Introduction - Dual Enrollment





1260 W Esperanza Street

San Bernardino, CA 92410


FAX 909-888-4548

Welcome to the 2014-2015 school year!!! Our Wolverine motto’s include “Yes, We Can,” “Faster Time to College Graduation,” and “Preparation for the New Economy!” This year’s SBCUSD motto is “Making Hope Happen!”

We will “Make Hope Happen” at MCHS/Prep 9 through our unique learning model and partnership with SBVC where you are able to earn early college credit while in high school with the goal of being accepted and graduating from a four year college of your choice. We are confident that as you work diligently, grow in your academic resiliency, adhere to our high expectations, apply your AVID skills, respect our family-like environment, and take advantage of support systems, you will realize your goals.

As we work together, please remember you are 100% responsible for all the requirements in this handbook. This is part of your contract at MCHS/Prep 9 and SBVC. The goal of the handbook is to give you information that is relevant to your success while protecting and promoting our great learning environment.

In addition to meeting school expectations, we encourage your involvement in school activities to balance your learning experience. We want your voice, your participation, and your contribution to the Wolverine family. We believe this will be your most exciting and successful year to date!

As a “stretch culture” we look forward to learning and growing together beyond where we’ve been before. We are truly anticipating a great year!!!



MCHS/Prep 9 Academy


1260 West Esperanza Street ( San Bernardino, CA 92410 ( Phone (909) 888-4041

District Web Site: ( E-Mail:

Middle College

High School

James Espinoza

MCHS Principal



➢ Academic Success

▪ CAHSEE Proficient or above

▪ 3.0 GPA or above at SBVC and MCHS

▪ All A-G met upon high school graduation

▪ 40 or greater IGETC units earned

➢ Attendance Excellence

▪ 99.0% and above yearly

➢ Personal Responsibility

▪ MCHS Contract 100% adhered to by all students

▪ SBVC Contract 100% adhered to by all students

▪ No discipline referrals/suspensions by MCHS/Prep 9 Academy students

▪ College Progress Reports turned in on time with no negative marks

▪ Bi-Weekly AVID Reports turned on time with students getting extra help where grade is below a C in any subject

▪ Students get help when needed and record help in AVID Binder

➢ Social Responsibility

▪ Students perform 200 hours of community service

▪ Students help underclassman

▪ Students fully participate in T/TH AVID Tutorials

▪ Students support all school events

▪ Students actively participate in Friday clubs unless engaged in tutoring

➢ College Success

▪ All graduating seniors earn 40 or more IGETC units

▪ All students maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher

▪ Students complete A-G requirements

▪ Students are accepted to a 4 year college of choice upon HS graduation

▪ 20% of students earn their AA upon high school graduation

▪ All students qualify for significant grants and/or scholarships


College Readiness and Success

Leadership Skills and Service

Academic Achievement

Skills for the 21st Century

Social Responsibility


Students graduate from MCHS with 40 IGETC units or more, or with their AA Degree, and are accepted to a four year college or university of choice where they earn a bachelor’s degree. Students become leaders in learning and community service.


We ensure that every student is accepted to a four year college of choice.


MCHS offers students an opportunity to achieve high academic goals through providing high school classes concurrent with college coursework in a challenging, supportive, and motivating setting. Students may earn significant college credit and/or an AA upon high school graduation.


Every student is enrolled in our school-wide AVID program. Primary goals include helping students learn college study skills and providing ongoing support for college planning and academic success.


School Colors: Blue and Black

School Mascot: Wolverine

School Motto’s:

“Yes, We Can”

“Faster Time to College Graduation”

“Preparation for the New Economy”



The Middle College High School (MCHS) student selection process was developed and reviewed by a team of educators and administrators to provide a fair process in which applicants would have an opportunity to present themselves through their academic histories, application information, writing responses, and personal interview if selected. A committee composed of counselors, teachers, and administrators representing MCHS screened the applications and invited qualified applicants to an interview. Representative(s) of San Bernardino Valley College (SBVC) counselors, teachers and administrators helped us select qualified students. Personal interviews with students are conducted. From potential new freshman applications, a final pool of students is entered into a lottery where final selections are made. Sophomore finalists will also follow a selective interview process.

The process follows these steps:

1. Preliminary interest in the program begins with the students receiving a letter of invitation to attend an informational meeting about the MCHS. Students not receiving an invitation to the informal meeting can identify an interest in attending MCHS by contacting their current counselor or calling the MCHS office at (909) 888-4041.

2. Parents-Guardians-Students attend the information night to obtain more detailed information about the school and to determine if a full application is appropriate

3. Students who wish to formally apply must complete the MCHS application, including the written essay.

4. Submit your application by the requested date found on the cover page of the application for early processing (early submission does not guarantee acceptance).

a. Out-of-District students are not being accepted at this time.

b. Family members of current or past students are NOT guaranteed acceptance.

5. A student application file is compiled for each applicant by MCHS; it includes the following information:

a. Application

b. Written essay

c. High school transcripts

d. Proof of address is required of all new applicants (ex: utility bill).

e. Attendance records

f. Disciplinary records

g. Student enrollment history, and

h. School testing records (NOTE: testing records must demonstrate the student has skill levels to be successful in SBVC classes.)

6. Applications are evaluated according to MCHS guidelines, including test scores.

7. Approximately 90 students are invited for an interview with their parents/guardians. Interview members may include MCHS and SBVC faculty, staff, and administrators. The interview members individually score each interviewee.

8. A preliminary acceptance list is determined based on the top 75 scores. An alternate list is also developed based on the scores.

9. Every attempt is made to reflect district demographics, and balanced distribution by schools.

10. Final acceptance is contingent upon review and acceptance by both SBCUSD and SBVC’s MCHS administrators.

11. Students selected to attend MCHS will need to attend a two-day orientation conference in June. During these two days, they will apply to be students of SBVC and get to know each other and the school site.


1. Every MCHS 10th, 11th, and 12th Grade Student must register for college coursework each semester while at MCHS (see SBVC Handbook).

2. Unless directed by MCHS administration, students may not register from home. Students must register from MCHS on their designated Priority Registration day.

3. Every MCHS student must take no less than 4 units, 2 classes each semester (SBVC Handbook).

4. Only classes listed on the Concurrent Enrollment Forms (first year or returning form) may be taken by students unless approved per a student’s College Education Plan (SBVC Handbook).

5. Students may not take online or hybrid classes unless approved in the Educational Plan and by SBVC and MCHS administration (SBVC Handbook).

6. Overloads (over 9 units) and permission to take evening/weekend classes must be approved by MCHS administration, following college criteria for approval (SBVC Handbook).

7. Students may not take a late start class without approval.

8. Sophomores may not take on-line, hybrid, or late start classes.


1. MCHS Seniors register first before other grade levels by order of arrival.

2. Juniors register second by order of arrival.

3. Sophomores register third by order of arrival.


1. MCHS has all 10th, 11th and 12th grade students register together at our site to meet the college mandate of balancing classes.

2. “Balancing” means ensuring that no SBVC college class has more than 7 students per Ed. Code and SBVC Handbook.

3. “Balancing” means that every effort is made to ensure every student who has met all pre-requisite registration requirements (i.e. on-line orientation, assessment testing, Acad., etc.) is able to enroll in a minimum of 4 units/two classes.

4. SBVC generates multiple reports that we use until all sections are balanced.

5. In some cases, students who have more than the minimum requirement of college units and classes will be directed to drop a class to help another MCHS student who must:

• * Meet high school graduation requirements (SBCUSD)

• * Meet A-G graduation requirements (UC/CSU entrance)

• * Remain in the program by having at least 4 units/two classes (SBVC Handbook)

• * Take required coursework to earn an AA per their Education Plan

*Priority for keeping classes is also impacted by grade level needs and requirements



• All students must maintain four or five high school classes taken through the MCHS program each semester.

• All students attend AVID as a CORE class each semester.

• Early or mid-year high school graduation is not allowed at MCHS.

• There are no sports teams at MCHS. Academic classes are top priority. Students may not be excused from classes to pursue sports or other activities at their home high school, or other activities on the college campus.

• Students must maintain a 2.5 high school GPA with no Ds or Fs for all high school courses each semester (including AVID).

• Grades of Ds or Fs may result in probation, additional support classes, or dismissal from MCHS.

• Dismissal from MCHS will also result in dismissal from SBVC.


1. Students failing to meet the academic expectations will be placed on probation, to ensure that students are making progress towards high school graduation requirements, and earning the necessary grades for college admission.

2. Students who are on academic probation for college classes must make use of appropriate SBVC support services, such as but not limited to the Learning Center, the Tutorial Center, and the Writing Center. Students may be required to produce proof of use of tutorial services.

3. Students may be required to attend support groups with the high school counselor while on probation. Parents may be required to attend evening meetings to help support their students during their probationary time.

4. Students who raise their high school grades by the end of the semester will be removed from (high school) academic probation.

5. While on probation for high school, students must attend mandatory tutoring in the subject area. Students failing to exit probation and not making satisfactory progress towards the high school graduation requirements will be considered for removal from MCHS. Parents/guardians of students on probation may be required to attend mandatory monthly evening meetings with the MCHS counselor, or a minimum of a one time evening meeting with the subject area teacher.

