arrival(s)  eAnkunft

   departure(s)  e Abfahrt


German railroad schedules are yellow

for departures, white for arrivals.

PHOTO © Hyde Flippo

arrivals board/sign  e Ankunftstafel

arrivals monitor  r Ankunftsmonitor

arrival time  e Ankunftszeit

Austrian Federal Railways   ÖBB (ÖsterreichischeBundesbahnen)


baggage (n.)  sGepäck, (pl.) die Koffer (suitcases)

   baggage/luggage cart (n.)  rKofferkuli

   baggage check/left luggage (n.)  eGepäckaufbewahrung

   baggage claim/return (n.)  eGepäckausgabe

BahnCard  eBahnCard

   A special card that entitles passengers to a discount on rail tickets

The BahnCard is good idea if you will be using the train regularly over a period of time in Germany. It won't spare you the task of buying train tickets, but it will give you a 25-50 percent reduction in the cost of tickets you buy during a one-year period. You can decide for yourself the first day your BahnCard will become valid. There are first-class and second-class BahnCards. The BahnCard 25 (2nd class, 100 euro) and BahnCard 50 (2nd class, 200 euro) offer discounts of 25% and 50% respectively. The card is not valid for special reduced-priced tickets, and any supplementary charges have to be paid in full. But the BahnCard is valid on every day of the year, including holidays. The card is issued to you in your name. See the Deutsche Bahn Web site for details. Also see EurailPassbelow.

business trip  e Geschäftsreise

How to be polite in German. An article by your Guide:

German For Travelers: The Basics


car (on train)  r Waggon

   car rental/hire, auto rental agency  r Autoverleih

   rental/hire car  r Mietwagen, r Leihwagen

car location indicator (train)  r Wagenstandanzeiger

Using the Wagenstandanzeiger is a very practical way to know just where on the platform your car will come to a stop. Instead of walking through half the train to find your reserved seat, you can be standing on the platform within a few feet of the right car! See a photo of a Wagenstandanzeiger here. (Web)

More on trains here: Train Travel at the The German Way Web site.

compartment (train)  s Abteil

conductor (train)  r Schaffner

counter (bank, train station)  r Schalter

   at the counter  am Schalter

credit card  e Kreditkarte

crew  eBesatzung, e Crew


departure(s)  eAbfahrt

   arrival(s)  e Ankunft

departures board/sign/monitor  e Abfahrtstafel, r Abfahrtsmonitor

departure time  e Abfahrtszeit

Deutsche BahnAG  Germany's national rail service. (AG = Aktiengesellschaft = Inc.)

dining car (n.)  rSpeisewagen, r Zugrestaurant


EurailPass  rEurail-Pass

   Usually available only to non-Eurpeans, the Eurail Pass entitles travelers unlimited rail travel for a certain number of days. More:  or 

excursion, side-trip (n.)  rAusflug

   to take an excursion  einenAusflugmachen

excursion ticket (n.)  eAusflugskarte, die (verbilligte) Sonderkarte


fax (v.)  faxen

fax (facsimile) (n.)  s Fax, s Telefax


German Rail  DeutscheBahn AG (DB)

Die Deutsche Bahn AG is Germany's privatized national rail service. It provides rail connections to virtually every town of any size in Germany. In Austria the national railway is known as the ÖBB (ÖsterreichischeBundesbahnen). In Switzerland it's theSBB (SchweizerischeBundesbahnen).


high-speed train (ICE)  r InterCity Express (ICE)

hotel, inn  s Hotel, e Pension


ICE  r InterCity Express (German high-speed train)

information (n.)  eAuskunft, e Informationen

InterCity Hotel (n.)  s InterCity Hotel

   Located at or near German train stations. Caters to business travelers.


locomotive   e Lok

   diesel locom.   eDiesellok

   electric locom.   e E-Lok

luggage  sGepäck, (pl.) die Koffer (suitcases)


map  eLandkarte, r Stadtplan (city map), e Straßenkarte (road map)


passenger   r Fahrgast/Fahrgäste (rail)

   passengers, travelers (pl.)   Reisende, Fahrgäste, Passagiere

passport   r Reisepass, r Pass (pl., Pässe)

   passport inspection/check   e Passkontrolle

   passport office   s Passamt

platform (train)   r Bahnsteig

   platform ticket   e Bahnsteigkarte (for non-passengers)

   on the platform   auf demBahnsteig

How to be polite in Germany:

German For Travelers: The Basics


railroad, railway   e Bahn, e Eisenbahn

rail/train station   r Bahnhof

   main station  r Hauptbahnhof

reserved (adj.)   reserviert

When you're looking for a seat without having a reservation, notice the orange-colored reservation ("Reserviert") cards slipped into holders on the luggage racks above the seats to avoid sitting in the wrong seat.

restaurant (train)   s Zugrestaurant, r Speisewagen


schedule, timetable  r Fahrplan

station (train)  r Bahnhof/Bahnhöfe

suitcase(s)  rKoffer (die Koffer), s Gepäck (baggage, luggage)

Swiss Federal Railways   SBB (SchweizerischeBundesbahnen)



A ticket window in Munich's Hauptbahnhof.

