Trade mission to Myanmar2nd till 7th February 2020COMPANY PROFILE & OBJECTIVESThis confidential document is a working document aiming at better understanding your business and your objectives for this mission. Please fill in this form and send it back to Catherine COLLET (c.collet@awex.be) by 6th December 2019.Beyond this deadline, AWEX will no longer be able to provide you all services offered as part of the mission’s RMATION TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE MISSION BROCHUREA brochure presenting the participants of the mission will be published.Please send us the information you want to appear in this brochure:1. Contact detailsCompany Name: FORMTEXT ?????Address: FORMTEXT ?????Telephone: FORMTEXT ?????Website: FORMTEXT ????? Email: FORMTEXT ?????Field of activity: FORMTEXT ?????2. Summary of the company's activities Description of activities in English (written in Word format, in Arial 12 font, maximum 15 lines): FORMTEXT ?????3. Pictures and logoPlease send us by email:· Digital passport format picture of each participant (minimum resolution of 50 KB; formats: jpeg, bmp, tif, eps, psd, ps, ai);· Company logo (minimum resolution of 50 KB; formats: jpeg, bmp, tif, eps, psd, ps, ai).INFORMATION ON THE PARTICIPANTS?Participant 1Participant 2Participant 3Full Name???Function???Would like to prospect???YangonMandalay???Mobile used during the mission: ????????Email of the participantLanguages spoken (for the??? B2B’s): Passport number???Expiration date???Nationality???Please send us a copy of the passport of each participant in JPEG format attached to this RMATION FOR PREPARING YOUR PROGRAMDescribe your business briefly (basic information we can use when contacting potential prospects): FORMTEXT ?????Describe in detail your products, services or technologies that you would like to present during the mission. Is there a specific field of application that you are targeting for your products?? FORMTEXT ?????What are the advantages/specificities/commercial pitch we should insist on?Techniques : FORMTEXT ?????Commercial : FORMTEXT ?????Price : FORMTEXT ?????Other : FORMTEXT ?????Customs Product code (??code douanier??) : FORMTEXT ?????Reference: FORMTEXT ?????Main international competitors and their home country: FORMTEXT ?????Describe in detail the distribution channels used (i.e. direct selling, importing, distribution, joint venture or strategic partnerships): FORMTEXT ?????Objectives of your participation: (e.g. Find out how the local market works; identify and meet importers, distributors or potential agents; establish a company in Myanmar; etc.)? FORMTEXT ?????Is it your first prospection trip to Myanmar? FORMCHECKBOX ?Yes FORMCHECKBOX ?NoIf not, how many times and when have you ever been to Myanmar before? FORMTEXT ????? ?Prospects to meet: Priorities (rank in order) FORMCHECKBOX ?Distributor: purchases and distributes your products in the local market..... FORMCHECKBOX ?Commercial agent: selling your products with a commission but does not buy your products..... FORMCHECKBOX ?Direct importer: e.g. retailer..... FORMCHECKBOX ?Central purchasing organizations..... FORMCHECKBOX ?Final client..... FORMCHECKBOX ?Producer of products equivalent to yours ..... FORMCHECKBOX ?Professional organization..... FORMCHECKBOX ?Public organization and Ministry..... FORMCHECKBOX ?University / Research center..... FORMCHECKBOX ?Services providers: lawyer / accountant / bank / other (please specify) FORMTEXT ?????..... FORMCHECKBOX ? Other (please specify) FORMTEXT ?????.....Individual program of B2B during the missionDo you request the support of AWEX to organize your individual program of B2B during the mission you will organize it yourself?YangonMandalay???I ask AWEX to organize all my appointments.??I will organize all my appointments myself.??I ask AWEX to organize partially my appointments.=> If yes, please provide your appointment program with your contacts by the 15th December. AWEX office in Bangkok will manage your appointment program on a consolidated basis.?? I ask AWEX to provide me with an interpreter (to the expense of the company) Remark:Some appointments organized by AWEX will take place at the hotel and others at the site of the local company. In the latter case, the transportation costs for these B2B will be at your expense. Where possible, a pre-program of individual appointments will be sent a few days before the mission. The final version of your program will be given on arrival due to the fact that many appointments need to be reconfirmed at the last moment.Type and profile of local business to meet during the missionAdditional information on the prospects’ profiles to meet:Type of products manufactured / commercialized / complementary products:Customer profile:Fields of competences:Other: Position of the person you want to meet for each type of company. The relevance of your information will directly impact the quality of business appointments during the mission: FORMTEXT ?????Topics that you wish to talk about with each type of company or organization? Specific questions to ask prospects? FORMTEXT ?????Are there any specific companies that you would definitely like to meet? If yes, please give contact details.Yangon FORMTEXT ?????Mandalay FORMTEXT ????? Are there any specific companies that you do NOT want us to contact? If so, which ones and why?Yangon FORMTEXT ?????Mandalay FORMTEXT ?????Current position of your company in MyanmarWhat is your experience in this market? And what are the results? FORMTEXT ??????Position of your company in Myanmarcontact with AWEX?Conducted a market study?Action of prospection?Visit or exhibit at trade fairs ?Other :?Do you work with companies, universities or authorities in Myanmar? If so, which ones? FORMTEXT ???? ?If left blank, we assume that you do not have contacts in those countries.Would you like AWEX to assist you in arranging an appointment with your contacts during the mission? FORMCHECKBOX ?Yes FORMCHECKBOX ?NoAdditional information about your company:Year of creation: FORMTEXT ?????Number of staff: FORMTEXT ?????Turnover in 2018: FORMTEXT ?????Export turnover in 2018: FORMTEXT ?????Export turnover in Myanmar in 2018: FORMTEXT ?????Do you have subsidiaries abroad? FORMCHECKBOX yes FORMCHECKBOX noIf so, in which country? FORMTEXT ?????Please give the name and address of your local contact that you would like to invite for official receptions during the mission in Myanmar. (Guest (s) for the reception in Yangon Reception in YangonFamily Name?First Name?Company?Function?Email?Mail address?Additional comments FORMTEXT ???? ?→ Please send this form to the contact person Mrs Catherine COLLET (c.collet@awex.be ) with:A digital photo of each participantThe company logoA brochure of your company in pdf format in English Name of the person who has completed the form: FORMTEXT ???? ?Title: FORMTEXT ?????Date: FORMTEXT ????? ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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