6. Students who complete two consecutive quarters or semesters on academic probation may be considered for dismissal from MCHS.

7. Unless for disciplinary cause, students will only be returned to their home high school at the end of the semester.

AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination)

• Students will bring home an AVID grade check every 2 weeks. AVID grade check dates are published on the school calendar sent home in the registration packet of information. AVID grade checks address high school progress and require a parent signature.

• Students over the age of 18 may not sign their own grade check.

• AVID grade checks make up a high percentage of the AVID grade.

• Students must maintain a “C” or better in AVID.


• Students have access to site teacher tutoring during 6th Period every day. All core teachers are available.

• Students will be assigned mandatory tutoring if their grade falls below a “C” in any class.

• Students who are having difficulty in any class, regardless of grades, should attend tutoring.


Allegations of cheating and/or plagiarism are taken seriously and, if proven, will result in serious consequence. Students found cheating or plagiarizing will be placed on probation for one full year.  The second incidence of plagiarism may result in the student being removed from the MCHS Program. 

Example include not listed to:

o Copy another person’s homework, class work or project or turn in another person’s work as their own.

o Obtain papers, reports or projects from another source, such as the internet or a sibling, and turn them in as their own (plagiarism).

o Copy another person’s test or quiz answers.

o Use unauthorized information on an exam or quiz.  For ex: crib sheet, notes, an assignment or a book.

o Give permission to allow others to knowingly copy their homework, project, quiz, or test answers.

o Change grades or answers on an assignment or test by giving unearned points to another student or by changing answers or work after the work has been graded.

o Examples of plagiarism include copying work of others, letting someone copy your work, and representing work done by others as original work. 


• High School Graduation

o The primary goals for all MCHS students are to earn a high school diploma on time, meet all A-G requirements, concurrently earn significant college credit and possibly earn an AA Degree.

▪ All students are required to complete the graduation requirements as specified by the SBCUSD.

▪ In addition to completing the course requirements of the SBCUSD, all MCHS students must pass the California High School Exit Exam in order to receive a high school diploma. Our site goal is for every sophomore student to pass with Proficient or Advanced in ELA and Math as sophomores on the first taking of the CAHSEE.

o A-G requirements: Part of attending MCHS is the agreement to enroll in and complete coursework that will fulfill the A-G requirements. Passing with a “C” or better is required for A-G credit. Obtaining a B or higher on A-G coursework supports acceptance to four year colleges of choice and grant and scholarship awards.

o Students will work with a counselor to develop an educational plan in order to meet high school, college and career goals.

• Counting SBVC College Classes for Credit towards High School Graduation:

According to District procedures,

o 3 to 5 unit semester college classes are transferred back to a student’s high school transcript as 10 high school units.

o Classes that are classified as IGETC (Inter-segmental General Education Transfer Curriculum) may count toward a four-year degree at the University of California and California State Universities.

o All classes that are transferred back to a student’s high school transcript will be evaluated for content. If the content is equivalent to the District-adopted curriculum that meets a specific graduation requirement, the class may be used to satisfy that specific graduation requirement. SBVC classes that replicate MCHS classes will not earn high school credit unless MCHS administration has been petitioned to accept the SBVC class for high school credit. The MCHS administrator makes the final decision.

o Students with a C or below in college class need to enroll in SBVC tutorial assistance.


SBVC is ready to assist students to ensure their success, and many support services are in place for students to utilize. SBVC-MCHS Coordinator for Middle College, Susan Gasca, serves as a liaison between SBVC and MCHS, and her phone number is 909-384-4431. SBVC instructors can be a source of where to start when requesting tutorial assistance. Academic concerns can also be addressed by contacting the following departments:

MCHS Office ……………………………………………………… 909-888-4041

SBVC Counseling Office …………………………………………. 909-384-4404

SBVC Learning Center …………………………………………… 909-384-4446

MCHS Course Schedule

High school classes required to be taken at MCHS. All students are required to take 4 or 5 periods. Final determination of courses will be determined after consultation with the counselor and review of student’s Graduation Plan.

|10th Grade |11th Grade |12th Grade |

|AVID |AVID |Senior Seminar/AVID |

|English |English |English |

|Science |Science |American Government./Economy |

|Math |Math |Elective: (will choose 2) |

| | |Supervised Work Study |

| | |Science |

| | |Student Government |

| | |Journalism |

| | |AVID Tutor |

| | |Office |

| | |Support Class |

| | |History |

|History |Elective: (will choose 2) | |

| |Student Government | |

| |Journalism | |

| |AVID Tutor | |

| |Office | |

| |Support Class | |


o No Independent Study


All MCHS students are expected to maintain regular attendance and to arrive at school on time (before start time for high school classes and before the start time for college courses). The MCHS office does not open before 7:30 AM, and there is no supervision of students before 7:00 AM. All MCHS students are required to attend every session of both high school and college courses. Attendance expectations of both the District and SBVC must be met. No minimum days. MCHS is a closed campus for freshman Prep 9 students. Upperclassmen may not encourage, aid or abet freshman in leaving campus.

1. MCHS students should not be on or near any other high school campus, SBCUSD or other school districts, during school hours.

2. Students may not bring guests to school. This includes friends, brothers or sisters, or children.

California funds schools based on positive attendance. Under state guidelines, all absences (legally excused or otherwise) are deemed to be absences in computing average daily attendance and do not provide state funding.

• Students are expected to maintain regular attendance and be at school on time. Chronic absences or tardy infractions will result in a consideration for return to a regular District high school.

• Students attending MCHS agree that all absences, tardy or early dismissal from school will ONLY be approved with parental consent informing the office, even after they reach the age of 18.

• Parents/guardians must send a note to the school or telephone the school to excuse absences. A doctor’s note should be obtained when medical care is provided.

• All tardy students who are late to the high school session need to return directly to class.

• When the parent brings a student to school after high school begins, the parent should accompany the student into the office or send a written excuse. Lateness is an unexcused tardy unless there is a legal excuse, such as doctor’s appointment, family emergency, etc.

• Parents must notify the office when students need to leave early, and students must obtain an early dismissal slip from the MCHS office, even after they reach the age of 18.

• 3 unexcused tardy marks of 30 minutes or more are equivalent to a day of truancy according to state law.

• Absence without valid excuse for more than three (3) days for the semester classify a student as being truant by state law (Education Code 48260). Students who are truant are cited by School Police and referred to the Juvenile Traffic Court. Ten unexcused absences per semester will result in the student being dismissed from MCHS. A parent conference must be held within five days for readmission, or the student will be returned to their home school.

• Parents may not excuse SBVC attendance.


• MCHS students may not be on or near any other high school campus, or other schools, during school hours.

• Students may not bring unauthorized guests to school. This includes friends, brothers or sisters, or children.

• MCHS has no regular storage lockers and is not responsible for personal property.

• MCHS students are not permitted to be in Carousel Mall or Inland Center Mall between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.

• MCHS students are not permitted to leave the SBVC or MCHS campus. This includes leaving campus to play sports at local parks. All daytime curfew laws are in effect.

• MCHS students are not permitted to be in or near the SBVC football field at any time, unless it is a pre-approved, supervised activity.

• Students must remain in regular proximity of campus at all times.


Most classroom work cannot be made up when a student misses school. Classroom instruction is sequential in nature, involving both written and oral student participation. However, after a student has been absent three consecutive days from high school because of illness, homework assignments may be provided to compensate as much as possible for an excused absence. It is the student’s responsibility to request make up assignments and to turn them in timely.

If a student is absent for one or two days, he/she is instructed to contact a “study buddy” or classroom teacher for required homework assignments. It is the student’s responsibility to request make up work and to turn them in timely.


As students enrolled in both MCHS and SBVC, they must follow the rules and expectations of both the MCHS and SBVC. MCHS is a guest on the SBVC campus and must maintain high expectations for behavior. Unacceptable behavior impacts the agreement made between MCHS and SBVC that allows our students to attend SBVC under a special permit status. Any unacceptable behavior may result in immediate dismissal.

EDUCATION CODE (48900) is in effect for all schools in California. (see appendix SBCUSD section for details).

Principles for maintaining positive learning environments on both campuses include:

Being Safe at All Times

Being Respectful of Self and Others

Being Responsible for the MCHS/SBVC Contract Requirements


Any student may be referred to the MCHS administration for a violation of the MCHS Contract (MCHS handbook), SBVC rules (found in the SBVC catalog and schedule of classes), Education Code, District Policy, or for continuing defiance of classroom or school wide rules. Students are also subject to disciplinary procedures as specified by the San Bernardino City Unified School District for violation of Education Code 48900 (see appendix) and/or as specified by SBVC for violation of Board of Trustees Policy 6090.

• Investigation of Incident

• Student Statement of the Incident

• Review of Facts and Discussion with Student

• Review of Contract Violations/Requirements with Student

• Parental/Guardian Notification


Any student found to be in possession of or under the influence of drugs or alcohol on the SBVC campus will be arrested by SBVC Police and dismissed from SBVC and MCHS. Any student found in possession of or under the influence of drugs or alcohol on the MCHS campus will be suspended, potentially cited by SBCUSD Police, placed into a drug intervention program, and placed on Level 4 Probation. If the student was on Behavior Probation previously, they will be returned to their home school. A second incident will result in an automatic recommendation for Expulsion from the SBCUSD.


