Road Construction

Road Construction

Safety Project

Final Report


Client –

Faculty Advisors – John Lamont and Ralph Patterson III

Team Members:

Clinton Dawson

Angel Anderson

Amit Agarwal

Matthew Baker

Josh Keith

Abdul Nuhu

Nancy Suby-Bohn

May 3, 2004

DISCLAIMER: This document is provided as part of the requirements of a civil engineering course and an electrical engineering course at Iowa State University and does not constitute a professional engineering design or a professional land surveying document. Although the information is intended to be accurate, students, instructors, and Iowa State University make no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information. The user of this document shall ensure that such use does not violate Iowa law with regard to professional licensing and certification requirements, including any work resulting from this student-prepared document required to be under the responsible charge of a licensed engineer or surveyor.


List of Figures iv

List of Tables v

List of Symbols vi

List of Definitions vii

1 Introductory Materials 1

1.1 Executive Summary 1

1.2 Acknowledgement 3

1.3 Problem Statement: Identifying the Client’s Needs 4

1.3.1 General Problem Statement 4

1.3.2 Current Setup 4

1.3.3 Current Problems 4

1.3.4 Current Costs 5

1.3.5 General Solution Approach 5

1.4 Operating Environment 6

1.5 Intended User(s) and Intended Use(s) 6

1.6 Assumptions and Limitations 7

1.7 Expected End Product and Other Deliverables 7

2 Approach and Product Design Results 8

2.1 Requirements and Constraints 8

2.1.1 Functional Requirements 8

2.1.2 Constraints 9

3 Final Recommendation and Ideas 10

3.1 511 Traveler Information System 10

3.1.1 Background 10

3.1.2 Current Features 11

3.1.3 Suggested Features 12

3.1.4 Conclusion 15

3.2 Fine Display sign 16

3.2.1 Background 16

3.2.2 Research 16

3.2.3 Design 17

3.2.4 Recommendation for Future Work 19

3.3 Removable Rumble Strips 20

3.3.1 Background 20

3.3.2 Research 20

3.3.3 Recommendation for Future Work 21

3.3.4 Conclusion 21

3.4 Portable Traffic Control Devices 22

3.4.1 Possible Construction Situations 22

3.4.2 Possible Systems 24

3.4.3 Recommendations for a Universal Device 27

3.5 Crash Data Analysis 28

3.5.1 Background 28

3.5.2 Analysis 29

3.5.3 Suggestions for Future Work 32

3.5.4 Conclusion 33

3.6 Educational Component 34

3.6.1 Existing Methods 34

3.6.2 Analysis 35

3.6.3 Target Audience 35

3.6.4 Information to be distributed 36

3.6.5 Medium 38

3.6.6 Conclusion and Future Work 41

4 Resources and Schedules 42

4.1 Personal Effort 42

4.2 Financial Requirements 43

4.3 Gantt Charts 47

4.4 Deliverables Schedule 51

5 Closure Materials 52

5.1 Project Evaluation 52

5.2 Lessons Learned 53

5.2.1 Risks and Risk Management 54

5.3 Commercialization Potential and Possibilities 54

5.3.1 Commercialization Considerations 54

5.4 Project Team Information 57

5.4.1 Client Information 57

5.4.2 Faculty Advisor Information 57

5.4.3 Student Team Information 58

5.4.4 Additional Faculty Involved 59

5.5 Conclusion 60

5.6 References 61

5.7 Appendix A 63

List of Figures

Figure 1 : Component Parts of a Temp Traffic Control Zone ix

Figure 3.1 : 511 Deployment Map 10

Figure 3.2 : MapQuest™ 12

Figure 3.3 : 511 Phone System Flowchart 14

Figure 3.4 : Speed Monitor Display 17

Figure 3.5 : Sunray 615R 19

Figure 3.6 : RC-Flagman 2.4 24

Figure 3.7 : Horizon Signal Technologies 26

Figure 3.8 : RC-Flagman PLT 2.4 26

Figure 3.9 : Pie Chart: Crashes vs. Location 29

Figure 3.10 : Bar Graph: Accidents vs. Severity 30

Figure 3.11 : Pie Chart: Total Crash Types 31

Figure 3.12 : Bar Graph: Accidents vs. AADT 32

List of Tables

Table 4.1 – Original Estimated Personnel Effort Requirements 42

Table 4.2 – Revised Personnel Effort Requirements 42

Table 4.3 – Actual Personnel Effort Requirements 43

Table 4.4 – Estimated Financial Standing 43

Table 4.5 – Revised Financial Standing 44

Table 4.6 – Actual Financial Standing 44

Table 4.7 – Estimated Project Cost/Labor 44

Table 4.8 – Revised: Project Cost/Labor 45

Table 4.9 – Actual Project Cost/Labor 46

Table 4.10 – Original Gantt Chart 48

Table 4.11 – Actual/Revised Gantt Chart 49

Table 4.12 – Deliverable Gantt Chart 50

Table 4.13 – Project Deliverable 51

List of Definitions

2-Lane Highway: A highway road which has two lanes of traffic total, each traveling in the opposite direction. (See Figure 1 of Appendix)

Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT): The estimate of typical daily traffic on a road segment for all days of the week over the period of one year. It provides a quick indication of the average usage of a road.

Alternatives Grid: A grid which outlines the various alternatives and technologies and their applications and ranks them on various criteria to arrive at a final decision.

CTRE: Center for Transportation Research and Education at Iowa State University

Controlled Area: The part of the system where actual construction is taking place. This part exits as a single lane alternately shared by traffic from both directions.

Fixed Construction Site: There are two types of fixed sites:

1. The construction site present for greater than 4 days (i.e. for patch work) – the setup remains on the road 24 hours a day.

2. The second includes a human flagger often with a pilot car. The construction is moved off of the road at the end of the work day and off during weekends. The construction work may sometimes occur at night.

Gantt Chart: A workload distribution graph based on projected time versus tasks.

IaDOT: Iowa Department of Transportation – The client for the Road Construction Safety Project.

Moving Construction Site: A work zone present for a day or less (i.e. for painting) – it is a shorter zone, but it can move many miles total in a day. It is removed at the end of the day, if the repair work does not occur at night.

Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD): A publication of the Federal Highway Administration that contains standards for traffic control devices.

Public Service Announcement (PSA): An announcement on television or radio serving the public interest (or a non-profit cause) and run by the media at no charge.

Queue Length: The distance between the stopping point before entering the controlled area and the last stationary car in the queue.

RS-4 Work Zone: This is a construction zone on two lane highways that follows a certain list of guidelines laid down by the Iowa Department of Transportation. These guidelines include:

- One of the lanes is closed for traffic.

- Channeling devices are used to direct the lane changing.

- A pilot car may or may not be used.

- Flaggers may or may not be used.


1 Introductory Materials

This section contains introductory material for the Final report describing the enhanced RS-4 work zone.

1. Executive Summary

This final report is intended to document the results of the project, and the conclusions made through research, analysis, and design. With the scope defined as the RS-4 work zone, the document shall address the general approach to solving the problems at hand, and what was concluded in doing so. After a brief background of the current RS-4 work zone, which includes current setup, current problems, and current costs, the final decisions that were made will be discussed. The main objective of this project is to produce a safer work zone through current technologies and May04-01 produced technologies.

The different alternatives and sections of the system are defined and discussed in the Design Alternatives section of the document. The different parts of the system, as defined are:

▪ Section 1: Before entering the system

▪ Section 2: Entering advanced warning area – entering the work zone

▪ Section 3: Advanced warning area – stopping queue

▪ Section 4: Entering traffic space – entering controlled area

▪ Section 5: Traffic space – speed control

▪ Section 6: Exiting in the termination area – all clear

Each one of these sections is defined and assessed independently, and as part of the overall system.

With the parts defined, the different alternatives to the current system components are produced, and analyzed. From the weighted matrix approach used in the project plan, each design alternative was systematically assessed, and given a score; the top scorers were those that were presented in the preceding document. These scores are based on a number of criteria, some of which include: effect on cognitive reasoning, reliability, maintainability, cost, etc...

With each team member being assigned to a smaller portion of the project, this final report will entail the cumulative effort in the areas deemed most necessary from the previous feasibility report.

The following areas will be discussed in the subsequent pages. Each of the following sections will layout what is the background of the idea, the design used to approach this idea and the suggestions of future work that it is felt will improve the quality of the project.

1. 511 traveler information

2. “Fine sign” prototype

3. Strategic use of portable rumble strips

4. Portable traffic control devices

5. Crash data analysis

6. Educating the public

The concluding sections will also include the financial requirements of the project, problems incurred through the project, what lessons were learned from those problems and what are the possible areas for commercialization of the project ideas.

Any diagrams, graphs, and pictures necessary are included in Appendixes A, B, and C. There will also be an appendix CD created and included for future use in upcoming design projects.

This project will be carried on by future senior design teams. The teams will either work on individual components, such as the fine sign display, or continue to focus on the project as a whole, and work on all the components appropriately.

1.2 Acknowledgement

The Road Construction Safety Team would like to sincerely thank the following people for their contribution of time and resources:

Mark Bortle, Willy A. Sorenson, Daniel E. Sprengeler, and the Iowa Department of Transportation

John Lamont, Ralph Patterson III, and the Iowa State University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Duane E. Smith, Max Porter and the Iowa State University Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering

Veronica J. Dark and the Iowa State University Department of Psychology

1.3 Problem Statement: Identifying the Client’s Needs

The problem statement contains two main points: the general problem statement and the general solution approach.

