The principal representative and policy making body of the Corporation shall be the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall possess the fiduciary responsibilities of the Corporation.


1. To do all things appropriate to manage the affairs of the Corporation consistent with the by-laws.

2. To adopt such necessary or appropriate By-laws for the government of the Corporation as may be consistent with the Articles of Incorporation, and designed to carry out the objectives and purposes of the Corporation; and to submit them to the members of the board for adoption by majority rule.

3. To employ an Executive Director who will manage the day-to-day operation of the Corporation. The Board of Directors will supervise the Executive Director, perform an annual evaluation and dismiss, if necessary. The Board of Directors shall specify in the Personnel Policies the process of selection and hiring, firing, and disciplining of personnel, and to establish grievance procedures to handle these matters.

4. To exercise reasonable care in the handling of funds of the Corporation and to carry out responsibilities to the government.

5. To make a list of the membership available for inspection, or copying on demand, at a reasonable time and place.

6. To assume, and be charged with, the responsibility of doing all things required by law and of complying with all the provisions of Federal and Arkansas Acts under which funding is received and programs are carried out. They shall be responsible for securing the maximum feasible participation of the residents of the areas in which programs will be carried out, and members of groups that the programs will serve at all stages in development, conduct and administrations of all such programs.

7. To determine, subject to regulation of funding sources, policies, major personnel, organization, fiscal and program policies.

8. To determine overall program plans and priorities, including provisions for evaluating progress against performance

9. To make final approval of all program proposals and budgets.

10. To enforce compliance with all conditions of grants.


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