CS-1094 Computers and Society

CS-1094 Computers and Society

Spring 2004

Final Exam Study Sheet

Film: VC-1990 The world at your fingertips

What are some examples of how IT bugs can affect our daily lives?

What are some examples of how IT enhances daily life for some people?

What countries are using IT most effectively and how are they doing this?

CP 5,6 Online Relationships

Chapter 5: The myth of the unmarked net speaker

Would making the Internet available to school children in China ultimately have the effect of

strengthening human rights in that country? Explain why or why not.

Chapter 6: Digitizing and globalizing indigenous voices: the Zapatista movement

Who are the Zapatistas and how have they used the Internet to their advantage?

Presentation: Online relationships

Name two safety tips for online relationships.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of an online relationship?

Reading: A Rape in Cyberspace

Is it possible to harm another person in cyberspace by attacking them mentally (as in this article) rather

than physically? If so, what should the punishments be. If not, are there any circumstances when there

should there be speech restrictions online – why?

Virtual Communities

What are the differences between virtual and real communities?

How is a virtual community like and unlike a small town?

How is the Internet like and unlike a large city?

CS Unit 3: Computers in the workplace

Article 10: Brain circulation:

How does high-skilled immigration make everyone better off?

Article 11: The perils of e-mail

How is e-mail like “corporate DNA?”

Article 13: You’re hired, now go home

What are the advantages/disadvantages of telecommuting?

Article 14: Dealing with tech rage

What are some practical solutions to computer frustrations?

Article 15: They’re watching you

Do employees have any privacy rights in a workplace? Discuss employee monitoring

Presentation: Do we have more information than we can handle?

List the negative effects of information overload.

List the solutions and means of prevention of information overload.

Hackers film

According to the security expert on the film what three things must happen in order for our key

infrastructure to be protected?

Artificial intelligence

Do the ELIZA and Alice programs pass the Turing test? Why or why not?

Presentation: Why is privacy important?

What is a cookie?

List several ways you can effectively protect your privacy.

CS Unit 6: Risk and security

Article 30: Homeland Insecurity

What does the Parable of the Dirty Website tell us about computer security?

Article 31: Are You the Weak Link, Kevin D. Mitnick

Who is Kevin Mitnick and why is he important?

Article 32: Code Red for the Web

Compare Code Red to the current Sassar virus. Which was more lethal and why?

Article 33: Networking the Infrastructure

What does it mean for a technology to “fail badly”. Give an example.

What can be done to prevent technologies from “failing badly?”

Article 34: Will Spyware Work?

What are the major weaknesses of large-scale government surveillance technologies?

Article 35: The Shock of the Old

How can some old technologies outshine new information technologies?

Article 36: DATA Extinction

How does data extinction happen and how can it be prevented?

Presentation: Security issues

Why is the typical hacker, depicted as a young male, always caught?

Why is your average person likely to get a virus?

CS Unit 7: International issues

Article 37: Immigration and the Global IT Workforce

What is the economic impact of a shortage of IT workers?

Article 38: Wiring the Wilderness in Alaska and the Yukon

What strategies are being used to connect remote areas?

Article 39: The Quiet Revolution

What is the “quiet revolution” IT is bringing about in developing nations?

Article 40: Dot Com for Dictators

How might information technology strengthen a dictators grip?

How might it be used to weaken it more effectively than protest movements?

Article 41: ACM’s Computing Professionals face new challenges

What are the major challenges for computer professionals in the post-911 world?

Presentation: The “digital divide”

What is being done to bridge the digital divide?

What is the digital divide?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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