Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1 Chapter 1: Introduction

|What is Pocket LA logic analyzer?…………….………….…… |4 |

|What is in the package? –Equipment …………………….….. |5 |

|Specification & Characteristic…………………….……….…... |6 |

|The 2 types capture mode of Pocket LA………………….……… |7 |

|System Requirement……..……………………………..……….. |8 |

2 Chapter 2: Installation

|Installation procedures…………………………….………….. |10 |

|Questions……………………………………………….……..… |15 |

3 Chapter 3: Operations

|Screen………………………………………………….………... |17 |

|Quick Use…………………………………………………..…… |18 |

|Scroll Bar Definition……….………………………………..….. |20 |

|The Labels…………………….………………………………..... |20 |

|Move Cursor……………………..………………………..……. |21 |

|Search Cursor…………………….………………………..……. |22 |

|Field Adjustment…………………....……………………….….. |22 |

|Zoom In……………………………..…..………………..…..….. |23 |

|Zoom Out……………………………..…….……..……..……… |24 |

|Acquire Data.…………………………..…………..…..……….. |25 |

|Repetitive Acquire……………………..…………….…………. |26 |

|Stop Acquire………………………….….…….………..……….. |26 |

|Frequency & Timing………….……….…..….…………………. |27 |

|Hot Key Definition……………….…….…...…………………… |28 |

|Add Label……………………………..…..…..………………….. |30 |

|Add All Labels………………………………..………………….. |30 |

|Move Label, Select and Quick Combine………………….…… |31 |

|Delete Label…………………………….………………………… |32 |

|Modify Label Name………………………….………………….. |32 |

|Configure Label Parameter………………………………….….. |33 |

|Combine Labels……………………………………..……….…... |34 |

|Arrange Labels……………………………………………….….. |35 |

|Decompose Labels……………………………………………….. |35 |

|Undo…………………………………………….………………… |36 |

|Sorting Labels…………………………………….………………. |36 |

4 Chapter 4: Functionality

|Configure Interface Card…..…………………..…………………. |38 |

|Configure Environment…………………………….…………… |39 |

|Change Sample Rate…………………….………………………. |41 |

|Configure Trigger………………………….….…………………. |42 |

|Configure Threshold………………………….…………………. |46 |

|Search Specified Pattern or State……………..………………… |48 |

|Search Next………………………………………..……………… |49 |

|Select Command Set……………………………….……………. |50 |

|Add Command……………………………………….………….. |51 |

|Timing & State Analysis Switch……………………….……….. |52 |

|Print………………………………………………………….……. |53 |

|Load Project…………………….………………………………… |56 |

|Save Project………………………….……………………………. |56 |

|Clean Project…………………………….……………………….. |56 |

|Load Waveform…………………………….……………………. |57 |

|Save Waveform………………………………….….……………. |57 |

|How to control the Pocket LA by yourself……...….……………. |58 |

|Library Routine description…………………….………………. |63 |

|How to use LARUN100.DLL……………………...……………. |66 |

5 Chapter 5: Miscellaneous

|Notes……………………………………………………………… |71 |

|Tips……………………………………………………….……….. |72 |

|Troubleshooting…………………………………………….……. |73 |

1 Chapter 1


( What is Pocket LA logic analyzer?

Pocket LA Series (LA1116/LA1216/LA1616) is a logic analyzer featuring 16 channels and each up to 200MHz sampling rate. Pocket-LA, connected USB interface with PC, is controlled by the LA Viewer software based on Windows 98/ME/2000/XP. Hence, Pocket LA is easy to understand and user friendly.

Pocket LA contains multifunction features since its software is based on Windows 98/ME/2000/XP. Each research and development project can be operated independently and will not interfere with each other.

Pocket LA has another unique feature, which takes less space and USB power only, rather than other stand-alone logic analyzers, can be inserted into your pocket and bring it to anywhere. Pocket LA also allows you to speed up product development and increase your productivity since all jobs can be run/operated on one PC. Take one Pocket LA and your Notebook, smart engineer, you have created more space to contain your boundless dream.

According to PC-based feature, Pocket LA is very easy upgrade by downloading the latest LA Viewer. You may visit ACUTE web site at and to find the newest version. We also accept special requirement, summarized and integrated them, to enhance LA- Viewer function to share with all of our customers.

