s are placed directly before the conjugated verb.

o Example: Bill threw the ball.

o In English: replace the DO (the ball) with it.

§ New sentence: Bill threw it.

· Notice that the DOP is placed after the conjugated verb in English.

o In Spanish: replace the DO (the ball=la pelota) with la.

§ New sentence: Bill la tiró.

· Notice that the DOP is placed before the conjugated verb in Spanish

A. Underline the Direct Object, then write the Direct Object Pronoun you would use in English to replace the Direct Object.

Example: Mrs. Ramos gave ducks to Mrs. Cuéllar. DO= ducks DOP=them

1. We want to write the letter. __________________

2. They are going to play the game. __________________

3. I like to eat pickles and ice cream for lunch. __________________

4. The students have to turn in the homework tomorrow. __________________

5. She is cleaning her glasses. __________________

6. Who broke my glass? __________________

7. Are they selling Diet Cherry Pepsi? __________________

8. We’re sending the gifts via UPS to Ramos who’s in R25. __________________

9. Grandpa Giovanni wears a purple tutu. __________________

10. Snoop Dogg likes to watch Winnie the Pooh. __________________

B. Complete the following grid by:

●Underlining the Direct Object ●Writing the English Direct Object Pronoun

●Writing the equivalent Spanish Direct Object Pronoun

●Creating a grammatically correct sentence in Spanish by inserting the Spanish Direct Object Pronoun

|Underline the DO |English |Spanish |New sentence |

| |DOP |DOP | |

|Bob looked at the book. | Book |Libro=lo |Bob lo miró. |

|1. She wrote a paper. (el papel) | | |Ella ___________ escribió. |

|2. She kissed the dog. (el perro). | | |Ella ___________ besó. |

|3. We bought the cows. ( las vacas) | | |Nosotros ___________ compramos. |

|4. We will sell the house. (la casa) | | |Nosotros ___________ venderémos. |

|5. We are going to wash the goats. (las cabras) | | | Nosotros___________ vamos a bañar. |

|6. They eat the rice. (el arroz) | | |Ellos ___________ comen. |

|7. We have to paint the cat. (el gato) | | |Nosotros ___________ tenemos que pintar. |

|8. My cousin is singing the song. (la canción) | | |Mi primo ___________está cantando. |

|9. I’m going to clean the floor. (el piso) | | |Yo___________ voy a limpiar. |

|10. She is going to tell the truth. (la verdad) | | |Ella ___________ va a decir. |


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