Content: English

Content: English |

Strand: Oral Language |

Grade: Three

| |

|Standard of Learning |National Information Literacy Standard |Essential Knowledge For Information |

| | |Literacy |

|Content Area |Standard 1 The student who is information|The student will select informational |

|3.2 The student will present brief oral |literate accesses information efficiently|sources at an appropriate level. |

|reports. |and effectively. | |

| | |The student will use information to share|

| |Standard 6 The student who is an |with others. |

| |independent learner is information | |

| |literate and strives for excellence in | |

| |information seeking and knowledge | |

| |generation. | |

|Computer/Technology | | |

|C/T 3-5.1 The student will demonstrate | | |

|knowledge of the nature and operation of | | |

|technology systems. | | |

| | | |

|Discuss common uses of computers in their daily| | |

|life and the advantages and disadvantages those| | |

|uses provide. | | |

| | | |

|Communicate about basic technology components | | |

|with appropriate terminology. | | |

|Information Retrieval Skills |

|The student will locate an item using the call number. |

|The student will use alphabetical arrangement to locate a subject in a set of general encyclopedias. |

|The student will identify and select resource materials and information on a given topic. |

|The student will recognize that information sources are available in a variety of formats. |

|Library Media Strategies Collaboration between the librarian and the teacher is essential for student academic achievement. |

|The librarian will review the Dewey Decimal System and call numbers. |

|The librarian will use KWL strategies to set purpose for reading and research. |

|The librarian will gather information from print and nonprint sources. |

|The librarian will use graphic organizers to map information. |

|Local Strategies |

| |

|Sample Project/Activity |

|The student will present information to a group or classmates, or share information by retelling a story. |

|Essential Question |

|Local Activities |

|Internet Safety |

|Internet safety can be addressed when students are using online resources for research. Remind students that they must follow the |

|division’s Acceptable Use Policy; and not all web sites contain truthful and accurate information. |

| |

|Guidelines and Resources for Internet Safety in Schools – see: |

| |

|Web-based Resources on Internet Safety in Schools –see: |

| |

|Technology Connection (from state plan) |

|The Educational Technology Plan for Virginia |

|Integration Goal 1 Target 9 Students routinely use technology in a variety of learning activities across the curriculum. |

|Technology Connection (division plan) |

| | | |

|Content: English |Strand: Reading |Grade: Three |

|Standard of Learning |National Information Literacy Standard |Essential Knowledge For Information |

| | |Literacy |

|Content Area |Standard 4 The student who is an |The student will select recreational and |

|3.4 The student will use strategies to read a |independent learner is information |informational sources at an appropriate |

|variety of fiction and nonfiction materials. |literate and pursues information related |level. |

| |to personal interests. | |

| | |The student will participate in a variety|

| |Standard 5 The student who is an |of experiences to increase appreciation |

| |independent learner is information |of literature. |

| |literate and appreciates literature and | |

| |other creative expressions of |The student will use appropriate |

| |information. |questioning skills to retrieve |

| | |information. |

|Computer/Technology | | |

|C/T 3-5.2 The student will demonstrate | | |

|proficiency in the use of technology. | | |

| | | |

|Use skills and procedures needed to operate | | |

|various technologies such as scanners, digital | | |

|cameras and hand-held computers. | | |

| | | |

|Identify basic software applications such as | | |

|word processing, databases, and spreadsheets. | | |

|Information Retrieval Skills |

|The student will recognize that information and recreational sources in a library/information center are arranged according to a |

|scientific system. |

|The student will locate an item by using the call number. |

|The student will identify and select resource materials and information on a given topic. |

|The student will recognize that information sources are available in a variety of formats. |

|Library Media Strategies-Collaboration between the librarian and the teacher is essential for student academic achievement. |

|The librarian will use KWL strategies to set purpose for reading and research. |

|The librarian will review keyword, subject, author and title searching to find information in the online catalog. |

|The librarian will demonstrate how to locate materials by Dewey Decimal call number, or fiction. |