1.3.1 General Problem Statement

The Iowa Department of Transportation follows federal guidelines (MUTCD 6) for signs National DOT standards, and safety precautions for each situation involving a road construction zone. Some safety and driver awareness methods are elaborate and expensive while others are simple and more cost effective. Despite their effectiveness, these methods still allow for a greater degree of accidents and fatalities than are desired; because of this need for an increase in road safety for workers and drivers, the IaDOT is looking for improvements in the road construction zone setup. One of the primary needs of the IaDOT is to stimulate the cognitive reasoning and decision making abilities of the people that approach and drive through a work zone situation. This will lead to our primary goal of reducing accidents, and saving lives. Signs are the most commonly used method for warning drivers of an approaching zone, but they often go unseen or unnoticed because they become common place. Drivers also have the tendency to ignore warning signs, because they do not see any work being done and thus believe danger does not currently exist. For example, the only difference in most construction signs is the wording of the signs. Because of the MUTCD, these signs are usually the same color, shape, and size. Basically, the severity of the danger may not always be adequately and properly conveyed through standard techniques. Another pressing need of the IaDOT is better control of the flow of traffic entering, within, and leaving the work zones. Different automated and manned technologies were considered while developing solutions to this problem. The focus of this project was the RS-4 work zone. See Appendix A for a diagram of the RS-4 work zone.

1.3.2 Current Setup

The focus of this project relates to the problems in the RS-4 work zone and the alternatives discussed. This RS-4 work zone is an IaDOT standard road plan set up for construction on two-lane highways. A layout of the site is located in Appendix A.

1.3.3 Current Problems

Annually there are nearly 1000 fatal and over 37,000 serious injury crashes in work zones in the United States. When considering possible causes of work zone accidents, it was important to consider both cognitive and environmental contributions because it is the combination of both, not one alone, that causes crashes. It is very difficult to pinpoint what attributes of the RS-4 work zone are the most detrimental, but it is possible to highlight many characteristics that may contribute to the problem.

Currently driver awareness is a big problem. This includes alertness and attention to RS-4 work zone conditions. Things such as switching on headlights, tailgating, and quick lane changes also contribute to collisions. One main problem encountered was the control of traffic flow within the RS-4 work zone. It is assumed through psychological analysis that drivers are often impatient, and speed through the work zone. The control of traffic along with driver attention will be two major problems that will be addressed in this project.

1.3.4 Current Costs

The current RS-4 set up has a number of costs that are included in the average bid. The following costs were chosen, because they reflect the areas that will be dealt with in this report.

Flaggers : Average cost of $221.93/day (Each)

Pilot car : Average cost of $331.71/day

Signs : Average cost of $75/week

1.3.5 General Solution Approach

The solution to the problem required research of the current methods of traffic control in 2-lane road construction zones. The current RS-4 work zone was researched and analyzed to determine possible solutions to the safety problems. The most effective methods and the reasons for their effectiveness were then determined. As part of the problem solution, a weighted matrix was incorporated to systematically determine feasibility, practicality, and potential benefits. The psychology of the driver was a key element and in particular what occurred when a driver encountered a work zone. The main idea was to use these concepts in the design and suggestion of financially feasible alternatives to existing techniques.

To meet the client’s needs the problem was broken down into 7 sub-sections which split the work zone into related pieces.

These include:

(1) Before entering the system

(2) Entering advanced warning area - entering work zone

(3) Advanced warning area - stopping queue

(4) Entering traffic space - entering controlled area

(5) Traffic space - speed control

(6) Exiting in the termination area - all clear

(7) Education/Promotion of the designed road standard plan

From these 7 sections, solutions were then derived that would help to meet problems found in the work zone.

1.4 Operating Environment

The RS-4 work zone standard, under the scope for this project is located in an outdoor environment. This means that any device or concept that is proposed later will be required to operate in any natural condition including but not limited to: rain, snow, heat, and cold. The RS-4 work zones will also be exposed to dust and heavy equipment in use. Any device will have to withstand mistreatment and neglect from the contractors and other personnel. Additional problems are the glare caused by the sun during the day and the range at night when visibility is reduced to the range of headlights. Since the solutions considered may have multiple implications, they may be used in multiple conditions and environments. Since construction workers are likely to be within the work zone, they are also considered part of the operating environment.

1.5 Intended User(s) and Intended Use(s)

The following users and uses have been identified for the project.

1.5.1 Intended Users

Initially these designs will be developed for the IaDOT and its contractors for testing on current work zones. If successful, users may include other states, their contractors, and agencies which have a similar problem. Some of the proposed end-products may be used by construction personnel, IaDOT personnel, driver/vehicle, and/or become a part of an external database. The ones who educate these people will also make use of the educational components created. Depending on the degree of system integration, the system may be incorporated into other systems currently used by the IaDOT.

1.5.2 Intended Uses

The initial use of the research is to prevent future accidents in road construction zones. The idea driving this project is the use of fresh minds to think of new ways to improve safety. The research performed in this project will also be used in the future for follow up as technology improves and other possibilities present themselves. Additionally, the findings may be used to educate drivers (in driver training, license renewal, brochures, etc.) of warnings and dangers associated with construction zones. The system may be used both locally in the RS-4 work zone and as a precautionary measure before entering the work zone.

1.6 Assumptions and Limitations

The following assumptions and limitations were set for the project.

Initial Assumptions

As this project developed, the following assumptions were made:

a. The concepts will be tested in Iowa RS-4 work zones

b. Any devices used by the IaDOT. can be made available upon request for study

c. The effectiveness of the solution/product will be measurable (to some extent) in some definitive manner.

d. The cost of the product and its results are not necessarily related

e. Improvements on results are possible

f. Different types of construction requires different types of solutions

g. A comprehensive solution spans all recognized problems

h. The construction zone will not have enough pedestrians to include them in our design data

2. Initial Limitations

Work was done under the following limitations

a. Any design implemented must meet federal guidelines before use

b. The initial scope is limited to the RS-4 work zone

c. Cost-effectiveness is a significant factor

d. Solutions must work under both daytime and nighttime conditions

1.7 End Product and Other Deliverables

The following are the final deliverables of the project.

1. Recommendation for Fine sign display.

1. Recommendation for the use of rumble strips on specific highways

2. Recommendation for the use of portable traffic lights in work zones for managing traffic

3. Educational component outlining recommendations for increasing public awareness about the hazards of the work zones

4. Statistical analysis of the crashes in work zones

5. Complete project documentation

2 Approach and Product Design Results

The following sections lay out all of the alternatives that have been considered for the project. Each section will include the background, the work done in that section and what future work could be accomplished in the area.

2.1 Requirements and Constrains

The following is a list of all the requirements and constraints that the project has been bound to, and that each alternative and section has been required to design around.

2.1.1 Functional Requirements

The requirements of the design shall be expressed in the following sections.

1. Must inform the driver of upcoming road construction zones and the dangers therein.

▪ Activate the driver’s cognitive decision process.

▪ Convey the desired message in a limited amount of time

2. A sign, static or a message board, must allow for relocation and be updateable as necessary.

▪ Weight requirements

▪ Sign size requirements

▪ Cost

▪ Ease of use

▪ Durability

▪ Reflectivity

▪ Effectiveness

3. An educational solution must convey the desired message

▪ Memory retention

▪ Message length

▪ Proper delivery

▪ Provide message

▪ Effectiveness

▪ Message is reinforced

2.1.2 Constraints

The constraints of the design shall be expressed in the following sections. The project will have to adhere to the guidelines expressed herein.

1. Weight

▪ If a sign solution is designed, it will have to be moveable by a person or truck mountable.

2. Size

▪ The sign must meet federal guidelines for size, power, and design.

3. Weather

▪ Rain, snow, heat, and dust are possible road construction zone


4. Cost

▪ The Iowa Department of Transportation is looking for cost effective solutions; therefore, an inexpensive and efficient method of implementation must be utilized.

5. Power

▪ The power consumption for a lighted sign must remain minimal, either requiring a solar device, or a long-life rechargeable battery.

▪ For a truck mounted sign, the truck will only be able to supply a 12V power supply, and the sign would have to be able to be turned off either remotely and/or by the ignition.

6. Federal Guidelines

▪ Federal laws and guidelines will need to be considered for design and implementation

7. Viewing time

▪ Driving speed near construction zones

▪ Driver attentiveness

▪ Educational video/announcement length

8. Ease of use.

▪ The device must be easy to handle

▪ The device must allow for easy transport.

9. Effective

▪ Must accomplish what the desired goal is for each section

3 Final Recommendations and Ideas

The following sections outline and explain the proposed recommendations/final products.

3.1 511 Traveler information systems

The 511 system is a phone and web based system that provides travel and construction information. One of the main problems facing the road safety team was uninformed drivers in the work zone. This system will allow some drivers to detour around the worksite, or at least provide them with the means to be informed on what lays ahead. The following sections will discuss the proposed changes to the design and implementation of the 511 system.

3.1.1 Background

The current 511 traveler information system is in the process of being implemented nationwide. This service proves basic traveler information that a motorist would use in the planning of trips from the daily commute to long distance vacations over the road.

