Curriculum Vita

1. Personal Details

Name: Ivor K. Davies Place of birth: Birmingham, UK

Social Security #: XXX_XXX_XXX Date of birth: December 19, 1930

Home address:

2447, Rock Creek Drive 32, Sandy Lane

Bloomington Teddington, Middx

Indiana 47401 England, UK TW11 0DH

TEL: (812)-339-4921 TEL: (011)-44-181-943-2297

FAX: (812)-336-7042 FAX: (011)-44-181-943-9122

Office Address: School of Education, Room 2228

Indiana University

W.W. Wright Education Building

201, North Rose Avenue

Bloomington, IN 4705-1006

Internet: davies@

(812)-856-8457 FAX: (812)-856-8440

Family: Shirley Diana Davies (née Winyard)

Simon Winyard Davies - son

Michelle Winyard Davies - daughter

Clubs: The Athenaeum

Royal Air Force Club

Consul Club

Institute of Directors (IOD)

2. Professional Details


Psychologist, consultant and educator

Present Position:

Professor of Education, Department of Curriculum & Instruction,

Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 47405. September 1, 1983 +

Professor of Education, Department of Instructional Systems Technology,

Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 47405. January 1, 1972 +

Adjuct Professor of Business Administration,

Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 47405. September 1, 1993 +

Assistant Director, Audio-Visual Center, Indiana University,

Bloomington, Indiana 47405. January 1, 1972 - August 31, 1978.

Associate Dean for Administration & Development, School of Education,

Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 47405. September 1, 1978-December 31, 1981. Responsibilities: Responsible for budget, personnel, and administration in the School of Education. Act as Dean’s staff liaison for affirmative action, alumni relations, Administrative Council secretary, and faculty recruitment.

Competencies and Experience

Competencies include skills in:

Theory & practice of performance analysis and instructional design, with particular reference to education and corporate training.

Front end analysis including needs analysis & assessment, task analysis & process mapping; analysis of human error.

Organizational change & restructuring; quality processes; globalization; product development, marketing & sales strategies.

Curriculum theory, design & development; educational futures.

Theory building, research & evaluation in the area of performance technology.

Teaching and process consulting in the sphere of education and training.

Working with and for people, whether as individuals or work groups, in a variety of professional and cultural settings.

Work experience has included opportunities to exercise:

Administrative and fiscal responsibilities, in both the U.K. and the U.S.

Administrative and academic program leadership during periods of institutional change and renewal.

Identification of goals, the determination of criteria, and the setting of priorities in a number of large institutions and organizations.

Research skills both as a member or leader of project teams working in the area of operations research.

Professional skills in instructional, organizational, and faculty development, including long-range planning at the national level in Europe and the Middle East.

3. Education

Public schools attended

Waterloo Primary School, Smethwick, Staffordshire 1935-1939

Cape Hill Junior School, Smethwick, Staffordshire 1939-1942

Holly Lodge Grammar School, Smethwick, Staffordshire 1942-1949

Public School examinations passed

Grammar School Selection Examination (1942) in English, Mathematics, General Knowledge.

School Certificate, Northern Universities Joint Matriculation Board (1947) in English Language, English Literature, French, History, Geography, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.

Entrance Examination to the London School of Economics (1949) in History, English, Politics, and Economics.

Higher School Certificate, Northern Universities Joint Matriculation Board (1949) in English Literature, History, and Geography at the Principal Level and French at the

Subsidiary Level.

Northern Universities Joint Matriculation Board University Scholarship Examination (1949) in English Literature, History, and Geography.

Universities Attended

University of Birmingham, England 1949-1953

University of Illinois, USA 1953-1954

University of Birmingham, England 1954-1955

University of London, England 1960-1962

University of Nottingham, England 1963-1967

University degrees awarded

Special Honours BA in Geography, 1952, Birmingham

MA (Research) in Geography, 1953, Birmingham

MS (Research) as a Fulbright Fellow, 1954, Illinois.

Post-graduate Certification in Education (double credit), 1955, Birmingham

Ph.D. (Research) in Psychology, 1967, Nottingham

(Dissertation: Mathetics - an experimental study of the relationship between

ability and practice in the acquisition of basic concepts in science)

FCP (honoris causa), College of Preceptors, London, 1979

FCollP, College of Preceptors, London, 1983

C.Psychol, British Psychology Society, London, June 1988


Certification by the Ministry of Education as a qualified teacher of the Public School

Certification No: MIE 49/6417

4. National Service in the Military


25 August, 1955 to 24 August, 1958


England, August 25, 1955 to January 2, 1956

Amman, Jordan, January 2 to December 19, 1956

Akrotiri, Cyprus, December 19, 1956, to July 25, 1958


General Service Medal for service in the Cyprus Civil War Emergency 1957


Flying Officer ((1955-57; Flight Lieutenant (1957-1958)

5. Royal Air Force Career Officer - Employment History

Ministry of Defense (RAF) January 1, 1956 to December 31, 1971


Lecturer, RAF School of Instructional Technique, Hullavington, Wiltshire - January 1, 1956 - April 5, 1957.

Senior Research Associate, RAF School of Education, Uxbridge, London - April 5, 1957- September 8, 1962.

