True Stories

-8064502000251THE INSIDER’S SECRETS OF4191003563620HOW TO OUTRIGHTCANCEL100% OF YOURUNSECURED DEBTby The BenefactorHOW TO OUTRIGHTCANCEL100% OF YOURUNSECURED DEBTCopyright ? 2018 by Brilliance in Commerce-158750694690Disclaimer: This eBook does not provide legal or tax advice, and nothing in this document should be taken as such. In addition, the author and associates do not represent any foreign government nor are agents of any foreign government. Before undertaking any action, be sure to discuss your options with a qualified advisor.-860425-1133475How to Outright Cancel 100% of Your Unsecured DebtYou can legally stop making payments on your credit card debt if it was issued by a United States financial institution – and have the debt cancelled – removed – eliminated – 100%. 701675216535Did you know that you can legally CANCEL Visa, MasterCard, student loans, and other unsecured debt in the United States? Did you know there is a legal loophole in the United States that allows you to completely erase your unsecured debt without bankruptcy or paying it off? Why settle for debt consolidation, negotiation, reduction, modification, or any other kind of compromise, when you can eliminate 100% of it without bankruptcy? These are America’s Number One debt elimination secrets. 4140200180975They have enjoyed a virtually 100% success rate since 2002. Using these secrets actually helps the economy. Thousands have stopped paying their credit card and even student loan debt. It's likely your unsecured debts qualify for complete elimination. Users of these secrets stop making payments on the debt immediately, redirecting much-needed funds to more beneficial and life-supporting purposes. Using these secrets is improving the world by withdrawing support from the old disappearing international banking cartel and fiat money crime syndicates. True StoriesI personally successfully cancelled over $50,000 of credit card debt involving seven cards -- Visas, MasterCards, and Discover, back in 2002. I never had to go to court and I have not had a problem with them since. The system has continued to work for my friends and family to this day. So it has a proven track record now. It is as simple as 1-2-3. It requires no special skills except how to use a computer keyboard and Microsoft Word software. If you don’t know that, a friend can help you. Other than that, it requires no big study, no long hours, and only a very small learning curve – most of which you can get from what you are reading right now. That’s why thousands of people across America have done it and are doing it. 8572531750A senior citizen in Washington state had about $43,000 in credit card debts. She had maxed her cards out after her husband died, and she was being hounded by the so-called “creditors”. Then from friends and family she learned that they are not creditors at all. She used this polite and professional dispute letter and affidavit, and she has not heard from the money lenders or their collection agents since. In one case, they did persist with two more letters, and the system provided her with simple response letters to send, which only took a few minutes to prepare and mail. This was in early 2010, and since then she has had no further contact from any of them. She knows now, for a fact, that this is because the lenders have been caught in their scam . . . and they would rather let it quietly go away than to litigate it and publicize it. Before all this happened, her lifestyle was declining. She was less and less able to afford the right medicines, medical help, good clothing, car repairs, maintenance on her home, and especially vacations and spiritual retreats. The debts were mounting up too much. When she began the Liberty program, she stopped making all those payments immediately. Then overnight she was able to begin affording better health, a better car, a better house, and greater peace of mind. We have seen this story repeated in a thousand different ways thousands of times. It is a really wonderful reversal of destinies for people.A hard working gentleman in Camarillo, California wrote in August 2015, “I started this letter campaign over a year ago and I think it finally paid off. I'm attaching a scan of a letter a received about my student loan. Can you take a look. It appears as though the debt has been discharged.” Indeed, it was what we call a “victory letter”. Not every user of this system will have to wait that long. Actually, everyone who uses this system can stop making payments immediately on the debt, and it usually takes an average of three to eight months to see the debt go away. But student loans are often larger and can take longer. In this gentleman’s case, it took fourteen months. 4333875-57150He wrote: "I do give my permission for the sanitized version of the EDD letter to be posted. Please, anything I can do for others. I am very grateful for your system. This has been quite a ride. The EDD ran me through many different entities and I stuck it out and kept lettering them all. I never gave in. I stuck to my resolve. That's the secret as far as I'm concerned. No matter what they throw at you. Never give up. Thank you. Life in Camarillo is good."That’s one of the most difficult cases. For most people who use this system, it is much easier, especially for those who are just cancelling credit card debts. It just involves sending several letters over a period of a few months. Simple instructions guide you the whole way, and experts are available by email and telephone to answer questions. The Difference between Good Debt and Bad Debt2209800269240-66675187325Are you willingly, consciously, and constructively using the credit system to access capital for profitable investment or business expansion? In other words, are you in debt voluntarily, making more in profit or interest with the borrowed capital than the interest you’re paying on it? If so, then this is what we call “good debt”. This is debt 19050209550which is good for society because it is being used to increase the sum total of goods and services available in the world. “If you want to sail tall ships, you have to be willing to go into deep water.” It is good to repay this debt, because it builds good credit, and makes more available for further expansion. 390525066675On the other hand, is your debt involuntary?85725317563539814502238375857250Is it debt which happened against your will, because of expenses beyond your means? And is it debt which is producing more of a liability and a loss against assets than benefits? Is it an enslaving influence, difficult to escape, causing more suffering than blessings? If so, then this is what is called “bad debt”. This is debt which should be avoided or eliminated if possible. In many cases, this kind of debt has been deliberately used as a weapon by dark forces against individuals, companies, governments, or whole nations. Reference books like The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin, and Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins. Texts like these chronicle the use of debt as an act of war and parasitic exploitation against whole countries. The Difference between Real Debt and Fake DebtIf the lender is your mother or father, another family member, or a friend, it is a Real debt - - because he or she really loaned his or her own money, and that money would be lost if you don’t pay it back. Likewise, if a retail store sells you merchandise on credit, and if that store issues its own in-house credit without outsourcing it to a bank or finance company, then that too is Real debt - - once again because the store has really given something of value for the credit, and would experience a loss equal to the value of the merchandise if you don’t pay it. These are Real debts. 