|Local Strategies |

|Sample Project/Activity |

|The students will be given time to browse and check out fiction and nonfiction books. |

|The students will share their choices with classmates and teachers, and indicate whether they are fiction and/or nonfiction. |

|Essential Questions |

|Local Activities |

|Internet Safety |

|Internet safety can be addressed when students are using online resources for research. Remind students that they must follow the |

|division’s Acceptable Use Policy; and not all web sites contain truthful and accurate information. |

| |

|Guidelines and Resources for Internet Safety in Schools – see: |

| |

|Web-based Resources on Internet Safety in Schools –see: |

| |

|Technology Connection (from state plan) |

|The Educational Technology Plan for Virginia |

|Integration Goal 1 Target 9 Students routinely use technology in a variety of learning activities across the curriculum. |

|Technology Connection (division plan) |

| | | |

|Content: English |Strand: Reading |Grade: Three |

|Standard of Learning |National Information Literacy Standard |Essential Knowledge For Information |

| | |Literacy |

|Content Area |Standard 3 The student who is information|The student will select recreational and |

|3.5 The student will read and demonstrate |literate uses information accurately and |informational sources at an appropriate |

|comprehension of fiction. |creatively. |level. |

| | | |

| |Standard 5 The student who is an |The student will participate in a variety|

| |independent learner is information |of experiences to increase appreciation |

| |literate and appreciates literature and |of literature. |

| |other creative expressions of | |

| |information. | |

|Computer/Technology | | |

|C/T 3-5.5 The student will demonstrate | | |

|knowledge of technologies that support | | |

|collaboration, personal pursuits, and | | |

|productivity. | | |

| | | |

|Work collaboratively when using technology. | | |

| | | |

|Practice and communicate respect for people, | | |

|equipment, and resources. | | |

| | | |

|Understand how technology expands opportunities| | |

|for learning. | | |

|Information Retrieval Skills |

|The student will identify and differentiate between types of online catalog entries, including fiction, author, and title. |

|The student will locate an item by using the call number. |

|The student will recognize that information sources are available in a variety of formats. |

|Library Media Strategies Collaboration between the librarian and the teacher is essential for student academic achievement. |

|The librarian will use KWL strategies to determine knowledge of fairy tales and folk tales. |

|The librarian will introduce the characteristics of fairy tales and folk tales. |

|The librarian will select and read several different fairy tales and folk tales. |

|The librarian will discuss the characteristics of stories read. |

|Local Strategies |

|Sample Project/Activity |

|The students, in small groups, will compare fairy tales and folk tales by using a graphic organizer. |

|Student groups will present their charts to the whole class. |

|Essential Questions |

|Local Activities |

|Internet Safety |

|Technology Connection (from state plan) |

|The Educational Technology Plan for Virginia |

|Integration Goal 1 Target 9 Students routinely use technology in a variety of learning activities across the curriculum. |

|Technology Connection (division plan) |

| | | |

|Content: English |Strand: Reading |Grade: Three |

|Standard of Learning |National Information Literacy Standard |Essential Knowledge For Information |

| | |Literacy |

|Content Area |Standard 1 The student who is information|The student will select recreational and |

|3.7 The student will demonstrate comprehension |literate accesses information efficiently|informational sources appropriate to his |

|of information from a variety of print |and effectively. |level. |

|resources. | | |

| |Standard 4 The student who is an |The student will use appropriate |

| |independent learner is information |questioning skills to retrieve |

| |literate and pursues information related |information. |

| |to personal interests. | |

| | |The student will recognize the |

| | |availability of information from a |

| | |variety of community resources. |

|Computer/Technology | | |

|C/T 3-5.6 The student will use technology to | | |

|locate, evaluate, and collect information from | | |

|a variety of sources. | | |

| | | |

|Collect information from a variety of sources. | | |

| | | |

|Evaluate the accuracy of electronic information| | |

|sources. | | |

| | | |

|Enter data into databases and spreadsheets. | | |

|Information Retrieval Skills |

|The student will recognize that information and recreational sources in a library/information center are arranged according to a |

