Understanding By Design Lesson Template

Unit 1: Entrepreneurship, Business Plan, Economics

Business Management: Virtual Enterprise

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|How to Guide What is UbD? **Hold “CTRL” down and click with Mouse to access all links. |

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|Unit Title: Entrepreneurship Grade Level: 11-12 |

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|Subject/Topic Area(s): Differentiating the Organization and Characteristics of Business and Examining Economic Factors Affecting Business |

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|Key Words: Under Stage 1, Please see “Know” section |

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|Designed By: Anne P. Graefin Adelmann Time Frame: x Blocks |

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|School District: Virginia Beach City Public Schools School: Tallwood High School |

|Brief Summary of Unit (including curricular context and unit goals): |

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|This unit seeks to introduce students to Entrepreneurship, the Economy, and how the two are related. Through this unit, students will choose |

|the company that they will run for the year based on economic factors. Additionally, through this unit students will interview and be hired |

|into that company. |

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|Unit Design Status: |

|Completed Template Pages – Stage 1, 2, and 3 |

|Completed Blueprint for each performance task |

|Completed Rubric(s) Directions to students and teachers |

|Materials and resources listed |

|Suggested Accommodations Suggested Extensions |

|Status: |

|Initial Draft (Date: ) Revised Draft (Date: ) |

|Peer Reviewed Content Reviewed |

|Field Tested Validated |

|Anchored |

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|What Are the Curriculum Connections? |

|Conceptual Lens |Grade Level |Unit Theme |

|Entrepreneur |11-12 |“What Business Should We Run?” |

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|Stage 1: Identify Desired Results |

|What is the Backward Design Process? Stage 1 of the Process |

|Established Goals: |

| |

|Differentiating the Organization and Characteristics of Business |

|BUS6135.007 Compare the characteristics of different types of business ownership and organization in both service-based and product-based |

|businesses. |

|BUS6135.008 Explain the risks and rewards of entrepreneurship through a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis. |

|BUS6135.009 Describe current and emerging trends in business. |

|BUS6135.010 Describe the impact of demographic issues on business. |

|BUS6135.011 Identify current laws and regulations affecting the establishment and operation of businesses. |

|BUS6135.012 Describe the effect of a global marketplace on business. |

|BUS6135.013 Analyze business plan development. |

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|Examining Economic Factors Affecting Business |

|BUS6135.014 Identify basic micro and macro economic concepts (i.e., supply and demand, leading economic indicators, business cycle, and |

|economic cycle). |

|BUS6135.015 Compare economic systems, free markets, and economic-political systems. |

|BUS6135.016 Explain how economic growth can be promoted and how data can be interpreted and measured. |

|BUS6135.017 Analyze causes and solutions for basic challenges in various economic-political systems. |

| |

|BUS6135.002 Explain the risks and rewards of entrepreneurship through a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis. |

|BUS6135.036 Illustrate the impact of environmental issues on business. |

|BUS6135.056 Examine communication barriers and ways to eliminate them. |

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|Related Standards of Learning: |

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|English 11.4 (BUS6135.011) |

|The student will read and analyze a variety of informational materials. |

|Use information from texts to clarify or refine understanding of academic concepts. |

|Read and follow directions to complete an application for college admission, for a scholarship, or for employment. |

|Apply concepts and use vocabulary in informational and technical materials to complete a task. |

|Generalize ideas from selections to make predictions about other texts. |

|analyze information from a text to draw conclusions. |

| |

|History and Social Science GOVT.14 (BUS6135.017) |

|The student will demonstrate knowledge of economic systems by |

|identifying the basic economic questions encountered by all economic systems; |

|comparing the characteristics of free market, command, and mixed economies, as described by Adam Smith and Karl Marx; |

|evaluating the impact of the government's role in the economy on individual economic freedoms; |

|explaining the relationship between economic freedom and political freedom; |

|examining productivity and the standard of living as measured by key economic indicators. |

| |

|History and Social Science GOVT.15 (BUS6135.007, .008, .009, .012, .014, .015) |

|The student will demonstrate knowledge of the United States market economy by |

|assessing the importance of entrepreneurship, the profit motive, and economic independence to the promotion of economic growth; |

|comparing types of business organizations; |

|describing the factors of production; |

|explaining the interaction of supply and demand; |

|illustrating the circular flow of economic activity; |

|analyzing global economic trends, with emphasis on the impact of technological innovations. |

| |

|“The Six Facets of Understanding” “Enduring Understandings” |

|What understandings are desired? Students will understand that: |

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|Overall: The business world is constantly changing: you have three options: 1: fall behind, 2: keep pace, or 3: innovate and lead. |

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|“Essential Questions” |

|What essential questions will be considered? |

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|Overall: Why is understanding global issues, trends, competitors, and customers so important and why do many companies fail at this? |

|Link to “Enabling Knowledge and Skills” |

|What key knowledge and skills with students acquire as a result of this unit? |

|Students will know: |Students will be able to do: |

| |

|Stage 2: Determine Acceptable Evidence |

|Link to Summative Assessments Link to G.R.A.S.P.S. Form Link to Types of Assessment |

|Performance Tasks* (Summary in G.R.A.S.P.S. form): |

|What evidence will show that students understand? |

|*Complete a Performance Task Blueprint for each task (next page). |

|Link to Types of Assessment |

|Other Evidence (quizzes, test, prompts, observations, dialogues, work samples, |

|Etc.): |

|Student Self-Assessment and Reflection: |

Entrepreneurship and the Economy Unit

Business Plan Unit

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|9/1 | |9/2 |A/1 |9/3 |

|9/8 |A/3 |9/9 |B |9/10 |

|9/15 |B |9/16 |A/6 |9/17 |

|9/22 |A/8 |9/23 |B |9/24 |

|9/29 |B |9/30 |A/11 |10/1 |

|10/6 |A/13 |10/7 |B |10/8 |

|10/13 |B |10/14 |A/16 |10/15 |

|10/20 |A/18 |10/21 |B |10/22 |

|10/27 |B |10/28 |A/21 |10/29 |

|11/3 | |11/4 | |11/5 |

Unit: Entrepreneurship

Daily Lesson Plan for: Virtual Enterprise Block: 2A & 3A Date: (A1)

|Objectives: (By the end of the block the student will be able to…) |From Calendar: |

|The student will be able to explain what “Virtual Enterprise” is. |What is VE? |

|The student will brainstorm risks and benefits of being an entrepreneur and then check those against the |Brief intro in Entrepreneurship |

|text book. |Are you an Entrepreneur? |

|The student will understand how FBLA is beneficial to them. |HW: three business ideas |

|The student will classify and organize characteristics and skills of entrepreneurs and rate themselves on |following 5 questions |

|those characteristics and skills. | |

| | |

|BUS6135.36.004 Identify the purposes and goals of the student organization. | |

|BUS6135.36.005 Explain the benefits and responsibilities of membership in the student organization as a | |

|student and in professional/civic organizations as an adult. | |

|BUS6135.36.008 Explain the risks and rewards of entrepreneurship through a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, | |

|opportunities, threats) analysis. | |

|BUS6135.36.021 Compare self-assessment of personal traits with those common to effective managers in various| |

|work environments and cultures. | |

|Related SOLs: |

|History and Social Science GOVT.15 |

|The student will demonstrate knowledge of economic systems by |

|identifying the basic economic questions encountered by all economic systems; |

|comparing the characteristics of free market, command, and mixed economies, as described by Adam Smith and Karl Marx; |

|evaluating the impact of the government's role in the economy on individual economic freedoms; |

|explaining the relationship between economic freedom and political freedom; |

|examining productivity and the standard of living as measured by key economic indicators. |

|Hook: You will run this class… show the NY VE Video |

|Pacing: |Learning Experiences and Instruction: (Procedures) |Strategies: |

|5 min |Warm-up: 1. What is Virtual Enterprise? 2. What is an entrepreneur? 3. How do you know if |Pre-assessment questions |

| |you are an entrepreneur? | |

|30 min |Review syllabus, expectations | |

|15 min |All about FBLA – purpose and goals, why should they join, benefits and responsibilities of | |

| |membership | |

|15 min |Icebreaker – index cards with instructions (next pages). Why didn’t it work? |discussion, problem solving |

|20 min |“Are you an Entrepreneur” worksheet set Packet (file name is 2.1 and 2.2 Are you an |Prioritizing, categorizing, |

