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12700-206375THE GILDED AGE00THE GILDED AGE-238125000-19608807226935KEY WORDS:NATIVIST RURALURBAN IMMIGRATIONASSIMILATE POLITICAL BOSS CORRUPTION BIG BUSINESSLABOR UNION IMMIGRANT INFASTRUCTURE INFLUX00KEY WORDS:NATIVIST RURALURBAN IMMIGRATIONASSIMILATE POLITICAL BOSS CORRUPTION BIG BUSINESSLABOR UNION IMMIGRANT INFASTRUCTURE INFLUX-2844806587490LATE NINETEENTH CENTURY00LATE NINETEENTH CENTURY554355372681500-1844675369443000-18522951673860004562475369189000-214025-194310Union Membership Influx InfrastructureUrbanNativist Immigration Political CorruptionTimber Assimilate Working Hours Proximity Big BusinessHomesteading Irish American Indians Meat Packing00Union Membership Influx InfrastructureUrbanNativist Immigration Political CorruptionTimber Assimilate Working Hours Proximity Big BusinessHomesteading Irish American Indians Meat PackingOne impact of the lightbulb on society was that factories could extend their _________________________.During the Gilded Age a poster states, “Many Peoples, One Language” this would most likely reflect the movement to _________________________ immigrants into U.S. culture.In 1908, some businessmen received special privilege. Being dishonest and abusing the power of big businesses is an example of __________________________________.During the nineteenth-century, the United States was changing from a mostly rural society to a mostly ______________________ one. Between 1865 and 1900 as a result of rapid industrialization, _________________________________ increased as workers sought better pay and conditions. One reason for the expansion of machine politics in the nineteenth century was the rapid _____________ of immigrants making it difficult for governments to provide basic services. Many immigrants from Cuba settled in Florida because of their geographic _________________________ making it easier to influence their immigration patterns. The immigrant group that came to America that was escaping famine and were also Catholic was the ___________________.The primary objective of the Dawes Act was to promote cultural assimilation of the _______________________________.During the nineteenth century, one way political bosses gained voter support was by making improvements to urban __________________________________.In North Dakota in 1898 many homesteaders found it necessary to build their houses out of sod (dirt) because access to _____________________ was limited by distance and lack of transportation. A ________________________ is someone who does not like immigrants/foreigners and does not want them to enter the U.S. in fear of losing jobs.A nineteenth-century nativist would advocate for promoting ethnically homogenous societies through restrictions of _____________________________.During the Gilded Age there was an increase in federal support for the growth of _____________________.A main reason for settlement of the Great Plains was that Congress allowed people to claim land through ____________________________________. The U.S. Cattle Industry in the Nineteenth Century created the need to process large amounts of cattle and made _____________________________ a major industry.Technological InnovationsApply Your KnowledgeThe Bessemer Process made the production of steel more economical. Before the Bessemer process it took an entire day to process 5 tons of steel; after it could be made in 15 minutes.Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone and it allowed people to communicate across great distances.Thomas Edison created the lightbulb which was used to drive the machinery in factories. Factories could extend working hours and could manufacture more efficiently.What good did the Bessemer Process produce? ___________________________________________What did Alexander Graham Bell invent? ___________________________________________What did it allow people to do? ______________________________________________________________________________________What did Thomas Edison create? ________________What two things did it do? ______________________________________________________________________________________Growth of RailroadsApply Your KnowledgeThe Transcontinental Railroad was built after the Civil War. Many people who worked on the railroad were Chinese immigrants. The railroad was complete in 1869 at Promontory Point, Utah. Railroads moved people and goods and moved from east to west. Population grew from 1850 to 1900 from 23 million to 76 million.What immigrant group worked on the railroad? ___________________________________________What did the railroad move? ___________________________________________What happened to the population from 1850 to 1900? ______________________________________________________________________________________“Captains of Industry”Apply Your KnowledgeCaptains of Industry were often called “robber barons” because of their ruthless tactics to get rid of competition. Examples were: Andrew Carnegie & John D. Rockefeller. What were “Captains of Industry” often called? ___________________________________________What did they want to get rid of? ___________________________________________Andrew CarnegieApply Your KnowledgeAndrew Carnegie worked in the steel industry and was a philanthropist (he gave money to charity). He paid his workers poorly, but gave to the community so people thought he was a good guy.What industry did Carnegie work in? ___________________________________________What is a philanthropist? ___________________________________________John D. RockefellerApply Your KnowledgeMade his fortune in the oil industry. His company became a monopoly which means you have complete control over the supply of a product/service. This meant that he could charge whatever he wanted for his product. Where did Rockefeller make his fortune? ___________________________________________What is a monopoly? ______________________________________________________________________________________Political Bosses/NativistsApply Your KnowledgeGot voter support in two ways: immigrants and infrastructure. Nativists are people who have a strong dislike for foreigners. They do not want immigrants in the United States.The difference between a Political Boss and a Nativist: Political Bosses use immigrants for votes and Nativists dislike foreigners. How did Political Bosses get voter support? ___________________________________________Who don’t nativists like? ___________________________________________What is the difference between a political boss & a nativist? ________________________________________________________________________________________Moving in the Gilded AgeApply Your KnowledgeDuring the Gilded Age people moved from rural (farm areas) to urban (city) areas.People moved to urban (city) areas for jobs in factories. Child Labor was very common during the Gilded Age and very dangerous.Where were people moving from and to during the Gilded Age? ____________________________________________What did they move to cities for? ___________________________________________Expansion of Machine Politics in the Nineteenth CenturyApply Your KnowledgeThe rapid influx of immigrants made it difficult for local governments to provide basic services. There were too many immigrants and nativists did not like that.Americans wanted to assimilate the immigrants and make them speak EnglishWhat made it difficult to for local governments to provide basic services? ___________________________________________What did Americans want to do to immigrants? ___________________________________________Homestead ActApply Your KnowledgeThe Homestead Act provided free/cheap land to settlers. However, once people got out west they realized that access to timber was limited (there was no wood). People had to start building their house out of sod (dirt).The main reason for rapid settlement of the Great Plains was Congress allowing homesteading.What did the Homestead Act provide to settlers? __________________________________________What was limited out west? __________________________________________What was the main reason for rapid settlement of the Great Plains? ______________________________________________________________________________________Gilded AgeApply Your KnowledgeDuring the Gilded Age there was an increase in public support for the growth of big business (also known as monopolies).What was there an increase in support for during the Gilded Age? ___________________________________________Transcontinental RailroadApply Your KnowledgeThe railroad contributed to the closing of the western frontier in two ways:Greater Ease of TravelHigher Demand for Unclaimed TerritoryThe railroad contributed to the closing of the frontier in what two ways? ________________________________________________________________________________________Irish ImmigrantsApply Your KnowledgeThe Irish were facing famine (going hungry) in the late 1800’s and were also CatholicIrish families decided to immigrate to the US in order to have a better life. Which immigrant group was facing famine and were Catholic? ___________________________________What does famine mean? ___________________________________________Dawes ActApply Your KnowledgeThe primary objective of the Dawes Act was to promote cultural assimilation of the American Indians. We wanted to make American Indians speak English and Americanize them. What was the primary objective of the Dawes Act? ______________________________________________________________________________________What language did Americans want them to speak? __________________________________________Cattle Industry in the 19th CenturyApply Your Knowledge The beginning of the cattle industry was based on the need to process large amounts of cattle and it made meat packing a major industry. What was made a major industry after there was a need to process cattle? ___________________________________________Chinese Exclusion ActApply Your KnowledgeThe Chinese Exclusion Act was passed because Americans feared the Chinese were stealing jobs from the citizens. Why was the Chinese Exclusion Act passed? ____________________________________________472440036195This is another word for city where people settled for factory jobs______________________________ 00This is another word for city where people settled for factory jobs______________________________ 2266950153035I am the name of the Act that gave settlers free/cheap land ______________________________ 00I am the name of the Act that gave settlers free/cheap land ______________________________ -228600152400I am the man that created the lightbulb – businesses extend hours______________________________ 00I am the man that created the lightbulb – businesses extend hours______________________________ WHO AM I? WHAT AM I?22669508252460I am another name for farm or countryside______________________________ 00I am another name for farm or countryside______________________________ 22669507385685I am the location where political machines lived:______________________________ 00I am the location where political machines lived:______________________________ -2286007905115I am a person who gives money to charity______________________________ 00I am a person who gives money to charity______________________________ -2286006938010I am the immigrant group from Southern and Eastern Europe ______________________________ 00I am the immigrant group from Southern and Eastern Europe ______________________________ -2286006004560I am the immigrant group had a famine and that were Catholic______________________________ 00I am the immigrant group had a famine and that were Catholic______________________________ -2286005052060I am the immigrant group that were the primary builders of the railroad______________________________ 00I am the immigrant group that were the primary builders of the railroad______________________________ -2286004099560I am a political boss who controlled New York politics/bribed and stole______________________________ 00I am a political boss who controlled New York politics/bribed and stole______________________________ -2286003147060I am the man that owned the Standard Oil Company______________________________ 00I am the man that owned the Standard Oil Company______________________________ -2286002204085I am the man that owned the steel industry and I was a philanthropist______________________________ 00I am the man that owned the steel industry and I was a philanthropist______________________________ -2286001061085I am the man that created the telephone – communication increases______________________________ 00I am the man that created the telephone – communication increases______________________________ 22669505052060I am what was used to fight for workers’ rights and get better pay/conditions ______________________________ 00I am what was used to fight for workers’ rights and get better pay/conditions ______________________________ 22669506214110I am the transportation that furthered industrialization in the US between 1877 and 1900______________________________ 00I am the transportation that furthered industrialization in the US between 1877 and 1900______________________________ 22669504109085I am the two I’s for how political bosses gained voter support______________________________ 00I am the two I’s for how political bosses gained voter support______________________________ 22669503147060I am the word that means “hands off” government – not interfering ______________________________ 00I am the word that means “hands off” government – not interfering ______________________________ 22669502204085I am the word that characterizes the Gilded Age ______________________________ 00I am the word that characterizes the Gilded Age ______________________________ 22669501061085I am the name of the Act that promoted cultural assimilation of American Indians ______________________________ 00I am the name of the Act that promoted cultural assimilation of American Indians ______________________________ 4724400216535I am what business leaders formed trusts to eliminate: ______________________________ 00I am what business leaders formed trusts to eliminate: ______________________________ 4724400196850I am the name of the Act that tried to keep the Chinese out in fear of losing jobs to them ______________________________ 00I am the name of the Act that tried to keep the Chinese out in fear of losing jobs to them ______________________________ 4724400186690I am what political machines offered immigrants in exchange for votes______________________________ 00I am what political machines offered immigrants in exchange for votes______________________________ 4724400285750I am the process that made the production of steel more efficient______________________________ 00I am the process that made the production of steel more efficient______________________________ 4724400113665I am the word that means moving toward urban areas (factory life)______________________________ 00I am the word that means moving toward urban areas (factory life)______________________________ 4724400232410I am the two places most popular for the Gold Rush ______________________________ 00I am the two places most popular for the Gold Rush ______________________________ 472440050165I am the name for someone who dislikes/hates immigrants______________________________ 00I am the name for someone who dislikes/hates immigrants______________________________ 4724400139700I am another word for a big business that controls the market______________________________ 00I am another word for a big business that controls the market______________________________ Gilded Age Vocabulary: Match each meaning/person with their descriptionPEOPLE:Alexander Graham Bell1. ____ Owned the Standard Oil CompanyThomas Edison2. ____ Immigrant group who went through a famine/CatholicAndrew Carnegie3. ____ Hated/disliked immigrants or foreignersJohn D. Rockefeller4. ____ Political boss who owned NY Politics/accepted bribesWilliam Boss Tweed5. ____ Worked on railroad/Americans lost jobs to themPolitical Boss6. ____ Invented the lightbulb – extended working hoursNativist7. ____ Invented the telephone – communication expandedIrish Immigrants8. ____ Owned the steel industry/was a philanthropistChinese Immigrants9. ____ Traded employment for votes from immigrantsTHINGS:Bessemer Process1. ____ Where people were moving in the Gilded AgeTranscontinental Railroad2. ____ “Hands off” government does not interfere in businessKlondike Gold Rush3. ____ Factories could extend working hours Cattle Industry4. ____ Used to make the production of steel more efficient“Laissez Faire”5. ____ Could take people to distant markets – cheap/easierMonopoly6. ____ This good was limited out west (made homes out of dirt)Benefit of the lightbulb7. ____ Another word for a big businessPhilanthropist8. ____ Americans went in search of gold in Alaska and CanadaCorruption 9. ____ Wanting to make someone the same/similarInfrastructure/Immigrants10. ____ Made it hard for gov. to provide basic servicesUrbanization11. ____ Someone who gives their money to charityPolitical Machines12. ____ The word that characterizes the Gilded AgeRural to Urban13. ____ Took votes from immigrants/offered employmentRapid Influx of Immigrants14. ____ the 2 I’s for how political bosses got votesAssimilate15. ____ Led to the expansion of the meatpacking industryTimber16. ____ Movement to cities (industrial areas)ACTS:Homestead Act1. ____ Kept Chinese out – Americans feared for their jobsChinese Exclusion Act2. ____ Promoted cultural assimilation of Native AmericansDawes Act3. ____ Promoted free/cheap land to settlers to move westGRAB-BAG:Union Membership1. ____ Worked for better pay/conditions for the workersGreat Plains2. ____ Extreme hunger (no food for a long time)Urban3. ____ Another word for a countryside/farmRural 4. ____ Another word for a cityFamine5. ____ Middle of the US where people settled in Gilded Age25590568389501890-1920001890-1920-22574257477125KEY WORDS:INTERSTATE COMMERCE ACT SHERMAN ANTI TRUST ACTSUFFRAGE VOCATIONAL MUCKRAKERPOPULIST PARTY PROHIBITION DIRECT DEMOCRACYNAACP “THE JUNGLE” ASSIMILATE RATIFIED REPEALEDMINORITY00KEY WORDS:INTERSTATE COMMERCE ACT SHERMAN ANTI TRUST ACTSUFFRAGE VOCATIONAL MUCKRAKERPOPULIST PARTY PROHIBITION DIRECT DEMOCRACYNAACP “THE JUNGLE” ASSIMILATE RATIFIED REPEALEDMINORITY-14782801971675THE PROGRESSIVE ERA00THE PROGRESSIVE ERA52482755010150002457450500824500-20955049155350026765250003048000005248275000-85725-217805Sherman Anti-Trust ActInterstate Commerce Act 19th AmendmentProhibitionWomen Organized CrimeNAACP Jane Addams SilverThe Jungle Upton Sinclair National Park ServiceCorruption Muckrakers Pure Food and Drug ActPopulist Influence Theodore RooseveltDirect Democracy Vocational Suffrage 00Sherman Anti-Trust ActInterstate Commerce Act 19th AmendmentProhibitionWomen Organized CrimeNAACP Jane Addams SilverThe Jungle Upton Sinclair National Park ServiceCorruption Muckrakers Pure Food and Drug ActPopulist Influence Theodore RooseveltDirect Democracy Vocational Suffrage _________________________________ was president during the Progressive Era and is known for being a trust buster.The ________________________________ deals with woman’s suffrage (or having the right to vote).The __________________________________ was formed in 1916 to protect wildlife and the enjoyment of others.The 18th Amendment was heavily influenced by _________________ because of domestic abuse._________________________ (18th Amendment) banned the sale/manufacturing of liquor. ____________________________ wrote the _________________________ which exposed the meatpacking industry.The ______________________________________ was formed to dissolve monopolies (big businesses).The ______________________________________ was formed to regulate the unfair practices of railroads._____________________________ created a Settlement House in Chicago, IL which assimilated immigrants.W.E.B. formed a civil rights group called the ____________________________.After Upton Sinclair’s book, The Jungle, the ___________________________________ was passed which banned impure or mislabeled food.After the 18th Amendment was passed, with the influence of women, it led to the rise in _______________________ (like the mafia).___________________________________ were investigative journalists who exposed government corruption. Booker T. Washington wanted African Americans to have _____________________ skills (using your hands for your jobs).Susan B. Anthony is best known working in the area of ____________________ because she fought for women obtaining the right to vote. The Populist’s wanted the amount of _________________ to increase in circulation.The ________________________ Party represented the farmers and had success in the west. Initiative, Recall, and Referendum all deal with ________________________________ which is essentially giving people a greater voice in government.The 19th Amendment allowed women to ________________________ government with their votes and try and change different laws.Muckrakers were investigative journalists who wrote to expose government ____________________________ (examples: Upton Sinclair, Ida Tarbell, Jacob Riis).Goal of the Progressive EraApply Your KnowledgeReform/fix problems of the Gilded Age2 D’s of the Progressive Era: Direct DemocracyWhat are the 2 D’s of the Progressive Era? ___________________________________________Interstate Commerce ActApply Your KnowledgeDue to economic problems of the Gilded Age, Theodore Roosevelt passed Anti-Trust Laws.The Interstate Commerce Act would regulate railroads and prevent unfair business practices.What did Theodore Roosevelt pass? ___________________________________________What did the Interstate Commerce Act regulate? ___________________________________________Sherman Anti-Trust ActApply Your KnowledgeThe main goal of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act was to dissolve (get rid of) monopolies. Theodore Roosevelt passed this to ensure competition in industry.What was the main goal of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act? _______________________________________What did Roosevelt want to ensure? ___________________________________________MuckrakersApply Your KnowledgeMuckrakers were investigative journalist who wrote about the evils of big businesses. Well known muckrakers are: Upton Sinclair and Jacob Riis.Who were muckrakers? ____________________________________________________________________________________________Upton Sinclair Apply Your KnowledgeUpton Sinclair wrote a book called, “The Jungle” which exposed the meatpacking industry. His book inspired two laws to be passed: Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food & Drug Act.His book also led to the establishment of regulations enforced by the Food & Drug Administration.What was Upton Sinclair’s book called? _____________________________________________What did it expose? _____________________________________________What two laws were passed because of it? __________________________________________________________________________________________W.E.B DuBois and Booker T. WashingtonApply Your KnowledgeW.E.B. formed the NAACP (National Advancement for the Association of Colored People).The NAACP is a civil rights groupBooker T. Washington wanted African Americans to use vocational skills (skills using your hands: carpentry, electrician, hair dresser).What did W.E.B DuBois form? _____________________________________________What was the NAACP? _________________________What did Booker T. Washington want African Americans to use? _____________________________________________Populist PartyApply Your KnowledgeThird party formed by people like the farmers. Farmers wanted free coinage of silver.Farmers wanted free coinage of silver to increase the amount of money in circulation.The Populist Party wanted free coinage of what? _____________________________________________What would it increase? _____________________________________________Jane Addams/Settlement HouseApply Your KnowledgeJane Addams wanted to help assimilate immigrants. Her Settlement House was formed to teach immigrants English and make them part of the American culture.What did Jane Addams want to help do? _____________________________________________What language would she teach immigrants? _____________________________________________Initiative, Recall, ReferendumApply Your KnowledgeDeal with Direct Democracy – each one deals with a separate version of making a law.In a Direct Democracy – you elect a representative who is directly accountable to his/her constituents.What do initiative, recall, and referendum deal with? _____________________________________________ In a direct democracy, who is the representative accountable for? _____________________________________________19th AmendmentApply Your KnowledgeWomen’s suffrage (right to vote)Susan B. Anthony fought for women’s suffrage and the right for women to vote.“Resolved, that it is the duty of women of this country to secure themselves their sacred right to the elective franchise.” This quote deals with the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment.The National Woman’s Party also deals with the ratification of the 19th AmendmentWhat was the 19th amendment? ______________________________________________Who fought for women’s suffrage? ______________________________________________What does the quote to the left deal with? ______________________________________________What does ratification mean? _____________________________________________Susan B. AnthonyApply Your KnowledgeBest known in the area of women’s suffrage (trying to get women the right to vote)The number of votes in the U.S. presidential election rose by 8.2 million from 1916 to 1920 because the Nineteenth Amendment gave millions of women the right to vote.What is Susan B. Anthony best known for? _____________________________________________Why did the number of votes raise by 8.2 million from 1916 to 1920? ____________________________________________________________________________________________Social Gospel MovementApply Your KnowledgeThe Social Gospel Movement believed that organized religion must place greater emphasis on supporting the Populist Party.What did the Social Gospel movement believe there should be a great emphasis on? _____________________________________________Child LaborApply Your KnowledgeChild Labor was banned (they couldn’t do it anymore) in the Progressive Era.The group that most benefited from reform (fixing) legislation during the Progressive Era was factory workers.What was banned in the Progressive Era? _____________________________________________Which group benefitted from reform legislation during the Progressive Era? _____________________________________________Theodore Roosevelt, Progressive EraApply Your KnowledgeTrust Buster/Monopoly Dissolver – Theodore Roosevelt wanted more competition and less monopolies.He passed a legislation that would regulate railroad rates and dissolve monopolies. What did Theodore Roosevelt want more of in the Progressive Era? _____________________________________________What did he pass? ______________________________________________National Park ServiceApply Your KnowledgeWoodrow Wilson created the National Park Service in 1916 to protect the outdoors and wildlife. What did Woodrow Wilson create in 1916 to protect the outdoors and wildlife? _____________________________________________Key Words for the Progressive EraApply Your KnowledgeDirect DemocracyInitiative, Recall, ReferendumInterstate Commerce ActSherman Anti-Trust ActSuffragePopulist PartyWHO AM I? WHAT AM I?2266950167640These are the two D’s of the Progressive Era______________________________ 00These are the two D’s of the Progressive Era______________________________ 4724400156210This word means to pass legislation/laws______________________________ 00This word means to pass legislation/laws______________________________ -228600156210I am the man who formed the NAACP to help African Americans______________________________ 00I am the man who formed the NAACP to help African Americans______________________________ 4724400216535This is the amendment that bans the sale/manufacturing of liquor______________________________ 00This is the amendment that bans the sale/manufacturing of liquor______________________________ 2266950216535This is the civil rights group that W.E.B DuBois formed______________________________ 00This is the civil rights group that W.E.B DuBois formed______________________________ -228600216535I am the man who wanted African Americans to have vocational skills______________________________ 00I am the man who wanted African Americans to have vocational skills______________________________ 4724400240030This is the amendment that grants women’s suffrage______________________________ 00This is the amendment that grants women’s suffrage______________________________ 2266950240030These are the types of skills that Booker T. Washington wanted______________________________ 00These are the types of skills that Booker T. Washington wanted______________________________ -228600240031I am the woman who worked for the 19th amendment/women’s suffrage ______________________________ 00I am the woman who worked for the 19th amendment/women’s suffrage ______________________________ -228600234315I am the woman who wanted to help assimilate immigrants with Settlement Houses ______________________________ 00I am the woman who wanted to help assimilate immigrants with Settlement Houses ______________________________ 472440029210This is what women are able to do with the 19th amendment in government______________________________ 00This is what women are able to do with the 19th amendment in government______________________________ 226695029845This is the Act that dissolved/got rid of monopolies______________________________ 00This is the Act that dissolved/got rid of monopolies______________________________ 2266950119380This is the Act that regulated railroads ______________________________ 00This is the Act that regulated railroads ______________________________ -228600138430I am the man who was president during the Progressive Era and a trust buster______________________________ 00I am the man who was president during the Progressive Era and a trust buster______________________________ 472440038100This was banned during the Progressive Era (too dangerous)______________________________ 00This was banned during the Progressive Era (too dangerous)______________________________ 2266950180975This is Upton Sinclair’s book that exposed the meatpacking industry______________________________ 00This is Upton Sinclair’s book that exposed the meatpacking industry______________________________ 4724400137795This is what Theodore Roosevelt wanted more of in the Progressive Era______________________________ 00This is what Theodore Roosevelt wanted more of in the Progressive Era______________________________ -228600137795I am the man who wrote The Jungle which exposed the meatpacking industry______________________________ 00I am the man who wrote The Jungle which exposed the meatpacking industry______________________________ 2266950175260This is what the Populist Party wanted to increase in circulation ______________________________ 00This is what the Populist Party wanted to increase in circulation ______________________________ 4724400284480This is the reason why votes rose by 8.2 million in 1920______________________________ 00This is the reason why votes rose by 8.2 million in 1920______________________________ -228600341630I am the third party who worked for the farmers______________________________ 00I am the third party who worked for the farmers______________________________ 2266950274955This is what was formed in 1916 to protect the outdoors/wildlife______________________________ 00This is what was formed in 1916 to protect the outdoors/wildlife______________________________ 4724400150495This is the name of the civil rights group formed by W.E.B. DuBois______________________________ 00This is the name of the civil rights group formed by W.E.B. DuBois______________________________ -228600150495I am the group that Jane Addams wanted to help assimilate______________________________ 00I am the group that Jane Addams wanted to help assimilate______________________________ 226695016510This is what Susan B. Anthony fought for______________________________ 00This is what Susan B. Anthony fought for______________________________ 4724400259080This is the Party that the Social Gospel Movement put emphasis on______________________________ 00This is the Party that the Social Gospel Movement put emphasis on______________________________ -22860069215 This is the group of people that were investigative journalists____________________________00 This is the group of people that were investigative journalists____________________________Progressive Era Vocabulary: Match each meaning/person with their descriptionPEOPLE:Susan B. Anthony1. ____ Investigative journalists who expose corruptionJane Addams2. ____ Wanted African Americans to use vocational skillsTheodore Roosevelt3. ____ Formed the NAACP (civil rights group)W.E.B. DuBois4. ____ Worked in the area of suffrage/19th AmendmentBooker T. Washington5. ____ President during the Progressive EraUpton Sinclair 6. ____ Advocate for equality/anti-lynchingIda Wells7. ____ Wrote The Jungle which exposed meat industryPopulist Party8. ____ Represented the farmers/wanted silver circulatingMuckrakers9. ____ Wanted to help assimilate immigrants in Settlement HousesTHINGS:Direct Democracy1. ____ A period of time with no liquor/alcoholNAACP2. ____ The Populist Party was primarily made up of…Vocational Skills3. ____ This means you get rid of big businesses/monopolies Settlement Houses4. ____ What Jane Addams used to assimilate immigrants in Suffrage5. ____ What Populist Party wanted to increase circulation ofChild Labor6. ____ What ended during the Progressive EraCompetition7. ____ Another word for voting (19th amendment)Trust Buster8. ____ What Theodore Roosevelt wanted more ofNational Park Service9. ____ What was dissolved/gotten rid of in Progressive EraSilver10. ____ The type of skills Booker T. Washington wantedOrganized Crime11. ____ The Civil Rights Group formed by W.E.B. DuBoisWomen12. ____ Formed in 1916 to protect the outdoors/wildlifeProhibition13. ____ The 18th Amendment led to a rise in -Farmers14. ____ The group who influenced the 18th amendment Food Products15. ____ The Jungle contributed to the monitoring of thisMonopolies16. ____ Giving a group a larger voice in government ACTS:Sherman Anti-Trust Act1. ____ Formed to regulate unfair practices on railroadsInterstate Commerce Act2. ____ Passed to check food products in meat industryPure Food & Drug Act3. ____ Dissolved/got rid of monopoliesGRAB-BAG:19th Amendment 1. ____ Benefitted most from reform legislation 18th Amendment2. ____ Banned the sale/manufacturing of liquor2 D’s of Progressive Era3. ____ Written by Upton Sinclair (exposed meatpacking)The Jungle4. ____ Direct DemocracyFactory Workers5. ____ Granted women’s suffrage/right to vote12382576200RISE OF A WORLD POWER00RISE OF A WORLD POWER20859753392805004410075339280500-161925339280500-1619256536690KEY WORDS:PANAMA CANAL ANNEXATION IMPERIAL POWERACQUIRED IMPERIALISM CEDEDUSS MAINE YELLOW JOURNALISM TRENCH WARFARELUSITANIA NAVY ESPIONAGE ACTMEDAL OF HONOR ISTHMUS WAR BONDS 00KEY WORDS:PANAMA CANAL ANNEXATION IMPERIAL POWERACQUIRED IMPERIALISM CEDEDUSS MAINE YELLOW JOURNALISM TRENCH WARFARELUSITANIA NAVY ESPIONAGE ACTMEDAL OF HONOR ISTHMUS WAR BONDS 1238252069466WORLD WAR 1: 1914-1918U.S. INVOLVED: 191700WORLD WAR 1: 1914-1918U.S. INVOLVED: 19171238251469390SPANISH AMERICAN WAR: 189800SPANISH AMERICAN WAR: 1898-95250229235Panama CanalAnnexation Sanford B. DoleCeded Imperial Power Acquired TerritoriesBig Stick DiplomacyUSS Maine Valeriano WeylerAlfred Thayer MahanImperialism USAThe Teller Amendment Yellow Journalism Isthmus 00Panama CanalAnnexation Sanford B. DoleCeded Imperial Power Acquired TerritoriesBig Stick DiplomacyUSS Maine Valeriano WeylerAlfred Thayer MahanImperialism USAThe Teller Amendment Yellow Journalism Isthmus Spanish American WarHawaiian citizens were protesting the forced __________________________ of the islands (after Sanford Dole overthrew the Hawaiian monarchy). In 1898 there was an increase in public support to build the _______________________________ which shortened the distance between two oceans and made trade more efficient.The economic impact of the Spanish-American War on the US was that it _____________________________________ and expanded commercial trade.Puerto Rico was ___________________ to the US as a result of the Spanish American War.After the Treaty of Paris was signed and the war was over, it helped establish the United States as an __________________________________ to the European nations._______________________________ annexed (overthrew) Hawaii and limited the native’s right (supported expansion/imperialist).Theodore Roosevelt realized that the best location to construct the Panama Canal was the _________________ of Panama. Theodore Roosevelt created the ___________________________________________ which established the United States as an “international police power” to protect nations._________________________________ was the governor of Cuba and referred to as “The Butcher” because he placed rebels in concentration camps.The __________ was the country that won the Spanish American War and became an imperial power.The ___________________________________________ states that the US would leave Cuba alone to rule its own island. ___________________________________________ said that in order for the US to be an imperial power, it needed a strong navy and he also was in favor over overseas expansion.______________________________ is when a strong nation takes over a weaker nation.______________________________________ used bold headlines/exaggerated stories to get the reader’s attention. (Example: When the USS Maine blew up, yellow journalism got Americans to blame Spain.) The _____________________________ was the ship that sunk during the Spanish American War and the United States blamed Spain. -152400210185Selective Service Act Stalemate Espionage ActJohn J. Pershing Zimmerman Telegram Aggressive Actions Lusitania Poison Gas War BondsWorld Peace 1917 Alvin York Women Assassination Unrestricted Submarine Warfare00Selective Service Act Stalemate Espionage ActJohn J. Pershing Zimmerman Telegram Aggressive Actions Lusitania Poison Gas War BondsWorld Peace 1917 Alvin York Women Assassination Unrestricted Submarine WarfareWorld War 1The United States decided to enter the war because a European nation took ________________________________ against the United States (ex: unrestricted submarine warfare). “Smoke and fumes hid everything from sight and hundreds of men went comatose.” This quote would best describe an attack from what weapon? ________________________________.The United States sold _______________________________ in order to help finance the war (paying for the war through the sale of this).The Fourteen Points reflected Woodrow Wilson’s belief that international leaders should cooperate with one another to create __________________________________.The major impact of tanks were that they were used to break the ______________________________ in World War 1.The United States abandoned its official policy of neutrality in ____________.The _____________________________________ suspended freedom of speech during World War 1 in the sense that you could not talk badly about the war/president.The ______________________________________________ was used to enlarge the military during World War 1.The British passenger liner, the _____________________________________ was sunk by Germans because it was smuggling weapons.