General Company Information


|General Company Information |

This commercial site by i-CD Publishing (UK) Ltd. helps you find businesses and residences in the United Kingdom. You must register to use the site, and much of the information it provides is not free. However, if you're willing to work at it, you can find names, addresses and phone numbers without incurring a charge. To do this, run a query under the People Finder or Business Finder tab. Pass over the initial search results, and go to the bottom of the page where you will find a link labeled, "Search Free Directory Enquiries." Click it to retrieve the free basic contact information as well as a map of the company's or individual's location.

Paid subscribers can retrieve additional information, including electoral rolls from 2002 to present and company and director reports.


Duke University offers this database of images and information about print advertisements appearing in U.S. and Canadian newspapers and magazines between 1911 and 1955. (Some collections appear to go a few years beyond 1955). Search or browse the collection, which covers ads for beauty and hygiene, radio, television, transportation and World War II. Information provided about ads includes the ad headline, sponsoring company, year it appeared, and the publication running the ad. The keyword search function was down on the day we tested access.


This database contains information about advertisements appearing in print since 1940. The search feature works for paid subscribers only. Others may browse the collection by year or decade. Information provided about the ad includes the product name, company, publication where the ad appeared and issue date.

Annual Reports Service

This gateway site provide free access to company annual reports. Search or browse by company name or industry to find the reports. If an Adobe icon appears to the left of the company name, you may download the report. You must submit your name and address to complete the download.

A sister service provides access to free fund prospectuses. (See Fund Info Service)

AsiaWeek 1000

AsiaWeek provides a ranking, commentary, and data pertaining to Asia's largest 1000 companies. Data includes the company name, brief business description, country, sales and profit.

AsiaWeek Financial 500

AsiaWeek ceased publication with the 7 December 2001 issue. But the site still retains its archives online. Find Asia's 500 largest banks for the year 2000. AsiaWeek archives go back to 1995.

Better Business Bureau, The

The Better Business Bureau offers business and charity reports databases. The business reports database currently contains reports for businesses in select jurisdictions. It's a great way to learn something about private companies if the company does business in one of the select locations.


This commercial site by Dun & Bradstreet enables searching multiple commercial databases simultaneously. The searching is free. Results show the name of the company, its city/state, the type of information available (snapshot, profile, etc.) and how much it costs. The databases available include several by D&B--U.S. Business/Credit Reports, U.S. Company Profiles, International Business/Credit Reports, International Company Profiles, Country and RiskLine Reports and Export Guides, as well Company and Industry Reports (DataMonitor) and Company Profiles and Hierarchies by LexisNexis.

BizJournals Company Profiles Database

American City Business Journals, owner of , is testing a new company information database. It contains profiles on more than 880,000 public and private companies. For free, you may search the database by keyword and review basic information. Many of the basic entries contain the company name, headquarters location, phone and a link to the Web site. They also provide a brief description of the company, the names of select executives as well as links to related BizJournals' articles.

Currently, each entry prompts you to "get this company's full profile and more." It outlines the type of information missing from the basic report. However, when you follow the link for more information, you receive a prompt to sign up to be notified when the premium database is available. The offer includes a 45-day free trial (when it is available).

Business Boneyard

Hoover's Online offers a collection of company profiles on businesses that no longer exist. This content is available only to paid subscribers.

Business Filings Databases

Find a directory of state corporate information databases compiled and annotated by Kathy Biehl. It covers all 50 states.

Company Center

Find company profiles, executives, news, and financial information for public and private U.S. companies.


This InfoUSA database enables finding company contact information for free. Search by company name to find company name, address and telephone number. The site also enables submitting or reviewing opinion about companies. If you register with the site, you can purchase a business credit report. Reports include key contact information, lines of business, corporate affiliations, public records, Web site addresses, news and more.

Canadian Companies Research Guide

The Winspear Business Reference Library at the University of Alberta compiles this briefly annotated list of noteworthy sources of information about Canadian companies. It covers sources providing published articles, company directories, company profiles, company rankings, annual reports and financial data, company or industry comparison reports, company relationships and stock data.

Canadian Company Capabilities

Industry Canada offers a database of profiles of small and medium-sized Canadian companies and businesses involved in manufacturing, business services, and wholesale trade. Search by keyword, company name, location, SIC code or other criteria to find business contact information, year in business, primary business activity, product or service information (including whether it exports), technology profile, a description of the market and more.

Canadian Trade Index

Available in print, over the Web or on CD-ROM, the Canadian Trade Index provides information about Canadian companies and their products. Search by company name or product to find company contact information, product list, Web site, catalog, export regions and more.

Carlson Online

Carlson Online Services offers information about Canadian companies. It provides basic data, like company name, press releases, links to Web sites, delayed stock quotes, public filings, and related industry information (source is Strategis), for free. Fee-based services offer comprehensive and historic data as well as watch services. To obtain free data, search by company name, stock symbol, or industry.



|[pic]Sourcing the Deals |[pic]Doing the Definitive Agreement |

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|[pic]Doing Due Diligence |[pic]Doing Post Merger Integration |

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|[pic]Valuing the Companies |[pic]Entity Corporate Governance |

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|[pic]Structuring the Term Sheet or LOI |[pic]A Tool to Analyze The M&A Deal |

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|[pic]Negotiating Transaction Terms |[pic]Post Deal Consolidation Model  |





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