1. Students are responsible for respecting all adults and fellow students and must be cooperative with school authorities. Students are also responsible for respecting the property rights of others.

2. Any behavior disruptive to the educational environment or having the potential to create an unsafe or disorderly campus is prohibited. Some examples of restricted behavior include:

a. Pushing, shoving, wrestling, chasing, rough play, or any other unsanctioned behavior determined by school authorities.

b. Inappropriate yelling, screaming, laughing, mocking, putting downs, etc.

c. Bringing play items to school or using SBVC facilities without approved supervision

d. Loitering around bathrooms, soda machines, or other restricted areas.

e. Food in the classroom and other off-limit places.

f. Throwing items on campus, except when directed to by a classroom teacher.

g. Littering on campus.

h. Confrontational or challenging speech towards adults or fellow students.

i. Bullying or harassing behavior.

j. Inappropriate speech, gestures, drawing or writing, including profanities or vulgarities.

k. Running on campus, except in P.E.

l. Other actions determined by school authorities to be disruptive.

3. School fighting will not be tolerated. Students who engage in a fight or a battery upon another will be subject to a Citation by School Police (PC4I 5) in accordance with the District’s Zero Tolerance Policy for fighting and students will be suspended with a recommendation for expulsion. Students may also be cited by SBVC Police.

4. Students engaged in Harassment, Hate Violence, Bullying, Possession of alcohol or under the influence of alcohol, being under the influence or possession of a controlled substance, or Destruction of property valued at greater than $100 will be suspended with a recommendation for expulsion.

5. Students must follow all classroom rules specified by each teacher and must fulfill all contract obligations as set forth by teacher regulations. Classroom violations, not returning the Contract, and forging signatures are examples of not meeting contract obligations.

6. Any act of cheating, which includes copying without teacher approval, plagiarism, or forgery is considered a serious violation of the Contract and will result in strong disciplinary action.

7. Students must treat substitute teachers with respect and obey the rules set forth by the sub teacher.

8. Students must follow all the provisions of Education Code 48900, District Policy, SBVC Policy and rules, and MCHS Policy and rules.


Students failing to meet the attendance, behavioral or academic expectations (see page 6 for academic expectations) will be placed on probation. During probation students are required to access additional tutoring services and other available services from the MCHS staff or SBVC staff in order to improve in the identified areas. Students meeting expectations for one semester may be removed from probationary status. Students may also be required to enter into an attendance contract. Students who continue with poor attendance, behavior or academics may be removed from MCHS. Parents may be required to attend evening meetings to help support their students during their probationary time. Students will be afforded due process rights.



Students are not to operate their automobiles during MCHS school hours. Students are responsible for attaining their own parking pass for use on SBVC campus and following all SBVC vehicle rules and regulations. Students are not permitted to be in their automobiles during high school instructional time unless instructed to do so by MCHS staff. Students must drive safely following all laws.


MCHS has established dress codes in order to assure safety; to prevent disruption and distraction; to respect the right of other people to have the ability to be in an environment free from distractive; to maintain an academic environment; and, to prepare students for the expectations of internships, interviews, leadership, work, and careers.

Students must:

• Wear footwear that is appropriate for the school activity and weather conditions

• Wear apparel with no emblems or printing that creates animosity between groups and/or individuals

• Wear clothing and/or visible tattoos that are not offensive and/or promote alcohol, drugs, violence, or illegal acts

• Possess no chains, ropes, belts, or jewelry that may be interpreted as intended to cause injury to yourself or others;

• Wear undergarments completely covered

• Wear clothing that adequately covers your chest, back, shoulders, stomach, and buttocks

• Wear no pajamas and/or slippers at school (unless for a school approved event)

The school principal may modify the dress code for a specified period of inclement weather or for a special school site event.


• Cell phones must be turned off during instruction time at college and high school. No text messaging is allowed during instructional time. Cell phones are not to be used as calculators. MCHS is not responsible for cell phones.

• Students who use cell phones during class time will have phones confiscated and returned only to a parent/guardian. Continued use may result in probation.

• Electronic devices are distractive during instructional time and not permitted by Board of Education Policy.


In keeping with the commitment of MCHS to produce a caring and productive citizen, students are expected to do 50 hours of community service per school year. The community service may be done at school, or other community/church-based sites. Community service completed at a church, community agency or other school will need a note of verification provided by agency stating the day of the activity, hours served, and a short description of the activity. Verification forms are available in the school office.


Students wishing to see the counselor are encouraged to schedule appointments through the school secretary so that their questions and concerns can be answered at a time convenient to the student and the counselor. Students can “drop-in” to see the counselor, but to ensure a timely answer to the question an appointment is the best solution.


Middle College students who work while attending high school and college can be faced with tremendous organizational challenges. It is suggested that students not work while enrolled at MCHS. Students who find it necessary to work limit their work to no more than 10 to 15 hours per week. Working may impact academic progress and thereby, good standing at the high school and/or college.

FINANCIAL AID: FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)

All seniors will be required to complete a FAFSA form in their senior year as a component of their senior notebook. They do not have to submit the application, although MCHS highly recommends that all students submit the application, and financial information may be blacked out. This information will help students to receive grants to continue their studies, and it may also be used in awarding scholarships.


All students participating in field trips for MCHS or SBVC need permission slips. Permission slips with original parent/guardian signatures must be on file with the MCHS office before the student is allowed to participate. Permission will not be granted by phone or fax.


A mandatory parent meeting will be held at the beginning of the school year for the parents of new students. School Site Council meets throughout the year. Parents of senior students will be required to attend a mandatory graduation meeting in January for the student to participate in graduation activities and for information on Senior Projects. Parents of junior students will be required to attend a mandatory parent meeting in September for information about obtaining an Associate of Arts Degree, college admission process, and the senior year and transcript review. Parents of sophomores will be required to attend a mandatory meeting in October to review requirements for an Associate of Arts Degree, review student transcripts, and learn about college entrance requirements. MCHS staff is always ready to meet with parents/guardians of MCHS students. Parents/guardians may schedule appointments with teachers, counselor, or administrator by calling the office at 888-4041.


The focus of MCHS is to have our students go on to a four-year college or university. With that in mind, all MCHS students are expected to participate in the PSAT, SAT (& SAT2) and/or ACT testing. These tests are required for admission to colleges and universities. If a student is considering a UC school the SAT2 is also required. SAT2 is a subject area specific test with writing and math as two of the three required tests. A limited number of fee waivers for the tests are available for qualifying students through the MCHS counselor. For more information about these tests call our office at 909-888-4041.


MCHS does not sanction, support, or endorse any senior ditch day. NO SENIOR DITCH DAY. Let’s keep your great attendance record.


Students are responsible for keeping contact information current. Students are responsible for keeping phone numbers and addresses current with both MCHS and SBVC. SBVC has forms for reporting student information. All forms are available from the MCHS office.


Your college I.D. may be used at any time as a bus pass for Omni Transportation.

All field trips require parent permission for transportation.


Please read the Valley College rules and expectations, which follow this section.

Please note:

• San Bernardino Valley College is an adult campus, with no supervision of students.

• Students are highly encouraged to take college classes in the afternoon.

• Evening and weekend classes are discouraged.

• Online or hybrid classes are not allowed.

• Students may only take courses which are listed and approved on their concurrent enrollment form.

• Students may not take any college math class until they have completed Algebra II with a “C” or better.

• Prior approval is required to take more than 9 units. This is called an “Overload.”

• Forms for approval will be discussed in your AVID classes.





Student’s Printed Name: Grade:

Parent’s Printed Name: _____________________________________________________

We (as students, parents/guardians) acknowledge that we have received a copy of the MCHS@SBVC Student Handbook.

We understand that we are held responsible for knowing and following the expectations, rules, regulations and contract responsibilities of the San Bernardino County Unified School District (SBCUSD) and the San Bernardino Community College District (SBCCD.)

We understand that violation of any section of the expectations, rules, regulations and contract responsibilities may result in:

• Office Referrals

• Student/Parent/Guardian Conferences

• Suspension from high school and/or college

• Citations by the SBCUSD or SBCCD Police

• Probationary Status in the Program for Middle College High School and/or San Bernardino Valley College

• Dismissal from Middle College High School and/or San Bernardino Valley College

• Reassignment back to the home high school

• Expulsion

We understand that it is our responsibility to read all provisions in the MCHS Handbook. We agree to the terms and conditions set forth in the MCHS Handbook. We understand that acceptance and admission into the MCHS@SBVC program is conditional, and, if Special Student Status is revoked, the student may not enroll in SBVC courses until he/she graduates from high school.

Student’s Signature Date

Parent/Guardian Signature & Printed Name Date

MCHS Administrator Signature Date

MCHS @ SBVC Coordinator Signature Date


Terms of Agreement for Enrollment in the MCHS – AVID Program

Advancement via Individual Determination

Name of Student: ________________________________________ Date: ____________

AVID prepares students for four-year college eligibility.