| |Entrepreneur) |brainstorming |

|20 min |Exit Ticket: Look at websites: and . Write an |explanation |

| |explanation of what VE is. | |

|5 min |“Rock” story |listening |

|Closing: (How will I determine student’s level of mastery?) Exit Ticket |

|Post-assessment: Exit Ticket |Homework: Students will brainstorm three business ideas that fit certain (5) |

| |pre-requirements (on a handout) – next pages. |

|Materials: SharePoint, handouts and copies |

|Teamwork: brainstorming |Thinking Skills: problem solving, brainstorming, categorizing, |Self Esteem: through self assessment |

| |prioritizing, explanation | |

|Teacher Self-Evaluation of Lesson: |

|This is the starter card… | |

|Clap twice loud! |When somebody stands up and stomps their feet, do a cheerleading move |

| |and yell, “Rah, Rah, Rah!” |

| | |

|When somebody says |When somebody announces the time, Shake hands with the person next to |

|“Good Morning,” |you and loudly say, “Nice to meet you.” |

|Get up | |

|and | |

|turn off the lights. | |

| | |

| |When somebody says, “Here comes Peter Cottontail,” |

|When somebody sings |Hop to the front of the room, pick up the brown paper bag, and trade |

|“Y-M-C-A,” |everyone one item from the bag for their index card. |

|Hop on one foot for five seconds | |

|and say, | |

|“I’m a Rabbit!” | |

| | |

|When somebody says |When somebody makes a cow noise, |

|“I’m glad to be here,” |Stand up and say, |

|Stand up and flap your arms like a bird. |“I’m glad to be here.” |

| | |

|When somebody says “Get down from there!” |When somebody walks around the teacher 3 times, |

|Make a loud sneezing sound. |Bark like a dog. |

| | |

|When somebody yells, “The answer is seven,” |When somebody yells, “Rah, Rah, Rah!” |

|Go to the front of the room and make a letter “Y” with your body. |Point at the clock, or a watch, and loudly announce the time. |

| | |

|When somebody shouts, “Get a doctor!” |When somebody says, “I’m a Rabbit!” say |

|Sing, “I’m a Little Teapot.” |“Here comes Peter Cottontail!” |

| | |

|When somebody yells, “It’s dark in here!” |When somebody stands on a chair, |

|Get up and turn on the lights. |Say |

| |“Get down from there!” |

| | |

|When somebody makes a loud sneezing sound, |When somebody sings, “I’m a Little Teapot,” |

|Feel the forehead of the person next to you and shout, “Somebody get a|Walk around the teacher 3 times. |

|doctor!” | |

| | |

|When somebody turns off the lights yell, |When somebody says, “I have a question,” |

|“It’s dark in here!” |Yell |

| |“The answer is seven!” |

| | |

|When somebody makes the letter Y with their body, grab two other |When somebody barks like a dog, |

|people, go to the front of the room and make the letters M, C, and A, |Stand up and stomp your feet! |

|and sing “Y-M-C-A” | |

| | |

|When somebody spins around twice, |When somebody says, “Nice to meet you!” |

|Make a cow noise! |Say |

| |“I have a question.” |

| | |

|When somebody turns on the lights, Stand up and spin around twice. |When somebody flaps their arms like a bird, |

| |Stand on your chair (if it has no wheels – if it has wheels, stand up |

| |on a stationary and wheel-less chair in the room). |

| | |

|When somebody claps twice, stand up and say, “Good Morning!” | |


Your VE business idea must meet the criteria below:

1. Your business must appeal to VE students and adult partners.

2. Your VE business must be legal for you to operate.

3. Your VE business should be unique. Even if your products are similar to other businesses, your product or service must stand out.

4. You must be able to sell your product in quantities that will produce adequate revenue.

5. You must be able to identify potential business partners.

It is often difficult to figure out how to research business ideas. However, you will need to decide if your idea has profit potential in the VE marketplace. The questions below will help you to make this evaluation.

In groups of three, use the criteria below to choose a business from the potential ideas that you each came up with on your own. Once your group has agreed on one business idea, you will need to prepare answers to questions 1-9 below as a group. This information will help your to present and defend your business concept to the class. Each group should type the answers to questions 1-9.

Use the following steps as a guide to help you determine if your idea is worthwhile.

1. Create a profile of your paying customer.

2. List and describe the features/benefits of your product or service.

3. Define the main geographic area you intend to sell to during your first year.

4. Who are your competitors?

5. What price do these competitors charge?

6. Estimate what price you can charge, yet still remain competitive.

7. Why would your customers buy from you instead of your competition?

8. Make a list of your potential business partners.

9. Make a list of the resources you will require to start your business.

1. Create a profile of your paying customers.

In the VE scenario most of your customers are high school and college students. You must take into account that there are times when teachers and business people will also buy from your firm. However they are not your target audience. Write a paragraph describing your customers.

2. List and describe the features of your product or service. State how these features will benefit your customer.

Define the features of your idea and determine what these features do for your customer by creating a list of the selling points that you can use in your advertising, your brochures, and in your sales presentations. This will help you establish why your customer might buy your product or service.

3. Define the main geographic area you intend to sell to during your first year.

VE does this for you. You will sell online, at an open house at your school, and at trade fairs with other VE firms.

4. Who are your competitors?

Go online to the VE VA site, the California site, and the New York site to see who your competition is. Create a list of competitors.

5. What price do these competitors charge?

Choose your closest competitor in the VE market. Establish what your competitor charges and list selling points of their product or service.

6. Estimate what price you can charge, yet still remain competitive.

Determining how competitive you can be is a big step toward how feasible your idea is. If your product is superior to your competition and your market is not very price sensitive then you may be able to charge considerably more than your competition. The bottom line is can you make money with this idea!

7. Why would your customers buy from you instead of your competition?

What is unique about your offer that would benefit your customer? There may be something about your product, your price, the friendliness and speed of your service, your hours of operation, your level of quality, the skills of your employees or other aspect of your business.

8. Make a list your potential business partners.

Your concept may rely heavily on assistance of business partners. They are invaluable! They can give advice, critique your work, offer products and product information, and they might even support your VE business financially. Be sure to include how you will contact these partners.

9. Make a list of the resources you will require to start your business.

List the employees, floor space, leasehold improvements, equipment, vehicles, inventory, supplies and services you will require to open your business. You will need this list to determine your start up costs.

Unit: Entrepreneurship

Daily Lesson Plan for: Virtual Enterprise Block: 2A & 3A Date: (A2)

|Objectives: (By the end of the block the student will be able to…) |From Calendar: |

|The student will be able to define: Entrepreneur, economics, 4 economic questions, free enterprise system, |1.1 PPt – Entrepreneurship and |

|rights in a free enterprise system (probably get to here 1st block), competition, market structures, market |the Economy (section 1-2) |

|structures: monopoly, oligopoly, market competition, perfect competition, good, service, need, want, demand,|Present business ideas to group |

|inelastic and elastic demand, supply, equilibrium, factors of production (get to here 2nd block), economic |of 3, choose best one from each |

|indicators, Gross Domestic Product, the Fed, how the Fed affects the economy, business cycles, recession, |student. Quickly present to |

|small business, entrepreneurial venture, entrepreneurial start-up process, business failure, discontinuance |class. |

|(get to here 3rd block) | |

|BUS6135.36.014 Identify basic micro and macro economic concepts (i.e., supply and demand, leading economic | |

|indicators, business cycle, and economic cycle). | |

|Related SOLs: GOVT.14 |

|The student will demonstrate knowledge of economic systems by |

|identifying the basic economic questions encountered by all economic systems; |

|comparing the characteristics of free market, command, and mixed economies, as described by Adam Smith and Karl Marx; |

|evaluating the impact of the government's role in the economy on individual economic freedoms; |

|explaining the relationship between economic freedom and political freedom; |

|examining productivity and the standard of living as measured by key economic indicators |

|Pre-assessment and Hook: Warm-up |

|Pacing: |Learning Experiences and Instruction: (Procedures) |Strategies: |

|10 min |Warm-up: 1. Are there certain things that entrepreneurs know? 2. what do you think “economics” is? 3. | |

| |What is the difference between a good and a service? | |

|40 min |Notes: Try to complete sections 1 and 2 in ppt (not sectioned off, but are in Objectives section). |Note-taking |

|30 min |Get in groups of 3, present ideas to groups. Pick each student’s #1 idea. Present top ideas to class.|discussion |