Senior Research Associate, Department of the Government Chief Scientist (Science 4), Ministry of Defense, Whitehall, London - September 9, 1962 - August 31, 1968. Included project management, resource coordination & operations research.

Senior Lecturer and Chairperson of the Department of Behavioural Science, Graduate School of Management, Royal Air Force University, Cranwell, Lincolnshire - September 1, 1968 - December 31, 1971.


Squadron Leader (1963-69); Wing Commander (1969-1972)

Indiana University, January 1, 1972.


Professor of Education, Department of Curriculum & Instruction, September 1, 1983 - December 31 1996

Professor of Education, Department of Instructional Systems Technology, January 1, 1972 - December 31, 1996

emeritus Professor of Education, January 1, 1997

Professor of Business Administration, September 1, 1993 - December 31, 1996

Assistant Director, Audio-Visual Center, January 1, 1972 - July 1, 1972

Assistant Executive Director, Audio-Visual Center, July 1, 1972-1978

Associate Dean for Administration and Development, School of Education, September 1,

1978 - December 31, 1981.

6. Consultancies

Formerly Consultant to Consultant Organizations:

Senior Consultant, Associate Industrial Consultants, London.

Senior Consultant, International Bedeaux, Paris

Consultant to GE Corporate Consulting Organization

Past Consultant to Companies & Professional Organizations:

Boots Pharmaceutical Co., Nottingham

Bovis (Construction), London

British Pharmaceutical Industry, London

Caterpillar Tractor Company, Peoria, Illinois

Imperial Chemical Industries, London

Lamson Industries, London

Learning Systems Limited, London, Rome, and Paris

Mager Associates, Palo Alto, California


Consultant to Fidelity Stores (OK Bazaars).

Smith, Kline and French

Xerox Corporation, Rochester, New York

Sandia Laboratories, Livermore, California

Consultant to AT &T Corporate Education & Training,

Consultant to American Society for Training and Development

Past Consultancies to Military & Police:

Field Consultant, USAF Headquarters Training Command, Randolph Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas.

Consultant to the Training Command of the Italian Air Force, Rome.

Consultant to the Michigan State Police on a Basic and In-Service Training Project.

Present Consultancies:

Senior Consultant to the Corporate Headquarters of General Electric Company, Fairfield, Connecticut, since 1972.

Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts, since 1990.

Consultant to Corporate Reliability Engineering Staff, Allied Signal, Inc., Virginia, since 1976

Consultant, Reliability Center, Inc. (RCI), since 1980.

Consultant to Whirlpool Corporation, Benton Harbor, Michigan, since 1993.

Consultant to CMHC, Columbus, Ohio, since 1994.

Consultant to McGraw Hill, since 1978.

Consultant to Jossey-Bass, since 1984.

7. Visiting Professor, Distinguished Lecturer, Scholar in Residence etc.

UK Universities

Cambridge, London, Nottingham, Bath, Sussex, Birmingham, Central London, Bristol, Reading, Liverpool, Keele, Bristol, Exeter Universities.

US & Canadian Universities

Indiana (prior to appointment to IU), Illinois, Virginia, Purdue, Brigham Young, Utah State, Michigan State, Lincoln (Penn), Kentucky, Harvard, Boston, Georgia, Cleveland State, Kentuckian Metro, Eastern Illinois, Andrews (Michigan), Stevens Institute of Technology (NY), Maryland Universities;

Alberta, Saskatchewan, Mohawk College (Ontario), British Columbia, Manitoba, Toronto Universities.

Other Universities

Pau University, France;

Johannesburg University, South Africa; Cape Town University, South Africa; South African Defense College, South Africa;

Western Australian University of Technology, Perth, Australia; Melbourne University, Australia; Sydney University, Australia.

8. Non University Key Note Lectures & Presentations

Major Professional Organizations:

British Psychological Society, London Meetings

American Society of Training & Development, Annual Conventions

Association for Educational Communications & Technology, Annual Conventions

Association for Programmed Learning & Educational Technology, Annual Meetings

American Medical Association Meetings

American Society of Engineering Education

American Educational Research Association, Annual Meeting, General Session

South African Management & Development Foundation Executive Seminars

International Computers, Communications, Electronics & Educational Technology Conventions

Other Organizations:

Ministry of Colleges & Universities, Canada

GE Management Development Institute, Crotonville, NY

Whirlpool Performance Centre, Benton Harbor, MI

AT&T Corporate Education Center

National Audio Visual Association

National Association of Fire Departments, Annual Convention

Graphic Artists International Union

AFL&CIO, College of Labor Studies

National Iranian Radio & TV

Ohio Department of Human Services

Bell Labs

Bell Telephone Technical Education Center

Michigan Law Enforcement Officers Training Council

Police Federation Training Council of England & Wales

Dallas Independent School District

Ontario Furniture Manufacturers Association

9. Honors and Awards

Fulbright Fellowship to the USA, 1953-1954

YMCA Service Award, 1954

Cadbury Prize, University of Birmingham as “most distinguished student of the year”, 1955

Fellowship of the College of Preceptors (honoris causa) awarded by Royal Charter, Col lege of Preceptors, London, England, 1979

Elected to Fellowship of the British Psychological Society for “substantial and original contributions to the theory and practice of psychology”, October 1982

Elected a F.Coll.P. of the College of Preceptors, October 1983 (this is the oldest teacher education institution in the UK and it claims the first [i.e. oldest] professorship of education in the world.)

