SEI Lesson Tool - Ms. Hoeks 6th Grade Math

SEI Lesson Tool

Grade Level__5th___

Name: __Hannah Hoeks__________________ Date: ___April 22, 2015______________

Teaching Context

Curriculum or Content Area: Literature

#22 students in my class, of which 2 are ELLs

My ELLs¡¯ linguistic and cultural background(s):

2 Mandarin

WIDA ACCESS Spring 20131

My ELLs¡¯ level(s) of English Proficiency:



















Other support services that my ELLs receive:




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Adopted from SEI Teacher Endorsement Course - 2013-14



Listening 15%, Speaking 15%,

Reading 35%, Writing 35%]


[Listening30%, Reading 70%]


Oral Language

[Reading 50%, Writing 50%]







[Listening 50%, Speaking 50%]

See WIDA ¡°Can Do¡± descriptors2 to help connect proficiency level with ACCESS scores

SEI Lesson Tool

Lesson Standards and Objectives

Common Core State Standards (discipline, standard number, and description):

C.C. RL. 2. Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text, including how characters in a story or drama

respond to challenges or how the speaker in a poem reflects upon a topic; summarize the text.

C.C. RL. 3. Compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or events in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text

(e.g., how characters interact).

C.C. WL. 3 Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear

event sequences.

a. Use a variety of transitional words, phrases, and clauses to manage the sequence of events.

b. Use concrete words and phrases and sensory details to convey experiences and events precisely.

C.C. SL. 1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on

grade 5 topics and texts, building on others¡¯ ideas and expressing their own clearly.

Content Objective(s):

Students will compare and contrast events

and investigate themes found in Holes.

Students will create different pieces to

show their understanding of vocabulary

words and story elements.

Language Objective(s): Language Objectives should be directly linked to the language skills students will need to be

successful in achieving the content objective.

Students will be able to compare and contrast myths and prejudices verbally and in writing

within the story Holes as well as to their own lives and experiences.

Students will use creative writing that incorporates our vocabulary words to explain and

expand on the themes that we discuss and are found in Holes.

Language Objectives Differentiation for Proficiency Levels:

Adopted from SEI Teacher Endorsement Course - 2013-14


SEI Lesson Tool

WIDA level 2:

Students will be able to compare and contrast myths and prejudices within the story Holes

using a Venn diagram, both for events in the text and comparisons in their own lives. They

will construct simple sentences using sentence starters such as ¡°The myth of Stanley¡¯s

great-great-grandfather is similar(different than) to the myth of Kissin¡¯ Kate Barlow

because¡­¡± and ¡°The two myths are different because¡­¡± etc.

Students will create simple sentences using sentence starters and a word bank with the

vocabulary words in order to describe the themes we have discussed in class and are found

in Holes.

WIDA level 3:

Students will be able to write sentences comparing and contrasting myths and prejudices

found in Holes using a word bank and a Venn Diagram. They will be bale to engage in

class discussion by retelling aspects of the story with verbal prompts.

Students will be able to write sentences describing the themes we have discussed in class

and are found in Holes, using examples we have talked about and a word bank.

Mentor Text or Source: Holes by Louis Sachar

Targeted Tiered Vocabulary from Mentor Text or Source


Tier 2 & Tier 3 words should be integrated into student product/assessment.



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?M cKeon





Adopted from SEI Teacher Endorsement Course - 2013-14


SEI Lesson Tool

Tier 1 words

Tier 2 words

Tier 3 words

Basic words most children know in their primary

language: may include connectors or compounds

Essential to comprehension: i.e., process & transition, specificity, sophistication

polysemy, transitional terms, idioms, clusters, cognates¡­

Low frequency, content specific, typically glossed in the back

of the text book


Long bus-ride to nowhere






Juvenile Correctional Facility



Burlap sack





Student Prerequisite Skills or Background Knowledge:

What content or language knowledge or skills do my ELLs need to successfully complete the content and language objectives? What background knowledge or skills might my ELLs already have in their

primary language but may need help in transferring to English?

We will have had previous mini-lessons and practice using 7 step vocabulary, and I will have modeled prereading and think aloud for

them before and during Holes. They will have used partner reading with short stories and leveled readers, and will apply what they

have previously done to the chapter book with guidance. I will introduce write around and cut and grow for this unit, which we will use

in future activities as well. We will need to go over the Tier 2 words extensively, and touch on the Tier 3 words when we come to them

in our reading. We will discuss themes, myth, and prejudice as a whole class, after which I will regroup with the ELLs to discuss them

and go over key words and phrases for sentence starters and understanding. I will also use other real-life examples of myth and

prejudice to make the terms a bit more concrete in their minds. The tiered words will be included in graphic organizers for them to go

back to and reference on each of the various activities that we perform. They should have some background knowledge of camp, from

family trips to school camps, but if not we will need to go over camping; what it is supposed to bring to mind and the difference

between what we think of camp and what Stanley experiences.

Adopted from SEI Teacher Endorsement Course - 2013-14


SEI Lesson Tool


o Vocabulary



? 7


?vocabulary ?



o Reading


? Prereading



? Think




? Partner





o Writing


? Write




? Cut






Assessment of content learning and language development:

Have I included Tier 2 & Tier 3 words in my assessment of my student¡¯s discourse: written or oral?

Students will use the words both verbally and written as we discuss them and use them in our different creative writing activities. We

will consistently be coming back to them through our reading, and the students will be incorporating them into sentences and

paragraphs. They will be engaging in the text to pull out details regarding our vocabulary, encouraging their interaction with the vocab

in all four of the domains.

Content and Concept Language Integration

How have I integrated all possible domains into my teaching and learning strategies and activities?

Adopted from SEI Teacher Endorsement Course - 2013-14



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