| |Class help vote on one idea for each group to further research. | |

|15 min |Begin deciding how to handle further research next class | |

|Closing: (How will I determine student’s level of mastery?) |

|Exit Ticket: re-do warm-up and re hand in. |

|Post-assessment: |Homework: |

|Exit Ticket: re-do warm-up. |Study your notes. Bring pprwork, fees to class |

|Materials: |

|SharePoint, PPT, notebooks, PCs. |

|Teamwork: |Thinking Skills: |Self Esteem: |

|Consensus of ideas |Discussion, persuasion, explanation |Sharing good ideas with group |

|Teacher Self-Evaluation of Lesson: |

Unit: Entrepreneurship

Daily Lesson Plan for: Virtual Enterprise Block: 2A & 3A Date: (A3)

|Objectives: (By the end of the block the student will be able to…) |From Calendar: |

|The student will be able to define: Entrepreneur, economics, 4 economic questions, free enterprise system, |1.1 PPt – Entrepreneurship and |

|rights in a free enterprise system (probably get to here 1st block), competition, market structures, market |the Economy (section 2-3) |

|structures: monopoly, oligopoly, market competition, perfect competition, good, service, need, want, demand,|Research business ideas and |

|inelastic and elastic demand, supply, equilibrium, factors of production (get to here 2nd block), economic |create PPT |

|indicators, Gross Domestic Product, the Fed, how the Fed affects the economy, business cycles, recession, |HW: Read and take notes on your |

|small business, entrepreneurial venture, entrepreneurial start-up process, business failure, discontinuance |section of notes |

|(get to here 3rd block) | |

|BUS6135.36.009 Describe current and emerging trends in business. | |

|BUS6135.36.014 Identify basic micro and macro economic concepts (i.e., supply and demand, leading economic | |

|indicators, business cycle, and economic cycle). | |

|Related SOLs: GOVT.14 |

|The student will demonstrate knowledge of economic systems by |

|identifying the basic economic questions encountered by all economic systems; |

|comparing the characteristics of free market, command, and mixed economies, as described by Adam Smith and Karl Marx; |

|evaluating the impact of the government's role in the economy on individual economic freedoms; |

|explaining the relationship between economic freedom and political freedom; |

|examining productivity and the standard of living as measured by key economic indicators |

|Pre-assessment and Hook: warm-up |

|Pacing: |Learning Experiences and Instruction: (Procedures) |Strategies: |

|10 min |Warm-up: 1. What is market structure? 2. name the four market structures and give an example of each. | |

|40 min |Complete 1.1 PPT notes |Note taking |

|15 min |Give HW assignment – read section of text and take notes on it |Summarizing |

|Rest of block |Work on research, PPT, and citations of group idea for company – print out handout version of PPT at |Group work, |

| |end of block |researching |

|Exit Ticket |Redo warm-up and hand back in with PPT handout printout. | |

|Closing: (How will I determine student’s level of mastery?) Exit Ticket |

|Post-assessment: |Homework: Given a brief section of the textbook, read it and take |

|Exit Ticket |notes on it. |

|Materials: SharePoint, PPT, notebooks, PCs, textbook |

|Teamwork: group work on company ideas |Thinking Skills: Note taking (summarizing) |Self Esteem: |

|Teacher Self-Evaluation of Lesson: |

Unit: Entrepreneurship

Daily Lesson Plan for: Virtual Enterprise Block: 2A & 3A Date: (A4)

|Objectives: (By the end of the block the student will be able to…) |From Calendar: |

|The student will present individual notes to the class (Jigsaw of text) |Group Notes: Entrepreneurship |

|The student will complete PPT presentations and begin presentations to class. |Sections 1-3 – take notes and |

|The student will critique the presentation, presenter, and ideas on a sheet to hand in at end of class (next|present to class |

|page) |Complete PPT and begin |

|BUS6135.36.061 Demonstrate effective communication techniques in working with individuals and groups. |presentations |

| |Students will critique |

| |presentations and ideas |

|Related SOLs: English 11.9, 12.7 |

|English 11.9: The student will write, revise, and edit personal, professional and informational correspondence to a standard acceptable in the|

|workplace and higher education. |

|Apply a variety of planning strategies to generate and organize ideas. |

|Organize information to support purpose and form of writing. |

|Present information in a logical manner. |

|Revise writing for clarity. |

|Use technology to access information, plan and develop writing |

|English 12.7: The student will develop expository and informational writings. |

|Generate, gather, and organize ideas for writing. |

|Consider audience and purpose when planning for writing. |

|Write analytically about literary, informational, and visual materials. |

|Elaborate ideas clearly and accurately. |

|Revise writing for depth of information and technique of presentation. |

|Apply grammatical conventions to edit writing for correct use of language, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. |

|Proofread final copy and prepare document for publication submission. |

|Pre-assessment: |

|Hook: |

|Pacing: |Learning Experiences and Instruction: (Procedures) |Strategies: |

|15 min |Warm-up: 1. What is constructive criticism? 2. Give an example of constructive criticism and criticism| |

| |that is not constructive. 3. Why is it important to make criticism constructive? | |

|40 min |By section, students will first (1) check notes with each other, (2) share notes with class by |Note taking, |

| |presenting them to the class as the class takes notes |summarizing, group |

| | |check, analyzing |

|25 min |Complete PPTs. | |

|30 min |Begin company idea presentations to class while class fills in hand out on next page. |Critique, analyzing |

|Closing: (How will I determine student’s level of mastery?) |

|Hand in critique worksheet for my quick check – will get back next class. |

|Post-assessment: |Homework: |

| |Gather all resume needs |

|Materials: SharePoint, PPT, projection, PCs, Textbook, notebooks |

|Teamwork: |Thinking Skills: note taking, summarizing, |Self Esteem: |

| |analyzing, explaining, presentation, | |

|Teacher Self-Evaluation of Lesson: |

Name: Block: Date:

Company Ideas Presentations

Company Idea:

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Company Idea:

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Company Idea:

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Company Idea:

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Company Idea:

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Company Idea:

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Company Idea:

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Company Idea:

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Company Idea:

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Things I can do to improve my own presentation skills:

Things I am already really good at:

Unit: Entrepreneurship

Daily Lesson Plan for: Virtual Enterprise Block: 2A & 3A Date: (A5)

|Objectives: (By the end of the block the student will be able to…) |From Calendar: |

|The student will have reviewed the first few pages of their notes and be able to distinguish between “need |Class review of notes |

|to know” and “nice to know” info. |Class discussion on businesses – |

|The student will begin to develop some study skills by reviewing and studying their notes. |which to pick and why? |

|BUS6135.36.062 Examine communication barriers and ways to eliminate them | |

|Related SOLs: none |

|Pre-assessment and Hook: warm-up |

|Pacing: |Learning Experiences and Instruction: (Procedures) |Strategies: |

|15 min |Warm-up: 1. How do “smart kids” always get good grades on tests? 2. How do you study? 3. How should you| |

| |study? | |

|30 min |Review notes – students should look at their first few pages of notes and begin to distinguish between |Categorize, generalize|

| |“need to know” and “nice to know” information. Also, students should study these first few pages. | |

| |Then – pop quiz! | |

|60 min |Class discuss which ideas they like and want to keep… do a keep/scratch. Then vote. Then have |Presentation, |

| |students re-iterate why their ideas were top. |persuasion |

|Closing: (How will I determine student’s level of mastery?) |

|Post-assessment: |Homework: complete the following: what are our goals as a class/company in VE? What are your goals in your |

| |life? Brainstorm some names for the company. Think about better defining the definitions of the company. |

|Materials: SharePoint, PCs, Textbooks |

|Teamwork: class discussion |Thinking Skills: categorize, generalize, persuasion, explanation, decision making |Self Esteem: |

|Teacher Self-Evaluation of Lesson: |

Unit: Entrepreneurship

Daily Lesson Plan for: Virtual Enterprise Block: 2A & 3A Date: (A6)

|Objectives: (By the end of the block the student will be able to…) |From Calendar: |

|The class will define the companies, name the companies, logo colors (not logos yet, just the colors), and |Class Group Work: |

|create preliminary mission and vision statements. |Business Descriptions |

| |Mission/Vision Statements |

|BUS6135.36.013 Analyze business plan development. |Company names, colors, logo |

|BUS.6315.36.022 Develop and communicate a vision, mission, and/or values statement that is realistic for |preliminaries |

|company-wide implementation. | |

|Related SOLs: |

|English 12.7: |

|The student will develop expository and informational writings. |

|Generate, gather, and organize ideas for writing. |

|Consider audience and purpose when planning for writing. |

|Write analytically about literary, informational, and visual materials. |

|Elaborate ideas clearly and accurately. |

|Revise writing for depth of information and technique of presentation. |

|Apply grammatical conventions to edit writing for correct use of language, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. |