______________________________________________ was the man best known for transforming inexperienced soldiers to experienced soldiers.________________________________________________ was Germany’s philosophy of bombing all ships on site and without warning.The __________________________________________ was a proposed alliance between Germany and Mexico (Germany offered Mexico land to attack the United States).The __________________________________ of Archduke Franz Ferdinand is what sparked World War 1 in 1914 (the US was not involved yet).The person who won the Medal of Honor for his courage/bravery whilst killing 25 Germans was ______________________________________.____________________ proved they should have the right to vote because they took over male dominated positions while men were at war. Spanish American WarApply Your KnowledgeFought in 1898The Spanish American War led to the acquisition of territories like: Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines.After the Spanish American War the US emerged as a world/imperial power/What year was the Spanish American War fought? __________________________________________What territories did the US acquire? ______________________________________________________________________________________What did the US emerge as? ____________________Puerto RicoApply Your KnowledgePuerto Rico was ceded (given) to the United States as a result of the Spanish American War.Residents were granted US citizenship in 1917.What was Puerto Rico that means given? ___________________________________________HawaiiApply Your KnowledgeSanford B. Dole annexed (took) Hawaii after the Spanish American War.Sanford B. Dole wanted to expand and he treated the Hawaiian natives poorly. The forced annexation of the islands as a U.S. territory was protested.Who annexed Hawaii after the war? ___________________________________________What did Sanford B. Dole want to do? How did he treat natives? ____________________________________________Monroe DoctrineApply Your KnowledgeTheodore Roosevelt wanted the US to be an international police power. The civilized US was trying to intervene (get involved in) Latin America because of a threat of European intervention.Roosevelt wanted the US to protect other nations just like the police.What did Roosevelt want the US to be? ___________________________________________What was the civilized US trying to do? ___________________________________________Where was the US trying to intervene? ___________________________________________Panama CanalApply Your KnowledgeThe Panama Canal was built after the Spanish American War. IT cut between North and South American and shortened the distance between oceans. It helped Western businesses trade more efficiently.There was an increase in public support for the construction of the canal through Central America.The canal was built in the isthmus of Panama. What was built after the Spanish American War? ___________________________________________How did it help with trade? ____________________________________________What was there an increase in public support for? ________________________________________________________________________________________USS MaineApply Your KnowledgeYellow Journalism – a type of journalism that uses false headlines to advertise stories.Yellow journalists blamed Spain for the explosion of the ship, the U.S.S Maine.Because of this, and other events the US got involved in the war. What is yellow journalism? ________________________________________________________________________________________Who did the US blame for the explosion of the USS Maine? _____________________________________Treaty of Paris/Results of the Spanish American WarApply Your KnowledgeAfter the Treaty of Paris was signed and the war was over, it helped establish the US as an imperial power similar to European nations.In 1898, the Spanish American War led to world power status for the United States.What did the US become established as after the Spanish American War? ____________________________________________What did the war lead to for the US? ____________________________________________Causes of World War 1Apply Your KnowledgeWorld War 1 began in 1914 with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.The US was not involved at this time- they were neutral/isolationist (wouldn’t get involved). What year did WW1 begin? _____________________Who was assassinated? ________________________Was the US involved at this time? ___________________________________________Warfare During World War 1Apply Your KnowledgeTrench Warfare – digging of holes to hide from enemies’ machine guns – led to massive causalities and led to a stalemate (no one wins).Poison Gas – used smoke/fumesTanks – used to help break the stalemate and could enter “no-man’s-land.”What did machine guns lead to? ____________________________________________What did Poison Gas use? ______________________What were tanks used to help break? ___________________________________________Zimmerman TelegramApply Your KnowledgeSecret message proposing an alliance (friendship) between Germany and Mexico. Germany offered Mexico land in order to attack the U.S. The Zimmerman Telegram was a proposed alliance between which two countries? ____________________________________________Reasons for the US Entering World War 1Apply Your KnowledgeIn 1917, the US abandoned neutrality (they got involved in the war).Reasons for entering the war were: Sinking of the Lusitania (British passenger liner), European aggression (unrestricted submarine warfare), and the Zimmerman Telegram (alliance between Germany & Mexico).What did the US abandon in 1917? ___________________________________________What were all the reasons for US involvement in WW1? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________John J. PershingApply Your KnowledgeTransformed inexperienced soldiers into experienced soldiers.Major contribution to the Allied victory.What did John J. Pershing do to soldiers in WW1? ______________________________________________________________________________________War Bonds/Selective Service ActApply Your KnowledgeWar Bonds were sold to help finance/raise money for the war.The Selective Service Act was used during WW1 to enlarge the military (as a draft).What were war bonds sold for? ____________________________________________What did the Selective Service Act do? ___________________________________________Espionage ActApply Your Knowledge Suspended freedom of speech during WW1. You were not allowed to talk badly about the war effort. It violated the first amendment.The civil liberty being threatened during WW1 was freedom of speech.What did the Espionage Act suspend? ____________________________________________What amendment did it violate? _________________What civil liberty was threatened during WW1? ___________________________________________Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen PointsApply Your KnowledgeThe Treaty of Versailles ended WW1.Woodrow Wilson wrote the Fourteen Points which was the belief that cooperation among international leaders was essential in maintaining world peace.What did the Fourteen Points believe was essential in maintaining world peace? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4724400238760During World War 1, the United States enlarged its military with the -______________________________ 00During World War 1, the United States enlarged its military with the -______________________________ 2257425238761I am the location that was annexed by Sanford Dole (monarchy overthrown)______________________________ 00I am the location that was annexed by Sanford Dole (monarchy overthrown)______________________________ -228600240030I am the man who annexed Hawaii and limited the native’s rights______________________________ 00I am the man who annexed Hawaii and limited the native’s rights______________________________ WHO AM I? WHAT AM I?47244003808095This was what a European nation took against the US (which caused the US to get involved in WW1)______________________________ 00This was what a European nation took against the US (which caused the US to get involved in WW1)______________________________ 22574256055995This is what the United States became as a result of the Sp. Am. War after the Treaty of Paris was signed:______________________________ 00This is what the United States became as a result of the Sp. Am. War after the Treaty of Paris was signed:______________________________ 22574255227320This is the key word for Puerto Rico meaning it was given to the US______________________________ 00This is the key word for Puerto Rico meaning it was given to the US______________________________ 47244002693670This telegram was a proposed alliance between Mexico and Germany during WW1______________________________ 00This telegram was a proposed alliance between Mexico and Germany during WW1______________________________ -2286003074670I am the man who contributed to a victory in WW1 by transforming inexperienced soldiers to experienced______________________________ 00I am the man who contributed to a victory in WW1 by transforming inexperienced soldiers to experienced______________________________ 47244001750695This is the act that suspended freedom of speech during WW1______________________________ 00This is the act that suspended freedom of speech during WW1______________________________ 4724400807720This is the weapon that resulted in massive casualties______________________________ 00This is the weapon that resulted in massive casualties______________________________ 22574254150995The economic impact of the Spanish American War is that the US acquired new:______________________________ 00The economic impact of the Spanish American War is that the US acquired new:______________________________ 22574253046095There was an increase in public support for the construction of this during the Spanish Am. War______________________________ 00There was an increase in public support for the construction of this during the Spanish Am. War______________________________ 22574251941195The Big Stick Diplomacy said the US would help protect the threat of European invention in this location______________________________ 00The Big Stick Diplomacy said the US would help protect the threat of European invention in this location______________________________ 2257425807720I am the policy created by Theodore Roosevelt that made the US an international police power______________________________ 00I am the policy created by Theodore Roosevelt that made the US an international police power______________________________ -2286001893570I am the man who was assassinated and sparked World War 1 in 1914 (US was not involved yet)______________________________ 00I am the man who was assassinated and sparked World War 1 in 1914 (US was not involved yet)______________________________ -228600741045I am the man who wanted the United States to have a strong navy & engage in overseas expansion______________________________ 00I am the man who wanted the United States to have a strong navy & engage in overseas expansion______________________________ -22860083820I am the man that won the Medal of Honor for going above the call of duty in WW1______________________________ 00I am the man that won the Medal of Honor for going above the call of duty in WW1______________________________ 4724400207010This was the weapon used in WW1 which would produce smoke & fumes______________________________ 00This was the weapon used in WW1 which would produce smoke & fumes______________________________ 4724400773430This is what the US sold to help finance World War 1______________________________ 00This is what the US sold to help finance World War 1______________________________ -22860073026I am the president who supported the Panama Canal & Big Stick Diplomacy______________________________ 00I am the president who supported the Panama Canal & Big Stick Diplomacy______________________________ -22860095885During which war was the following used: imperialism, expansionism, yellow journalism______________________________ 00During which war was the following used: imperialism, expansionism, yellow journalism______________________________ 4724400166370Wilson’s 14 Points wanted leaders to cooperate to maintain world….______________________________ 00Wilson’s 14 Points wanted leaders to cooperate to maintain world….______________________________ -228600667385This is the ship that sunk and was one reason for US entry into WW1______________________________ 00This is the ship that sunk and was one reason for US entry into WW1______________________________ 22574251210310This is the war that the US acquired: Puerto Rico, Guam & the Philippines______________________________ 00This is the war that the US acquired: Puerto Rico, Guam & the Philippines______________________________ 2257425391160This is the location that was best for building the Panama Canal______________________________ 00This is the location that was best for building the Panama Canal______________________________ 4724400761365This was the vehicle that helped break the stalemate______________________________ 00This was the vehicle that helped break the stalemate______________________________ Rise of a World Power Vocabulary: Match each meaning/person with their descriptionPEOPLE:Alvin York1. ____ Created Fourteen Points to try and maintain world peaceJohn J. Pershing2. ____ Annexed/overthrew Hawaiian monarchy/limited rightsTheodore Roosevelt3. ____ Supported the building of Panama Canal/Big StickSanford B. Dole4. ____ Governor of Cuba, nicknamed “The Butcher”Alfred Thayer Mahan5. ____ His assassination sparked World War 1Valeriano Weyler 6. ____ Won the Medal of Honor during World War 1Archduke Franz Ferdinand7. ____Transformed inexperienced soldiers to experienced Woodrow Wilson8. ____ Wanted US to have a strong navy/overseas expansionQueen Liliuokalani9. ____ Queen of Hawaii was overthrown by Sanford B. DoleWilliam Randolph Hearst10. ___ Famous yellow journalist in Spanish American WarTHINGS:Lusitania1. ____ Type of combat where opposing sides dug holes USS Maine2. ____ Led to massive casualties – caused the stalemateImperialism3. ____ The year the US abandoned neutrality and joined WW1Acquired Territories4. ____ The US was act as an “international police power”Fourteen Points5. ____ British passenger liner smuggling weapons in WW1Treaty of Versailles6. ____ Using bold/exaggerated headlines to get attentionYellow Journalism7. ____ Type of vehicle used to break the stalemateWar Bonds8. ____ Staying out of foreign affairs, being neutralPanama Canal9. ____ Shortened the distance, trade became more efficientUnrestricted Submarine Warfare10. ____ Ship blown up, the US blamed Spain (yellow journalism)Zimmerman Telegram11. ____ Sold in the US to help finance World War 1Trench Warfare12. ____ What the USA became after the Spanish American WarTanks13. ____ When a stronger nation takes over a weaker nationMachine Guns14. ____ Hawaii, Guam, Philippines, Puerto Rico191715. ____ Created by Wilson to help maintain world peaceIsolationism16. ____ Treaty that ended WW1, forced Germany to payImperial Power17. ____ US and Russia did not sign this (drag us into war)Big Stick Diplomacy18. ____Germany’s philosophy of killing anything on siteLeague of Nations19. ____ Proposed alliance between Germany and MexicoACTS:Espionage Act1. ____ Used to enlarge the army during World War 1Selective Service Act2. ____ Suspended freedom of speech during World War 1GRAB-BAG:Isthmus 1. ____ “smoke and fumes” – weapon used during WW1Teller Amendment2. ____ Hawaii Annexation3. ____ Puerto RicoCeded4. ____ Best place to build the Panama CanalPoison Gas5._____ The US would leave Cuba alone to rule its island 0152400ROARING 20’S00ROARING 20’S35909254271010001238250426910500186690057746901920-1929001920-1929-1143006858000KEY WORDS:RED SCARE RETURN TO NORMALCY HENRY FORDMODEL T EUGENICS FLAPPERSTEAPOT DOME TIN PANY ALLEY GREAT MIGRATION JAZZHARLEM RENAISSANCE VACCINEPOLIOSCOPES “MONKEY” TRIALAUTOMOBILE 00KEY WORDS:RED SCARE RETURN TO NORMALCY HENRY FORDMODEL T EUGENICS FLAPPERSTEAPOT DOME TIN PANY ALLEY GREAT MIGRATION JAZZHARLEM RENAISSANCE VACCINEPOLIOSCOPES “MONKEY” TRIALAUTOMOBILE 46767751240790002276475141224000-171450136461500-180975102235PolioReturn to Normalcy Harlem Renaissance Organized Crime Scopes “Monkey” Henry FordTariff Women Vaccine Eugenics Mass Manufactured Red ScareAutomobile Tin Pan AlleyFlappers Teapot Dome Jonas Salk Great Migration Jazz Charles Lindbergh 00PolioReturn to Normalcy Harlem Renaissance Organized Crime Scopes “Monkey” Henry FordTariff Women Vaccine Eugenics Mass Manufactured Red ScareAutomobile Tin Pan AlleyFlappers Teapot Dome Jonas Salk Great Migration Jazz Charles Lindbergh Warren Harding wanted to “____________________________________” after the turmoil of the previous decade (WW1).The ______________________________________ had a major contribution of introducing ________ music.The _________________________________________ was when African Americans moved North in search of jobs in urban areas (cities).The ______________________________ happened in the 1920’s when people were afraid of Communists (aliens = communists)._______________________________ invented a vaccine for ____________________ which helped stop the frightening disease (a muscle destroying disease FDR had).A _________________ in a shot given in order to stop the spread of an infectious disease.______________________ contributed to the ratification of the Eighteenth Amendment because some were being domestically abused.________________________ created the Model T while using/improving the assembly line.A key word for the 1920’s which means producing a lot of a product is: ____________________________________.The KKK (Ku Klux Klan) was in favor of ____________________________ which is human breeding to try and eliminate all negative traits.Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryan argued on the ________________________________ Trial which argued modernism vs. traditionalism (new vs. old).The Eighteenth Amendment (18th) led to a rise in ___________________________________ (like the mafia).A major reason for economic prosperity in the 1920’s was the selling of the _________________________.The newspaper headline, “A Cabinet Member Jailed for Corruption” would most likely be associated with the __________________________________ Scandal where Warren Harding’s friend sold a piece of land with oil on it.____________________________________ completed a transatlantic flight across the Atlantic Ocean by himself (solo).Women who took male jobs, wore short dresses, and smoked in public were called: _______________________.____________________________________ was a section of New York City where music and songs were produced and played.A ______________________ is a tax put on imports – when you tax imported goods, it decreases trade. Warren G. Harding, 1920Apply Your KnowledgeWarren G. Harding was president in the 1920’s and wanted the US to “Return to Normalcy.” He wanted to recover from the turmoil (problems) of the previous decade (WW1).Who was president in the 1920’s? ______________________________________________What did he want to Return to? _____________________________________________What did he want recover from? __________________________________________________________________________________________The Red ScareApply Your KnowledgeThe United States was afraid of a Communist Revolution – they thought that Communists would overthrow the government.RED ALIENS = COMMUNISTSCommunists were said to have been infiltrating the USWho was the US afraid of? ______________________________________________What did they think the Communists would overthrow? _____________________________________________What do Red Aliens equal ____________________________________________What were Communists said to have been doing? ____________________________________________Jonas SalkApply Your KnowledgePolio is a disease that destroys the musclesJonas Salk developed a vaccine for polioA vaccine is something that would prevent the spreading of infectious diseases.What is the disease that affects the muscles? _____________________________________________Who invented a vaccine for polio? _____________________________________________What does a vaccine do? __________________________________________________________________________________________Cultural Assimilation of ImmigrantsApply Your KnowledgeJane Addams started a settlement house in the 1920’s and the assimilation continued.There was a movement to help assimilate (make the same) immigrants to U.S. culture.What did Jane Addams start in the 1920’s? ______________________________________________What was there a movement to do? ____________________________________________________________________________________________Eighteenth Amendment – ProhibitionApply Your KnowledgeThe Eighteenth Amendment was the banning of the sale/manufacture of liquor. As a result of the 18th Amendment it led to a rise in organized crime.Women influenced the ratification of the 18th Amendment because they were being abused. The Nineteenth Amendment was women’s suffrage.What was the 18th Amendment? ____________________________________________________________________________________________What did the 18th amendment lead to a rise in? ______________________________________________Who influenced the 18th amendment? ______________________________________________What is the 19th Amendment? ______________________________________________Henry FordApply Your KnowledgeCreated the assembly line (a technique to build objects more efficiently)Started the sale/production of the Model TAutomobiles led to a rise in prosperity in the 1920’s.Mass-manufacturing techniques were adopted to maximize production (make goods faster).Mass-produced automobiles made travel more affordable for many people. What was the assembly line? ______________________________________________What did he start the sale of? ______________________What led to a rise in prosperity in the 1920’s? _______________________________________________What was adopted to maximize production? ________________________________________________Hawley Smoot TariffApply Your KnowledgeHerbert Hoover signed the Hawley-Smoot Tariff It was the highest tariff (tax) and it led to the decrease in international trade.This hurt the US.Who signed the Hawley-Smoot Tariff?____________________________________________What did it lead to? ________________________________________________Teapot Dome ScandalApply Your KnowledgeThe Teapot Dome Scandal involved Warren G. HardingHe appointed his friends into his cabinet (to work with him) and his friend sold a piece of land with oil on it.A scandal is something that is bad or against your morals. What president did the Teapot Dome Scandal involve? ______________________________________________Who did he appoint to his cabinet? ___________________What did his friend do? _______________________________________________________________________________________________Scopes “Monkey” TrialApply Your KnowledgeA biology teacher was teaching evolution instead of creationism.Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryan argued on the caseArgued modernism (new) v. traditionalism (old)Who argued on the Scopes Monkey Trial? _______________________________________________What did the court case argue? _______________________________________________Social DarwinismApply Your KnowledgeSocial Darwinism is survival of the fittest.Many Progressives opposed this idea because people in lower classes were not capable of economic success.What is Social Darwinism? ________________________________________________What did many Progressives oppose about the idea? ______________________________________________________________________________________________Great MigrationApply Your KnowledgeThe Great Migration was the movement of African Americans to industrialized cities for jobs.Escaping segregation in the South and looking for jobs in the North. What was the Great Migration? ________________________________________________________________________________________________Where were they moving? __________________________What were they looking for in cities? _______________________________________________Harlem RenaissanceApply Your KnowledgeThe Harlem Renaissance happened in New York City.It was the African American Culture Tin Pan Alley was a section of NYC where music was playedIt established jazz as a prominent musical form. Where did the Harlem Renaissance happen? ______________________________________________What music became prominent? ______________________________________________Free-Trade PoliciesApply Your KnowledgeInternational free-trade policies led to lower prices for consumer productsThe more of an increase in business competition, the lower the prices.When you increase business competition, what happened to prices? ________________________________________________Immigration PatternsApply Your KnowledgeImmigrants move to areas that have geographic proximity (they are close) to their native countries (the country they are from).What influences immigration? ______________________________________________________________________________________________4714875109045This is what you would call someone who dislikes foreigners/immigrants______________________________ 00This is what you would call someone who dislikes foreigners/immigrants______________________________ 2228850228600This is the name of the scandal Warren Harding was involved in that was considered to be corrupt______________________________ 00This is the name of the scandal Warren Harding was involved in that was considered to be corrupt______________________________ -228600109855I am the man who was president during the 1920’s and wanted to “Return to Normalcy”______________________________ 00I am the man who was president during the 1920’s and wanted to “Return to Normalcy”______________________________ WHO AM I? WHAT AM I?4714875268911Because of the 18th amendment there was a rise in organized - ______________________________ 00Because of the 18th amendment there was a rise in organized - ______________________________ 2228850245110This is what is referred to as the movement of African Americans to the North in search of jobs in cities______________________________ 00This is what is referred to as the movement of African Americans to the North in search of jobs in cities______________________________ -228600111760I am the man who created a vaccine to help stop the spread of polio______________________________ 00I am the man who created a vaccine to help stop the spread of polio______________________________ 471487533655This is the color that represented communism/fear______________________________ 00This is the color that represented communism/fear______________________________ -228600163195I am the group of people that the Americans were afraid of infiltrating the US during the Red Scare______________________________ 00I am the group of people that the Americans were afraid of infiltrating the US during the Red Scare______________________________ 2228850225425This is what is used to help limit the spread of infectious diseases______________________________ 00This is what is used to help limit the spread of infectious diseases______________________________ 4714875158115This is the music contributed from the Harlem Renaissance______________________________ 00This is the music contributed from the Harlem Renaissance______________________________ 2228850200660This is the amendment that helped to repeal (take away) the 18th Amendment______________________________ 00This is the amendment that helped to repeal (take away) the 18th Amendment______________________________ -228600191135I am the group of people who heavily influenced the ratification of the 18th Amendment______________________________ 00I am the group of people who heavily influenced the ratification of the 18th Amendment______________________________ 4714875238760This is the section of NYC where music/songs were produced______________________________ 00This is the section of NYC where music/songs were produced______________________________ 2228850142875This is the amendment passed that banned/limited the sale and manufacturing of alcohol______________________________ 00This is the amendment passed that banned/limited the sale and manufacturing of alcohol______________________________ -228600161925I am the man who traveled across the Atlantic Oceans solo – opening up communication/travel ______________________________ 00I am the man who traveled across the Atlantic Oceans solo – opening up communication/travel ______________________________ 4714875261620This is what the KKK wanted to use to “breed” the perfect human______________________________ 00This is what the KKK wanted to use to “breed” the perfect human______________________________ 2228850132715This is the name of the court case that argued modernism v. traditionalism______________________________ 00This is the name of the court case that argued modernism v. traditionalism______________________________ -228600132715I am the group of people who was moving during the Great Migration ______________________________ 00I am the group of people who was moving during the Great Migration ______________________________ 471487541910This is the name of the disease that affects the muscles (FDR had)______________________________ 00This is the name of the disease that affects the muscles (FDR had)______________________________ 2228850165100This is the name of the court case that argued modernism v. traditionalism______________________________ 00This is the name of the court case that argued modernism v. traditionalism______________________________ -228600174625These are the two men who argued on the Scopes “Monkey” Trial______________________________ _____________________________00These are the two men who argued on the Scopes “Monkey” Trial______________________________ _____________________________4714875150495This is the word that you would use to describe Gilded Age/Teapot Dome______________________________ 00This is the word that you would use to describe Gilded Age/Teapot Dome______________________________ 2228850207645This is what Henry Ford used to mass produce and make goods more efficiently______________________________ 00This is what Henry Ford used to mass produce and make goods more efficiently______________________________ -228600173990I am the women who wore short dresses & redefined gender roles______________________________ 00I am the women who wore short dresses & redefined gender roles______________________________ 4714875173355This is what took place in NYC – an awakening of African American culture______________________________ 00This is what took place in NYC – an awakening of African American culture______________________________ -228600184785I am the man who created the Model T/used the assembly line______________________________ 00I am the man who created the Model T/used the assembly line______________________________ The Roaring 20’s Vocabulary: Match each meaning/person with their descriptionPEOPLE:Henry Ford1. ____ This group was moving North during the Great MigrationCommunists2. ____ President during the 1920’s involved in Teapot DomeWomen3. ____ This group helped ratify the 18th AmendmentCharles Lindberg4. ____ Flew solo across the Atlantic Ocean Clarence Darrow5. ____ Created a vaccine to help stop the spread of diseasesSacco & Vanzetti 6. ____ Created the Model T using the assembly lineJonas Salk7. ____ Who Americans feared during the Red ScareWarren Harding8. ____ Argued on the Scopes “Monkey” Trial caseAfrican Americans9. ____ 2 Italian immigrants convicted with little evidenceTHINGS:Teapot Dome Scandal1. ____ Argued modernism v. traditionalism in the classroomAssembly Line2. ____ Why most immigrants move to certain locations Mass Manufacturing3. ____ Designed to stop the spread of an infectious diseaseGreat Migration4. ____ An awakening of African American culture in NYCHarlem Renaissance5. ____ What Henry Ford created Model T6. ____ A computer build to specifications based on inventoryJazz7. ____ Music introduced during the Harlem RenaissanceCommunists8. ____ Harding’s cabinet member was jailed for corruptionVaccine9. ____ Producing a lot of a product (using the assembly line)Increased Business Competition 10. ____ “buy now, pay later” mentality of the 1920’sGeographic Proximity11. ____ Progressive opposed – people in lower classes not capable of successScopes “Monkey” Trial12. ____ Movement of African Americans for opportunities in citiesAutomobile13. ____ What Henry Ford used to mass manufacture productsSocial Darwinism14. ____ Lowers prices for consumer productsProhibition led to -15. ____ Cause of economic prosperity during 1920’sExample of Assembly Line -16. ____ Who Americans were afraid of during Red ScareBuying on Credit 17. ____ Rise in organized crime AMENDMENTS:18TH Amendment1. ____ Women’s suffrage, get the right to vote in 192019th Amendment2. ____ Repealed the 18th amendment (you can drink at 21)21st Amendment 3. ____ Banned the sale/manufacture of alcohol GRAB-BAG:Red Scare1. ____ Led to a decrease in international trade (signed by Hoover)Dust Bowl2. ____ Americans were afraid of Communists infiltrating the USHawley-Smoot Tariff3. ____ Occurred in 1930’s, farmers crops ruined, Great Plains50196750002600325000850900000174625THE GREAT DEPRESSION00THE GREAT DEPRESSION16865601181101929-1939001929-1939496697044259500247650044259500-12446044259500-24441152776220KEY WORDS:HAWLEY-SMOOT TARIFF BUYING ON MARGIN DEPRESSIONSTOCK MARKET NEW DEAL RELY ON A SOCIAL SECURITY COURT PACKING22ND AMENDMENT HERBERT HOOVER FDR00KEY WORDS:HAWLEY-SMOOT TARIFF BUYING ON MARGIN DEPRESSIONSTOCK MARKET NEW DEAL RELY ON A SOCIAL SECURITY COURT PACKING22ND AMENDMENT HERBERT HOOVER FDR-114300-104775Executive Branch Court Packing Scheme Tennessee Valley AuthorityFDIC Supreme Court Social SecuritySpeculation Reconstruction Finance Corporation New Deal22nd Amendment Government DroughtsMortgages Fireside Chats Reduce Competition 00Executive Branch Court Packing Scheme Tennessee Valley AuthorityFDIC Supreme Court Social SecuritySpeculation Reconstruction Finance Corporation New Deal22nd Amendment Government DroughtsMortgages Fireside Chats Reduce Competition Franklin D. Roosevelt’s scheme hiring “yes” men to pass his New Deal Legislation in the Supreme Court was called: ______________________________________________.The _______________________________________________________ was passed by Herbert Hoover and the government intervened in private businesses (providing loans),The three major causes of the Great Depression were: decline in trade, bank failures, and ____________________________ in the stock market.The _______________ protects bank deposits of up to $250,000.The ____________________________________________________ provided regional jobs by putting up dams to produce electricity.The ________________________________________ limits presidential terms because Franklin D. Roosevelt served for too long and became similar to a dictator.The Dust Bowl was caused by a series of ___________________________ and primarily affected farmers living on the Great Plains.After Franklin D. Roosevelt passed the New Deal, people could rely more on the ___________________________.During Franklin D. Roosevelt’s presidency, the ___________________________________ expanded in power (it had too much power).Franklin D. Roosevelt’s plan to fix America in 100 days was the ______________________________.The _____________________________________________ offers help to the disabled, elderly, and unemployed (the government now assumes a principle role in helping).Franklin D. Roosevelt’s court packing scheme was an effort to reorganize the ____________________________________.The Mexican Repatriation Act sent 500,000 Mexican-Americans back to Mexico because people in the United States wanted to __________________________________________ for jobs.Franklin D. Roosevelt’s way of reassuring the public via the radio was called: ____________________________.The Federal Housing Authority (FHA) helped people obtain affordable __________________________ which made it easier to buy a house. Causes of the Great DepressionApply Your KnowledgeThe three major causes of the Great Depression were: decline in worldwide trade, speculation in the stock market, and bank failures.The Roaring 20’s spurred the Great Depression because people were buying on credit, investing in the stock market, and spending money they didn’t have.The headline that would support the federal government at the onset of the Great Depression is: “Unemployment rate reaches record high.”The three major causes of the Great Depression were decline in trade, bank failures and what else? _____________________________________________The Roaring 20’s spurred the Great Depression because people were buying on what? _____________________What would a newspaper headline covering the effects of the Great Depression say? _____________________________________________________________________________________________Herbert HooverApply Your KnowledgeHerbert Hoover was generally disliked during the beginning of the Great Depression. He thought the economy was improve itself and kept a “laissez-faire” policy.Eventually, he passed the Reconstruction Finance Corporation which is similar to New Deal Legislation.It protected the economy through government intervention in private business.What kind of approach did Herbert Hoover use with the Great Depression? ____________________________________________What did he eventually pass? _____________________________________________What did it protect? ____________________________________________________________________________________________Hawley-Smoot TariffApply Your KnowledgeHerbert Hoover signed the highest tariff in the world (at the time).The Hawley-Smoot tariff impacted the US by leading to a decrease in international trade. What was the name of the highest tariff? _____________________________________________What did it lead to? _____________________________________________Characteristics of the Great DepressionApply Your KnowledgeAn ongoing period of economic depression. Some people lost everything and some families lived in “Hoovervilles” which was a play on words to show their dislike for Herbert Hoover. The Mexican Repatriation Act was an instance of deportation in the 1930’s as part of a repatriation effort. The reason for this was people in the United States wanted to reduce competition for jobs (since jobs were limited).People stood in bread lines in New York City in 1932 as a result of widespread business failure.What was the Mexican Repatriation Act? ___________________________________________________________________________________________What was the reason for this? ____________________________________________________________________________________________Why were people standing in bread lines in 1932? ______________________________________________Franklin D. RooseveltApply Your KnowledgeFDR vowed to fix the Great Depression starting with the first 100 days of his presidency.Created the New Deal to help assist Americans by offering jobs to the unemployed.Franklin D. Roosevelt sought to reassure the American public during certain economic times by delivering a series of radio speeches known as fireside chats.An ongoing result of the New Deal was that people could rely more on the federal government during times of economic distress. Roosevelt’s immediate response to the banking crisis after becoming president was to declare a bank holiday in the US that would last for several days.What did Franklin D. Roosevelt create to assist Americans with jobs? ______________________________________How did Franklin D. Roosevelt reassure the public during times of economic distress? ______________________________________________Who can people rely on more during times of economic distress? ______________________________________What was Roosevelt’s immediate response to the banking crisis? Declare a ________________________________.New Deal ProgramsApply Your KnowledgeTennessee Valley Authority – used to provide regional jobs and improve regional standards of living.Social Security Act, 1935 - helped the elderly, disabled and unemployed (government more responsible for economic welfare).