Jefferson Medal, October 1986. Award of excellence presented by Jefferson County Public Schools System, Colorado, in association with the National Society for the Study of Education for “meritorious contributions to the betterment of education in America.”

Ronald H. Anderson Memorial Award, American Society of Training & Development for “outstanding contributions to the field of instructional technology” 1992. This represents the third time the award has been given; the two former recipients were Robert Gagne & Robert Mager.

10. Foreign Languages

Practical French (spoken & written)

Naive Spanish (written)

Naive Latin (written)

11. Teaching Awards

University of Birmingham. “Most distinguished student-teacher of the year” 1955

Ministry of Defense (RAF). Appointed RAF Senior Specialist Teacher in educational

psychology as a result of teaching excellence 1967.

12. Indiana University Major Committee & Task Force Assignments (selected)

All University on Computer-Assisted Instruction, 1972-1980

Chair, Vice-President’s Task force on Technology, 1976-1977

Chair, Ward Schaap Administrative Review Committee, 1984-1985

IU Committee on Technology on Technology & Media Resources, 1981-1983

Audio-Visual Center, Management Committee, 1972-1978

IU Committee, Women and Minority Recruitment

IU Faculty-Foundation Committee, 1980-1982

At various times member of IU Promotion & Tenure Committees, Sabbatical LeaveCommittees, & also Bloomington campus Promotions Committees, Academic Equipment Committees etc.

Search & Screen Committee for the Dean of School of Education, 1973

School of Education, Policy Council Commission on Doctoral Inquiry, 1975-1978

Chair, School of Education Task Force on International Education, 1982-1984

Chair, Proposal Task Force for an IST MS degree in Training Development, 1981-1982

Chair, School of Education Task Force on Doctoral Degree Requirements, 1990-1992

Member, School of Education Task Force on Distance Education, 1995-1996

At various times member of School of Education Policy Council, Promotion & Tenure Committees, Sabbatical Committees, Course & Program Change Committees etc.

IU Education Alumni Association Board Member 1978-1984

13. Indiana University Courses taught

J636 Educational Futures

J637 Curriculum Development

R521 Instructional Design & Development

R610 Design of Learning Environments

R620 Task Analysis

R621 Needs Analysis

R680 Topical Seminars

R774 Research Seminar in Instructional Systems Technology

R795 Doctoral Seminar in Instructional Systems Technology

R799 Doctoral Dissertation

Y620 Seminar in Research Design

14. Selected Service Activities

Member, Advisory Board for Academic Programs, Annenberg School of Medical Education, Eisenhower Medical Center, Palm springs, CA since 1985.

Served as member of various Editorial Boards of Professional Associations, Constitution Reviews, Research Studies & Task Forces.

Role Expert, ASTD Competencies & Standards Studies.

External Examiner, Dissertation Committee, College of Preceptors, London.

Member, City of Bloomington Child Care Advisory Committee, 1985-1986

Consultant to the B-Group, City of Bloomington Commission of Business Leaders working to attract new businesses to Bloomington since 1990

15. Membership of Professional Organizations

British Association for the Advancement of Science

British Psychological Society

College of Preceptors

Association for Programmed Learning & Educational Technology

Association for Educational Communications & Technology

American Educational Research Association

American Psychological Association

American Society for Training & Development

International Society for Performance Improvement

16. Listed in Reference Books

Contemporary Authors

Contemporary Leaders & Noteworthy Americans (Bicentennial Edition)

Dictionary of International Biography

International Authors & Writers Who’s Who

Leaders in Education

Men of Achievement

Prominent Training & Development Professionals

Who’s Who in American Education

Who’s Who of Contemporary Achievement

Who’s Who in Frontier Science & Technology

Who’s Who in the Midwest

17. Major Professional Accomplishments

Contributions to the study of:

Human Reliability & the nature of human error

Theories of Needs Analysis & associated methodologies

Competency Models of Superior Performance

Curriculum Theory & Development

Conceptualization of Programmed Learning

Theories of Educational Technology

Pre-instructional Strategies

Conceptualization of Instructional Design & Development

Corporate Restructuring paradigms & methodologies


18. Dissertation

Davies, I.K. (1967). Mathetics: An Experimental Study of the Relationship Between Ability and Practice in the Acquisition of Basic Concepts in Science. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Nottingham.

19. Books Published

Davies, I.K. (1960). Instructional Methods: A Study Guide. London: Ministry of Defense (RAF).

Thomas, C.A., Davies, I.K., Openshaw, D., & Bird, J. (1963). Programmed Learning in Perspective: A Guide to Program Writing. London: Lamson.

Thomas, C.A., Davies, I.K., Openshaw, D., & Bird, J. (1964). Programmed Learning in Perspective: A Guide to Program Writing. Chicago, IL: Educational Methods.

Leith, G.O.M., Curr, W., & Davies, I.K. (1965). What is Programmed Learning? London: BBC Publications.

Davies, I.K. (ed). (1969). The Mathetics of T.F. Gilbert. London: Longmac.