|Proofread final copy and prepare document for publication submission |

|Pre-assessment: |

|Hook: |

|Pacing: |Learning Experiences and Instruction: (Procedures) |Strategies: |

|3 min |Warm-up: on a 1/3 sheet of paper, answer the following: |- |

| |1. Why are you here? | |

| |2. What is your purpose in life? | |

|30 min |Define Mission and Vision – after notes, have students write personal mission and visions statements – | |

| |print and hand in, save to their “VE – Portfolio” folder. | |

|60 min |Then split class into groups by interest: |Group work, |

| |Mission and Vision group – they write a mission/vision to present to class next class! |presentation |

| |Name group – brainstorm names to present and decide on tomorrow! | |

| |Description – give a general description about the company to present next class! | |

| |Color group – research (best way is to go to “” and put in “What colors mean,” and look at those| |

| |articles. | |

| |Each group will create a ppt presentation and voting slips to copy. Have me check the presentation and| |

| |voting slips by end of block. | |

| | | |

| |Early finishers? Hm…. | |

|Closing: (How will I determine student’s level of mastery?) |

|Exit Ticket – Why is it important to have a mission and vision statement? How could a mission and vision statement influence a company’s |

|success? |

|Post-assessment: |Homework: |

|PPTs and Mission/Vision |Bring in info for Resume for next class |

|Materials: |

|PPT, PCs, SharePoint, Notebooks for mission/vision notes |

|Teamwork: |Thinking Skills: |Self Esteem: |

|By interest |Problem solving, creating best answer for group|Creating personal mission/vision |

| |work | |

|Teacher Self-Evaluation of Lesson: |

Unit: Entrepreneurship

Daily Lesson Plan for: Virtual Enterprise Block: 2A & 3A Date: (A7)

|Objectives: (By the end of the block the student will be able to…) |From Calendar: |

|The student will review notes for the upcoming test and do preliminary pre-studying of the notes. |Notes Review and Study |

|The student will create a useable resume and cover letter. |Class presentations and decisions|

|The student will know basic interview etiquette and questions. |Resume, Cover Letter, and |

|The class will decide on the companies, name the companies, and the preliminary mission and vision |Interview Basics |

|statements. | |

| | |

|BUS6135.36.013 Analyze business plan development. | |

|BUS.6315.36.022 Develop and communicate a vision, mission, and/or values statement that is realistic for | |

|company-wide implementation. | |

|BUS.6315.36.053 Identify the value of a diverse workforce. | |

|BUS.6315.36.054 Explain various methods of interviewing and selecting applicants for employment. | |

|BUS.6315.36.074 Create a resume including resume format suitable for online posting. | |

|BUS.6315.36.075 Create a letter of application | |

|Related SOLs: |

|English 11.7: |

|The student will write in a variety of forms with an emphasis on persuasion. |

|Generate, gather, plan, and organize ideas for writing. |

|Develop a focus for writing |

|Evaluate and cite applicable information. |

|Organize ideas in a logical manner. |

|Elaborate ideas clearly and accurately. |

|Adapt content, vocabulary, voice, and tone to audience, purpose, and situation. |

|Revise writing for accuracy and depth of information. |

|Proofread final copy and prepare document for intended audience or purpose. |

|English 11.9: |

|The student will write, revise, and edit personal, professional and informational correspondence to a standard acceptable in the workplace and|

|higher education. |

|Apply a variety of planning strategies to generate and organize ideas. |

|Organize information to support purpose and form of writing. |

|Present information in a logical manner. |

|Revise writing for clarity. |

|Use technology to access information, plan and develop writing. |

|English 12.7: |

|The student will develop expository and informational writings. |

|Generate, gather, and organize ideas for writing. |

|Consider audience and purpose when planning for writing. |

|Write analytically about literary, informational, and visual materials. |

|Elaborate ideas clearly and accurately. |

|Revise writing for depth of information and technique of presentation. |

|Apply grammatical conventions to edit writing for correct use of language, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. |

|Proofread final copy and prepare document for publication submission |

|Pre-assessment: What they already know about resumes – academic vs. work world |

|Hook: |

|Pacing: |Learning Experiences and Instruction: (Procedures) |Strategies: |

|3 min |Warm-up: on a 1/3 sheet of paper, answer the following: |- |

| |Is there a right/wrong resume format? Why or Why not? | |

| |Do I know how to interview for my career? | |

|30 min |What to study/Test review for next class… | |

|35 min |Presentations of 4 groups from last class + voting. | |

|10 min |Pre-assessment: Speak with students about what they already know about resumes and cover letters | |

|30 min |Cover Letter and Resumes: Using SharePoint, have students open files and work on Resume line-by-line as|Group led modeling, |

| |a class. Then have students work individually on cover letter. Print all out and file in folders. |individual application|

|30 min |Interviewing! Have students research about interviews online and prepare a two minute sketch on what |Group work, |

| |not to do in an interview. Let groups present. |presentations |

|Closing: (How will I determine student’s level of mastery?) |

|Exit ticket – what was best tip on what not to do in an interview? |

|Post-assessment: Exit Ticket |Homework: STUDY!! Test next class!! |

|Materials: SharePoint, student portal access, PCs, Paper |

|Teamwork: Group presentations |Thinking Skills: analyzing best choices of 4 |Self Esteem: handed back mission/vision statements |

|Teacher Self-Evaluation of Lesson: |

Unit: Entrepreneurship

Daily Lesson Plan for: Virtual Enterprise Block: 2A & 3A Date: (A8)

|Objectives: (By the end of the block the student will be able to…) |From Calendar: |

|The student will demonstrate their knowledge through the test. |Test |

|The student will finalize and print cover letter and resume from last class. |Finalize and Print Resumes and |

|The student will learn about and help to create an organization chart for the company. |Cover Letters |

|The student will learn about various leadership and management types. |Organization Chart |

| |Leadership Types |

|BUS6135.36.018 Describe management roles, functions, skills, and values. | |

|BUS6235.36.020 Analyze leadership and management styles in variety of business situations. | |

|Related SOLs: none ( |

|Pre-assessment: |

|Hook: |

|Pacing: |Learning Experiences and Instruction: (Procedures) |Strategies: |

|3 min |Warm-up: answer on a 1/3 sheet of paper: | |

| |What are you most excited about on this test? | |

| |What are you least excited about? | |

|30-45 min |Test – it took about 30 minutes last year, but many of the students did poorly, it may take longer this|Writing Definitions |

| |year. | |

|15 min |As students finish and wait for end of test, proof read and print finals of |Individual work on Editing, proof reading |

| |resume and cover letter. Hand in. | |

|20 min |Entire class – what is an organization chart used for? Why do we need one? Then, create one on the |Note taking |

| |board, have students copy and keep in their notes along with the brief goals of each department. | |

|40 min |Leadership types – use ppt and chart to fill in different leadership types in their notes. Give an |Note taking |

| |example of each type and explain the +/- of each type. | |

|Closing: (How will I determine student’s level of mastery?) |

|Exit Ticket – Name the leadership types we just learned about, then tell me how our company CEO would use each type. |

|Post-assessment: Closing Exit Ticket |Homework: |

|Materials: SharePoint, PCs, tests run off, printer for resumes/cover letters |

|Teamwork: |Thinking Skills: |Self Esteem: |

|Teacher Self-Evaluation of Lesson: |

Unit: Entrepreneurship

Daily Lesson Plan for: Virtual Enterprise Block: 2A & 3A Date: (A9)

|Objectives: (By the end of the block the student will be able to…) |From Calendar: |

|The class will interview, discuss traits, and decide on a CEO for their company. |CEO Interviews |

| | |

|BUS.6315.36.061 Demonstrate effective communication techniques in working with individuals and groups. | |

|BUS.6315.36.076 Participate in a Mock Interview | |

|Related SOLs: |

|English 11.9: |

|The student will write, revise, and edit personal, professional and informational correspondence to a standard acceptable in the workplace and|

|higher education. |

|Apply a variety of planning strategies to generate and organize ideas. |

|Organize information to support purpose and form of writing. |

|Present information in a logical manner. |

|Revise writing for clarity. |

|Use technology to access information, plan and develop writing. |

|English 12.7: |

|The student will develop expository and informational writings. |

|Generate, gather, and organize ideas for writing. |

|Consider audience and purpose when planning for writing. |

|Write analytically about literary, informational, and visual materials. |

|Elaborate ideas clearly and accurately. |

|Revise writing for depth of information and technique of presentation. |

|Apply grammatical conventions to edit writing for correct use of language, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. |

