UTEP, IDS (CIS course)

UTEP College of Business

Production/ Operations Management

OSCM 3321 - 23362

Spring 2020

Instructor: Jesus A. Cardenas, Ph.D.

Class meeting: 10:30 - 11:50 a.m. Monday, Wednesday BUSN 309

Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. (M-Th), 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.(W), or by appointment

E-mail: jacardenas3@utep.edu

Text Book: The following is required:

Customized Edition of “Operations Management” for 3321, McGraw Hill Irwin. Available in the bookstore

Prerequisite: QMB 2301 Fundamentals of Business Statistics.

Disclaimer: The following is a rough detail about what will be covered in lecture, assignments, grading, tests, etc. This is not a contract, but rather it is a guideline to be adjusted as necessary.

Course Objectives:

Business administration students from accredited colleges are required to have a common body of knowledge. This course is a part of that common body of knowledge. It is hoped that through this course we may be able to provide the student with the understanding of one of the most important areas in any organization. The aim of this course is two fold.

(1) To develop an understanding of basic operations activities that exist in different organizations.

(2) To develop appropriate decision making skills needed in certain operations activities.

Grading: 1. 3 Exams 45% (15% each)

2. Powerpoint Presentation 10%

4. 2 Projects 20%

5. Quizzes 20%

6. Attendance 5%


Total 100%

Grades will be assigned based on the following scale.

A 89.5+ C 69.5-79.5 D 59.5-69.5

B 79.5-89.5 F ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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