Davies, I.K. (1971). The Management of Learning. London: McGraw-Hill.

Davies, I.K. & Hartley, J (eds & contributors). (1972). Contributions to an Educational Technology (Vol. 1). London: Butterworth.

Hartley, J. Davies, I.K., Duncan, K.D., & Annett, J. (1972). Strategies for Programmed Instruction: An Educational Technology. London: Butterworth.

Davies, I.K. (1973). Competency-Based Learning: Technology, Management & Design. New York: McGraw-Hill. Translated into 14 languages, including: Swedish edition. Malmo: Hermods, 1975 French edition. Paris: Hommes et Techniques, 1975 German edition. Munich: Langen Muler/Herbig Wirtschaftsverlag, 1975 Dutch edition. The Hague: Kluevier Schoolbroeken, 1975 Japanese edition. Tokyo: Heibon Sha, 1975 Spanish edition. Mexico: Editoria Diana, SA, 1976 Italian edition. Rome: Armando Armand Editore, 1976 Portuguese edition. Sao Paul, Brazil 1979

Davies, I.K. (1973). The Organization of Training. London & New York: McGraw-Hill.

Translated into seven languages, including: Spanish edition. Mexico: Editoria Diana SA, 1977. Portuguese edition. Lisbon: McGraw-Hill, 1977. French edition. Paris: Hommes et Techniques, 1978. German edition. Munich: Langen Mueller-Herbig Wirtschaftsverlag, 1978.

Hawkins, S., Davies, I.K., & Majer, K., & Hartley, J. (1976). Getting Started. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Publications on Teaching.

Davies, I.K. (1976). Objectives in Curriculum Design. New York & London: McGraw-Hill.

Hartley, J., & Davies, I.K. (1978). Contributions to an Educational Technology (Vol. 2). London: Kogan-Page.

Davies. I.K. (1981). Instructional Techniques. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Hawkins, S., Davies, I.K., Majer, K., & Hartley, J. (2nd edition revised). (1982). Getting Started in Teaching. Oxford: Blackwell.

Davies, I.K. (1982). Instructional Technique. London: McGraw-Hill (British edition).

Davies, I.K. (1982). The Management of Learning (2nd edition). London: McGraw-Hill.

Davies, I.K. (1982). Objectives in Curriculum Design (2nd edition). New York & London: McGraw-Hill.

Davies, I.K. (in preparation). Needs Analysis: strategic alignment. New York: McGraw-Hill.


20. Monographs

Davies, I.K. (1966). L’Istruzione Programmata Nell’ Addrestramento Militaire. Milan, Italy: Centro Europeo Coodinamento Instruzione Lavora.

Davies, I.K. (1971). Problems of Disseminating information in Order to Progress the Application of Educational Technology. Greenwich: NATO Euro-Training Conference Monograph No. 12.

Davies, I.K. & Schwen, T.M. (eds and contributors) (1972). Towards a Definition of Instructional Development. Washington, DC: AECT/DID Monograph.

Davies, I.K. & Davies, R. (1975). Tests & Measurements for Instructional Developers and Evaluators. San Francisco: Far West Regional Lab.

Davies, I.K. (1979). Some Philosophical Dimensions of Competency Based Education. In P.M. Halversom (ed). Competency Based Education: Theory, Practice & Evaluation (pp 91-115). Athens, GA: College of Education, university of Georgia Monograph No. 31.

Davies, I.K. & Sturdevant, J. (1986). AT&T Needs Analysis of Quality Education for Technical & Professional Personnel. Hopewell, NJ: AT&T Corporate Education Center Monograph.

21. Chapters in Books

Davies, I.K. (1966). Case Studies in Programmed Learning. In NDMF Management Review. Johannesburg, South Africa: National Development and Management Foundation.

Davies, I.K. (1966). Mathetics: A Functional Approach. In J. Leedham & D. Unwin (eds.), Aspects of Educational Technology I. London: Methuen.

Davies, I.K. (1966). The Military Applications of Programmed Instruction. In L. Stolurow (ed.), Programmed Learning Profiles. New York: Wiley.

Davies, I.K. (1966). Programmed Learning and Industrial Training. In IEE-IERE Joint Symposium on Communication in Industry. London: Institute of Electrical Engineers.

Davies, I.K. (1966). Programmed Learning and the Training of Mechanical Craftsmen. In PERA Symposium Manual, Programmed Learning for Industry. Melton Mowbray: Production Engineering Research Association.

Davies, I.K. (1966). Programmed Learning in the Royal Air Force. In D. Wallis, K.K. Duncan, & M.A.G. Knight (eds.), Programmed Instruction in the British Armed Forces: A Report on Research and Development (pp. 40-46). London: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.

Davies, I.K. (1967). Review of Developments in Programmed Learning. In V. Chapman (ed.), Teachers’ Guide, 1965-66. London: College of Preceptors.

Davies, I.K. (1967). The Teacher-Manager. In R.F. Mager & K.M. Beach, Developing Steps in Vocational Instruction (Preface). Palo Alto: Fearon.

Davies, I.K. (1968). The Mathetics of Programming. In K. Bung (ed.), Programmed Learning and the Language Laboratory, VII (pp 29-50). London: Longmac.