( What is in the package? –Equipment

| |Item |PkLA-1116/1216/1616 |

|1. |Pocket-LA mainframe |1 |

|2. |Signal 1x16 color line |1 |

|3. |Ground 1x2 black line |1 |

|4. |Gripper (Black) |18 |

|5. |USB A-B cable (1.8m) |1 |

|6. |Installation CD |1 |

|7. |Manual |1 |

|1. |2. |3. |4. |5. |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |


( Specification & Characteristic

|Specification and Characteristic |PkLA-1x16 |

|Power |Power Source |USB bus-power (+5V) |

| |Static Power Dissipation |0.75W |

| |Max Power Dissipation | or Channel 0-7

: 1 => Channel 8-15

iMiniVold : voltage value (unit=1/1000 volt)

Return: TRUE -- legal threshold value between -7.2V to +6.88V

FALSE -- illegal threshold or iPod value

⊙ LaCaptureWave(LPWIUSR lpwiusr)

Start acquire data

lpwiusr : refer to Data Structure of WIUSR section

⊙ LaStopCap()

Stop acquire data

⊙ LaSetTrigger(int iMode, int iLevel, LPBYTE lpbTrigData )

Set trigger parameter

iMode : 0 -- Capture Mode 1

1 -- Capture Mode 2

iLevel : trigger level (must be 1)

lpbTrigData : Index of trigger data. When the iMode = 0, the trigger data indicating by the index accommodate 64 Bytes. Each Byte is to represent trigger condition value of each channel. The trigger value appoint to TRIG_LOW, TRIG_HIGH, TRIG_LOW2HIGH, TRIG_HIGH2LOW and TRIG_DONTCARE.

⊙ LaIsDataReady()

After LaCaptureWave is executed, use the LaIsDataReady to poll LA continually for the acquiring status. Only return TRUE, then you may read waveform data by LaReadCapWave.

Return: TRUE -- Acquiring finish

FALSE -- still acquiring

⊙ LaReadCapWave(LPWIUSR lpwiusr, BOOL bStop)

Transport the waveform data from Pocket LA to PC

lpwiusr : refer to Data Structure of WIUSR section

bStop : True -- user force to stop acquiring

False -- LaIsDataReady return TRUE

( How to use LARUN100.DLL:

1. The first step of operating Pocket LA is to call LaHasHW for detecting the Pocket LA on line status.

2. Call LaThresVolt command for setting threshold voltage.

3. Call LaSetTrigger for writing trigger data into LA. Before call the routine you have to prepare a 64Bytes buffer for trigger data. The lpbTrigData value appoints the head of the buffer.

4. Fill out these data of WIUSR: iLaMode, iSampleRate, iTrigMode, iTrigPos and iPassCnt for LaCaptureWave routine.

5. Start acquire by calling LaCaptureWave routine.

6. Call LaIsDataReady for polling LA acquiring status.

7. If LaIsDataReady return TRUE, call LaCapStop to stop LA and use LaReadCapWave to get waveform data from LA. In the state, remember to set bStop as FALSE. On the other hand, if get FALSE from LaIsDataReady and you still want to take partial acquiring waveform data, you have to set bStop as TRUE.

8. Whatever the value return from LaIsDataReady, the LaStopCap must execute before you call LaReadCapWave routine.

9. The parameters of LaReadCapWave must follow WIUSR structure. It is necessary to set up lpbTrigData and lpbWaveData.

10. You have to allocate a buffer for storing waveform data according to the index of lpbWaveData. The buffer size are 513Kbytes for LA1116, 1025Kbytes for LA1216 and 4097Kbytes for LA1616. The lpbWaveData value just points the head of the buffer.

11. Note: After finish LaReadCapWave command, the index of lpbWaveData will be changed as a new address. Which index points the head of these waveform data buffer as the following: LA1116 = 512Kbytes

LA1216 = 1024 Kbytes

LA1616 = 4069Kbytes

12. Run LaReset command after LaReadCapWave done.

( Waveform format:

There are 2 types of waveform data to take from LaReadWave: one is mode 1 and one is mode 2 (similar with the capture mode).

Mode 1: take 8 bytes (64 Bits) in each Sample Clock

|B0 |B1 |B2 |B3 |B4 |B5 |B6 |B7 |

|B8 |B9 |B10 |B11 |B12 |B13 |B14 |B15 |

| | | |. | | | |

| | | |. | | | |

| | | |. | | | |

|BX |BX+1 |BX+2 |BX+3 |BX+4 |BX+5 |BX+6 |BX+7 |

Channel 0 data in B0(Bit0), B8(Bit0) and so on...

Channel 1 data in B0(Bit1), B8(Bit1) and so on...




Channel 8 data in B1(Bit0), B9(Bit0) and so on...




Channel 62 data in B7(Bit6), B15(Bit6) and so on...

Channel 63 data in B7(Bit7), B15(Bit7) and so on...

As the PkLA1116, the amount of capture memory 512K Bytes divided by 8, has 64K Sample Clocks.

Mode 2: get 4 bytes (32 Bits) in each Sample Clock

|B0 |B1 |B2 |B3 |

|B4 |B5 |B6 |B7 |

|B8 |B9 |B10 |B11 |

|B12 |B13 |B14 |B15 |

| |. | |

| |. | |

| |. | |

|BX |BX+1 |BX+2 |BX+3 |

Channel 0 data in B0(Bit0), B4(Bit0) and so on...