|scientific system. |

|The student will use alphabetical arrangement to locate a subject in a set of general encyclopedia. |

|The student will identify and select resource materials and information on a given topic. |

|The student will recognize that information sources are available in a variety of formats. |

|Library Media Strategies Collaboration between the librarian and the teacher is essential for student academic achievement. |

|The librarian will use KWL strategies to set purpose for reading and research. |

|The librarian will instruct students about keyword, subject, author and title searching to find information in electronic databases|

|and online catalog. |

|The librarian will assist students in locating articles in an online encyclopedia and a print encyclopedia. |

|Local Strategies |

|Sample Project/Activity |

|The students, either individually or in small groups, will locate or read brief articles using online and print encyclopedias on |

|topics of choice. |

|Essential Questions |

|Local Activities |

|Internet Safety |

|Internet safety can be addressed when students are using online resources for research. Remind students that they must follow the |

|division’s Acceptable Use Policy; and not all web sites contain truthful and accurate information. |

| |

|Guidelines and Resources for Internet Safety in Schools – see: |

| |

|Web-based Resources on Internet Safety in Schools –see: |

| |

|Technology Connection (from state plan) |

|The Educational Technology Plan for Virginia |

|Integration Goal 1 Target 10 Students will have information literacy skills. |

|Technology Connection (division plan) |

| | | |

|Content: English |Strand: Reading |Grade: Four |

|Standard of Learning |National Information Literacy Standard |Essential Knowledge For Information |

| | |Literacy |

|Content Area |Standard 1 The student who is information|The student will select recreational and |

|4.3 The student will read fiction and |literate accesses information efficiently|informational sources at an appropriate |

|nonfiction with fluency and accuracy. |and effectively. |level. |

| | | |

| |Standard 4 The student who is an |The student will use appropriate |

| |independent learner is information |questioning skills to retrieve |

| |literate and pursues information related |information. |

| |to personal interests. | |

|Computer/Technology | | |

|C/T 3-5.2 The student will demonstrate | | |

|proficiency in the use of technology. | | |

| | | |

|Use skills and procedures needed to operate | | |

|various technologies such as scanners, digital | | |

|cameras and hand-held computers. | | |

| | | |

|Identify basic software applications such as | | |

|word processing, databases, and spreadsheets. | | |

|Information Retrieval Skills |

|The student will define biography and locate a book in the biography section. |

|The student will locate information on a given topic from more than one source. |

|Library Media Strategies Collaboration between the librarian and the teacher is essential for student academic achievement. |

|The librarian will gather examples of biography and collective biography from print and online sources. |

|The librarian will instruct students on the characteristics and location of biographical sources. |

|The librarian will demonstrate the appropriate bibliographic citation to credit sources. |

|The librarian will instruct students to select and check out a biography. |

|Local Strategies |

|Sample Project/Activity |

|The student will check out, read, and create a fact sheet on a biography of choice. |

|Essential Questions |

|Local Activities |

|Internet Safety |

|Internet safety can be addressed when students are using online resources for research. Remind students that they must follow the |

|division’s Acceptable Use Policy; and not all web sites contain truthful and accurate information. |

| |

|Guidelines and Resources for Internet Safety in Schools – see: |

| |

|Web-based Resources on Internet Safety in Schools –see: |

| |

|Technology Connection (from state plan) |

|The Educational Technology Plan for Virginia |

|Integration Goal 1 Target 10 Students will have information literacy skills. |

|Technology Connection (division plan) |

| | | |

|Content: English |Strand: Reading |Grade: Four |

|Standard of Learning |National Information Literacy Standard |Essential Knowledge For Information |

| | |Literacy |

|Content Area |Standard 3 The student who is information|The student will select recreational and |

|4.4 The student will read and demonstrate |literate uses information accurately and |informational sources at an appropriate |