Student Goals:

1. Academic success in MCHS and SBVC courses.

2. Successful completion of four-year college entrance requirements.

3. Enrollment in a four-year college or university after MCHS or SBVC graduation.

Student Responsibilities:

1. Maintain satisfactory citizenship and attendance in all classes.

2. Maintain the agenda provided by MCHS.

3. Maintain the AVID binder with assignment/grade record sheets and daily notes in all academic classes and SBVC classes. SBVC class section is to include class syllabus.

4. Complete all homework assignments and commit to at least two hours of homework each night.

5. Maintain required enrollment in MCHS and SBVC courses.

Student Agreement:

I agree to accept enrollment into the AVID elective class each year that I attend MCHS. I want to succeed, and I understand that I must take individual responsibility for my own success. I understand that in order to give fair consideration to my involvement with the program, I must commit to remaining enrolled in the AVID elective and that I will be allowed to remain at MCHS only if I meet the student responsibilities outlined above. I also understand that studies show that I will be most likely to demonstrate academic improvement if I remain in the program at least three years, and I am likely to meet my goal of four-year college enrollment if I remain in the AVID program in my senior year of high school.

Student Signature_______________________________________________________________

Support Agreement:

We agree to support the efforts of this student in meeting the goals outlined above.

_____________________________________ ____________________________________

Signature of AVID Coordinator Parent Signature

_____________________________________ ____________________________________

Signature of AVID Counselor Signature of Site Administrator


Middle College High School – San Bernardino Valley College

Student/Parent Agreement

2014 – 2015

Student Name: __________________________________________________________ Grade: _______

We understand and agree to the terms and conditions listed below:

1. High school classes are scheduled from 8:15 AM to 1:41 PM, Monday through Friday. College classes may only be taken outside of these hours.

2. All students must maintain five high school classes as sophomores, and four high school classes as juniors and seniors. Students may enroll in 4 – 9 units of college classes depending on previous academic performance, and prior approval of classes.

3. There is limited supervision outside of high school class hours. Students are expected to maintain responsible behavior and attendance at college classes, and keep parents informed of their whereabouts.

4. There are no sports teams at MCHS, and limited outside activities. Students may not be excused from MCHS classes to attend sports practices. Student and parent will meet with MCHS administrator prior to any sports consideration or commitment to obtain eligibility and work on a schedule that supports academics in high school and college.

5. AVID is a required core class each semester throughout high school.

6. AVID grades checks will be sent home every two weeks. Students will return the grade check with parent signature to their AVID teacher.

7. Late AVID grade checks and/or other school forms result in high school and college probation.

8. Students will enroll in and complete (with grades of "C" or better) courses that will complete the A-G requirements. Classes that earn a "D" or "F" must be repeated. MCHS has no credit recovery. Students must maintain a 2.5 high school GPA with no Ds or Fs for all high school courses each semester.

9. College grants and scholarships usually require no less than a “B” average.

10. Students receiving a "D" or "F" at the quarter are on Level II probation for the high school and are required to complete the semester on contract with mandatory support.

11. Students are concurrently enrolled in SBVC and MCHS. Students agree to abide by the rules, per policies and procedures of both institutions per the Handbook Contract, District Policy and the Ed. Code.

12. Students not meeting their contractual agreements with SBVC (units, grades, attendance, and demeanor), or with MCHS face consequences which may include probation or dismissal. Dismissal from one of the sites automatically results in dismissal form the other site.

13. Parent/Students commit to attend grade level meetings and student conferences.

14. Parents understand that our MCHS calendar parallels the SBVC calendar and agree to schedule any family trips at other times of the year.

15. Transportation is the responsibility of the parent(s). Students must arrive to school and be picked up on time.

________________________________________________________________ ____________

Parent Signature Date

______________________________________________________________ _____________

Student Signature Date





SBCUSD Policy No. 5150: Purpose: To prevent discriminatory harassment in the educational environment.

Statement of Policy:

The San Bernardino City Unified School District is committed to providing all students a learning environment that is free of discrimination in accordance with applicable state and federal laws. This nondiscriminatory learning environment is for the benefit of all District students and all students are expected to fully comply with the Policy. Additionally, non-District students who have contact with any of the District’s students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with this Policy in any District school or District school-sponsored activity. Absolutely no one is authorized to engage in conduct prohibited by this Policy.

In keeping with this commitment to a nondiscriminatory learning environment, the District maintains a strict policy prohibiting sexual harassment and harassment based on race, color, sex, religious creed, national origin, ancestry, physical disability, or mental disability in accordance with applicable state and federal laws. This policy prohibits all forms of discriminatory harassment through any means including nonverbal, verbal (including derogatory comments, slurs, propositions, teasing, jokes, or taunts) physical (including gestures, touching, obstructing, or otherwise interfering with a person’s movement) or visual (including leering, cartoons, drawings, magazines, notes, letters or posters).

This policy prohibits all conduct by which any student because of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical disability, mental disability, or sex is subject to unwelcome, hostile, offensive, intimidating, oppressive or otherwise interfering harassment in an educational setting.

Sexual Harassment

All of the foregoing applies to complaints of sexual harassment. For the purpose of clarification, prohibited sexual harassment includes but is not limited to unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favors, and other verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature where such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with the academic performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive learning environment.

Examples of Prohibited Behavior:

o Exposing genitals

o Shouting obscenities

o Mooning

o Streaking

o Leaving obscene message on school computers

o Whistling at other students and/or school employees

o Threatening rape

o Intentionally pressing or rubbing oneself sexually around another person

o Teasing other students and/or school employees about their sexual activity or body

o Unwanted deliberate hugging, kissing, touching, patting, pinching, grabbing, leaning over, or cornering a student or school employee

o Flipping up skirts

o Pulling down someone’ s pants, shorts or skirt

o Bra, pants, shorts or skirt snapping

o Continual staring at a person’s body

o Sexual or dirty jokes

o Actual or attempted rape or sexual assault

o Unwanted letters or materials of a sexual nature


o Kissing sounds, howling, and smacking lips

o Looking a person up and down

o Sexual rumors

o Comments about the body

o Violating personal space

o Pornographic pictures, posters, drawings or stories

o Offensive displays of sex-related objects

o Offensive graffiti of a sexual nature, racial nature or of any discriminatory basis

o Holding a person against his or her will

Enforcement: Disciplinary actions up to and including expulsion will be promptly taken against any student if it becomes known to the District and proven by school officials that such student has engaged in conduct prohibited by this policy.

No Retaliation: No student, employee, or other individuals will be retaliated against, in any manner, for reporting conduct which he or she believes to be a violation of this Policy, for participating in an investigation of a possible violation of this Policy, or for using the District’s Uniform Complaint Procedure.

Complaints: Students who have been subjected to discriminatory harassment have an obligation to immediately report the incident or incidents to their principal or the District’s Affirmative Action Officer, who is also the District’s Title IX Coordinator. The complaint will be processed in accordance with the District’s Uniform Complaint Policy and Procedure. It is encouraged and recommended that students utilize the District’s Uniform Complaint Procedure; however, they may seek recourse by pursuing available remedies outside the District.

Notification: Pursuant to Education Code 212.6, a copy of this policy will be displayed in a prominent location in the main administrative building at each school site in the District. Also this policy will be a part of any orientation program conducted for new students at the beginning of each quarter, semester, or summer session, as applicable. At the beginning of each school year, the District’s sexual harassment policy will be included in the notifications that are sent to parents/guardians and will be disseminated to each staff member annually. This policy will also appear in any school or District publication that sets forth the school or District’s comprehensive rules, regulations, procedures and standards of conduct.

Any teacher, counselor, or district employee who receives a sexual harassment incident report from a student or adult in the educational setting must report this information to the site administrator. Site administrators are required to submit a report to the Affirmative Action Office in order for the Affirmative Action Office to maintain a record of complaints.

Adopted by the Board of Education: July 6, 1993; Revised: February 18, 1997.

Legal Reference: Education Codes 200-240, 212.5 and 212.6. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.




Middle College High School and the parents of the students participating in activities, services, and programs funded by Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) (participating children), agree that this compact outlines how the parents, the entire school staff, and the students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership that will help children achieve the State’s high standards.

School Responsibilities

Middle College High School will support student learning in the following ways:

1. Providing parents reasonable access to staff. Specifically, staff will be available for consultation with parents as follows:


Phone Contact


2. Providing high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables the participating children to meet the State’s student academic achievement standards.

3. Providing parents with frequent reports on their children’s progress. Specifically, the school will provide reports as follows:

Report cards and Progress reports

Individual phone calls as necessary

Parent conferences as necessary

Holding parent-teacher conferences during which this compact will be discussed as it relates to the individual child’s achievement.

4. Providing parents opportunities to volunteer and participate in their children’s classes, and to observe classroom activities.