0-4533903905250594360A Fake debt, by contrast, is one where a bank or financial institution gave you a signature loan, line of credit, credit card, or student loan. The reason this is fake - - phony - - is that nothing ever came out of the lender’s accounts to fund the loan. It was effectively created out of thin air. This is called the Mandrake Mechanism. The old paradigm worldwide monetary system was deliberately set up this way in order to conquer the world by getting everyone, including governments, in debt to the bankers. Read books like “Secrets of the Federal Reserve” by Eustace Mullin and “The Creature from Jekyll Island” by G. Edward Griffin to see full documentation of this. You Will Actually Help the Economy by Eliminating Your Fake Debt0111760Payments to most credit card issuers, student loan agencies, and other institutional lenders are giving money to an international crime syndicate that is extracting value from society via the magic trick of making false debt look real. This has supported a parasitic system. By stopping the payments on these phony debts, you are withdrawing your support from these parasites. You are voting with your dollars for a better world by redirecting valuable funds to more life supporting causes. Thus it is not only legal and ethical to stop making these payments, but it is also beneficial to the entire world economy. 38100109855How the money system in the United States works The Fractional Reserve Banking System has been in existence in other countries for centuries but our founders never wanted Fractional Reserve Banking to be used in our country. They knew the evils of a central banking system from where they had come from and wanted to avoid it at all cost. The United States Congress passed a law in 1913 that allowed the formation of the Federal Reserve Bank which was a central bank scheme created by a group of wealthy bankers as a way to make themselves even richer.But in order to explain what the system is all about we need to talk for a minute about what a bank actually does. A bank accepts deposits from its customers but it doesn’t just hold that money. If all the bank did was hold the money that was deposited they would never make any money themselves.So instead, the bank takes the money that is deposited and it loans most of it back out. There are laws to keep them from loaning all of it out because sometimes customers come back and they want to withdraw some of the money that they deposited. But the bank does loan most of the money out to other people. The important thing to remember here is that banks don’t hold all the deposits they get. They loan most of the money out.The amount of deposits that the bank has to hold, by law, is called a “Required Reserve”. In the United States that Required Reserve is 10% which means that the other 90% is money they are free to loan out and it is something called Excess Reserves.This whole thing will make a lot more sense if I give you an example, so let’s say that someone goes to a bank and deposits $100 from their pocket into the bank. This won’t change the money supply in any way because money from your pocket is a part of the money supply already. So up to his point there has been no change in the money supply.3609975209550But here is where the “magic” happens. By law, the bank has to hold onto a certain percentage of the money that it gets in deposits. In the United States, as we said earlier, that amount is 10%. So that means that out of the $100 that was deposited into the bank they have to hold $10. But it also means that they are free to loan the other 90% or $90 out to somebody else and they probably will because that’s how they make money.So notice - - the person who deposited $100 still has $100 in the bank and the person who borrowed $90 from the bank also has $90 but there was only $100 to begin with. The $90 that was loaned out is money that was created out of thin air. It did not exist until the loan occurred. And it was actually our signature on the loan documents or credit card application that allowed the bank to create money from nothing.So basically, one of the main ways banks make money is to create new money by loaning money out that really doesn’t exist. They do that by creating money electronically out of thin air. It is nothing but digital money that will show up on your ATM but it isn’t really in existence at all.2857500180975The process keeps repeating itself over and over. The person who borrowed the $90 is going to spend it and eventually the $90 will make its way back into another bank somewhere. Then the bank is going to take the $90 and to satisfy the 10% Required Reserve law they will hold $9 and find someone else to loan the remaining $81 to. The $81 is brand new money that didn’t exist until it was loaned out. And, again, it really only exists electronically. Then the $81 is going to be spent by the person who borrowed it and it will eventually make its way to another bank which will then have to hold 10% or $8.10 of it before they are able to loan out the remaining $72.90.0942975That process just keeps going on and on again and again and again until the initial deposit of $100 turns into $900 of newly created money. And you can see that as the process repeats itself the amount the bank has to loan gets smaller and smaller each time. So to fix that problem, the bank simply puts your smaller Excess Reserve amount with other Excess Reserve amounts until they have large enough amount of electronic money to loan to someone else.That is the whole concept of Fractional Reserve Banking. Banks hold a portion of the money deposited and then loan the rest out. And whenever they loan it out they are creating new money. That is the principle behind why when it was put to the test, the courts agreed that the banks didn’t really loan any money like they pretended to but they actually just started charging you interest on money that they really didn’t have to begin with. That is why our debt elimination system works.So to sum it all up, the banks create money out of thin air by holding 10% of every deposit and loaning the remaining 90% out. This can be done again and again until over 9 times the original deposit is created from nothing. Our laws actually say that part is legal but where the banks cross the line into fraud is when they try to make you pay back 100% of