**government-administered benefits**Federal Housing Administration – Assisted many Americans by helping them obtain a mortgage from banks.Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation – Assured protection of individual bank deposits.The major function of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is protecting personal savings in an event of bank failure. Key words for Tennessee Valley Authority: _______________________________________________Key words for Social Security Act: _______________________________________________Who is responsible for economic welfare? _______________________________________________What is Social Security? _______________________________________________Key words for Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation: _______________________________________________What is the major function of the FDIC? ______________________________________________________________________________________________Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Court Packing SchemeApply Your KnowledgeDuring FDR’s presidency, the executive branch expanded in power. In response to a national crisis, posed by the Great Depression, the United States government assumed a principle role in protecting economic stability. After the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that several New Deal Programs were unconstitutional, Roosevelt reacted by trying to increase the number of Supreme Court judges.Franklin D. Roosevelt is known for trying to reorganize the Supreme Court. Which branch expanded in power under FDR’s presidency? ______________________________________________In response to a national crisis, who assumed a role in protecting economic stability? ______________________________________________What did FDR do when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that his programs were unconstitutional? ____________________________________________________________________________________________What court did he reorganize? ______________________Huey Long, Share Our WealthApply Your KnowledgeSomeone who gave their fortune to farmers and their families in need, would be similar to Huey Long’s “Share our Wealth.”Basically, it’s using your riches to help people less fortunate. What is an example of “sharing the wealth”? ____________________________________________________________________________________________Who is that man that wanted to “Share the Wealth?” _____________________________________________The Dust BowlApply Your KnowledgeThe Dust Bowl primarily impacted farmers living in the Great Plains and was caused by prolonged droughts and poor farming practices.The top soil turned to dust and large gusts of winds covered many farmers’ crops. This added to the hardships of Midwestern farmers during the Great Depression. Where did the Dust Bowl impact? _______________________________________________What was it caused by? _______________________________________________Who suffered the most hardships in the Midwest? ______________________________________________Critics of the New Deal ProgramApply Your KnowledgeMany critics of the New Deal program called Franklin D. Roosevelt a socialist.They believed that the government had become too involved in people’s lives. What did many critics of the New Deal call FDR? _______________________________________________What did they believe had become too involved in people’s lives? __________________________________The End of FDR’s Presidency Apply Your KnowledgeOne of the results of Franklin D. Roosevelt being elected four terms was that there was a constitutional amendment passed limiting the president to two full terms in office.The 22nd Amendment presidents limited to 2 terms. What was a result of FDR being elected 4 terms? _______________________________________________What did the 22nd state? ______________________________________________-228600270238Who was the president that delivered the fireside chats?______________________________ 00Who was the president that delivered the fireside chats?______________________________ 2228850228600This is the New Deal Program that dealt with regional jobs, standard of living & electricity______________________________ 00This is the New Deal Program that dealt with regional jobs, standard of living & electricity______________________________ WHO AM I? WHAT AM I?46585417620This is one of the three causes of the Great Depression: decline in trade, bank failures, and….______________________________ 00This is one of the three causes of the Great Depression: decline in trade, bank failures, and….______________________________ -22860096702Who is the president that signed the Reconstruction Finance Corporation?______________________________ 00Who is the president that signed the Reconstruction Finance Corporation?______________________________ 2228850245110This is the New Deal Program that made the government responsible for people’s economic welfare______________________________ 00This is the New Deal Program that made the government responsible for people’s economic welfare______________________________ 466026551435This is what FDR used via the radio to help reassure the American public______________________________ 00This is what FDR used via the radio to help reassure the American public______________________________ -228600121376Who is the president that signed the Hawley-Smoot Tariff?______________________________ 00Who is the president that signed the Hawley-Smoot Tariff?______________________________ 466044799695This is the branch that became too powerful under FDR’s presidency______________________________ 00This is the branch that became too powerful under FDR’s presidency______________________________ 2231571221524This is the New Deal Program that helped people obtain mortgages from banks______________________________ 00This is the New Deal Program that helped people obtain mortgages from banks______________________________ -228600175170Who is the president that created the New Deal?______________________________ 00Who is the president that created the New Deal?______________________________ 4660447166370This is what FDR wanted to increase with his Court Packing Scheme______________________________ 00This is what FDR wanted to increase with his Court Packing Scheme______________________________ 2220686244747This was passed by Herbert Hoover and protected the economy through government intervention in business______________________________________________________________ 00This was passed by Herbert Hoover and protected the economy through government intervention in business______________________________________________________________ -228600221161This is who assumed a principle role in protecting economic stability after the Great Depression ______________________________ 00This is who assumed a principle role in protecting economic stability after the Great Depression ______________________________ 4660447222794This is the amendment that dealt with the court case: United States v. Butler______________________________ 00This is the amendment that dealt with the court case: United States v. Butler______________________________ -228600256540This is the man who wanted to Share the Wealth by helping the needy ______________________________ 00This is the man who wanted to Share the Wealth by helping the needy ______________________________ 2231571162831This is the New Deal Program where the government protects individual bank deposits______________________________ 00This is the New Deal Program where the government protects individual bank deposits______________________________ 4659086293460This is the name of FDR’s program that would help provide jobs to the unemployed______________________________ 00This is the name of FDR’s program that would help provide jobs to the unemployed______________________________ -228600127998This is the court that FDR wanted to reorganize with his Court Packing Scheme______________________________ _____________________________00This is the court that FDR wanted to reorganize with his Court Packing Scheme______________________________ _____________________________2231571164919This is the reason why the Mexican Repatriation Act in the 1930’s was passed______________________________ 00This is the reason why the Mexican Repatriation Act in the 1930’s was passed______________________________ 4659086284660This is what people can rely on more in times of economic distress as a result of the New Deal______________________________ 00This is what people can rely on more in times of economic distress as a result of the New Deal______________________________ -228600187235This is the name of the tariff that declined international trade______________________________ 00This is the name of the tariff that declined international trade______________________________ 2220686145234This is the reason why people were standing in breadlines in NYC in 1932______________________________ 00This is the reason why people were standing in breadlines in NYC in 1932______________________________ 4660265269240This is a characteristic of the United States during the 1930’s – extend period of economic….______________________________ 00This is a characteristic of the United States during the 1930’s – extend period of economic….______________________________ 2220595197576This is FDR’s immediate response to the banking crisis______________________________ 00This is FDR’s immediate response to the banking crisis______________________________ -228600186962This is what caused the Dust Bowl which impacted farmers/Great Plains______________________________ 00This is what caused the Dust Bowl which impacted farmers/Great Plains______________________________ The Great Depression Vocabulary: Match each meaning/person with their descriptionPEOPLE:Hebert Hoover1. ____ Opponent (against) the New Deal – thought FDR was too friendly to bankersFranklin D. Roosevelt2. ____ Wanted to Share the Wealth – provide a decent standard of living to all Americans by sharing the wealthHuey Long3. ____ Signed the Hawley-Smoot Tariff/Reconstruction Finance CorporationFather Charles Coughlin4. ____ Passed the New Deal/Court Packing Scheme/4 TermsTHINGS:22nd Amendment1. ____ One of the causes of the Great Depression (along with decline in trade, and bank failures)Fireside Chats2. ____ How FDR reassured the public during economic distress via the radioHawley-Smoot Tariff3. ____ Wanted to reduce competition for jobs in the 1930’sSupreme Court4. ____ Highest tariff signed by Hoover which led to a decrease in international tradeCourt Packing Scheme5. ____ The 1930’s was characterized by this wordBank Holiday6. ____ Constitutional amendment that limits presidential term limits (2 terms only)Executive Branch7. ____ The court that Franklin Roosevelt wanted to reorganizeGovernment8. ____ This is what FDR’s immediate response to the banking crisisDepression9. ____ This is when FDR increased the number of Supreme Court justices so they could pass his legislation Dust Bowl 10. ____ This is what people could rely on in times of economic distressGreat Plains/Midwest11. ____ Caused by a series of droughts and poor farming practicesMexican Repatriation Act12. ____ The branch of government that got too powerful Speculation in Stock Market13. ____ The location that was most impacted by the Dust BowlNEW DEAL PROGRAMS:Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation1. ____ Provided regional jobs/electricity/improve standard oflivingSocial Security Act2. ____ Public work relief – jobs to the unemployedTennessee Valley Authority 3. ____ Protected individual bank deposits in an event of a bank failure (up to $250,000)Works Progress Administration4. ____ Employed millions of unemployed – public works projects (constructing roads, buildings, etc.)Reconstruction Finance Corporation5. ____Protected economy through government intervention inprivate business Federal Housing Administration6. ____ Government-administered benefits/people could rely more onthe governmentCivilian Conservation Corps7. ____ Provided mortgages so people could buy housesPublic Works Administration 8. ____ Large scale public works 174940327164641939-1945001939-194550292000002470331000000003570061WORLD WAR 200WORLD WAR 2-1955803763554KEY WORDS:NAZI PARTY ALLIED POWERS AXIS POWERSTRADE SANCTIONS RATIONING SCARCESHORTAGE INTERNMENT CAMP APPEASEMENTPEARL HARBOR MANHATTAN PROJECT ATOMIC BOMB00KEY WORDS:NAZI PARTY ALLIED POWERS AXIS POWERSTRADE SANCTIONS RATIONING SCARCESHORTAGE INTERNMENT CAMP APPEASEMENTPEARL HARBOR MANHATTAN PROJECT ATOMIC BOMB446278045148500211137515494000-10922016573500-163287-206829Relocation CentersScarceIntegratingJapan World War II Death March U.S. involvement Food SupplyNew WeaponShortagesFranklin D. Roosevelt Japanese Americans Secret codeMilitary and IndustrialTerm LimitsNavajo Soldiers Normandy OilAfrican American Medal of Honor0Relocation CentersScarceIntegratingJapan World War II Death March U.S. involvement Food SupplyNew WeaponShortagesFranklin D. Roosevelt Japanese Americans Secret codeMilitary and IndustrialTerm LimitsNavajo Soldiers Normandy OilAfrican American Medal of HonorVernon Baker was the only living ___________________________________ to be awarded the ____________________ in World War II.“Are you willing to serve in the armed forces of the United States?” is a question the Japanese Americans were required to answer when they were released from ________________________________________.After dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, World War II ended with _________________ surrendering to the Allies. The primary purpose of Victory/War Gardens was to increase the _____________________ during a farm-labor shortage.The 22nd Amendment was passed in response to the election of ___________________________________ to a fourth presidential term. Women who worked in factories (installing dive-bombers) in 1943 were maintaining the country’s _________________________________ production levels while men were away at war.Navajo Code Talkers were best known for creating a ___________________________ for communicating battle plans between Allied units.The acceleration of the Manhattan Project was designed to develop a ___________________________ (atomic bomb) that would gain a strategic advantage over enemies. “It is impossible for any nation completely to isolate itself from economic and political upheavals of the rest of the world…It jeopardizes the future of security of every nation” (1937) – Franklin D. Roosevelt was talking about _______________________________________ in World War II.When Japanese forces occupied the Bataan Peninsula, many soldiers (US & Filipino) died during a forced _________________________ to a prison camp in the Philippines.“The conflict is still sharpening throughout the world between two political systems” (1938) – Franklin D. Roosevelt was talking about the outbreak of _______________________.The government issued ration books during World War II in order to ensure the fair distribution of ___________________ goods. One reason that Japan attacked the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor, is because the U.S. put trade sanctions on ________.In 1944, the U.S. Allied Expeditionary Force was sent to invade the beaches at _______________________, France which is referred to as D-Day. ______________________________ made an important contribution to the Allied war effort during World War II by encoding military communications. With FDR’s 4th term came a constitutional amendment establishing _____________________ for presidents. The fourth and fourteenth Amendments of the Constitution were violated by the U.S. when they put _____________________________ in internment camps/relocation centers during World War 2. Women during World War 2 would have to go without nylon hosiery (stockings) for Christmas because there was a continued ____________________________ of goods during World War II. The Tuskegee Airmen served to decrease opposition to _________________________ the U.S. armed forces (people wanted to bring together more than one race now). Causes/Beginning of World War 2Apply Your KnowledgeAdolf Hitler tried to conquer more territories to allow Germany to have more “lebensraum” – (living space). Great Britain and France appeased (gave into his demands) Hitler by giving him land so that they wouldn’t becoming involved in a war.Hitler took the Sudetenland and eventually involved Poland in 1939 which started World War 2.The invasion of Poland encourage France and Great Britain to declare war on Germany.Why was Hitler conquering territories? ______________________________________________What does the word appeasement mean? ______________________________________________Which two countries appeased Hitler? ______________________________________________Where did Hitler invade in 1939? __________________Which two countries declared war on Germany? ______________________________________________Allied and Axis PowersApply Your KnowledgeThe Allied Powers were made up of: France, Great Britain, Soviet Union, and eventually the United States in 1941.The Axis Powers were made up of: Germany, Italy, and Japan. Even though the war began in 1939, the United States did not enter until 1941 when Pearl Harbor was bombed. They tried to remain isolationists/neutral for as long as possible.The cooperation between the US and the Soviet Union supports the idea that alliances are built upon mutual self-interest.Which countries made up the Allied Powers? _____________________________________________Which countries made up the Axis Powers? _____________________________________________When did the US get involved and why? _____________________________________________What did they try to remain? _____________________________________________What does the cooperation between the US & Soviet Union show? _____________________________________________Lend-Lease Act, 1941Apply Your KnowledgeFranklin D. Roosevelt proposed sending weapons to the Allied Powers as a form of military aid during World War 2The purpose was to provide aid to any country whose defense was vital to the United States “The conflict is still sharpening throughout the world between two political systems” – Roosevelt knew the outbreak of WW2 would happen because of the difference in ideologies between the Allied and Axis Powers.What did FDR propose? ______________________________________________________________________________________________What was the purpose of the Lend Lease Act? ______________________________________________________________________________________________What war did Roosevelt think would outbreak? _______________________________________________The United States Joins the War, 1941Apply Your KnowledgeThe Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 “a day that will live in infamy”The reason they bombed Pearl Harbor was to eliminate them from being a threat during World War 2.One reason Japan attacked the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor was because the United States put trade sanctions (cut off a product) on oil.The attack on Pearl Harbor shows how a single event can impact public opinion in a time f crisis.When did Japan bomb Pearl Harbor? _______________________________________________What was the reason? _______________________________________________What did the US put trade sanctions on? ______________________________________________What did the attack on Pearl Harbor show? ______________________________________________________________________________________________The Effect of WW2 in the United StatesApply Your KnowledgeWorld War 2 left the United States with a shortage of goods because everything that they had, they sent to the war.During the war, there was a continued shortage of goods – especially hosiery for the women which led to a gloomy Christmas.The government issued ration books in order to ensure the fair distribution of scarce (little) goods.The number of women in the workforce increased as men were fighting overseas.During the war, there was a continued what of goods? _____________________________________________The shortage of what good made for a gloomy Christmas? _____________________________________________Why did the government issue ration books? ____________________________________________________________________________________________Who was working more because men were gone? _______________________________________________Fighting in the WarApply Your KnowledgeThe Tuskegee Airmen were African American fighter pilots who decreased opposition to the integration of the armed forces.After them, the army became desegregated on orders from Harry Truman. Vernon Baker was the first African American to win the Medal of Honor during a time when they were trying to end racial discrimination.The American public used Victory Gardens to increase food supply during a farm-labor shortage.To help pay for the war, the US government relied heavily on the sale of war bonds similar to WW1.A key challenge that the US army faced was fighting the war on several front (Europe and the Pacific). What did the Tuskegee Airmen decrease opposition to? _____________________________________________What did Harry Truman order from the army? ______________________________________________Who was the first African American to win the Medal of Honor? ______________________________________________What were Victory Gardens used for ______________________________________________________________________________________________What was used to help finance the war? _______________________________________________What was a challenge the US faced during WW2? ______________________________________________Important Dates/BattlesApply Your Knowledge1941 – Japan bombs Pearl Harbor. They thought an overwhelming strike against the US would push them immediately out of WW2.1942 – The Japanese Forces occupied the Bataan Peninsula where many died during a forced death march.1944- The Allied forces invade Normandy, France on a day referred to as “D-Day.” 1945- The Harry Truman drops the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki causing Japan to surrenderWhere did Japan bomb in 1941? _____________________________________________What was the Bataan Death March? ______________________________________________Where did the Allied forced invade in 1944? _____________________________________________What happened when Truman dropped the bomb on Hiroshima & Nagasaki? _____________________________________________Navajo Code TalkersApply Your KnowledgeNavajo Code talkers made an important contribution to the Allied war effort during WW2 by encoding military communications for secure transmission.They also used a secret code for communicating battle plans between Allied units. How did the Navajo Code Talkers make a contribution to the Allied war effort? ______________________________________________What did they use for communicating battle plans? _____________________________________________Japanese Relocation CentersApply Your KnowledgeAfter Pearl Harbor, Japanese Americans were sent to relocation centers/internment camps because they were seen as a threat to national security. To prove their loyalty when they were released they were asked “are you willing to join in the US armed forces.” Where were Japanese Americans sent to after Pearl Harbor? _______________________________________What were they seen as? ______________________________________________The Effects of the Atomic BombApply Your KnowledgeThe Manhattan Project was a secret that was developed to work on a new weapon designed to gain an advantage over enemies, the atomic bomb.Harry Truman justified dropping the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki by saying it would end the war early and would save many lives (risk casualties).After the bomb was dropped, Japan surrendered and World War 2 was over.After the end of WW2 many working women left their factory because their jobs were returned to veterans. What was the Manhattan Project developing? ______________________________________________________________________________________________How did Truman justify dropping the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? ______________________________________________Which country surrendered? _______________________Who did women have to give their jobs up to after WW2? _______________________________________________2231571227421This is the treaty that ended World War I & made Germany pay reparations/give up their land and military______________________________ 00This is the treaty that ended World War I & made Germany pay reparations/give up their land and military______________________________ -228600270963My 4th and 14th amendment to the constitution was violated when I went to relocation centers/internment camps______________________________ 00My 4th and 14th amendment to the constitution was violated when I went to relocation centers/internment camps______________________________ WHO AM I? WHAT AM I?46585417620This is the location that wad invaded in 1944, the Allied forces stormed the beaches of:______________________________ 00This is the location that wad invaded in 1944, the Allied forces stormed the beaches of:______________________________ 2231571200751This is made up of: Germany, Italy and Japan______________________________ 00This is made up of: Germany, Italy and Japan______________________________ -228600264795I am the president who dropped the atomic bomb______________________________ 00I am the president who dropped the atomic bomb______________________________ 466026551435This is what FDR used via the radio to help reassure the American public______________________________ 00This is what FDR used via the radio to help reassure the American public______________________________ 4659086101780This is what America was after World War 1, and before getting involved in WW2______________________________ 00This is what America was after World War 1, and before getting involved in WW2______________________________ 2220686210640This is made up of: France, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union_______________________________ 00This is made up of: France, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union_______________________________ -228600320857I am the president who served four terms______________________________ 00I am the president who served four terms______________________________ 2231571263433This is what Franklin Roosevelt proposed in 1941 –sending war materials/weapons to the Allied Powers_______________________________ 00This is what Franklin Roosevelt proposed in 1941 –sending war materials/weapons to the Allied Powers_______________________________ -228600344805I am the African American fighter pilot group who decreased opposition to integrating the armed forces______________________________ 00I am the African American fighter pilot group who decreased opposition to integrating the armed forces______________________________ 465908648803This is the question the Japanese Americans were asked upon release of the relocation centers______________________________ _____________________________00This is the question the Japanese Americans were asked upon release of the relocation centers______________________________ _____________________________-228600319949I am the volunteer fighter pilot group whose major objective was to attack Japan______________________________ 00I am the volunteer fighter pilot group whose major objective was to attack Japan______________________________ 2220505149044These are the two countries who signed a non-aggression pact with one another during World War 2______________________________ 00These are the two countries who signed a non-aggression pact with one another during World War 2______________________________ 465908610432This is what the US sold to help finance the war (same as WW1)______________________________ 00This is what the US sold to help finance the war (same as WW1)______________________________ -228600311150I am the leader of Nazi Germany who instituted a genocide against the Jews______________________________ 00I am the leader of Nazi Germany who instituted a genocide against the Jews______________________________ 465899585453This is what was formed in 1942 that used posters and war news to promote patriotism ______________________________ 00This is what was formed in 1942 that used posters and war news to promote patriotism ______________________________ 2220686107406This is where Germany invaded that started World War 2 in 1939______________________________ 00This is where Germany invaded that started World War 2 in 1939______________________________ 2220686138429This is what the US put trade sanctions on that made Japan bomb Pearl Harbor______________________________ 00This is what the US put trade sanctions on that made Japan bomb Pearl Harbor______________________________ -228600137795I am the leader of fascist Italy______________________________ 00I am the leader of fascist Italy______________________________ 466026537919This is what Harry Truman dropped that made Japan surrender/did it to save lives & end the war quickly______________________________ 00This is what Harry Truman dropped that made Japan surrender/did it to save lives & end the war quickly______________________________ -228600243205I am the military leader of Japan______________________________ 00I am the military leader of Japan______________________________ 222059596429This is the year that Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii______________________________ 00This is the year that Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii______________________________ 465899572390This is the event that brought the United States into WW2______________________________ 00This is the event that brought the United States into WW2______________________________ -228600110490I am the leader of the Soviet Union during World War 2______________________________ 00I am the leader of the Soviet Union during World War 2______________________________ World War 2 Vocabulary: Match each meaning/person with their descriptionPEOPLE:Benito Mussolini1. ____ African American who won Medal of Honor in WW2Joseph Stalin2. ____ President of US who served 4 terms and beginning of WW2Franklin D. Roosevelt3. ____ Army general and prime minister who led Japan during WW2Harry Truman 4. ____ President of US who dropped the atomic bomb Hideki Tojo5. ____ Led US ground forces during WW2Adolf Hitler6. ____ Supreme Allied Commander for US during WW2Flying Tigers7. ____ Leader of ItalyTuskegee Airmen8.____ Leader of the Soviet UnionVernon Baker9. ___ Leader of Germany and the Nazi PartyDwight Eisenhower 10. ___ American volunteer fighter pilots – goal: destroy JapanOmar BradleyTHINGS:Blitzkreig1. ____ Germany, Italy and JapanNazi Party2. ____ France, Great Britain, Soviet Union, United StatesAppeasement3. ____ Signed between Soviet Union& Germany – Germany brokeNon-Aggression Pact4. ____ Opened up a new allied front, 1944, invasion of NormandyLend-Lease Act5. ____ Where Germany invaded in 1939 – started World War 2Poland6. ____ “lightening war” – Germany’s style of fightingNuremberg Laws7. ____ Run by Adolf Hitler in Germany – led genocide of JewsAllied Powers8. ____ Mass genocide of the Jewish race in GermanyAxis Powers9. ____ FDR signed in 1941 to help the Allied powers fight the AxisRationing 10. ____ Ensuring the fair distribution of scarce materials Violation of the 4/14th Amendment11. ____ Relocation of Japanese Americans after Pearl HarborExecutive Order 906612. ____ Formed in 1942 to promote patriotism during WW2Bataan Death March 13. ____ Giving into demands; example – France & Great BritainWar Bonds14. ____ Laws to restrict Jewish rights – (wear yellow star) Victory Gardens15. ____ US plan for fighting in the Pacific – conquering islands Office of War Information 16. ____ 60 mile forced death march: Japanese abuse/kill“D-Day”17. ____ Encoding/decoding communication messages to Allied Battle of Midway18. ____ Secret plan to form the atomic bomb/new weaponManhattan Project 19. ____ Amendments violated by putting Japanese in internment campsNavajo Code Talkers20. ____What US government sold to help finance the warIsland Hopping 21. ____Used to increase food supply in a farm labor shortageHolocaust 22. ____ Turning point in the Pacific War in favor of AlliesIMPORTANT EVENTS IN WORLD WAR 2:1941 1. ____ Germany invades Poland, World War 2 begins19422. ____ Japan bombs Pearl Harbor, US joins the war1944 3. ____ Harry Truman drops atomic bomb, Japan surrenders19454. ____ Office of War Information formed; promotes patriotism19395. ____ D-Day – invasion of Normandy, France; opened up Allied front509007-110381TRUMAN TO NIXON00TRUMAN TO NIXON730470202302Harry Truman: 1945-195300Harry Truman: 1945-1953730470144473Dwight Eisenhower: 1953-196100Dwight Eisenhower: 1953-1961730470128051John F. Kennedy: 1961-196300John F. Kennedy: 1961-196346799502791551002144395276315700-14160527629760073046949202Lyndon B. Johnson: 1963-196900Lyndon B. Johnson: 1963-196973046964945Richard Nixon: 1969-197400Richard Nixon: 1969-1974-130629-217714Suburban Beat Generation DeforestationFederal Benefits Technological superior WW2Poverty GI Bill Cultural DivideDeported Arms Race Soviet UnionProsperity Clean & Renewable RestrictedHouse Un-American Activities Committee Space Exploration Communists 00Suburban Beat Generation DeforestationFederal Benefits Technological superior WW2Poverty GI Bill Cultural DivideDeported Arms Race Soviet UnionProsperity Clean & Renewable RestrictedHouse Un-American Activities Committee Space Exploration Communists The Venona Papers revealed that some Americans had in fact been helping the ____________________________.The Union of Concerned Scientists passed legislation that focuses on finding ___________________________________ energy sources. A direct result of the launch of Sputnik in 1957 was that the U.S. government founded a federal agency dedicated to _____________________________________. The result of McCarthyism during the 1950’s was the U.S. citizens were arrested for being suspected ________________________.The migration (moving) of people during the 1950’s moved from urban to _________________________ areas.Due to the expansion of population into suburban areas, it led to an increase in housing and increased _____________________________________. The Red Scare and McCarthyism were similar because they both rounded up and _________________________ thousands of suspects without warrants. The United States adopted the motto “In God We Trust” in 1956 to distinguish from nations that ______________________ religious practices (created during the Cold War with Russia). The _________________________________ encouraged independent thinking in an age of conformity. A major cause of prosperity in the 1950’s was the granting of ________________________________ to veterans.President Harry S. Truman’s decision to drop the atomic bomb affected international relations by initiating the __________________________ with the Soviet Union.Rock and roll affected society in the United States by contributing to a _____________________________ between generations. More people bought new housing units in 1945-1965 because of assistance offered by the __________________ to soldiers returning from World War II. The 1950’s: a time when the middle class was growing is often nicknamed the __________________________ of the 1950’s. A movie about a young woman falling for a Russian pianist titled Song of Russia would more likely be investigated by the ___________________________________________________. The successful launching of Sputnik by the Soviet Union in 1958 sparked American fears that the Soviets had achieved _________________________________________ (they were better). Trends of the 1950’s (middle class, highway system, suburbs) were a result of economic prosperity following ______.The Food Stamp Act and Housing & Urban Development were programs used to alleviate _____________________.The Aftermath of World War 2Apply Your KnowledgeWorld War 2 just ended in 1945 because of the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima & Nagasaki.The atomic bombs initiated an arms race (buildup of nuclear weapons) with the Soviet Union.The Soviet Union and the United States are fighting because of different ideologies (beliefs) – The US has a Capitalist economy and the Soviet Union has Communism.The US & Soviet Union’s relationship became strained because each other was a threat to security. What did the atomic bombs initiate with the Soviet Union? _______________________________________________Why are the Soviet Union & United States fighting? ____________________________________________________________________________________________Why did the US & Soviet Union’s relationship become strained? ____________________________________________________________________________________________Prosperity of the 1950’sApply Your KnowledgeThe 1950’s are very similar to the 1950’s in many ways. The first is that there was prosperity which means having a lot of wealth/money.A major cause of prosperity of the 1950’s was the granting of federal benefits to returning veterans (someone who returns home from war).Federal benefits for veterans included: assistance in buying housing which is why veterans bought a majority of the houses.What does prosperity mean? _______________________________________________What was a major cause of prosperity in the 1950’s? ____________________________________________________________________________________________Federal benefits for veterans included what? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Movement/Migration of PeopleApply Your KnowledgePost World War II baby boom contributed to more babies being born, thus increasing the populationThere was an increase in a demand for housingMore people moved into suburban (outside the city) areas from urban areas (inside the city)The more houses you build the more it leads to deforestation (cutting down of forests to build houses). What was there an increase in demand for? _______________________________________________What areas did people move to? _______________________________________________The more houses that were built led to what? ______________________________________________________________________________________________Red Scare/McCarthyismApply Your KnowledgeThe Red Scare was a time when people had nativist ideas because they were afraid of Communists.Senator Joseph McCarthy created a “witch hunt” to stop Communists from infiltrating into the United States. McCarthy is best known for Red Scare of 1950’sThe Red Scare and McCarthyism are similar because they both were initiated by the fear of Communism in the United States.The Venona Papers confirmed that some Americans in the government and industry in fact were helping the Soviet Union and it revealed that they were spies.The House Un American Activities Committee would question actors involved in movies (ones where Americans fall in love with Russians).The Red Scare was a time when people had what ideas? ______________________________________________Who created a “witch hunt” to stop Communists from infiltrating the US? ______________________________________________How are the Red Scare & McCarthyism similar? ____________________________________________________________________________________________What did the Venona Papers reveal? ____________________________________________________________________________________________Who did the House Un American Activities Committee question? ________________________________________________“In God We Trust” 1956Apply Your KnowledgeIn the height of the Cold War many Americans were afraid of Communists.The United States changed the US motto from E Pluribus Unim to “In God We Trust” to distinguish from countries who restricted religion (America will let you practice any religion).In the height of the Cold War, who were Americans afraid of? _____________________________________________Why did the US change our motto to “In God We Trust?” ________________________________________________________________________________________________The TelevisionApply Your KnowledgeThe television became an important invention because this is where people will look to in order to purchase goods.The increase in popularity of the television made more people go to movie theaters from 1931-1970.John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon were the first presidents in 1960 to debate on television – it showed the power of TV to shape public perception.Where did the increase in popularity of the television make people go? ________________________________________________John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon were the first presidents to debate where? ________________________What did it show the power of? ______________________________________________________________________________________________The Great SocietyApply Your KnowledgeLyndon B. Johnson started the Great Society programs to help alleviate poverty.Some programs include: Food Stamp Act, Housing & Urban Development and the Child Nutrition Act of 1966.These were created programs to help alleviate poverty.The primary goal of the Great Society was to eliminate poverty and racial prejudice.A question posed was: “How far can the federal government go to help alleviate poverty?”What did Lyndon B. Johnson start? ________________________________________________What did the Great Society help do? ________________________________________________What was the Food Stamp Act/Housing & Urban Development created to help do? ________________________________________________What was the question posed: ________________________________________________The Space RaceApply Your KnowledgeThe Soviet Union launched Sputnik into space and a direct result was that the USA feared the Soviet Union was technologically superior.The USA funded a federal agency dedicated to space exploration.The United States started funding math and science as a result of the launching of the first artificial satellite.Freeze dried ice cream & sunglasses were developed for use in space exploration. After the Soviet Union launched Sputnik, what did the US fear? ______________________________________________What did the USA fund? _______________________________________________The US funded math & science as a result of what? _______________________________________________Who invented freeze dried ice cream? ________________________________________________Rock & RollApply Your KnowledgeRock and Roll had an effect on society: it contributed to a cultural divide between generations.The concert in 1969 where rock & roll was played was called Woodstock.What effect did rock & roll have on society? ________________________________________________What was the concert where rock & roll was played? _______________________________________________Union of Concerned Scientists/EPA/ESAApply Your KnowledgeThe Union of Concerned Scientists encouraged Congress to pass legislation to focus on finding clean & renewable energy sources.What did the Union of Concerned Scientists encourage? ______________________________________________________________________________________________Watergate ScandalApply Your KnowledgeRichard Nixon was a Republican president up for re-election. His CIA Agents broke into the Democratic Headquarters.Richard Nixon tried to use his executive privilege to not have to turn over the tapes, but in US vs. Nixon it showed no one is above the law.Americans saw Watergate as a conspiracy to mislead the nation.Where did the CIA Agents break into? _______________________________________________What did Nixon try to use? _______________________________________________How did Americans see the Watergate Scandal? ______________________________________________________________________________________________Endangered Species ActApply Your KnowledgeThe Endangered Species Act was created to prevent the disruption of animal migration.What did the Endangered Species Act try to prevent? ________________________________________________4819650190501WHAT Am I?I am the class that was growing during the 1950’s______________________________00WHAT Am I?I am the class that was growing during the 1950’s______________________________2343150190500WHAT Am I?I am the satellite that the Russians sent into space in 1957_______________________________00WHAT Am I?I am the satellite that the Russians sent into space in 1957_______________________________-142875190500WHO Am I?I started McCarthyism and I led a witch hunt to round up and deport suspects Communists with no warrants:_______________________________00WHO Am I?I started McCarthyism and I led a witch hunt to round up and deport suspects Communists with no warrants:_______________________________WHO AM I? WHAT AM I?23431497915275WHAT Am I?I am what revealed that Americans were in fact helping the Soviet Union_______________________________00WHAT Am I?I am what revealed that Americans were in fact helping the Soviet Union_______________________________23431506581775WHAT Am I?I am what was initiated after Harry Truman dropped the atomic bombs_______________________________00WHAT Am I?I am what was initiated after Harry Truman dropped the atomic bombs_______________________________23431505248275WHAT Am I?I am the type of music that led to a cultural divide between generations_______________________________00WHAT Am I?I am the type of music that led to a cultural divide between generations_______________________________-1428745248275WHO Am I?I am the president who created the Great Society to help alleviate poverty with the Food Stamp Act/Child Nutrition_______________________________00WHO Am I?I am the president who created the Great Society to help alleviate poverty with the Food Stamp Act/Child Nutrition_______________________________48196507610475WHAT Am I?After Sputnik was launched the US government funded an agency dedicated to -______________________________00WHAT Am I?After Sputnik was launched the US government funded an agency dedicated to -______________________________48196506305550WHAT Am I?The reason the US funded math & science is because of the launch of the first - ______________________________00WHAT Am I?The reason the US funded math & science is because of the launch of the first - ______________________________48196505000625WHAT Am I?I am who the House Un American Activities Committee questions:______________________________00WHAT Am I?I am who the House Un American Activities Committee questions:______________________________48196503667125WHAT Am I?I am the scandal that Richard Nixon was involved in that was “a conspiracy to mislead the nation”______________________________00WHAT Am I?I am the scandal that Richard Nixon was involved in that was “a conspiracy to mislead the nation”______________________________48196502362200WHAT Am I?The reason people went to movie theaters more is because of the popularity of what invention?______________________________00WHAT Am I?The reason people went to movie theaters more is because of the popularity of what invention?______________________________48196501057275WHAT Am I?I am what the Union of Concerned Scientists wanted to pass legislation on______________________________00WHAT Am I?I am what the Union of Concerned Scientists wanted to pass legislation on______________________________23431503886200WHAT Am I?I am what gave assistance to soldiers returning home from World War 2_______________________________00WHAT Am I?I am what gave assistance to soldiers returning home from World War 2_______________________________23431502552700WHAT Am I?I am what Lyndon B. Johnson formed to help alleviate poverty_______________________________00WHAT Am I?I am what Lyndon B. Johnson formed to help alleviate poverty_______________________________23431501209675WHAT Am I?I am what Americans feared after Sputnik was launched (it means better than)_______________________________00WHAT Am I?I am what Americans feared after Sputnik was launched (it means better than)_______________________________-1428747915275WHO Am I?I am a person who returns home from war & was also given cheap housing from the GI Bill_______________________________00WHO Am I?I am a person who returns home from war & was also given cheap housing from the GI Bill_______________________________-1428746581775WHO Am I?I am the group who encouraged independent thinking in an age of conformity_______________________________00WHO Am I?I am the group who encouraged independent thinking in an age of conformity_______________________________-1428753914775WHO Am I?I am the president who was involved in the Watergate Scandal that was a conspiracy to mislead the nation_______________________________00WHO Am I?I am the president who was involved in the Watergate Scandal that was a conspiracy to mislead the nation_______________________________-1428752571750WHO Am I?I am the president who created the Interstate Highway Act and was nicknamed “Ike”_______________________________00WHO Am I?I am the president who created the Interstate Highway Act and was nicknamed “Ike”_______________________________-1428751238250WHO Am I?I am the president who dropped the atomic bombs & initiated the arms race_______________________________00WHO Am I?I am the president who dropped the atomic bombs & initiated the arms race_______________________________Truman to Nixon Vocabulary: Match each meaning/person with their descriptionPEOPLE:Harry Truman 1. ____ Wanted to find clean & renewable energy sourcesJoseph McCarthy2. ____ Nicknamed: The King of Rock & RollDwight Eisenhower3. ____ President; Interstate Highway ActJohn F. Kennedy 4. ____ Returned home from war; benefits/GI Bill/bought housesRichard Nixon5. ____ Senator who created McCarthyism – fear of CommunistsLyndon B. Johnson 6. ____ President; Space Race; Bay of Pigs; Cuban Missile CrisisBeat Generation7. ____ President; Dropped Atomic Bomb/started arms raceVeterans8. ____ President; involved in Watergate ScandalUnion of Concerned Scientists9. ____ Artists/Writers/Musicians – independent thinkers Elvis Presley10. ___ President; Great Society – tried to alleviate povertyTHINGS:Great Society1. ____ Revealed that people were in fact helping Soviet UnionInterstate Highway Act2. ____ Changed motto during 1956 to distinguish from countries whorestrict religion Sputnik3. ____ Gave economic aid to help rebuild war torn EuropeTechnologically Superior4. ____ Agency designed to protect the environment; under NixonMiddle Class5. ____ The class that was growing in the 1950’sTelevision6. ____ Formed by Lyndon B. Johnson to help alleviate povertyWatergate Scandal7. ____ Formed by Eisenhower to allow easier transportationGI Bill8. ____ Music that led to a cultural divide between generationsRock and Roll9. ____ Artificial satellite launched by the Soviet UnionArtificial Satellite 10. ____ This is what the US feared Russia was after launching Sputnik Math & Science 11. ____ Nixon’s scandal; conspiracy to mislead the nationVenona Papers12. ____ Granted to returning veterans; cheap housing/educationMcCarthyism/Red Scare 13. ____ Offered aid to Turkey & Greece; signed by TrumanHouse Un-American Activities Committee14. ____ The subjects the US started funding after Sputnik Arms Race15. ____ The reason the US & Soviet Union were fighting in Cold War Space Exploration 16. ____ Where people were moving in the 1950’sEnvironmental Protection Agency17. ____ How far can the federal government go to alleviate poverty?Endangered Species Act18. ____ Initiated by the fear of Communists in the United StatesQuestion Raised from Great Society 19. ____ Questioned actors/directors in HollywoodTruman Doctrine20. ____ The invention that showed JFK & Nixon’s debateMarshall Plan21. ____ What the atomic bomb initiated with Soviet Union “In God We Trust”22. ____ Tried to prevent the disruption of animal migration Urban to Suburban 23. ____ What the US started to fund after the artificial satelliteCapitalism vs. Communism 24. ____ The reason why the US started the fund math/scienceMATCH THE PRESIDENT WITH THEIR CORRECT DESCRIPTION Harry Truman1. ____ Formed the Great Society to help alleviate povertyRichard Nixon2. ____ Involved in Watergate; conspiracy to mislead nationDwight Eisenhower3. ____ Involved in Space Race/Cuban Missile Crisis/Bay of PigsJohn F. Kennedy4. ____ Dropped the atomic bomb in 1945, ended WW2Lyndon B. Johnson5. ____ Created the Interstate Highway Act -131379-246993THE COLD WAR00THE COLD WAR24428452203451947-1991001947-1991487172026379800225334345620200-25082535623500-2393957556500-262255252730KEY WORDS:MARSHALL PLANTRUMAN DOCTRINE BORDER DISPUTEDEPLOYMENT MILITARY SETBACKS DEMONSTRATIONS AGGRESSOR COMMUNISTVIET CONGDECLARATION SOUTHEAST ASIA 1ST AMENDMENT 00KEY WORDS:MARSHALL PLANTRUMAN DOCTRINE BORDER DISPUTEDEPLOYMENT MILITARY SETBACKS DEMONSTRATIONS AGGRESSOR COMMUNISTVIET CONGDECLARATION SOUTHEAST ASIA 1ST AMENDMENT -21362646990Ngo Dinh Diem Marshall Plan Congressional ApprovalVietnam WarContainment Communism Deployment Blockaded Cuba Border dispute Peninsula Aggressor Communist AggressionMilitary Conflict ChinaMilitary SetbacksSoutheast Asia Vietnam War First Amendment Domestic Declaration 00Ngo Dinh Diem Marshall Plan Congressional ApprovalVietnam WarContainment Communism Deployment Blockaded Cuba Border dispute Peninsula Aggressor Communist AggressionMilitary Conflict ChinaMilitary SetbacksSoutheast Asia Vietnam War First Amendment Domestic Declaration A constitutional issue raised from U.S. involvement in Korea and Vietnam was a lack of formal ________________________________ of war by Congress. President Richard Nixon did not want the Pentagon Papers to be released, but the Supreme Court ruled in favor of its printing under the ___________________________________________.Worldwide reactions to U.S. involvement in Vietnam grew hostile because the U.S. was viewed as an _________________________________ invading an underdeveloped nation. The division of the 38th parallel was a result of negotiations to settle a _____________________________ between North and South Korea. The Berlin Airlift was used by Harry Truman in 1948 to provide supplies to a _____________________ city.The U.S. initiative designed to provide financial aid to war-torn European countries was called the ________________________________________. The Tet Offensive and President Lyndon B. Johnson not seeking reelection all took place during the _________________________________.The primary reason given by U.S. leaders to justify military involvement in Vietnam was that it would keep ______________________________ from spreading throughout the region. The Domino Theory suggested that in order to help, the U.S. must provide military aid to _______________________’s government (South Vietnam).President Richard Nixon’s “Silent Majority” speech in 1969 was to ask the American people to support his position on the ________________________________. The Vietnam War affected Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society because the U.S. had to divert critical funds away from _________________________ issues. The Domino Theory, which is the reason for involvement in Vietnam, was based on the belief that it would stop communism from expanding across ___________________________________. Press coverage during Vietnam affected the U.S. by reporting on ______________________________ and contributing to public disillusionment with the war. President Richard Nixon’s SALT 1 Treaty dealt with opening diplomatic relations with ________________.The primary reason for U.S. in involvement in East Asia during the 1960’s was the result of North Korea attempting to unify the __________________________ and challenging the policy of containment.JFK and Nikita Khrushchev were involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis – the result was JFK ordering a naval blockade to stop the shipment of missiles to _____________.Incidents like the Gulf of Tonkin and the secret bombing of Cambodia made the president to have to seek ______________________________ approval of any military action. The Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, and Korean War would all fall under the category of: __________________________. The reason for demonstrations and protests of the draft were due to escalated __________________ of soldiers to Vietnam.The Truman Doctrine argues that the U.S. must protect nations from ________________________________________________.As a result of the Berlin Airlift, the United States was able to bypass a Soviet blockade without provoking a ________________________________. Containment 1947-1991Apply Your KnowledgeAfter World War 2, the U.S. wanted to help stop the spread of Communism around the world.Containment is limiting the spread of Communism and it is also the reason the U.S. got involved in Southeast Asia during the Cold War.The Cold War began because of different ideologies: Capitalism v. Communism. Policies of Containment: The Marshall Plan, the Truman Doctrine, the Korean War, and the Berlin Airlift.The Marshall Plan delivered financial assistance to war-torn Europe and the Truman Doctrine gave aid to Greece and Turkey. The Truman Doctrine’s primary goal was to protect independent nations from Communist aggression. What is containment? _____________________________________________Why did the Cold War begin? _____________________________________________What are the different policies of containment? __________________________________________________________________________________________Where did the Marshall Plan deliver financial assistance to? __________________________________________Where did the Truman Doctrine give aid? _____________________________________________What is the primary goal of the Truman Doctrine? __________________________________________________________________________________________The Berlin Airlift 1948Apply Your KnowledgeAfter World War 2, Germany was split into zones of occupation for the Allied Powers.The Soviet Union decided to put a blockade on West Berlin so that they would be cut off from food and supplies.The U.S. used the Berlin Airlift to help deliver supplies to a blockaded city (helping West Berlin not fall to Communism).The result of the Berlin Airlift was that the U.S. was able to bypass a Soviet blockade without provoking a military conflict. What did the Soviet Union put on West Berlin? _____________________________________________What did the Berlin Airlift help deliver? _____________________________________________What was the result of the Berlin Airlift? __________________________________________________________________________________________Korean War 1950-1953 Apply Your Knowledge The primary reason for U.S. involvement in East Asia during the 1950’s was that North Korea attempted to unify the peninsula, challenging the policy of Containment.The Korean War ended in 1953 with negotiations to settle a border dispute at the 38th Parallel.The U.S. had helped supply South Korea with troops to stop North Korea from making them communist.Harry Truman said the reason for involvement was “Communism went passed the point of subversion and it was now time for armed invasion” What was the primary reason for U.S. involvement in East Asia? __________________________________________________________________________________________Where did the Korean War settle their border dispute?_____________________________________________Truman’s quote for involvement said Communism was passed the point of what? _______________________What was it time for? _____________________________________________Cuban Missile Crisis 1962Apply Your KnowledgePrimary people involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis are: JFK, Nikita Khrushchev, and Fidel Castro.The Soviet Union and Cuba became allies and started housing missiles in Cuba. When JFK’s spy planes saw this, he decided to put a naval blockade on Cuba (cutting off their missiles)This event was the closes the US & Soviet Union ever came to nuclear war. What did the Soviet Union and Cuba put in Cuba? ______________________________________________What did JFK decide to do to stop this? ____________________________________________________________________________________________What is significant about this particular event? ____________________________________________________________________________________________Vietnam War 1955-1975Apply Your Knowledge The U.S. tried to stop communism from spreading by providing military aid to Ngo Dinh Diem’s government (South Vietnam)The primary reason for involvement in Vietnam was keeping communism from spreading throughout the region (Southeast Asia)Roy Benavidez won the Congressional Medal of Honor for going above the call of duty. Who did the U.S. provide military aid to? ______________________________________________What was the primary reason of US involvement in Vietnam? __________________________________________________________________________________________What did Roy Benavidez win the Medal of Honor for? _____________________________________________America’s Reaction to Vietnam Apply Your Knowledge Worldwide reactions to U.S. involvement in Vietnam grew hostile because the US was viewed as an aggressor in an undeveloped nation.Press coverage of events during Vietnam affected the US by reporting military setbacks that contributed to disillusionment with the war.In the mid-1960’s U.S. participation in Vietnam resulted in mass demonstrations by people protesting the war. Television coverage proved that the American people could influence government policy. Antidraft demonstrations were in protest of escalated deployment to Vietnam. What was the worldwide reaction to the US in Vietnam? ____________________________________________________________________________________________What did press coverage of Vietnam report? ____________________________________________________________________________________________What did the participation in Vietnam result in? ____________________________________________________________________________________________What did TV coverage prove? ______________________________________________Anti-draft demonstration were in protest of what?______________________________________________President Lyndon B. Johnson Apply Your Knowledge LBJ escalated the war with the Gulf of Tonkin and sending in troops without a formal declaration of war.Criticism of the Gulf of Tonkin was it allowed the executive branch too much powerThe Great Society was hindered because funds were diverted from domestic issues. What did LBJ not have with the Gulf of Tonkin? ______________________________________________What was a criticism of the Gulf of Tonkin? ______________________________________________Why was the Great Society hindered? ______________________________________________President Richard Nixon Apply Your Knowledge Richard Nixon’s “Silent Majority” speech was intended to get people’s support on his position of the Vietnam War.His campaign speech stated he would get troops out of Vietnam and with Vietnamization he gradually withdrew troops.Nixon did not want the Pentagon Papers released, but the Supreme Court ruled in favor of them being printed under the First Amendment.SALT 1 dealt with Nixon opening relations with China.What was Nixon’s “Silent Majority” speech intended to get support for? __________________When Nixon didn’t want the Pentagon Papers released, what amendment stated they could be printed? __________________________________With SALT 1, where did Nixon open up diplomatic relations? _________________________________End of Vietnam WarApply Your KnowledgeThe War Powers Resolution was passed because of decisions made by the executive branch during Korea and Vietnam.The Twenty-Sixth Amendment was ratified because it was unfair to send 18 year olds to fight if they could not vote.A constitutional issues raised about both wars was a lack of formal declaration of war by Congress.Incidents like the Gulf of Tonkin and the bombing of Cambodia made the president have to seek congressional approval before any military action. Why was the War Powers Resolution passed? __________________________________________Who did the 26th Amendment allow to vote? __________________________________________What was an issue raised about both wars? __________________________________________What did Gulf of Tonkin/Cambodia make presidents do? _______________________________________________________________________________47434507200265WHAT Am I?This is the location the U.S. preventing communism from spreading in Vietnam______________________________00WHAT Am I?This is the location the U.S. preventing communism from spreading in Vietnam______________________________47339255990590WHAT Am I?This is the country Richard Nixon opened relations with (SALT 1)______________________________00WHAT Am I?This is the country Richard Nixon opened relations with (SALT 1)______________________________47244004809490WHAT Am I?This is what the U.S. was viewed as in an underdeveloped country______________________________00WHAT Am I?This is what the U.S. was viewed as in an underdeveloped country______________________________47053503399790WHAT Am I?This is where North & South Korea negotiated their border dispute after the Korean War______________________________00WHAT Am I?This is where North & South Korea negotiated their border dispute after the Korean War______________________________46863002266315WHAT Am I?This is the name of the mission to deliver supplies to a blockaded city______________________________00WHAT Am I?This is the name of the mission to deliver supplies to a blockaded city______________________________22479007581265WHAT Am I?This is the amendment that got the Pentagon Papers printed______________________________00WHAT Am I?This is the amendment that got the Pentagon Papers printed______________________________22288506438265WHAT Am I?This is what press coverage showed the American public during Vietnam______________________________00WHAT Am I?This is what press coverage showed the American public during Vietnam______________________________22288505271770WHAT Am I?This is what the U.S. was able to bypass with the Berlin Airlift______________________________00WHAT Am I?This is what the U.S. was able to bypass with the Berlin Airlift______________________________22193254114165WHAT Am I?This is what North Korea attempted to unify______________________________00WHAT Am I?This is what North Korea attempted to unify______________________________22332952677795WHAT Am I?This is what Nixon trained the S. Vietnamese to do as US troops gradually withrew – Vietnamization______________________________00WHAT Am I?This is what Nixon trained the S. Vietnamese to do as US troops gradually withrew – Vietnamization______________________________-2476507833360WHAT Am I?This is the crisis that is the closest the world has ever come to nuclear war______________________________00WHAT Am I?This is the crisis that is the closest the world has ever come to nuclear war______________________________-2381256661785WHAT Am I?This is what the U.S. & Soviet Union were fighting over in the Cold War______________________________00WHAT Am I?This is what the U.S. & Soviet Union were fighting over in the Cold War______________________________-2476505266055WHAT Am I?This is what the participation of U.S. in Vietnam resulted in (how you show you disapprove of something)______________________________00WHAT Am I?This is what the participation of U.S. in Vietnam resulted in (how you show you disapprove of something)______________________________-2476503880485WHAT Am I?This is what type of issues that funds were diverted from during the Vietnam War______________________________00WHAT Am I?This is what type of issues that funds were diverted from during the Vietnam War______________________________-2476502684780WHO Am I?I won the Medal of Honor in Vietnam for going above the call of duty______________________________00WHO Am I?I won the Medal of Honor in Vietnam for going above the call of duty______________________________-2381251294765WHO Am I?I am the group that the President has to seek approval from before any military action ______________________________00WHO Am I?I am the group that the President has to seek approval from before any military action ______________________________22288501308735WHAT Am I?This is the word that means stopping Communism from spreading – an example is the Truman Doctrine ______________________________00WHAT Am I?This is the word that means stopping Communism from spreading – an example is the Truman Doctrine ______________________________4676775-86360WHAT Am I?This is the war that the Tet Offensive occurred during ______________________________00WHAT Am I?This is the war that the Tet Offensive occurred during ______________________________2228850-100965WHAT Am I?This is the U.S. initiative that provided financial aid to war-torn European countries______________________________00WHAT Am I?This is the U.S. initiative that provided financial aid to war-torn European countries______________________________46672501104265WHAT Am I?This is what was put on West Berlin by the Soviet Union ______________________________00WHAT Am I?This is what was put on West Berlin by the Soviet Union ______________________________-247650-105410WHO Am I?I am the leader of South Vietnam – The side the U.S. provided military aid to______________________________00WHO Am I?I am the leader of South Vietnam – The side the U.S. provided military aid to______________________________Truman to Nixon Vocabulary: Match each meaning/person with their descriptionPEOPLE:Ngo Dinh Diem 1. ____ President; “Silent Majority,” Pentagon Papers, SALT 1Ho Chi Minh2. ____ Leader of South Vietnam – US provided military aid to himViet Cong3. ____ Leader of North Vietnam – US/South Vietnam fighting againstLyndon B. Johnson 4. ____ Dictator of Cuba – involved in Cuban Missile CrisisJohn F. Kennedy5. ____ Soviet Premier; worked with Castro in Cuban Missile CrisisRichard Nixon 6. ____ South Vietnamese Communists; used guerilla warfareHarry Truman 7. ____ President; Great Society; Gulf of Tonkin – escalated warJoseph Stalin8. ____ President; Cuban Missile Crisis, Bay of Pigs, Space RaceNikita Khruschev9. ____ President; Berlin Airlift – sent aid to West Berlin in 1948Fidel Castro10. ___ Soviet Premier; put blockade on West Berlin “Iron Curtain”Roy Benavidez11. ____ Mexican-American; won medal of honor in Vietnam WarTHINGS:Domino Theory 1. ____ The war that had demonstrations/protests/anti-war ralliesContainment2. ____ What the US was viewed as in an underdeveloped nationSoutheast Asia3. ____ Nixon didn’t want these released; 1st Amendment got themprintedAggressor4. ____ Nixon opened up diplomatic relations with China Anti-draft demonstration were due to-5. ____ The location where the US was trying to stop communismfrom spreadingThe Great Society 6. ____ Policy of stopping communism from spreadingGulf of Tonkin7. ____ If one falls; neighboring countries will fall to communism “Silent Majority”8. ____ Providing aid to war torn European countries Vietnamization9. ____ Providing aid to Greece and Turkey/stop communistaggressionPentagon Papers 10. ____ 1948; providing aid to West Berlin – blockaded citySALT 1 Treaty 11. ____ What the US could bypass with the Berlin AirliftWar Powers Resolution 12. ____ President has to seek congressional approval26th Amendment 13. ____ LBJ escalated the war – sent troops into Vietnam Lack of declaration of war by - 14. ____ Funds were diverted away from domestic issues Examples of Containment - 15. ____ Escalated deployment of troops to Vietnam Marshall Plan 16. ____ Nixon asked people to still support the Vietnam WarTruman Doctrine 17. ____ Changing voting age from 21 to 18 (unfair to send to war)Berlin Airlift18. ____ Congress38th Parallel 19. ____ Marshall Plan, Truman Doctrine, Berlin Airlift, Korean WarQuote by Harry Truman20. ____ Nixon gradually withdrawing troops; train S. VietnameseCuban Missile Crisis21. ____ Border dispute between North & South KoreaWhat JFK put on Cuba - 22. ____ “Communism is past the point of subversion…”Military setbacks 23. ____ Closest the US has ever come to nuclear warVietnam War 24. ____ BlockadeMilitary Conflict 25. ____ What press coverage reported to people in AmericaVietnam showed Americans could - 26. ____ Influence the government 47129705148580002252980514858000-15258150941160024491953630051595569100-152400000139702463801954-1968001954-1968-2098675217170CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT00CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT-2402132442392KEY WORDS:SEGREGATED DESEGREGATED INTEGRATED NON VIOLENT CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE MILITANTRACIAL SEPARATISM DISCRIMINATION CIVIL RIGHTSFEMINISM AFFIRMATIVE ACTION POLL TAX00KEY WORDS:SEGREGATED DESEGREGATED INTEGRATED NON VIOLENT CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE MILITANTRACIAL SEPARATISM DISCRIMINATION CIVIL RIGHTSFEMINISM AFFIRMATIVE ACTION POLL TAX-141514-206375Shirley Chisholm Judicial Philosophy InfluenceNon-violent Desegregation Organizations Jackie Robinson Vocational Skills Literacy TestsConservative Employment Discrimination Civil Rights Act 1964Constitutional Rights Authority Segregation Minority NAACPPlessy v. FergusonMalcolm X Rosa Parks Thurgood Marshall00Shirley Chisholm Judicial Philosophy InfluenceNon-violent Desegregation Organizations Jackie Robinson Vocational Skills Literacy TestsConservative Employment Discrimination Civil Rights Act 1964Constitutional Rights Authority Segregation Minority NAACPPlessy v. FergusonMalcolm X Rosa Parks Thurgood MarshallA newspaper article stating, “Segregation in Public Schools Outlawed” would best go with which individual? ___________________________________________________The best example of civil disobedience (nonviolent resistance) would be with _________________________ refused to give up her bus seat to a white man.The Brown decision reversed _________________________________________________, which endorsed racial segregation laws. W.E.B DuBois combated prejudice by forming the ______________________ which was an early civil rights group.Someone who would not want the ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) to be passed would be a leader of a _______________________________ interest group. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 eliminated _______________________________________ as prerequisites for voting. Actions taken by women to achieve greater economic opportunity in the 1950’s was forming ________________________________, publishing books, and demonstrating. ________________________________________ first rose to national prominence in the late 1940s when he helped bring an end to racial segregation in Major League Baseball.When Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white passenger in Montgomery, Alabama it was considered a ____________________________________ method of achieving civil rights. The 19th Amendment granted women’s suffrage and it gave women a greater opportunity to ________________________ government. One of ___________________________________________’s great achievements was overcoming gender and racial barriers to be elected to Congress. Plessy v. Ferguson and Brown v. Board show a difference between Supreme Court decisions as a change in _________________________________________________ encouraged by civil rights advocates. Booker T. Washington worked to improve the lives of African Americans by promoting _________________________________________________ for African Americans. Chief Justice Earl Warren transformed the judicial system when he ruled in favor of the ______________________________________ of public schools. The legislation passed to prevent racial discrimination in businesses, restaurants and places of employment was the ___________________________________________________________________________.The Civil Rights Act of 1964 banned: _______________________________________________. The 1966 Supreme Court decision Miranda v. Arizona affected society by granting those accused of a crime the right to be informed of their _________________________________________________________.Governor Orval Faubus of Arkansas challenged the ___________________________ of the federal government when he refused to desegregate Little Rock High School.The Supreme Court’s decision for Plessy v. Ferguson created a legal justification for ___________________________ laws.Due to the sit-in protests, freedom rides, and the March on Washington it led to an expansion of political and economic opportunities for ___________________________ citizens.