10-3 - Black


American Government 10.3 The Bureaucracy at Work

Drill: Deregulate & Whistleblower

Deregulate: term describes Congress’s act of reducing the powers of an agency Whistleblower: term refers to a person who reports wrongdoing by a federal agency


Students will summarize the advantages and disadvantages of the federal bureaucracy by taking notes, reading the information about The Bureaucracy at Work System and completing the section review.

I. Influencing Policy (pages 291–293)

A. Policy is the actions and decisions taken or not taken by the government.

B. Federal bureaucrats carry out policy made by the president and Congress.

C. The bureaucracy often determines what the law means.

II. Why the Bureaucracy Makes Policy (pages 293–295)

A. The growth of the bureaucracy mirrors the growth of the nation’s

population and rapid changes in technology.

B. Once created, government agencies almost never die.

III. Influencing Bureaucratic Decisions (pages 295–297)

A. Congress has an important influence over bureaucrats.

B. Congress can influence decision-making in federal agencies.

C. Congress’ main power over the bureaucracy is its control of agencies’ budgets.

Terms to know:

1. injunction: a court order that will stop a particular action

2. iron triangle: When agencies, congressional committees, and client groups continually work together

|Worksheet Answers |Data Interpretation Skills |

|1. A 6. B |1. The three departments use the majority of the federal budget. |

|2. D 7. C |2. Many of the weapons require expensive technology. Many of the “smart” bombs cost over $million|

|3. E 8. A |each. |

|4. B 9. D |The public demands that these departments provide the required services. |

|5. C 10. C | |

Summary: In today’s lesson, I learned how to summarize the advantages and disadvantages of the federal bureaucracy

Homework: Spoils System & Civil Service

Spoils system: the practice of elected politicians rewarding their followers with go jobs

Civil Service: the practice of government employment on the basis of open, competitive examinations and merit.

Name ____________________________________________Class ___________ Date______________


American Government 10.3 The Bureaucracy at Work

Terms to Know:


Iron triangle

Match each item in Column A with the items in Column B. Write the correct letters in the blanks.

|Column A |Column B |

|______1. reinventing government |A. President Clinton |

|______2. client group of agriculture |B. liaison officers |

|______3. Republican Congress |C. iron triangle |

|______4. cabinet department employees |D. farmers |

|______5. subgovernment |E. Contract with America |

In the blank at the left, write the letter of the choice that best completes the statement

______6. This law makes it possible for disabled workers to receive payments from the government.

A. Health and Welfare Act C. Veterans Affairs Act

B. Social Security Act D. Disabilities Act of 1978

______7. _______________________________ grew out of the Cold War.

A. Inflation C. NASA

B. The Department of Defense D. The Depression

______8. Congress has two major tools to influence decision making in federal agencies—

A. new legislation and the budget. C. lobbying and election money.

B. DEA and the FBI. D. contact with the people and the president.

______9. Heidi Landgraf is a famous

A. member of congress. C. FBI agent.

B. cabinet member. D. DEA agent.

______10. This is an example of an iron triangle.

A . president, Senate, House

B. executive, legislative, judicial branches Legion, and congressional committees

C. Department of Veterans’ Affairs, American

D. president, vice president, and cabinet

|Data Interpretation Skills |1 The outlays of the Departments of the Treasury, Health and Human |

|[pic] |Services, and Defense make up about what percent of the total |

| |outlays? |

| | |

| |2 Why do you think the outlays of the Defense Department are so |

| |large? |

| | |

| |3 Do you think the pattern of outlays shown on the chart correctly |

| |reflects national priorities? |

Summarize today’s lesson:


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