______________________________________________ _________________________ _______________________

Title I Teacher’s Signature and/or Site Administrator Date

Parent/Guardian Responsibilities

I as parent/guardian will support my child’s learning in the following ways:

1. Monitoring attendance.

2. Monitoring television exposure.

3. Making sure that homework is completed.

4. Volunteering as appropriate.

5. Promoting positive use of my child’s extracurricular time.

6. Participating, as appropriate, in decisions relating to my child’s education.

7. Staying informed about my child’s education and communicating with the school by promptly reading all notices from the school or the school district either received by my child or by mail and responding, as appropriate.

_______________________________________________________________________ ____________________

Parent’s Signature Date

Student Responsibilities

As a student, I will share the responsibility to improve my academic achievement and achieve the State’s high standards in the following ways:

1. Attending school regularly.

2. Completing my homework every day and asking for help when I need to.

3. Coming to class prepared to learn.

4. Using my time wisely.

5. Giving my parents or the adult who is responsible for my welfare all notices and information received by me from my school every day.

6. Maintaining a positive, ready-to-learn attitude.

________________________________________________________________ ________________________

Student’s Signature Date



Re: Valedictorian and Salutatorian Selection Criteria

Dear Parent/Guardian and Student:

Each year a 12th grade valedictorian (more than one in case of a tied score) and a salutatorian (more than one in case of a tied score) are selected by each high school to be honored for outstanding academic achievement and invited to speak at the graduation ceremony. The following information is provided to help you understand the selection process and to plan for the future.

Selection takes place in early spring before graduation. To be considered, a student must meet several requirements:

1. Complete seven semesters of high school (consideration is given to students transferring from other grade configurations)

2. Qualify as one of the top 15-20 students with the highest grade-point average (“weighted” grades from “honors,” “MYP,” “International Baccalaureate” and “Advanced Placement” courses, and concurrent UC/CSU transferable college courses increase grade-point averages)

3. Pass the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE)

4. Complete all SBCUSD graduation requirements, and

5. Remain in school through the end of the school year

To calculate the grade point average on the valedictorian/salutatorian form, 42 individual semester grades from the first three years of high school and the first semester of the senior year are considered. Grade points from the District-required English, math, science, history/social science, and physical education courses, must be added into the formula. Additional courses (6 semesters) shall be included to complete the formula. These courses may be “weighted” (5-point-A grading scale) or “un-weighted” (4-point-A grading scale). For example, such courses as Marching Band, Symphonic Orchestra, Journalism, Student Government, Peer Leadership, and MOUS Certification or Hospital Occupations are very valuable to a student’s experience and education and are often considered in college acceptance, but do not qualify as “weighted grades.” Courses such as Statistics AP (Advanced Placement), Physiology H (Honors), Theory of Knowledge IB (International Baccalaureate), and concurrent Valley College, Cal State, or University courses receive “weighted” grades. Please check with a counselor to verify which additional courses qualify for “weighted” grades, and to understand the many different factors colleges and universities consider in accepting students.

The San Bernardino City Unified School District encourages parents to be involved in the education of their students. When students are interested in being considered for valedictorian/salutatorian, it is important that they and their parents stay in contact with the counselors to be certain of cumulative grade-point-averages and of which courses are “weighted” and which are not.



Ronnie Henderson

Administrative Director



Student Selection:

In order to qualify as Valedictorian or Salutatorian, a student in the San Bernardino City Unified School District must:

• Have completed 7 semesters high school based on a four-year high school program

• Be selected for this honor based on the agreed upon district-wide selection criteria

• Complete the final (8th) semester at the school from which he/she has been selected as Valedictorian/Salutatorian

NOTE: A student who wishes to accelerate studies and graduate earlier than his/her designated class will not be considered for Valedictorian or Salutatorian of either class. He/she will, however, be eligible to compete for scholarships and participate in all senior activities including the graduation ceremonies with the “earlier” class.

Procedure for Selection:

The following guidelines will be used for selection of courses to be used in the computation of the point total and grade point average for the selection of valedictorians and salutatorians:

1. Grades for 42 classes (6 classes each semester for 7 semesters/grades 9, 10, 11 and the first semester of 12th) to meet the graduation requirements of the San Bernardino City Unified School District including:

English (7 semesters) Math (6 semesters)

History/Social Studies (7 semesters) Science (6 semesters)

Physical Education (4 semesters) Electives (10 semesters)

Fine Arts or Foreign Language (2 semesters)

NOTE: Electives may include such courses as, but not limited to, band, journalism, student government, yearbook, additional classes in math, science, foreign language and visual and performing arts, college courses taken while enrolled in high school, and courses taken to meet the Career Development requirement.

2. Grades for 4 semesters of physical education shall figure into the Valedictorian/Salutatorian selection criteria.

3. Courses to fulfill the Career Development requirement may be completed during the 8th semester.

4. Grades for college classes that meet the IGETC (Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum) requirement, and are transferable to any UC or CSU campus, will be counted on a 5 point (weighted) scale as would an Honors/AP/IB class. College vocational and lower division remedial classes will count on a 4 point grading scale.

Procedures for Calculating Selection of Valedictorian/Salutatorian:

1. Using the weighted, overall grade point average list, identify the top ten to fifteen seniors.

2. Complete a form for each student, designating the course and grade earned for each of the 42 required courses, and indicating whether of not the grade is “weighted.” (Regular courses = 4 point “A”, etc.; Weighted for Honors/AP/IB/College IGETC courses = 5 point “A”, etc.)

3. Calculate by adding each grade value, multiply by weight value, then divide the total by 42.

4. The student with the highest point total shall be selected Valedictorian. In case of numerical tie, more than one valedictorian shall be declared.

5. The student with the next highest point shall be selected Salutatorian. In case of numerical tie, more than one salutatorian shall be declared.



Student Name: _______________________________________________ Date: _____________

All MCHS students are expected to exercise care during the use of their textbooks for high school classes and college classes. Students are expected to return the books promptly and in good condition to the MCHS (MCHS) office.

Please note that students will be charged for the book under the following conditions:

1. Failing to return books in good condition or promptly will be charged for the textbooks.

2. Withdrawal from a class;

3. Receiving a grade of D or F.

Good condition would include but not be limited to:

• No cover or spine damage

• No damage from liquids

• No doodles, drawings, tagging, etc.

• Highlighting in texts will be allowed for college texts only. Students need to be responsible with their highlighting.

• Writings in the margins of college texts must have approval from the MCHS staff and must be written on the textbook checkout form.

Returning books promptly would include:

• College textbooks will be used for the following semester or resold to the bookstore at the end of the semester.

• Textbooks must be returned to the MCHS office at the end of the semester and before the bookstore posted buyback deadline so that the textbook can be resold to the bookstore. Failure of a student to return the textbook prior to the SBVC buyback deadline will result in a charge for the textbook.

• Students that withdraw from a class will be charged for the book.

• High school books will be used again. High school books will be collected at the end of the school year and their condition will be assessed at that time.

When students accept textbooks they are accepting a responsibility to care for those books. All textbooks are expensive, and most textbooks will be used more than one time. When a student accepts a SBVC textbook they have a responsibility to finish the class.

Before a student will be issued textbooks a parent or guardian must sign this form.

Parent Name (printed): ___________________________________________________________

Parent Signature: _______________________________________________________________



San Bernardino City Unified School District

College Textbook Request/ART Fee Request

Date: _________________________

Student Name: ___________________________________________________ Graduation Yr: ______________

Quarter: Fall Spring Summer (circle one) HS ID #: ___________________

Title and Author of Textbook Required … VOID IF NOT LEGIBLE--ONE BOOK/CALCULATOR PER PAGE


ART CLASS: I UNDERSTAND THAT I NEED TO BRING A RECEIPT BACK TO THE OFFICE. Also, I understand that if I drop the class or get a “D” or “F”; I will owe the money to the school office.



Total amount not to exceed $200.00 per semester (plus tax) Void after _________________

I understand that requesting and purchasing this textbook/calculator commit me to the completion of this class. SBVC classes may not be dropped without prior approval of the Middle College Coordinator. Should I be authorized to remove this class from my schedule, I will be responsible to pay the full cost of the textbook/calculator to MCHS.

Student Signature: ________________________________________________________________________

ART CLASS: I received $_______ in cash from MCHS Administrator


Syllabus copy attached: ____________________

MCHS Site Authorization: ____________________

Date Authorized: ____________________

Cost: ____________________


Returned to: ______________________________________________ Date: _____________






Educational Code Sections Regarding Minors: Community College

76407. (a) Notwithstanding any provision of any law, no community college district, officer of any community college district, college president or superintendent, physician, or hospital treating any minor enrolled in any school in any district shall be held liable for the reasonable treatment of a minor without the consent of a parent or guardian of the child when the minor is ill or injured during regular schools hours, requires reasonable medical treatment, and the parent or guardian cannot be reached, unless the parent or guardian has previously filed with the district a written objection to any medical treatment other than first aid.

76031. The adopted rules of student conduct may authorize the president of a community college or the president's designee to suspend a student for good cause as follows:

(a) From one or more classes for a period of up to 10 days of instruction.

(b) From one or more classes for the remainder of the school term.

(c) From all classes and activities of the community college for one or more terms.

The adopted rules of student conduct shall prohibit a student from being enrolled in any community college in the district for the period of suspension.

