The Ultimate Guide to Working from Home - Amazon S3

The Ultimate Guide to Working from Home

Ditch the Cubicle and Create the Career and Lifestyle You Want

Imagine this scenario 6 months from now:

You stroll into your boss's office one morning and hand over your two weeks' notice.

But he says, "Wait, we'll bump your salary 20% AND give you a corner office."

"Sorry, I can't do it," you tell him.

"25% more?"


"I'm flattered by the offer, but I'm going to have to pass," you say.

And of course, you found a new job that offers benefits that you can't put a price on.

The freedom from commutes and evening runs to the dry cleaner. The choice to live wherever you want. And the flexibility to control your own hours.

You're going to be working from home.

This isn't something that "other people" do. Forbes reported that one in five Americans now works from home. And that number is expected to rise in the next few years.

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Who are these lucky folks who get to work from home?

They're the new class of professionals who define success as doing what you want, from wherever you want, and on your own terms. But it's not all about lifestyle. It can be a great move for everyone

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According to Stanford Business School, people who work from home are not only happier, they're more productive, too.

I've put together this Ultimate Guide to Working from Home to explore all the options you have, and what it takes to pull them off.

I'll even show you the technology, tools, and skills you'll need so that nobody will even realize you've left the building.

Who Am I?

I'm Ramit Sethi, the New York Times best-selling author and founder of GrowthLab and I Will Teach You To Be Rich -- a business that I grew from a dorm-room blog into a multimillion-dollar online business with over 30,000 paying customers around the world.

One of my personal philosophies has always been flexibility. I love going to the gym in the middle of the day when it's not crowded. And I love meeting up with friends for a long lunch whenever they're in New York.

So when I started to hire employees, I wanted to give them the flexibility to work from home, on their own schedule, from wherever they are in the world.

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In fact, one of my employees wanted to move to Paris, and we supported it 100%. Not setting up a central command center and letting my employees work from home has been one of the best decisions I've made. Not only is everyone happier and more productive, we also get to recruit people who are the best at what they do since we're not limited to geography. I'm thrilled to share everything with you today. Here's what we're covering in this free guide:

Part 2: The Skills to Work from Home No Matter What Field You're In

Whether you're a web developer or graphic designer, you'll need to master certain skills to successfully work from home. I'll show you how to be more productive, meet tight deadlines, and manage emails.

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The Ultimate Guide to Working from Home - Page 5

Part 3: How to Communicate Effectively so Nobody Will Realize You're Gone

Communication is a must when you're not in an office anymore. But that doesn't mean you have to be chained to your email inbox or spend countless hours on the phone. In this part, I'll show you how IWT works with dozens of employees in 23 states and 6 different countries.

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Part 4: Make "Working from Home" One of Your Company's Benefits

If you're employed full-time, working from home might be more of a possibility than you think. I'll teach you how to test the waters with your boss. And I'll also go through 10 common workfrom-home jobs and how to get the highest paying ones.

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The Ultimate Guide to Working from Home - Page 6

Part 5: Starting a Business Isn't as Complicated as it Seems

Many people start their own business with the dream of becoming their own boss and calling the shots from a home office. But they sabotage their chances of success from the start. Let me show you that starting a business isn't as complicated as some make it out to be.

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Part 6: Build a Website that Pays You in Your Sleep

Passive income -- we all want it. But what does it take to pull it off? Contrary to what gurus say, there's more to it than just slapping together an ebook and putting it up for sale online. In this section, I talk about 6 different business models to build a website that pays you in your sleep.

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Part 7: The Next Steps to Living a Rich Life

Everything I cover in this guide just skims the surface of working from home. I have even more free material on finding coveted remote jobs, freelancing for enviable rates, and starting an online business with the skills you already have.

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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