__________________________________________ appealed to many African-American’s anger and frustration by preaching a militant approach to civil rights.Background to the Civil Rights MovementApply Your KnowledgeDuring the early 1900s, Booker T. Washington supported a moderate strategy for attaining rights by wanting African Americans to use vocational skills.W.E.B DuBois called for a more aggressive approach by starting the NAACP an early civil rights group.A similar difference emerged between Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcom X. An important cause and effect relationship would be the ideas of the Harlem Renaissance influencing the growth of the Civil Rights Movement. The Tuskegee Airmen who fought during World War 2 served to decrease opposition to the integration of the armed forces – afterwards, the army was desegregated.What kind of skills did Booker T. Washington want African Americans to use? ________________________What did W.E.B. DuBois start? ____________________What was the NAACP? ______________________________________________A similar difference emerged between who? ______________________________________________What did the Harlem Renaissance influence? ______________________________________________What did the Tuskegee Airmen decrease opposition to? ______________________________________________Important PeopleApply Your KnowledgeShirley Chisholm’s most celebrated achievements was overcoming gender and racial barriers to be elected to Congress.Jackie Robinson is best known for helping bringing an end to racial segregation in Major League Baseball.Rosa Parks is the best example of civil disobedience/non-violent protest when she refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white passenger.Lester Maddox was pro segregation and is best known for preventing African Americans from entering his restaurant.George Wallace is best known for preventing African American students from enrolling in classes at the University of AlabamaBilly Graham was an Evangelical Christian who supported Martin Luther King Jr and bailed him out of jail What did Shirley Chisholm overcome? _____________________________________________What sport did Jackie Robinson play? _____________________________________________What is Rosa Parks the best example of? _____________________________________________What did she refuse to do? _____________________________________________Where did Lester Maddox prevent African Americans from entering? _________________________________What did George Wallace prevent African Americans from enrolling it? ______________________________What did Billy Graham do to help MLK? _____________________________________________Martin Luther King Jr. versus Malcom X Apply Your Knowledge Martin Luther King Jr. used non-violence and civil disobedience in order to end segregation. He worked with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.Malcom X took a more militant/violent approach and supported racial separatism with his group called the Black Panthers. What did MLK use in order to end segregation? _____________________________________________What kind of approach did Malcolm X use? _____________________________________________What was his group called? _____________________________________________Martin Luther King Jr. “I Have a Dream”Apply Your KnowledgeMLK’s speech was intended for the national identity of the United States to become more inclusive (together).What was “I Have a Dream” intended to do? ______________________________________________Plessy vs. Ferguson/Brown vs. Board of Education Apply Your KnowledgePlessy vs. Ferguson ruled “separate but equal” and the Supreme Court ruling created a legal justification for segregation laws.Brown vs. Board of Education, 1954 was argued by Thurgood Marshall (NAACP) and Chief Justice Earl Warren and reversed/overturned Plessy v. FergusonThe Supreme Court ruled that all public schools must desegregate, although many states were slow to comply.The difference between Plessy v. Ferguson and Brown v Board of Education was a change in judicial philosophy encouraged by civil rights advocates.What did the Plessy v. Ferguson case create? __________________________________________________________________________________________Which two people argued on Brown v. Board? ____________________________________________What did Brown v. Board overturn/reverse? ____________________________________________After the ruling were states quick to comply? ____________________________________________What was the difference between Plessy v. Ferguson and Brown v. Board? _______________________________________________Important Legislation Passed in the Civil Rights MovementApply Your Knowledge The Voting Rights Act of 1965 eliminated literacy tests as prerequisites for voting.The Civil Rights Act of 1964 banned employer discrimination and made it illegal. It also was passed over Southern Democrats and would prevent racial discrimination in businesses like restaurants. The federal government responded to discrimination by employers by passing the Civil Rights Act of 1964.What did the Voting Rights Act of 1965 eliminate? _______________________________________________What did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ban? ______________________________________________Where did it prevent racial discrimination? ______________________________________________What did the government pass to end discrimination by employers? _____________________________________Miranda v. Arizona, 1966Apply Your Knowledge This 1966 Supreme Court decision affects society by allowing people accused of a crime to have the right to be tried by a jury of their peers. In the ruling Miranda v. Arizona when you the suspect is arrested you are supposed to be read your constitutional rights (“you have the right to remain silent”).How did Miranda v. Arizona affect society? ______________________________________________________________________________________________When a suspect is arrested what are they read? ______________________________________________When are you read your rights? ____________________ The Little Rock Crisis, ArkansasApply Your Knowledge Governor of Arkansas, Orval Faubus challenged the authority of the federal government to desegregate schools after the Brown v. Board ruling.He refused to let the “Little Rock Nine” enter his school and President Dwight Eisenhower sent in the 101st Airborne division to ensure safe passage. What did Orval Faubus challenge? ______________________________________________________________________________________________What did Eisenhower send to ensure safe passage? _______________________________________________President John F. Kennedy & the Civil Rights MovementApply Your Knowledge Kennedy passed Executive Order 10925 in 1961 and established the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).JFK wanted to promote fair employment practices in government agencies.When JFK passed the EEOC, what did he want to promote? ______________________________________________________________________________________Effect of the Civil Rights Movement on MinoritiesApply Your Knowledge As a result of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the 24th Amendment, it eliminated poll taxes, gerrymandering, and voter intimidation.This led to an increase in political participation by minorities.After events like: Sit in Protests, Freedom Rides, and the March on Washington it led to an expansion of political and economic opportunities for minority citizens. After eliminating poll taxes, gerrymandering, and voter intimidation, what did it lead to? ____________________________________________________________________________________________After events like the sit ins, freedom rides & the March on Washington, what did it lead to an expansion of? ____________________________________________________________________________________________The Women’s MovementApply Your KnowledgeThe 19th Amendment granted women’s suffrage (right to vote) and with this amendment, women were able to influence government.Actions taken by women to achieve greater economic opportunity in the 1960’s were that they formed organizations, published books, and demonstrated.The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) had been voted “no” so it never passed. Someone who might not want the amendment to be passed is a leader of a conservative interest group – Phyllis Schlafly. After the 19th amendment, what could women do? _____________________________________________What actions were taken by women to achieve greater economic opportunity in the 1960’s? ____________________________________________________________________________________________Who would not want the Equal Rights Amendment to be passed? ______________________________________________________________________________________________-25037175202WHO Am I?I overcame racial and gender barriers to be elected to Congress.______________________________00WHO Am I?I overcame racial and gender barriers to be elected to Congress.______________________________46863002266315WHAT Am I?This is the act that made discrimination in restaurants illegal______________________________00WHAT Am I?This is the act that made discrimination in restaurants illegal______________________________22288502680970WHO Am I?I am the WW2 fighter pilot group that decreased opposition to the integration of the armed forces______________________________00WHO Am I?I am the WW2 fighter pilot group that decreased opposition to the integration of the armed forces______________________________22288501308735WHO Am I?I appealed the many African-Americans anger and frustration by preaching a militant approach ______________________________00WHO Am I?I appealed the many African-Americans anger and frustration by preaching a militant approach ______________________________4676775-86360WHAT Am I?The Voting Rights Act of 1965 eliminated -______________________________00WHAT Am I?The Voting Rights Act of 1965 eliminated -______________________________2228850-100965WHO Am I?I am the governor of Arkansas and I challenged the authority of the government to desegregate schools______________________________00WHO Am I?I am the governor of Arkansas and I challenged the authority of the government to desegregate schools______________________________46672501104265WHAT Am I?This is what the Civil Rights Act of 1964 made illegal______________________________00WHAT Am I?This is what the Civil Rights Act of 1964 made illegal______________________________-249010259625WHO Am I?I am the best example of civil disobedience when I refused to give up my seat to a white passenger.______________________________00WHO Am I?I am the best example of civil disobedience when I refused to give up my seat to a white passenger.______________________________-247650248739WHO Am I?I am the Supreme Court Justice who worked on the Brown v. Board case______________________________00WHO Am I?I am the Supreme Court Justice who worked on the Brown v. Board case______________________________470262966312WHAT Am I?This is what people accused of a crime are read______________________________00WHAT Am I?This is what people accused of a crime are read______________________________-236765302079WHO Am I?I rose to prominence in the late 1940’’s when I helped bring an end to segregation in Major League Baseball______________________________00WHO Am I?I rose to prominence in the late 1940’’s when I helped bring an end to segregation in Major League Baseball______________________________2220686213904WHO Am I?I am the man who argued for the NAACP to outlaw segregation in public schools______________________________00WHO Am I?I am the man who argued for the NAACP to outlaw segregation in public schools______________________________472440023404WHAT Am I?This court case created a legal justification for segregation laws______________________________00WHAT Am I?This court case created a legal justification for segregation laws______________________________-250371281940WHO Am I?I wanted African Americans to use vocational skills to improve their lives______________________________00WHO Am I?I wanted African Americans to use vocational skills to improve their lives______________________________2217965141786WHAT Am I?This is the amendment that allowed women to influence government______________________________00WHAT Am I?This is the amendment that allowed women to influence government______________________________472303962139WHAT Am I?The Civil Rights Movement led to an increase in participation from -______________________________00WHAT Am I?The Civil Rights Movement led to an increase in participation from -______________________________-239486282574WHO Am I?I am the woman who is a conservative and did not want the ERA to be passed______________________________00WHO Am I?I am the woman who is a conservative and did not want the ERA to be passed______________________________2209800157388WHAT Am I?This is what public schools had to do after Chief Justice Earl Warren ruled in the Brown v. Board case______________________________00WHAT Am I?This is what public schools had to do after Chief Justice Earl Warren ruled in the Brown v. Board case______________________________472440089354WHAT Am I?Plessy v. Ferguson was overturned by this case______________________________00WHAT Am I?Plessy v. Ferguson was overturned by this case______________________________-239486236946WHO Am I?I am a Civil Rights Leader who supported civil disobedience and non-violent resistance______________________________00WHO Am I?I am a Civil Rights Leader who supported civil disobedience and non-violent resistance______________________________472440068217WHAT Am I?This is what influenced the CRM______________________________00WHAT Am I?This is what influenced the CRM______________________________220980089988WHAT Am I?This is what women formed -______________________________00WHAT Am I?This is what women formed -______________________________Civil Rights Movement Vocabulary: Match each meaning/person with their descriptionPEOPLE:Martin Luther King, Jr. 1. ____ Preached a militant approach to obtaining Civil RightsMalcolm X2. ____ Member of a conservative group – did not want ERA passedShirley Chisholm3. ____ Evangelical Christian who bailed MLK out of jailJackie Robinson 4. ____ Supported nonviolent/civil disobedience to obtain civil rightsBilly Graham5. ____ Refused to let African Americans into his restaurantSouthern Democrats 6. ____ Overcame gender/racial barriers to be elected to CongressGeorge Wallace 7. ____ Overcame racial barriers to play Major League BaseballLester Maddox8. ____ Tried to obstruct Civil Rights legislationPhyllis Schlafly 9. ____ Wanted African Americans to use vocational skills Rosa Parks 10. ___ Refused to let African Americans register for classesW.E.B. DuBois11. ____Best example of civil disobedience; refused to give up seatBooker T. Wasington12. ____ Formed the NAACP; an early civil rights group Orval Faubus13. ____ Governor of Arkansas; challenged authority to desegregateThurgood Marshall14. ____ Decreased opposition to the integration of armed forcesTuskegee Airmen15. ____ Fought for NAACP to make segregating schools outlawedTHINGS:Non-Violent Protest 1. ____ Wanted to make the US more inclusive; MLK speechChief Justice Earl Warren ruled - 2. ____ Influenced the Civil Rights MovementActions taken by women in 1960’s3. ____ When Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the busVoting Rights Act of 19654. ____ Eliminated literacy tests are a prerequisite for votingWanted to stop ERA from being passed 5. ____ You are read constitutional rights when arrested Civil Rights Act of 1964 6. ____ A leader of a conservative group (Phyllis Schlafly)Civil Rights Movement led to -7. ____ Supreme Court Justice; Brown v. Board; Desegregation of public schools John F. Kennedy wanted to promote-8. _____ Formed organizations, published books, and demonstrated Miranda Rights9. _____ Made employment discrimination illegal; restaurants, public places Harlem Renaissance 10. ____ An increase in participation of minority citizens“I Have a Dream” 11. ____ Fair employment practices in government positionsCOURT CASES/LEGISLATION Brown v. Board/Plessy v. Ferguson 1. _____ Amendment that eliminated poll taxes19th Amendment2. _____ Showed a change in judicial philosophy encouraged by civilrights advocatesVoting Rights Act 19653. _____Created a legal justification for segregation lawsCivil Rights Act 19644._____ Amendment that granted women’s suffrage; influencegovernmentMiranda v. Arizona5. _____Overturned/reversed Plessy v. Ferguson made it illegal to segregate schools; public schools must desegregatePlessy v. Ferguson6. _____Eliminated literacy tests as a prerequisite for votingBrown v. Board of Education7. _____ Amendment that granted equal protection13th Amendment 8. _____Amendment that abolished slavery14th Amendment 9. _____ Court case ruled those arrested must be read their rights15th Amendment 10. ____ Banned employer discrimination; public places24th Amendment11. ____ Granted African Americans the right to vote614877-25684CARTER TO CLINTON00CARTER TO CLINTON751490191792JIMMY CARTER: 1977-198100JIMMY CARTER: 1977-198175131539370RONALD REAGAN: 1981-198900RONALD REAGAN: 1981-1989751490172063GEORGE H.W. BUSH: 1989-199300GEORGE H.W. BUSH: 1989-199375149019641BILL CLINTON: 1993-200100BILL CLINTON: 1993-2001-49752252442210KEY WORDS:IRANIAN-HOSTAGE CRISIS IRAN-CONTRA SCANDALREAGONOMICS DEREGULATION OPECPETROLEUM STAGFLATIONUNITED NATIONSCONSERVATIVE BOSNIATHIRD-PARTY NRA CAMP DAVID ACCORDSSAM WALTON00KEY WORDS:IRANIAN-HOSTAGE CRISIS IRAN-CONTRA SCANDALREAGONOMICS DEREGULATION OPECPETROLEUM STAGFLATIONUNITED NATIONSCONSERVATIVE BOSNIATHIRD-PARTY NRA CAMP DAVID ACCORDSSAM WALTON465047721530800214923421526500-2787659969500-109417-204470BailoutPetroleum IranDomestic Middle East United NationsDeregulation Bill Gates MedicareConservative Newborn Child Sandra Day O’ConnorCrucial Votes Negotiate CollectiveOperating Software Defensive Iran-Contra North American Free Trade Agreement Camp David Accords Scrutiny 00BailoutPetroleum IranDomestic Middle East United NationsDeregulation Bill Gates MedicareConservative Newborn Child Sandra Day O’ConnorCrucial Votes Negotiate CollectiveOperating Software Defensive Iran-Contra North American Free Trade Agreement Camp David Accords Scrutiny President Bill Clinton’s impeachment rail reflected that elected officials face greater _______________________ of their personal lives. President Ronald Reagan told the American people that he did not, “trade arms for hostages.” He would be referring to the _________________________________ Scandal.“The global oil market is dominated by an international cartel with the ability to affect the world’s oil prices.” This excerpt would lead to a proposed legislation to address the ___________________________ economic power of OPEC member nations. Today the world is heavily dependent on __________________________________ for motive power and its widespread use has caused environmental problems. It can be burned and generate air pollution.Bill Gates impacted U.S. business and technology when he started the company that provides ______________________________________________ for most personal computers. Ronald Reagan believed in “peace through strength” and with that, he believed that increased ____________________________ strength would discourage aggression by others (the more weapons, the less someone will attack).Gasoline spiked during the 1970s and early 1980s because of conflicts in the _________________________________ disrupting oil prices. The organization that the United States and other member nations joined to confront problems like national security and the economy was the ____________________________________________________.The policy objectives of Reagonomics were based on the theory that broad tax cuts and financial ____________________________________ would promote economic expansion. _________________________________________ spending increased in the Southwest as a result of the growth rate of the population being people ages 64 and older.The man who is most closely associated with the development of the computer operating software system is ___________________________________________.The fashion of students changed from radical groups having crazy looks to dressing neater, cleaner, and brighter. This would describe the _________________________________________ movement. An employee requesting time off under the Family and Medical Leave Act would most likely qualify for time to care for a _________________________________________________.The Shah of Iran entered into the U.S. in 1979 for medical treatment and during that time revolutionaries kidnapped a group of U.S. citizens in _____________.The quotation most associated with ________________________________________ would be “the power I exert on the Court depends on the power of my arguments, not on my gender.”The president must ______________________________ to get congressional support for the executive agenda. Ralph Nader had a huge effect on George Bush and Al Gore’s election because as a third party, his candidacy drew ______________________________________ away from the other candidates.The _______________________________________________________________ deals with trading between the United States, Mexico and Canada. President Jimmy Carter attempted to end hostilities between Egypt and Israel with the ___________________________________.A primary justification for giving a company a federal loan would be for a __________________________ which would protect U.S. manufacturing jobs.Supporting legislation for bailouts would be due to a loss of _________________________ production work which would result in fewer opportunities for Americans. Jimmy Carter, 1977-1981Apply Your KnowledgeJimmy Carter was nominated to the Democratic Party in the 1976 election. He promised to “clean up” Washington and end corruption.Carter’s biggest problem was the economy. It depended on oil and oil prices continued to rise. Prices were 10% higher and interest rates rose up to 20%. Stagflation – inflation and interestInflation – Increase in prices for goods/services (more it increases, value goes down)Bailouts - loans to businesses to save American jobs. What did Carter promise to do with America? ______________________________________________What was rising in price? _________________What is stagflation? ______________________________________________What happens to the value of money during inflation? ______________________________________________Why were loans given to businesses in bailouts? ______________________________________________Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)Apply Your Knowledge Gasoline prices spiked during the 1970s and the early 1980s as a result of conflicts in the Middle East disrupting the distribution of oil.The organization formed to control world oil prices was OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries).The Oil Safeguard Act was a piece of legislation intended to address the collective economic power of OPEC member nations. Where was there a conflict in the 1970s? ______________________________________________What did OPEC control? _____________________________________________What would the Oil Safeguard Act address? ____________________________________________________________________________________________Camp David Accords, 1977 Apply Your Knowledge Israel had been established as a homeland for the Jewish people after the Holocaust. Many Jews were already living there, but Truman supported the creation of Israel.Egypt and Israel had been in a series of wars; namely the Arab-Israeli War, Six-Day War, and Yom Kippur War.Jimmy Carter attempted to end hostilities between the groups by negotiating a peace treaty known as the Camp David Accords.Where was the homeland for Jews after the Holocaust? ______________________________________________Who was in a series of wars with one another? ______________________________________________How did Jimmy Carter end hostilities between Egypt and Israel? _____________________________________________Iranian Hostage CrisisApply Your KnowledgeIn 1979, the Shah of Iran was forced into exile. The U.S. government later allowed the Shah to enter the United States for medical treatment. This perceived U.S. support for the Shah which resulted Iranian revolutionaries kidnapping a group of U.S. citizens in Iran. The embassy held the staff for more than a year and America’s image suffered. Where did the Shah enter for medical treatment? ______________________________________________Who kidnapped a group of U.S. citizens? ______________________________________________What is the name of this crisis? _______________________________________________How long were the hostages held? ______________________________________________Ronald Reagan, 1980-1988Apply Your KnowledgeRonald Reagan’s policy objective of Reagonomics were based on the theory that broad tax cuts and financial deregulation would promote economic expansion. Key words for Reagonomics: tax cuts and deregulationIn 1981 Reagan nominated Sandra Day O’Connor as the first woman Supreme Court Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court.Reagan believed in a policy if Peace through Strength – where he believed an increased defensive strength will discourage aggression by others. Reagan’s policy objective for Reagonomics was based on what? ______________________________________________________________________________________________What are key words for Reagonomics? _______________________________________________Who did Reagan nominate to be first woman Supreme Court justice? __________________________________Peace Through Strength was believing defensive strength would discourage what? ______________________________________________Conservative MovementApply Your Knowledge After the problems faced by presidents, conservative beliefs suddenly enjoyed an unexpected resurgence in the US. Conservative groups that supported Reagan were: the National Rifle Association, The Moral Majority, and the Heritage Foundation.Conservatives – Dressing up more, neater, cleaner, and brighter,What were the Conservative groups that supported Reagan? ____________________________________________________________________________________________How did Conservatives dress? __________________________________________________________________________________________Threat of TerrorismApply Your Knowledge In 1982, Israeli forces invaded Lebanon and set off a civil war between Christian & Palestinian refugees.US was helping LebanonUS Marines set in to break up the civil war, 241 marines died because of suicide bomber. Reagan withdrew forces.Where did Israeli forces invade? ____________________Who did the US help? ____________________________Why did 241 marines die? _______________________________________________Iran Contra ScandalApply Your Knowledge The Iran-Contra Scandal was when Reagan traded weapons to Iran for hostages, used the money to send to the Contras (Anti-Communist rebels).Congress has specifically prohibited any aid to the Contras.What scandal was Reagan involved in? ______________________________________________What did he trade weapons for? ___________________George H.W. Bush – Persian Gulf War, 1990Apply Your Knowledge Iraq (led by Saddam Hussein) invaded Kuwait for its oil, the US gets involved to help Kuwait because we’re interested in the oil as well.Kuwait is liberated (free) however, as Saddam Hussein was exiting he lit all the oil on fire.Ralph Nader/Ross Perot were both examples of third party candidates who drew crucial votes away from other candidates. Major parties react to people with major political issues by addressing the issues raised by third parties.Where did Iraq invade? ________________________Why did they invade Kuwait? _______What did Hussein do after Kuwait was liberated? ______________________________________________What were Ralph Nader and Ross Perot examples of? ______________________________________________What do third party candidates do? ______________________________________________How did parties react to people with political issues? ______________________________________________Bill Clinton, 1992-2000Apply Your Knowledge Clinton promised America reform with the Health Care Reform – he proposed to give every American health insurance. Hillary Clinton established herself as a leading advocate.Bill Clinton tried to help Bosnia and Kosovo from a potential massacre led by the Serbs. The United Nations was formed with the US and other member nations to confront problems on national security and the economy. Bill Gates was best known for the development of computer operating software.Sam Walton is best known for creating Walmart.The North American Free Trade Agreement was a trade agreement between the US, Mexico and Canada.Family & Medical Leave Act – take time off to care for newborn babies. What area did Clinton reform? ______________________________________________Where did Bill Clinton try to help? ______________________________________________The United Nations was formed to confront what? ____________________________________________________________________________________________Who invented the computing operating software?______________________________________________Who is best known for creating Walmart? ______________________________________________Which countries are in an agreement with NAFTA? _______________________________________________What do you take time off for with the Family & Medical Leave Act? ______________________________________________Monica Lewinsky ScandalApply Your Knowledge Became the subject of a major scandal his 2nd term in office, the Senate conducted an impeachment trial.It reflected that elected officials face greater scrutiny of their personal lives. What did the Senate conduct on Clinton? _____________________________________________What did it reflect about elected officials? _____________________________________________4671848102979WHAT Am I?This is the act that you would use if you requested time off to care for a newborn______________________________00WHAT Am I?This is the act that you would use if you requested time off to care for a newborn______________________________223344881960WHO Am I?I am the woman who is a Jewish New Yorker responsible for a cosmetic line______________________________00WHO Am I?I am the woman who is a Jewish New Yorker responsible for a cosmetic line______________________________-25037175202WHO Am I?I am the president who was involved in the Iran-Contra Scandal______________________________00WHO Am I?I am the president who was involved in the Iran-Contra Scandal______________________________2233448262956WHAT Am I?This is the movement that supported Ronald Reagan: NRA, Heritage Foundation, Moral Majority______________________________00WHAT Am I?This is the movement that supported Ronald Reagan: NRA, Heritage Foundation, Moral Majority______________________________-246993262957WHO Am I?I am the president who was involved in the Persian Gulf War______________________________00WHO Am I?I am the president who was involved in the Persian Gulf War______________________________4671848282641WHAT Am I?This is the name of the crisis when Iranian revolutionaries kidnapped U.S. citizens in Iran______________________________00WHAT Am I?This is the name of the crisis when Iranian revolutionaries kidnapped U.S. citizens in Iran______________________________-246993255707WHO Am I?I am the president who created the Camp David Accords to make peace between Egypt & Israel______________________________00WHO Am I?I am the president who created the Camp David Accords to make peace between Egypt & Israel______________________________2228850232541WHAT Am I?These are the key words for Reagaonomics:______________________________ ______________________________00WHAT Am I?These are the key words for Reagaonomics:______________________________ ______________________________4670425235585WHAT Am I?This is what the president must do in order to get executive agendas passed______________________________00WHAT Am I?This is what the president must do in order to get executive agendas passed______________________________-236483225469WHO Am I?I am the president who was impeached due to a scandal that made people scrutinize my personal life______________________________00WHO Am I?I am the president who was impeached due to a scandal that made people scrutinize my personal life______________________________4671848212988WHERE Am I?These are the countries involved in NAFTA _______________________________00WHERE Am I?These are the countries involved in NAFTA _______________________________2222938212988WHAT Am I?I am the organization that has the collective power over the price of oil______________________________00WHAT Am I?I am the organization that has the collective power over the price of oil______________________________4671848237271WHAT Am I?This is another word for oil which can be burned; causes environmental problems______________________________00WHAT Am I?This is another word for oil which can be burned; causes environmental problems______________________________2222938237271WHERE Am I?This is the location that had a conflict which caused the price of oil to spike in the 1970’s______________________________00WHERE Am I?This is the location that had a conflict which caused the price of oil to spike in the 1970’s______________________________-246993161728WHO Am I?I am the man responsible for computer operating software______________________________00WHO Am I?I am the man responsible for computer operating software______________________________4671848145393WHAT Am I?This is the peace treaty that Carter signed between Egypt & Israel______________________________00WHAT Am I?This is the peace treaty that Carter signed between Egypt & Israel______________________________2219960140619WHAT Am I?This is what increased in the Southwest when the population of people 65 and older increased______________________________00WHAT Am I?This is what increased in the Southwest when the population of people 65 and older increased______________________________-236483133459WHO Am I?I am the man responsible for the creation of Walmart______________________________00WHO Am I?I am the man responsible for the creation of Walmart______________________________4692869178762WHERE Am I?This is where Bill Clinton wanted to prevent another Holocaust______________________________00WHERE Am I?This is where Bill Clinton wanted to prevent another Holocaust______________________________-236483126212WHAT Am I?I am the woman who was nominated to be the first woman Supreme Court Justice______________________________00WHAT Am I?I am the woman who was nominated to be the first woman Supreme Court Justice______________________________223855071952WHAT Am I?This is what the government tries to protect with bailouts______________________________00WHAT Am I?This is what the government tries to protect with bailouts______________________________Jimmy Carter to Bill Clinton Vocabulary: Match each meaning/person with their descriptionPEOPLE:Jimmy Carter 1. ____ First African-American billionaire, founder of BETRonald Reagan2. ____ Jewish New Yorker, founded a cosmetics company Bill Clinton3. ____ created a chain of stores; Walmart; discount productsGeorge H.W. Bush 4. ____ President; Iranian-Hostage Crisis, Camp David AccordsSaddam Hussein5. ____ President; Tax cuts/deregulation, Iran-Contra ScandalSandra Day O’Connor 6. ____ Nominated as first woman Supreme Court Justice Bill Gates 7. ____ President; Persian Gulf WarSam Walton8. ____ Invaded Kuwait; Lit oil on fire when Kuwait was liberatedBarry Goldwater 9. ____ President; NAFTA, Health Care, peace in Bosnia, ScandalEstee Lauder 10. ____ Created computer operating softwareRobert Johnson11. ____ Supported the conservative movement; ran for presidentTHINGS:Stagflation 1. ____ Inflation and interest OPEC2. ____ Broad tax cuts and financial deregulation United Nations3. ____ Increased in the Southwest due to growth of population 65 &olderReagonomics4. ____Organization; US & member nations confront national securityConservative Movement 5. ____ Conflict in this region that made price of gasoline spikeMiddle East 6. ____ Employee qualifies for time off to care for newborn childIranian Hostage Crisis 7. _____Shah of Iran enters US; revolutionaries kidnap US citizensThird Party Candidates/Ross Perot8. _____ President must do this to get congressional support Negotiate9. _____ Providing loans to American businesses to save domestic jobsPetroleum 10. ____ Resource; US heavily dependent; can be burned; causesenvironmental problems Computer Operating Software 11. ____ Draw crucial votes away from major party candidatesPeace Through Strength12. ____Supported Reagan; NRA, Moral Majority, Heritage FoundationIran-Contra Affair13. ____Having defensive strength will discourage aggression North American Free Trade Agreement 14. ____Contribution from Bill Gates; impact on business/technologyCamp David Accords15. ____Reagan traded weapons for hostages; gave to ContrasMonica Lewinsky Scandal16. ____Elected officials face scrutiny of their personal livesBailouts17. ____Jimmy Carter; peace treaty between Egypt & IsraelMedicare18. _____Clinton; trade between US, Mexico & CanadaFamily & Medical Leave Act19._____Collective power that controls the price of oil GRAB-BAG: Bosnia 1. _____ Iraq invades Kuwait for their oil; US gets involvedContract with America2. _____ What Clinton faced after the Monica Lewinsky ScandalImpeachment3. _____ Where Clinton wanted to help to prevent another HolocaustPersian Gulf War4._____ Business ships America jobs out to another countryAmericans with Disabilities Act5. _____ How OPEC punished Pro-Israeli supporters/also price fixedCommunity Reinvestment Act6. _____ Commodity that sharply rose in price after OPEC formedRust Belt to Sun Belt 7. _____ Newt Gingrich; Program of Conservative principlesOutsourcing 8. _____ Technological development; people to move to the SoutheastOil 9. _____ Required banks to make credit available to poor communitiesEmbargo 10. ____ Bush signed; prohibited discrimination against the disabled208630319813751960’S001960’S2517184110183004808855483900-17348641600255270286013MINORITY MOVEMENTS00MINORITY MOVEMENTS-789372092660047136055969000-246993138824KEY WORDS:HUELGAUNITED FARM WORKERS (UFW) DOLORES HUERTAMIGRANT (SEASONAL)CHICANO MURAL CESAR CHAVEZAIM GI FORUMHECTOR GARCIA00KEY WORDS:HUELGAUNITED FARM WORKERS (UFW) DOLORES HUERTAMIGRANT (SEASONAL)CHICANO MURAL CESAR CHAVEZAIM GI FORUMHECTOR GARCIA-183931278523Hector Perez Garcia Cesar Chavez Dolores HuertaChicano Mural Movement Barrios American Indian MovementChicano MovementUnited Farm WorkersMigrant Workers00Hector Perez Garcia Cesar Chavez Dolores HuertaChicano Mural Movement Barrios American Indian MovementChicano MovementUnited Farm WorkersMigrant WorkersUSE THE WORD BANK TO MATCH WITH ITS CORRECT DESCRIPTION:-18393126273700-110359367840DESCRIPTION:Surgeon/WW2 Veteran – noticed that Mexican Americans were barred from restaurants/faced voting restrictions. Became the first Mexican American to serve on the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.Mobilized public opinion in favor of American Indians – sought greater respect for their heritage.Courageous Mexican American labor leader, associated with Cesar Chavez and helped him form the United Farm Workers.Leader of the Chicano Movement, organizer of the farm workers in California. Supported farm workers’ rights and fought for better wages/working conditions.Farm workers – who Cesar Chavez fought for better conditions/better pay.Ethnic neighborhoods1960s, Mexican-American barrios throughout the Southwest when artists began using the walls of city buildings, housing projects and schools to depict Mexican-American culture.Civil Rights movement extending the Mexican American Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s with the stated goal of achieving Mexican American empowerment. Labor union for farm workers in the United States00DESCRIPTION:Surgeon/WW2 Veteran – noticed that Mexican Americans were barred from restaurants/faced voting restrictions. Became the first Mexican American to serve on the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.Mobilized public opinion in favor of American Indians – sought greater respect for their heritage.Courageous Mexican American labor leader, associated with Cesar Chavez and helped him form the United Farm Workers.Leader of the Chicano Movement, organizer of the farm workers in California. Supported farm workers’ rights and fought for better wages/working conditions.Farm workers – who Cesar Chavez fought for better conditions/better pay.Ethnic neighborhoods1960s, Mexican-American barrios throughout the Southwest when artists began using the walls of city buildings, housing projects and schools to depict Mexican-American culture.Civil