The president of the community college shall report all suspension of students to the governing board or to the district superintendent.

Whenever a minor is suspended from a community college, the parent or guardian shall be notified in writing by the president or the president's designee.

Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the president of a community college or the president's designee from imposing a lesser disciplinary sanction than suspension. A lesser sanction may include, but need not be limited to, verbal or written reprimand, probation, or ineligibility to participate in extracurricular activities.



Standards of Conduct

It is policy of the San Bernardino Community College District Board of Trustees to protect members of the total college community and the property of San Bernardino Valley College. In accordance with San Bernardino Valley College Board Policy 6090, disciplinary action may be taken if a student’s conduct disrupts or significantly interferes with the instructional program or college activities, or if his/her actions endanger the health or safety of others. Examples of conduct that may result in disciplinary action include:

• Persistent disruptive behavior.

• Assault, battery or threat of violence.

• Use, sale or possession of illegal drugs or substances.

• Use or possession of alcoholic beverages on college property or at a college-sponsored event.

• Smoking in any area designated as “No Smoking.”-Students under 18 are not allowed to possess or use tobacco products.

• Dishonesty, such as cheating, plagiarizing, or providing false information.

• Forgery, alternation, or misuse of college documents.

• Violation of regulations governing student organizations.

• Unauthorized entry.

• Possession or use of any firearm, explosive devise or dangerous chemicals.

• Driving of motorcycles or off-road vehicles on college property.

• Obstruction of pedestrian and/or vehicular traffic on college property.

• Use of skateboards or skates on college property.

• Damage of school property


Students, employees and visitors are subject to applicable legal sanctions under local, state or federal law for the unlawful possession or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol. The San Bernardino Community College District strives to maintain a workplace free from the illegal use, possession or distribution of controlled substances, as defined in the Controlled Substances Act. Disciplinary action may be imposed on a student for misconduct for the following infractions while attending college classes or college-sponsored events:

• The use, sale or possession of illegal drugs.

• The presence on campus of anyone under the influence of drugs or alcohol .

• The use or possession of alcoholic beverages on college property or at any college-sponsored event.


Middle College High School

Title I Parental Involvement Policy

Middle College High School (MCHS) agrees to implement the following statutory requirements: 

Middle College High School will take the following actions to involve parents in the joint development and joint agreement of its School Parental Involvement Policy and its school wide plan, in an organized, ongoing, and timely way under section 1118(b) of the ESEA: 

School Parental Involvement Policy

• A parent survey will be administered on an annual basis in order to obtain parent input.

• School Site Council will analyze parent perception data gathered by the survey, making periodic revisions as needed.

• The School Parental Involvement Policy will be included in the enrollment packet for all students, and, to the extent practicable, will distribute this policy to parents in a language the parents can understand.

• The school will post the School Parental Involvement Policy on their website.

Home-School Compact

• The Home-School Parent Compact will be distributed to all students and parents for signature.

• The school will incorporate the school-parent compact as a component of its School Parental Involvement Policy.

• The Home-School Parent Compact will be submitted, along with the School Level Parental Involvement Policy to the board on an annual basis.

• The Home-School Parent Compact will be periodically reviewed for possible update by parents of Title I students.

Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)

• Parents will participate in the annual Title I/State Compensatory Education program evaluation.

• SSC will advise and make recommendations regarding the Schoolwide Plan (SPSA).

• SSC will adopt the SPSA Plan before it is adopted by the Board of Education.

Informing Parents 

Middle College High School will provide timely information about Title I programs and opportunities to parents of participating students, such as:

• The requirements of Title I, and of their rights to be involved, (list of rights may include Parent Notices in Table B of the Title I, Part A Parental Involvement Non-Regulatory Guidance, April 23, 2004 (page 45),  a copy of Section 1118; a copy of the school’s school-parent compact along with the template from Appendix C, page 51 of the Title I, Part A Parental Involvement Non-Regulatory Guidance, April 23, 2004; a copy of the district’s districtwide parental involvement policy and a copy of the school’s parental involvement policy).

• Middle College High School will also provide a description and explanation of the curriculum in use at the school, the forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress, and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet.

The school will, to the extent feasible and appropriate, ensure that information is sent to the parents of participating students in an understandable and uniform format and, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand. The following methods may be used to inform parents of participating children of the information:

• Translate written home/school communication, provide bilingual staff to schedule and translate parent conferences, provide bilingual staff to translate school-wide events.

• Orientation Meeting for new students and parents

• Grade Level Meetings for students and parents

• Individual Parent Conferences as Scheduled by Parents

• School Accountability Report Card

• Annual Report to Parents

• School Newsletters, flyers and postcards

• School web site sponsored by the district

• In-Touch Auto-Dialer

• SCC, ELAC, DAC and DELAC meetings

Individual Student-Parent Meetings  

Middle College High School will provide opportunities for parents and students to meet with the teachers and staff to address student’s educational and social concerns. These meetings may be requested by parents, teachers, or staff members.

Parent Feedback

Parents will be notified of their right to submit comments of dissatisfaction to the Board of Education before the annual SPSA adoption and before any material changes to the SPSA are sent to board. Middle College High School will submit to the district any parent comments if the school wide plan under section (1114)(b)(2) is not satisfactory to parents of participating children.

Shared Responsibilities for High Student Academic Achievement

Middle College High School will build the schools’ and parent’s capacity for strong parental involvement, through the following activities specifically described below: 

• Orientation Meeting for new students and parents

• Grade Level Meetings for students and parents

• Parent Conferences as Requested

• SSC with ELAC meetings

• SSC training

• DAC and DELAC meetings 


Middle College High School will build the schools’ and parent’s capacity for strong parental involvement provide opportunities for all Title I parents to participate, including parents with limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory students.

Every effort will be made to accommodate special needs parents including parents with disabilities, parents of homeless students and parents of migratory students.


This School Parental Involvement Policy has been developed jointly with, and agreed on with, parents of children participating in Title I, Part A programs, as evidenced by survey data and committee minutes.   

This policy was adopted by the Middle College High School on Nov 25, 2010 and will be in effect until it is determined to be in need of revision.  The school will distribute this policy to all parents of participating Title I, Part A children on or before Dec 1, 2010.  It will be made available to the local community on or before Dec 1, 2010.  The Middle College High School notification to parents of this policy will be in an understandable and uniform format and, to the extent practicable, provide a copy of this policy to parents in a language the parents can understand. 

__________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________

(Signature of Authorized Official) (Date)


San Bernardino

Valley College





Dr. Gloria Fisher

Interim President

Susan Gasca

Coordinator of Middle College High School






For MCHS@SBVC students concurrently enrolled under Special Student Status



Middle College High School at San Bernardino Valley College (MCHS@SBVC) operates under a partnership agreement with the San Bernardino City United School District (SBCUSD). In addition to the provisions of the Middle College High School (MCHS) Student/Parent Handbook, students fall under all rules and policies of the San Bernardino Community College District (SBCCD) as well as applicable sections of the Education Code, the Business and Professional Code, the Health and Safety Code, and the Penal Code of California, Appendix M.

Students who are accepted into the MCHS@SBVC Program are granted Special Student Status to participate in the Program. Special Student Status means that the student and his or her parent/guardian accept and agree to the terms and conditions of being admitted to San Bernardino Valley College (SBVC) as a Special Status Student.


• It is the student’s responsibility to register for SBVC classes, pay all appropriate fees and, if necessary, drop classes. If SBVC fees are not paid in full (same-day-pay policy), the student will be dropped.

• Following the last day of the second week of the semester, students will no longer have access to WebAdvisor to add or drop SBVC classes without an approved SBVC Student Add/Drop Petition.

• Forms may be obtained at MCHS.

• It is the student’s responsibility to know when the last day is to withdraw from a course.

• Complete, in its entirety, an SBVC Add/Drop Petition and must meet with the MCHS principal/designee for counseling to show that they have been counseled about possible options and consequences of adding or dropping a class. Signatures do not indicate approval, only counseling.

• Provide the MCHS@SBVC Office with the SBVC Add/Drop Petition for approval signature.

• Submit the approved SBVC Add/Drop Petition to the SBVC Office of Admissions for processing.


a. Students will be given temporary access to add or drop the class via WebAdvisor. The Admissions Office does not drop/add the class; the student is responsible for this.

b. Dropping classes have consequences, which may include probation/dismissal.

• Students who fail to add or drop the specific class listed on the approved SBVC Add/Drop Petition may receive a failing grade.


• Students are expected to meet the attendance policy for each SBVC course. Each instructor will inform students at the beginning of each term exactly what is to be expected regarding attendance in his/her class. In the event an absence is unavoidable, students are responsible for notifying instructors. If an instructor reports a student’s attendance as unsatisfactory, the student will be placed on a level of probation immediately. The instructor’s decision is final.

• A student’s failure to attend the first class meeting during the first week of a term will result in the student being dropped from the class. After the first week of classes during any term, an instructor may drop a student from any class in which the student has:

o Violated the instructor’s stated attendance requirements;

o Attended so irregularly that the instructor feels it is unwise for the student to continue.

o Once the date for dropping a course with a “W” has passed, Instructors may not drop students.