what they never really loaned you and then add exorbitant interest to it and pretend that they are at risk of losing money they originally had if you are somehow unable to pay them back.314325975360After this process goes on in a country in bank after bank, year after year, eventually the scam catches up to them and the national economy turns to disaster. That’s where we are right now in the United States and it is even worse in other nations around the world.You can probably understand more clearly now why our wise founders fought so hard against bankers that wanted to create a central banking system. They knew it would eventually lead to ruin and they had fought too hard for their independence to allow bankers to take advantage of a system that they knew had never worked anywhere else and they knew wouldn’t work here.The only way we are ever going to fix a system that is doomed for disaster is to show the banks that they have been caught in their scheme. Once enough of us do that they will have to move back to a system that the founders knew was better from the beginning. And the good news is that in the process of helping created positive change in the world you also get your credit card debt erased and you can start living the life of freedom that you deserve.So after you read the rest of this report you will realize that the most common methods of debt relief…the ones used by the majority of America’s debt-laden citizens don’t really do much except “rob Peter to pay Paul” or shuffle the chairs on the deck of the Titanic, to use a well- known metaphor.The Liberty Debt Elimination Program is not only inexpensive; it has a nearly 100% success rate in eliminating the credit card debt of thousands of Americans since it first began in 2002. Below you’ll find a lot of the “shuffle the deck chairs” type options that most uninformed people use. And as was stated in the introduction, some are good, some are bad, many are hard and few are easy but all tend to be preceded by large amounts of stress. The Liberty Debt Elimination System explained above actually relieves that stress way better than anything described below, but for the sake of a fairly complete listing of what all your actual options are, here are what some of your friends and neighbors do to relieve their debt-related stress.The “Ignore it and hope it goes away” thought process35636202540Way more people do this than you would ever expect. Looking at it on paper, it seems like an utterly ridiculous and pretty self-defeating way of dealing with debt but there are lots of people who procrastinate like crazy when it comes to figuring out a way to get out and stay out of debt. They keep getting further and further in debt and keep hoping for some miracle to happen, like winning the lottery maybe, or unexpected cash just showing up in their mailbox someday. But it never happens. And day after day, week after week, month after month and even year after year they ignore their situation while it gets worse and worse. If that sounds like you, congratulations for finally doing something about it! You’re reading this report and that’s a first step. The first step is always the hardest so now you’re on your way. Keep on going! Keep on reading! But DON’T keep on ignoring your debt! It will NOT just go away!BankruptcyIf you DO keep ignoring your debt, it could eventually lead to a required bankruptcy filing and believe me, that is not something you want to do because it has such ugly long-term implications. Your credit report will show the date of the filing and the date of discharge for 10 -38100-133350full years and life is WAY too short to fight with a bad credit report for 10 years of it. Having that negative situation showing on your credit report can cost you a lot. It will often cause home mortgage companies to deny you the ability to buy a home or what may actually be worse is if they allow you to buy the home but raise the mortgage interest rate because of your bad credit rating. Just a few points rise in interest rate can cost you thousands of dollars over the life of the loan. And if you try to get a better job making more money, a bankruptcy on your record is often something that will keep an employer from even giving you a chance to better yourself.There are two main kinds of personal bankruptcy filings- Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. Each must be filed in federal bankruptcy court. The filing fees are usually several hundred dollars and attorney fees, which are not required but are highly recommended by most knowledgeable people, are extra and vary widely.39624001294130Chapter 7, which is often known as straight bankruptcy, requires you to first sell all assets that are not exempt to pay off debt. Exempt property can include automobiles and some basic household furnishings. Sometimes work-related tools are included too. Sometimes a trustee, a court- appointed official, will either sell or turned over items of value to the filer’s creditors so they can sell them to recoup some of their loss. Chapter 13 often allows people that have a steady income to keep property, like a mortgaged house or a car that was purchased with a loan, that they might otherwise be lost through the Chapter 7 bankruptcy process. In Chapter 13, the court basically sets and approves a repayment program that will allow you an extended time to pay off your debts over the next three to five years using future income rather than requiring the surrender of certain pieces of property or personal items. Once you complete making all the payments under the approved repayment plan, your debts are “discharged”. But remember, even the date of discharge will remain on your credit report for 10 full years.While both types of bankruptcy can get rid of unsecured debts and stop foreclosures, repossessions, garnishments and utility shut-offs, as well as debt collection activities and will even give exemptions allowing you to keep certain assets, the exemption amounts vary state to state. Bankruptcy does not usually erase payments for child support or alimony. Fines, taxes, and certain student loan obligations also remain intact. And, unless you have an acceptable plan to catch up on your debt under Chapter 13, bankruptcy, most of the time, will not allow you to keep property if your creditors have an unpaid mortgage or security lien on it.Filing for bankruptcy was easier than it should have been for a while around the turn of the century but is becoming harder every day (which is actually a good thing). During that time, there was not a requirement to get any credit counseling like there is now. At present, everyone who files for bankruptcy must have, within the previous 6 months, participated in a credit counseling program through a government-approved organization. If the filing is Chapter 7, you will also be required to confirm that your income does not exceed a certain amount. This is called a “means test” and the amount varies from state to state.76200-1156970Minimum Payments strategy37147502275840If you didn’t know it already, you are