The history of the 511 system as found on the Iowa 511 webpage:

“On March 8, 1999, the U.S. Department of Transportation petitioned the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to designate a nationwide three-digit telephone number for traveler information. This petition was formally supported by 17 state DOT’s, 32 transit operators, and 23 metropolitan planning organizations and local agencies. On July 21, 2000, the FCC designated "511" as the single travel information telephone number to be made available to states and local jurisdictions across the country.”


Figure 3.1 The current deployment of the 511 system across the nation

3.1.2 Current features

The following are the current features that the 511 system encompasses. These features will be expanded to further meet the needs of the users.


▪ Point based construction information around a road or city

▪ Road weather conditions

▪ Difficult driving conditions


▪ Point based construction information around a road or city

▪ Road weather conditions

▪ Alerts for road permits

▪ Difficult driving conditions

▪ Accidents

▪ Weather forecasts

▪ Weather alerts

3.1.3 Suggested features:

The following are a list of features, which through the teams work and compilation from sources listed in the appendix, are shown to be what users expect and would desire from the 511 system.

Web 511:

▪ Point to point navigation

The following is a concept sketch showing the MapQuest™ generated map with the construction site and road condition overlays:


Figure 3.2 MapQuest™

- Description

This navigation feature would allow the user of system to plan a trip using a MapQuest™ type mapping tool. The desired route would be overlaid with road conditions, weather, construction, and detour information.

This information could be used not only by the average motorist, but also could be targeted for large transportation and hauling companies that are planning routes from their drivers.

This type of feature would also encompass an interconnected database of all current 511 projects across the nation; this would allow the user to plan a trip from one state to the next.

In continuation of this idea, the system could be adapted to provide all trip information including hotels, restaurants, places of interest, ect. As the feature would most likely be cost prohibitive, the business owners of hotels and restaurants could be tapped for funding, and then provided priority listing and reference from the trip planning software.

This web based service could also be provided at terminals at rest and other travel information sites. It would be free to use for the traveler, and could incorporate a similar type of priority listing for hotels and tourist spots.

- Future design team suggestions:

A trial version of the MapQuest™ SDK could be purchased or acquired. This software could then be adapted to the current 511 web system to combine the data retrieved from the construction and weather databases with the route planning software and then allow users to select a route.

Phone System 511:

The current 511 system include a phone line that may be used by anyone, with no charge, that provides road construction, road condition, and weather information. The following is a proposed modification to the current 511 phone system layout.

▪ Menu systems for activities, trip planning, road conditions, ect.


Figure 3.3

- Description:

This restructuring of the phone system would allow easier access for the user to various types of information based on what needs the user has. Upon calling the 511 number the user would be able to select with their voice what type of information is desired and the system would respond accordingly.

- Future design team suggestions:

It would be recommended that a design team further explore this area. It might be possible to get a hold of the software used as well as some hands on time with the 511 system itself. Combined with further help from the Intelligent Traffic Safety (ITS) groups, the team could lay out the optimal menu system and structure for the reworked 511 phone system

▪ Better voice recognition/synthesis

Voice recognition is used in the 511 phone system to capture information from the user. Voice synthesis is then used to transmit data back to the user.

- Description

One of the major complaints found in Minnesota’s ITS survey of the 511 phone system is that the user had problems either understanding the computers voice, or that the computer had a problem understanding the users voice. With the advent of new voice recognition software occurring everyday, it should be possible to upgrade the current system to be more user friendly and allow for more precise data capture from various different types of users.

- Future design team suggestions

A team could be formed that could research voice software and recommend a package that would better suit the needs of the IaDOT as well as making a more “user-friendly” environment for the user of the system.

3.1.4 Conclusion

The purpose of the 511 system is to inform motorists of the delays they may encounter on the road, as well as, other types of travel information. This information delivery is accomplished by the 511 phone and web system. The current state of both systems is that new features are being added and updated to meet the desired needs of the user.

This report has suggested some ideas, which taken from the Minnesota ITS survey and the teams brainstorming should help to push the system to a state where it has all of the desired features that the users want. When the system meets the desired goals of the I.D.O.T. and the users, it will be further marketed to motorists through some of the suggested means included in the educational section of this report.

3.2 Fine Display Sign

The “Fine Sign” is a combination of a speed display trailer with a variable message board. The design of the device is to display the speed of the motorist as well as the associated costs of the infraction.

3.2.1 Background

As indicated in the crash data analysis (Sect. 3.5), the majority of accidents in work zones occur in the stretch of road adjacent to the actual construction work (between the warning signs and the leaving the work zone area signs). Consequently, the following section outlines research, and suggestions for a simple, however innovative, fine calculation sign designed as a modification to current technology which will be beneficial in gaining a driver’s cognitive reasoning, causing them to react, and thus preventing rear-end collisions.

3.2.2 Research

It was decided that driver conduct along the stretch of the work zone adjacent to the actual road maintenance may be negatively affected with the removal of one flagger and a pilot car (from the RS-4 setup). However, the removal of those extra resources can be utilized in other needed areas of the work zone. It is for this reason that ideas were discussed to limit the negative ramifications from the removal of a pilot car/flagger. Speed display signs were looked at as possible aids for the proposed setup.

Studies done by groups such as the Midwest States Smart Work Zone Deployment Initiative (MwSWZDI), which test and evaluate new technologies for improving the safety and efficiency of traffic operations and highway work, have looked at the effectiveness of speed display signs on reducing speed and increasing speed uniformity in work zones. As shown in the figure that follows, the sign used in this study had the posted speed limit attached to a radar speed display showing each approaching driver’s speed. This specific study found a decrease in mean speed when the display was in use. It also indicated increases in vehicles complying with the posted speed limit (although sometimes compliance was short-term).


Fig. 3.4 Speed monitor display used in the MwSWZDI study.

As demonstrated by the MwSWZDI study, a speed display sign appears beneficial in short-term regulation of driver speed. Thus, the group’s proposed solution was to create a similar display sign designed to make the driver more aware of the need to reduce their speed and maintain that speed. Used in conjunction with portable signals in the revised RS-4 setup (identified in the beginning of this report), or additionally in the current RS-4 setup, a new type of speed display sign will make drivers feel more accountable for their driving conduct in the construction zone, thus aiding in the prevention of rear-end collisions by allowing for more decision-making time between vehicles in this sensitive work zone environment.

3.2.3 Design

The newly proposed fine and speed display sign of the proposed solution is an easily portable device attached to a trailer that incorporates a radar sign, which detects and measures the speed of an oncoming driver and posts their speed on the LED display sign and a variable message board indicating the purpose of the displayed numbers (i.e. “The fine for your speed would be”, etc.). The general assumption with current speed signs is that drivers will slow down after seeing their excessive speed on the display. They cause a driver to identify the fact that law enforcement may be monitoring their speed nearby and their actions may result in a ticket. The purpose of the “new” dynamic speed display sign is to, in a simple but blunt manner, inform the driver of their potential fine. Although the fine associated with speeding in work zones may not be significantly greater than fines for other violations, seeing an actually number rather than a sign which says “Fines double in work zones” (that may be ignored) is more effective. Actual fine number values seen by drivers may do a better job of alerting them of consequences to their speeding. If more shock value is desired, the calculated cost associated with their speed that is displayed on the sign may include average court costs as well. Thus drivers not only see the speed at which they are driving, but they also realize the possible fines and costs they could incur if they continue at their current speed. No fine, or $0 is displayed if an oncoming driver is observing the zone’s speed limit. Since the sign is designed for use in temporary work zones, there should not be a problem with drivers becoming conditioned to ignore the sign after driving by it day after day. However, speed law enforcement will need to be consistently performed in work zones with the proposed setup to prevent learned irrelevance (as in the case of current) toward the fine sign. The sign will be less effective if a driver’s fine is displayed but it is never enforced.

Several types of devices were considered for the fine and speed display device. They include variable message signs of different sizes, stand-alone radar speed display units (with and without posted speed limit), and stand-alone radar devices. See the sources section of the appendix for a list of websites for vendors and their message board and/or radar devices. The initial idea was to combine a variable message board with a radar device to state a message such as “Your Speed is (speed)” and “Your Fine is ($fine)”. However, it was decided that a more feasible, effective, and inexpensive method was to attach a static sign with text such as “Your speed is” to the displayed radar-detected speed. As well, another static sign is added below with “The cost of your speed is” and the calculated fine/cost on another LED or message board. Currently on the market is the Sunray 615R Radar Display from the U.S. Traffic Corporation (Fig. 3.5). This device, or similar would fit the design needed for the fine display sign and is recommended because it has radar display with oncoming driver speed and a message board below it which could be modified to display the “Your speed is ($fine)” calculated from the above displayed speed and fines from the Iowa Code. Also, the message board unit could simply display the fine with a static sign above it stating “The fine for your speed of (radar displayed speed) would be”. Some modifications would need to be done by U.S. Traffic so that the board could calculate the fine to display from the radar unit and route it to the message board. Both the flat rate cost and the cost for suggested modifications (to fit with the fine display design) for the Sunray 615R will be included in the final revised version of this report.


Fig 3.5 Sunray 615R Radar Display taken from U.S. Traffic Corporation

3.2.4 Recommendation for Future Work

Future design teams may work with their desired vendor (although a message board made by ADDCO is currently in use by the IaDOT and the U.S. Traffic Corporation’s Sunray 615R Radar Display may be preferred because it has several beneficial attributes, including radar, two led displays and a small variable message board) to implement the fine sign, as well as design and carry out tests (with the cooperation of or by the IaDOT) to determine its effectiveness in actual 2-lane highway construction zones.

