JOB DESCRIPTION Director of Contracting and Performance

[Pages:6]JOB DESCRIPTION Director of Contracting and Performance

Job Profile Job Title

Director of Contracting and Performance

Responsible to Chief Officer, Brent, Harrow and Hillingdon CCGs

Accountable for

Deliver the CCGs' required strategy and outcomes through robust contract negotiation and in year performance management for all contracts across a portfolio in excess of ?1.7bn

Develop the contracting approach as CCGs move away from traditional NHS contracts to a capitation funded, integrated care model


London - Harrow and Marylebone Road


Very Senior Manager (VSM)

Job Summary

Reporting to the Chief Officer for Brent, Harrow and Hillingdon CCGs, the Director of Contracting and Performance works as a member of Executive Teams of the BHH Federation and the CWHHE Collaborative to deliver the CCGs' strategic aims through high quality contracting and performance management.

The Director of Contracting and Performance holds overall responsibility for the following portfolio:

Develop an overarching contracting strategy that interprets and incorporates CCG commissioning intentions and QIPP Plans, supporting delivery of transformation and service redesign initiatives.

Lead on all contracting activity as part of key relationship management, performance management and risk management role working with a wide range and variety of NHS including Foundation Trusts.

Lead all provider management services; ensuring providers deliver to agreed contracts and to financial, quality and performance requirements.

Work with the Director of Strategy and lead on the development of new contracting models to support the move to Whole Systems Integrated Care. Work collaboratively with Senior Team members and champion the ethos of a clinically led commissioning group.

Direct management and leadership across a range of teams and contracts of influence across the CCG's, including and not limited to all major acute, community and mental health contracts.

Key activities and responsibilities

Role Specific Responsibilities/key activities

- To lead the contract portfolio across North West London, with a combined value in excess of ?1.7 bn, on behalf of the 8 CCGs.

This includes: - Support of the development of commissioning intentions, and advise how these can be successfully negotiated into contracts - Develop the contracting strategy in response to the commissioning intentions - Develop negotiation strategies for each contract - Manage the contracting round process - Lead contract negotiation teams - Achieve signed contracts within timescales and financial envelopes - Manage the in-year contract governance process - Ensure the realisation of negotiated benefits and expected outcomes - Manage contracts within the agreed financial envelopes - Manage provider performance against all national and local targets - Liaise with CSUs who lead on out of area contracts for the CCGs to ensure that they are robustly negotiated and managed and that NWL CCG intentions are reflected in contracts and delivered - Provide professional leadership, technical advice and support to the devolved contracting and performance staff within the CCGs

Provide a robust performance management function to monitor, sustain and improve provider performance against agreed national and local targets. Specifically, this will involve: - Ensure that all providers sustain delivery against all relevant national standards - Provide peer support and constructive challenge to providers regarding performance and offer benchmarking data as appropriate - Identify early warning of risk against national targets supported by defined triggers to enable early intervention as appropriate - Provide expert support in the development of Pressure Surge Assurance, planning e.g. winter planning, and identify risk in regard to specific providers to support system management by CCGs for acute, community and mental health providers within NWL; - Manage the winter assurance process for acute, community and mental health providers - Ensure that an appropriate action plan is developed and implemented in response to risk identified by the Pressure Surge Assurance process

Work with the Director of Transformation and Strategy, lead the development of new contracting models to support the move to Whole Systems Integrated Care.

Ensure the contractual portfolio promotes integrated commissioning and further strategic developments like Shaping a Healthier Future.

Lead the development of the contracting and performance directorate through sharing best practice and knowledge of markets/industries to inform and improve the

contracting and market management function and promote best practice.

Lead on the commissioning of London Ambulance Services across London, on behalf of all London CCGs.

Responsible for ensuring the CCGs are aware, and stay up-to-date with, national and regional developments in commissioning and ensure they take steps to respond as required.

Ensure that the CCGs have, and promote the relevant policies which meet NHS and statutory requirements.

Ensure robust mechanisms for continuous operational and business improvement processes are in place.

Proactively engage and build relationships with the CCGs, provider trusts and key stakeholders.

Act as a full member of the CCG Executive Management Teams.

Manage, motivate and inspire team members, investing time in their development.

Build and maintain an effective and functionally flexible team and provide effective line management to direct reports.

Lead by example in order to engender behaviours that give consistent expression to the CCGs' values and to ensure C&P staff behaviours reflect these values.

Promote a learning culture that encourages the use of initiative and supports personal and team development through team and individual performance appraisal and review, evaluation and evidence-based examples of good practice.