|Proofread final copy and prepare document for publication submission |

|Pre-assessment: none |

|Hook: Quote from my dad “You have to listen to the words people say, but you need to hear the heartbeat behind those words as well.” – how can|

|we hear the candidate’s hear beat? |

|Pacing: |Learning Experiences and Instruction: (Procedures) |Strategies: |

|3 min |Warm-up: 1. What are the most desirable traits of a leader? 2. The least? 3. How do you know someone| |

| |has “heart”? 4. Why does having “heart” matter if you are CEO of this class? | |

|60 min* (Depends)|CEO Interviews will take place… students will rate CEOs, while CEOs wait they will write company |Note-taking, |

| |mission/vision statements, company descriptions, brain storm company names. Afterwards, the class |analyzing, discussion |

| |will discuss and pick the CEO. (See CEO Candidate file for handouts for students to analyze each | |

| |candidate and for CEO work while in back office – may need to edit, last year had students work on | |

| |m/v and that’s done already… can work on calendar for next month by checking VE website checklist | |

| |and to-do’s? Can also write letters to managers about expectations). | |

|Closing: (How will I determine student’s level of mastery?) |

|Exit Ticket: Write a note to the new CEO about what you expect from them. |

|Post-assessment: look at students critiques |Homework: None today |

|Materials: SharePoint, PCs |

|Teamwork: class works as a team to elect new CEO|Thinking Skills: analyze candidates |Self Esteem: |

| | |Voice heard in process |

|Teacher Self-Evaluation of Lesson: |

|I really like the note to the new CEO!! (Leave this generic, we don’t know who it will be yet, so don’t address it to a name, just the |

|position). |

Unit: Entrepreneurship

Daily Lesson Plan for: Virtual Enterprise Block: 2A & 3A Date: (A10)

|Objectives: (By the end of the block the student will be able to…) |From Calendar: |

|Students will be interviewed by myself and the CEO. |Management Interviews |

|While students wait they will choose from one of two assignments: different types of company ownership and |Employee Interviews |

|laws effecting establishing a business. |Ch 5, 6, 7 |

| | |

|BUS.6315.36.076 Participate in a Mock Interview | |

|BUS.6315.36.007 Compare the characteristics of different types of business ownership and organization in | |

|both service-based and product-based businesses. | |

|BUS.6315.36.011 Identify current laws and regulations affecting the establishment and operating of business.| |

|Related SOLs: |

|English 11.4 |

|The student will read and analyze a variety of informational materials. |

|Use information from texts to clarify or refine understanding of academic concepts. |

|Read and follow directions to complete an application for college admission, for a scholarship, or for employment. |

|Apply concepts and use vocabulary in informational and technical materials to complete a task. |

|Generalize ideas from selections to make predictions about other texts. |

|Analyze information from a text to draw conclusions |

|GOVT.15 |

|The student will demonstrate knowledge of the United States market economy by |

|assessing the importance of entrepreneurship, the profit motive, and economic independence to the promotion of economic growth; |

|comparing types of business organizations; |

|describing the factors of production; |

|explaining the interaction of supply and demand; |

|illustrating the circular flow of economic activity; |

|analyzing global economic trends, with emphasis on the impact of technological innovations. |

|Pre-assessment: Warm-up, see below… |

|Hook: none |

|Pacing: |Learning Experiences and Instruction: (Procedures) |Strategies: |

|3 min |Warm-up: 1. What are different types of ownership of companies? | |

| |2. What are some laws surrounding forming your own company? | |

|Remainder of block|Students will be assigned to either read chapter 5, 6, or 7 from the text Business Principles and | |

| |Management | |

| |As students read they will make a PPT about the chapter including: | |

| |Vocabulary | |

| |Concepts | |

| |Images | |

| |The x questions and their answers. | |

| |PPT will be counted as a quiz grade. | |

| | | |

| |…hmm how to share one chapter’s ppt with those that didn’t read that chapter?.... | |

|Select set of |Prepare for Summit: | |

|students |Business Cards, Name Tags…. Ah!!!! | |

|Closing: (How will I determine student’s level of mastery?) |

|Interview will show if students looked over HW last class: Why do I want position, how am I qualified, strengths/weaknesses, expectations |

|Post-assessment: |Homework: |

| |none |

|Materials: |

|PCs, SharePoint, PPT, Text: Business Principles and Management |

|Teamwork: |Thinking Skills: |Self Esteem: |

|CEO and I interview |Search and Gather Info |Best PPT from each chapter gets EC. |

|Teacher Self-Evaluation of Lesson: |

Unit: Entrepreneurship

Daily Lesson Plan for: Virtual Enterprise Block: 2A & 3A Date: (A11)

|Objectives: (By the end of the block the student will be able to…) |From Calendar: |

|The student will participate in a class presentation about Business Management Text chapters 5, 6, and 7. |Prepare for VE Summit |

|The students will prepare for the Virtual Enterprise Summit including the creation of Name Tags, one PPT |Types of Business Ownership |

|slide about the company, a written 1:30 presentation about the company to make at the Summit, and business |Presentations |

|cards. | |

| | |

|BUS.6315.36.007 Compare the characteristics of different types of business ownership and organization in | |

|both service-based and product-based businesses. | |

|BUS.6315.36.011 Identify current laws and regulations affecting the establishment and operating of business.| |

|Related SOLs: |

|English 11.4 |

|The student will read and analyze a variety of informational materials. |

|Use information from texts to clarify or refine understanding of academic concepts. |

|Read and follow directions to complete an application for college admission, for a scholarship, or for employment. |

|Apply concepts and use vocabulary in informational and technical materials to complete a task. |

|Generalize ideas from selections to make predictions about other texts. |

|Analyze information from a text to draw conclusions |

|GOVT.15 |

|The student will demonstrate knowledge of the United States market economy by |

|assessing the importance of entrepreneurship, the profit motive, and economic independence to the promotion of economic growth; |

|comparing types of business organizations; |

|describing the factors of production; |

|explaining the interaction of supply and demand; |

|illustrating the circular flow of economic activity; |

|analyzing global economic trends, with emphasis on the impact of technological innovations. |

|Pre-assessment: none |

|Hook: “What image should we project at the Summit?” “Why?” |

|Pacing: |Learning Experiences and Instruction: (Procedures) |Strategies: |

|3 min |Warm-up: When you think about a successful business man/woman, how would you describe the first meeting| |

| |of this individual? | |

|45 min |Trade Fair Preparations: |Group and individual |

| |Guided work – have every single student open the business card file and update it with their e-mail, |work, guided practice,|

| |name, position, company name, logo, etc. DO NOT ALLOW THEM TO USE CELL #’s!!! – they must maintain THS|Group evaluation of |

| |numbers! NOTE – use business cards to hand out to students on day of Summit as a quick attendance check|work |

| |as they get on the bus. | |

| |Name Tags – assign a marketing student to make the name tags, use printed business cards to work from. | |

| |Have class talk about dress – black and what other color? | |

| |Have CEO assign someone to make a PPT slide about the company – must show to class before end of block | |

| |for class to approve – what information should be on it? After class check, then have student e-mail to| |

| |Rhonda Doak or PPT contact. | |

| |Have CEO prepare a 1 ½ minute presentation about company. Have CEO make presentation to class – | |

| |practice, practice, practice!! We want “polish” “class” “elegance” “quality”!! | |

|45 min |Present Chapters 5, 6, and 7 – have top students from each chapter present and “highlight” need to know|Note taking, |

| |information. Do this in a “walk-about” style – i.e. have Chapter 5 experts sit in one row, chapter 6 |constructive criticism|

| |in a different row, and chapter 7 in another row. Students who did chapter 5 don’t sit through chapter| |

| |5 presentation, they sit through chapter 6 then chapter 7. go! | |

| |Students must take notes, and be ready to study! | |

|Closing: (How will I determine student’s level of mastery?) |

|Exit Ticket: How will you study for the next test? |

|Post-assessment: |Homework: |

|How they do on the test. |Study for upcoming chapter 5, 6, and 7 test. |

|Materials: SharePoint, PCs, business card template and paper, name tags |

|Teamwork: |Thinking Skills: |Self Esteem: |

|Note taking, group decisions |What is “Need to know” in chapter |Chapter 5, 6, and 7 presenters build it, Mktg name tags builds it, Mktg |