3.3 Removable Rumble Strips

It is crucial to gain driver awareness both before and during the advance warning area preceding a work zone. Awareness leads to cognitive reasoning necessary for a driver to prepare for conditions and circumstances ahead. An unaware driver has very little time to prepare and has a higher potential for causing an accident in the stopping queue. This reasoning is supported by an analysis of the crash data and the number of rear-end collisions found to occur.

3.3.1 Background

The team brainstormed solutions that ranged from a simple flashing light to as grand as automated queue guidance system. In the end, temporary rumble strips ranked the best in a weighted matrix of alternatives. During initial research, it was discovered that many other states are using or testing temporary rumble strips in conjunction with work zones. Therefore, it was our goal to integrate relevant research and experience regarding temporary rumble strips and make a final recommendation for their use on rural Iowan work zones.

3.3.2 Research

While rumble strip testing or use is being carried out in nearly 20 states, the removable/temporary rumble strips manufactured by Advance Traffic Markings (ATM) seems to be the predominant choice for use and testing. According to research, ATM orange removable rumble strips have been tested in at least: Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Texas, New York, and Nebraska. In addition to construction orange, the strips are ¼” in thickness and cost $3.85 per linear foot. A large portion of findings came from the joint venture of the 2000 Midwest States Work Zone Deployment Initiative (MSWZDI), in which the ATM rumble strips were tested in Iowa, Kansas, and Missouri. All three states agreed that the strips were functional and their orange color was consistent with the specifications in the MUTCD. Relevant points included the following:

- “offer the driver an important visual cue”---“…the color of the strips alone is sufficient to have a positive effect” (Kansas DOT)

- Six strips per group is insufficient; 6-10 suggested

- At least 1.5’ spacing between strips recommended

- Orange color important for consistency in the work zone

The Texas Transportation Institute also evaluated the ATM rumble strips at rural maintenance work zones, though more from a speed reduction point of view. Their findings were very similar to those of the MSWZDI, with the point being reaffirmed that at least 1.5’ spacing is recommended between strips. The New York DOT has done extensive testing of several forms of rumble strips, including ATM rumble strips. The research focused on urban applications but contained a valuable summary of existing specifications by the five states that issue them. While this was not entirely applicable (most use asphalt strips) some of the information pertaining to spacing, grouping and numbers was significant.

Important considerations:

- Rumble strips are most effective in conjunction with existing traffic control devices

- “Overall, the intermittent spacing of sets and strips were generally determined to be more effective than either regular or logarithmic spacing.” (New York DOT)

3.3.3 Recommendation for future work

ATM is currently working to develop a reusable rumble strip where only the adhesive will need to be changed. This will help to improve their attractiveness from a financial point of view. In addition, before this setup is tried on a temporary basis, we recommend testing it on long-term location(s) to make data gathering more convenient and consistent. When rumble strips are incorporated into the rural work zone, it will be important to educate the drivers about this emerging addition. This will help to avoid confusion and smooth the transition.

3.3.4 Conclusions

The suggested ATM setup for the removable rumble strips:

“…should be applied in three sets of ten. The strips in set one should be 10’ apart followed by 500’; in set two the strips should be 5’ apart followed by 500’; in set three the strips should be 18” apart.” (ATM literature)

Recommendations for efficiency:

- to be consistent with the work zone and the MUTCD, rumble strips shall always be orange in color

- rumble strips implemented on roads with less than 2000 ADT based on the crash data

- apply the rumble strips in one set of ten, followed by two sets of eight. The strips in set one should be 10’ apart followed by 500’; in set two the strips should be 5’ apart followed by 500’; in set three the strips should be 18” apart

- referring to the existing RS-4 road plan, the first set shall be placed 150’ in advance of the “Road Work Ahead” sign

3.4 Portable Traffic Control Devices

This section is inclusive of the devices that control the flow of traffic through the work zone. An issue that is being addressed is the users’ lack of attention given to the manner of traffic control. Four different types of construction situations, which are discussed below, have been defined to sort this issue. The different types were created because each type has corresponding practices that use a system of these devices. By analyzing the current practices new systems can be matched to each type that will grab the cognitive reasoning of each driver. The primary motivation for these systems will be to make the RS-4 defined work zone safer for workers and motorist.

3.4.1 Possible Construction Situations:

There are a couple different types of construction zones that were evaluated. Each type produces different situations that require a mixture of practices for traffic control. The following sets of practices are mostly policies and are not listed in the MUTCD as is. The policies are set by the engineer while following MUTCD standards. The contractor will then follow the policies and standards in the work zone.

▪ Long distance, short-term construction (Type 1)

This is a construction zone that can span a couple miles. More than likely the two ends of the zone are not in site of each other. Also, it will not last more than a couple days.


This type of construction is usually inclusive of patchwork or short overlays. If it can be accomplished in one day then the contractors may use approved cones or drums to outline the temporary zone. Because it is temporary flaggers are preferred over lights. The zone itself may change shape hour to hour but flaggers can easily relocate. One flagger would be placed at each end of the zone and they network (radios) with each other to control the flow of traffic. Additional flaggers would be stationed at any cross roads in the middle of the zone to control intermediate traffic if the AADT for the side roads is manageable. The side roads can be closed if the traffic is too heavy for the use of intermediate flaggers. A pilot car may also be employed, but is mostly for speed control and direction for passing traffic, if the zone has an odd shape. One other practice would be to make the one open lane entirely one way. The opposing traffic would be detoured around the zone. This is usually only used if the AADT of the road is high enough that queue would build up to quickly for the flaggers to keep up. This would also be used if one of the lanes were still closed over night when the flaggers would not be there. The road can also be shut down entirely but this is rarely needed for temporary work.

▪ Long distance, long-term construction (Type 2)

This would include zones that are a couple miles long having ends that are not in site of each other. Also, this is a more permanent type of zone, meaning it could take weeks or months for the work to be completed.


In this case, most of the time the entire road will be closed down. Traffic will be detoured to an alternate route for the duration. Sometimes the zone is long and permanent but work may only be occurring in a small section with the rest of the zone still useable by motorists. Such a situation would if the entire zone has been milled for overlaying. The milled surface is still usable by motorists while the overlaying is only happening in a short-termed moving area. If this is the case then it would probably have a mixture of practices from the long distance, short-term case above and the short distance, short or long-term cases discussed next. It would depend on the nature of the work being done.

▪ Short distance, short-term construction (Type 3)

A short distance zone is defined as having ends that are visible to each other. The definition for short-term given in the long distance version above still applies here.


This type of construction zone has a wide variety of options. Flaggers can easily be used since the distance between the flaggers is small and with in site of each other. The zone is small enough that only the two flaggers are needed, but a third one might be needed if there happens to be a cross road. Traffic lights can be used because the distance is manageable for queue control. Lights would be used if the construction lasts overnight when flaggers can’t be present. Another form of control would be a yield system. Since the ends are in site of each other one side can have a standard yield sign allowing them to pass if there is no on coming traffic. This practice can be used night or day but is limited as the zone growths in length. A pilot car can be used but is not a likely option because the distance is to short.

▪ Short distance, long-term construction (Type 4)

This zone is usually a permanent construction that lasts weeks if not months. The entire zone is visible from either end. The best example is a bridge replacement when they replace on side at a time.


The length of time on this type of zone makes traffic lights the most likely of practices used. A system of lights can be programmed to control the flow of traffic based mostly on length and the AADT of the zone. The programming includes time for the system to clear all traffic before releasing new traffic. This system can be set up and used continuously to the limits of the source providing the power. The yield practice can also be used in this situation if the AADT is low enough. For both of these practices some if not all traffic can be detoured around the site to reduce the traffic flow.

3.4.2 Possible Systems

The following systems are examples of what could be incorporated into current practices. The system chosen should not only meet the standards given in MUTCD, but should also meet the traffic control needs of the work zone.

▪ R.C. Flagman (Model RCF 2.4)

This system involves two RCF2.4’s one each end of the work zone, and utilizes a controllable gate along with a traffic light. This model can operate manually or automatically.

Automatic Mode: With a RCF2.4 at both ends of the work zone, time intervals for traffic flow in both directions can be determined by entering the distance of the lane closure into the on-board computer. This mode allows the model to operate on its own and can be initiated by radio remote control.

Manual Mode: The RCF2.4 can be operated manually with a radio remote control. With this control a human flagger can control both Fig. 3.6

sides with a regular stop/slow paddle and a RCF2.4 positioned at the other end of the work zone. One person can also operate two RCF2.4 models, one at each end of the zone via remote control.

- Advantages:

← Two safety features are built in: (1) An “all stop” signal transmitted by radio remote control and (2) a fail-safe feature so that there are never two flashing amber signals at the same time.

← Break away gates with stripped diamond-grade sheeting for extra safety.

← Solar panel for continuous charging and extended battery life.

← System can be taken down or put up in 5 minutes.

← Eliminates at least one human flagger, and makes it safer for on site human flagger.

- Disadvantages:

← Range of operation is limited to approximately 1200 feet max.

← Sensory mechanism may not be as versatile as necessary.

← Limited line of sight may limit manual mode and wired remote mode

← Low visibility of traffic lights.

This system would work for type 1 and 4 situations. It works best as a substitute for flaggers because it can eliminate the need for one if not two flaggers. Probably the best use is a pair of models controlled by one flagger. This places the human out of harms way and will catch the attention of the driver more than a human with a flag paddle. A pilot car can still be incorporated with the models to improve traffic flow. Some additional changes to fit this project’s scope would be to amplify the remote control range.

