City Vision University

Curriculum Vita: January 2013

Jay E. Gary, PhD

PeakFutures, Virginia Beach, VA

Email: jay@

Job Title:

Director, Center for Professional Development, PeakFutures.

Assistant Professor, Regent University School of Business & Leadership,

Program Director, Regent’s Master of Arts in Strategic Foresight,

Description: Dr. Jay Gary is the director of PeakFutures since 1998, a research and training firm launched that helps mid-career professionals and organizations climb higher and see further. He is the developer of their Advanced Certificate in Strategic Foresight program, which offers both managers and consultants skill-based competencies in systems thinking, environmental scanning and scenario planning, leading to organizational transformation.

In addition, Dr. Gary has been a member of the faculty of the School of Business & Leadership at Regent University since 2004. He is an assistant professor who directs the “Strategic Foresight” program, which helps students from the MBA to the Doctoral level master the art of foresight in both business and community contexts. He serves as program director of the M.A. in Strategic Foresight, and also teaches in the Doctor of Strategic Leadership degree. He also directs the Christian Futures Network.

Before coming to Regent, Dr. Gary served more than two decades as a strategy consultant to non-profit, public and private enterprises. Throughout the '90s, he worked as a "millennial consultant" helping communities mark their passage into the 21st century. In 1994, he penned the first inspirational book on how to celebrate Christ’s 2,000th jubilee.

From 1982 to 1989, Dr. Gary served as the lead developer of the Perspectives Study Program, and then as a conference planner with the Lausanne movement, a network launched by Billy Graham. Before 1986, he served as a chaplain to college students, a global educator, and a magazine editor.

Current Teaching: 2011 - 2013:

Professional Studies:

FS 501: Horizon Scanning; FS 502 Forecasting; FS 503 Social Change; FS 504 Modeling; FS 505 Mapping; FS 506 Scenarios (5 CEUs each).


LDST 435: Strategic Planning (3 credits).


MSF: (3 credits) LMSF 602 Survey of Futures Studies, LMSF 603 Social Change, LMSF 604 Systems Thinking, LMSF 605 Forecasting Techniques, LMSF 606 Scenario Development, LMSF 607 Strategic Planning & Change Mgt; LMSF 609 Culminating Experience; LMSF 616 World Futures; LMSF 617 Human Futures; LMSF 618 Organizational Futures; LMSF 622 Images of the Future; LMSF 623 Religionists & Futurists; LMSF 624 Defense Futures; LMSF 671 Professional Futures; LMSF 690 Independent Study;

DSL: (6 credits) LDSL 703 Strategic Design, Planning & Implementation; LDSL 705 Organizational Structure, Systems and Environment; LDSL 707 Future Organizational Designs & Leadership Styles; LDSL 718 Global Futures & System Dynamics; LDSL 719 Social Change & Forecasting; LDSL 861-863 DSL Final Project

(3 credits) LDSL 711 Strategic Foresight; LDSL 741 System Dynamics; LDSL 742 Global Futures; LDSL 743 Social Change; LDSL 744 Issues Management;

PHD: (3 credits) LDGL 704 Strategic Foresight Leading to Organizational Change; LDGL 715 Futures Research & Global Change


Research interests in strategic leadership, leadership competencies, foresight assessments for individuals, groups and organizations, corporate foresight systems that include environmental scanning, Delphi panels, issues management and scenarios. Secondary research interests include global leadership, historical Jesus, post-industrial missiology, and world futures debate.

Applied expertise in employing futures methodology and anticipatory management systems in corporate, educational, non-profit, and government contexts; and developing foresight training at all levels from post-secondary to corporate or government contexts.


Ph.D., Organizational Leadership, Regent University, 2008

M.A., Education, California State University, Los Angeles, 1983

B.S., Industrial Management, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1976


Association of Professional Futurists, founding member, 2002 – present,

World Future Society, 1990 – present, lifetime member,

World Future Studies Federation, member, 2003 – present,

Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals, member, 2008- 2009,

International Leadership Association, 2007-2009,

Evangelical Missiological Society, 2006-2009,

Evangelical Theological Society, member, 2003 – 2009,

Christian Business Faculty Association, member, 2006 - 2008,

Society for Pentecostal Studies, 2011-present,

American Academy of Religion, member, 2000 – 2009,


Gary, J. E. (2011). Strategic leadership: Cultivating competencies for post-normal times. In Franco Gandolfi (Ed.), Foundations of contemporary leadership (pp. 193-207). Saarbrücken, Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.

