Effects of School Uniform on Student’s Achievement ...

Effects of School Uniform on Student's Achievement, Behaviour, and Attendance in Government School of Odisha: A Case Study of Sundergarh District

A Dissertation Submitted to the Department of Humanities and social sciences,

National Institute of Technology, Rourkela For the partial fulfilment of Degree of

MASTER OF ARTS IN DEVELOPMENT STUDIES Submitted by: Deepti Agarwal Roll No: 413HS1003 Under the supervision of


Department of Humanities and Social Science, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela

May 2015


Dr. Mantu Kumar Mahalik Department of Humanities and Social Sciences National Institute of Technology (NIT), Rourkela Rourkela-769008, Odisha


This is to certify that the dissertation entitled, "Effects OF School Uniform on Student's Achievement, Behaviour, and Attendance in Government School of Odisha: A Case Study of Sundergarh District" submitted by ,,Deepti Agarwal in partial fulfilment for the requirement of the award of Master of Arts in Development Studies at National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, is an authentic work carried out by her under my supervision and guidance. To the best of my knowledge, the matter embodied in the dissertation has not been submitted to any other university/ institute for the award of any degree or diploma.

Dr. Mantu Kumar Mahalik (Research Supervisor)



I would like to express my s incere gratitude to my projec t super viso r Dr. Mantu Kumar Mahalik Ass ista nt Professor, Departme nt o f Huma nities a nd Socia l Sc ie nces, Natio na l Institute o f Tec hno lo gy, Ro urke la for his guida nce in wr iting this d issertatio n. I a m tha nk ful to him for devoting his time and stimulating disc uss io ns in sp ite of his b us y sc hed ule. I a lso conve y my gratitude to the othe r fac ulty me mbers for the ir inp uts that e nab le me to understa nd the area o f my stud y in depth. I a m a lso tha nk ful to a ll my c lass mates and my friend priyanka, my mother for the ir he lp. I express my s incere gratitude to a ll the school members who he lped me in co llecting the data witho ut whose suppor t my work wo uld not ha ve see n the light o f the da y.

Deepti Agarwal



Sl. No Contents of the Study 0.0 Certificate 0.0 Acknowledgement 0.0 Abstract of the Study 1.0. Chapter1: Background of the Study 1.1. Introduction 1.2. An Overview of Brief Existing Studies 1.3. Organization of the Present Study 2.0. Chapter 2: Literature Review 2.1. Introduction 2.2. Statement of the Problem 2.3. Research Questions of the Study 2.4. Objectives of the Present Study 2.5. Discussion of Methods 3.0. Chapter 3: Results and Discussion 3.1. Introduction 3.2. Result analysis 4.0. Chapter 4: Summary and Findings 4.1. Introduction 4.2. Findings 4.3. Major Findings 5.0 References

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Mandatory public school uniform practice has been the primary focus in the recent educational policy of both developed and developing countries. Proponents of such reform emphasize the advantage and disadvantage of student uniforms on specific behavioural and academic outcomes. School uniforms are supposed to help stop issues of cliques, prevent gangs from forming and help students concentrate on their studies. Enabling a dress code helps to boost the students' etiquette and marks. Numerous school districts have embraced school uniforms as an innovative step to add on to safety and reduce aberration in the schools. The consequence of school uniforms allowed added security, a reduction in peer pressure, and an overall decline of diversion. Students should be ignorant of the social evils like money and class system, and this is what school uniforms focus on. This research thesis examined the impact of school uniform on student behaviour, investigated the effect of school uniform on student attendance, and to examine the effect of school uniform on student's achievement and attendance. This study attempts to ex amine the Effects of School Uniform on Student's Achievement, Behaviour, and Attendance in Government School of Odisha: A Case Study of Sundargarh District". This study focuses on the functioning of the school children after wearing school uniform.



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