Davies, I.K. (1969). Some Aspects of Measurement in Educational Technology. In A.P. Mann and C.P. Brunstrom (eds.), Aspects of Educational Technology IV. London: Pitman.

Davies, I.K. (1970). Change and Innovation: A Model for Modifying the Organization of Teaching and Learning. In A.C. Bajpai and J.F. Leedham (eds.), Aspects of Educational Technology V. London: Pitman.

Davies, I.K. (1971). Developing Accountability in Instructional Systems Technology. In D. Packham, A. Cleary, & T. Moyen (eds.), Aspects of Educational Technology VI. London: Pitman.

Davies, I.K. (1972). Algorithm. In N. Hutchinson (ed.), Readings in Psychology Today (2nd Ed.) (pp. 399-401). Del Mar, C.A.: CRM Books.

Davies, I.K. (1975). The Explicit and Tacit Dimensions of Knowing. In T.C. Froehle, J.C. Brubaker, and A. Brown (eds.), Competency Based Counselor Education: Proceedings of the Second Annual Mutual Development Laboratory (pp. 50-61).

Davies, I.K. (1975). Generation of Competency Statements Through Task Analysis. In T.C. Froehle, J.C. Brubaker, and A. Brown (eds.), Competency Based Counselor Education: Proceedings of the Second Annual Mutual Development Laboratory (pp. 28-33).

Davies, I.K. (1975). A Model for Teaching and Learning. In G.H. Jamieson (ed.), Aspects of Educational Technology (Vol. 8). London: Pitman.

Davies, I.K. (1975). Writing General and Specific Objectives. In R. Hooper (ed.), Curriculum Design (pp. 269-318). Bletchley, England: Open University Press.

Davies, I.K. (1975). Writing General and Specific Objectives. In M. Galby, J. Greenwald, & R. West (eds.), Curriculum Design (pp. 299-333). London: Croom Helm and Open University Press (Open University set book).

Davies, I.K. (1976). The Explicit and Tacit Dimensions. In T.C. Froehle (ed.), Competency-Based Counselor Education: Designing, Implementing and Evaluating Criterion Referenced Instruction (pp. 217-232). Bloomington, IN: Indiana University.

Davies, I.K. (1976). Generation of Competency Statements Through Task Analysis. In T.C. Froehle (ed.), Competency-Based Counselor Education: Designing, Implementing and Evaluating Criterion Referenced Instruction (pp. 65-73). Bloomington, IN: Indiana University.

Davies, I.K. (1976). Management of Learning. In Oyawa, Y. & Hatano, T. (eds.), The Technology of Teaching English. Tokyo: Kenkyusha.

Davies, I.K. (1977). The Role of Mass Communications and Multi Media in National Educational Development. In Tehranian, M., Hakimzadeh, F., & Vidale, M.L. (eds.), Communications Policy for National Development: A Comparative Perspective. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.

Hartley, J., & Davies, I.K. (1977). Programmed Learning and Educational Technology. In M. Howe (ed.), Adult Learning: Psychological Research and Applications. London & New York: John Wiley.

Davies, I.K. (1979). Instructional Development —Fruit Fly or Lemming? In K.H. Silver (ed.), Instructional Development. Washington, DC: AECT (ID).

Davies, I.K. (1982). Educational Technology: A Context for Theory Building in the 1980s. In P. Hurly (ed.), Resources in Context: Proceedings of the AMTEC 1982 Conference. Winnipeg, Canada: Association of Media and Technology in Canada (AMTEC).

Davies, I.K. (1983). Foreword. In R.H. Anderson, Selecting and Developing Media for Instruction (2nd Ed.). New York: Van Nostrand Reinbold.

Davies, I.K. (1984). Instructional Development: Themata, Archetypes, Paradigms and Models. In C.E. Dills (ed.), Instructional Development: The State of the Art, Vol. II. Washington, DC: AECT.

Davies, I.K. & Shane, H.G. (1986). Electronic Implications of Microelectronic Networks.

In J.A. Culbertson (ed.), Microcomputers in the Schools (pp. 1-21). Chicago: University. .

Davies, I.K. (1987). Fitting the Media Key into Instruction. In G. Peskovich (ed), Instructional Technology (pp. 1-5). Alexandria, VA: American Society for Training & Development.

Davies, I.K. (1988). Teaching Style. In P. Bowman (ed), Alternative Texts for Proficiency. London: Nelson.

Davies, I.K. (1988). Decision Aids for Choosing Optimal Training Techniques. In M.Stevens (ed), Training Systems (Textbook for P786 Towards IPM Stage 2). Milton Keynes, Open University.

Davies, I.K. (1989). Hierarchies of Cognitive Objectives. In C. Radziemski (ed), Instructional Development for Trainers. Chicago:Arthur Anderson.

Davies, I.K. (1990). Instructional Development as an Art. In J.C. Belland (ed), Educational Technology: the Critical View. Washington, DC: ASTD.

Davies, I.K. (1990). The implications of trainers managing or operating in training situations. In J. Bennett (ed), Employee Development (pp. 10-13 & 63-66). Milton Keynes: Open University.