Gary, J. E. (2006). The future of business as mission: An inquiry into macro-strategy. In T. Steffen & M. Barrett (Eds.), Business as mission: From impoverishment to empowered (pp. 253-273). Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library.


Gary, J. E. (2008, December 21). Evaluation of the Dian scales as a foresight measure. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Regent University, School of Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship, Virginia Beach, VA.

Zillges, G.; Gary. J. (2012) Instructional Technology Report: A 5-year plan. Regent University, February 15th.


Gary, J. E. (2012, Fall). Outlook for 2020: Results from a real-time Delphi survey of global Pentecostal leaders. Pneuma, 34(3), 1-32.

Gary, J. E. (2011, February). Toward a new macrohistory: An extension to Sardar's 'postnormal times.' Futures, 43(1), 48-51. doi:10.1016/j.futures.2010.04.033

Gary, J. E. (2010, September). Leading from the future: A review of the Regent foresight program. Journal of Futures Studies, 15(1), 119-133.

Gary, J. E. (2009, August). Foresight Styles Assessment: Testing a new tool for consulting futurists. Journal of Futures Studies, 14(1), 1-26.

Gary, J. (2008, September). The future according to Jesus: A Galilean model of foresight. Futures, 40(7), 630-642.

Gary, J. (2007). What would Jesus lead: Identity theft, leadership evolution, and open systems. Journal of Biblical Perspectives in Leadership, 1(2). School of Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship, Regent University.

Gary, J. E. (2004, Spring). Creating the future of faith: Foresighted pastors and organic theologians. Dialog: A Journal of Theology, 43(1), 36-40.

Gary, J. E. and Johnson, T. M. (1999, Fall). The watchword in world missions: Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the watchword “A Church for Every People by the Year 2000,” International Journal of Frontier Missions 16(3), 161-163.

Gary, J. E. (1996). A church for every people - Beyond 2000. Evangelical Missions Quarterly, 32(3), 292-295;

Gary, J. E. (1982). Agenda for students in the 80s. International Journal of Frontier Mission, 1(1), 23-34.


Gary, J. (2012, 10 September). Leading through complexity, 5th course, Homeland Security Certificate Program, PACE, Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA.

Gary, J. (2012, 6 September). Foresight education: The Regent experience. Webinar. Houston, TX: University Foresight Network.

Gary, J. E. (2012, 29 August; 5 & 12 Sept). Leading through complexity. Regent PACE webinar. Hatfield Christian Church, Pretoria, South Africa.

Gary, J. E. (2012, 30 August). Future proof your company: How to anticipate tomorrow’s surprises today. Business education series. Norfolk, VA: Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce.

Gary, J. E. (2012, 20 July). Landscape 2020: Models, practices & tools. Webinar on the future of work and workplaces, Holland, MI: Haworth, Inc.

Gary, J.E. (2012, 30 July). Religious Futurists meeting, Host of this SIG at the World Future Society annual conference, 40 participants, Toronto, ON.

Gary, J.; Slaughter, R. (2012, July 26) “Foresight Educators Boot camp,” 8 hour pre-course, World Future Society annual conference, Toronto, ON, Canada

Gary, J. E. (2012, 3 March). Outlook for 2020: Results from a real-time Delphi survey of global Pentecostal leaders. Religion & Culture section, presented at the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Abraham Ruelas (Chair), Virginia Beach, VA.

Gary, J.E. (2012, 12 Jan). “Outlook 2020: The future of Spirit-Empowered Christianity,” Empowered21, Global Council, Orlando, FL.

Gary, J. (2011, 26 Oct). The futures of futures education: Sustaining and disruptive innovation in graduate programs. Webinar presentation to the Association of Professional Futurists, Fall V-Gathering,

Gary, J. (2011, 13 Oct). Future proof your ministry: How to anticipate tomorrow’s surprises today. An international webinar for The Mission-Exchange, Atlanta, GA.

