TF-CBT in Early Childhood

TF-CBT in Early Childhood

Elizabeth Risch, Ph.D. Amanda Mitten M.A.

Child Trauma Services Training Program University of Oklahoma, Center on Child Abuse and Neglect

Overview of Today

Review Each Component of TF-CBT tailoring to early childhood population.

Teaching & Practicing on Developmental Level

Repetition Routines Activity Language

Caregiver Involvement Logistical Support!

Prepared (or easy to do) activities Structure for Session

Do you know anyone ages 3-6?

What are they like? How do they talk? How do they play? How do they get your attention, needs

met? How do they express emotions? How do they use their body?

When a 3-6 year old is in your therapy room...

Less is More (volume, intensity, words)

Off task Not cooperative

Young children are frequently off task

Be flexible!

Be fun!

Be quick! PLAY!!!!

If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right.

-Barbara Bonner

Trauma Impacts

Traumatic Event(s)

Think (Cognition)

Our experiences impact how we see ourselves, others & the


Do (Behavior)

Feel (Affect)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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