| |5, 6, and 7? |PPT builds it, and CEO’s 1 ½ min presentation builds it. |

|Teacher Self-Evaluation of Lesson: |

Unit: Entrepreneurship

Daily Lesson Plan for: Virtual Enterprise Block: 2A & 3A Date: (A12)

|Objectives: (By the end of the block the student will be able to…) |From Calendar: |

|The students will demonstrate their knowledge on the Chapter 5, 6, and 7 test. |Test on BM Ch 5, 6, 7 |

|The students will learn about Feasibility and Business Planning and about Market Analysis. |Entre: CH 5, 6 |

|The students will learn what a Business Plan is, what it is used for, why we need one, and how to start the |BP – what is it, why do we need |

|process. (Business plan has extensive list of objectives and related SOLs, see class #13-15 for complete |it, how do we start? |

|listing.) | |

| | |

|For test: | |

|BUS.6315.36.007 Compare the characteristics of different types of business ownership and organization in | |

|both service-based and product-based businesses. | |

|BUS.6315.36.011 Identify current laws and regulations affecting the establishment and operating of business.| |

|For Business Plan: | |

|BUS.6315.36.013 Analyze business plan development. | |

|BUS.6315.36.023 Develop a line-of-sight action plan stating goals, strategies, and objectives related to the| |

|company's vision, mission, and values. | |

|BUS.6315.36.032 Identify strategies for risk management. | |

|For Feasibility, Business Planning, and Market Analysis: | |

|BUS.6315.36.032 Identify strategies for risk management. | |

|BUS.6315.36.037 Explain the role of marketing in the economy. | |

|BUS.6315.36.038 Determine various applications of marketing research. | |

|BUS.6315.36.039 Explain marketing concepts and the elements of the marketing mix. | |

|BUS.6315.36.040 Explain the four stages of the product life cycle. | |

|Related SOLs: |

|For Test: |

|English 11.4 |

|The student will read and analyze a variety of informational materials. |

|Use information from texts to clarify or refine understanding of academic concepts. |

|Read and follow directions to complete an application for college admission, for a scholarship, or for employment. |

|Apply concepts and use vocabulary in informational and technical materials to complete a task. |

|Generalize ideas from selections to make predictions about other texts. |

|Analyze information from a text to draw conclusions |

|GOVT.15 |

|The student will demonstrate knowledge of the United States market economy by |

|assessing the importance of entrepreneurship, the profit motive, and economic independence to the promotion of economic growth; |

|comparing types of business organizations; |

|describing the factors of production; |

|explaining the interaction of supply and demand; |

|illustrating the circular flow of economic activity; |

|analyzing global economic trends, with emphasis on the impact of technological innovations. |

|For Business Plan: |

|English 12.7 |

|The student will develop expository and informational writings. |

|Generate, gather, and organize ideas for writing. |

|Consider audience and purpose when planning for writing. |

|Write analytically about literary, informational, and visual materials. |

|Elaborate ideas clearly and accurately. |

|Revise writing for depth of information and technique of presentation. |

|Apply grammatical conventions to edit writing for correct use of language, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. |

|Proofread final copy and prepare document for publication submission. |

|For Feasibility, Business Planning, and Market Analysis: |

|none |

|Pre-assessment: (In warm-up) |

|Hook: “Let’s make the best Business Plan!” |

|Pacing: |Learning Experiences and Instruction: (Procedures) |Strategies: |

|15 min to |Warm-up: on a 1/3 sheet of paper, answer the following: |- |

|write, 20 min |1. What is a Business Plan? | |

|to review |2. What is an executive summary? | |

|answers. |3. What is a Business Plan used for? | |

| |4. Why do we need a Business Plan? | |

| |5. When is our Business Plan due? (Look on ) | |

| |6. What is required in our Business Plan? (Look on ) | |

|60 min |Business Plan Work: | |

| |Read the rubric, the entire rubric, nothing but the rubric. | |

| |Discuss how to follow the rubric… | |

| |Set goals for what to achieve by end of block (to understand what should be included in your assigned | |

| |section of the business plan) | |

| |work on! | |

| |45 min in, show manager what you’ve accomplished – manager – eval and hand in to me. | |

|15 min |Begin Homework assignment – read chapter 5 and chapter 6 – take notes, read, write vocab, write main |Read, note taking, |

| |ideas, answer questions – hand in notebook next class for grade. |answering questions |

|Closing: (How will I determine student’s level of mastery?) |

|Exit Ticket/Post Assessment |

|Post-assessment: |Homework: |

|Exit ticket about BP: |Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 – read, notes in notebook, answer questions – |

|Answer: What can we do to write the best business plan? |hand in notebook next class for check. |

|Materials: SharePoint, student portal access, PCs, Paper |

|AND Manager Evals of what students accomplished this block |

|Entrepreneurship Glencoe Text – Chapters 5 and 6: |

|Chapter 5: Feasibility and Business Planning p.92-113 |

|Chapter 6: Market Analysis p. 114-133 |

|Teamwork: |Thinking Skills: |Self Esteem: achieving today’s goal |

|Work in departments to achieve today’s goal |Pull out big concepts from chapters 5 and 6. | |

|Teacher Self-Evaluation of Lesson: |

|Weekend for homework? |

Unit: Entrepreneurship

Daily Lesson Plan for: Virtual Enterprise Block: 2A & 3A Date: (A13-A15)

|Objectives: (By the end of the block the student will be able to…) |From Calendar: |

|The students will work on writing their business plan as a class. |BP Write |

|The students will work on BP Lab 1, then 2, then 3 this week. |BP: Entre Unit 1,2,3 labs |

|Business Plan Competencies… get ready, there’s a ton… |HW Due – Entre CH 5, 6 |

|BUS.6315.36.007 Compare the characteristics of different types of business ownership and organization in | |

|both service-based and product-based businesses. | |

|BUS.6315.36.009 Describe current and emerging trends in business. | |

|BUS.6315.36.010 Describe the impact of demographic issues on business. | |

|BUS.6315.36.011 Identify current laws and regulations affecting the establishment and operation of | |

|businesses. | |

|BUS.6315.36.012 Describe the effect of a global marketplace on business. | |

|BUS.6315.36.013 Analyze business plan development. | |

|BUS.6315.36.014 Identify basic micro and macro economic concepts (i.e., supply and demand, leading economic | |

|indicators, business cycle, and economic cycle). | |

|BUS.6315.36.016 Explain how economic growth can be promoted and how data can be interpreted and measured. | |

|BUS.6315.36.022 Develop and communicate a vision, mission, and/or values statement that is realistic for | |

|company-wide implementation. | |

|BUS.6315.36.023 Develop a line-of-sight action plan stating goals, strategies, and objectives related to the| |

|company's vision, mission, and values. | |

|BUS.6315.36.028 Identify the cost of operations. | |

|BUS.6315.36.029 Analyze sales/production records. | |

|BUS.6315.36.030 Interpret basic financial statements (cash flow, income statement, and balance sheet). | |

|BUS.6315.36.031 Relate financial information to business decisions. | |

|BUS.6315.36.032 Identify strategies for risk management. | |

|BUS.6315.36.033 Prepare a budget to include short-term and long-term expenditures. | |

|BUS.6315.36.039 Explain marketing concepts and the elements of the marketing mix. | |

|BUS.6315.36.040 Explain the four stages of the product life cycle. | |

|BUS.6315.36.042 Illustrate the impact of environmental issues on business. | |

|BUS.6315.36.045 Interpret staff interrelationships illustrated in a variety of organizational charts. | |

|BUS.6315.36.048 Plan physical layout, furnishings, and equipment for a business environment. | |

|BUS.6315.36.071 Describe the benefits of developing partnerships within the organization and with the | |

|community. | |

|Related SOLs: |

|English 11.4 |

|The student will read and analyze a variety of informational materials. |

|Use information from texts to clarify or refine understanding of academic concepts. |

|Read and follow directions to complete an application for college admission, for a scholarship, or for employment. |

|Apply concepts and use vocabulary in informational and technical materials to complete a task. |

|Generalize ideas from selections to make predictions about other texts. |

|Analyze information from a text to draw conclusions. |

|English 12.7 |

|The student will develop expository and informational writings. |

|Generate, gather, and organize ideas for writing. |

|Consider audience and purpose when planning for writing. |

|Write analytically about literary, informational, and visual materials. |

|Elaborate ideas clearly and accurately. |

|Revise writing for depth of information and technique of presentation. |

|Apply grammatical conventions to edit writing for correct use of language, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. |