Gary, J. (2011, 9 Sept). Four Steps to Maintain Teacher Presence in Online Courses, an 8-minute Camtasia to the Annual Regent Faculty meeting.

Gary, J.; Spencer, F. (2011, July 8) “Foresight Educators Boot camp,” 8 hour pre-course, World Future Society annual conference, Vancouver, BC

Gary, J. (2011, July 7) “Jump-start your career as a foresight educator,” Education summit: Education and the new normal, plenary session, World Future Society annual conference, Vancouver, BC

Gary, J. (2011, 9 June). The future within us. In 2011 National Conference, Coaches session. Virginia Beach, VA: Institute of Cultural Communicators.

Gary, J. (2011, May 12) “Living in Postnormal Times: Reinvent, restructure & reconsider your leadership,” Master’s Residency, GLE, Opening Plenary,

Moderator, Faculty Focus Group, 3rd Annual QEP Roundtable, Living Latino: US Narratives, February 17, 2011, Regent University.

Discussion facilitator for Annual Virtual Conference on Moral Leadership, The Seven Deadly Sins in Leadership, December 17, 2010, GLE, Regent University.

Gary, J. (2010, Dec. 8). “Mapping the Future of Christianity: Forecasts, Scenarios and Wildcards,” Guest Lecturer. STH TH 850 Comparative Christianity, Dr. Todd Johnson, Boston University, Boston, MA.

Gary, J. (2010, Dec 2). “Emerging Issues Analysis,” 1 hour workshop for delegation of University Administrators from Universidad Indoamerica de Ecuador , hosted by Dr. Sergio Matviuk, Department of Global Affairs, Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA,

Gary, J. (2010, Sept 23). The Future of the Media Environment 2020. Guest Lecturer. CTV 528: Leadership Issues In Media, Dr. Norman Mintle, Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA,

Gary, J.; Steele, S. (2010, July 7) “Foresight Educators Boot camp,” 8 hour pre-course, World Future Society annual conference, Boston,

Gary, J.; Johnson, T. ; Bisk, T; Miller, R.(2010, July 10) “The Future of Faith,” 90 minute session, World Future Society annual conference, Boston,

Gary, J. (2010, June 24). Managing Change, Presenter, Impact Series 2010, GLE, Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA

Gary, J. (2010, May 16) “Postnormal Times: Moving from a language to a model of global transition,” Presenter, Leading Transformative Innovation, GLE Annual Roundtables of Research, Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA.

Gary, J. (2010, Apr 15). “Creating 21st Century Churches,” Presenter, Regent Pastor’s Luncheon, Church Relations, Regent University. Virginia Beach, VA,

Discussion leader, “Global Futures and the Middle East,” 2nd Regent RU Global Roundtable, A window to the Middle East, Coordinator, Dr. Corne Bekker. 11 February, Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA.

Gary, J. (2010, Jan 14). “Strategic Foresight: For such a time as this,” Online webinar address to prospective students, GLE marketing, Regent University.

Gary, J. (2009, Dec 3). “Global Christian Leadership,” Online webinar to Global Service Associates, 20 participants, Boulder, Colorado.

Gary, J. (2009, Nov 3). “Strategic Leadership,” for Center for Effective Organizations, School of Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship, Regent University, training program for China Association for International Friendly Contact (CAIFC).

Gary, J., Gomez, D, Osula, B., Bekker, C. (2009, Nov 3) Panelist, Online Dialogue with Faculty of Colegio de Estudiar Superior de Administracion in Bogota, Colombia, Faculty of Commercial Finance and Market Strategy, coordinated by Dr. Rodrigo Zarate and Dr. Gary Oster, Regent University.

Gary, J., Leading city transformation, Presenter, Bogota, Colombia, September 26, 2009, Skype presentation to , Contact: Edgardo Peña, A project coordinated by Dr. Sergio Matviuk for Regent University professors and students, involving them in service learning;

Gary, J. (2009, Sept. 24) “Futuring methods for media producers & directors,” Guest Lecturer. CTV 528: Leadership Issues In Media, Dr. Norman Mintle, Regent University.