Rights movement extending the Mexican American Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s with the stated goal of achieving Mexican American empowerment. Labor union for farm workers in the United States465082840049NAME/EVENT________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________00NAME/EVENT________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________250063010668000-184391104140005065132-17907000-8953528892500-14184622571000WHO GOES WITH WHAT AND WHEN? USE BOTH PRESIDENT/YEAR BANKS TO FILL IN THE BLANKS-173421109285700585406517597381998-199901998-199943510201780409197801978290004517905682008020081492250180107919640196421021180107919210192158534961444801190101901540177087386730024906468716514MONICA LEWINSKY/IMPEACHED00MONICA LEWINSKY/IMPEACHED-8463087060040541274083180400024904708295596INTERSTATE HIGHWAY ACT00INTERSTATE HIGHWAY ACT-84170829686605413025789821800-838207897648024853907891999IRAN-CONTRA SCANDAL00IRAN-CONTRA SCANDAL-889007451178024853907451396ATOMIC BOMB00ATOMIC BOMB54073757472351005407572702069100-788287031202024856977031202TRUST BUSTER/PROGRESSIVE00TRUST BUSTER/PROGRESSIVE541210566159110024853906588891FIRST MINORITY PRESIDENT00FIRST MINORITY PRESIDENT-9433065943220541274061638570024904706162653CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS00CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS-7394561639230540766057269990024853905726474HAWLEY SMOOT TARIFF00HAWLEY SMOOT TARIFF-8925057277440540794553181030024853905307023THE NEW DEAL 00THE NEW DEAL -7874053073090540702548869380024853904885668PERSIAN GULF WAR00PERSIAN GULF WAR-8890048869380541210544402480024904704428709GREAT SOCIETY00GREAT SOCIETY-8382044291030540702540149950024853904003915CAMP DAVID ACCORDS00CAMP DAVID ACCORDS-8890040039150540702535834800024853903572401WATERGATE SCANDAL00WATERGATE SCANDAL-88900355201500539686531213310024853903110821TERRORIST ATTACKS00TERRORIST ATTACKS-78390311082100539686527109030024853902688962TEAPOT DOME SCANDAL00TEAPOT DOME SCANDAL-7874027111870584200011396281991019914351020113919019870198743510201454807195601956290039514548731933019332900680113921219300193014922501454873197201972149161511396281945019453111514541501962019622603511345482001020015397062230154700-89338231205700-781052310393PRESIDENTPRESIDENT24851282312320DESCRIPTION00DESCRIPTION54063902300868YEAR0YEAR2485697230154700-17342122279750-278524246992USE THE PRESIDENTS IN THE “PRESIDENT BANK” TO HELP YOU FILL IN THE QUESTIONS BELOW:00USE THE PRESIDENTS IN THE “PRESIDENT BANK” TO HELP YOU FILL IN THE QUESTIONS BELOW:PRESIDENT PRACTICE – WHO GOES WITH WHAT AND WHEN?5454650292100BARACK OBAMA0BARACK OBAMA4023163291465RONALD REAGAN0RONALD REAGAN2648256292275HERBERT HOOVER0HERBERT HOOVER1282065291990WARREN HARDING0WARREN HARDING-89337276553GEORGE H. W. BUSH0GEORGE H. W. BUSH-14189020298100545482547231D. EISENHOWER0D. EISENHOWER402438968252L.B. JOHNSON0L.B. JOHNSON264812557741HARRY TRUMAN0HARRY TRUMAN128224068251F. ROOSEVELT0F. ROOSEVELT-7882863040GEORGE BUSH0GEORGE BUSH5454825118767R. NIXON0R. NIXON4025440118702J.F. KENNEDY0J.F. KENNEDY2648125128927BILL CLINTON0BILL CLINTON1282240108191T. ROOSEVELT0T. ROOSEVELT-89337113621JIMMY CARTER0JIMMY CARTER4209393288356FILL IN THE PRESIDENT THAT GOES:00FILL IN THE PRESIDENT THAT GOES:-141890288356DESCRIPTION:00DESCRIPTION:-278524204272043086506787866004308650631358600430398630740600-5014296107PANAMA CANAL/”TRUST BUSTER”00PANAMA CANAL/”TRUST BUSTER”-206716302485WORLD TRADE CENTER ATTACKED0WORLD TRADE CENTER ATTACKED-213056775560FIRST MINORITY PRESIDENT0FIRST MINORITY PRESIDENT4319161524891000108175248910MONICA LEWINSKY SCANDAL0MONICA LEWINSKY SCANDAL43078404787221008324774521PERSIAN GULF WAR0PERSIAN GULF WAR43084754326956003504302059REAGONOMICS/IRAN CONTRA SCANDAL0REAGONOMICS/IRAN CONTRA SCANDAL430784038001900095253776980CAMP DAVID ACCORDS/IRANIAN HOSTAGE0CAMP DAVID ACCORDS/IRANIAN HOSTAGE4308475325374000-101603249996WATERGATE SCANDAL/PENTAGON PAPERS0WATERGATE SCANDAL/PENTAGON PAPERS430847527504700011172736566CREATED THE GREAT SOCIETY0CREATED THE GREAT SOCIETY430847522976270002293467SPACE RACE/CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS0SPACE RACE/CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS430847518141950050801805370INTERSTATE HIGHWAY ACT0INTERSTATE HIGHWAY ACT430784013498790050801351981DROPPED THE ATOMIC BOMB IN WW20DROPPED THE ATOMIC BOMB IN WW24318635940939005080902181CREATED THE NEW DEAL/COURT PACKING0CREATED THE NEW DEAL/COURT PACKING4318986509905006197502636SIGNED HAWLEY SMOOT TARIFF0SIGNED HAWLEY SMOOT TARIFF4303986146444005255125423TEAPOT DOME SCANDAL0TEAPOT DOME SCANDAL-278524246992USE THE YEARS IN THE “YEAR BANK” TO HELP YOU ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW:00USE THE YEARS IN THE “YEAR BANK” TO HELP YOU ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW:TIMELINE PRACTICE54371982873261914-191801914-1918-26035297180191701917-141890202981003645557266701929-193901929-19392521826155251920-192901920-1929133921543749194801948709448433551941019414902485452054LATE NINETEENTH CENTURY0LATE NINETEENTH CENTURY5436935831851890-192001890-192036469144775201955-197501955-197536468051308101947-199101947-199125167464724401950-195301950-195325211911104901939-194501939-1945714550467316196201962714550120672196901969-22028456543200102001-21327683611898018984209393288356FILL IN THE YEAR THAT COORESPONDS00FILL IN THE YEAR THAT COORESPONDS-141890288356EVENT:00EVENT:-278524204272043086506787866004308650631358600430865058293000043082125368640004308650488520800430865044651890043086504064503004308650364505400430865032351280043086502835560004308322238252000430865019733830043086501542853004308650114308800430865071290700430398630740600-5014296107THE GILDED AGE 00THE GILDED AGE 5496696157THE PROGRESSIVE ERA0THE PROGRESSIVE ERA57811095638SPANISH AMERICAN WAR0SPANISH AMERICAN WAR57811526452WORLD WAR 10WORLD WAR 150801936028U.S. JOINS WORLD WAR 10U.S. JOINS WORLD WAR 1-54302366842ROARING 20’S0ROARING 20’S50802818962GREAT DEPRESSION 0GREAT DEPRESSION -3503223173WORLD WAR 2 0WORLD WAR 2 -101603633732U.S. JOINS WORLD WAR 2, PEARL HARBOR 0U.S. JOINS WORLD WAR 2, PEARL HARBOR -101604054169COLD WAR BEGINS0COLD WAR BEGINS95254453584BERLIN AIRLIFT0BERLIN AIRLIFT-3504873318KOREAN WAR0KOREAN WAR05356335VIETNAM WAR0VIETNAM WAR-105105839920CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS0CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS-206716302485U.S. PUTS MAN ON THE MOON0U.S. PUTS MAN ON THE MOON-213056775560WORLD TRADE CENTERS BOMBED0WORLD TRADE CENTERS BOMBED\\-138223170121TEACHER’S EDITIONANSWER KEY0TEACHER’S EDITIONANSWER KEY-214024-194310Union Membership Influx InfrastructureUrbanNativist Immigration Political CorruptionTimber Assimilate Working Hours Proximity Big BusinessHomesteading Irish American Indians Meat Packing00Union Membership Influx InfrastructureUrbanNativist Immigration Political CorruptionTimber Assimilate Working Hours Proximity Big BusinessHomesteading Irish American Indians Meat PackingOne impact of the lightbulb on society was that factories could extend their working hours.During the Gilded Age a poster states, “Many Peoples, One Language” this would most likely reflect the movement to assimilate immigrants into U.S. culture.In 1908, some businessmen received special privilege. Being dishonest and abusing the power of big businesses is an example of political corruption.During the nineteenth-century, the United States was changing from a mostly rural society to a mostly urban one. Between 1865 and 1900 as a result of rapid industrialization, union membership increased as workers sought better pay and conditions. One reason for the expansion of machine politics in the nineteenth century was the rapid influx of immigrants making it difficult for governments to provide basic services. Many immigrants from Cuba settled in Florida because of their geography proximity making it easier to influence their immigration patterns. The immigrant group that came to America that was escaping famine and were also Catholic was the Irish_.The primary objective of the Dawes Act was to promote cultural assimilation of the American Indians.During the nineteenth century, one way political bosses gained voter support was by making improvements to urban infastructureIn North Dakota in 1898 many homesteaders found it necessary to build their houses out of sod (dirt) because access to timber was limited by distance and lack of transportation. A nativist is someone who does not like immigrants/foreigners and does not want them to enter the U.S. in fear of losing jobs.A nineteenth-century nativist would advocate for promoting ethnically homogenous societies through restrictions of immigration.During the Gilded Age there was an increase in federal support for the growth of big business.A main reason for settlement of the Great Plains was that Congress allowed people to claim land through homesteading.The U.S. Cattle Industry in the Nineteenth Century created the need to process large amounts of cattle and made meatpacking a major industry.WHO AM I? WHAT AM I?4724400156210This is another word for city where people settled for factory jobsUrban00This is another word for city where people settled for factory jobsUrban22669508252460I am another name for farm or countrysideRural00I am another name for farm or countrysideRural22669507385685I am the location where political machines lived:Urban Areas/Cities 00I am the location where political machines lived:Urban Areas/Cities -2286007905115I am a person who gives money to charityPhilantropist 00I am a person who gives money to charityPhilantropist -2286006938010I am the immigrant group from Southern and Eastern Europe “New Immigrants” 00I am the immigrant group from Southern and Eastern Europe “New Immigrants” -2286006004560I am the immigrant group had a famine and that were CatholicIrish 00I am the immigrant group had a famine and that were CatholicIrish -2286005052060I am the immigrant group that were the primary builders of the railroadChinese00I am the immigrant group that were the primary builders of the railroadChinese-2286004099560I am a political boss who controlled New York politics/bribed and stoleBoss Tweed 00I am a political boss who controlled New York politics/bribed and stoleBoss Tweed -2286003147060I am the man that owned the Standard Oil CompanyJohn D. Rockefeller00I am the man that owned the Standard Oil CompanyJohn D. Rockefeller-2286002204085I am the man that owned the steel industry and I was a philanthropistAndrew Carnegie 00I am the man that owned the steel industry and I was a philanthropistAndrew Carnegie -2286001061085I am the man that created the telephone – communication increases Alexander Graham Bell00I am the man that created the telephone – communication increases Alexander Graham Bell-228600156210I am the man that created the lightbulb – businesses extend hoursThomas Edison00I am the man that created the lightbulb – businesses extend hoursThomas Edison22669505052060I am what was used to fight for workers’ rights and get better pay/conditions Labor Unions 00I am what was used to fight for workers’ rights and get better pay/conditions Labor Unions 22669506214110I am the transportation that furthered industrialization in the US between 1877 and 1900Transcontinental Railroad 00I am the transportation that furthered industrialization in the US between 1877 and 1900Transcontinental Railroad 22669504109085I am the two I’s for how political bosses gained voter support“Infastructure/Immigrants”00I am the two I’s for how political bosses gained voter support“Infastructure/Immigrants”22669503147060I am the word that means “hands off” government – not interfering “Laissez Faire”00I am the word that means “hands off” government – not interfering “Laissez Faire”22669502204085I am the word that characterizes the Gilded Age Corruption 00I am the word that characterizes the Gilded Age Corruption 22669501061085I am the name of the Act that promoted cultural assimilation of American Indians Dawes Act 00I am the name of the Act that promoted cultural assimilation of American Indians Dawes Act 2266950156210I am the name of the Act that gave settlers free/cheap land Homestead Act 00I am the name of the Act that gave settlers free/cheap land Homestead Act 4724400216535I am what business leaders formed trusts to eliminate: Competition 00I am what business leaders formed trusts to eliminate: Competition 4724400196850I am the name of the Act that tried to keep the Chinese out in fear of losing jobs to them Chinese Exclusion Act 1882 00I am the name of the Act that tried to keep the Chinese out in fear of losing jobs to them Chinese Exclusion Act 1882 4724400186690I am what political machines offered immigrants in exchange for votesEmployment/Jobs00I am what political machines offered immigrants in exchange for votesEmployment/Jobs4724400285750I am the process that made the production of steel more efficientBessemer Process 00I am the process that made the production of steel more efficientBessemer Process 4724400113665I am the word that means moving toward urban areas (factory life)Urbanization 00I am the word that means moving toward urban areas (factory life)Urbanization 4724400232410I am the two places most popular for the Gold Rush Alaska/Canada00I am the two places most popular for the Gold Rush Alaska/Canada472440050165I am the name for someone who dislikes/hates immigrantsNativist00I am the name for someone who dislikes/hates immigrantsNativist4724400139700I am another word for a big business that controls the marketMonopoly 00I am another word for a big business that controls the marketMonopoly Gilded Age Vocabulary: Match each meaning/person with their descriptionPEOPLE:Alexander Graham Bell1. A. Owned the Standard Oil CompanyThomas Edison2. H. Immigrant group who went through a famine/CatholicAndrew Carnegie3. G. Hated/disliked immigrants or foreignersJohn D. Rockefeller4. E. Political boss who owned NY Politics/accepted bribesWilliam Boss Tweed5. I. Worked on railroad/Americans lost jobs to themPolitical Boss6. B. Invented the lightbulb – extended working hoursNativist7. A. Invented the telephone – communication expandedIrish Immigrants8. C. Owned the steel industry/was a philanthropistChinese Immigrants9. F. Traded employment for votes from immigrantsTHINGS:Bessemer Process1. M Where people were moving in the Gilded AgeTranscontinental Railroad2. E. “Hands off” government does not interfere in businessKlondike Gold Rush3. G. Factories could extend working hours Cattle Industry4. A. Used to make the production of steel more efficient“Laissez Faire”5. B. Could take people to distant markets – cheap/easierMonopoly6. P. This good was limited out west (made homes out of dirt)Benefit of the lightbulb7. F. Another word for a big businessPhilanthropist8. C. Americans went in search of gold in Alaska and CanadaCorruption 9. O. Wanting to make someone the same/similarInfrastructure/Immigrants10. N. Made it hard for gov. to provide basic servicesUrbanization11. H. Someone who gives their money to charityPolitical Machines12. I. The word that characterizes the Gilded AgeRural to Urban13. L. Took votes from immigrants/offered employmentRapid Influx of Immigrants14. J. the 2 I’s for how political bosses got votesAssimilate15. D. Led to the expansion of the meatpacking industryTimber16. K. Movement to cities (industrial areas)ACTS:Homestead Act1. B. Kept Chinese out – Americans feared for their jobsChinese Exclusion Act2. C. Promoted cultural assimilation of Native AmericansDawes Act3. A. Promoted free/cheap land to settlers to move westGRAB-BAG:Union Membership1. A. Worked for better pay/conditions for the workersGreat Plains2. E. Extreme hunger (no food for a long time)Urban3. D. Another word for a countryside/farmRural 4. C. Another word for a cityFamine5. B. Middle of the US where people settled in Gilded Age-181418-62200Sherman Anti-Trust ActInterstate Commerce Act 19th AmendmentProhibitionWomen Organized CrimeNAACP Jane Addams SilverThe Jungle Upton Sinclair National Park ServiceCorruption Muckrakers Pure Food and Drug ActPopulist Influence Theodore RooseveltDirect Democracy Vocational Suffrage 00Sherman Anti-Trust ActInterstate Commerce Act 19th AmendmentProhibitionWomen Organized CrimeNAACP Jane Addams SilverThe Jungle Upton Sinclair National Park ServiceCorruption Muckrakers Pure Food and Drug ActPopulist Influence Theodore RooseveltDirect Democracy Vocational Suffrage Theodore Roosevelt was president during the Progressive Era and is known for being a trust buster.The 19th Amendment deals with woman’s suffrage (or having the right to vote).The National Park Service was formed in 1916 to protect wildlife and the enjoyment of others.The 18th Amendment was heavily influenced by women because of domestic abuse.Prohibition (18th Amendment) banned the sale/manufacturing of liquor. Upton Sinclair wrote the The Jungle which exposed the meatpacking industry.The Sherman Anti-Trust Act was formed to dissolve monopolies (big businesses).The Interstate Commerce Act_ was formed to regulate the unfair practices of railroads.Jane Addams created a Settlement House in Chicago, IL which assimilated immigrants.W.E.B. formed a civil rights group called the NAACPAfter Upton Sinclair’s book, The Jungle, the Pure Food and Drug Act was passed which banned impure or mislabeled food.After the 18th Amendment was passed, with the influence of women, it led to the rise in organized crime (like the mafia).Muckrakers were investigative journalists who exposed government corruption. Booker T. Washington wanted African Americans to have vocational skills (using your hands for your jobs).Susan B. Anthony is best known working in the area of suffrage because she fought for women obtaining the right to vote. The Populist’s wanted the amount of silver to increase in circulation.The _Populist Party represented the farmers and had success in the west. Initiative, Recall, and Referendum all deal with direct democracy which is essentially giving people a greater voice in government.The 19th Amendment allowed women to influence government with their votes and try and change different laws.Muckrakers were investigative journalists who wrote to expose government corruption(examples: Upton Sinclair, Ida Tarbell, Jacob Riis).WHO AM I? WHAT AM I?4724400156210This word means to pass legislation/lawsRatification00This word means to pass legislation/lawsRatification-228600156210I am the man who formed the NAACP to help African AmericansW.E.B DuBois 00I am the man who formed the NAACP to help African AmericansW.E.B DuBois 2266950156210These are the two D’s of the Progressive EraDirect Democracy00These are the two D’s of the Progressive EraDirect Democracy4724400216535This is the amendment that bans the sale/manufacturing of liquor18th Amendment _ 00This is the amendment that bans the sale/manufacturing of liquor18th Amendment _ 2266950216535This is the civil rights group that W.E.B DuBois formedNAACP00This is the civil rights group that W.E.B DuBois formedNAACP-228600216535I am the man who wanted African Americans to have vocational skillsBooker T. Washington 00I am the man who wanted African Americans to have vocational skillsBooker T. Washington 4724400240030This is the amendment that grants women’s suffrage19th Amendment00This is the amendment that grants women’s suffrage19th Amendment2266950240030These are the types of skills that Booker T. Washington wantedVocational 00These are the types of skills that Booker T. Washington wantedVocational -228600240031I am the woman who worked for the 19th amendment/women’s suffrage Susan B. Anthony 00I am the woman who worked for the 19th amendment/women’s suffrage Susan B. Anthony -228600234315I am the woman who wanted to help assimilate immigrants with Settlement Houses Jane Addams 00I am the woman who wanted to help assimilate immigrants with Settlement Houses Jane Addams 472440029210This is what women are able to do with the 19th amendment in governmentVote/Influence Government 00This is what women are able to do with the 19th amendment in governmentVote/Influence Government 226695029845This is the Act that dissolved/got rid of monopoliesSherman Anti-Trust Act 00This is the Act that dissolved/got rid of monopoliesSherman Anti-Trust Act 2266950119380This is the Act that regulated railroads Interstate Commerce Act 00This is the Act that regulated railroads Interstate Commerce Act -228600138430I am the man who was president during the Progressive Era and a trust busterTheodore Roosevelt 00I am the man who was president during the Progressive Era and a trust busterTheodore Roosevelt 472440038100This was banned during the Progressive Era (too dangerous)Child Labor/Alcohol00This was banned during the Progressive Era (too dangerous)Child Labor/Alcohol2266950180975This is Upton Sinclair’s book that exposed the meatpacking industryThe Jungle00This is Upton Sinclair’s book that exposed the meatpacking industryThe Jungle4724400137795This is what Theodore Roosevelt wanted more of in the Progressive EraCompetition00This is what Theodore Roosevelt wanted more of in the Progressive EraCompetition-228600137795I am the man who wrote The Jungle which exposed the meatpacking industryUpton SInclair 00I am the man who wrote The Jungle which exposed the meatpacking industryUpton SInclair 2266950175260This is what the Populist Party wanted to increase in circulation Silver 00This is what the Populist Party wanted to increase in circulation Silver 4724400284480This is the reason why votes rose by 8.2 million in 192019th Amendment was Passed 00This is the reason why votes rose by 8.2 million in 192019th Amendment was Passed -228600341630I am the third party who worked for the farmersPopulist Party 00I am the third party who worked for the farmersPopulist Party 2266950274955This is what was formed in 1916 to protect the outdoors/wildlifeNational Park Service 00This is what was formed in 1916 to protect the outdoors/wildlifeNational Park Service 4724400150495This is the name of the civil rights group formed by W.E.B. DuBoisNAACP 00This is the name of the civil rights group formed by W.E.B. DuBoisNAACP -228600150495I am the group that Jane Addams wanted to help assimilateImmigrants 00I am the group that Jane Addams wanted to help assimilateImmigrants 226695016510This is what Susan B. Anthony fought forSuffrage 00This is what Susan B. Anthony fought forSuffrage 4724400259080This is the Party that the Social Gospel Movement put emphasis onSocial Gospel Movement_ 00This is the Party that the Social Gospel Movement put emphasis onSocial Gospel Movement_ -22860069215 This is the group of people that were investigative journalistsMuckrakers00 This is the group of people that were investigative journalistsMuckrakersProgressive Era Vocabulary: Match each meaning/person with their descriptionPEOPLE:Susan B. Anthony1. I. Investigative journalists who expose corruptionJane Addams2. E. Wanted African Americans to use vocational skillsTheodore Roosevelt3. D. Formed the NAACP (civil rights group)W.E.B. DuBois4. A. Worked in the area of suffrage/19th AmendmentBooker T. Washington5. C. President during the Progressive EraUpton Sinclair 6. G. Advocate for equality/anti-lynchingIda Wells7. F. Wrote The Jungle which exposed meat industryPopulist Party8. H. Represented the farmers/wanted silver circulatingMuckrakers9. B. Wanted to help assimilate immigrants in Settlement HousesTHINGS:Direct Democracy1. M. A period of time with no liquor/alcoholNAACP2. N. The Populist Party was primarily made up of…Vocational Skills3. H. This means you get rid of big businesses/monopolies Settlement Houses4. D. What Jane Addams used to assimilate immigrants in Suffrage5. J. What Populist Party wanted to increase circulation ofChild Labor6. F. What ended during the Progressive EraCompetition7. E. Another word for voting (19th amendment)Trust Buster8. G. What Theodore Roosevelt wanted more ofNational Park Service9. P. What was dissolved/gotten rid of in Progressive EraSilver10. C. The type of skills Booker T. Washington wantedOrganized Crime11. B. The Civil Rights Group formed by W.E.B. DuBoisWomen12. I. Formed in 1916 to protect the outdoors/wildlifeProhibition13. K. The 18th Amendment led to a rise in -Farmers14. L. The group who influenced the 18th amendment Food Products15. O. The Jungle contributed to the monitoring of thisMonopolies16. A. Giving a group a larger voice in government ACTS:Sherman Anti-Trust Act1. B. Formed to regulate unfair practices on railroadsInterstate Commerce Act2. C. Passed to check food products in meat industryPure Food & Drug Act3. A. Dissolved/got rid of monopoliesGRAB-BAG:19th Amendment 1. E. Benefitted most from reform legislation 18th Amendment2. B. Banned the sale/manufacturing of liquor2 D’s of Progressive Era3. D. Written by Upton Sinclair (exposed meatpacking)The Jungle4. C. Direct DemocracyFactory Workers5. A. Granted women’s suffrage/right to vote-95250229235Panama CanalAnnexation Sanford B. DoleCeded Imperial Power Acquired TerritoriesBig Stick DiplomacyUSS Maine Valeriano WeylerAlfred Thayer MahanImperialism USAThe Teller Amendment Yellow Journalism Isthmus 00Panama CanalAnnexation Sanford B. DoleCeded Imperial Power Acquired TerritoriesBig Stick DiplomacyUSS Maine Valeriano WeylerAlfred Thayer MahanImperialism USAThe Teller Amendment Yellow Journalism Isthmus Spanish American WarHawaiian citizens were protesting the forced annexation of the islands (after Sanford Dole overthrew the Hawaiian monarchy). In 1898 there was an increase in public support to build the Panama Canal which shortened the distance between two oceans and made trade more efficient.The economic impact of the Spanish-American War on the US was that it acquired territories and expanded commercial trade.Puerto Rico was ceded to the US as a result of the Spanish American War.After the Treaty of Paris was signed and the war was over, it helped establish the United States as an imperial power to the European nations.Sanford B. Dole annexed (overthrew) Hawaii and limited the native’s right (supported expansion/imperialist).Theodore Roosevelt realized that the best location to construct the Panama Canal was the isthmus of Panama. Theodore Roosevelt created the Big Stick Diplomacy which established the United States as an “international police power” to protect nations.Valeriano Weyler was the governor of Cuba and referred to as “The Butcher” because he placed rebels in concentration camps.The USA was the country that won the Spanish American War and became an imperial power.The Teller Amendment states that the US would leave Cuba alone to rule its own island. Alfred Thayer Mahan said that in order for the US to be an imperial power, it needed a strong navy and he also was in favor over overseas expansion.Imperialism is when a strong nation takes over a weaker nation.Yellow Journalism used bold headlines/exaggerated stories to get the reader’s attention. (Example: When the USS Maine blew up, yellow journalism got Americans to blame Spain.) The USS Maine was the ship that sunk during the Spanish American War and the United States blamed Spain. -152400210185Selective Service Act Stalemate Espionage ActJohn J. Pershing Zimmerman Telegram Aggressive Actions Lusitania Poison Gas War BondsWorld Peace 1917 Alvin York Women Assassination Unrestricted Submarine Warfare00Selective Service Act Stalemate Espionage ActJohn J. Pershing Zimmerman Telegram Aggressive Actions Lusitania Poison Gas War BondsWorld Peace 1917 Alvin York Women Assassination Unrestricted Submarine WarfareWorld War 1The United States decided to enter the war because a European nation took aggressive actions against the United States (ex: unrestricted submarine warfare). “Smoke and fumes hid everything from sight and hundreds of men went comatose.” This quote would best describe an attack from what weapon? Poison GasThe United States sold War Bonds in order to help finance the war (paying for the war through the sale of this).The Fourteen Points reflected Woodrow Wilson’s belief that international leaders should cooperate with one another to create world peace.The major impact of tanks were that they were used to break the stalemate in World War 1.The United States abandoned its official policy of neutrality in 1917.The Espionage Act suspended freedom of speech during World War 1 in the sense that you could not talk badly about the war/president.The Selective Service Act was used to enlarge the military during World War 1.The British passenger liner, the Lusitania was sunk by Germans because it was smuggling weapons.John J. Pershing was the man best known for transforming inexperienced soldiers to experienced soldiers.Unrestricted Submarine Warfare was Germany’s philosophy of bombing all ships on site and without warning.The Zimmerman Telegram was a proposed alliance between Germany and Mexico (Germany offered Mexico land to attack the United States).The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand is what sparked World War 1 in 1914 (the US was not involved yet).The person who won the Medal of Honor for his courage/bravery whilst killing 25 Germans was Alvin York .Women proved they should have the right to vote because they took over male dominated positions while men were at war. 4724400238760During World War 1, the United States enlarged its military with the -Selective Service Act 00During World War 1, the United States enlarged its military with the -Selective Service Act 2257425238761I am the location that was annexed by Sanford Dole (monarchy overthrown)Hawaii00I am the location that was annexed by Sanford Dole (monarchy overthrown)Hawaii-228600240030I am the man who annexed Hawaii and limited the native’s rightsSanford B. Dole 00I am the man who annexed Hawaii and limited the native’s rightsSanford B. Dole WHO AM I? WHAT AM I? 47244003808095This was what a European nation took against the US (which caused the US to get involved in WW1)Aggressive Actions00This was what a European nation took against the US (which caused the US to get involved in WW1)Aggressive Actions22574256055995This is what the United States became as a result of the Sp. Am. War after the Treaty of Paris was signed:Imperial Power 00This is what the United States became as a result of the Sp. Am. War after the Treaty of Paris was signed:Imperial Power 22574255227320This is the key word for Puerto Rico meaning it was given to the USCeded00This is the key word for Puerto Rico meaning it was given to the USCeded47244002693670This telegram was a proposed alliance between Mexico and Germany during WW1Zimmerman Telegram 00This telegram was a proposed alliance between Mexico and Germany during WW1Zimmerman Telegram -2286003074670I am the man who contributed to a victory in WW1 by transforming inexperienced soldiers to experiencedJohn J. Pershing00I am the man who contributed to a victory in WW1 by transforming inexperienced soldiers to experiencedJohn J. Pershing47244001750695This is the act that suspended freedom of speech during WW1Espionage Act 00This is the act that suspended freedom of speech during WW1Espionage Act 4724400807720This is the weapon that resulted in massive casualtiesMachine Gun 00This is the weapon that resulted in massive casualtiesMachine Gun 22574254150995The economic impact of the Spanish American War is that the US acquired new:Territories00The economic impact of the Spanish American War is that the US acquired new:Territories22574253046095There was an increase in public support for the construction of this during the Spanish Am. WarPanama Canal00There was an increase in public support for the construction of this during the Spanish Am. WarPanama Canal22574251941195The Big Stick Diplomacy said the US would help protect the threat of European invention in this locationLatin America 00The Big Stick Diplomacy said the US would help protect the threat of European invention in this locationLatin America 2257425807720I am the policy created by Theodore Roosevelt that made the US an international police powerBig Stick Diplomacy00I am the policy created by Theodore Roosevelt that made the US an international police powerBig Stick Diplomacy-2286001893570I am the man who was assassinated and sparked World War 1 in 1914 (US was not involved yet)Archduke Ferdinand00I am the man who was assassinated and sparked World War 1 in 1914 (US was not involved yet)Archduke Ferdinand-228600741045I am the man who wanted the United States to have a strong navy & engage in overseas expansionAlfred Thayer Mahan00I am the man who wanted the United States to have a strong navy & engage in overseas expansionAlfred Thayer Mahan-22860083820I am the man that won the Medal of Honor for going above the call of duty in WW1Alvin York 00I am the man that won the Medal of Honor for going above the call of duty in WW1Alvin York 4724400207010This was the weapon used in WW1 which would produce smoke & fumesPoison Gas 00This was the weapon used in WW1 which would produce smoke & fumesPoison Gas 4724400773430This is what the US sold to help finance World War 1War Bonds 00This is what the US sold to help finance World War 1War Bonds -22860073026I am the president who supported the Panama Canal & Big Stick DiplomacyTheodore Roosevelt 00I am the president who supported the Panama Canal & Big Stick DiplomacyTheodore Roosevelt -22860095885During which war was the following used: imperialism, expansionism, yellow journalismSpanish American War 00During which war was the following used: imperialism, expansionism, yellow journalismSpanish American War 4724400166370Wilson’s 14 Points wanted leaders to cooperate to maintain world….Peace00Wilson’s 14 Points wanted leaders to cooperate to maintain world….Peace-228600667385This is the ship that sunk and was one reason for US entry into WW1Lusitania 00This is the ship that sunk and was one reason for US entry into WW1Lusitania 22574251210310This is the war that the US acquired: Puerto Rico, Guam & the PhilippinesSpanish American War00This is the war that the US acquired: Puerto Rico, Guam & the PhilippinesSpanish American War2257425391160This is the location that was best for building the Panama CanalIsthmus of Panama 00This is the location that was best for building the Panama CanalIsthmus of Panama 4724400761365This was the vehicle that helped break the stalemateTanks_ 00This was the vehicle that helped break the stalemateTanks_ Rise of a World Power Vocabulary: Match each meaning/person with their descriptionPEOPLE:Alvin York1. H. Created Fourteen Points to try and maintain world peaceJohn J. Pershing2. D. Annexed/overthrew Hawaiian monarchy/limited rightsTheodore Roosevelt3. C. Supported the building of Panama Canal/Big StickSanford B. Dole4. F. Governor of Cuba, nicknamed “The Butcher”Alfred Thayer Mahan5. G. His assassination sparked World War 1Valeriano Weyler 6. A. Won the Medal of Honor during World War 1Archduke Franz Ferdinand7. B. Transformed inexperienced soldiers to experienced Woodrow Wilson8. E. Wanted US to have a strong navy/overseas expansionQueen Liliuokalani9. I. Queen of Hawaii was overthrown by Sanford B. DoleWilliam Randolph Hearst10. J. Famous yellow journalist in Spanish American WarTHINGS:Lusitania1. L. Type of combat where opposing sides dug holes USS Maine2. N. Led to massive casualties – caused the stalemateImperialism3. O. The year the US abandoned neutrality and joined WW1Acquired Territories4. R. The US would act as an “international police power”Fourteen Points5. A. British passenger liner smuggling weapons in WW1Treaty of Versailles6. G. Using bold/exaggerated headlines to get attentionYellow Journalism7. M. Type of vehicle used to break the stalemateWar Bonds8. P. Staying out of foreign affairs, being neutralPanama Canal9. I. Shortened the distance, trade became more efficientUnrestricted Submarine Warfare10. B. Ship blown up, the US blamed Spain (yellow journalism)Zimmerman Telegram11. H. Sold in the US to help finance World War 1Trench Warfare12. Q. What the USA became after the Spanish American WarTanks13. C. When a stronger nation takes over a weaker nationMachine Guns14. D. Hawaii, Guam, Philippines, Puerto Rico191715. E. Created by Wilson to help maintain world peaceIsolationism16. F. Treaty that ended WW1, forced Germany to payImperial Power17. S. US and Russia did not sign this (drag us into war)Big Stick Diplomacy18. J. Germany’s philosophy of killing anything on siteLeague of Nations19. K. Proposed alliance between Germany and MexicoACTS:Espionage Act1. B. Used to enlarge the army during World War 1Selective Service Act2. A. Suspended freedom of speech during World War 1GRAB-BAG:Isthmus 1. E. “smoke and fumes” – weapon used during WW1Teller Amendment2. C. Hawaii Annexation3. D. Puerto RicoCeded4. A. Best place to build the Panama CanalPoison Gas5._ B. The US would leave Cuba alone to rule its island -287301-25356PolioReturn to Normalcy Harlem Renaissance Organized Crime Scopes “Monkey” Henry FordTariff Women Vaccine Eugenics Mass Manufactured Red ScareAutomobile Tin Pan AlleyFlappers Teapot Dome Jonas Salk Great Migration Jazz Charles Lindbergh 00PolioReturn to Normalcy Harlem Renaissance Organized Crime Scopes “Monkey” Henry FordTariff Women Vaccine Eugenics Mass Manufactured Red ScareAutomobile Tin Pan AlleyFlappers Teapot Dome Jonas Salk Great Migration Jazz Charles Lindbergh Warren Harding wanted to “Return to Normalcy” after the turmoil of the previous decade (WW1).The Harlem Renaissance had a major contribution of introducing jazz music.The _Great Migration was when African Americans moved North in search of jobs in urban areas (cities).The Red Scare happened in the 1920’s when people were afraid of Communists (aliens = communists).Jonas Salk invented a vaccine for polio which helped stop the frightening disease (a muscle destroying disease FDR had).A vaccine in a shot given in order to stop the spread of an infectious disease.Women contributed to the ratification of the Eighteenth Amendment because some were being domestically abused.Henry Ford created the Model T while using/improving the assembly line.A key word for the 1920’s which means producing a lot of a product is: Mass ManufacturedThe KKK (Ku Klux Klan) was in favor of Eugenics which is human breeding to try and eliminate all negative traits.Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryan argued on the Scopes “Monkey” Trial Trial which argued modernism vs. traditionalism (new vs. old).The Eighteenth Amendment (18th) led to a rise in organized crime (like the mafia).A major reason for economic prosperity in the 1920’s was the selling of the automobile.The newspaper headline, “A Cabinet Member Jailed for Corruption” would most likely be associated with the Teapot Dome Scandal where Warren Harding’s friend sold a piece of land with oil on it.Charles Lindbergh completed a transatlantic flight across the Atlantic Ocean by himself (solo).Women who took male jobs, wore short dresses, and smoked in public were called: flappersTin Pan Alley was a section of New York City where music and songs were produced and played.A tariff is a tax put on imports – when you tax imported goods, it decreases trade. \4714875109045This is what you would call someone who dislikes foreigners/immigrantsNativist 00This is what you would call someone who dislikes foreigners/immigrantsNativist 2228850228600This is the name of the scandal Warren Harding was involved in that was considered to be corruptTeapot Dome Scandal 00This is the name of the scandal Warren Harding was involved in that was considered to be corruptTeapot Dome Scandal -228600109855I am the man who was president during the 1920’s and wanted to “Return to Normalcy”Warren Harding 00I am the man who was president during the 1920’s and wanted to “Return to Normalcy”Warren Harding WHO AM I? WHAT AM I?4714875268911Because of the 18th amendment there was a rise in organized - Organized Crime 00Because of the 18th amendment there was a rise in organized - Organized Crime 2228850245110This is what is referred to as the movement of African Americans to the North in search of jobs in citiesGreat Migration 00This is what is referred to as the movement of African Americans to the North in search of jobs in citiesGreat Migration -228600111760I am the man who created a vaccine to help stop the spread of polioJonas Salk00I am the man who created a vaccine to help stop the spread of polioJonas Salk471487533655This is the color that represented communism/fearRed 00This is the color that represented communism/fearRed -228600163195I am the group of people that the Americans were afraid of infiltrating the US during the Red ScareCommunists00I am the group of people that the Americans were afraid of infiltrating the US during the Red ScareCommunists2228850225425This is what is used to help limit the spread of infectious diseasesVaccine 00This is what is used to help limit the spread of infectious diseasesVaccine 4714875158115This is the music contributed from the Harlem RenaissanceJazz00This is the music contributed from the Harlem RenaissanceJazz2228850200660This is the amendment that helped to repeal (take away) the 18th Amendment21st Amendment_ 00This is the amendment that helped to repeal (take away) the 18th Amendment21st Amendment_ -228600191135I am the group of people who heavily influenced the ratification of the 18th AmendmentWomen00I am the group of people who heavily influenced the ratification of the 18th AmendmentWomen4714875238760This is the section of NYC where music/songs were producedTin Pan Alley 00This is the section of NYC where music/songs were producedTin Pan Alley 2228850142875This is the amendment passed that banned/limited the sale and manufacturing of alcohol18th 00This is the amendment passed that banned/limited the sale and manufacturing of alcohol18th -228600161925I am the man who traveled across the Atlantic Oceans solo – opening up communication/travel Charles Lindbergh 00I am the man who traveled across the Atlantic Oceans solo – opening up communication/travel Charles Lindbergh 4714875261620This is what the KKK wanted to use to “breed” the perfect humanEugenics 00This is what the KKK wanted to use to “breed” the perfect humanEugenics 2228850132715This is the name of the court case that Scopes “Monkey” Trial00This is the name of the court case that Scopes “Monkey” Trial-228600132715I am the group of people who was moving during the Great Migration African Americans00I am the group of people who was moving during the Great Migration African Americans471487541910This is the name of the disease that affects the muscles (FDR had)Polio 00This is the name of the disease that affects the muscles (FDR had)Polio 2228850165100This is what the Scopes “Monkey” Trial is arguing overModernism v. Traditionalism00This is what the Scopes “Monkey” Trial is arguing overModernism v. Traditionalism-228600174625These are the two men who argued on the Scopes “Monkey” TrialClarence DarrowWilliam Jennings Bryan00These are the two men who argued on the Scopes “Monkey” TrialClarence DarrowWilliam Jennings Bryan4714875150495This is the word that you would use to describe Gilded Age/Teapot DomeCorruption 00This is the word that you would use to describe Gilded Age/Teapot DomeCorruption 2228850207645This is what Henry Ford used to mass produce and make goods more efficientlyAssembly Line00This is what Henry Ford used to mass produce and make goods more efficientlyAssembly Line-228600173990I am the women who wore short dresses & redefined gender rolesFlappers 00I am the women who wore short dresses & redefined gender rolesFlappers 4714875173355This is what took place in NYC – an awakening of African American cultureHarlem Renaissance 00This is what took place in NYC – an awakening of African American cultureHarlem Renaissance -228600184785I am the man who created the Model T/used the assembly lineHenry Ford00I am the man who created the Model T/used the assembly lineHenry FordThe Roaring 20’s Vocabulary: Match each meaning/person with their descriptionPEOPLE:Henry Ford1. I. This group was moving North during the Great MigrationCommunists2. H. President during the 1920’s involved in Teapot DomeWomen3. C. This group helped ratify the 18th AmendmentCharles Lindberg4. D. Flew solo across the Atlantic Ocean Clarence Darrow5. G. Created a vaccine to help stop the spread of diseasesSacco & Vanzetti 6. A. Created the Model T using the assembly lineJonas Salk7. B. Who Americans feared during the Red ScareWarren Harding8. E. Argued on the Scopes “Monkey” Trial caseAfrican Americans9. F. 2 Italian immigrants convicted with little evidenceTHINGS:Teapot Dome Scandal1. K. Argued modernism v. traditionalism in the classroomAssembly Line2. J. Why most immigrants move to certain locations Mass Manufacturing3. I. Designed to stop the spread of an infectious diseaseGreat Migration4. D. An awakening of African American culture in NYCHarlem Renaissance5. L. What Henry Ford created Model T6. O. A computer build to specifications based on inventoryJazz7. F. Music introduced during the Harlem RenaissanceCommunists8. A. Harding’s cabinet member was jailed for corruptionVaccine9. C. Producing a lot of a product (using the assembly line)Increased Business Competition 10. Q. “buy now, pay later” mentality of the 1920’sGeographic Proximity11. N. Progressive opposed – people in lower classes not capable of successScopes “Monkey” Trial12. D. Movement of African Americans for opportunities in citiesAutomobile13. B. What Henry Ford used to mass manufacture productsSocial Darwinism14. J. Lowers prices for consumer productsProhibition led to -15. M. Cause of economic prosperity during 1920’sExample of Assembly Line -16. H. Who Americans were afraid of during Red ScareBuying on Credit 17. O. Rise in organized crime AMENDMENTS:18TH Amendment1. B. Women’s suffrage, get the right to vote in 192019th Amendment2. C. Repealed the 18th amendment (you can drink at 21)21st Amendment 3. A. Banned the sale/manufacture of alcohol GRAB-BAG:Red Scare1. C. Led to a decrease in international trade (signed by Hoover)Dust Bowl2. A. Americans were afraid of Communists infiltrating the USHawley-Smoot Tariff3. B. Occurred in 1930’s, farmers crops ruined, Great Plains-199360-170431Executive Branch Court Packing Scheme Tennessee Valley AuthorityFDIC Supreme Court Social SecuritySpeculation Reconstruction Finance Corporation New Deal22nd Amendment Government DroughtsMortgages Fireside Chats Reduce Competition 00Executive Branch Court Packing Scheme Tennessee Valley AuthorityFDIC Supreme Court Social SecuritySpeculation Reconstruction Finance Corporation New Deal22nd Amendment Government DroughtsMortgages Fireside Chats Reduce Competition Franklin D. Roosevelt’s scheme hiring “yes” men to pass his New Deal Legislation in the Supreme Court was called: Court Packing Scheme.The Reconstruction Finance Corporation was passed by Herbert Hoover and the government intervened in private businesses (providing loans),The three major causes of the Great Depression were: decline in trade, bank failures, and soeculation in the stock market.The FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) protects bank deposits of up to $250,000.The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) provided regional jobs by putting up dams to produce electricity.The 22nd Amendment limits presidential terms because Franklin D. Roosevelt served for too long and became similar to a dictator.The Dust Bowl was caused by a series of droughts and primarily affected farmers living on the Great Plains.After Franklin D. Roosevelt passed the New Deal, people could rely more on the governmentDuring Franklin D. Roosevelt’s presidency, the executive branch expanded in power (it had too much power).Franklin D. Roosevelt’s plan to fix America in 100 days was the New DealThe Social Security Act offers help to the disabled, elderly, and unemployed (the government now assumes a principle role in helping).Franklin D. Roosevelt’s court packing scheme was an effort to reorganize the Supreme Court.The Mexican Repatriation Act sent 500,000 Mexican-Americans back to Mexico because people in the United States wanted to reduce competition for jobs.Franklin D. Roosevelt’s way of reassuring the public via the radio was called: Fireside Chats.The Federal Housing Authority (FHA) helped people obtain affordable mortgages which made it easier to buy a house. -228600270238Who was the president that delivered the fireside chats?Franklin D. Roosevelt00Who was the president that delivered the fireside chats?Franklin D. Roosevelt2228850228600This is the New Deal Program that dealt with regional jobs, standard of living & electricityTennessee Valley Authority 00This is the New Deal Program that dealt with regional jobs, standard of living & electricityTennessee Valley Authority WHO AM I? WHAT AM I?46585417620This is one of the three causes of the Great Depression: decline in trade, bank failures, and….Speculation00This is one of the three causes of the Great Depression: decline in trade, bank failures, and….Speculation-22860096702Who is the president that signed the Reconstruction Finance Corporation?Herbert Hoover 00Who is the president that signed the Reconstruction Finance Corporation?Herbert Hoover 2228850245110This is the New Deal Program that made the government responsible for people’s economic welfareSocial Security00This is the New Deal Program that made the government responsible for people’s economic welfareSocial Security466026551435This is what FDR used via the radio to help reassure the American publicFireside Chats 00This is what FDR used via the radio to help reassure the American publicFireside Chats -228600121376Who is the president that signed the Hawley-Smoot Tariff?Herbert Hoover 00Who is the president that signed the Hawley-Smoot Tariff?Herbert Hoover 466044799695This is the branch that became too powerful under FDR’s presidencyExecutive 00This is the branch that became too powerful under FDR’s presidencyExecutive 2231571221524This is the New Deal Program that helped people obtain mortgages from banksFederal Housing Authority 00This is the New Deal Program that helped people obtain mortgages from banksFederal Housing Authority -228600175170Who is the president that created the New Deal?Franklin D. Roosevelt 00Who is the president that created the New Deal?Franklin D. Roosevelt 4660447166370This is what FDR wanted to increase with his Court Packing SchemeSupreme Court Justices00This is what FDR wanted to increase with his Court Packing SchemeSupreme Court Justices2220686244747This was passed by Herbert Hoover and protected the economy through government intervention in businessReconstruction Finance Corporation 00This was passed by Herbert Hoover and protected the economy through government intervention in businessReconstruction Finance Corporation -228600221161This is who assumed a principle role in protecting economic stability after the Great Depression Government00This is who assumed a principle role in protecting economic stability after the Great Depression Government4660447222794This is the amendment that dealt with the court case: United States v. Butler10th Amendment 00This is the amendment that dealt with the court case: United States v. Butler10th Amendment -228600256540This is the man who wanted to Share the Wealth by helping the needy Huey Long 00This is the man who wanted to Share the Wealth by helping the needy Huey Long 2231571162831This is the New Deal Program where the government protects individual bank depositsFederal Deposit Insurance Corp. 00This is the New Deal Program where the government protects individual bank depositsFederal Deposit Insurance Corp. 4659086293460This is the name of FDR’s program that would help provide jobs to the unemployedNew Deal 00This is the name of FDR’s program that would help provide jobs to the unemployedNew Deal -228600127998This is the court that FDR wanted to reorganize with his Court Packing SchemeSupreme Court00This is the court that FDR wanted to reorganize with his Court Packing SchemeSupreme Court2231571164919This is the reason why the Mexican Repatriation Act in the 1930’s was passedReduce Competition for Jobs 00This is the reason why the Mexican Repatriation Act in the 1930’s was passedReduce Competition for Jobs 4659086284660This is what people can rely on more in times of economic distress as a result of the New DealGovernment 00This is what people can rely on more in times of economic distress as a result of the New DealGovernment -228600187235This is the name of the tariff that declined international tradeHawley-Smoot Tariff 00This is the name of the tariff that declined international tradeHawley-Smoot Tariff 2220686145234This is the reason why people were standing in breadlines in NYC in 1932Widespread Unemployment 00This is the reason why people were standing in breadlines in NYC in 1932Widespread Unemployment 4660265269240This is a characteristic of the United States during the 1930’s – extend period of economic….Depression 00This is a characteristic of the United States during the 1930’s – extend period of economic….Depression 2220595197576This is FDR’s immediate response to the banking crisisBank Holiday 00This is FDR’s immediate response to the banking crisisBank Holiday -228600186962This is what caused the Dust Bowl which impacted farmers/Great PlainsDroughts00This is what caused the Dust Bowl which impacted farmers/Great PlainsDroughtsThe Great Depression Vocabulary: Match each meaning/person with their descriptionPEOPLE:Hebert Hoover1. A. Opponent (against) the New Deal – thought FDR was too friendly to bankersFranklin D. Roosevelt2. C. Wanted to Share the Wealth – provide a decent standard of living to all Americans by sharing the wealthHuey Long3. A. Signed the Hawley-Smoot Tariff/Reconstruction Finance CorporationFather Charles Coughlin4. B. Passed the New Deal/Court Packing Scheme/4 TermsTHINGS:22nd Amendment1. M. One of the causes of the Great Depression (along with decline in trade, and bank failures)Fireside Chats2. B. How FDR reassured the public during economic distress via the radioHawley-Smoot Tariff3. L. Wanted to reduce competition for jobs in the 1930’sSupreme Court4. C. Highest tariff signed by Hoover which led to a decrease in international tradeCourt Packing Scheme5. I. The 1930’s was characterized by this wordBank Holiday6. A. Constitutional amendment that limits presidential term limits (2 terms only)Executive Branch7. D. The court that Franklin Roosevelt wanted to reorganizeGovernment8. F. This is what FDR’s immediate response to the banking crisisDepression9. E. This is when FDR increased the number of Supreme Court justices so they could pass his legislation Dust Bowl 10. H. This is what people could rely on in times of economic distressGreat Plains/Midwest11. J. Caused by a series of droughts and poor farming practicesMexican Repatriation Act12. G. The branch of government that got too powerful Speculation in Stock Market13. K. The location that was most impacted by the Dust BowlNEW DEAL PROGRAMS:Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation1. C. Provided regional jobs/electricity/improve standard oflivingSocial Security Act2. G. Public work relief – jobs to the unemployedTennessee Valley Authority 3. A. Protected individual bank deposits in an event of a bank failure (up to $250,000)Works Progress Administration4. D. Employed millions of unemployed – public works projects (constructing roads, buildings, etc.)Reconstruction Finance Corporation5. E. Protected economy through government intervention inprivate business Federal Housing Administration6. B. Government-administered benefits/people could rely more onthe governmentCivilian Conservation Corps7. F. Provided mortgages so people could buy housesPublic Works Administration 8. H. Large scale public works -56515-227802Relocation CentersScarceIntegratingJapan World War II Death March U.S. involvement Food SupplyNew WeaponShortagesFranklin D. Roosevelt Japanese Americans Secret codeMilitary and IndustrialTerm LimitsNavajo Soldiers Normandy OilAfrican American Medal of Honor0Relocation CentersScarceIntegratingJapan World War II Death March U.S. involvement Food SupplyNew WeaponShortagesFranklin D. Roosevelt Japanese Americans Secret codeMilitary and IndustrialTerm LimitsNavajo Soldiers Normandy OilAfrican American Medal of HonorVernon Baker was the only living African American_ to be awarded the Medal of Honor_ in World War II.“Are you willing to serve in the armed forces of the United States?” is a question the Japanese Americans were required to answer when they were released from Relocation CentersAfter dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, World War II ended with Japan surrendering to the Allies. The primary purpose of Victory/War Gardens was to increase the food supply_ during a farm-labor shortage.The 22nd Amendment was passed in response to the election of Franklin D. Roosevelt to a fourth presidential term. Women who worked in factories (installing dive-bombers) in 1943 were maintaining the country’s military and industrial production levels while men were away at war.Navajo Code Talkers were best known for creating a secret code for communicating battle plans between Allied units.The acceleration of the Manhattan Project was designed to develop a new weapon (atomic bomb) that would gain a strategic advantage over enemies. “It is impossible for any nation completely to isolate itself from economic and political upheavals of the rest of the world…It jeopardizes the future of security of every nation” (1937) – Franklin D. Roosevelt was talking about U.S. involvement in World War II.When Japanese forces occupied the Bataan Peninsula, many soldiers (US & Filipino) died during a forced death march to a prison camp in the Philippines.“The conflict is still sharpening throughout the world between two political systems” (1938) – Franklin D. Roosevelt was talking about the outbreak of World War II.The government issued ration books during World War II in order to ensure the fair distribution of scarce goods. One reason that Japan attacked the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor, is because the U.S. put trade sanctions on oilIn 1944, the U.S. Allied Expeditionary Force was sent to invade the beaches at Normandy, France which is referred to as D-Day. Navajo soldiers made an important contribution to the Allied war effort during World War II by encoding military communications. With FDR’s 4th term came a constitutional amendment establishing term limits for presidents. The fourth and fourteenth Amendments of the Constitution were violated by the U.S. when they put Japanese Americans in internment camps/relocation centers during World War 2. Women during World War 2 would have to go without nylon hosiery (stockings) for Christmas because there was a continued shortage of goods during World War II. The Tuskegee Airmen served to decrease opposition to integrating the U.S. armed forces (people wanted to bring together more than one race now). 2231571227421This is the treaty that ended World War I & made Germany pay reparations/give up their land and militaryTreaty of Versailles00This is the treaty that ended World War I & made Germany pay reparations/give up their land and militaryTreaty of Versailles-228600270963My 4th and 14th amendment to the constitution was violated when I went to relocation centers/internment campsJapanese Americans 00My 4th and 14th amendment to the constitution was violated when I went to relocation centers/internment campsJapanese Americans WHO AM I? WHAT AM I?46585417620This is the location that wad invaded in 1944, the Allied forces stormed the beaches of:Normandy, France_ 00This is the location that wad invaded in 1944, the Allied forces stormed the beaches of:Normandy, France_ 2231571200751This is made up of: Germany, Italy and JapanAxis Powers 00This is made up of: Germany, Italy and JapanAxis Powers -228600264795I am the president who dropped the atomic bombHarry Turman 00I am the president who dropped the atomic bombHarry Turman 466026551435This is what FDR used via the radio to help reassure the American publicFireside Chats 00This is what FDR used via the radio to help reassure the American publicFireside Chats ?? 4659086101780This is what America was after World War 1, and before getting involved in WW2Isolationist/Neutral 00This is what America was after World War 1, and before getting involved in WW2Isolationist/Neutral 2220686210640This is made up of: France, Great Britain, and the Soviet UnionAllied Powers 00This is made up of: France, Great Britain, and the Soviet UnionAllied Powers -228600320857I am the president who served four termsFranklin D. Roosevelt00I am the president who served four termsFranklin D. Roosevelt 2231571263433This is what Franklin Roosevelt proposed in 1941 –sending war materials/weapons to the Allied PowersLend-Lease Act 00This is what Franklin Roosevelt proposed in 1941 –sending war materials/weapons to the Allied PowersLend-Lease Act -228600344805I am the African American fighter pilot group who decreased opposition to integrating the armed forcesTuskegee Airmen 00I am the African American fighter pilot group who decreased opposition to integrating the armed forcesTuskegee Airmen 465908648803This is the question the Japanese Americans were asked upon release of the relocation centers“Will You Serve in the US Armed Forces?”00This is the question the Japanese Americans were asked upon release of the relocation centers“Will You Serve in the US Armed Forces?”-228600319949I am the volunteer fighter pilot group whose major objective was to attack Japan_Flying Tigers 00I am the volunteer fighter pilot group whose major objective was to attack Japan_Flying Tigers 2220505149044These are the two countries who signed a non-aggression pact with one another during World War 2Germany/Soviet Union 00These are the two countries who signed a non-aggression pact with one another during World War 2Germany/Soviet Union 465908610432This is what the US sold to help finance the war (same as WW1)War Bonds00This is what the US sold to help finance the war (same as WW1)War Bonds-228600311150I am the leader of Nazi Germany who instituted a genocide against the JewsAdolf Hitler 00I am the leader of Nazi Germany who instituted a genocide against the JewsAdolf Hitler 465899585453This is what was formed in 1942 that used posters and war news to promote patriotism Office of War Information 00This is what was formed in 1942 that used posters and war news to promote patriotism Office of War Information 2220686107406This is where Germany invaded that started World War 2 in 1939Poland00This is where Germany invaded that started World War 2 in 1939Poland2220686138429This is what the US put trade sanctions on that made Japan bomb Pearl HarborOil_00This is what the US put trade sanctions on that made Japan bomb Pearl HarborOil_-228600137795I am the leader of fascist ItalyBenito Mussolini 00I am the leader of fascist ItalyBenito Mussolini 466026537919This is what Harry Truman dropped that made Japan surrender/did it to save lives & end the war quicklyAtomic Bomb00This is what Harry Truman dropped that made Japan surrender/did it to save lives & end the war quicklyAtomic Bomb-228600243205I am the military leader of JapanHideki Tojo00I am the military leader of JapanHideki Tojo222059596429This is the year that Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii194100This is the year that Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii1941465899572390This is the event that brought the United States into WW2Pearl Harbor00This is the event that brought the United States into WW2Pearl Harbor-228600110490I am the leader of the Soviet Union during World War 2Joseph Stalin 00I am the leader of the Soviet Union during World War 2Joseph Stalin World War 2 Vocabulary: Match each meaning/person with their descriptionPEOPLE:Benito Mussolini1. I. African American who won Medal of Honor in WW2Joseph Stalin2. C. President of US who served 4 terms and beginning of WW2Franklin D. Roosevelt3. E. Army general and prime minister who led Japan during WW2Harry Truman 4. D. President of US who dropped the atomic bomb Hideki Tojo5. J. Led US ground forces during WW2Adolf Hitler6. K. Supreme Allied Commander for US during WW2Flying Tigers7. A. Leader of ItalyTuskegee Airmen8. B. Leader of the Soviet UnionVernon Baker9. F. Leader of Germany and the Nazi PartyDwight Eisenhower 10. G. American volunteer fighter pilots – goal: destroy JapanOmar BradleyTHINGS:Blitzkreig1. I. Germany, Italy and JapanNazi Party2. H. France, Great Britain, Soviet Union, United StatesAppeasement3. D. Signed between Soviet Union& Germany – Germany brokeNon-Aggression Pact4. Q. Opened up a new allied front, 1944, invasion of NormandyLend-Lease Act5. F. Where Germany invaded in 1939 – started World War 2Poland6. A. “lightening war” – Germany’s style of fightingNuremberg Laws7. B. Run by Adolf Hitler in Germany – led genocide of JewsAllied Powers8. V. Mass genocide of the Jewish race in GermanyAxis Powers9. E. FDR signed in 1941 to help the Allied powers fight the AxisRationing 10. J. Ensuring the fair distribution of scarce materials Violation of the 4/14th Amendment11. L. Relocation of Japanese Americans after Pearl HarborExecutive Order 906612. P. Formed in 1942 to promote patriotism during WW2Bataan Death March 13. C. Giving into demands; example – France & Great BritainWar Bonds14. G. Laws to restrict Jewish rights – (wear yellow star) Victory Gardens15. U. US plan for fighting in the Pacific – conquering islands Office of War Information 16. M. 60 mile forced death march: Japanese abuse/kill“D-Day”17. T. Encoding/decoding communication messages to Allied Battle of Midway18. S. Secret plan to form the atomic bomb/new weaponManhattan Project 19. K. Amendments violated by putting Japanese in internment campsNavajo Code Talkers20. N. What US government sold to help finance the warIsland Hopping 21. O. Used to increase food supply in a farm labor shortageHolocaust 22. R. Turning point in the Pacific War in favor of AlliesIMPORTANT EVENTS IN WORLD WAR 2:1941 1. E. Germany invades Poland, World War 2 begins19422. A. Japan bombs Pearl Harbor, US joins the war1944 3. D. Harry Truman drops atomic bomb, Japan surrenders19454. B. Office of War Information formed; promotes patriotism19395. C. D-Day – invasion of Normandy, France; opened up Allied front-130175-145401Suburban Beat Generation DeforestationFederal Benefits Technological superior WW2Poverty GI Bill Cultural DivideDeported Arms Race Soviet UnionProsperity Clean & Renewable RestrictedHouse Un-American Activities Committee Space Exploration Communists 00Suburban Beat Generation DeforestationFederal Benefits Technological superior WW2Poverty GI Bill Cultural DivideDeported Arms Race Soviet UnionProsperity Clean & Renewable RestrictedHouse Un-American Activities Committee Space Exploration Communists The Venona Papers revealed that some Americans had in fact been helping the Soviet Union.The Union of Concerned Scientists passed legislation that focuses on finding clean and renewable energy sources. A direct result of the launch of Sputnik in 1957 was that the U.S. government founded a federal agency dedicated to space explorastion. The result of McCarthyism during the 1950’s was the U.S. citizens were arrested for being suspected communistsThe migration (moving) of people during the 1950’s moved from urban to suburban areas.Due to the expansion of population into suburban areas, it led to an increase in housing and increased deforestationThe Red Scare and McCarthyism were similar because they both rounded up and deported thousands of suspects without warrants. The United States adopted the motto “In God We Trust” in 1956 to distinguish from nations that restricted religious practices (created during the Cold War with Russia). The Beat Generation encouraged independent thinking in an age of conformity. A major cause of prosperity in the 1950’s was the granting of federal benefits to veterans.President Harry S. Truman’s decision to drop the atomic bomb affected international relations by initiating the arms race with the Soviet Union.Rock and roll affected society in the United States by contributing to a cultural divide between generations. More people bought new housing units in 1945-1965 because of assistance offered by the GI Bill to soldiers returning from World War II. The 1950’s: a time when the middle class was growing is often nicknamed the Prosperity of the 1950’s. A movie about a young woman falling for a Russian pianist titled Song of Russia would more likely be investigated by the House Un American Activities Committee. The successful launching of Sputnik by the Soviet Union in 1958 sparked American fears that the Soviets had achieved technological superiority (they were better). Trends of the 1950’s (middle class, highway system, suburbs) were a result of economic prosperity following WW2.The Food Stamp Act and Housing & Urban Development were programs used to alleviate poverty.4819650190501WHAT Am I?I am the class that was growing during the 1950’sMiddle Class00WHAT Am I?I am the class that was growing during the 1950’sMiddle Class2343150190500WHAT Am I?I am the satellite that the Russians sent into space in 1957Spuntik00WHAT Am I?I am the satellite that the Russians sent into space in 1957Spuntik-142875190500WHO Am I?I started McCarthyism and I led a witch hunt to round up and deport suspects Communists with no warrants:Joseph McCarthy00WHO Am I?I started McCarthyism and I led a witch hunt to round up and deport suspects Communists with no warrants:Joseph McCarthyWHO AM I? WHAT AM I?23431497915275WHAT Am I?I am what revealed that Americans were in fact helping the Soviet UnionVenona Papers00WHAT Am I?I am what revealed that Americans were in fact helping the Soviet UnionVenona Papers23431506581775WHAT Am I?I am what was initiated after Harry Truman dropped the atomic bombsArms Race00WHAT Am I?I am what was initiated after Harry Truman dropped the atomic bombsArms Race23431505248275WHAT Am I?I am the type of music that led to a cultural divide between generationsRock & Roll00WHAT Am I?I am the type of music that led to a cultural divide between generationsRock & Roll-1428745248275WHO Am I?I am the president who created the Great Society to help alleviate poverty with the Food Stamp Act/Child NutritionLyndon B. Johnson00WHO Am I?I am the president who created the Great Society to help alleviate poverty with the Food Stamp Act/Child NutritionLyndon B. Johnson48196507610475WHAT Am I?After Sputnik was launched the US government funded an agency dedicated to -Space Exploration00WHAT Am I?After Sputnik was launched the US government funded an agency dedicated to -Space Exploration48196506305550WHAT Am I?The reason the US funded math & science is because of the launch of the first - Artificial Satellite00WHAT Am I?The reason the US funded math & science is because of the launch of the first - Artificial Satellite48196505000625WHAT Am I?I am who the House Un American Activities Committee questions:Actors/Directions00WHAT Am I?I am who the House Un American Activities Committee questions:Actors/Directions48196503667125WHAT Am I?I am the scandal that Richard Nixon was involved in that was “a conspiracy to mislead the nation”Watergate Scandal_00WHAT Am I?I am the scandal that Richard Nixon was involved in that was “a conspiracy to mislead the nation”Watergate Scandal_48196502362200WHAT Am I?The reason people went to movie theaters more is because of the popularity of what invention?Television00WHAT Am I?The reason people went to movie theaters more is because of the popularity of what invention?Television48196501057275WHAT Am I?I am what the Union of Concerned Scientists wanted to pass legislation onClean & Renewable Energy 00WHAT Am I?I am what the Union of Concerned Scientists wanted to pass legislation onClean & Renewable Energy 23431503886200WHAT Am I?I am what gave assistance to soldiers returning home from World War 2GI Bill00WHAT Am I?I am what gave assistance to soldiers returning home from World War 2GI Bill23431502552700WHAT Am I?I am what Lyndon B. Johnson formed to help alleviate povertyGreat Society00WHAT Am I?I am what Lyndon B. Johnson formed to help alleviate povertyGreat Society23431501209675WHAT Am I?I am what Americans feared after Sputnik was launched (it means better than)Technologically Superior00WHAT Am I?I am what Americans feared after Sputnik was launched (it means better than)Technologically Superior-1428747915275WHO Am I?I am a person who returns home from war & was also given cheap housing from the GI BillVeterans_00WHO Am I?I am a person who returns home from war & was also given cheap housing from the GI BillVeterans_-1428746581775WHO Am I?I am the group who encouraged independent thinking in an age of conformityBeat Generation00WHO Am I?I am the group who encouraged independent thinking in an age of conformityBeat Generation-1428753914775WHO Am I?I am the president who was involved in the Watergate Scandal that was a conspiracy to mislead the nationRichard Nixon00WHO Am I?I am the president who was involved in the Watergate Scandal that was a conspiracy to mislead the nationRichard Nixon-1428752571750WHO Am I?I am the president who created the Interstate Highway Act and was nicknamed “Ike”Dwight Eisenhower00WHO Am I?I am the president who created the Interstate Highway Act and was nicknamed “Ike”Dwight Eisenhower-1428751238250WHO Am I?I am the president who dropped the atomic bombs & initiated the arms raceHarry Truman00WHO Am I?I am the president who dropped the atomic bombs & initiated the arms raceHarry TrumanTruman to Nixon Vocabulary: Match each meaning/person with their descriptionPEOPLE:Harry Truman 1. I. Wanted to find clean & renewable energy sourcesJoseph McCarthy2. J. Nicknamed: The King of Rock & RollDwight Eisenhower3. C. President; Interstate Highway ActJohn F. Kennedy 4. H. Returned home from war; benefits/GI Bill/bought housesRichard Nixon5. B. Senator who created McCarthyism – fear of CommunistsLyndon B. Johnson 6. D. President; Space Race; Bay of Pigs; Cuban Missile CrisisBeat Generation7. A. President; Dropped Atomic Bomb/started arms raceVeterans8. E. President; involved in Watergate ScandalUnion of Concerned Scientists9. G. Artists/Writers/Musicians – independent thinkers Elvis Presley10. F. President; Great Society – tried to alleviate povertyTHINGS:Great Society1. L. Revealed that people were in fact helping Soviet UnionInterstate Highway Act2. V. Changed motto during 1956 to distinguish from countries whorestrict religion Sputnik3. U. Gave economic aid to help rebuild war torn EuropeTechnologically Superior4. Q. Agency designed to protect the environment; under NixonMiddle Class5. E. The class that was growing in the 1950’sTelevision6. A. Formed by Lyndon B. Johnson to help alleviate povertyWatergate Scandal7. B. Formed by Eisenhower to allow easier transportationGI Bill8. I. Music that led to a cultural divide between generationsRock and Roll9. C. Artificial satellite launched by the Soviet UnionArtificial Satellite 10. D. This is what the US feared Russia was after launching Sputnik Math & Science 11. G. Nixon’s scandal; conspiracy to mislead the nationVenona Papers12. H. Granted to returning veterans; cheap housing/educationMcCarthyism/Red Scare 13. T. Offered aid to Turkey & Greece; signed by TrumanHouse Un-American Activities Committee14. K. The subjects the US started funding after Sputnik Arms Race15. X. The reason the US & Soviet Union were fighting in Cold War Space Exploration 16. W. Where people were moving in the 1950’sEnvironmental Protection Agency17. S. How far can the federal government go to alleviate poverty?Endangered Species Act18. M. Initiated by the fear of Communists in the United StatesQuestion Raised from Great Society 19. N. Questioned actors/directors in HollywoodTruman Doctrine20. F. The invention that showed JFK & Nixon’s debateMarshall Plan21. O. What the atomic bomb initiated with Soviet Union “In God We Trust”22. R. Tried to prevent the disruption of animal migration Urban to Suburban 23. P. What the US started to fund after the artificial satelliteCapitalism vs. Communism 24. J. The reason why the US started the fund math/scienceMATCH THE PRESIDENT WITH THEIR CORRECT DESCRIPTION Harry Truman1. E. Formed the Great Society to help alleviate povertyRichard Nixon2. B. Involved in Watergate; conspiracy to mislead nationDwight Eisenhower3. D. Involved in Space Race/Cuban Missile Crisis/Bay of PigsJohn F. Kennedy4. A. Dropped the atomic bomb in 1945, ended WW2Lyndon B. Johnson5. C. Created the Interstate Highway Act -217714-239486Ngo Dinh Diem Marshall Plan Congressional ApprovalVietnam WarContainment Communism Deployment Blockaded Cuba Border dispute Peninsula Aggressor Communist AggressionMilitary Conflict ChinaMilitary SetbacksSoutheast Asia Vietnam War First Amendment Domestic Declaration 00Ngo Dinh Diem Marshall Plan Congressional ApprovalVietnam WarContainment Communism Deployment Blockaded Cuba Border dispute Peninsula Aggressor Communist AggressionMilitary Conflict ChinaMilitary SetbacksSoutheast Asia Vietnam War First Amendment Domestic Declaration A constitutional issue raised from U.S. involvement in Korea and Vietnam was a lack of formal declaration of war by Congress. President Richard Nixon did not want the Pentagon Papers to be released, but the Supreme Court ruled in favor of its printing under the First AmendmentWorldwide reactions to U.S. involvement in Vietnam grew hostile because the U.S. was viewed as an aggressor invading an underdeveloped nation. The division of the 38th parallel was a result of negotiations to settle a border dispute between North and South Korea. The Berlin Airlift was used by Harry Truman in 1948 to provide supplies to a blockaded city.The U.S. initiative designed to provide financial aid to war-torn European countries was called the Marshall Plan The Tet Offensive and President Lyndon B. Johnson not seeking reelection all took place during the Vietnam WarThe primary reason given by U.S. leaders to justify military involvement in Vietnam was that it would keep _Communism from spreading throughout the region. The Domino Theory suggested that in order to help, the U.S. must provide military aid to Ngo Dinh Diem’s government (South Vietnam).President Richard Nixon’s “Silent Majority” speech in 1969 was to ask the American people to support his position on the Vietnam WarThe Vietnam War affected Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society because the U.S. had to divert critical funds away from Domestic issues. The Domino Theory, which is the reason for involvement in Vietnam, was based on the belief that it would stop communism from expanding across Southeast Asia. Press coverage during Vietnam affected the U.S. by reporting on military setabcks and contributing to public disillusionment with the war. President Richard Nixon’s SALT 1 Treaty dealt with opening diplomatic relations with ChinaThe primary reason for U.S. in involvement in East Asia during the 1960’s was the result of North Korea attempting to unify the peninsula and challenging the policy of containment.JFK and Nikita Khrushchev were involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis – the result was JFK ordering a naval blockade to stop the shipment of missiles to CubaIncidents like the Gulf of Tonkin and the secret bombing of Cambodia made the president to have to seek congressional approval of any military action. The Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, and Korean War would all fall under the category of: ContainmentThe reason for demonstrations and protests of the draft were due to escalated deployment of soldiers to Vietnam.The Truman Doctrine argues that the U.S. must protect nations from Communist AggressionAs a result of the Berlin Airlift, the United States was able to bypass a Soviet blockade without provoking a military conflict. 