Chapter 8. Reference Information - Veterans Affairs

Table of Contents TOC \o "1-5" \h Chapter 8. Reference Information PAGEREF _Toc335808343 \h 21. VA Forms PAGEREF _Toc335808344 \h 2Introduction PAGEREF _Toc335808345 \h 2Change Date PAGEREF _Toc335808346 \h 2a. Web Site for Government Forms PAGEREF _Toc335808347 \h 2b. Forms Available in Spanish PAGEREF _Toc335808348 \h 22. VA Publications and Pamphlets PAGEREF _Toc335808349 \h 4Introduction PAGEREF _Toc335808350 \h 4Change Date PAGEREF _Toc335808351 \h 4a. Recommended Publications and Pamphlets PAGEREF _Toc335808352 \h 43. Web-Based References PAGEREF _Toc335808353 \h 6Introduction PAGEREF _Toc335808354 \h 6Change Date PAGEREF _Toc335808355 \h 6a. Web-Based Reference Listing PAGEREF _Toc335808356 \h 64. Writing References PAGEREF _Toc335808357 \h 7Introduction PAGEREF _Toc335808358 \h 7Change Date PAGEREF _Toc335808359 \h 7a. Writing Reference Listing PAGEREF _Toc335808360 \h 7Chapter 8. Reference Information1. VA Forms PRIVATE INFOTYPE="OTHER" IntroductionThis topic contains information on VA forms and includes:the location of the website for procuring the forms, andforms available in SpanishChange DateInitial content load September 2012a. Web Site for Government FormsMost of the forms can be retrieved and printed from the following website: forms that cannot be found on the website may be procured from normal stocking points.b. Forms Available in SpanishThe following forms are available in Spanish and may be retrieved from the website:Form NumberForm Name (English)Form Name (Spanish)21-0510Eligibility Verification Report InstructionsInstrucciones Para El Reporte De Verificacion De Elegibilidad21-0512s-1Old Law and Section 306 Eligibility Verification Report (Surviving Spouse)Solicitud De Verificacion De Elegibilidad Pension Continued on next page1. VA Forms, Continuedb. Forms Available in Spanish (continued)Form NumberForm Name (English)Form Name (Spanish)21-0513-1Old Law and Section 306 Eligibility Verification ReportReporte De Verificacion Bajo La Vieja Ley Y Seccion 306 (Hijos Unicamente)21-0514-1DIC Parent's Eligibility Verification ReportReporte De Verificacion De Elegibilidad Para Padres - DIC21-0516-1Improved Pension Eligibility Verification Report (Veteran W/ No Children)Reporte Verificacion De Elegibilidad Para Pension Mejorada (Veterano Sin Hijos)21-0517-1Improved Pension Eligibility Verification Report (Veteran with Children)Reporte De Verificacion De Elegibilidad Para Pension Mejorada (Veterano Con Hijos)21-0518-1Improved Pension Eligibility Verification Report -Surviving Spouse w/no ChildrenReporte De Verificacion De Elegibilidad Para Pension Mejorada (Conyuge Sobreviviente Sin Hijos)21-0519c-1Improved Pension Eligibility Verification Report (Child or Children)Reporte De Verificacion De Elegibilidad Para Pension Mejorada (Hijo o Hijos)21P-8416Medical Expense ReportReporte De Gastos Medicos21-8782Letter to Inform Beneficiary That VA Has Not Received Their EVRLetter to Inform Beneficiary That VA Has Not Received Their EVR (Spanish Version) 2. VA Publications and Pamphlets PRIVATE INFOTYPE="OTHER" IntroductionThis topic contains a listing of VA publications and pamphlets available for distribution to the general public.Change DateInitial content load September 2012a. Recommended Publications and PamphletsThe following publications and pamphlets should be available for distribution to visitors:NumberNameCompensation and Pension21-00-1A Summary of VA Benefits21-03-1VA Benefits for Survivors21-08-1Benefits Delivery at Discharge (BDD)Federal Benefits for Veterans, Dependents, and SurvivorsEducation22-05-1Reserve Educational Assistance Program (REAP) – Chapter 160722-09-1The Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 200822-73-3Dependents’ Educational Assistance Program (DEA)22-79-1Summary of Educational Benefits Under the Post Vietnam Era Vet Educational Assistance Program22-90-2Summary of Educational Benefits Under the Montgomery GI Bill Active Duty Educational Assistance Program22-90-3Summary of Educational Benefits Under the Montgomery GI Bill Selected Reserve Educational Assistance Program Continued on next page2. VA Publications and Pamphlets, Continueda. Recommended Publications and Pamphlets (continued)NumberNameLoan Guaranty26-4VA Guaranteed Home Loans for Veterans26-6To the Home Buying Veteran26-71-1Q&A on Manufactured Home Loans for Veterans26-91-1A Quick Guide for Homebuyers and Real Estate ProfessionalsVocational Rehabilitation and Employment28-01-1Vocational Rehabilitation and EmploymentInsurance29-9Service Disabled Veterans’ Insurance RH Information and Premium Rates29-14Information About Waiver of Premiums29-77-3Facts About Beneficiary and Option DesignationsH29-98-1SGLI and VGLI Handbook 3. Web-Based References PRIVATE INFOTYPE="OTHER" IntroductionThis topic provides links to web based reference material.Change DateInitial content load September 2012a. Web-Based Reference ListingThe following table provides a listing, including the appropriate link, to web-based reference sites:LinkC&P Service Intranet Home PageBenefits Assistance ServiceCompensation & Pension Service -M21-1MR - Procedures ManualFacilities Locator & Leadership DirectoryRegional Office (ROs) - PCR Desk Reference - AlphabeticallyPublications Index (References)Compensation & Pension Service -User GuidesVeterans Benefits Reference System (VBRS)Benefit Assistance Service - Quality & TrainingPublic Contact Representatives (PCRs) Information - Alphabetically 4. Writing References PRIVATE INFOTYPE="OTHER" IntroductionThis topic provides a listing of web-based writing references.Change DateInitial content load September 2012a. Writing Reference ListingThe following table provides a listing, including the appropriate link, to web-based writing references:LinkRFW Links including:DictionariesGrammar ReferencesStyle GuidesThesaurusGeneral Writing GuidesTraining AidsWords and LanguageGPO Style Manual: Main PageStrunk's Elements of Style RABvAGMAVABlAG0AcAAxAFYAYQByAFQAcgBhAGQAaQB0AGkAbwBuAGEAbAA=










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