about to. Making minimum payments on your credit card balance means that you will take decades to pay it off and the items or services that you purchased with the credit card will become so extremely expensive that you would have NEVER bought them if you’d seen the actual real price (purchase price plus credit card interest and fees cost). A simple flat-screen television purchased with a credit card that would cost $500 if purchased with cash can end up costing thousands of dollars by the time you pay it off if you make only the minimum required monthly payment on the credit card balance. And that only gets worse (by far) if you happen to be even one day late on one of your payments. When you filled out and signed the application for a card with the credit card company you agreed in the fine print to allow the credit card company to raise your interest rate from the nice low introductory rate (sometimes even as low as 0%) to often as high as 29.99% if you were ever late. So I hope you enjoy your television. It is costing you a HUGE amount whether you know it or not.Minimum required monthly payments are designed to make the credit card company wealthy by stealing all YOUR wealth. Don’t play into their strategy.Negotiating With the LendersOne way to try to make ends meet, if they are not, is to contact your credit card company to tell them why it has been hard for you to make the payment and see if they will work out some kind of a modified payment plan that will reduce your payments to a more manageable level. If you wait until your accounts have been turned over to a debt collector it will be too late but even before that, it is not a sure thing that they will work with you. But even if they do work out a way to lower your minimum monthly payment, you aren’t really getting any long-term debt relief; you’re just postponing the inevitable which just creates more stress and more financial problems for a longer time period. So even though this strategy is used by quite a few debt sufferers, it really isn’t a very good way to get any lasting debt relief. Negotiating with your lenders is better than just making minimum required payments for the long term on high interest credit cards but it isn’t something that will really solve your debt-related stress.-228600180340In this respect, many are learning to stay away from debt reduction, negotiation, or consolidation. They have found that it is far more expensive and stressful than cancelling the debt altogether, and in addition, it will continue harming the economy. Why negotiate or consolidate when you can legally CANCEL, and HELP the economy at the same time? And if you are truly honest and accurate - - how can you “reduce” or “negotiate” something that is nonexistent? If a debt is a fraud, if it is bogus, then it is nonexistent. Something that doesn’t exist cannot be reduced or negotiated or compromised or consolidated. It can only be canceled - - meaning it can be acknowledged for what it always was - - a hoax.Debt ConsolidationOne of the most commonly used and the most abused methods of debt relief is a consolidation loan or credit card. This strategy often misfires and puts you in a much worse position than you were before and it is for two main reasons- lack of self-control or lack of money management skills. If you really stop to think about it, what got you into the high-stress debt to begin with is often not having enough self-control, or the ability, to live within your means to begin with. You got caught up in the American thought process that says, “can I afford the monthly payments?” rather than the question we should all ask when making a purchase, “Do I have the money to buy this right now or do I need to wait for a while until I save enough money to buy it with cash?” The monthly payments question works fine until one slight mistake causes your interest rate to skyrocket and causes your monthly minimum payment amount to go up beyond what your income will allow you to pay each month. Then the high stress begins. And it hammers you relentlessly every single month.2381250-798830So what way too many people do is to look for a low interest loan or place a second mortgage on their home to help them temporarily out of the heat. What that does is just prolong the problem by taking debt that could be eliminated with proper strategies and locking it in for years to come. Many people also find a credit card that has a low or zero introductory rate (those rates don’t usually last very long) which allows them to transfer the balances of a few other higher interest rate cards to the new card. While that may work to lower the interest being paid on the purchases and sometimes even lower the monthly payment, if the old high interest rate cards are not cut up or put out of commission in some way, the lack of self-control that got them into the situation in the first place sticks its head up again and spending starts getting added to the high interest rate cards so now there’s a two (or three or more) headed problem that gets worse as it moves forward. ANY consolidation strategy must be coupled with destroying the original cards or the temptation is often just too great to use them and your problem gets worse.Another problem with debt consolidation is that there are often costs and fees involved in the second mortgage or the consolidation loan that simply put you in more debt when the objective is to get you out of debt. While some consolidation type loans give you a small break when paying your taxes, the reduction in the amount of the taxes you pay won’t be more than the other costs that you end up paying.Credit Counseling ServicesThe objective of credit counseling organizations or services is to advise you on managing your money and debts, to help you create a budget and teach you how to live by it, and to offer you free educational materials and workshops about debt and money related issues. If you are at a reputable organization for your credit counseling, the counselors are certified and trained in 857250 consumer credit, money and debt management, and budgeting. They discuss your entire financial situation with you, and then help you create a personalized plan to solve your money problems. There are often several required counseling sessions. But there are some organizations that have bad reputations (for good reason) and should be avoided like the plague.Most reputable credit counseling organizations have non-profit status and offer their services through local offices, online, or on the phone. It is much better to find an organization that offers in-person counseling than to do it online or over the phone because the accountability factor of being in the room with someone helps tremendously. There are many universities, military bases, credit unions, housing authorities, and even branches of the U.S. Cooperative Extension Service that operate non-profit credit counseling programs.But you need to know that “non-profit” status doesn’t always guarantee that services are free, affordable, or even worthwhile. Some credit counseling