Build effective relationships with colleagues at all levels through open communication and constructive feedback.

Proactively manage poor performance, grievance and disciplinary issues in a sensitive and professional manner.

Develop a continuous performance improvement culture and systems so that improved outcomes are pursued and any underperformance is tackled in a proportionate, timely fashion.

Actively support the development of individuals and the team through appraisal, personal development planning, coaching and mentoring.

Work in partnership with others and as part of cross directorate teams to deliver successful outcomes

Equality and Diversity

Promote Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in employment practices and leadership relationships

This post is subject to the terms and conditions of employment of Brent CCG.

This is not an exhaustive list of duties; staff are therefore required to undertake any other duties commensurate with the grade and in line with the requirement of this post.

Confidential information may be accessed at times and all staff must ensure that the highest level of confidentiality is maintained at all times.

All staff must comply with the Staff Code of Conduct. Senior Managers must also comply with the NHS Code of Conduct for Managers, based on the Nolan principles of public accountability.

Membership of a professional body in order to practice (e.g. NMC registration for nursing staff) is a requirement of some roles, for those staff it is a condition precedent of employment to maintain membership of such a professional body. Individuals are also responsible for complying with the relevant professional body's code of practice.

This job description is subject to change from time to time, in discussion with the post holder.

Person Specification ? Director of Contracting and Performance

All managers employed on the VSM framework are expected to display the competencies and behaviours as outlined in the NHS Leadership Framework.


Specialist Skills

Executive Director level experience Excellent leadership skills Proven and significant leadership

experience Expert knowledge of NHS contracts and

the contract management process Expert knowledge and experience of

managing contracting rounds and the successful negotiation of contracts Significant experience of successful performance and activity risk management and improvement Extensive change management experience at a senior management level Experience of delivering transformation through contracts Knowledge of clinical procurement, including public procurement rules and EU processes Extensive experience of provider performance management and improvement and continuing care Knowledge of system-wide working in complex and politically sensitive environments

Exceptional communicator, able to create impact and demonstrate proactive relationship awareness.

Understanding of the dynamics within a business arena and balance against political environment.

Senior Management and leadership skills from a breadth of disciplines

Comprehensive understanding of contracting and performance strategy and processes

Experience of clinical procurement?

People Skills

External Impact

Ability to work confidently with Chief Executives and other senior individuals across a range of NHS and non-NHS organisations including Foundation Trusts, teaching hospitals, local authorities and the voluntary and social enterprise sectors

Demonstrable ability to create constructive teams.

Extensive experience of matrix working and influencing groups of staff from various parts of the organisation.

Leading a large workforce successfully, To lead by example and engender a

sense of purpose and vision within the overall context of the organisation's objectives

Leadership oversight of the NHS commissioning system in London and a proven ability to work with stakeholders

Experience in managing system-wide services that impact on large populations

Exceptional negotiator with highly developed influencing skills to support and facilitate agreements across a range of stakeholders

Support creativity and innovation within staff groups at all levels

Decision Making

Creative Thinking/Innovation

Ability to make difficult and challenging decisions that support strategic aims and long term vision

Demonstrate sound judgement and flexibility across a range of complex issues that affect providers across North West London and a population of 1.9m

Ability to think creatively and implement innovation for the contracting and performance directorate and the CCGs in general

Values and Behaviours

o Demonstrable commitment to and focus on quality, promotes high standards to consistently improve patient outcomes

o Demonstrate appreciation and acknowledgement of the range and complexities of diversity: self awareness in terms of emotional intelligence, biases and personal triggers;

o Cultural competence ? cultural sensitivity and awareness. o Demonstrably involves patients and the public in their work o Consistently puts clinicians at the heart of decision making o Values diversity and difference, operates with integrity and openness o Works across boundaries, looks for collective success, listens, involves, respects

and learns from the contribution of others o Uses evidence to make improvements, seeks out innovation o Actively develops themselves and others o Self-awareness in terms of emotional intelligence, biases and personal triggers

with cultural sensitivity and awareness o Demonstrable commitment to partnership working with a range of external


Skills and capabilities

o Dynamic personality with the ability to build trusted stakeholder relationships and wide support networks.

o Strong external communication skills o Ability to create concise and insightful communications for dissemination to all

stakeholder groups.


o Evidence of successful working across whole organisational teams


o Educated to Masters level in relevant subject o Equivalent level of experience of working at Board level in a specialist area. o Significant evidence of continued professional development


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