|Proofread final copy and prepare document for publication submission. |

|Govt. 15 |

|The student will demonstrate knowledge of the United States market economy by |

|assessing the importance of entrepreneurship, the profit motive, and economic independence to the promotion of economic growth; |

|comparing types of business organizations; |

|describing the factors of production; |

|explaining the interaction of supply and demand; |

|illustrating the circular flow of economic activity; |

|analyzing global economic trends, with emphasis on the impact of technological innovations. |

|Govt. 16 |

|The student will demonstrate knowledge of the role of government in the Virginia and United States economies by |

|analyzing the impact of fiscal and monetary policies on the economy; |

|describing the creation of public goods and services; |

|examining environmental issues, property rights, contracts, consumer rights, labor-management relations, and competition in the marketplace. |

|Mathematics A.4 |

|The student will use matrices to organize and manipulate data, including matrix addition, subtraction, and scalar multiplication. Data will |

|arise from business, industrial, and consumer situations. |

|Mathematics AII.19 |

|The student will collect and analyze data to make predictions and solve practical problems. Graphing calculators will be used to investigate |

|scatterplots and to determine the equation for a curve of best fit. Models will include linear, quadratic, exponential, and logarithmic |

|functions. |

|Pre-assessment: none |

|Hook: none |

|Pacing: |Learning Experiences and Instruction: (Procedures) |Strategies: |

|15 min |Warm-up: |- |

| |10/8: What will you achieve in class today? How will you make that happen? What may prevent you from| |

| |achieving it? | |

| |10/10: Again… What will you achieve in class today? How will you make that happen? What may prevent | |

| |you from achieving it? | |

| |10/12: Reflect on this week – what did you accomplish? What didn’t you accomplish? Why or Why not? | |

| |What would help you do better/continue next week? | |

|10/8 |Hand in the Chapter 5 and 6 notes for grade. |- |

|10/8: |Complete Business Plan Lab 1 from Glencoe Entre textbook. Hand in to me. |Individual work, |

|20 min | |research |

|10/8: remainder |Managers assign individual/department work. |Group work |

|of block: |Managers status check ½ way through block. | |

| |Managers check all work end of block – be ready to hand back with edits and comments next block. | |

| |Managers fill out eval end of block. | |

|10/10: |Complete Business Plan Lab 2 from Glencoe Entre textbook. Hand in to me. |Individual work, |

|20 min | |research |

|10/10: remainder |Managers assign individual/department work. |Group work |

|of block: |Managers status check ½ way through block. | |

| |Managers check all work end of block – be ready to hand back with edits and comments next block. | |

| |Managers fill out eval end of block. | |

|10/12: |Complete Business Plan Lab 3 from Glencoe Entre textbook. Hand in to me. |Individual work, |

|20 min | |research |

|10/12: remainder |Managers assign individual/department work. |Group work |

|of block: |Managers status check ½ way through block. | |

| |Managers check all work end of block – be ready to hand back with edits and comments next block. | |

| |Managers fill out eval end of block. | |

|Closing: (How will I determine student’s level of mastery?) |

|Exit Ticket (each day): Write a note to your manager about what you have accomplished and why you did so much/so little. |

|Post-assessment: |Homework: none |

|Materials: PCs, SharePoint |

|Manager Evals of students (daily) |

|Entre BP Labs 1, 2, and 3 ran off |

|Teamwork: discussions |Thinking Skills: research, writing, editing. |Self Esteem: |

|Teacher Self-Evaluation of Lesson: |

|Sounds like only three days to work on BP, but more than that and students don’t really work well, CEOs and Managers will certainly work more |

|and we can adjust calendar, but in the end, managers and CEO will break away and finish up while others work on other items. |

Unit: Entrepreneurship

Daily Lesson Plan for: Virtual Enterprise Block: 2A & 3A Date: (A16)

|Objectives: (By the end of the block the student will be able to…) |From Calendar: |

|The students will network with other students to build contacts in various businesses in the Virtual |VE Summit |

|Enterprise Network. | |

|The students will visit different sessions covering different information: | |

|Public Speaking | |

|Mission/Vision Statements | |

|Conflict Resolution | |

|Marketing Research | |

|Commercials | |

| | |

|Chapters 10-13 cover the following competencies: | |

|BUS.6315.36.039 Explain marketing concepts and the elements of the marketing mix. | |

|BUS.6315.36.040 Explain the four stages of the product life cycle. | |

|Related SOLs: none |

|Pre-assessment: none |

|Hook: none |

|Pacing: |Learning Experiences and Instruction: (Procedures) |Strategies: |

| | | |

| |We are on a field trip this date. There will be no class taking place. | |

| | | |

|Closing: (How will I determine student’s level of mastery?) Homework: 2 sessions write-up. |

|Post-assessment: |Homework: |

|none |(Assign this the block before the summit:) |

| |Read chapters 10 and 11, make notes, write vocab, answer questions. |

| |Day of Summit homework: |

| |Write a 1 paragraph description of each session you attended (what was the focus of the session, what details did |

| |you learn) |

| |Read Chapters 12 and 13, make notes, write vocab, answer questions. |

| |Be ready to hand in the following: |

| |Two Summit Write-ups |

| |Summit Business Cards |

| |Chapter 10-11 notes, vocab, questions |

| |Chapter 12-13 notes, vocab, questions |

|Materials: |

|Glencoe Text |

|Teamwork: |Thinking Skills: |Self Esteem: |

|Depends on summit session |All summit sessions ask students to apply |Depends on summit sessions |

| |knowledge learned to their business | |

Unit: Entrepreneurship

Daily Lesson Plan for: Virtual Enterprise Block: 2A & 3A Date: (A17)

|Objectives: (By the end of the block the student will be able to…) |From Calendar: |

|The student will analyze information learned from the VE Summit and share that information with the class. |Summit Recap – ppts on what you |

| |learned |

|Chapters 10-13 cover the following competencies: |Summit Connections |

|BUS.6315.36.039 Explain marketing concepts and the elements of the marketing mix. | |

|BUS.6315.36.040 Explain the four stages of the product life cycle. | |

|Related SOLs: none |

|Pre-assessment: none |

|Hook: none |

|Pacing: |Learning Experiences and Instruction: (Procedures) |Strategies: |

|10 min |Warm-up: on a 1/3 sheet of paper, please answer the following: | |

| |The best speaker at the summit was… and they were the best because… | |

| |The best part of the summit was… because… | |

| |The worst part of the summit was… because… | |

| |The best thing I learned at the summit was… | |

|Hand in work |Students hand in the following: | |

| |Two (2) summit write-ups from sessions attended | |

| |Chapter 10-11 Homework | |

| |Chapter 12-13 Homework | |

|30 min |Break students into groups of what classes they went to. Have students create a PPT to teach the class|Group work, research |

| |what they learned, have students augment what they learned from online research. | |

|20 min |Group presentations – have students take notes in their note books |Note taking, |

| | |presentations |

|40 min |If E-mail working!! Have students log in and e-mail all the contacts they made with an e-mail |Connections |

| |introducing themselves, their “30-second” company pitch, and ask students to collaborate – partnership?| |

| |How? | |

| |Students should print e-mails and hand in the group. | |

|Closing: (How will I determine student’s level of mastery?) |

|What did you learn from other student’s sessions? |

|Post-assessment: |Homework: relax over the weekend, we’ve been working hard! |

|Upcoming Chapter 10-13 unit test! | |

|Materials: |

|PCs, PPT, Projector |

|Teamwork: |Thinking Skills: note taking, analyzing, group |Self Esteem: connections to students they met |

|PPTs as a team |work, research, presentations | |

|Teacher Self-Evaluation of Lesson: |

Unit: Entrepreneurship

Daily Lesson Plan for: Virtual Enterprise Block: 2A & 3A Date: (A18-A20)

|Objectives: (By the end of the block the student will be able to…) |From Calendar: |

|The students will finalize the Business Plan (see Class #13-15 for all business plan competencies and |10/20 |

|related SOLs). |BP – final copy due, class edit |

|The students will create a presentation for the business plan and practice the presentation in front of the |(40 min) |

|entire class. |BP Presentations (Entire class |

| |into groups and all work on) |

|Business Plan Work: |10/22 |

|BUS.6315.36.013 Analyze business plan development. |BP – finish presentations and |

|BUS.6315.36.023 Develop a line-of-sight action plan stating goals, strategies, and objectives related to the|practice them |