47434507200265WHAT Am I?This is the location the U.S. preventing communism from spreading in VietnamSoutheast Asia00WHAT Am I?This is the location the U.S. preventing communism from spreading in VietnamSoutheast Asia47339255990590WHAT Am I?This is the country Richard Nixon opened relations with (SALT 1)China00WHAT Am I?This is the country Richard Nixon opened relations with (SALT 1)China47244004809490WHAT Am I?This is what the U.S. was viewed as in an underdeveloped countryAggressor00WHAT Am I?This is what the U.S. was viewed as in an underdeveloped countryAggressor47053503399790WHAT Am I?This is where North & South Korea negotiated their border dispute after the Korean War38th Parallel00WHAT Am I?This is where North & South Korea negotiated their border dispute after the Korean War38th Parallel46863002266315WHAT Am I?This is the name of the mission to deliver supplies to a blockaded cityBerlin Airlift00WHAT Am I?This is the name of the mission to deliver supplies to a blockaded cityBerlin Airlift22479007581265WHAT Am I?This is the amendment that got the Pentagon Papers printed1ST Amendment; Freedom of Press00WHAT Am I?This is the amendment that got the Pentagon Papers printed1ST Amendment; Freedom of Press22288506438265WHAT Am I?This is what press coverage showed the American public during VietnamMilitary Setbacks00WHAT Am I?This is what press coverage showed the American public during VietnamMilitary Setbacks22288505271770WHAT Am I?This is what the U.S. was able to bypass with the Berlin Airlift______________________________00WHAT Am I?This is what the U.S. was able to bypass with the Berlin Airlift______________________________22193254114165WHAT Am I?This is what North Korea attempted to unifyPeninsula00WHAT Am I?This is what North Korea attempted to unifyPeninsula22332952677795WHAT Am I?This is what Nixon trained the S. Vietnamese to do as US troops gradually withrew – VietnamizationTrain Independently 00WHAT Am I?This is what Nixon trained the S. Vietnamese to do as US troops gradually withrew – VietnamizationTrain Independently -2476507833360WHAT Am I?This is the crisis that is the closest the world has ever come to nuclear warCuban Missile Crisis00WHAT Am I?This is the crisis that is the closest the world has ever come to nuclear warCuban Missile Crisis-2381256661785WHAT Am I?This is what the U.S. & Soviet Union were fighting over in the Cold WarCommunism v. Capitalism 00WHAT Am I?This is what the U.S. & Soviet Union were fighting over in the Cold WarCommunism v. Capitalism -2476505266055WHAT Am I?This is what the participation of U.S. in Vietnam resulted in (how you show you disapprove of something)Demonstration/Protest00WHAT Am I?This is what the participation of U.S. in Vietnam resulted in (how you show you disapprove of something)Demonstration/Protest-2476503880485WHAT Am I?This is what type of issues that funds were diverted from during the Vietnam WarDomestic00WHAT Am I?This is what type of issues that funds were diverted from during the Vietnam WarDomestic-2476502684780WHO Am I?I won the Medal of Honor in Vietnam for going above the call of dutyRoy Benavidez00WHO Am I?I won the Medal of Honor in Vietnam for going above the call of dutyRoy Benavidez-2381251294765WHO Am I?I am the group that the President has to seek approval from before any military action Congress00WHO Am I?I am the group that the President has to seek approval from before any military action Congress22288501308735WHAT Am I?This is the word that means stopping Communism from spreading – an example is the Truman Doctrine Containment00WHAT Am I?This is the word that means stopping Communism from spreading – an example is the Truman Doctrine Containment4676775-86360WHAT Am I?This is the war that the Tet Offensive occurred during Vietnam War00WHAT Am I?This is the war that the Tet Offensive occurred during Vietnam War2228850-100965WHAT Am I?This is the U.S. initiative that provided financial aid to war-torn European countriesMarshall Plan00WHAT Am I?This is the U.S. initiative that provided financial aid to war-torn European countriesMarshall Plan46672501104265WHAT Am I?This is what was put on West Berlin by the Soviet Union Blockade00WHAT Am I?This is what was put on West Berlin by the Soviet Union Blockade-247650-105410WHO Am I?I am the leader of South Vietnam – The side the U.S. provided military aid toNgo Dinh DIem00WHO Am I?I am the leader of South Vietnam – The side the U.S. provided military aid toNgo Dinh DIemTruman to Nixon Vocabulary: Match each meaning/person with their descriptionPEOPLE:Ngo Dinh Diem 1. F. President; “Silent Majority,” Pentagon Papers, SALT 1Ho Chi Minh2. A. Leader of South Vietnam – US provided military aid to himViet Cong3. B. Leader of North Vietnam – US/South Vietnam fighting againstLyndon B. Johnson 4. J. Dictator of Cuba – involved in Cuban Missile CrisisJohn F. Kennedy5. I. Soviet Premier; worked with Castro in Cuban Missile CrisisRichard Nixon 6. C. South Vietnamese Communists; used guerilla warfareHarry Truman 7. D. President; Great Society; Gulf of Tonkin – escalated warJoseph Stalin8. E. President; Cuban Missile Crisis, Bay of Pigs, Space RaceNikita Khruschev9. E. President; Berlin Airlift – sent aid to West Berlin in 1948Fidel Castro10. H. Soviet Premier; put blockade on West Berlin “Iron Curtain”Roy Benavidez11. K. Mexican-American; won medal of honor in Vietnam WarTHINGS:Domino Theory 1. Z. The war that had demonstrations/protests/anti-war ralliesContainment2. D. What the US was viewed as in an underdeveloped nationSoutheast Asia3. J. Nixon didn’t want these released; 1st Amendment got themprintedAggressor4. K. Nixon opened up diplomatic relations with China Anti-draft demonstration were due to-5. C. The location where the US was trying to stop communismfrom spreadingThe Great Society 6. B. Policy of stopping communism from spreadingGulf of Tonkin7. A. If one falls; neighboring countries will fall to communism “Silent Majority”8. P. Providing aid to war torn European countries Vietnamization9. Q. Providing aid to Greece and Turkey/stop communist aggressionPentagon Papers 10. R. 1948; providing aid to West Berlin – blockaded citySALT 1 Treaty 11. Y. What the US could bypass with the Berlin AirliftWar Powers Resolution 12. L. President has to seek congressional approval26th Amendment 13. G. LBJ escalated the war – sent troops into Vietnam Lack of declaration of war by - 14. F. Funds were diverted away from domestic issues Examples of Containment - 15. E. Escalated deployment of troops to Vietnam Marshall Plan 16. H. Nixon asked people to still support the Vietnam WarTruman Doctrine 17. M. Changing voting age from 21 to 18 (unfair to send to war)Berlin Airlift18. N. Congress38th Parallel 19. O. Marshall Plan, Truman Doctrine, Berlin Airlift, Korean WarQuote by Harry Truman20. I. Nixon gradually withdrawing troops; train S. VietnameseCuban Missile Crisis21. S. Border dispute between North & South KoreaWhat JFK put on Cuba - 22. T. “Communism is past the point of subversion…”Military setbacks 23. U. Closest the US has ever come to nuclear warVietnam War 24. V. BlockadeMilitary Conflict 25. W. What press coverage reported to people in AmericaVietnam showed Americans could - 26. Z. Influence the government -215265-291436Shirley Chisholm Judicial Philosophy InfluenceNon-violent Desegregation Organizations Jackie Robinson Vocational Skills Literacy TestsConservative Employment Discrimination Civil Rights Act 1964Constitutional Rights Authority Segregation Minority NAACPPlessy v. FergusonMalcolm X Rosa Parks Thurgood Marshall00Shirley Chisholm Judicial Philosophy InfluenceNon-violent Desegregation Organizations Jackie Robinson Vocational Skills Literacy TestsConservative Employment Discrimination Civil Rights Act 1964Constitutional Rights Authority Segregation Minority NAACPPlessy v. FergusonMalcolm X Rosa Parks Thurgood MarshallA newspaper article stating, “Segregation in Public Schools Outlawed” would best go with which individual? Thurgood MarshallThe best example of civil disobedience (nonviolent resistance) would be when Rosa Parks refused to give up her bus seat to a white man.The Brown decision reversed Plessy v. Ferguson which endorsed racial segregation laws. W.E.B DuBois combated prejudice by forming the NAACP which was an early civil rights group.Someone who would not want the ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) to be passed would be a leader of a conservative interest group. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 eliminated Literacy Tests as prerequisites for voting. Actions taken by women to achieve greater economic opportunity in the 1950’s was forming organizations, publishing books, and demonstrating. Jackie Robisnon first rose to national prominence in the late 1940s when he helped bring an end to racial segregation in Major League Baseball.When Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white passenger in Montgomery, Alabama it was considered a non-violent method of achieving civil rights. The 19th Amendment granted women’s suffrage and it gave women a greater opportunity to influence government. One of Shirley Chisholm’s great achievements was overcoming gender and racial barriers to be elected to Congress. Plessy v. Ferguson and Brown v. Board show a difference between Supreme Court decisions as a change in judicial philosophy encouraged by civil rights advocates. Booker T. Washington worked to improve the lives of African Americans by promoting vocational skills for African Americans. Chief Justice Earl Warren transformed the judicial system when he ruled in favor of the desegregation of public schools. The legislation passed to prevent racial discrimination in businesses, restaurants and places of employment was the Civil Rights Act of 1964The Civil Rights Act of 1964 banned: Employer DiscriminationThe 1966 Supreme Court decision Miranda v. Arizona affected society by granting those accused of a crime the right to be informed of their constitutional rightsGovernor Orval Faubus of Arkansas challenged the authority of the federal government when he refused to desegregate Little Rock High School.The Supreme Court’s decision for Plessy v. Ferguson created a legal justification for segregation laws.Due to the sit-in protests, freedom rides, and the March on Washington it led to an expansion of political and economic opportunities for minority citizens.Malcom X appealed to many African-American’s anger and frustration by preaching a militant approach to civil rights.-250190-87010WHO Am I?I overcame racial and gender barriers to be elected to Congress.Shirley Chisholm00WHO Am I?I overcame racial and gender barriers to be elected to Congress.Shirley Chisholm46863002266315WHAT Am I?This is the act that made discrimination in restaurants illegalCivil Rights Act 196400WHAT Am I?This is the act that made discrimination in restaurants illegalCivil Rights Act 196422288502680970WHO Am I?I am the WW2 fighter pilot group that decreased opposition to the integration of the armed forcesTuskegee Airmen00WHO Am I?I am the WW2 fighter pilot group that decreased opposition to the integration of the armed forcesTuskegee Airmen22288501308735WHO Am I?I appealed the many African-Americans anger and frustration by preaching a militant approach Malcolm X00WHO Am I?I appealed the many African-Americans anger and frustration by preaching a militant approach Malcolm X4676775-86360WHAT Am I?The Voting Rights Act of 1965 eliminated -Literacy Tests00WHAT Am I?The Voting Rights Act of 1965 eliminated -Literacy Tests2228850-100965WHO Am I?I am the governor of Arkansas and I challenged the authority of the government to desegregate schoolsOrval Faubus00WHO Am I?I am the governor of Arkansas and I challenged the authority of the government to desegregate schoolsOrval Faubus46672501104265WHAT Am I?This is what the Civil Rights Act of 1964 made illegal_Employer Discrimination00WHAT Am I?This is what the Civil Rights Act of 1964 made illegal_Employer Discrimination-249010259625WHO Am I?I am the best example of civil disobedience when I refused to give up my seat to a white passenger.Rosa Parks00WHO Am I?I am the best example of civil disobedience when I refused to give up my seat to a white passenger.Rosa Parks-247650248739WHO Am I?I am the Supreme Court Justice who worked on the Brown v. Board caseChief Justice Earl Warren00WHO Am I?I am the Supreme Court Justice who worked on the Brown v. Board caseChief Justice Earl Warren470262966312WHAT Am I?This is what people accused of a crime are readConstitutional Rights00WHAT Am I?This is what people accused of a crime are readConstitutional Rights-236765302079WHO Am I?I rose to prominence in the late 1940’’s when I helped bring an end to segregation in Major League BaseballJackie Robinson00WHO Am I?I rose to prominence in the late 1940’’s when I helped bring an end to segregation in Major League BaseballJackie Robinson2220686213904WHO Am I?I am the man who argued for the NAACP to outlaw segregation in public schoolsThurgood Marshall00WHO Am I?I am the man who argued for the NAACP to outlaw segregation in public schoolsThurgood Marshall472440023404WHAT Am I?This court case created a legal justification for segregation lawsPlessy v. Ferguson00WHAT Am I?This court case created a legal justification for segregation lawsPlessy v. Ferguson-250371281940WHO Am I?I wanted African Americans to use vocational skills to improve their livesBooker T. Washington00WHO Am I?I wanted African Americans to use vocational skills to improve their livesBooker T. Washington2217965141786WHAT Am I?This is the amendment that allowed women to influence government19th Amendment00WHAT Am I?This is the amendment that allowed women to influence government19th Amendment472303962139WHAT Am I?The Civil Rights Movement led to an increase in participation from -Minority Citizens00WHAT Am I?The Civil Rights Movement led to an increase in participation from -Minority Citizens-239486282574WHO Am I?I am the woman who is a conservative and did not want the ERA to be passedPhylis Schlafly00WHO Am I?I am the woman who is a conservative and did not want the ERA to be passedPhylis Schlafly2209800157388WHAT Am I?This is what public schools had to do after Chief Justice Earl Warren ruled in the Brown v. Board caseDesegregate00WHAT Am I?This is what public schools had to do after Chief Justice Earl Warren ruled in the Brown v. Board caseDesegregate472440089354WHAT Am I?Plessy v. Ferguson was overturned by this caseBrown v. Board of Education00WHAT Am I?Plessy v. Ferguson was overturned by this caseBrown v. Board of Education-239486236946WHO Am I?I am a Civil Rights Leader who supported civil disobedience and non-violent resistanceMartin Luther King00WHO Am I?I am a Civil Rights Leader who supported civil disobedience and non-violent resistanceMartin Luther King472440068217WHAT Am I?This is what influenced the CRMHarlem Renaissance 00WHAT Am I?This is what influenced the CRMHarlem Renaissance 220980089988WHAT Am I?This is what women formed -Organizations00WHAT Am I?This is what women formed -OrganizationsCivil Rights Movement Vocabulary: Match each meaning/person with their descriptionPEOPLE:Martin Luther King, Jr. 1. B. Preached a militant approach to obtaining Civil RightsMalcolm X2. I. Member of a conservative group – did not want ERA passedShirley Chisholm3. E. Evangelical Christian who bailed MLK out of jailJackie Robinson 4. A. Supported nonviolent/civil disobedience to obtain civil rightsBilly Graham5. H. Refused to let African Americans into his restaurantSouthern Democrats 6. C. Overcame gender/racial barriers to be elected to CongressGeorge Wallace 7. D. Overcame racial barriers to play Major League BaseballLester Maddox8. F. Tried to obstruct Civil Rights legislationPhyllis Schlafly 9. L. Wanted African Americans to use vocational skills Rosa Parks 10. G. Refused to let African Americans register for classesW.E.B. DuBois11. J. Best example of civil disobedience; refused to give up seatBooker T. Wasington12. K. Formed the NAACP; an early civil rights group Orval Faubus13. M. Governor of Arkansas; challenged authority to desegregateThurgood Marshall14. O. Decreased opposition to the integration of armed forcesTuskegee Airmen15. N. Fought for NAACP to make segregating schools outlawedTHINGS:Non-Violent Protest 1. K. Wanted to make the US more inclusive; MLK speechChief Justice Earl Warren ruled - 2. J. Influenced the Civil Rights MovementActions taken by women in 1960’s3. A. When Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the busVoting Rights Act of 19654. D. Eliminated literacy tests are a prerequisite for votingWanted to stop ERA from being passed 5. I. You are read constitutional rights when arrested Civil Rights Act of 1964 6. E. A leader of a conservative group (Phyllis Schlafly)Civil Rights Movement led to -7. B. Supreme Court Justice; Brown v. Board; Desegregation of public schools John F. Kennedy wanted to promote-8. C. Formed organizations, published books, and demonstrated Miranda Rights9. F. Made employment discrimination illegal; restaurants, public places Harlem Renaissance 10. G. An increase in participation of minority citizens“I Have a Dream” 11. H. Fair employment practices in government positionsCOURT CASES/LEGISLATION Brown v. Board/Plessy v. Ferguson 1. K. Amendment that eliminated poll taxes19th Amendment2. A. Showed a change in judicial philosophy encouraged by civilrights advocatesVoting Rights Act 19653. F. Created a legal justification for segregation lawsCivil Rights Act 19644._B. Amendment that granted women’s suffrage; influencegovernmentMiranda v. Arizona5. G. Overturned/reversed Plessy v. Ferguson made it illegal to segregate schools; public schools must desegregatePlessy v. Ferguson6. C. Eliminated literacy tests as a prerequisite for votingBrown v. Board of Education7. I. Amendment that granted equal protection13th Amendment 8. H. Amendment that abolished slavery14th Amendment 9. E. Court case ruled those arrested must be read their rights15th Amendment 10. D. Banned employer discrimination; public places24th Amendment11. J. Granted African Americans the right to vote-109417-204470BailoutPetroleum IranDomestic Middle East United NationsDeregulation Bill Gates MedicareConservative Newborn Child Sandra Day O’ConnorCrucial Votes Negotiate CollectiveOperating Software Defensive Iran-Contra North American Free Trade Agreement Camp David Accords Scrutiny 00BailoutPetroleum IranDomestic Middle East United NationsDeregulation Bill Gates MedicareConservative Newborn Child Sandra Day O’ConnorCrucial Votes Negotiate CollectiveOperating Software Defensive Iran-Contra North American Free Trade Agreement Camp David Accords Scrutiny President Bill Clinton’s impeachment rail reflected that elected officials face greater scrutiny of their personal lives. President Ronald Reagan told the American people that he did not, “trade arms for hostages.” He would be referring to the Iran Contra Scandal.“The global oil market is dominated by an international cartel with the ability to affect the world’s oil prices.” This excerpt would lead to a proposed legislation to address the collective economic power of OPEC member nations. Today the world is heavily dependent on Petroleum for motive power and its widespread use has caused environmental problems. It can be burned and generate air pollution.Bill Gates impacted U.S. business and technology when he started the company that provides operating software for most personal computers. Ronald Reagan believed in “peace through strength” and with that, he believed that increased defensive strength would discourage aggression by others (the more weapons, the less someone will attack).Gasoline spiked during the 1970s and early 1980s because of conflicts in the Middle East disrupting oil prices. The organization that the United States and other member nations joined to confront problems like national security and the economy was the United Nations.The policy objectives of Reagonomics were based on the theory that broad tax cuts and financial deregulation would promote economic expansion. Medicare spending increased in the Southwest as a result of the growth rate of the population being people ages 64 and older.The man who is most closely associated with the development of the computer operating software system is Bill GatesThe fashion of students changed from radical groups having crazy looks to dressing neater, cleaner, and brighter. This would describe the Conservative movement. An employee requesting time off under the Family and Medical Leave Act would most likely qualify for time to care for a newborn childThe Shah of Iran entered into the U.S. in 1979 for medical treatment and during that time revolutionaries kidnapped a group of U.S. citizens in IranThe quotation most associated with Sandra Day O’Connor would be “the power I exert on the Court depends on the power of my arguments, not on my gender.”The president must negotiate to get congressional support for the executive agenda. Ralph Nader had a huge effect on George Bush and Al Gore’s election because as a third party, his candidacy drew crucial votes away from the other candidates.The _North American Free Trade Agreement deals with trading between the United States, Mexico and Canada. President Jimmy Carter attempted to end hostilities between Egypt and Israel with the Camp David AccordsA primary justification for giving a company a federal loan would be for a bailoutwhich would protect U.S. manufacturing jobs.Supporting legislation for bailouts would be due to a loss of domestic production work which would result in fewer opportunities for Americans. 4671848102979WHAT Am I?This is the act that you would use if you requested time off to care for a newbornFamily & Medical Leave Act00WHAT Am I?This is the act that you would use if you requested time off to care for a newbornFamily & Medical Leave Act223344881960WHO Am I?I am the woman who is a Jewish New Yorker responsible for a cosmetic lineEstee Lauder00WHO Am I?I am the woman who is a Jewish New Yorker responsible for a cosmetic lineEstee Lauder-25037175202WHO Am I?I am the president who was involved in the Iran-Contra ScandalRonald Reagan00WHO Am I?I am the president who was involved in the Iran-Contra ScandalRonald Reagan2233448262956WHAT Am I?This is the movement that supported Ronald Reagan: NRA, Heritage Foundation, Moral MajorityConservative Movement00WHAT Am I?This is the movement that supported Ronald Reagan: NRA, Heritage Foundation, Moral MajorityConservative Movement-246993262957WHO Am I?I am the president who was involved in the Persian Gulf WarGeorge H.W. Bush00WHO Am I?I am the president who was involved in the Persian Gulf WarGeorge H.W. Bush4671848282641WHAT Am I?This is the name of the crisis when Iranian revolutionaries kidnapped U.S. citizens in IranIranian Hostage Crisis00WHAT Am I?This is the name of the crisis when Iranian revolutionaries kidnapped U.S. citizens in IranIranian Hostage Crisis-246993255707WHO Am I?I am the president who created the Camp David Accords to make peace between Egypt & IsraelJimmy Carter00WHO Am I?I am the president who created the Camp David Accords to make peace between Egypt & IsraelJimmy Carter2228850232541WHAT Am I?These are the key words for Reagaonomics:Tax CutsDeregulation00WHAT Am I?These are the key words for Reagaonomics:Tax CutsDeregulation4670425235585WHAT Am I?This is what the president must do in order to get executive agendas passedNegotiate00WHAT Am I?This is what the president must do in order to get executive agendas passedNegotiate-236483225469WHO Am I?I am the president who was impeached due to a scandal that made people scrutinize my personal lifeBill Clinton00WHO Am I?I am the president who was impeached due to a scandal that made people scrutinize my personal lifeBill Clinton4671848212988WHERE Am I?These are the countries involved in NAFTAUS, Mexico & Canada00WHERE Am I?These are the countries involved in NAFTAUS, Mexico & Canada2222938212988WHAT Am I?I am the organization that has the collective power over the price of oilOPEC00WHAT Am I?I am the organization that has the collective power over the price of oilOPEC4671848237271WHAT Am I?This is another word for oil which can be burned; causes environmental problemsPetroleum00WHAT Am I?This is another word for oil which can be burned; causes environmental problemsPetroleum2222938237271WHERE Am I?This is the location that had a conflict which caused the price of oil to spike in the 1970’sMiddle East00WHERE Am I?This is the location that had a conflict which caused the price of oil to spike in the 1970’sMiddle East-246993161728WHO Am I?I am the man responsible for computer operating softwareBill Gates00WHO Am I?I am the man responsible for computer operating softwareBill Gates4671848145393WHAT Am I?This is the peace treaty that Carter signed between Egypt & IsraelCamp David Accords00WHAT Am I?This is the peace treaty that Carter signed between Egypt & IsraelCamp David Accords2219960140619WHAT Am I?This is what increased in the Southwest when the population of people 65 and older increasedMedicare00WHAT Am I?This is what increased in the Southwest when the population of people 65 and older increasedMedicare-236483133459WHO Am I?I am the man responsible for the creation of WalmartSam Walton00WHO Am I?I am the man responsible for the creation of WalmartSam Walton4692869178762WHERE Am I?This is where Bill Clinton wanted to prevent another HolocaustBosnia_00WHERE Am I?This is where Bill Clinton wanted to prevent another HolocaustBosnia_-236483126212WHAT Am I?I am the woman who was nominated to be the first woman Supreme Court JusticeSandra Day O’Connor00WHAT Am I?I am the woman who was nominated to be the first woman Supreme Court JusticeSandra Day O’Connor223855071952WHAT Am I?This is what the government tries to protect with bailoutsAmerican Jobs00WHAT Am I?This is what the government tries to protect with bailoutsAmerican JobsJimmy Carter to Bill Clinton Vocabulary: Match each meaning/person with their descriptionPEOPLE:Jimmy Carter 1. K. First African-American billionaire, founder of BETRonald Reagan2. J. Jewish New Yorker, founded a cosmetics company Bill Clinton3. H. created a chain of stores; Walmart; discount productsGeorge H.W. Bush 4. A. President; Iranian-Hostage Crisis, Camp David AccordsSaddam Hussein5. B. President; Tax cuts/deregulation, Iran-Contra ScandalSandra Day O’Connor 6. F. Nominated as first woman Supreme Court Justice Bill Gates 7. D. President; Persian Gulf WarSam Walton8. E. Invaded Kuwait; Lit oil on fire when Kuwait was liberatedBarry Goldwater 9. C. President; NAFTA, Health Care, peace in Bosnia, ScandalEstee Lauder 10. G. Created computer operating softwareRobert Johnson11. .I. Supported the conservative movement; ran for presidentTHINGS:Stagflation 1. A. Inflation and interest OPEC2. D. Broad tax cuts and financial deregulation United Nations3. R. Increased in the Southwest due to growth of population 65 & olderReagonomics4. C. Organization; US & member nations confront national securityConservative Movement 5. F. Conflict in this region that made price of gasoline spikeMiddle East 6. S. Employee qualifies for time off to care for newborn childIranian Hostage Crisis 7. G. Shah of Iran enters US; revolutionaries kidnap US citizensThird Party Candidates/Ross Perot8. I. President must do this to get congressional support Negotiate9. Q. Providing loans to American businesses to save domestic jobsPetroleum 10. J. Resource; US heavily dependent; can be burned; causes environmental problems Computer Operating Software 11. H. Draw crucial votes away from major party candidatesPeace Through Strength12. E. Supported Reagan; NRA, Moral Majority, Heritage FoundationIran-Contra Affair13. L. Having defensive strength will discourage aggression North American Free Trade Agreement 14. K. Contribution from Bill Gates; impact on business/technologyCamp David Accords15. M. Reagan traded weapons for hostages; gave to ContrasMonica Lewinsky Scandal16. P. Elected officials face scrutiny of their personal livesBailouts17. O. Jimmy Carter; peace treaty between Egypt & IsraelMedicare18. N. Clinton; trade between US, Mexico & CanadaFamily & Medical Leave Act19._B. Collective power that controls the price of oil GRAB-BAG: Bosnia 1. D. Iraq invades Kuwait for their oil; US gets involvedContract with America2. C. What Clinton faced after the Monica Lewinsky ScandalImpeachment3. A. Where Clinton wanted to help to prevent another HolocaustPersian Gulf War4. H. Business ships America jobs out to another countryAmericans with Disabilities Act5. J. How OPEC punished Pro-Israeli supporters/also price fixedCommunity Reinvestment Act6. I. Commodity that sharply rose in price after OPEC formedRust Belt to Sun Belt 7. B. Newt Gingrich; Program of Conservative principlesOutsourcing 8. G. Technological development; people to move to the SoutheastOil 9. F. Required banks to make credit available to poor communitiesEmbargo 10. E. Bush signed; prohibited discrimination against the disabled-183931278523Hector Perez Garcia Cesar Chavez Dolores HuertaChicano Mural Movement Barrios American Indian MovementChicano MovementUnited Farm WorkersMigrant Workers00Hector Perez Garcia Cesar Chavez Dolores HuertaChicano Mural Movement Barrios American Indian MovementChicano MovementUnited Farm WorkersMigrant WorkersUSE THE WORD BANK TO MATCH WITH ITS CORRECT DESCRIPTION:-18393126273700-110359367840DESCRIPTION:Surgeon/WW2 Veteran – noticed that Mexican Americans were barred from restaurants/faced voting restrictions. Became the first Mexican American to serve on the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.Mobilized public opinion in favor of American Indians – sought greater respect for their heritage.Courageous Mexican American labor leader, associated with Cesar Chavez and helped him form the United Farm Workers.Leader of the Chicano Movement, organizer of the farm workers in California. Supported farm workers’ rights and fought for better wages/working conditions.Farm workers – who Cesar Chavez fought for better conditions/better pay.Ethnic neighborhoods1960s, Mexican-American barrios throughout the Southwest when artists began using the walls of city buildings, housing projects and schools to depict Mexican-American culture.Civil Rights movement extending the Mexican American Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s with the stated goal of achieving Mexican American empowerment. Labor union for farm workers in the United States00DESCRIPTION:Surgeon/WW2 Veteran – noticed that Mexican Americans were barred from restaurants/faced voting restrictions. Became the first Mexican American to serve on the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.Mobilized public opinion in favor of American Indians – sought greater respect for their heritage.Courageous Mexican American labor leader, associated with Cesar Chavez and helped him form the United Farm Workers.Leader of the Chicano Movement, organizer of the farm workers in California. Supported farm workers’ rights and fought for better wages/working conditions.Farm workers – who Cesar Chavez fought for better conditions/better pay.Ethnic neighborhoods1960s, Mexican-American barrios throughout the Southwest when artists began using the walls of city buildings, housing projects and schools to depict Mexican-American culture.Civil Rights movement extending the Mexican American Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s with the stated goal of achieving Mexican American empowerment. Labor union for farm workers in the United States465082840049NAME/EVENTHector Perez GarciaAmerican Indian MovementDolores HuertaCesar ChavezMigrant WorkersBarriosChicano Mural MovementChicano MovementUnited Farm Workers00NAME/EVENTHector Perez GarciaAmerican Indian MovementDolores HuertaCesar ChavezMigrant WorkersBarriosChicano Mural MovementChicano MovementUnited Farm Workers250063010668000-184391104140005065132-17907000-8953528892500-14184622571000WHO GOES WITH WHAT AND WHEN? USE BOTH PRESIDENT/YEAR BANKS TO FILL IN THE BLANKS-173421109285700585406517597381998-199901998-199943510201780409197801978290004517905682008020081492250180107919640196421021180107919210192158534961444801190101901540177087386731998-1999001998-199924906468716514MONICA LEWINSKY/IMPEACHED00MONICA LEWINSKY/IMPEACHED-846308706004Bill Clinton0Bill Clinton54127408318040195600195624904708295596INTERSTATE HIGHWAY ACT00INTERSTATE HIGHWAY ACT-841708296866Dwight Eisenhower0Dwight Eisenhower541302578982181985001985-838207897648Ronald Reagan0Ronald Reagan24853907891999IRAN-CONTRA SCANDAL00IRAN-CONTRA SCANDAL-889007451178Harry Truman0Harry Truman24853907451396ATOMIC BOMB00ATOMIC BOMB540737574723511945001945540757270206911901001901-788287031202Theodore Roosevelt0Theodore Roosevelt24856977031202TRUST BUSTER/PROGRESSIVE00TRUST BUSTER/PROGRESSIVE54121056615911200800200824853906588891FIRST MINORITY PRESIDENT00FIRST MINORITY PRESIDENT-943306594322Barack Obama0Barack Obama54127406163857196200196224904706162653CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS00CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS-739456163923John F. Kennedy0John F. Kennedy54076605726999193000193024853905726474HAWLEY SMOOT TARIFF00HAWLEY SMOOT TARIFF-892505727744Herbert Hoover0Herbert Hoover54079455318103193300193324853905307023THE NEW DEAL 00THE NEW DEAL -787405307309Franklin D. Roosevelt0Franklin D. Roosevelt540702548869381990-1991001990-199124853904885668PERSIAN GULF WAR00PERSIAN GULF WAR-889004886938George H.W Bush0George H.W Bush54121054440248196400196424904704428709GREAT SOCIETY00GREAT SOCIETY-838204429103Lyndon B. Johnson0Lyndon B. Johnson54070254014995197800197824853904003915CAMP DAVID ACCORDS00CAMP DAVID ACCORDS-889004003915Jimmy Carter0Jimmy Carter54070253583480197200197224853903572401WATERGATE SCANDAL00WATERGATE SCANDAL-889003552015Richard Nixon00Richard Nixon53968653121331200100200124853903110821TERRORIST ATTACKS00TERRORIST ATTACKS-783903110821George W. Bush00George W. Bush53968652710903192100192124853902688962TEAPOT DOME SCANDAL00TEAPOT DOME SCANDAL-787402711187Warren Harding0Warren Harding584200011396281991019914351020113919019870198743510201454807195601956290039514548731933019332900680113921219300193014922501454873197201972149161511396281945019453111514541501962019622603511345482001020015397062230154700-89338231205700-781052310393PRESIDENTPRESIDENT24851282312320DESCRIPTION00DESCRIPTION54063902300868YEAR0YEAR2485697230154700-17342122279750-278524246992USE THE PRESIDENTS IN THE “PRESIDENT BANK” TO HELP YOU FILL IN THE QUESTIONS BELOW:00USE THE PRESIDENTS IN THE “PRESIDENT BANK” TO HELP YOU FILL IN THE QUESTIONS BELOW:PRESIDENT PRACTICE – WHO GOES WITH WHAT AND WHEN?5454650292100BARACK OBAMA0BARACK OBAMA4023163291465RONALD REAGAN0RONALD REAGAN2648256292275HERBERT HOOVER0HERBERT HOOVER1282065291990WARREN HARDING0WARREN HARDING-89337276553GEORGE H. W. BUSH0GEORGE H. W. BUSH-14189020298100545482547231D. EISENHOWER0D. EISENHOWER402438968252L.B. JOHNSON0L.B. JOHNSON264812557741HARRY TRUMAN0HARRY TRUMAN128224068251F. ROOSEVELT0F. ROOSEVELT-7882863040GEORGE BUSH0GEORGE BUSH5454825118767R. NIXON0R. NIXON4025440118702J.F. KENNEDY0J.F. KENNEDY2648125128927BILL CLINTON0BILL CLINTON1282240108191T. ROOSEVELT0T. ROOSEVELT-89337113621JIMMY CARTER0JIMMY CARTER4209393288356FILL IN THE PRESIDENT THAT GOES:00FILL IN THE PRESIDENT THAT GOES:-141890288356DESCRIPTION:00DESCRIPTION:-278524204272043086506787866Barack Obama00Barack Obama43086506313586George W. Bush00George W. Bush4303986307406T. Roosevelt00T. Roosevelt-5014296107PANAMA CANAL/”TRUST BUSTER”00PANAMA CANAL/”TRUST BUSTER”-206716302485WORLD TRADE CENTER ATTACKED0WORLD TRADE CENTER ATTACKED-213056775560FIRST MINORITY PRESIDENT0FIRST MINORITY PRESIDENT43191615248910 B. Clinton00 B. Clinton108175248910MONICA LEWINSKY SCANDAL0MONICA LEWINSKY SCANDAL43078404787221George H.W. Bush00George H.W. Bush8324774521PERSIAN GULF WAR0PERSIAN GULF WAR43084754326956R. Reagan00R. Reagan3504302059REAGONOMICS/IRAN CONTRA SCANDAL0REAGONOMICS/IRAN CONTRA SCANDAL43078403800190J. Carter00J. Carter95253776980CAMP DAVID ACCORDS/IRANIAN HOSTAGE0CAMP DAVID ACCORDS/IRANIAN HOSTAGE43084753253740R. Nixon00R. Nixon-101603249996WATERGATE SCANDAL/PENTAGON PAPERS0WATERGATE SCANDAL/PENTAGON PAPERS43084752750470LBJ00LBJ11172736566CREATED THE GREAT SOCIETY0CREATED THE GREAT SOCIETY43084752297627JFK00JFK02293467SPACE RACE/CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS0SPACE RACE/CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS43084751814195D. Eisenhower 00D. Eisenhower 50801805370INTERSTATE HIGHWAY ACT0INTERSTATE HIGHWAY ACT43078401349879H. Truman00H. Truman50801351981DROPPED THE ATOMIC BOMB IN WW20DROPPED THE ATOMIC BOMB IN WW24318635940939FDR00FDR5080902181CREATED THE NEW DEAL/COURT PACKING0CREATED THE NEW DEAL/COURT PACKING4318986509905Herbert Hoover00Herbert Hoover6197502636SIGNED HAWLEY SMOOT TARIFF0SIGNED HAWLEY SMOOT TARIFF4303986146444W. Harding00W. Harding5255125423TEAPOT DOME SCANDAL0TEAPOT DOME SCANDAL-278524246992USE THE YEARS IN THE “YEAR BANK” TO HELP YOU ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW:00USE THE YEARS IN THE “YEAR BANK” TO HELP YOU ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW:TIMELINE PRACTICE54371982873261914-191801914-1918-26035297180191701917-141890202981003645557266701929-193901929-19392521826155251920-192901920-1929133921543749194801948709448433551941019414902485452054LATE NINETEENTH CENTURY0LATE NINETEENTH CENTURY5436935831851890-192001890-192036469144775201955-197501955-197536468051308101947-199101947-199125167464724401950-195301950-195325211911104901939-194501939-1945714550467316196201962714550120672196901969-22028456543200102001-21327683611898018984209393288356FILL IN THE YEAR THAT COORESPONDS00FILL IN THE YEAR THAT COORESPONDS-141890288356EVENT:00EVENT:-2785242042720430865067878662001002001430865063135861969001969430865058293001962001962430821253686401955-1975001955-1975430865048852081950-1953001950-1953430865044651891948001948430865040645031947-1991001947-1991430865036450541941001941430865032351281939-1945001939-1945430865028355601929-1939001929-1939430832223825201920-1929001920-1929430865019733831917001917430865015428531914-1918001914-191843086501143088189800189843086507129071890 - 1920001890 - 19204303986307406Late Nineteenth Century00Late Nineteenth Century-5014296107THE GILDED AGE 00THE GILDED AGE 5496696157THE PROGRESSIVE ERA0THE PROGRESSIVE ERA57811095638SPANISH AMERICAN WAR0SPANISH AMERICAN WAR57811526452WORLD WAR 10WORLD WAR 150801936028U.S. JOINS WORLD WAR 10U.S. JOINS WORLD WAR 1-54302366842ROARING 20’S0ROARING 20’S50802818962GREAT DEPRESSION 0GREAT DEPRESSION -3503223173WORLD WAR 2 0WORLD WAR 2 -101603633732U.S. JOINS WORLD WAR 2, PEARL HARBOR 0U.S. JOINS WORLD WAR 2, PEARL HARBOR -101604054169COLD WAR BEGINS0COLD WAR BEGINS95254453584BERLIN AIRLIFT0BERLIN AIRLIFT-3504873318KOREAN WAR0KOREAN WAR05356335VIETNAM WAR0VIETNAM WAR-105105839920CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS0CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS-206716302485U.S. PUTS MAN ON THE MOON0U.S. PUTS MAN ON THE MOON-213056775560WORLD TRADE CENTERS BOMBED0WORLD TRADE CENTERS BOMBED ................

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