Gary, J., Corporate decision-making: Is it future proof? Convener and presenter with Mary Beth McEuen and Donald Healthfield, World Future Society, Chicago, July 18, 2009,

Gary, J., How to start a new career as a futures educator, Convener and co-presenter with Susan Whitfield, World Future Society, Chicago, July 18, 2009,

Gary, J., Education summit: Innovation and creativity in learning, Moderator, one-day meeting, July 17, 2009, World Future Society, Chicago, July 17, 2009,

Gary, J., Modeling global futures, July 16, World Future Society, 1-day pre-course, Dr. Tom Ferleman, co-presenter,

Gary, J., The future of leadership in a black swan world, Presenter, GLE Alumni and Prospect Reception- Chicago, July 16, 2009,

Gary, J., Managing Change & Uncertainty, Presenter, Impact Series 2009, GLE, Regent University, May 28, 2009,

Gary, J. E., (2009, Jan 12). “The Future According to Jesus” lecture for PHIL 124, Pikes Peak Community College, Colorado Springs, CO, Professor Bruce McCluggage.

Gary, J.E. (2008, Sept. 25th). “Futuring: Management issues in the digital age” lecture for COM 639, Regent University master students, Dr. Norman Mintle.

Gary, J. (2008, November 14). Assessing Wilber's model of integral leadership. In Cornelius Bekker, (Chair), Spiritual leadership: Past, present and future. International Leadership Association, Los Angeles, CA.

Gary, J. E., Bekker, Gary, J. E., Heathfield, D., & Ferleman, T. (2008, July 28). Future management: Processes and tools. In World future 2008: Seeing the future through new eyes. Washington, DC: World Future Society.

Gary, J. E., & Molitor, G. T. T. (2008, July 25-26). Framing and forecasting patterns of change: A two-day course. In World future 2008: Seeing the future through new eyes. Washington, DC: World Future Society.

Gary, J.E. & Hoffmann, T. Facilitators. (2008, Feb. 10). A Scenario Planning Workshop: Thriving in the decade of radical transformation. Congregations in Ministry committee, The Episcopal Church USA, Quito, Ecuador.

Gary, J. E. (2007, October 4). Does forgiveness fit in the workplace? In Paul Yost (Chair), Human Resource Practices. Bridging Sunday and Monday: Making Faith Really Matter in Business, The Center for Integrity in Business, Seattle Pacific University, Seattle, WA.

Gary, J. E. & Molitor, G. (2007, Sept. 20). Foresight 2007: The 5th annual futures conference for Christian Leaders. Regent University, Va. Beach, VA.

Gary, J. E. (2007, July 31). “The Future According to Jesus.” World Future Society. Minneapolis, MN.

Gary, J. E. (2007, July 30). “Why Future Studies Needs a Theory Base.” World Future Society. Minneapolis, MN.

Gary, J. E., Bezold, C., & Peters, T. (2006, Sept. 20-22). Foresight 2006: The 4th annual futures conference for Christian Leaders. Regent University, Va. Beach, VA.

Gary, J. E., & Lombardo, T. (2006, July 30). The future of science, religion and spirituality. World Future Society, Toronto, Canada.

Gary, J. E. (2006, 24 March). Self-sacrificial leadership: Using ancient and contemporary models to foster Islamo-Christian culture. In Frederick Denny (Chair), Religious Rhetoric and Violence. Rocky Mountain-Great Plains Meeting, American Academy of Religion & Society of Biblical Literature, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO.

Gary, J.E., Kirby, R., & King, T. (2005, July 31). Futurists vs. Religionists: Conflict, conversation, and convergence. World Future Society, Houston, Texas.

Gary, J.E., Burton, L.E., Hines, A., Slaughter, R. & Shostak, A. B. (2005, July 31). The future of futures research. World Future Society, Chicago, IL.Gary, J. E., Dror, M., Johnson, T., Cassidy, D. (2004) "The Future of Transmodern Spirituality," World Future Society annual conference, Washington, DC; August 1, 2004.

Gary, J. E. (2004) "Future Proof Your Ministry," workshop, Christian Futures, Penrose House, Colorado Springs, January 24, 2004.