organizations charge high fees, which are sometimes even hidden, or they “strongly suggest” that their clients to make "voluntary" contributions to their program which actually causes even more debt.The main problem with credit counseling is that they are ignorant about the nonexistence of the validity of the debt. They assume it is legitimate debt, when in fact abundant evidence has proven for decades in thousands of cases that all institutional debt is fraudulent. Debt Settlement ProgramsThere is also something that is called a Debt Settlement Programs (DSP) which are most of the time offered by companies that offer their services to make a profit. These programs involve having the DSP negotiate with your creditors to allow you to pay a lower-than-the-full-balance “settlement” to resolve your debt. In order for you to make that lump sum payment, the program has you set aside a specific amount of money every month in savings and the debt settlement companies have you transfer this amount every month into an escrow-like account with the goal of accumulating enough savings to pay off any settlement that is eventually negotiated with the creditor.Even though a debt settlement company is often able to negotiate and allow you to “settle” one or more of your debts, there are sometimes risks that go along with these programs. The program will often require that you deposit money into a special savings account for 36 months (which can seem like a very long time when you’re stressed so badly from your financial situation) or even more before all your debts will be settled. Because of that one reason, there is a very high drop-out rate for those who start this type of program. So this type of program shouldn’t be started without fully understanding all the implications of it before you begin.-28575-1331595Also, there is no obligation for your creditor to agree to any settlement negotiation. Because of that there is a possibility that, even after you pay the program money to help get you on track, the debt settlement company may not be able to settle some of your debts. That, again, leaves you worse off than you were to begin with.These debt settlement programs will many times have you stop making payments to your creditors, so they end up having a negative impact on your credit report. Your creditor will add late fees and penalties to your balance when they don’t receive your payment and if the debt is not settled in the end, you are actually further in the hole than when you started. And you also have to deal with calls from your creditors or debt collectors because you missed your payment. You could even be sued for repayment and in some cases, when your creditors win a lawsuit, they automatically have the right to garnish your wages or put a lien on your home. That scenario is not one you would expect when headed into a program to get you out of debt but it can occur.There are also quite a few scams in the “debt settlement program” arena that you need to watch out for. Some companies offering debt settlement programs may not deliver on their promises. They will often “guarantee” to settle all your credit card debts for 30 to 60 percent of the amount you owe and, as stated earlier, there is no way they can guarantee that the creditor will even negotiate with them. Some debt settlement companies even try to collect fees from you before they settle any of your debts.It should also be noted here that if a DSP does end up getting your debt settled for less than the balance you owed on the card, in some states you end up being required to pay taxes on the amount that was “charged off” by the credit card company. So in the end, even though you may have less debt from the credit card company to pay, if you can’t pay the taxes that is owed from the settlement the IRS, fees and penalties can add up to more than the amount that was charged off. Just be aware of this before using a DSP as a form of debt relief.High Interest “Pay Day” loansYou may have noticed that there is a huge amount of small “pay day loans” type shops popping up everywhere. That is because they make so much money loaning hurting people money (at extremely high rates of interest) to keep ahead of their debt problem. They require you to prove that you have the money coming in through a job or business income and then charge obscene rates of interest (usually figured in monthly interest that would be REALLY ugly if you annualized it) for a very short term loan.This type of loan is one of the worst debt relief strategies you could ever use and should be avoided at all cost (because the cost is HUGE and gets you into deeper and deeper debt and stress when that is the opposite of your goal).497205004000500There is a Better WayYou now have lots of debt relief options to consider but every single one of the options listed above starts with the premise that when you got a credit card from a credit card vendor you were actually loaned money from an account that they have that lowered their balance and that you need to pay them back to get their balance back up. Once you realize that they didn’t really have any money to loan you in the first place, it makes it much easier to see the corruption that is built into the country’s monetary system and it makes you not want to be a part of it.3267075246253038100167005In this respect, many are learning to stay away from debt reduction, negotiation, or consolidation. They have found that it is far more expensive and stressful than cancelling the debt altogether, and in addition, it will continue harming the economy. Why negotiate or consolidate when you can legally CANCEL, and HELP the economy at the same time? And if you are truly honest and accurate - - how can you “reduce” or “negotiate” something that is nonexistent? If a debt is a fraud, if it is bogus, then it is nonexistent. Something that doesn’t exist cannot be reduced or negotiated or compromised or consolidated. It can only be canceled - - meaning it can be acknowledged for what it always was - - a hoax.You have to realize that there is much more than just the principle of the thing that is at stake here. The way the Fractional Reserve Banking System is set up, it is designed to enrich a few wealthy bankers even though anyone who studies it knows very well that the end result is astronomical inflation which leads to eventual financial collapse. We are near that final result now in the United States unless enough people realize the travesty of what is going on and take action to change it.The first step toward changing the system is to not be a part of it yourself. And a huge side benefit of taking that step is that your debt will end up being eliminated while you’re in the process of helping implement change. So do both your country AND yourself a huge favor by joining a movement to implement change and get your debts eliminated (erased) at the same time. The Debt Cancelation Movement is Spreading(because most institutional debts are hoaxes)85725167005Our hearts go out to the millions of Americans who are unnecessarily burdened with