WD Lay Director Responsibilitie


• Each Lay Director will be provided the following materials needed for the Team Training:

✓ Handbook on Emmaus

✓ Manuals

✓ Overheads and laminated sheets

✓ Paper and pens

✓ Name tags & marking pens

✓ Team folders

✓ Talk outlines

✓ Talk review sheets

✓ Reservation Forms

✓ Lighter

✓ Computer files for the Detailed Schedule and Team Lists etc.

• The following items need to be supplied by the Team:

✓ Bible

✓ Candle

✓ Overhead projector and screen

✓ Extension cords

✓ Amplification equipment

• The $75.00 fee for the Weekend is also waived for the Lay Director. In lieu of the fee we ask that the Lay Director restock the supply tub with all the expendable supplies including the following:

✓ Paper

✓ Pens

✓ Name Tags

✓ Marking Pens

✓ Folder Covers

• The Detailed Schedule included with your materials may be modified for each Walk by inserting the names of the many people scheduled to talk or perform during the weekend. This Schedule follows the Three-Day Schedule printed on Pages 93 through 156 in the Directors’ Manual. However, it does contain additional information that you and your assistants may find helpful during the weekend.

• The Detailed Schedule does contain a significant amount of additional music that is not shown on Three-Day Schedule. This music is included to be used as “filler” to keep from getting ahead of schedule and as a bridge between the various segments of the Walk. The Lay Director may choose to use as much of this additional music as is deemed appropriate. Please keep the Musician informed as to how much of the music should be used during the weekend.

Preliminary Duties

• Prepare a short list of persons to recommend as Assistant Lay Directors and other team positions.

• Meet with the Team Selection Committee to select potential members for the team.

• Call the laypersons that are selected to serve on the team.

• Call Team Selection Committee Chairperson to discuss other prospects if you run out of names or have other problems completing your team assignments.

• Finalize the team roster and give copies to the Team Selection Chairperson and Community Lay Director.

• Meet with the Spiritual Director and Board Advisor to establish team meeting dates and location(s) and the prayer partner schedule. Confirm meeting location(s) with the Board Advisor.

• Read the Lay Director’s Guidelines on pages 13 through 17 of the Director’s Manual.

• Pick the Theme Scripture for the weekend (optional).

• Pick a Theme Song for the weekend, if desired.

• Mail a “welcome to the team” letter to each team member. Include Meeting Schedule, Team Roster, Talk and Prayer Schedule, Theme Scripture, a Talk Outline for lay-speakers, Team Meeting Schedule, Refreshment Schedule and arrangements for lunch for first team meeting, if required.

• Check with the Board Advisor to make sure that the Photographer has been scheduled for the weekend.

• Meet with the Assistant Lay Directors and Board Advisor to review the procedures and responsibilities for the team meetings and on the Walk.

• Check with the Kitchen, Agape Acts, Music/Entertainment and Facility Set-Up/Breakdown Chairpersons to insure that all is in order.

Prior to First Team Meeting

• Prepare Perseverance Talk for preview.

• Make up Team Supply Packets that include folder, paper, main points of each talk

• Check supply container to make sure all the required materials for the team meetings are provided including:

✓ Sing Hallelujah and other song overheads.

✓ Come Holy Spirit card and overhead.

✓ Candle and Bible.

✓ Extra paper and pens.

✓ Name Tags & marking pen.

✓ Tripod

✓ Badge List

• Check to make sure you have access to an overhead projector (2 Bulbs) and screen or clear wall and power cords.

• Check to make sure you have access to a podium and table for the Bible and candle.

Team Meetings

• Welcome team.

• Orientation of team by Board Training Member (First meeting)

• Preview Talks. If possible, talks should be given in the same order as on the weekend.

• Include the Assistant Spiritual Directors, Musicians and Agape Team members at the tables during the talk previews.

• Emphasize that all talks on the weekend are to be the same talk that was previewed. Talks may be modified only to incorporate suggestions make during the preview and to incorporate information from other talks or situations encountered on the weekend. In no case shall a talk be completely changed from the talk previewed. Any change that significantly impacts the content of the talk must be discussed with the Board Advisor and Lay Director prior to giving the talk.

• Fourth Day talks


• Conduct the Walk in accordance with the Director’s Manual.

• Address the use of cell phones at the same time you request the Pilgrims to remove their watches. Cell phones should also not be used on the weekend unless specific permission is given by the Lay Director.

• Hold team meetings and invite all team members to share celebrations as well as concerns on Thursday and Friday nights, if necessary.

• Make sure that at least two (2) leaders are at the leader’s table while Pilgrims are in the room.

• Rely upon your Assistants to carry out the bulk of the responsibilities during the weekend.

• Stay in close and cooperative communication with the Spiritual Director.

Prior to the Closing Ceremony

• Oversee the Cleanup of the Meeting Room by the Team and Pilgrims.

Post Closing

• The Lay Director may choose to present the speaker candles to the speakers at the close of the Weekend. Or, the Lay Director should simply direct the speakers to pick-up their candle after the closing.

Post Weekend

• Participate in the Fourth Day meeting with the Pilgrims and team on Tuesday night.

• Meet with the Assistant Lay Directors to evaluate the Walk in order to learn from mistakes, celebrate victories and to suggest improvements to the Heartland Emmaus Board.

• Fill out the Team Evaluation Form (See Lay Directors' Disk) and submit the form to the Board Advisor.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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