PHOTO: © Hyde Flippo

ticket  The following words all mean ticket (sing./pl.):

   s Ticket/Tickets (air, event)

   r Fahrschein/Fahrscheine (bus, rail)

   e Fahrkarte/Fahrkarten (general)

   e Flugkarte/Flugkarten (air)

   r Flugschein/Flugscheine (air)

ticket counter/office/window (n.)  rKartenschalter

ticket machine  r Fahrkartenautomat

timetable, schedule  r Fahrplan

track, rail  s Gleis, e Schiene (single rail)

   on track 12   auf Gleis 12 (zwölf)

train, railway  e Bahn (e Eisenbahn), r Zug

   by train/rail   mit der Bahn, mitdem Zug

train station  r Bahnhof

   main station  r Hauptbahnhof (Hbf)


waiting room/hall  rWarteraum, e Wartehalle

waiting time  e Wartezeit

|Travel Deutsch |

|Basic German for Travelers |

|A Simple Travel Phrasebook |

|English |Deutsch |

|yes / no |ja / nein (yah/nine) |

|please/thanks |bitte/danke (BIT-tuh/DAHN-kuh) |

|You're welcome. |Bitte. (BIT-tuh) |

|You're welcome. (for a favor) |Gerngeschehen. (ghernguh-SHAY-un) |

|Excuse me! |EntschuldigenSie! (ent-SHOOL-de-gen zee) |

|Where's the restroom/toilet? |Woistdie Toilette? (voistdee toy-LET-uh) |

|left / right |links / rechts (linx/rechts) |

|downstairs / upstairs |unten / oben (oonten/oben) |

|Essential German |

|The bare minimum on ONE page! |

|German Travel Newsletter |

|German for Beginners |

|Hello!/Good day! |Guten Tag! (GOO-ten tahk) |

|Good-bye! |Auf Wiedersehen! (owf VEE-der-zane) |

|Good morning! |GutenMorgen! (GOO-ten morgen) |

|Good night! |GuteNacht! (GOO-tuhnahdt) |

|My name is... |Ichheisse... (ich HYE-suh) |

|I am... |Ich bin... (ich bin) |

|Do you have...? |HabenSie...? (HAH-ben zee) |

|a room |ein Zimmer (eye-n TSIM-air) |

|a rental car |einMietwagen (eye-n MEET-vahgen) |

|a bank |eine Bank (eye-nuhbahnk) |

|the police |die Polizei (deepo-lit-ZYE) |

|the train station |der Bahnhof (dare BAHN-hof) |

|the airport |der Flughafen (dare FLOOG-hafen) |

|MORE > See the links below for more basic German lessons... |

|English-German Travel Glossary |

|German-English Menu Guide |

|German Travel Newsletter |

|More German Lesson Newsletters |

|German for Beginners |



von Brigitte Dubiel

Kim kommtausdemBundesstaat Illinois.ZurZeitwohntsieals Austauschschülerin beieinerdeutschenFamilie. EsistSamstagnachmittag. Sabine, die Tochter, fragt Kim: „Was möchtest du gernehiermachen?“

Kim antwortet: „Am liebstenmöchteicheinkaufengehen. Das heißt ‘shopping’ bei uns.“

Sabine: „Jaklar, das machenwir! Ichgeheauchgerneinkaufen! Wannwillst du denngehen?“

Kim: „Morgenvielleicht, geht das?“

Sabine: „Morgen? Nein, das gehtnicht.MorgensindalleGeschäftegeschlossen.“

Kim: „Geschlossen? Aberwarumdenn?“

Sabine: „Morgenistdoch Sonntag. SonntagssindalleLäden in Deutschland geschlossen.“

Kim: „Das istaberkomisch! Könnenwirvielleichtheutenochgehen?“

Sabine: „Nein, das gehtauchnicht. Esistjaschonhalbfünf, und samstagsmachen die Geschäfte um 16 Uhr zu.“

Kim: „Vielleichtdann am Montag?“

Sabine: „Ja, das wirdschonklappen. WirgehenzuHertie, die machen um halbzehn auf.“

> Fortsetzungfolgt (Continued in Part 2)



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