▪ Horizon Signal Technologies (SQ3TS)

The SQ3TS is a portable traffic control device that can be programmed to form a network to control traffic flow in a zone. The vertical and horizontal mast arm of each unit provides two signal heads for each direction of travel.

- Advantages:

← Stand alone capability with no need for radio link or hard wiring

← Automatic synchronized timing of all traffic signals

← Low voltage signal operation, with solar power

← Data logger records last 3000 functions of each signal for future research

← Controller LED readout aids system diagnostics of battery voltage level, signal phase timing, bulb statues, and other malfunctions

← Self diagnosis

← Designed for DC and AC operation

← Traffic sensors for waiting/passing traffic

- Disadvantages:

← No physical barrier incorporated in design

← Extended set-up period required

← System cost

Fig. 3.7

This model will work for type 4. The reason it doesn’t work for type 3 is that it has a long set up time and that will hinder the progress of the project. It does have the capability of more than two models in a network if the situation calls for it.

▪ R.C. Flagman (Model PLT2.4)

This model can operate in the same capacity as the SQ3TS model.

- Advantages:

← Malfunctions are detectable in the system, and are relayed to a cellular phone

← Quick set-up time

← Eliminates the need for both flaggers

← Longer range of operation

← Easy visibility from multiple vantage points

← Modifiable sensory mechanism

Fig. 3.8

- Disadvantages:

← No physical barrier for added control

This model has uses in zone types 3, 4, and possibly 1. It has a short set up time so it will work in most situations were a flagger would be used. The additional overhead light adds visibility to the device and the message it is trying to convey.

3.4.3 Recommendations for a universal device

After defining all the different types of construction situations and looking at a couple different examples, the following device would be ideal for one universal device. It would be a mixture of the RCF 2.4 and PLT2.4 models plus a little more. A good device would have the highly visual qualities of the PLT model with the two sets of lights but also has a moving gate. This device would need a long range covering all distances that a set of lights or flaggers would be used for. It would have to be portable and have quick setup times. A system could be created to have a network of these models together and have one operator either human or computer. This network would be responsible for all vehicles entering or exiting the system at all times. In the end a fully automated system would be ideal by increasing the visual presence through the devices used and lower the cost by eliminating the human workers.

3.5 Crash Data Analysis

The following is a collection of the crash data that was provided by CTRE. The data was analyzed for use in the project and to reinforce the claims made through out this report.

3.5.1 Background

During the early team meetings with Mark Bortle, of the IaDOT, it was found that the largest concern was the lack of safety in a RS-4, 2-lane, rural highway, work zone. Because of this indication, the team structured the analysis of the crash data to fit the RS-4 setup for work zones. This can include the use of flaggers and a pilot car to control the traffic through the work zone area. The zone can reach approximately 2 to 2 ½ miles, and may change from day to day.

In order to recognize necessary changes or updates for current work zone practices, the crash data was analyzed to see if a pattern of accidents and possible causes exists. IaDOT provided CTRE with raw crash data from 2001 – 2003. CTRE then took the data and provided the team with a database in which: un-located, ramp, 4-lane or more, and urban crashes in a work zone had been removed.

This lowered the total work zone crashes from 268 to 47 for 2001, 193 to 28 for 2002, and 447 to 37 for 2003 (908 total to 112) assuming remaining occurred on 2-lane highways. Upon further investigation, the crashes categorized under “other work zone area” and “unknown” work zone locations, along with crashes noted with fatalities, where researched and edited for proper crash locations and verified for fatalities; or removed from analysis. This further analysis again lowered the total work zone crashed to 37 for 2001 (44%), 18 for 2002 (21%), 30 for 2003 (35%) leaving 85 crashes for analysis.

3.5.2 Analysis

Looking at the total occurrences, preliminary results showed most accidents happened in traffic space or the location adjacent to the work zone area (46%). The second highest accidents occurred between warning signs (29%). These statistics focused the design of the report to what areas were in need of attention.


Fig. 3.9

Although the safety of the driver is a concern in this project, it was found that most accidents (53%) resulted in no injury to the occupants or only in possible injury (18%). This leads to the conclusion that although drivers are not hurting people when an accident occurs substantial property damage is sustained and will need to be addressed in current and future designs of the work zone.


Fig 3.10

As with location and severity of accidents, most types of accidents followed a recognizable pattern. Most accidents occurring in a work zone were rear-end collisions (45%) this combined with side-swipe same direction (30%), which could have occurred due to the drivers actions in avoiding a rear-end collision, make up the majority of the accidents. This information has further enforced the claim in the feasibility report that the driver’s cognitive reasoning is not being activated and that the current solutions presented in the RS-4 work zone are not being used effectively to ensure driver awareness.


Fig 3.11

Surprisingly, 42% of the accidents occurred below 1000 AADT. Also, as the AADT grew, the accident percentage dropped as can be seen in the following graph.


Fig 3.12

3.5.3 Suggestions for future work

Since the data provided by the IaDOT was for three years and did not show a significant amount of traffic or crashes, it was hard it analyze the causes for the crashes based on the workzone. A larger pool of data collected over a more extensive length of time might lead to a more substantial conclusion. The road construction part of the crash report was recently added, thus it might be some time before significant data is available for further analysis.

Since the number one crash location on a 2-lane highway was noted as being adjacent to the work area, further investigation would reveal if a type of road standard for 2-lane highways was the cause. It was concluded that using the road link key to associate the accident data with a road construction database to find a relationship between the two. At the time this design report was printed, the information needed in this regard was not received and a follow through in this regard is suggested to determine the road standard and possible link to crash data.

Further analysis of the age of drivers involved in work zone accidents and the time of day may explain why current signs are not sufficiently stimulating the drivers’ cognitive reasoning or if they are, why are they being ignored. Fatigue, inebriation, or even driving habits might be factors that need to be addressed.

Total miles of primary and interstate highway construction miles was also provided by the IaDOT, but did not show the breakdown between 2-lane highways and interstates. It interesting to note that out of 654 miles of road construction in 2001, there were 268 accidents reported in a construction zone, 781 miles with 193 reports for 2002 and 578 miles with 447 reports for 2003. This does not show a correlation on the surface. However, a deeper analysis after receiving a breakdown of the highway type might reveal the reason for this discrepancy.

The main problem with the analysis was the lack of comprehensive data. More information for IaDOT would help future teams get a better understanding of the crashes and their causes.

3.5.4 Conclusion

Based on the crash data analysis it has been determined that the most important area for future research in the RS-4 work zone is the traffic control zones before and between the advance warning signs and adjacent to the work area on 2-lane highways that operate under 2000 AADT. New solutions as proposed in this report and any options that might be explored in future work should focus on the aforementioned two areas of the work zone and take into account the driver’s cognitive reasoning and work to prevent rear-end collisions.

3.6 Educational Component

The educational aspect of this project was one of the most important and immediate needs of the Iowa Department of Transportation. Research was conducted to determine the different components that need to be modified to reach a wider audience. This also included a review of the existing educational methods used in the country by both federal and state agencies and looked at measures used by the agencies in other countries as well. These were then compiled and reviewed for their effectiveness, especially in a primarily rural setting in this state.

3.6.1 Existing methods

The first resource for the educational components being used was the Iowa Department of Transportation itself. Almost all of the material being used by the department was available online on a separate webpage for road construction zones. This page outlined the various areas where the road construction is going on and also listed the various safety initiatives being undertaken by the department to increase safety in the work zones.

The most important resource for various states’ initiatives was the National Work Zone Safety Information Clearinghouse website which had comprehensive information about the work being done in this field in every state. Also, it had a good listing of previous initiatives. This source was very informative in garnering information about a lot of initiatives.

The most significant initiative being undertaken by DOTs nationwide was the “Flagger: Get the picture, listen to the signs”. This is being undertaken by many departments around the nation. It includes fliers, handouts, and some videos which outline safe driving techniques in the work zone, the hazards, and precautions. A lot of PSA’s were also created by state departments in the form of newspaper, video and radio announcements for a wider reach. However, most of the PSA’s were limited to print and radio form, possibly due to a lack of funding or coverage by popular channels. Also, the TV channels tend to run the PSA’s during their off-peak hours, possibly late at night, when the viewer count is low and the effect is negligible. However, the audio and newspaper PSA’s were popular among all the state agencies.

A popular campaign was the “Give ‘em a brake”, used by many states. California had a 3.5 million dollar ad campaign about ‘safety in cone zones’ in May 2002 both in English and Spanish to reach a wide audience for the extensive freeway and highway construction occurring that year. In 1998, CalTrans launched a computer animated flagger sign: the Flagger Super Hero campaign, to reach statewide audience. It employed print, radio, and TV as media. Other popular campaigns included “Please slow down, my daddy works here” which used signs and billboards near work zones with messages from a child’s perspective asking drivers to slow down while driving through work zones. Also, Work Zone Safety Week is held nationwide every year. This is usually held in March or April, coinciding with the beginning of the road construction season. This week includes many activities that increase awareness and helps people learn more about work zone safety.

A lot of State Departments and the NHA (National Highway Administration) have regular news releases which emphasize the importance of work zone safety. They often carry important tips for safer driving in work zones and statistical information about safety hazards and accidents in these zones. These are also meant to increase public awareness about the hazards of speeding in work zones.