Gary, J. E. (2003) "Creating Our Future," plenary, Colorado Springs 2020 Forum, City Hall, Colorado Springs, CO; October 19, 2003.

Gary, J. E. (2003) "Does Faith Have a Future?," World Future Society-Colorado Springs, February 27, 2003.

Gary, J. E. (2003) "A Question of Integrity," World Future Society annual conference, Philadelphia, PA, July 19, 2003.

Gary, J. E., Greenwood, D. and Donnelly, K. (2002) "The Future of Cities," World Future Society annual conference, San Francisco, July 21, 2002.

Gary, J. E. and Rabey, S. (2002) "Covering the Future," Evangelical Press Association national conference, Colorado Springs, CO, April 29, 2002.

Gary, J. E. (2000) "Beyond Millennium Madness," Pikes Peak Library Channel, TV lecture, Colorado Springs, CO, February 15, 2000.

Gary, J. E. (1999) "The Mile High Millennium," plenary to civic leaders, downtown Denver, CO, May 7, 1999.

Gary, J. E. (1997) "Ten Global Trends in Religion," World Future Society annual conference, San Francisco, July 17, 1997.

Gary, J.E. (1996, Jan 1.) Celebration 2000. Interview on CNN.


Member, (2012, Sept.), Discipline Curriculum Committee, “Business & Leadership,” Regent University, Chairs: Timothy Redmer, Joseph Bucci. Reports to the Executive VP.

Advisory Board, (2012, July). World Future Review, Sage journal,

Board of Directors, (2012, June) Global Evangelization Movement, Richmond, VA,

Co-chair, (2011, March). Regent Technology Planning Committee, along with Ginger Zillges, Center for Teaching and Learning, Regent University. Report completed in February 2012.

Steering Committee, (Spring 2010) Learning Section, World Future Society, Coordinator, David Stein,

Advisory Board, (Fall 2009, renewed March 2012) Foresight Education & Research Network, Coordinator: John Smart,

Steering Committee, (Fall 2009-Spring 2010) World 2100 Project, Dr. Andy Jackson, convener .

Regional Editor, North America, (Summer 2009-present) Foresight journal, Emerald, Cambridge, UK. Serving the editor, Dr. Ozcan Saritas,

Work group member for U.S. Army Deputy Chief of Staff G-2- Intelligence, at Winter 2009 Future of Operational Environment Seminar, 17-19 March, Portsmith, VA.

Editorial member (Oct, 2008), Journal of Strategic Leadership, Editor: Bruce Winston,

Review Committee, (Sept 2008) Special Issue on Professional Futures, May 2009, in Journal of Futures Studies, Tamkang University, Taiwan, Contact: Sohail Inayatullah, PhD,

Project leader (Sept, 2008), Spiritual Capital Research, Regent Center for Entrepreneurship, Coordinator: Jason Benedict,

Advisory Board (August, 2008), Berkshire Encyclopedia of the 21st Century (forthcoming), Editor: Thomas Lombardo,

Advisory Board, Member, (2008, July). Futures Education Project, Coordinator, Peter Bishop, Chair, Houston, TX.

Advisor Member, (2008, April), Nature Planning Network, August Jaccaci, Chair, New Gloucester, ME,

Advisor, (2008, April). Lifeboat Foundation, surviving existential risks from genetic engineering, nanotechnology, and robotics,

Advisor, Enfoque, (2007, Dec. 8). Citywide Transformation, Mexico City, Campus Crusade for Christ International,

Board of Reference, (2007, Dec. 5). WellSpirit Consulting Group, Inc., Lansing, IL, for Dr. Renee Hale

Council Member - Consultant (2007, Fall). Gerson Lehrman Group, Policy & Economics Council,

Board Chairman, (2007, Nov. 12). Global Service Associates, a 501-c-3 non-profit, PO Box 270643, Louisville, CO 80027,

Professional Development Committee, (2007, March), Association of Professional Futurists, Chair: Dr. Peter Bishop,

Advisory Member, (2007, February to present), Alliance for Vulnerable Mission, Dr. Jim Harries, Chair, Maseno, Kenya,

Springs 2000 Commission, 1999-2001; by the Mayor of Colorado Springs, founding Chair, then lead developer,

Center for Millennial Studies, Senior Associate, by History department, Boston University, 1997- 2001,

The Journey of the Magi, exploratory team, by the Catlin Foundation, 1996-1997,

Caleb Project, founding board, 1982-1987,


Gary, J. E. (1994). The Star of 2000: Our journey toward hope. Colorado Springs, CO: Bimillennial Press, 175 pp.