Davies, I.K. (1990). The Work Out Way: Effective Business Leader Behaviors during Restructuring. In T. Jick, L. Schlesinger & D. Ulrich (eds), Launching and Leading the Boundaryless Organization: Work Out Best Practices. Crotonville, NY: GE Executive Publications (to be republished by Harvard College Press).

Davies, I.K. (1991). Working with Objectives. In M. Bullen (ed), Adult Education. Vancouver, BC:University of British Columbia.

Davies, I.K. (1991). Instructional Development: an Art Form. In D. Hlynka & J.C. Belland (eds), Paradigms Regained: the Uses of Illustrative, Semiotic & Post-Modern Criticism as Modes of Inquiry in Educational Technology (pp. 93-106). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications.

Davies, I.K. (1991). The Role of Expectations in Corporate Restructuring. In J. Baughman (ed), Proceedings of the Work-Out Leadership Symposium (pp. 16-25). Crotonville, NY: GE Management Development Institute.

Davies, I.K. (1991). Taxonomies of Educational Objectives. In A. Riddell (ed), School Level Programming. Goonellabach, New South Wales: University of New South Wales, Australia.

Davies, I.K. (1992). Paradigms: Pushing the Limits of Instructional Development and Design. In C. Dills & A.J. Romiszowski (eds), Instructional Development: Today and Tomorrow. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications.

Davies, I. K. (1993). Learning Aims & Objectives. In B. Holmberg. (ed) Essentials of Distance Education. Association of European Correspondence Schools: Aylesford, England, pages 71-77.

Davies, I. K. (1993). Betting on Management Training & Development. In J. F.Duchaine (ed). In Search of tomorrow’s Organization. Groupe Innovation: Montreal, Ca nada, pages 107-113.

Davies, I.K. (1993). L’expérience de General Electric’s Management Development Institute. In J. F. Duchaine (ed). À la recherche de l’organization de demain. Groupe Innovation: Montreal, Canada, pages 105-111.

Platt, W. A. & Davies, I. K. (1993). Classification of Electronic Classrooms for Use of Instructional Protocols. In J. Shellnutt-Riess (ed). Proceedings of the 15th Iterserice/Industry Training Systems & Education Conference. Interservice/Industry & Education Association, US Government Publication:Department of Defence: Washington, DC, pages 129-139.

Davies, I.K. (1993). Taxonomies & Educational Objectives. D. Monteiro (ed). Learning Skills for County Secondary Schools. NATCAP:Department of Education, Queensland, Australia pages 21-25.

Davies, I. K. (1994). The Objectives Movement in Education. In S. Giesbers (ed). Readings Related to Competency-based Training. Educational Publishing Services: Deakin University, Geelong, Victoria, Australia, Chapter Four.

Davies, I. K. (1994). Theory X versus Theory Y. In P. Bowman (ed). Issues: Alternative Texts for Advanced Students. London: Thomas Nelson, pages 56-61.

Davies, I. K. (1994). The Objectives Movement in Education. In S. Giesbers (ed). Competency-based Training. Educational Publishing Services: Deakin University, Geelong, Victoria, Australia, pages 75-90.

Davies, I. K. (1994). Re-Inventing Instructional Systems Design. In B. Seels (ed). Instructional Design Fundamentals: A Re-consideration. Educational Technology Publi cations: Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Chapter Three, 30-49.

Davies, I. K. (1997). Paradigms & Conceptual ISD Systems. In C. R. Dills & A. J. Romiszowski (eds). Instructional Development Paradigms. Educational Technology Publications: Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Chapter Two, 31-44.

22. Articles

Davies, I.K. (1953). Urban Farming: The Agriculture of the City of Birmingham. Geography, 38(4). 298-303.

Davies, I.K. (1962). Programmed Learning and Teaching Machines. RAF School of Education Report, 1(2), 1-21.

Davies, I.K. (1963). Objectives in Programming: Criterion and Terminal Behavior. Bulletin of Research Unit. University of Sheffield: Department of Education.

Davies, I.K. (1963). The Reinforcement of Learning. The Times Educational Supplement, 2(500), 564-567.

Davies, I.K. (1964). British Military Programming. Journal of the National Society for Programmed Instruction, 3(8), 6-9.

Davies, I.K. (1964). The Introduction of Programmed Learning into the United States Air Force. Education Bulletin, 1, 14-19.

Davies, I.K. (1964). Necessity the Mother … The Teacher, 4(3), Special Programmed Learning Supplement.

Davies, I.K. (1964). Programmed Learning and the United States Air Force. Journal of Programmed Instruction, 1(3), 113-124.

Davies, I.K. (1964). Towards a Technology of Training. The Teacher, 4(3), 9-14.

Mager, R.F., & Davies, I.K. (1964). Phrames Are Out: Phootnotes Are In. Journal of the National Society for Programmed Instruction, 3(10), 4-7.

Davies, I.K. (1965). The Analytic and Synthetic Stages of Programmed Writing. Journal of the Association for Programmed Learning, 2(2), 76-87.

Davies, I.K. (1965). A Design for Programmed Learning. Journal of the Association for Programmed Learning, 2(2), 71-73.

Davies, I.K. (1965). The Present State of Programming in the United Kingdom and the United States. Tutorage, 14, 22-5.

Davies, I.K. (1965). Programmed Programs. New Education, 1(8), 32-33.