3.6.2 Analysis

After researching the various initiatives and methods employed by the State and federal governments, the effectiveness of these measures has been compared. It was very hard to judge the effectiveness of these campaigns due to the lack of crash data before and after the campaigns. However, campaigns that are more localized and have more general media coverage might be more effective than those which tend to take a much wider approach. Foreign initiatives were also analyzed and tested to see if they could be adapted to the campaigns in this state. It was found that the safety initiatives in other countries dealt with different issues native to that situation which would be hard to change.

See grid for analysis and options considered

3.6.3 Target audience

A very important aspect to consider for making the material accessible and relevant to everyone was to identify the various audiences that were trying to target. This audience had different requirements in terms of the relevance of the information and the medium to be used to get the information to them. Based on a careful review of these requirements, the audience was divided into categories based upon the vehicle size or the type of users. This was done because the information to be given to truck drivers might not be the same as that required by a construction vehicle driver. The categories were:

▪ Large Vehicle Drivers: This group included drivers of Semis trucks, trailers, buses, and other large vehicles. Large agricultural vehicles like tractors were included in this category as two lane highways in the state are often used by these vehicles.

▪ Construction Vehicle Drivers: This category includes the drivers of all construction vehicles including vans, trucks, asphalt layers, etc. This was a separate category from the heavy vehicles since these drivers need to have other factors in mind while driving and they often park in the construction zone or get off the designated open lane.

▪ Mid/Small size vehicles: This category includes passenger cars, trucks, SUVs, and vans. This category makes up the biggest portion of traffic on the roads and requires the most attention.

- Elderly and disabled: This sub-category of passenger vehicle drivers targets the elderly and disabled drivers on the roads who might be at a greater risk in a construction zone. This includes people suffering from debilitating diseases like Alzheimer’s or people of old age who might suffer from shortened memory, lowered decision making abilities, and poor eyesight.

▪ Motorcycles and cyclists: This is a very small portion of the traffic on rural two lane highways in Iowa. However, this project will also try to target this segment to some extent. This might be helpful if this project might need to be emulated in another state with higher traffic of this kind.

▪ Pedestrians: It can be assumed that the roads will not have significant amounts of pedestrian traffic and thus this is not being targeted this segment. However, workers in the construction zones will be targeted.

▪ Others: This category includes other personnel like police officers who file the accident reports in work zones.

3.6.4 Information to be distributed

Different information targeting different sections of drivers has to be compiled. This work has been done to some extent by various agencies. However, nowhere have they assimilated this information under one agency to be able to use it most effectively. This is one of the major tasks that require further work. The information that the driver needs has to be widely distributed to create the maximum impact.

▪ Common information

There is a lot of common information that involves all drivers and construction workers.

1. Safe driving tips for work zones. This is a big collection of information from a variety of sources that are easily obtained from the Work Zone Safety Clearinghouse website. These include the common ones:

a. Not using cell phones in work zones

b. No unnecessary lane changes

c. Changing lanes well in advance

d. Concentrate on the road and obey the speed limit

e. Watch out for construction workers, expect the unexpected

f. Allow ample space between cars in front and behind you.

2. Zone descriptions and layouts (including the new changed layouts)

3. Fine information

4. Accident statistics in recent years in work zones

5. Managing stress effectively in slow moving traffic

▪ Drivers

This includes stopping distances for cars of various sizes to emphasize the importance of keeping within speed limits. The effect of fatigue and alcohol cannot be overemphasized in any literature for drivers, especially drivers of vehicles which can travel at high speeds or at night, like bus and semi drivers. An interesting approach was the tips given by trucks drivers themselves for better driving through the work zones. These tips from colleagues would be more effective than official information.

▪ Elderly Drivers

Older drivers are more susceptible to loss of concentration and other problems associated with age. A lot of old drivers are known to drive off without any notion of their destination. Some older drivers find it hard to make fast decisions, especially in a changing environment like a highway work zone. Thus getting information about the effect of such disabilities on driving and the dangers posed to themselves and others on the road is very important. Also information about how to manage stress on the road and making effective decisions would be helpful. This information can be distributed at license renewal offices.

▪ Construction Workers

The construction workers need to be educated in the use of signs. At many construction sites, the signs are posted in a very haphazard manner, making it hard for the driver to read them properly and act in time. Also, they tend to be a distraction if they are not easy to read or are too close to each other. Other issues include the placement of construction equipment so that it does not interfere with flow of traffic and being vigilant on duty. Although the MUTCD has requirements addressing sign placement, sometimes these are overlooked due to lack of proper training. A more accessible presentation of this information for the workers would encourage greater adherence to safety standards and make the work zone safer.

▪ Training

The training period is a crucial time where impressions about safe driving can be made. If trained properly, during this nascent stage, drivers can turn out to be safe drivers. Thus safety information in driver training manuals would be helpful. This would include all the general information discussed above, as well as the small vehicle or the larger vehicle information depending on whether the person is going for a commercial or a private vehicle license.

3.6.5 Medium

The medium to distribute the information also needs to be as varied as the different categories to ensure that all of the target audience is covered. Everyone does not have access to or uses the same media. Hence the strategy has to be different for each group. These are the mediums considered, partially because they had already been used before or they were new and probably more effective in this rapidly evolving information age.

Television, radio, and newspapers are required, by law, to carry a stipulated number of PSAs in their media. However, it has been seen that these PSAs are not effective because they are presented in an unattractive fashion. On TV and radio, these PSAs are often carried at late hours, in the middle of the night, when the viewer rate is low and thus it does not create an impact. A positive impact of this is that radio PSAs at odd hours may reach people driving at late hours, who are most susceptible to crashes.

▪ Television

Major television networks were contacted about their PSA policies and rates for carrying additional PSAs on their channels. No information was received but is something to look at in the future. This medium can be most effective because a graphic display of the hazards in the work zones can have a greater impact than a text or audio announcement. Also, if PSAs can be carried at high viewer rated times, a large number of people can be reached at once. Viewing things on TV also has a greater impact on younger audiences and thus would help train future drivers

▪ Radio and Newspapers

These media are also very effective in reaching the general population about the any safety information. The radio PSAs need to be made more interesting than the ones currently employed to keep the attention of the audience. Even though some of the campaigns have been pretty interesting in the past, they need to have more airtime and newspaper coverage to be effective. The information to be covered can be divided into safety and general topics. The general information about nearby construction zones and their setup can be more effective when carried in local publications, even in rural areas with newspapers. Local radio channels can also be used to carry area construction information. A very good example of this was the recent construction activity on I-235 in Des Moines. The information about this was carried in most of the local media and helped commuters to avoid or handle work zones better. Although this construction was on a much larger scale than the target work zone for this project, a smaller scale deployment should be considered. Also, combining both the safety information and the local work zone information into one PSA would greatly increase the effectiveness due to relevance of the information.

▪ Other Publications

Other publications like local and national magazines are a very effective medium for reaching a large audience. One especially promising prospect is the small magazine that is included in the monthly utility bills that contain local information. It has information about conserving energy during the winter months and such assorted PSA’s. The IaDOT can carry similar information about local construction sites and safety information in these kinds of publications. They would be a low cost option because they are managed by the city.

▪ Driver Training

Driver training usually occurs at age 16 or the junior year of high school when teenagers enroll in a separate program to get a permit. The information being given in drivers’ training does not carry too much depth in its coverage of work zones. The safety hazards and statistics are not carried and it does not impact the impressionable minds at that age to a great extent. If a bigger section on highway work zone safety is carried in the driver training program, it could prove very effective in helping people learn proper driving methods at a young age.

▪ DOT office

The DOT office conducts driver tests for licenses and renewals. It also has information about driving rules and regulations and booklets that help study for the written exam. This booklet contains information about work zones in a very truncated form. It basically has a few tips and signage information without mentioning the hazards and statistics of accidents in the work zones. A more in-depth coverage of material would be beneficial in preparing the driver for the dangers of the work zones. A section in the written exam dedicated to this would be a good idea.

▪ Fleet Managers

The managers of commercial vehicle fleets conduct regular driver testing ensuring that the fleet drivers are following proper safety procedures while driving. A booklet in a printed form that can be distributed among the fleet by the managers would also be a good way of spreading information among commercial drivers.

▪ Internet

The DOT website is a good resource for road safety information. The Iowa DOT road safety webpage has a lot of information about current construction work in the state as well as the educational campaigns and initiatives happing in Iowa. If this page was a little better designed and had a more clear link on the main page, it would be more effective. Also, other DOT’s around the country need to interlink and share information about safety initiatives on their websites. This would allow someone looking for road safety information to find more material at one site with links.

Also, during events like the Work Zone Safety Awareness Week, more links to information about work zone safety should be available on the internet. Links to news articles on popular websites like Yahoo and MSN would increase awareness. Google, the most popular search engine on the web, has a main page theme on important days of the year. If it could carry the work zone safety theme during the WZSW, it would be a great medium for reaching millions of people who visit the page everyday. Also, the 511 website and phone system can be better advertised on various web sites allowing an increase in its use and possibly safer travel.

▪ GPS/OnStar

New emerging technologies like GPS and OnStar can be used to have regular updates about construction in the vicinity of the car. It can also carry announcements about the safety precautions to observe while driving through a workzone, on system equipped with sound capability. These systems are becoming increasingly common and should be utilized to their full potential.