Gary, J. E. (1989). The Countdown Has Begun: The Story of the Global Consultation on AD 2000. Richmond, VA: Global Service Office, 252 pp.

Gary, J. E. (1982). Perspectives Curriculum Workshop: A Participant Notebook. Pasadena, CA: Institute of International Studies, 248 pp.


Consultant on Higher Education (Sept 7, 2012), City Vision College, Dorchester, MA. Accreditation and Program Development,

Consultant on Higher Education (Dec 19, 2011), William Carey International University, Pasadena, CA, Program Development,

Consultant, (May 2011- Jan 2012) to Global Cabinet, Empowered21, International Center for Spiritual Renewal, Billy Wilson, Cleveland, TN,

Consultant, (2010, Dec. 16). Certificate in Community Transformation, Communities of the Future, Rick Smyre, Gastonia, NC,

Consultant (2010, April 4) “Regent University: Toward 2020—an emerging issues proposal,” co-authored report for the Office of Institutional Effectiveness, Dr. James Downey, Regent University.

Consultant, (2007, Fall NASA Langley Research Center, Advanced Planning Office, on environmental analysis, Hampton, VA,

Council Member – Consultant (2007, Fall) Gerson Lehrman Group, Policy & Economics Council,

Consultant to Executive Committee, Issues Analysis, (2007, Fall). Forum Foundation, Seattle, WA, 98105,

Consultant to Strategic Lead team, Trends Analysis of 2020 youth culture (2007, Fall). Teen Mania, Garden Valley, TX 75771,

Advisor, Future of Mission Aviation, Spring, 2004, Global Mapping International,

Project developer, Holy Land Trust, 1996-1997,

Moderator. (1995 – 1996). Let’s Talk 2000 & AD2000-L listserve. University of Southern California,

Program Director and Conference planner, Leadership ’88: National Conference on Emerging Leaders, 1986-1989, in Washington, DC, ,

Lead developer, AD 2000 Movement, 1988 – 1990, including Conference Director for the Global Consultation on World Evangelization by AD 2000 and Beyond (GCOWE 2000 in Singapore, Jan 1989), on behalf of Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization, Dr. Thomas Wang, General Director,

Consultant, (1986-1988), Worldwide Student Network, Campus Crusade for Christ, US Campus Ministry, David English,

Lead Developer (1982-1986) Perspectives Study Program, Institute of International Studies, 1982-1986,


Gary, J. (2010, 1 January). The post-church letters: Voices from 2020. Church Executive Magazine.

Gary, J. (2009, 1 November). Self-sacrificial leadership: Is it time for Islamo-Christian culture? Transcendence Magazine. David Group International.

Gary, J. (2009, 1 October). Global Recession, Organizational Depression? Transcendence Magazine. David Group International.

Gary, J. E. (2010, Summer). Strategic foresight: Looking to the future to plan today. Outcomes Magazine, 34(2), 26-27.

Gary, J. E. (2007, Nov 5). Out of the corner of God's eye. Reflections on the future of spirituality, postmodernism, and integral theory.

Gary, J. E. (2007, Oct 18). Vulnerable mission: You mean what?, online op-ed,

Gary, J. E., (2007, Oct 24). Ready your nonprofit for the future. MinistryCOM, online interview,

Gary, J. E. (2005, June 5). Upgrade your decision making. weLEAD magazine.

Gary, J. (2007). Behold, I will do a new thing! Retrieved from

Gary, J. E. (2005, March 14). Crossing the Jabbok.

Gary, J. E. (2004, Spring). The future according to Jesus.

