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Unit 1- Introduction to Environmental ScienceThis first unit serves as an introduction to Environmental Science. This unit will cover the following concepts: scientific method, graphing, variables, measurement and tools, chemistry review, physical vs. chemical changes, mixtures vs. solutions, pH scale, and an introduction to the importance of photosynthesis and cellular respiration.44780205715000Chapter 1 Sections 1.1-1.3 from TextbookWhat is Environmental Science?Environmental Science is the study of our planet’s ______________ ____________ and how humans and the ______________ affect one another. The environment includes all _____________ and ______________ things with which organisms interact.Understanding the __________________ between humans and the environment is the ________ step to solving environmental problems.__________________________ ________________________________________________________Objective, unbiased pursuit of knowledge about the workings of the environment and our interactions with itSocial movement dedicated to protecting the natural worldNatural ResourcesNatural resources are materials and energy sources found in ____________ that humans need to survive.___________________ resources: Naturally replenished over short periods______________________ resources: Naturally formed more slowly than we use them.Renewable resources can become nonrenewable if used faster than they are replenished.08699500Ecological FootprintThe total amount of __________ and ______________ required to:provide the raw materials an individual or population _______________dispose of or recycle the _____________ an individual or population consumesMost informative when footprints are calculated using the same method2857500000What is Science and What is NotWhat do you think of when you hear the word science? Write down 3 things that come to mind in the space below.1.2.3.Science is an organized way of studying the natural world, and the _______________ gained from such studies.Science assumes that the natural world ______________ in accordance with rules that do not change.Science does not deal with the __________________.Science relies on evidence from ____________________ and _____________________.Scientific ideas are “_______________,” not “proven,” and “__________________,” not “believed in.”The Process of ScienceScience involves asking questions, making observations, seeking ________________, sharing ideas, and analyzing ________________.Science is not ________________—the process loops back on itself and follows many different paths.Science is a dynamic, creative endeavor.The Scientific Method45720057404000The Scientific Method is used in order to help scientists solve _______________ and answer ________________. It is a precise way of conducting an investigation which will give the best results.Exploration and DiscoveryMany investigations start with the ___________________ of a phenomenon that the scientist wishes to explain.Observations can be made with the _______, with _________________, or by _______________ scientific literature.Observations can happen _______________ or be planned.Observations often lead to _________________ and may be shared with colleagues.08890000HypothesisScientists attempt to answer questions by devising hypotheses—___________________ ideasHypotheses:Explain a phenomenon or _________________ a scientific questionGenerate __________________ that can be checked with models or direct observation (A prediction is the expected observation if the hypothesis is true.)Can be ________________ or ___________________ by dataMay prompt new hypothesesGathering DataScientists test predictions by gathering ____________________ in the form of ____________.If data match predictions, hypothesis is _____________________.If data do not match predictions, hypothesis is ___________________.Data can come from an experiment or observational studies; ideally experiments and studies are controlled and _______________________.Types of DataQuantitative Data (make your own examples below)Qualitative Data (make your own examples below)Number Words/ Description Represented via some type of graphRepresented via some type of chart, table or notes.Variables in an ExperimentIndependent VariableDependent VariableControl GroupConstantsThis is the condition or event that is being studied. It is often referred to as the _____________________ variable because the _____________________ can change or manipulate this variable. Found in the experimental group. This is the condition of event that may change due to changes in the independent variable. This is what is __________________ and __________________ in an experiment. This is a group that _____________ ________ receive the independent variable. It is used as _________________ of the independent variable. This group receives all the same ___________________ as the experimental group. Often referred to as controlled variables. These are conditions or events which the experimenter attempts to keep the ___________ in both the experimental groups and control group. Lets Practice: Courtney is growing tomato plants in her backyard garden. She wants to know what amount of fertilizer will make her tomatoes grow the largest in mass. Courtney buys seeds from her local Home Depot store and plants them all in her back yard. She waters them daily with the same amount of water at the same time each day and all the plants are exposed to the same amount of sunlight. She gives one set of plants 1 scoop of fertilizer, another set 2 scoops of fertilizer, another set 3 scoops of fertilizer and one set receives no fertilizer at all.Create a hypothesis for Courtney’s experiment.What is the independent variable in this experiment?What is the dependent variable in this experiment?What set of plants serves as the control group?What are the constants in this experiment?Community Analysis and FeedbackAfter completing their study, scientists:Present their work and get _________________ from other researchers at conferencesWrite _______________ about their studySubmit papers for publication in a _________________Many journals are _____________-______________, meaning scientists review papers submitted for publication, recommend changes, and reject or accept the paper for publication.Replication and Self-CorrectionHypotheses should be tested _____________ times, in several ways, before they are accepted.Interpretations of data can change over time as _______________ accumulates.Sometimes reinterpretations can be drastic, but most of the time they are __________ adjustments to an accepted idea.Science _____________ refines and improves itself.Scientific Theory BuildingA _______________ is a testable explanation for a narrow set of phenomena, while a _____________ is a broader explanation for a wider range of observations. Both hypotheses and theories