▪ Videos

Videos on work zone safety, developed by organizations like CTRE and others, need to be promoted more. They are interesting and give a very good idea of the hazards involved in driving through a work zone. They can be run as PSA’s on TV or shown at the DOT license office on the televisions installed there. The people waiting for license renewals or driving tests can be targeted by this as usually they are bored and attracting their attention would be easy.

▪ Other opportunities:

There are many other opportunities which can be used to spread information about work zone safety. Public events like fairs (Iowa State Fair) and the city halls can be good spots for distributing this information in the form of brochures, booklets, and handouts. Interactive activities at these spots gets the audience involved and helps them understand work zone safety better, like short skits and other methods, can prove to be helpful.

3.6.6 Conclusion and Future Work

This educational component is the factor that has to be implemented by the DOT at some level. The existing methods being used by the department have proven to be limited in preventing accidents and causalities in the work zone. Only with new initiatives can lives be saved and work zones be made safer. The problems which cause crash in work zones are not just limited to speed. Driver concentration and sign placement also play an important role in determining the safety of navigating the work zone. Any future work on this project shall have the opportunity to follow up and contact the media groups for more information and be able to make more concrete decisions about the use of these for better campaigns. The rapidly evolving internet and GPS technology also provides helpful clues to great work in the future. The public needs to be educated and also be kept educated by frequent exposure to information in this regard and tighter control over traffic in these areas.

4 Resources and Schedules

The following sections lay out the schedule, projected effort, and the cost of the project thus far.

4.1 Personnel Effort

Table 4.1 summarizes the previously estimated division of personnel effort throughout the project life. Table 4.2 lists the revised project man hours as of December 2003, while Table 4.3 shows the actual hours spent by the team on the project to date.

Project Man-Hours

Table 4.1 – Original estimated personnel effort requirements

|Personnel Name |Research |

|Budget |$150 |

|Student share |$10/person |

|IDOT |donated |

|  |  |

|Cost |  |

|Poster |  |

| primary |-$70 |

| secondary (DOT) |donated |

|Product |-$150 |

Table 4.5- Revised Financial Standing

|Funding |$ Flow |

|Budget |$150 |

|student share |$10/person |

|IDOT |donated |

|  |  |

|Cost |  |

|Project Plan |-$14  |

|Poster |-$70 |

|product |-$150 |

Table 4.6- Actual Financial Standing

|Funding |$ Flow |

|Budget |$150 |

|student share |$14.50/person |

| | |

|Cost |  |

|Project Plan |-$14  |

|Poster |-$70 |

|Design report |-$17 |

|Product |-$150 |

The following tables show the estimated cost of the project as well as the cost throughout the duration of the project.

Table 4.7- Estimated Project Cost/Labor

|Item |W/O Labor |With Labor |

|Product/materials |  |  |

|Poster |  |  |

| Primary |-$70 |-$70 |

|Product |-$150 |-$150 |

|  |  |  |

|Labor @$10.30 |  |  |

|Abdul Nuhu |$0 |$1470 |

|Angel Anderson |$0 |$1449 |

|Amit Agarwal |$0 |$1470 |

|Matt Baker |$0 |$1470 |

|Josh Keith |$0 |$1438.50 |

|Nancy Suby-Bohn |$0 |$1522.50 |

|Clinton Dawson |$0 |$1438.50 |

|Total |$0 |$10258.50 |

Table 4.8- Revised Project Cost/Labor

|Item |W/O Labor |With Labor |

|Parts and materials |  |  |

|None |$0 |$0 |

|  |  |  |

|Labor @$10.30 |  |  |

|Abdul Nuhu |$0 |$654.05 |

|Angel Anderson |$0 |$700.40 |

|Amit Agarwal |$0 |$525.30 |

|Matt Baker |$0 |$612.85 |

|Josh Keith |$0 |$659.20 |

|Nancy Suby-Bohn |$0 |$860.05 |

|Clinton Dawson |$0 |$741.60 |

|Total |$0 |$4753.45 |

Table 4.9- Actual Project Cost/Labor

|Item |W/O Labor |With Labor |

| Parts and materials |  |  |

|None |$0 |$0 |

| | | |

|Labor @$10.30 |  |  |

|Abdul Nuhu |$0 |$1421.40 |

|Angel Anderson |$0 |$1539.85 |

|Amit Agarwal |$0 | $1024.85 |

|Matt Baker |$0 |$1251.45 |

|Josh Keith |$0 |$1694.35 |

|Nancy Suby-Bohn |$0 |$2178.45 |

|Clinton Dawson |$0 |$1529.55 |

|Total |$0 |$10639.90 |

4.3 Gantt Charts

The following Gantt charts show the estimated project timelines and the actual project timeline. The original Gantt chart was transformed into the completely reformatted Gantt chart when new design tasks were added as the scope of the project changed.




4.4 Deliverable Schedule

Table 4.13. – Project deliverables

|Deliverables: | |

| | | |

|Progress Reports |Weekly |

| | | |

|Project Plan: | |

| |Project Plan |Tuesday, September 30, 2003 |

| |Bound Project Plan |Tuesday, October 07, 2003 |

| |Project Plan to Website |Tuesday, October 07, 2003 |

| |Review Project Plan w/Client |Wednesday, October 08, 2003 |

| | | |

|Poster: | |

| |Posters |Tuesday, October 21, 2003 |

| | | |

|Feasibility Report: | |

| |Feasibility Report |Tuesday, November 18, 2003 |

| |Review Feasibility Report w/Client |Friday, December 12, 2003 |

| |Bound Feasibility Report |Wednesday, December 17, 2003 |

| |Feasibility Report to Website |Wednesday, December 17, 2003 |

| | | |

|Progress Report: | |

| |Peer Evaluation |Tuesday, December 02, 2003 |

| | | |

|Presentations: | |

| |Class Presentation |Week of January 27, 2004 |

| |IRP Presentation |Week of April 20, 2004 |

| | | |

|Final Design Report: | |

| |Final Design Report |Tuesday, April 06, 2004 |

| |Review Final Design Report w/Client |Thursday, April 29, 2004 |

| |Bound Final Design Report |Wednesday, May 05, 2004 |

| |Final Design Report to Website |Wednesday, May 05, 2004 |

5 Closure Materials

The following section provides closure to the information the Road Construction Safety team used during the final design report process.

5.1 Project evaluation

The project was designed to have measurable flags through out the design process. Through the process of the project some of the milestones were changed to better reflect the new direct

1. Research conclusion (95%)

a. This will be completed when sufficient data has been collected to commence the true design process.

b. All applicable government regulations have been considered.

c. All technological data has been collected.

Although the majority of the project was designed around the collection of data related to safety in the work zone, some data specific to the individual components is still needed.

2. Design completion (50%)

a. A design that meets all of the previously mentioned requirements is complete.

b. The design will have completed a rigorous testing phase.

As per the feasibility report the design of the sections of the work zone and components to each were implemented. No real world testing has been completed or is foreseen at the completion of this project.

3. Recommendation completion (100%)

a. All sections of the proposed RS-4 work zone have solutions that fit their problems.

b. Data has been analyzed and supports the conclusions determined for each section of the work zone.

At the time of the final report, all sections of the design have a solution that meets the needs of that section. The crash data supplied by CTRE has been analyzed, and the results support the design of the new RS-4 work zone

4. Design implementation (0%)

a. Proposed solutions to each section of the work zone have begun a detailed design process.

Although the originally intended purpose of this project was to have a working prototype of a safety device, the project proved to be overwhelming in size. The project has been shifted to produce documentation that will be useful for the future design teams that could then take a smaller part of this project and complete it for testing by the IaDOT.

5.2 Lessons learned

This senior design project was a continuous learning experience. A lot of things worked for the group and others did not. One of the things which worked was the idea of breaking the project down into different pieces and having individual groups work on each part. Since there was seven members, the workload on each member was not excessive and a lot of topics were covered at the same time, leading to a better overall project. If focus was put on one particular component of the project, it would have been a severely limited project with limited applications. However, since a number of different components got worked on, the project can be used as a whole or the individual components can be used depending on the requirement. Another good point was the support that the team members gave each other. The sense of co-operation and help offered by team members to each other proved invaluable in completing this project. All team members helped with their personal expertise and brought a lot of skills to the table.

Since it was an inter-departmental project and was the first one between the CCEE and ECpE departments, some problems were encountered with the requirements for the project, since they were different for both departments. Even though efforts were made to resolve the issue at the beginning of both semesters, some requirement problems persisted. This issue created some friction in the group as the pressure to satisfy both departments’ requirements forced adjustments. Also, since it was a big group of seven members, meeting times for the group were tough to manage. In the first semester, we could only find one hour in the entire week to meet. Also, since one of the team members commuted from Des Moines, the group could not meet together in case of urgent requirement always. Team communication was also a problem sometimes as members did not manage to communicate absences or timing issues on occasion.

Since the project did not involve a formal design, there was not any gain of significant technical knowledge in any area. However, valuable knowledge was gained on technical communications and requirements of the clients which would prove useful in all future jobs. Also, since a specific end product was not defined in the beginning of the project, the project involved a lot of creative engineering output to determine the appropriate end products which would fulfill the requirements of the client.

The non-technical knowledge gained during this project involved learning to communicate well as a team, working on inter-departmental teams and working in a large group. The group also learned how to manage the time of meetings better so that precious time was not wasted. Risk management was also an important skill learned, by careful documentation and regular status reports. Since this project might have components that might involve future teams, it was made easy for others to carry on the work.