Gary, J. E. (2004, Fall). Leading through conflict. weLEAD magazine,

Gary, J. E. (2003, Summer). The pattern of biblical transformation,

Gary, J. E. (2002, November 4). Exploring Christian futures,

Gary, J. E. (2002, March 30). The myth that was Masada.

Gary, J. E. (2001, Sept 30). Terror in America: How should we respond? [This article was recognized by the Smithsonian Institution as a memorable piece of American journalism in response to 9/11]

Gary, J. E. (2001, May 30). The temple time bomb.

Gary, J.E. (2001, March 30). Unmasking religious terrorism.

Gary, J. E. and Kirby, R. S. (2000, July 10). The future of religion FAQ,

Gary, J. (2000, February). Future-proof your life. InterLit magazine, Cook Communications Ministries Int'l.

Gary, J. E. (1998, June 1). John Paul II: At the threshold of the third millennium.

Gary, J.E. (1995, July 29) From postmodern to bimillennial consciousness, SPS, Pentecostal scholars track, Orlando ’95: Congress on the Holy Spirit and World Evangelization,

Gary, J.E.; Hartz, D. H. (1991, October). A call for 21st century Christians. Lausanne magazine.

Gary, J.E. (1988, April 1) Leadership '88: It's time for a new generation to join together, Mission Frontiers,

Gary, J.E. (1987, February 1). The world by 2000: What is the true score? World Christian magazine.

Gary, J.E. (1986, July/August). Come with me: The story of the SVM. World Christian magazine.


World Future 2012, Annual Conference of the World Future Society, (July 27-29), and Professional Members Forum (July 30), Sheraton Wall Centre, Toronto, Canada.

“Design Thinking,” Professional Development Day, (July 27th), Association of Professional Futurists, OCAD, Toronto, Canada.

Society for Pentecostal Studies, Converge21 (Feb 29-Mar 2), Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA.

Work group member for U.S. Army Deputy Chief of Staff G-2- Intelligence, at Winter 2010 Mad Scientist Future Technology Seminar, 20-22 January, Newport News, VA.

Participant. God@Work: Integrating ministry and business (2007, Sept. 11). Rocky Mountain Regional, Christian Management Association, Colorado Springs, CO.

Participant. Business Serving the World. (2007, Oct 4-6). Christian Business Faculty Association: 2007 Annual Conference. Seattle, WA.

Speaker, ‘Congress on the Holy Spirit and World Evangelization,’ North American Renewal Service Committee, August 16-18, 1990, in Indianapolis,

Participant, Lausanne II in Manila, (1989, July). Manila, Philippines.

Participant, World Consultation on Frontier Missions, November, 1980, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1980


Lead developer, (2004-2006), Regent University, Master of Strategic Foresight, 17 course curriculum in Blackboard.

Producer for Graham Molitor, Forecasting patterns of change, streaming media, 2008.

Producer: Jaccaci, A. (2006). Mapping transformation through the Metamatrix. 7 session DVD series.

Producer: Slaughter, R.A. (2005) Pathways to foresight: 8 session DVD, 2005.

Gary, J. & Gary, O. (1983). The Luna Game: A Communication Experience. A cross-cultural simulation. Pasadena, CA: World Christian magazine.


Blackboard Advanced 9.1 Certification Program, (2012, Oct. 22), Center for Teaching & Learning, Regent University.

2010 Outstanding Reviewer Award, Emerald Literati Network, for service to Foresight journal,

Emerald Management Reviews Citation of Excellence, selected as one of 50 best articles published in 2008 of 15,000; for Gary, J. (2008, September). The future according to Jesus: A Galilean model of foresight. Futures, 40(7), 630-642.

Quality Matters Rubric Training (2009, Jan. 22). Center for Teaching & Learning, Regent University.

Gary, J. Faculty Readiness course, RU Ready? (2009, Dec 21)., Center for Teaching and Learning, Regent University.

Blackboard Basics Certification Program (2007, Oct. 17), Center for Teaching & Learning, Regent University.






Twitter: drjaygary

Twitter: RegentGLEMSF

Skype: peakfutures


Jay Gary, PhD

Email: jay@

Work Phone: 757-287-5055

Postal mail: PeakFutures, 1505 Lake James Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23464 USA.


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