|comprehension of fiction. |creatively. |level. |

| | | |

| |Standard 5 The student who is an |The student will participate in a variety|

| |independent learner is information |of experiences to increase appreciation |

| |literate and appreciates literature and |of literature. |

| |other creative expressions of | |

| |information. |The student will use appropriate |

| | |questioning skills to retrieve |

| | |information. |

|Computer/Technology | | |

|C/T 3-5.3 The student will demonstrate | | |

|knowledge of ethical, cultural, and societal | | |

|issues related to technology. | | |

| | | |

|Identify how technology has changed society in | | |

|areas such as communications, transportation, | | |

|and the economy. | | |

| | | |

|Discuss ethical behaviors when using | | |

|information and technology. | | |

|Information Retrieval Skills |

|The student will identify a folk tale, a myth, and a tall tale. |

|The student will be able to locate folk tales, myths, and tall tales in an online catalog, and locate them in the library. |

|Library Media Strategies Collaboration between the librarian and the teacher is essential for student academic achievement. |

|The librarian will collaborate with the classroom teacher to identify a unit product for this set of literature lessons. |

|The librarian will use KWL strategies to set purpose for reading and research with students. |

|The librarian over several sessions will instruct students on the characteristics of folk tales, myths, and tall tales. |

|The librarian will read examples of folk tales, myths, and tall tales. |

|The librarian will demonstrate locating the genres by Dewey Decimal number in the online catalog. |

|Local Strategies |

|Sample Project/Activity |

|The class will be divided into small groups and assigned one type of story: folk tale, myth, or fairy tale. |

|Groups will work together to create a Reader’s Theatre presentation of their favorite example of folk tale, myth or tall tale. |

|Essential Questions |

|Local Activities |

|Internet Safety |

|Technology Connection (from state plan) |

|The Educational Technology Plan for Virginia |

|Integration Goal 1 Target 9 Students routinely use technology in a variety of learning activities across the curriculum. |

|Technology Connection (division plan) |

| | | |

|Content: English |Strand: Reading |Grade: Four |

|Standard of Learning |National Information Literacy Standard |Essential Knowledge For Information |

| | |Literacy |

|Content Area |Standard 6 The student who is an |The student will recognize the |

|4.5 The student will read and demonstrate |independent learner is information |availability of information from a |

|comprehension of nonfiction. |literate and strives for excellence in |variety of community resources. |

| |information seeking and knowledge | |

| |generation. |The student will demonstrate an |

| | |understanding of the ownership of ideas. |

| |Standard 7 The student who contributes | |

| |positively to the learning community and | |

| |to society is information literate and | |

| |recognizes the importance of information | |

| |to a democratic society. | |

|Computer/Technology | | |

|C/T 3-5.1 The student will demonstrate | | |

|knowledge of the nature and operation of | | |

|technology systems. | | |

| | | |

|Discuss common uses of computers in their daily| | |

|life and the advantages and disadvantages those| | |

|uses provide. | | |

| | | |

|Communicate about basic technology components | | |

|with appropriate terminology. | | |

|Information Retrieval Skills |

|The student will define the various types of nonfiction and the appropriate call numbers. |

|The student will recognize the difference between fiction and nonfiction materials. |

|The student will locate information on a given topic from more than one source. |

|Library Media Strategies Collaboration between the librarian and the teacher is essential for student academic achievement. |

|The librarian will use appropriate questioning skills to assist students in locating information from a variety of resources. |

|The librarian will use KWL strategies to set purpose for reading and research. |

|The librarian will use table of contents, glossary, index, guidewords, and graphics within the selected materials. |

|Local Strategies |

|Sample Project/Activity |

|The student will select a nonfiction book about a famous person or historical event. |

|Essential Questions |

|Local Activities |

|Internet Safety |

|Internet safety can be addressed when students are using online resources for research. Remind students that they must follow the |

|division’s Acceptable Use Policy; and not all web sites contain truthful and accurate information. |