must be ________________, supported by multiple lines of evidence, and ___________________ to be accepted by the scientific community.Graphing in Scientific InvestigationsIn science, it is important that data collected from scientific investigations be neat, legible, and easily interpreted. In order for this to be the case, scientists rely heavily on charts, graphs, and formulas. ChartsData should be organized in charts which lists the values for the independent variable in the first column & list the values fro the dependent variable in a column to the right of the impendent variable. Example of a chart: Length (cm)Mass (g)142781512231122918Use the following information to construct a chart in the space below. During a scientific investigation, students had to measure 5 objects. The first object was 5cm long and weighed 15g. The second object was 9cm long and weighed 22g. The third object was 11cm long and weighed 43g. The fourth object was 15cm long and weighed 23g. The fifth and last object measured was 14cm long and weighed 31g. GraphsOnce charts are made during a scientific investigation, graphs are then constructed to help interpret the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable. “DRY MIX” will help you remember the dependent (responding) variable goes on the Y-axis and the independent (manipulated) variable goes on the X-axis. There are many types of graphs:LineBarCircle For each of the following descriptions, indicate which type of graph would be constructed. Used for non-continuous data which is usually categorical. _________________Used to show a trend over time. ________________Shows the relationship among the parts of a whole. _________________Often involves percentage data. ____________________Used for continuous quantitative data. _______________________Graphs can either show a direct variation or an inverse variation. 22860010795A direct variation (or proportion) is one in which, one variable increases as the other increases or as one variable decreases the other decreases. A straight line with a positive slope indicates a direct relationship that changes at a constant rate. 00A direct variation (or proportion) is one in which, one variable increases as the other increases or as one variable decreases the other decreases. A straight line with a positive slope indicates a direct relationship that changes at a constant rate. -1143001250950034290001066800026035-7620An inverse variation (or proportion) is one in which the product of two quantities is a constant. As one quantity increases, the other decreases. 00An inverse variation (or proportion) is one in which the product of two quantities is a constant. As one quantity increases, the other decreases. -58039093345000Chemistry ReviewHow to Read the Periodic TableAtomsElementMixtures vs. SolutionsKey Concepts Molecule & Atom Elemental substances (elements) are composed of only __________ type of ______________. An atom is: 053149500Molecular substances (molecules) are composed of _____________ or more _____________ covalently bonded together. PS-3.4 Classify matter as a pure substance (either an element or a compound) or as a mixture (either homogeneous or heterogeneous) on the basis of its structure and/or composition.Key ConceptsPure substance: element, compoundMixture: homogenous mixture, heterogeneous mixture What is matter?Substances which have unique, identifying properties are called ___________________ substances, there are two types of pure substances, ______________________________ and ____________________________.What is an element?Where can we find elements listed?What is a compound? Give an example and explain why it is considered a compound. Compounds all have _____________________ _____________________ which are different from the properties of the elements which compose them. (Think about your example above) Compounds can be ___________________ into elements only by chemical reactions; they can not be _________________________ _____________________. Compounds have a definite chemical composition identified within a ____________________ _____________________. Give me an example using water as the compound.What is a mixture?A mixture can be __________________ ______________________ because the components of the mixture have different physical properties. How is a mixture different from a compound? Mixtures do not have _________________________ ______________________; the components of a mixture may be in any ratio. Procedures for separating mixtures include: Mixtures can be classified into two groups: Homogenous MixtureHeterogeneous MixtureDefine:Define:Examples:Examples:Another name for a homogeneous mixture, like vinegar and soda, is ___________________________________. A solution is:Solutions remain ________________________ and _______________________ mixed.11430027305000Graphic OrganizerChemical & Physical Properties / Chemical & Physical ChangesWhat is a physical property? (Fill in on chart)How could you separate a mixture of poppy seeds and sunflower seeds?How could you separate a mixture of iron shavings and fine sulfur powder?In both cases above, you have used the ________________________________ properties of the materials in order to separate them.What is a physical change? (Fill in on chart)When a physical change happens, the ___________________ of the element or compound __________________ ___________________ change. The constant physical properties of a substance can be used to help identify them when a mixture contains substances that are not identified.________________________ of _______________________ change and _____________________ change can accompany a physical change. ____________________________ ________________________ can be used to __________________________ substances in a mixture.Define distillation: What is a chemical property? (Fill in on chart)What is a chemical change? (Fill in on chart)In some chemical changes, a rapid release of energy- detected as _______________________________________- is a clue that changes are occurring.Clues like ____________________________________________________________________ are helpful, but the only sure proof is that a new substance is produced. _______________________ ______________________ can be used to ______________________ substances.Not usually done in the home, usually takes place in a ____________________________ setting.At home, you can remove tarnish from silverware.Define tarnish:What are two examples of where chemical changes are used to separate substances?1.2.How can weathering be an example of both chemical and physical changes?What does the Law of Conservation of Mass state?SummaryPhysical PropertyChemical PropertyPhysical ChangeChemical ChangeBrief DescriptionExamplesAcids & Bases with pH Introduction to Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration ................

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