In retrospect, if this project was done over again, greater stress would be put on team communication and sorting out the requirements. Client communication could also be improved as there were not too many opportunities to get feedback on the project during the semester. Also, defining the end product would be something to be worked on more.

5.2.1 Risk and Risk Management

The risks faced in the project were:

1. Loss of a team member

2. Delay in submitting requirements

3. Unacceptable end product

4. Unacceptable team member participation

5. Work load division

These risks were managed well during the project. Since it was a large team, work distribution was not a big issue. The project was easily divisible into distinct components and each team member was assigned a part. Since good status reports and the copies of the work done were posted online, the loss of a team member would not have been a crippling situation.

In case a team member was not participating to an expected level, the matter was discussed with the person at the weekly team meeting and resolved. After each component was finished, the client feedback was requested so that the final product does not turn out to be unacceptable to the client.

Since a specific end product beyond a report was not defined at the beginning of the project, the timeline was not clearly defined. Only the project deliverables required by the department has specific deadlines which were met on time.

5.3 Commercialization Potential and Possibilities

The commercialization potential associated with this project is contingent on the approval of the IaDOT. Since IaDOT is the principle client, design must conform to their needs and requirements. There has been money allocated for research and development of this kind, but to obtain this financial support, the project must have definite implementation possibilities. The financial assistance that is received for this project will be directly related to the feasibility as seen by IaDOT.

5.3.1 Commercialization Considerations

There are many considerations that must be accounted for before the IaDOT can allocate money for this project. The following sections contain the considerations for commercialization that apply to this project

▪ Possible Markets

The primary market for this project is the IaDOT. It is them that will be providing funding for the project before any other corporation or group does. A secondary market could be other departments of transportation throughout the United States. This can be done if the system is in compliance with all the MUTCD standards.

▪ Competing Products and Companies

There are currently various companies that are working on individual components of work zones to make them more automated, and safer for all concerned. To the extent of the group’s knowledge, the Iowa State University May 04-01 senior design group is the only group currently working with the IaDOT in such an endeavor.

▪ Product Ownership

The different components of the project will be delivered to the IaDOT as a product. The May 04-01 senior design group retains all documentation, and design as intellectual property. As creators of the system May04-01 reserves the right to distribute the information compiled as it is deemed necessary.

▪ After-the-Sale Support

After the purchase and implementation of any one component of the system, support will be available from certain members of the May04-01 group, and the subsequent groups that follow. Instructions for operation will be sufficient to both operate, and troubleshoot the system as needed.

▪ Other Product Considerations

Being an all encompassing system, the project will be designed to interface with nothing that is not accounted for in the project scope. This being said, future teams may find it necessary to incorporate other systems as they deem necessary.

▪ Other Alternatives

As stated in the section dealing with product ownership, the group has the right to pursue other markets besides from the IaDOT. This decision will be contingent on the funds allocated by the IaDOT in research and design of the end products. Products designed and built with IaDOT contributions may not be sold to other entities.

▪ Required Resources

To complete this project as planed will require monetary contributions from IaDOT. These contributions will be needed to buy current technology that we will be modifying to fit into our scope, and the parts needed to construct completely new technologies. Being that this project may be very demanding monetarily, it will be necessary to spread out the cost over a certain period of time. That being said, future senior design teams will have to contribute a significant amount of man hours to complete the design and implementation of the project as designed thus far.

▪ Senior Design Considerations

The total cost of this system, as is, will be determined as research on the money allotted the project is completed. As previously mentioned, the IaDOT will be the primary source of funding for this project, as well as the primary customer. The overall financial benefit of this product will be seen mostly by the IaDOT. At completion of this project it is foreseen that there will be an established relationship between the IaDOT and the Iowa State University senior design program. It is anticipated that this relationship will produce future interaction with the IaDOT and the senior design program.

5.4 Project Team Information

The following section contains information about those who are involved in the project.

5.4.1 Client Information

The contact for the client (IaDOT) of the Road Construction Safety Project is listed in the lines to follow.

Iowa Department of Transportation

Contact: Mark Bortle, Safety Engineer

800 Lincoln Way

Ames, IA 50010

Phone: (515) 239-1587


5.4.2 Faculty Advisor Information

The following faculty members will act as advisors to the project throughout the year.

Dr. John Lamont


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Iowa State University

324 Town Engineering Building

Phone: (515) 294-3600


Ralph Patterson III

Assistant Professor

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Iowa State University

326 Town Engineering Building

Phone: (515) 294-2428


Duane E. Smith, Professional Engineer

Adj. Assistant Professor

Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering

Iowa State University

Ames, IA 50011-3180

Phone: (515) 294-8817


Center for Transportation Research and Education (CTRE)

ISU Research Park

2901 S. Loop Drive, Suite 3100

Ames, IA 50010-8632

Phone: (515) 294-8103

FAX: (515) 294-0467

5.4.3 Student Team Member Information

Following people are the senior design team members of the Road Construction Safety Project. They are all students from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and the Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering.

Clinton Dawson

Team Leader

Computer Engineering

3905 Quebec Street

Ames, IA 50014

Phone: (612) 386-0249


Angel V Anderson

Communication Coordinator

Computer Engineering

5122 Frederiksen Court

Ames, IA 50010

Phone: (515) 572-8037


Amit K. Agarwal

Computer Engineering

200 Stanton #201

Ames, IA 50014

Phone: (515) 598-9375


Matthew J. Baker

Electrical Engineering

1320 Gateway Hills #602

Ames, IA 50014

Phone: (515) 460-3722


Joshua B. Keith

Civil Engineering

1008 Mesa Verde Pl

Ames, IA 50014

Phone: (515) 290-3386


Abdul R. Nuhu

Electrical Engineering

1120 Kennedy st

Ames, IA 50010

Phone: (515) 233-2321


Nancy Elizabeth Suby-Bohn

Civil Engineering

312 Corning Avenue

Des Moines, IA 50313

Phone: (515) 244-8361


5.4.4 Additional Faculty Involved

The following faculty members (non-advisors) are involved in the project and will contribute to the team.

Veronica J. Dark

Associate Professor

Department of Psychology

Iowa State University

Science I Room 374

Ames, IA 50011-3180

Phone: (515) 294–1688

FAX: (515) 294-6424


Max Porter


Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering

Iowa State University

416A Town Engineering Building

Ames, IA 50011-3180

Phone: (515) 294-7456


5.5 Conclusion

The IaDOT has expressed the need for increased driver awareness and effectiveness in the work zone. Dr. Dark established the need to get the driver’s cognitive decision process level instead of attracting the driver’s awareness for effectiveness. In order to do this, new ideas to expand the current list of safety technologies are being sought. The purpose of this report is to evaluate different alternatives and implement ways alternatives can be evaluated. Final Alternates chosen for the design process were based on the cost/effectiveness/plan guidelines matrix. During the design phase, these alternatives will be elaborated on, and provide the IaDOT with a useful product to help increase the driver’s cognitive awareness.

Through research and analysis of the problems facing the RS-4 work zone, the May04-01 team has made extensive progress in addressing the needs of the IaDOT. The groundwork that has been set with the research and design should provide sufficient information for the next senior design team to continue the design and implementation of the proposed solutions.

5.6 References

Iowa Department of Transportation

Note: The title page image was taken from the I.D.O.T. website

Minnesota Department of Transportation

National Work Zone Safety Information Clearinghouse

Nebraska Department of Roads

U.S. Department of Transportation – Federal Highway Administration

U.S. Department of Transportation – Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)

University of New Hampshire Technology Transfer Center

Comparison of ORS and Asphalt Rumble Strips, by Eric Meyer, the University of Kansas and Scott Walton, the University of Kansas.

MapQuest™ website and related links on page

California Department of Transportation

Work Zone Safety Facts

ARROWS: Advanced research on road work zone safety standards in Europe

Texas Transportation Institute

New York DOT

Older FHWA research

Newsletter with links

Jeff, Iowa Plains Signs, Inc. Hwy 210W, PO Box 654, Slater, IA 50244-0654,

515-685-3536, ipsi@

Dave Krahulec, John Thomas Inc., 1415 Franklin, Grove Rd, Dixon. IL 61021


Marlowe Dickinson, Dickinson Company, Inc., 1616 “D” Ave W, Oskaloosa, IA 52577


Jim Heger, Bonnie’s Barricades, Inc., 1547 Michigan St, Des Moines IA 50313

8877. jheger@

5.7 Appendix A

Reference Material will be added later with an Appendix CD


Symbols taken from U.S. Department of Transportation – “Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices”

List of Symbols

Figure 1 -- Taken from U.S. Department of Transportation – “Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices”

4.3.3 Deliverable Gantt Chart

The Gantt chart in the following figure shows the project deliverables and the necessary time and tasks required to complete each of those deliverables.

Gantt chart of deliverables Table 4.12

4.3.2 Gantt Chart

The Gantt chart in the following figure shows the revised project timeline with deliverables and the necessary time and tasks required to complete each. The previously estimated time required for each task is indicated with a solid bar. The actual time for each task whose timeline varied from the estimates is indicated below it the estimate with a lined bar.

Revised/Actual Gantt chart of Project Schedule Table 4.11

4.3.1 Original Gantt Chart

This chart shows the estimated project timeline with deliverables and tasks and the time originally estimated to complete each deliverable.

Original Gantt chart of Project Schedule Table 4.10


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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