• Poor attendance will result in disciplinary action/probation/dismissal.


SBVC is ready to assist students to ensure their success, and many support services are in place for students to utilize. SBVC instructors can be a source of where to start when requesting tutorial assistance. Academic concerns can also be addressed by contacting the following departments:

Mrs. Jennifer Rodrick MCHS@SBVC Secretary 384-4431

Mrs. Susan Gasca MCHS@SBVC Coordinator 384-4431

Ms. Kim Wingson MCHS@SBVC Counselor 384-4431

Library Learning Center 384-4451

Student Success Center (PS 121) 384-8566


• In order to register for classes, students are required to submit a completed High School Concurrent Enrollment Petition and required attachments.

• Courses may only be selected from the menu on the back of the High School Concurrent Enrollment Petition, unless accompanied by a pre-approved Ed Plan on file listing the specific course as required.

• All prerequisites, co-requisites, and departmental advisories must be followed.

• Students may not enroll in remedial or Career Technical Education/vocational classes.

• Failure to meet deadlines may result in delayed/no registration and may impact student standing.


• Students are responsible for keeping phone numbers and addresses current with both MCHS and SBVC. Phone numbers and address changes can be made through WebAdvisor.

• MCHS@SBVC Office is not responsible for notifications sent to addresses that have not been updated.

• Any change in names must be completed through the Admissions and Records Office at SBVC.


• An Educational Plan is a list of courses to help students achieve their educational goal at SBVC. This goal may focus on IGETC transferable units and/or an Associate of Arts/Science degree.

• The Student Success Act mandates that all students must have a current approved Educational Plan electronically filed on WebAdvisor in order to proceed with the registration process and maintain their priority level of registration.

• The MCHS@SBVC counselor will have appointments available for students to formulate their Educational Plan.


• Students are to follow the directives of their Instructors, emergency personnel, safety Officers, or administration should an emergency occur during SBVC class hours.

• The student should, when safe, report to the MCHS campus.

• Should an evacuation be necessary, SBCUSD has the responsibility to evacuate MCHS students to the nearest safe and secure location.


• Students are required to take scheduled final examinations in order to secure credit. Any student who is absent from an examination at any time during a semester may forfeit the right to make-up work by re-examination. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the Instructor.

• High school activities are not an approved reason to miss exams.


• The system of grades and grade points at San Bernardino Valley College is as follows:

Grade Points

A Excellent 4

B Good 3

C Satisfactory 2

D Passing, less than satisfactory 1

F Failing 0

• Only instructors may assign grades, and the grades given are final except in cases of mistake, fraud, or incompetence. No grade will be changed for any reason or any circumstances after three years from the end of the term in which the grade was assigned.

• Students wishing to appeal a grade must follow the process outlined in the SBVC Catalog and San Bernardino Community College District (SBCCD) Board Policy.


• If students wish to enroll in SBVC coursework beyond high school graduation, they must reapply to SBVC as a high school graduate.

• Failure to do this will result in miscoding of the students account, potentially resulting in a student being dropped for incorrect payment of classes.


• Students are not allowed to receive/negotiate for grades of incompletes (“I”) for any college class and will result in disciplinary action/probation/dismissal.

• Students who do not complete the requirements to change an “I” grade within one semester will have their level of probation increased/dismissed.

ONLINE/HYBRID COURSES (See Overload for additional information)

• MCHS@SBVC is a full-term, seat-based Program.

• Online or hybrid classes are only approved in rare circumstances and may not be taken if a seat-based course is available during the same or subsequent term, AND, if the course is required by the student’s Ed Plan on file.

• Online or hybrid classes may not be taken unless a student demonstrates a strong history of high college performance. Under no circumstances will approval be given to a first year student.

• Guidelines mirror those of overloads with some additional requirements. Request for approval must contain written reasons by student and reviewed by principal/designee.

• Approval prior to registration is required for any online/hybrid courses.

• Students registering for online or hybrid courses without written prior approval will be required to drop the class.


• Students are restricted to a maximum of 9 units without prior approval from both MCHS and SBVC.

• Students wishing to enroll in more than 9 units at SBVC must be approved by the MCHS principal/designee using the form provided by MCHS prior to registration for the classes.

• Students wishing to take more than 9 units must provide evidence of a 3.0 high school GPA (non-weighted), a 2.5 cumulative college GPA, and may not have a record of failing grades, withdrawals and/or probation.

• Additionally, students must provide evidence of passing at least 6 units in the previous semester in order to demonstrate readiness for a heavier academic load.

• Lack of pre-approval may result in the student’s mandatory withdrawal from the class over the 9 unit limit.

• Under no circumstances may a student enroll in more than 11 units (state law).

• Students earning a “D”, “F” and/or “I” in any semester will be restricted to no more than 2 classes the following semester.


• Parents/guardians are encouraged to support their student in their college classes.

• Questions and or concerns regarding the student’s performance/progress in both college and high school should be directed to the high school principal/counselor.

• Only the student may contact the SBVC Instructors. This is a student responsibility.

• If a parent wishes to be included in a discussion with the college Coordinator or Counselor, the request to meet is to be initiated by the student. Students must be in attendance at the meeting.


• The San Bernardino Community College District Police Department (SBCCDPD) is the law-enforcement agency with policing authority for the San Bernardino Valley College campus.

• SBCCDPD maintains police and safety services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A person may report any criminal action or life-threatening emergency by using the emergency telephones located in most buildings by calling 384-4491.

• Students with concerns for their safety are encouraged to contact the SBCCDPD in person while on campus and notify the MCHS@SBVC Office and MCHS staff.

• Refer to the SBCCD website for Campus Police Office hours.


(see section immediately following “Withdrawals/Drops”)


• Students are required to get mid-semester Progress Reports filled out by each SBVC Instructor.

• This requirement applies to all classes, including those that have been dropped.

• Forms passed out through MCHS. Processes and deadlines explained by MCHS staff.

• Students turn in completed mid-semester Progress Reports from each of their SBVC Instructors by close of the regular business day by the mandatory deadline to the MCHS@SBVC office (NH139).

• Students receiving an unsatisfactory in Academic Progress must follow up with the high school counselor.

• Students receiving an unsatisfactory in Classroom Demeanor and/or Attendance will be subject to probation/disciplinary action.

• Students turning in late Progress Reports will be subject to probation/disciplinary action.

• MCHS will be given two copies of each Progress Report: one for the school and one for the parent.

• Students must submit their own Progress Reports. Progress Reports delivered by other students will not be accepted.


• Concurrent Enrollment Petitions, Youth Confidential Emergency Cards, and high school transcripts not turned in by the due date may not be processed in time for registration.

• MCHS students are assigned Priority B for registration. For the 2013-14 year, it is Priority C. Dates for this priority are listed by semester in the Course Schedule and online.

• Students are to follow the MCHS (high school) policies and procedures in place for registration.

• It is the student’s responsibility to register for approved SBVC classes and pay all appropriate fees.

• Students may only register for courses that are listed on the approved High School Concurrent Enrollment Petition (backside). Students who register for courses not listed/approved will be directed to drop the class, and are subject to probation/disciplinary action.

• Students may not enroll in remedial or Career Technical Education/vocational classes.

• SBVC has a “same-day-pay” policy. If SBVC fees are not paid in full, SBVC will drop the student from classes.

• There can be no more than 7 MCHS students in any given college section. If there are more than 7, the college Coordinator will notify the high school, who will in turn, reduce the number to 7.


• English and/or math courses will only be approved according to placement through the SBVC Assessment Process.

• No remedial classes may be taken (Math 090 or lower: English 914 or lower)

• Selecting the appropriate classes is critical to the goals of students.

• Selecting the appropriate classes can lead to earning an Associate of Arts/Science degree, and IGETC AA, and put students on a path towards transferable credits and earning a college degree.

• Students may only enroll in classes which are on the Concurrent Enrollment Form and have been approved by the MCHS@SBVC Coordinator.

• All students must have an Ed Plan on file and will meet with the MCHS@SBVC Counselor on a yearly basis. Students are responsible for making (and keeping) an appointment with the MCHS@SBVC counselor.

• The SBVC Counselor will present critical information through the AVID classes.


Students taking summer school courses are held to the same high standards they agree to during the fall and spring semesters.

• Students may enroll in a maximum of 5 units for the summer (total throughout all summer sessions). A student may petition for a maximum of 7 units following the Overload procedure through MCHS.

• No online or hybrid classes will be approved.

• Concurrent Enrollment Petitions, Youth Confidential Emergency Cards, and high school transcripts are required for summer session. Completed forms not turned in by the due date may not be processed in time for registration and can result in an inability to register.

• Students must follow the High School Concurrent Enrollment Petition procedures for summer (see section Concurrent Enrollment Petition).

• Due to the short length of summer school classes, Progress Reports are not required.

• Substandard grades of “D”, “F”, or “I” will lead to a higher level of discipline/probation/dismissal.

• Substandard grades of “D”, “F”, or “I” will lead to probation even if there is no prior record of probation.

• There can be no more than 7 MCHS students in any course section.

• All other sections herein also apply to summer school.