| |

|Guidelines and Resources for Internet Safety in Schools – see: |

| |

|Web-based Resources on Internet Safety in Schools –see: |

| |

|Technology Connection (from state plan) |

|The Educational Technology Plan for Virginia |

|Integration Goal 1Target 10 Students will have information literacy skills. |

|Accountability Goal 1 Target 4 Technology-rich environments and effective technology-based instructional strategies support student|

|learning. |

|Technology Connection (division plan) |

| | | |

|Content: English |Strand: Reading |Grade: Four |

|Standard of Learning |National Information Literacy Standard |Essential Knowledge For Information |

| | |Literacy |

|Content Area |Standard 4 The student who is an |The student will select recreational and |

|4.6 The student will demonstrate comprehension |independent learner is information |informational sources appropriate to his |

|of information resources to research a topic. |literate and pursues information related |level. |

| |to personal interests. | |

| | |The student will use appropriate |

| |Standard 7 The student who contributes |questioning skills to retrieve |

| |positively to the learning community and |information. |

| |to society is information literate and | |

| |recognizes the importance of information |The student will recognize the |

| |to a democratic society. |availability of information from a |

| | |variety of community resources. |

|Computer/Technology | | |

|C/T 3-5.6 The student will use technology to | | |

|locate, evaluate, and collect information from | | |

|a variety of sources. | | |

| | | |

|Collect information from a variety of sources. | | |

| | | |

|Evaluate the accuracy of electronic information| | |

|sources. | | |

| | | |

|Enter data into databases and spreadsheets. | | |

|Information Retrieval Skills |

|The student will locate books in the reference section. |

|The student will locate information using maps, tables, and graphs. |

|The student will locate information on a given topic from more than one source. |

|The student will recognize the importance of expressing information in his/her own words. |

|Library Media Strategies Collaboration between the librarian and the teacher is essential for student academic achievement. |

|The librarian will instruct students on appropriate questioning skills to solve problems. |

|The librarian will demonstrate using the appropriate bibliographic citation to credit sources. |

|The librarian will instruct students on the use of print and electronic resources to locate charts, graphs and tables. |

|The librarian will use table of contents, glossary, index, guidewords, and graphics within the selected materials when |

|demonstrating to students. |

|Local Strategies |

|Sample Project/Activity |

|The student will use two sources to find and take notes on a person or event in history. |

|Essential Questions |

|Local Activities |

|Internet Safety |

|Internet safety can be addressed when students are using online resources for research. Remind students that they must follow the |

|division’s Acceptable Use Policy; and not all web sites contain truthful and accurate information. |

| |

|Guidelines and Resources for Internet Safety in Schools – see: |

| |

|Web-based Resources on Internet Safety in Schools –see: |

| |

|Technology Connection (division plan) |

| | | |

|Content: English |Strand: Oral Language |Grade: Five |

|Standard of Learning |National Information Literacy Standard |Essential Knowledge For Information |

| | |Literacy |

|Content Area |Standard 3 The student who is information|The student will select recreational and |

|5.3 The student will make planned oral |literate uses information accurately and |informational sources appropriate to his |

|presentations. |creatively. |level. |

| | | |

| |Standard 7 The student who contributes |The student will use appropriate |

| |positively to the learning community and |questioning skills to retrieve |

| |to society is information literate and |information. |

| |recognizes the importance of information | |

| |to a democratic society. | |

|Computer/Technology | | |

|C/T 3-5.8 The student will use a variety of | | |

|media and formats to communicate information | | |

|and ideas effectively to multiple audiences. | | |

| | | |

|Produce documents demonstrating the ability to | | |

|edit, reformat, and integrate various software | | |

|tools. | | |

| | | |

|Use technology tools for individual and | | |

|collaborative writing, communication, and | | |

|publishing activities. | | |

| | | |

|Use telecommunication tools to communicate and | | |

|share information with others. | | |

|Information Retrieval Skills |

|The student will synthesize information on a given topic from more than one source. |