debt payments to institutions that issue Visas, MasterCards, Discover cards, student loans, and other signature lines of credit. The Liberty credit card and student loan debt elimination program has been legally canceling the United States-based unsecured debts for thousands of Americans. These include Visa, MasterCard, Discover, institutional credit card debt, student loans, and signature loans. Liberty users stop making payments on the debts immediately, the day they start the program, and nullify the debts totally 100%, without bankruptcy, just by sending a series of letters. Many Liberty customers say this is the answer to their prayers. So our question to newcomers is, why negotiate, settle, modify, reduce, or consolidate, when you can outright CANCEL? And, out of the hundreds of theories and approaches to debt solutions out there, isn’t it better to with what WORKS -- not mere theory? As the saying goes, "Anyone who says it is impossible should not interrupt one who is actually doing it." 85725969645The Liberty system has enjoyed a nearly 100% success rate since 2002, meaning no one who has followed the simple instructions completely and didn’t give up, has failed to have the debts vanish. Liberty customers are protected by numerous laws, and a network of allies and professionals. Further, we have found that this is one of the best things you can do to help the economy, because it withdraws support from the parasitic old paradigm international criminal banking cartel.This allows customers to legally and totally cancel Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, student loan debts, and other unsecured lines of credit, without bankruptcy. It’s easy. Anyone with access to a computer and Microsoft Word (or compatible) software can do it. Just follow simple ABC instructions to put your name and personal information into three (3) powerful pages – and send them Registered Mail. That’s it! No attorneys needed. It’s quick – can be done in one hour.It’s inexpensive – just $450. Most people spend that much or more in one or two months of debt payments. When you realize you can, and should, stop making the payments on the debts you are cancelling with the Liberty system, right at the beginning of the process – the moment you purchase it, it is clear that the program pays for itself – and you are starting to pay yourself instead of the international criminal banking cabal.4257675675005 And, your purchase could effectively be free. If you have $450 in credit on your card, you can take the purchase price from that, and then include that in the debt to be cancelled with the Liberty system. There is nothing unethical about this, as you can see in the FAQs. Compare this $450 to programs costing $3000 and up. There are no other fees, and this covers an unlimited number of debts for one person (or a couple on joint accounts) for a lifetime. It has enjoyed a nearly 100% success rate. This means basically everyone who has used this exact same system precisely as instructed, has had collection attempts by banks, lending institutions, law firms, collection agencies, and even courts, come to a halt. The only people who failed were those who didn’t follow the instructions or who quit and gave up. And the instructions are easy. Basically, it just involves sending a letter Registered Mail approximately once a month for a few months until the collection efforts stop. We provide the text of the letters and complete instructions. You just fill in your name, account number, etc. It can’t get much easier than that. 85725125730 The Liberty system is the best in America, as far as we know. It has incorporated all the most effective techniques for debt cancellation discovered out there. Since it has been practicing this every year since 2002, it has been continuing to augment, improve, upgrade, and become stronger. New research is always pouring into it. The market changes, but certain basic principles remain the same and are invincible. The “pretender lenders” have no defense to certain allegations made in the Liberty letters, and so they remain undefeated to this day. For every American who implements this debt cancellation system, the economy is improved by that much. This is because when you were making your payments to the money lenders, the people benefitting most from those payments at the top of the banking hierarchy know full well that they created the loans out of thin air, and never loaned anything. So they’re getting trillions of dollars in free extortion money, tribute to their private offshore islands, underground cities, secret space programs, private armies, weapons and drug trafficking, war making, and other nefarious activities. 47625-240665It’s well documented and there are hundreds of books, websites, and seminars revealing these facts. We recommend everyone read authoritative books like “Secrets of the Federal Reserve” by Eustace Mullin, or “The Creature from Jekyll Island” by G. Edward Griffin. There is really no controversy about it and it’s not really a secret . . . it’s just that the information hasn’t yet spread to everyone. But the word is spreading more quickly now. When Liberty customers stop paying on these phony bogus debts, the economy is improved because money that was otherwise going to the international crime syndicate -- which they then use to hire armies of mercenaries to organize the banking and court systems against innocent people -- is money that is now going instead to one's own (presumably) harmless and life-supporting home living and household expenses, and perhaps education, spiritual practices, or health treatments creative and constructive projects. It is withdrawing money from what is harmful in the world and redirecting it to what is helpful. That is a most beautiful fulfillment of the purpose of ethics.A Cornucopia of Benefits and Advantages421005069850Although it is a do-it-yourself system and has complete instructions, the Liberty staff also remains available for answering questions by email and phone. People have been very happy with the Liberty customer service. Further, Liberty is backed by a strong legal team who remain on standby for all customers in case assistance is needed. In about 2% of cases, it is necessary to go to court. Once again, 100% of the Liberty customers who have gone to court and who have faithfully used the assistance of the Liberty legal team and didn’t give up have won. But around 98% of Liberty customers win without ever having to go to court. 