Policies, Procedures & Laws

Policies, Procedures & Laws

504-Not part of the special education program or classified but has disability which allows accommodations

IDEA-Individuals with Disability Act-The law which governs programs and practices for special needs students

IEP- Individual Education Plan-A plan for accommodating a students’ disability which is reviewed yearly. Meeting includes teachers, parents and student.

LRE-Least restrictive environment-A student placed in a regular education classroom setting which also meets their needs

MDM-Meeting to Determine Manifestation-A meeting to determine whether a student’s behavior is a result of their disability

IEP- Individual Education Plan-A plan for accommodating a students’ disability which is reviewed yearly

Categories and classification

Autism-Wide range of behavior affecting verbal and non-verbal communication

Usually diagnosed before age 3

Tend to be focused on one thing to the exclusion of others

Treatment: routine, individual attention, small groups, patience

Learning Disabilities

A limitation in the way a person’s brain sorts and uses information

A specific limitation in acquiring certain types of information whether spoken or written

May include poor spelling, handwriting, slow reading and comprehension


A disability with reading, often sees letters or words in an order than they actually appear

1st step diagnosis, ideally before school

Work with a specialist, treat or learn to compensate

ADHD or ADD-Extreme inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity

Has a hard time finishing tasks

Disorganized and forgetful

Acts before thinking

A lifelong condition that cannot be cured, but can be treated and some outgrow

For effective treatment both medication and structure (behavior training)

Emotional Disabilities-When a child’s behavior prevents typical development or disturbs the learning process

Inability to learn is not relayed to intelligence or health

Does not exhibit typical interpersonal relationships with teachers and peers

Usually becomes more noticeable and disturbing over time.

Parents may feel ashamed to ask for help

Child usually needs a behavior plan

MD or MR-Mentally disabled or mentally retarded-sub average IQ

Mild 48-78

Moderate 25-48

Severe 0-25

Down’s syndrome and cerebral palsy

Very delayed development, may also have health issues

Speech or language impairment


Abnormal Voice quality

Omission of certain sounds

HI-Hearing Impairment

Defective speech

Inability to identify sound source

May need speech therapy

Can include deafness or sign language

VI-Visual Impairment

May include blindness

Out of the ordinary reading behaviors

May need special seating, Braille, large print

Sight teachers are resource

OI-Orthopedic Impairment

Cerebral Palsy, cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, arthritis,

Difficulty in walking, sitting

Possible need of equipment

OHI-Other Health Impairment





TBI-Traumatic Brain Injury

Injury involve the brain due to accident, tumor, stroke but not birth defect

Mild to severe

Gifted or talented

Based on tests, grades and teacher observations

Needs challenges and enrichments

Can be disruptive if bored


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