|The student will choose and be able to operate appropriate equipment needed to use nonprint materials. |

|Library Media Strategies Collaboration between the librarian and the teacher is essential for student academic achievement. |

|The librarian will use KWL strategies to set purpose for reading and research. |

|The librarian will use keyword, subject, author and title searching to find information in electronic databases and online catalog.|

|The librarian will locate materials by Dewey Decimal call number. |

|The librarian will use graphic organizers to map information. |

|Local Strategies |

|Sample Project/Activity |

|The student will research, create and deliver a multimedia presentation to classmates. |

|Essential Questions |

|Local Activities |

|Internet Safety |

|Internet safety can be addressed when students are using online resources for research. Remind students that they must follow the |

|division’s Acceptable Use Policy; and not all web sites contain truthful and accurate information. |

| |

|Guidelines and Resources for Internet Safety in Schools – see: |

| |

|Web-based Resources on Internet Safety in Schools –see: |

| |

|Technology Connection (from state plan) |

|The State Technology Plan of Virginia |

|Integration Goal 1 Target 4 Technology integration partnerships are established among educational technology stakeholders. |

|Integration Goal 1 Target 11 Student learning and achievements will be enhanced through the effective integration of technology. |

|Technology Connection (division plan) |

| | | |

|Content: English |Strand: Reading |Grade: Five |

|Standard of Learning |National Information Literacy Standard |Essential Knowledge For Information |

| | |Literacy |

|Content Area |Standard 2 The student who is information|The student will select recreational and |

|5.5 The student will read and demonstrate |literate evaluates information critically|informational sources appropriate to his |

|comprehension of fiction. |and competently. |level. |

| | | |

| |Standard 5 The student who is an |The student will participate in a variety|

| |independent learner is information |of experiences to increase appreciation |

| |literate and appreciates literature and |of literature. |

| |other creative expressions of | |

| |information. | |

|Computer/Technology | | |

|C/T 3-5.2 The student will demonstrate | | |

|proficiency in the use of technology. | | |

| | | |

|Use skills and procedures needed to operate | | |

|various technologies such as scanners, digital | | |

|cameras and hand-held computers. | | |

| | | |

|Identify basic software applications such as | | |

|word processing, databases, and spreadsheets. | | |

|Information Retrieval Skills |

|The student will develop an appreciation of literature. |

|The student will prepare a variety of media production activities. |

|Library Media Strategies Collaboration between the librarian and the teacher is essential for student academic achievement. |

|The librarian will describe the relationship between text and previously read materials. |

|The librarian will use KWL strategies to set purpose for reading and research. |

|The librarian will describe the development of plot and explain how conflicts are resolved. |

|The librarian will demonstrate how to synthesize information on a given topic from more than one source. |

|Local Strategies |

|Sample Project/Activity |

|The student will write a five-sentence summary of a book. |

|Essential Questions |

|Local Activities |

|Internet Safety |

|Technology Connection (from state plan) |

|The State Technology Plan of Virginia |

|Integration Goal 1 Target 11 Student learning and achievement will be enhanced through the effective integration of technology. |

|Technology Connection (division plan) |

| | | |

|Content: English |Strand: Reading |Grade: Five |

|Standard of Learning |National Information Literacy Standard |Essential Knowledge For Information |

| | |Literacy |

|Content Area |Standard 1 The student who is information|The student will use appropriate |

|5.6 The student will read and demonstrate |literate accesses information efficiently|questioning skills to retrieve |

|comprehension of nonfiction. |and effectively. |information. |

| | | |

| |Standard 4 The student who is an |The student will recognize the |

| |independent learner is information |availability of information from a |

| |literate and pursues information related |variety of community resources. |

| |to personal interests. | |

|Computer/Technology | | |

|C/T 3-5.3 The student will demonstrate | | |

|knowledge of ethical, cultural, and societal | | |

|issues related to technology. | | |

| | | |

|Identify how technology has changed society in | | |

|areas such as communications, transportation, | | |

|and the economy. | | |

| | | |

|Discuss ethical behaviors when using | | |

|information and technology. | | |

|Information Retrieval Skills |

|The student will synthesize information on a given topic from more than one source. |

