









Private sector


Public sector



Hays Procurement is the leading recruitment partner to

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finding the best talent easier and quicker, and reduces the

risks involved in hiring.

We understand the impact and value a procurement team

brings to an organisation, as well as the skills and experience

required to succeed within the profession. Our consultants are

experts at helping organisations and professionals to develop

and grow. This is due to our expertise in finding and sourcing

talent, our unparalleled ability to engage with an extensive

network of procurement talent, and our capability to match

professionals to the right role.

Our connections on LinkedIn are unrivalled, with over 4 million

followers. Our unique integration allows us to simultaneously

search CVs alongside LinkedIn profiles in real-time. Applying

our search technology means we source the most relevant

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We also offer expert advice on salaries and benefits and

specialist insight into market trends. Our relationships with

leading institutes, including CIPS, mean we remain up-to-date

with the latest changes impacting the profession.

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We recruit for a range of roles across procurement in both the

private and public sectors.


This guide is taken from the Hays UK Salary & Recruiting

Trends 2021 guide. The salary data has been compiled

using information gathered during 2020 from Hays offices

across the UK. It is based on job listings, job offers and

candidate registrations.

The recruiting trends and benefits data is based on the

survey findings of almost 350 procurement employers

and employees. The survey was completed in October and

November 2020 by organisations of all sizes and sectors.



3 | Hays UK Salary & Recruiting Trends 2021



The value of procurement is evident with certain professionals receiving above average

pay rises, but employers struggling to hire may need to reassess their benefits offering

and promote interesting projects to attract the talent they need.

Activity concerns but optimism

for the future grows

Although the vast majority (84%) of procurement employers

expect their organisation¡¯s activity levels to increase or stay

the same over the next 12 months, this has dropped from

91% last year. However, that¡¯s still over half (58%) who expect

activity levels to increase.

Employer sentiment about long-term opportunities is

more positive than last year, although still muted. 37% of

procurement employers are optimistic about the wider

economic climate and the employment opportunities it may

create within the next 2-5 years, compared to 31% last year.


Average salary increase

over the last year

Shortage of suitable candidates could impact

hiring plans

Over the next 12 months, almost three quarters (71%) of

employers plan to hire staff, a rise from 64% last year.

Employers are increasing their focus on hiring permanent

professionals (59%) compared to last year (55%) and fewer

plan to engage with temporary, contract or interim staff

(27%) than last year (30%). Those private sector employers

who do plan to hire temporary, contract or interim staff in the

year ahead must ensure they are prepared for the reforms to

IR35 legislation, due to be enforced in April 2021 following its

postponement from April 2020.

Hiring in the year ahead will not be without its challenges.

58% of procurement employers expect to face a shortage

of suitable applicants when recruiting over the next

12 months, which is greater than the UK average (51%).

Other expected hiring challenges include applicants with

unrealistic salary requirements (47%) and competition from

other employers (42%).

Salary rises driving greater satisfaction

Salary rises have been less widespread than last year,

with just over half (57%) of procurement employers saying

they have increased their employees¡¯ salaries during the last

12 months compared to almost three quarters (73%) last year.

This is, however, a greater percentage than the UK average,

where 48% of employers raised salaries in the last year.

Average salary rises also continue to be higher within

procurement than in other industries. Procurement

professionals received an average increase of 1.9% compared

to 1.2% across the UK as a whole. Positive salary growth has

led to 70% of employees saying they are satisfied with their

salary, 8% higher than the UK overall.

Looking to the year ahead, salary increases are set to

remain steady in 2021, with 55% of employers expecting

their employees¡¯ salaries to increase.

Most employees (72%) say it is important that their

organisation is transparent about how pay levels and

pay rises are set. However, a third (33%) of procurement

employers do not agree that their organisation is

consistently transparent with employees.

Top specialist skills in demand:

Projects and change management


Finance expertise


Knowledge of IT infrastructure


Top soft skills in demand:

Ability to adopt change


Communication and interpersonal skills


 ver the next 12 months, almost


three quarters of employers

plan to hire staff, a rise from

64% last year.

Flexibility and adaptability


Hays UK Salary & Recruiting Trends 2021 | 4



Employers need professionals with ability to

adopt change

Lack of career progression fuelling employees

to move jobs

In terms of the specialist skills most needed by procurement

employers, 44% require project and change management

skills, almost no change from last year (42%). This is

followed by finance expertise (25%) and knowledge of IT

infrastructure (23%).

Over the last year, 37% of procurement professionals moved

jobs, and a further 44% considered doing so. In a reflection

of the challenges of the wider economy, 40% of those

who moved jobs in the last year did so due to redundancy.

A further 26% of professionals left their last job because

their salary was too low, 14% moved because of a lack of

career progression, and a further 14% changed because

of a lack of job security.

Employers also seek procurement professionals with strong

soft skills. The most needed soft skills include the ability to

adopt change and communication and interpersonal skills

(both 54%), as well as flexibility and adaptability (51%).

However, the priorities of employers and their employees

when it comes to soft skills are not necessarily aligned.

When asked which soft skills they would like to develop in

order to progress their career, procurement professionals

most wanted to improve their people management (39%),

critical thinking (30%) and negotiation skills (also 30%).

A lack of career progression ¨C or not conveying these

opportunities ¨C continues to be a problem for procurement

professionals. 42% of procurement professionals do not

believe there is scope for career progression at their current

organisation, on a par with last year (40%). Just under

a third (31%) of these professionals believe the Covid-19

pandemic has decreased the scope for career progression

at their organisation.

In the next 12 months, 57% of professionals expect to move

job, with just over a third (34%) planning to do so within six

months. The main reason professionals want to leave their

current role is because of a lack of future opportunities (21%)

followed by their salary or benefits package (20%).

For those not planning to move jobs in the next year, around

half (45%) say they could be tempted to consider moving if

the role offered a better salary or benefits package. A further

quarter (25%) say they could be tempted by the work itself,

highlighting how important it is that employers promote any

interesting projects when hiring.

Top three reasons employees want to leave their current role:

Lack of future opportunities


My salary and/or benefits package


Organisational restructure


Top three factors that would tempt employees to move job:

Better salary and/or benefits package



Future opportunities




The work itself

5 | Hays UK Salary & Recruiting Trends 2021


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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