47625-145415 The Liberty system has even worked for people who have been sued by their credit card institutions. They adapted the documents to the court case, and often the cases were dismissed without having to go to court. In the very few cases where litigation followed, there are no failures. At no further charge, the Liberty staff provide a zip file of powerful support documents; and, we refer these rare customers to rare lawyers who guide them to success. They only charge a few hundred dollars – like $250 per court filing -- peanuts compared to the attorneys who charge thousands and then end up selling you down the river. None of these customers has lost, if they followed our instructions and the lawyer’s guidelines completely and did not give up. This system works far better and more consistently than commercial discharge or set off methods under the UCC, because the elite have tried to monopolize those methods for themselves, while stopping them from being honored for most people.Proof that it WorksThe system continues to work today. It is time tested. It takes a few months for users to see that the pretender-lender collection attempts have definitely stopped, but they have always stopped. There is a list of evidences of this success on the Liberty web pages, from institutions like Chase, Transunion, Capital One, Citibank, and others. For example, Transunion, the credit reporting agency, shows that the debt has been "deleted". You can view these documents at the Liberty website under where it says “Proof That Debt Elimination Works”. -952581915 In that section there is even one from the IRS, showing a bill for income tax owed due to the debt cancellation. This kind of bill has been received by very few of our customers, and none of them have had to pay the income tax, because we have CPAs we refer our customers to, who can provide a legal filing category that changes the cancelled debt from “income” to a tax exempt status. In addition to this good news, our Liberty customers now have the most absolute proof-in-writing possible -- from the Fed itself -- that the Liberty system works.85725872490Usually when we beat the pretender lenders, they just quietly slither away and never issue anything in writing confirming our victory, because they probably figure it would get duplicated and the word would spread far faster than it already is. So the best we have been able to enjoy so far in this matter is their going silent and ceasing their collection efforts. That alone has freed countless people from the tyranny of debt enslavement, so we can't complain. But occasionally, it's nice to receive an actual written confirmation of the elimination of the debt. This doesn't mean that the same will happen for you, if you use the system. More likely, your debt would just quietly go away and you would never receive anything in writing confirming it. It's the old proverb, "no news is good news" -- meaning no more billing statements, no more collection letters, no more collection calls, and the debt has been written off. A critic once said this “is not true debt cancelation”, because the lender doesn’t usually put anything in writing plainly admitting it has been cancelled. Nothing could be further from the truth. The whole basis of the fantastic success rate of the Liberty system dating all the way back to 2002 is the fact that the debts were bogus – phony – and thus nonexistent from the beginning. How do you cancel something that doesn’t exist? If the only evidence of its existence is the collection efforts the pretender lenders are making, then when the collection efforts stop, that erases the only evidence they ever had of the existence of the debt. There is nothing else to cancel. One would be na?ve to believe that the pretender lenders are going to put in writing “You are right. We committed fraud. We are so sorry. We won’t let it happen again. Here, we admit here in writing that the debt never existed. We were just pretending that it did. And here is a refund of all the payments you ever made on it.” It would be not only na?ve – it would be crazy – to expect they’re going to put that out in writing. So the critics are wrong. The fading away of the collection efforts does in fact constitute the most legitimate confirmation of cancelation of debt. If anything else comes in writing in rare cases, that’s just icing on the cake. What about your signature on the original application, promising to repay the debt, you might ask? Doesn’t that make it legitimate? No, because now we have caught the “lender” in fraud. A U.S. federal court case concluded:"Fraud vitiates the most solemn Contracts, documents and even judgments" [U.S. vs. Throckmorton, 98 US 61, at pg. 65]. Nothing ever came out of their accounts to fund the “loan”, and they can’t prove otherwise. Not once since the Liberty program began in 2002 have the “lenders” ever come up with a shred of evidence to support their claims of being “lenders” or “creditors”. Yet they claim they are. If that isn’t an indisputable example of “fraud”, nothing is. So, they are not creditors at all. WE are! We are the ones who, with our signatures, back the monetary system. Therefore WE are the creditors. The pretender lenders are just imposters. They have proven it repeatedly by their own actions, and by their omission of evidence to the contrary. The effectiveness of the Liberty system does not depend upon presenting mere philosophy to the banks. While what they are doing may be unethical, we don't argue ethics. The reason the Liberty system is effective is because it targets actual specific laws that they are breaking. They cannot get around it and they cannot defeat this fact. That's why people who have been-152400333375 sued have often had their cases dismissed when the Liberty documents were presented.4886325378841014573253874135-666753769360Click on the titles(or if you are reading this on paper, type the video web addresses into an Internet browser)The American Dream by the Provocateur Network - Are You a Sleeping Debt Slave? - The Biggest Scam in the History of Mankind (Documentary)Hidden Secrets of Money 4 | Mike Maloney - ALL WARS ARE BANKERS' WARS - You may have questions that haven’t been answered here. Please read the Liberty Frequently Asked Questions below. Yes, the Liberty consultants are here for you - - they respond daily to email tickets submitted at their Help Desk via the Contact Us - - and they also respond to phone calls to the number at the top of their website home page. But first, they kindly ask you to please read the FAQs, to see if your question is already answered herein. Many thanks. May you be fortunate and take the first step towards becoming debt-free!2533650626745-114300712470Question: I am interested in the debt elimination program and wanted to make sure that it was available and if the program still has 100 percent success rate? Answer: Yes, the 100% success rate still exists. It is simply important to understand how this claim is justified. What we mean by the 100% success rate is first of all only applicable to the PAST, NOT to the future. We can only honestly and accurately comment about what has already happened in the past. What will happen in the future is not ours to predict. That's why we don't offer any guarantee. We don't offer a guarantee because we have no control over how well the customer implements our instructions, and we have no control over the response that the banking system will send. It's like selling you a car: we can guarantee that it is well made, but we can't guarantee that you won't drive it poorly and get into an accident. What the 100% success rate