|The student will identify special dictionaries. |

|The student will locate information in an almanac, thesaurus, and atlas. |

|The student will identify different reference sources and select the most appropriate one for a specific purpose. |

|Library Media Strategies Collaboration between the librarian and the teacher is essential for student academic achievement. |

|The librarian will use appropriate questioning skills to solve problems. |

|The librarian will use ethical behavior in regard to information and information technology. |

|The librarian will use the appropriate bibliographic citation to credit sources. |

|Local Strategies |

|Sample Project/Activity |

|The student will select a nonfiction book and create an electronic book report. |

|Essential Questions |

|Local Activities |

|Internet Safety |

|Internet safety can be addressed when students are using online resources for research. Remind students that they must follow the |

|division’s Acceptable Use Policy; and not all web sites contain truthful and accurate information. |

| |

|Guidelines and Resources for Internet Safety in Schools – see: |

| |

|Web-based Resources on Internet Safety in Schools –see: |

| |

|Technology Connection (from state plan) |

|The State Technology Plan of Virginia |

|Integration Goal 1 Target 5 Teachers effectively integrate instructional technology. |

|Integration Goal 1 Target 11 Student learning and achievement will be enhanced through the effective integration of technology. |

|Technology Connection (division plan) |

| | | |

|Content: English |Strand: Reading |Grade: Five |

|Standard of Learning |National Information Literacy Standard |Essential Knowledge For Information |

| | |Literacy |

|Content Area |Standard 7 The student who contributes |The student will select recreational and |

|5.7 The student will demonstrate comprehension |positively to the learning community and |informational sources appropriate to his |

|of information from a variety of print |to society is information literate and |level. |

|resources. |recognizes the importance of information | |

| |to a democratic society. |The student will use appropriate |

| | |questioning skills to retrieve |

| |Standard 8 The student who contributes |information. |

| |positively to the learning community and | |

| |to society is information literate and |The student will demonstrate an |

| |practices ethical behavior in regard to |understanding of the ownership of ideas. |

| |information and information technology. | |

|Computer/Technology | | |

|C/T 3-5.6 The student will use technology to | | |

|locate, evaluate, and collect information from | | |

|a variety of sources. | | |

| | | |

|Collect information from a variety of sources. | | |

| | | |

|Evaluate the accuracy of electronic information| | |

|sources. | | |

| | | |

|Enter data into databases and spreadsheets. | | |

|Information Retrieval Skills |

|The student will synthesize information on a given topic from more than one source. |

|The student will locate information in an almanac, thesaurus, and atlas. |

|The student will identify different reference sources and select the most appropriate one for a specific purpose. |

|Library Media Strategies Collaboration between the librarian and the teacher is essential for student academic achievement. |

|The librarian will use KWL strategies to set purpose for reading and research. |

|The librarian will gather information from print and nonprint sources. |

|The librarian will use graphic organizers. |

|The librarian will use maps, charts, graphs and tables to interpret data. |

|Local Strategies |

|Sample Project/Activity |

|The students will use two sources to find and take notes on a person or event in history. |

|Essential Questions |

|Local Activities |

|Internet Safety |

|Internet safety can be addressed when students are using online resources for research. Remind students that they must follow the |

|division’s Acceptable Use Policy; and not all web sites contain truthful and accurate information. |

| |

|Guidelines and Resources for Internet Safety in Schools – see: |

| |

|Web-based Resources on Internet Safety in Schools –see: |

| |

|Technology Connection (from state plan) |

|The State Technology Plan of Virginia |

|Integration Goal 1Target 12 Student learning and achievement will be enhanced through the use of advanced technologies. |

|Connectivity Goal 4 Target 2 School divisions maintain an up-to-date Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) and effectively use |

|network-filtering solutions. |

|Technology Connection (division plan) |


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