WITHDRAWALS/DROPS (Also, see Add/Drop Procedures)

There may be times when withdrawing from a course is appropriate.

• If a student stops attending class, it is the student’s responsibility to follow the same procedure listed below to officially drop the class.

• It is the student’s responsibility to check WebAdvisor to note critical dates for dropping with or without a “W” grade.

• W’s are used in probation and dismissal procedures.

• Students will receive a letter grade if they continue any course after the last day to drop with a “W.”

• Progress Reports must be filled out for dropped courses.

• Proper drop procedure:

1. Counsel with MCHS principal/counselor and obtain signature from the high school.

2. Submit the Student Add/Drop Petition with the proper signatures to the MCHS@SBVC Office.

3. The MCHS@SBVC Office will approve/deny the petition.

4. If approved, the student brings the form to the Admissions and Records Office to have their account “opened.”

5. The student must drop the course before the end of the same day on WebAdvisor as their account will be closed at the end of the day.

6. Print a new registration statement for verification and submit to the MCHS Office.



• Notifications of probation/disciplinary action are mailed using the US Post Office.

• SBVC uses the addresses/phone numbers on file in WebAdvisor to contact students/parent-guardians.

• Addresses updated at MCHS high school are NOT reflected in the college’s list of contacts on WebAdvisor.

• It is critical that students update WebAdvisor for any address/phone changes to ensure receipt of notices.

• First Level Probation: Notifications are mailed home. The SBVC Coordinator will meet as a group with students to review policies and procedures. Students may request an individual meeting.

• Second Level Conditional Probation: Notifications are mailed home. Individual meetings are scheduled. Students and parent/guardian are required to attend meeting in order to remain in Program.

• Dismissal/Revocation: Notification of dismissal is mailed home. Student may appeal the revocation by requesting a meeting. Student and parent/guardian are required to attend.


Students enrolled in the MCHS@SBVC must maintain a record of satisfactory performance and satisfactory progress. The following list contains grounds for being placed on probation, increased level of probation, and/or dismissal from the MCHS@SBVC Program. The level of disciplinary action depends on the degree of the offense and may contain one or more but not limited to the following infractions:

Progress Reports

• Students who fail to submit course Progress Reports for each class, completed and signed by each Instructor by the due date, including courses dropped/withdrawn.

• Student receives an unsatisfactory classroom demeanor Progress Report.

• Student receives an unsatisfactory attendance Progress Report.

End of the Semester Grades

• Student earns a combination of letter grades “W”, “D”, “I”, and/or “F” in the same semester.

• Student earns a letter grade(s) of “W”, “D”, “I”, and/or “F” in any course taken in two consecutive semesters.

• Students who earn the letter grade of “I” will automatically be placed on a level of probation. Students who do not complete the requirements to change the “I” grade within one semester will have their level of probation increased.

• Students currently on 2nd Level Conditional Probation or higher, who earn any “W”, “D”, “I”, and/or “F” in a course will have their probation level increased, and will be dismissed.

Progress in the Program

• Students who fail to maintain at least two college courses with a letter grade of C or better. The letter grade of “W”, “D”, “I”, and/or “F” is not considered passing.

• Student fails to maintain a minimum of 4 units per semester.

• Student fails to maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least a 2.0.

• Students who do not pass any course except a one or two-unit course. (Example: Kinesiology/PE, ACAD, music, dance, et cetera)

• Students who withdraw from any class in two consecutive semesters.

Performance in the Program

• Student does not submit on time or fails to submit their completed Concurrent Enrollment form for Special Student Status.

• Students who fail to meet contractual meetings/assignments as a result of a Conditional and/or Dismissal meeting.

• Students who violate the Student Standards of Conduct (See Appendix).


Disciplinary actions that may be imposed by SBVC for failure to meet college Program responsibilities and expectations include, but are not limited to, the following:

❖ 1st Level Probation – written notification mailed to the student and parent/guardian stating the specific reason(s) for the student being placed on 1st Level Probation and the possible consequences for continued failure to meet Program expectations.

• Grounds for 1st Level Probation include, but are not limited to, any item listed under “Grounds for Probation and/or Dismissal.”

❖ 2nd Level Conditional Probation – written notification mailed to the student and parent/guardian stating the specific reason(s) for the student being placed on 2nd Level Conditional Probation and the possible consequences for continued failure to meet Program expectations. A mandatory student/parent meeting will be scheduled.

• Grounds for 2nd Level Conditional Probation include, but are not limited to, any item listed under “Grounds for Probation and/or Dismissal,” after previously being placed on 1st Level Probation.

• Students removed from 1st Level Probation who, in a subsequent term, are returned to a probationary status will be placed on 2nd Level Conditional Probation.

• Students on 2nd Level Conditional Probation receiving any grade of “D”, “F”, or “I” will be dismissed.

❖ Dismissal/Revocation of Special Student Status include, but are not limited to, the following:

• Any item listed under “Grounds for Probation and/or Dismissal” while on 2nd Level Probation.

• Violation of any provision of the Standards of Student Conduct (SBCCD BP 5500) regardless of previous probation level.

• Absent convincing evidence to support continued Special Student Status, the student will be dismissed from the Program.

Grounds for Immediate Dismissal

• No progress (i.e., all substandard grades, zero units.)

• Only passing any one or two-unit class. (Example: Kinesiology/PE, ACAD, music, dance, et cetera)

• Students who violate the Student Standards of Conduct with any major infraction for demeanor/behavior (See Appendix).

• Registering for classes that have not been previously approved by both MCHS and SBVC Administrators (High School Concurrent Enrollment Petition).

❖ Caveats Regarding Grades, Performance and dismissal

• Students who earn a “D”, “F”, or “I” regardless of any level of probation will not be able to take more than 2 classes the following semester.

• Students who maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above are still subject to revocation of their Special Student Status when the reason for probationary status was unsatisfactory attendance, unsatisfactory demeanor, violation of an order of suspension by SBCUSD and/or SBVC, or violation of the SBVC Student Standards of Conduct.

• Grade Appeals: Students who fail to present persuasive evidence of the likelihood of a college administrator, faculty or staff error, fraud mistake or incompetence may be placed on the appropriate level of probation up to and including dismissal from the Program.

Revocation of Special Student Status Procedure (DISMISSAL)

• Written notification sent USPS mailed to the student and parent/guardian informing them that the student has failed to meet Program expectations and is dismissed from the Program.

• A registration hold will be placed on the student’s ability to register for SBVC classes.

• Student and his/her parent/guardian may request to meet with the MCHS@SBVC Coordinator to appeal the action taken by the college. At the meeting, the student will be presented with a copy of his or her college records and reports, as well as his/her high school transcript. The student will be given an opportunity to be heard, which will be followed by a decision on the merits of the matter. An opportunity will be given for parent/guardian questions/concerns. The final decision is made by the MCHS@SBVC Coordinator.

• Termination of MCHS@SBVC Special Student Status – the student will be dropped from all college courses immediately. In particular cases, a student may be allowed to finish the current semester and be dismissed at the end of the semester.

• Students dismissed from SBVC will not be permitted to enroll in SBVC courses until after they graduate from high school, and, will not be granted Special Student Status when attending a comprehensive high school. The hold will be removed under the following conditions:

o The student has graduated from high school.

o The student has reached the age of 18 years and is no longer in high school.

o If the student has established a record of two consecutive semesters of satisfactory high school performance outside of the SBCUSD Middle College High School Program, he/she may re-apply to be admitted under the MCHS@SBVC Special Student Status.


At the end of the fall and spring semesters and upon posting of grades, all student records will be reviewed to determine if a level of probation warrants change.

• Students on Probation who satisfactorily complete the semester(s) to which probation was applied will be removed from probation.

• Students removed from any level Probation who, in a subsequent term, are returned to a probationary status, will not be placed on 1st Level Probation, but will be placed on (at minimum) 2nd Level Conditional Probation.

• If you receive a W or your cumulative GPA is not at 2.0 or higher, you will not be removed from probation.


Middle College

High School


San Bernardino

Valley College

Dr. Kennon Mitchell

Assistant Superintendent

Student Services Division





Requirements of a Special Status Student for MCHS@SBVC are as follows:

1. Students must maintain concurrent enrollment in both the SBCUSD portion of the Program and the SBVC portion of the Program.

2. Students dismissed from either SBVC or MCHS, or who are otherwise unable to attend both portions of the Program, will have their Special Student Status revoked and be returned to their home high school.

3. Minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA).

4. Minimum of 2 SBVC classes per semester passed with a “C” or better in each.

5. Minimum of 4 units.

6. Satisfactory Progress Reports turned in by the deadline.

7. Students must maintain appropriate demeanor in all classes and on campus.

8. Students dropping all SBVC classes and not enrolling in approved new classes will be immediately returned to their home high school.

9. Students are required to attend any meeting scheduled by the MCHS@SBVC Office, including MCHS@SBVC Counselor contracts.

10. Parents must attend any meeting scheduled by the MCHS@SBVC Office concerning any violation of the SBVC Student Standards of Conduct.

11. Parents must attend any meeting scheduled by the MCHS@SBVC Office concerning probationary status of 2nd Level Conditional Probation or higher/dismissal.


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