Channel 1 data in B0(Bit1), B4(Bit1) and so on...




Channel 8 data in B1(Bit0), B5(Bit0) and so on...




Channel 30 data in B3(Bit6), B7(Bit6) and so on...

Channel 31 data in B3(Bit7), B7(Bit7) and so on...

As the PkLA1116, the amount of capture memory 512K Bytes divided by 4, has 128K Sample Clocks.

Chapter 5


( Notes

|1. |You may open more than two LA Viewer programs simultaneously. (be aware of the PC |

| |memory size) |

|2. |There are two major reasons to run two LA Viewer programs simultaneously. One is to |

| |compare two different waveforms, the other is when there are two or more projects |

| |need to be measured simultaneously; however, there is only one project allowed to |

| |acquire the data at one time. Hence, if you click acquire data button when another |

| |project is acquiring the data, a warning message “LA1xxx is busy” will pop-up. You |

| |may click it again after the previous project finished. |

|3. |At least one ground line is needed to connect the signal isolation amplifier pod with|

| |the target system. If the noise or cross talk occurs from the measured waveform |

| |seriously; then you need to connect one more ground line to improve the measurement |

| |quality. |

|4. |Choose a suitable sample rate and memory size to make the whole operation smooth. |

|5. |If the gripper is too big to connect to the target system’s pin, you may buy special |

| |smaller gripper from us or other sources. |

|6. |You may define two or more label names in one channel. But just one channel has ONLY|

| |one trigger condition. |

( Tips

|1. |Search Next. It is quite usual to use previous trigger parameter settings to find |

| |other fitted positions. What you have to do is to click default button in the search|

| |specified pattern dialog box in order to omit other settings, and click Ok. After |

| |acquiring data, move Cursor B to the trigger cursor position and click Search Next. |

| |Unless the trigger signal changes or you won’t need to set searching condition from |

| |search specified waveform dialog box. |

|2. |Add Label. If you need to add many labels, use “Add All Channels”, then delete |

| |unneeded labels and rename them. |

|3. |Press T or A-E keys, you will jump to there and be located in the center of the |

| |screen. |

( Troubleshooting

|1. |Once finish the installation, the warning message box “Enter DEMO Mode” still pop-up |

| |when you launch LA Viewer, please follow procedures: |

| |Check the driver state at device manager page. |

| |Check if it is the latest LA Viewer version. |

| |You have to reboot your PC after installation finished. |

| |You may download the latest version LA Viewer at .tw of Acute’s web |

| |site. |

| |If the driver is not exist in device manager, please unplug and re-plug USB cable and|

| |check the driver state again. |

| |If the driver is still absent in device manager, you may reboot your PC again. |

| |After done above steps and no correct driver appeared, please notice if another |

| |driver which is not for LA load on device manager while you unplug and re-plug USB |

| |cable |

|2. |If the waveforms are abnormal after data acquiring, please follow procedures: |

| |Check if grippers are appropriately connected to the signal connector lines. |

| |Check if signal connector lines are appropriately connected to the Pocket LA. |

| |Check if grippers are appropriately connected to the target system. |

| |Check the signal from the target system. (Connect two grippers to the same target |

| |point to make sure the problem.) |

| |Do Acquire data again. |

( Memo

( Memo


[1] The label name can be text and numeric, but under 31 words.

[2] The channel numbers order (from left to right of the LA panel)

|Pod A |= |Channel 0 – Channel 7 |

|Pod B |= |Channel 8 – Channel 15 |

[3] The distance of the center of the waveform field to the field’s left edge should be a factor of 128 pixels.

1 The item of project

|1. |Label name |6. |Sample rate |

|2. |Width of label field |7. |Cursor position |

|3. |Width of channel field |8. |Memory Setting |

|4. |Width of value field |9. |Trigger condition |

|5. |Zoom In, zoom out factor |10. |Threshold |





Sample Rate

Channel Field

Label Field

Value Field



Acquire Status

Cursor Tag


Scroll bar


Field Splitter



Scroll bar


Thumb Track

Cursor Search button

Frequency/Timing Display Field

Status Field

Base Button


Comment Field

State Field

Horizontal Scroll bar

Waveform field

Memory Size


1 Zoom In

2 Zoom Out

3 Acquire Data

4 Repetitive Acquire

5 Stop Acquire











Configure Interface Card

6 Configure Environment

7 Configure Trigger

8 Configure Threshold

9 Search Specified Pattern or State

10 Search Next

11 Select Command Set

12 Timing & State Analysis Switch

13 Print

14 Load Project

15 Save Project

16 Clean Project

Load Waveform

17 Save Waveform








































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