|company's vision, mission, and values. |BP – presentations 2nd half of |

|BUS.6315.36.032 Identify strategies for risk management. |class |

| |10/24 |

|Chapter 10-13 Work: |BP – Guest speakers to edit and |

|BUS.6315.36.039 Explain marketing concepts and the elements of the marketing mix. |edit presentations?? |

|BUS.6315.36.040 Explain the four stages of the product life cycle. |Test: Entre Chp 10-13 |

|Related SOLs: |

|English 12.7 |

|The student will develop expository and informational writings. |

|Generate, gather, and organize ideas for writing. |

|Consider audience and purpose when planning for writing. |

|Write analytically about literary, informational, and visual materials. |

|Elaborate ideas clearly and accurately. |

|Revise writing for depth of information and technique of presentation. |

|Apply grammatical conventions to edit writing for correct use of language, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. |

|Proofread final copy and prepare document for publication submission. |

|Pre-assessment: none |

|Hook: none |

|Pacing: |Learning Experiences and Instruction: (Procedures) |Strategies: |

|15 min |Warm-up: |- |

| |10/20: What should the main focus of our business plan be? How can we convey that in our written | |

| |plan? | |

| |10/22: Brainstorm characteristics of good presentations. | |

| |10/24: How did you prepare for today’s test? | |

|10/20 |Entire class edits the business plan – CEO reads, all others raise hand and tell how to edit (can do|Critique, editing |

|40 min |this with Interclass and project it to their seats or with overhead projector) | |

|50 min |Break class into groups. Have all groups create a presentation about the business plan (use the |presentation |

| |guide ppt for this). Have each group practice the presentation, will make presentations to class | |

| |next class!) | |

|10/22 |Practice presentations again before giving them to entire class, best presenters will be chosen to |Group work, editing, |

|30 min |present the business plan, also make any final ppt adjustments. |presentations |

|50 min |All groups present this class, have students critique groups (best group will be presenters in |Critique, |

| |final) |presentations |

|10/24 |Test: Chapters 10-13 | |

|50 min | | |

|30 min |Ask English teacher or business person in to help students critique the final draft of the business | |

| |plan. A few people would do well like a panel… | |

|Closing: (How will I determine student’s level of mastery?) |

|Post-assessment: |Homework: CEO’s – final plan due in to me next class taking panel’s |

| |comments into consideration and making necessary changes! |

|Materials: PCs, SharePoint, PPT, |

|Teamwork: discussions |Thinking Skills: critique, editing, |Self Esteem: as work with group on PPT, |

| |presentations, group work |when we give feedback of what did well. |

|Teacher Self-Evaluation of Lesson: |

Unit: Entrepreneurship

Daily Lesson Plan for: Virtual Enterprise Block: 2A & 3A Date: (A21-A22)

|Objectives: (By the end of the block the student will be able to…) |From Calendar: |

|Break-aways: |10/31: |

|Presenters will continue to work on and practice the presentation, if presenter is a manager, the manager |Employee Manual |

|will need to select a “back-up manager” while they are out to work on the following: |Catalog and Website |

| |Bank Accounts, log-in |

|Managers and all departments: |information, personal budgets |

|BUS.6315.36.047 Apply time management concepts in scheduling and completing tasks. |11/1: |

|BUS.6315.36.067 Plan an effective meeting. |Continue from last block – due |

|BUS.6315.36.068 Facilitate a meeting. |11/9, ready with presentations to|

|BUS.6315.36.069 Make a presentation to an audience. |teach to class (will make |

|BUS.6315.36.070 Demonstrate business etiquette techniques. |presentations 11/7 and present |

| |them starting 11/9): |

|Human Resources: Employee Manual |Employee Manual |

|BUS.6315.36.044 Analyze components included in policies and procedures manuals |Catalog and Website |

|BUS.6315.36.052 Develop a job description. |Bank Accounts, log-in |

|BUS.6315.36.053 Outline the procedures used in employee performance documentation, promotion, and |information, personal budgets |

|termination. | |

|BUS.6315.36.056 Identify the components of an orientation program for a new employee. | |

|BUS.6315.36.057 Identify federal legislation related to employees in the workplace. | |

|BUS.6315.36.058 Review legal issues (e.g., harassment, employee rights, privacy, drug testing, labor | |

|disputes, discrimination, and substance abuse) and the potential impact to the business. | |

|BUS.6315.36.059 Describe the elements of a total compensation package. | |

|BUS.6315.36.065 Identify ways to motivate, coach, counsel, and reward individuals and teams. | |

|BUS.6315.36.066 Identify methods for resolving conflicts. | |

|BUS.6315.36.077 Identify the steps to follow in resigning from a position. | |

| | |

|Marketing: Catalog and Website: | |

|BUS.6315.36.038 Determine various applications of marketing research. | |

| | |

|Accounting and Finance: Set up bank accounts, log-in information, budgets: | |

|BUS.6315.36.035 Describe credit plans, credit cards, credit policies, collection procedures, and credit | |

|analysis. | |

|Related SOLs: |

| |

|Managers and all departments: English11.1, 12.1 |

|English 11.1: |

|The student will make informative and persuasive presentations. |

|Gather and organize evidence to support a position. |

|Present evidence clearly and convincingly. |

|Support and defend ideas in public forums. |

|Use grammatically correct language including vocabulary appropriate to the topic, audience, and purpose. |

|English 12.1: |

|The student will make a 5-10 minute formal oral presentation. |

|Choose the purpose of the presentation: to defend a position, to entertain an audience, or to explain information. |

|Use a well-structured narrative or logical argument. |

|Use details, illustrations, statistics, comparisons, and analogies to support purposes. |

|Use visual aids or technology to support presentation. |

|Use grammatically correct language, including vocabulary appropriate to the topic, audience, and purpose. |

| |

|HR: English 11.4, 12.7: |

|English 11.4: |

|The student will read and analyze a variety of informational materials. |

|Use information from texts to clarify or refine understanding of academic concepts. |

|Read and follow directions to complete an application for college admission, for a scholarship, or for employment. |

|Apply concepts and use vocabulary in informational and technical materials to complete a task. |

|Generalize ideas from selections to make predictions about other texts. |

|Analyze information from a text to draw conclusions. |

|English 12.7: |

|The student will develop expository and informational writings. |

|Generate, gather, and organize ideas for writing. |

|Consider audience and purpose when planning for writing. |

|Write analytically about literary, informational, and visual materials. |

|Elaborate ideas clearly and accurately. |

|Revise writing for depth of information and technique of presentation. |

|Apply grammatical conventions to edit writing for correct use of language, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. |

|Proofread final copy and prepare document for publication submission. |

| |

|Mrktg: none |

|A/F: none |

|Pre-assessment: |

|Hook: |

|Pacing: |Learning Experiences and Instruction: (Procedures) |Strategies: |

|10/31 |Warm-up: |- |

|15 min |Hold a meeting by department, copy down notes from the meeting. Provide on a 1/3 sheet of paper | |

| |what was the outcome of the meeting, what you have been assigned. | |

|60 min |Work on assigned elements by department, print out all work at end of this time before department |Research, group work, |

| |meeting. |editing, collaboration|

|20 min |Have an end of block department meeting, managers turn in to me what was accomplished and what will |Group work, group |

| |be done next class. |critique |

|11/1 |Warm-up: | |

|15 min |What is the purpose of what you are working on as a department? | |

| |Who is the audience for what you are working on as a department? | |

|60 min |Work on assigned elements by department, print out all work at end of this time before department |Research, group work, |

| |meeting. |editing, collaboration|

|20 min |Have an end of block department meeting, managers turn in to me what was accomplished and what will |Group work, group |

| |be done next class. |critique |

|Note! |Managers – eval students this week, turn in evals by end of this block. |Individual critique |

|Closing: (How will I determine student’s level of mastery?) |

|See what managers hand in at end of each block. |

|Post-assessment: |Homework: assigned by manager as needed. |

|Materials: PCs, sample employee manual, sample catalogs, banker info, budget info |

|Teamwork: in departments! |Thinking Skills: research, application |Self Esteem: group work, critique |

|Teacher Self-Evaluation of Lesson: Some of these items may need more or less time, will work on them next week and ask departments to work |

|together for help. |

|Hm… looking at again and think that may need to only work on HR manual as a class… |


What is an Entrepreneur?

• Definition

• Advantages/Disadvantages

• Risks

With this knowledge, what business should we run?

• Who are our customers?

• What needs/interests/lifestyles do our customers have?

How are the two related?

• Entrepreneurs fuel the economy


What is the “Economy?”

• Supply, Demand, Need, Want

• Economic Factors

• Economic Questions






In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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