Davies, I.K. (1965). Towards a Technology of Learning. General Education Development, 5(1), 2-11.

Davies, I.K. (1966). Case Studies in Programmed Instruction. Management Record, 7(3), 1-24.

Davies, I.K. (1966). How to Write In-House Programes Economically. Tutorage, 17, 8-13.

Davies, I.K. (1966). The Present State of the Art. Programmed Instruction Bulletin, 1(2), 24-27.

Davies, I.K. (1966). Programmed Educational Television. NDMF Instructional AID, 22(49), 1-5.

Davies, I.K. (1966). Programmed Learning in the United States. Tutorage, 17, 26-28.

Davies, I.K. (1967). Frame Writing: An Algorithm for Decision-Making. Journal for the National Society for Programmed Instruction, 6(3), 15-18.

Davies, I.K. (1967). Job Analysis in the Service. Record of Proceedings at a Symposium on the Technology of Training, 21-23.

Davies, I.K. (1967). Learning and its Management. Education Bulletin, 4, 24-34.

Davies, I.K. (1967). The Management of Learning. Industrial Training International, 2(6), 242-245.

Packer, D.G. & Davies, I.K. (1969, October 30). Communication Problems: A Note on the Use of Decision Tables. Ergonomic Research Society Proceedings on Anticipating Training. London.

Davies, I.K. (1969). Structure and Strategy - Instructional Decision-Making. Educational Bulletin, 6, 48-56.

Davies, I.K. (1970). Algorithms. Psychology Today, 3(11), 53-57.

Davies, I.K. (1970). Algorithms - A Strategy for Overcoming Communication Problems. Education Bulletin, 7, 39-50.

Davies, I.K. (1970). Foundations of Measurement in Educational Technology. Journal of the Association for Programmed Learning and Educational Technology, 7(2), 93-112.

Davies, I.K. (1970). Optimum Class Size. Industrial Training International, 5(4), 175-177.

Davies, I.K. (1971). Developing Accountability in Instruction. Education Bulletin, 8, 55-63. Journal of the Association for Programmed Learning and Educational Technology, 6(3), 151-160.

Davies, I.K. (1971, May 14). Performance Contracting: The Age of Accountability Dawns for Education. London Times Educational Supplement.

Davies, I.K. (1972). Algorithms: A Strategy for Overcoming Communication Problems. Australian Naval Training Journal 1(2), 3-8.

Davies, I.K. (1972). Current Problems of Educational Technology and Training, European Training, 1(1), 89-112.

Davies, I.K. & Schwen, T.M. (1972). Some Process Concerns about Formative Evaluation. Viewpoints, 48(4), 1-8.

Davies, I.K. (1972). Style and Effectiveness in Education and Training: A Model for Organizing Teaching and Learning. Instructional Science, 1(1), 45-88.

Davies, I.K. (1973). Enriching a Learning Experience. Industrial Training International, 8(9), 23-25.

Davies, I.K. (1973, Fall & Winter). Some Aspects of a Theory of Advice: The Management of an Instructional Developer-Client, Evaluator-Client, Relationship. DID Newsletter.

Davies, I.K. (1973). Some Reflections on Inquiry. Viewpoints, 49(4), 3-15.

Davies, I.K. (1973). Task Analysis in Economics. Proceedings of the Conference for Instructors of College Economics, August 1973. Indiana University, Bloomington: Joint Council on Economic Education.

Davies, I.K. (1973). Task Analysis: Some Process and Content Concerns. AV Communication Review, 21(1), 73-86.

Davies, I.K. (1974). Critical Review of V.S. Gerlach & D.P. Ely’s Teaching and Media: A Systematic Approach. British Journal of Educational Technology, 4, 3, 233-235.

Davies, I.K. (1974). The Instructional Developer-Client, Evaluator-Client Relationship. Division of Instructional Development (AECT) Forum.

Davies, I.K. (1974). Towards A Theory of Advice. Instructional Science, 3(4), 1-30.

Davies, I.K. (1975). Some Philosophical and Psychological Dimensions of Competency Based Education. Conference Proceedings: Competency Based Education. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.

Davies, I.K. (1976). Critical Review of D. Rowntree’s Educational Technology in Curriculum Development. AV Communications Review, 24, 2, 127-130.

Hartley, J. & Davies, I.K. (1976). Pre-instructional Strategies: The Role of Pre-tests, Behavioural Objectives, Overviews and Advance-Organizers as Pre-Instructional Strategies. Review of Educational Research, 46(2), 239-265.

Davies, I.K. (1977). Critical Review of R.H. Anderson’s Selecting and Developing Media for Instruction, Training and Development Journal, 30, 4, 68-71.

Hartley, J. & Davies, I.K. (1978). Notetaking: A Critical Review. Journal of the Association for Programmed Learning and Educational Technology, 15(3), 207-224.

Davies, I.K. (1980, Autumn). Silicon Chips, Magnetic Bubbles, and You the Teacher Manager. Education Today.

Davies, I.K. (1981, March). Task Analysis for Reliable Human Performance. Performance and Instruction Journal, 20(2), 8-10 & 30-31.

Davies, I.K. (1981, October). Instructional development as an Art: One of the Three Faces of ID. Performance and Instruction Journal, 20(7) 4-7.

