Exam 1 10th Ed - Jeff Anderson

FAMLF 131 Exam 1 Review--Chapters 1 - 6

____ 1. ____ relationships are characterized by intense intellectual, emotional, and when appropriate, physical communion.

____ 2. Cox suggests that intimacy allows us to

____ 3. Cox believes that it is important to discuss ideals because they give us

____ 4. Discovering the strengths of enduring intimate relationships may enable us to

____ 5. Vera and David Mace believe that the quality of life in our communities is determined, in part, by

____ 6. Strong families are committed to

____ 7. Stinnett and DeFrain found that a strong value system is most often expressed as

____ 8. When confronted by a crisis, strong families tend to

____ 9. The United Nations has proclaimed The International Year of the Family every ten years based on the idea that

____ 10. About ____ percent of Americans will marry and establish a family at some point in their lives.

____ 11. The process that enables us to develop a value system to guide our decisions is called

____ 12. Lack of confidence and negative self-image may result from growing up in a/an

____ 13. People who make choices by default tend to

____ 14. Systems theory focuses on

____ 15. Cox believes that the best way to strengthen the family is to

____ 16. According to the Census Bureau, a family is a collection of people who

____ 17. Ivan Beutler suggests that any definition of the family must include a discussion of

____ 18. Which of the following family functions appears to cause Americans the most trouble?

____ 19. According to Cox, the term used to adequately describe the remarried family is

____ 20. In some states, living together for a lengthy time without having a legal marriage ceremony is called

____ 21. In the paternalistic authority pattern, authority is vested in the

____ 22. In the maternalistic authority pattern, authority is vested in

____ 23. In egalitarian relationships

____ 24. The reasons for America's remarkable tolerance of multiple forms of intimate relationships are mainly

____ 25. The divorce rate in a given year is about

____ 26. Families are compared to "shock absorbers" because they

____ 27. The family is a "hothouse" of intimacy because of

____ 28. In intimate relationships, feelings of security and self-esteem lead to

____ 29. Studies of well-being indices indicate that married men and women are

____ 30. In Biddle's theory of intimacy, self-disclosure leads to

____ 31. The term Kieffer uses to describe a person's involvement in several intimate relationships of varying intensity is

____ 32. The main avenue for socialization of young children is

____ 33. Cox attributes sociopathic behavior to

____ 34. The most significant models for young children are

____ 35. The typical American marries for

____ 36. According to John Crosby, the notion that romantic love should lead to marriage is a

____ 37. Fromm uses the term pair-bonded to describe people who share

____ 38. Lawrence Casler attributes the development of love to the human need for

____ 39. The sequences that indicates the proper order of the stages in the wheel theory of love is

____ 40. The phrase "falling in love with love" means that we have a tendency to fall in love with

____ 41. Cox believes that the most important prerequisite for true love is

____ 42. Love's "double cross" occurs when

____ 43. According to the principle of least interest, the person with the most power in a relationship is the person who is

____ 44. According to Cox, the opposite of love is

____ 45. A child who is deprived of physical contact may eventually have a difficult time

____ 46. In many respects, children act in a neuter way until they are about

____ 47. "Authentic love" is a mixture of

____ 48. The mass media's emphasis on sex has led many Americans to equate sex with

____ 49. Amitai Etzioni believes that one of the main obstacles to an enduring love relationship is

____ 50. Passionate love loses its selfish element when it is transformed into

____ 51. Margaret Mead argued that jealousy records the degree of the lover's

____ 52. Some people believe that women are the "stronger sex" because they are

____ 53. Whether one is male or female is biologically determined but gender roles are

____ 54. The correct term for the masculine or feminine image that we have of ourselves is

____ 55. Role conflict occurs because

____ 56. Family functioning is disrupted when roles and norms are

____ 57. Basically, the sex of a child is determined by

____ 58. Parents are most likely to tell girls to be

____ 59. Parents are more likely to tell boys to be

____ 60. The belief that gender roles are essentially inborn is called

____ 61. The belief that gender roles are determined by environmental factors is consistent with

____ 62. Reducing role rigidity and stereotyping will

____ 63. The belief that roles should be filled on the basis of individual strengths and weaknesses is called

____ 64. A person who has both masculine and feminine traits is

____ 65. In sociological terms the traditional masculine character traits are labeled

____ 66. In sociological terms the traditional feminine character traits are labeled

____ 67. The disadvantages of the female role arise mainly from

____ 68. The main disadvantages of the male role are

____ 69. The feminization of poverty thesis argues that the ranks of the poor are being filled by

____ 70. A traditional marriage based on stereotypical roles will work if

____ 71. Every human relationship is based on

____ 72. Compared to unhappy couples, successful couples spend more time

____ 73. Cox suggests that conflict-free marriages are

____ 74. Unexpressed dissatisfaction tends to

____ 75. Spouses show a lack of respect and appreciation when they express

____ 76. Communication will be most urgent when the intention is to

____ 77. Cox believes that negative thoughts should be communicated

____ 78. The three foundation blocks of successful communication are

____ 79. The most satisfying type of marriage is the

____ 80. The communication skill that enables a person to express his/her feelings while remaining aware of the feelings of others is called

____ 81. The term Cox uses to describe an individual who expresses his feelings without recognizing the needs of other people is

____ 82. The most ineffective statements in intimate relationships are

____ 83. A person can reduce defensiveness and resistance in a conversation by using

____ 84. ____ occurs when the listener understands the speaker and feels his nonverbal communication.

____ 85. Body language communicates

____ 86. The key concept in a man's language world is

____ 87. The key concept in a woman's language world is

____ 88. Perhaps the characteristic of mate selection in America that most distinguishes it from the rest of the world is that it is

____ 89. It is difficult to describe a common American dating pattern because young people's interactions have become more

____ 90. One of the main benefits of group dating is that it

____ 91. Older couples who marry after a long period of singleness may discover that

____ 92. Marrying late in life has been linked to

____ 93. The majority of teenagers who have engaged in premarital intercourse report that

____ 94. Cox believes that the best way to teach young people responsible sexual behavior is to

____ 95. In a recent survey of community college students, ninety percent of the respondents who were against premarital sex indicated that their beliefs were influenced by

____ 96. Misunderstandings about sex tend to be more common when

____ 97. The term used to describe a situation where a couple lives together without being married is

____ 98. When compared to noncohabiting couples, couples who cohabit before marriage tend to have

____ 99. The tendency for first impressions to influence subsequent judgments is called

____ 100. Cox believes that short engagements don't give couples much insight into


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