Davies, I.K. (1982). The CLER Model in Instructional Development. Viewpoints, 58(4), 62-69.

Davies, I. K. (1983). Media and Excellence: The Art and Science of Training and Development. Training and Development Journal, (12) 17-19.

Davies, I.K. (1985). Media and Instruction. Journal of Training and Development, 39(1), 23-27.

Davies, I.K. (1986). GESCO Work Assignment Model. GE Management Development Institute Technical Education Journal, 24(3), 34-47.

Davies, I.K. (1989). Total Educational Technology (TET): Challenging Current Limits. Canadian Journal of Educational Technology, 18(2), 132-137.

Davies, I.K. & Latino, C. (1989). Failure Analysis; Gateway to Productivity. Journal of Reliability, 23(3), 19-24.

Davies, I. K. (1994). Process Re-Design for Enhanced Human Performance. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 7, 3, 103-113.

Davies, I. K. (1994). Theory X versus Theory Y. In P. Bowman (ed). Issues: Alternative Texts for Advanced Students. London: Thomas Nelson, pages 56-61.

Davies, I. K. (1994). The Objectives Movement in Education. In S. Giesbers (ed). Competency-based Training. Educational Publishing Services: Deakin University, Geelong, Victoria, Australia, pages 75-90.

Davies, I. K. (1994). Re-Inventing Instructional Systems Design. In B. Seels (ed). Instructional Design Fundamentals: A Re-consideration. Educational Technology Publications: Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Chapter Three, (in press).

Davies, I.K. (1994). Paradigms: Pushing the Limits of Instructional Development and Design. In C. Dills & A.J. Romiszowski (eds), Instructional Development: Today and Tomorrow. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications, Chapter One, (in press).

Davies, I.K. (submitted for publication). Tomorrow’s Organization: the Role of Training and Development in Restructuring.

23. Research Reports

Davies, I.K. (1964). The Halton Experiment. London: Ministry of Defence (RAF). Research Task Interim Report No. 221.

Davies, I.K. & Lang, R. (1965). Officer Training in the Royal Air Force: An Analysis of the Results of OCTU Training. London: Ministry of Defence (RAF) Research Task Report No. 222.

Davies, I.K. (1966). Class Size: An Analysis of the Research Findings. London: Ministry of Defence (RAF) Research Task Report No. 237.

Davies, I.K. (1966). Programmed Learning: Sources and Bibliography. London: Ministry of Defence (RAF) Research Task Report No. 231.

Davies, I.K. (1966). Training Methods: An Analysis of the Research Findings. London: Ministry of Defence (RAF) Research Task Report No. 234.

Davies, I.K. (1967). An Experimental Study of the Acquisition of Concepts by Engineering Apprentices. London: Ministry of Defence (RAF) Research Task Force Report No. 224.

Davies, I.K. & Thomas, C.A. (1967). Training Requirements for RAF Photographers: A Task Analysis Vol. 1 and Vol.2. London: Ministry of Defence (RAF) Research Task Report No. 235.

24. Wallcharts

Responsible between 1960-1964 for the design and publication of nine wallcharts designed for classroom use in physics, mathematics, and geography. All wallcharts published and distributed by Educational Productions, Ltd., Victoria, London.

Davies, I.K. (1960). Graphs. London: Educational Productions.

Davies, I.K. (196). Newton Laws of Motion. London: Educational Productions.

Davies, I.K. (1961). Rainfall. London: Educational Productions.

Davies, I.K. (1962). Jet Engines. London: Educational Productions.

Davies, I.K. (1963). Temperature. London: Educational Productions.

Davies, I.K. (1963). Map Reading. London: Educational Productions.

Davies, I.K. (1964). Weather Forecasting. London: Educational Productions.

25. Films/Videos & Audio Tapes

Davies, I.K. (1965). What is Programmed Learning: Subject Analysis & Programme Validation. Television programme (produced by Peter Montagnon & Rodney Bennett), first broadcast on BBC2, 18 May, 1965 at 7.15-7.45pm. An original television BBC script.

Davies, I.K. (1987). Total Quality Roundtable with Dr. Ivor K. Davies. AT&T Video produced by Phyllis Edwards, scripted by I.K. Davies, and filmed by Telemation Corporation, Denver, Colorado October 1987 (25 minute & 90 minute versions) produced for different markets.

Davies, I.K. (1988). The Management of Learning. Royal National Institute for the Blind. Talking Book, a special audio version of the McGraw-Hill book. London:RNIB Tape Services PLC.

Davies, I.K. (1989). Facilitating Work Groups. A video made by the BBC, produced by Kurt K. Rossell) for distribution in Europe & the USA.

26. Discovery

The discovery and identification of a “lost” collection of historical photographs (1896-1940), hidden in the attic of a house in the French Pyrenees at the time of the German invasion of France in June 1940, recording the career of the Shakespearean actor Matheson Lang and the founding of Shakespeare at the Old Vic. The photographs are now part of the collections of the Victoria & Albert Museum, London.

27. Inventions

Contributed to the invention in 1962, by J.W. Sim and J.F. Ling, of the multimedia Empirical Tutor teaching machine, manufactured and sold under patents by Lamson Industries, London.

December 27, 2016


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