means, then, pertaining to the past, is that out of thousands of customers since 2002, not a single one of them who completely followed its instructions to the letter, and did not give up, has failed to have the debt collectors go away and leave them alone. Further, the 100% success rate means that not once has Liberty's essential argument been shown by any lender or any court or any attorney or anyone else, anywhere, to be invalid. The essential argument and allegation in the Liberty dispute letter has thus proven to be invincible. In about 1% or 2% of the cases, the customer was sued by the lender or a third party junk debt buyer after implementing the Liberty system. Thus it is a very small number -- and of those, we also have a 100% success rate, AGAIN on the same basis: that those who utilized our Legal Resources Package, followed its instructions perfectly and completely, and utilized the lawyer to whom we referred them, have had their cases dismissed. That means they won. They were victorious. This is because the pretender lenders and their agents have no defense to our allegations, but the defendants had to use the documents our lawyer provided them to file into the case, and they had to follow his simple guidelines. These basically consist of not letting the court or the opposing counsel intimidate oneself; not letting them distract one off into their line of questioning; and most importantly, it consists of holding firm like a laser beam to the essential allegations. It's as simple as that. So it's not really hard . . . but some people failed because they got scared, they got confused, they listened to the wrong outside advice, they detoured off the proven path to success that we gave them, or they got stressed and tired and gave up prematurely, without persisting through to their victory. In other words, once again, our system has been 100% successful -- both for the 98-99% who accomplish it administratively -- and for the 1-2% who went to court -- IF they stayed on the tried and true path of what we have given them to follow. We hope that this has clarified your concerns. Thank you for asking and giving us an opportunity to make it clear. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask any time.Question: Does the Liberty system work with other unsecured loans like federally insured student loans?Answer: Yes. The student loans were created just as fraudulently as the credit card debts. The system has been working with federally insured student loans, because they were created under same false, phony, money-out-of-thin-air process. The Liberty document content is undefeated and undefeatable. So far, we still have a 100% success rate in student loans being cancelled without litigation. And, we have one victory letter about a student loan Treasury setoff from the U.S. Department of Education, posted on our website. If you haven't seen it, take a look at it. It is in the Liberty section of our site, listed under where it says "Proof That Debt Elimination Works".3422650-722630Nevertheless, student loan borrowers are not protected by as many consumer protection laws as credit card borrowers are. Some experts have observed that the quasi-government agencies that make student loans are a little more persistent in pursuing the "repayment" of such "loans". That is why, in an abundance of caution, we make you aware that if you use the Liberty system for student loans, be mentally prepared for needing a little more patience than our credit card customers go through. If you fit with the 98% or 99% majority of Liberty customers, you would be likely to win your student loan debt elimination administratively, without going to court. But even if you happen to be one of the 1% or 2% who are “lucky” enough to get sued, the good news is that we now have a growing legal team to assist our customers when needed. Of course they would charge their own fees, but generally they are very reasonable and low -- like in the hundreds rather than thousands -- as compared to typical attorneys. And, they have a 100% success rate, in all cases where the client fully cooperated . . . followed the lawyer’s instructions entirely, and did not give up. For more information on this, see . 0854075Question: Ethically, I believe in paying my legitimate debts. If I have received real goods and services for the bills I ran up on my credit cards, then why is it ethical for me to not repay those debts?Answer: Because the money lenders were not the sources of those goods and services. The merchants who provided the goods and services were paid, but the money lenders produced nothing. Furthermore, the money lenders never loaned anything. No money ever came out of their accounts to issue your lines of credit. They pretended to make loans, when actually nothing was ever loaned. That is called fraud. That is why this Liberty debt cancelation system legally works. "La Vérité" means "the truth". We are simply confronting them with the truth, and they cannot deny it.We strongly recommend that everyone read the book The Creature from Jekyll Island, by G. Edward Griffin. It is available at . That book reveals the fascinating story of the creation of the Federal Reserve banking system, and how what the banks of today are "loaning" has never been true money, but rather just fictions created out of thin air, in a sophisticated strategy for the bankers to take over and enslave the world.Question (related):I would like to hear your response to the ethical question of your system being based on the fact that the credit card issuer is being fraudulent, yet to buy your system you accept credit card payment online. If they are fraudulent then why are you accepting their form of payment for your system?Answer: The reason is because out of the three parties to the transaction, only one of them is fraudulent. That is the so-called lender. You, the customer, are producing value with the hard earned money you are paying; and we, the merchant, are providing value with our hard earned product. It is ethical and sound thus far. We should be paid and you should receive good value, rightfully so. It is when the international crime syndicate called the money lenders insert themselves into the middle of the transaction and attempt to extort their cut, that we draw the line. No money came out of their accounts to issue the loan -- it was created out of thin air using the Mandrake Mechanism -- and no value came out of them either, in the way of goods or services.027305One could argue, well, they provide the medium of exchange -- i.e. the money, and administer that system. If so, then the honest way to do it would be for them to charge a small nominal fee, such as 0.01% of every transaction worldwide, for maintaining the money system. That might be fair. It would be open, honest, transparently visible, and mutually agreed upon by everyone. But paying "back" 100% of the value of the transaction PLUS usurious interest, is nothing less than outright theft and extortion. It is a parasitic influence on the global economy and has destroyed countless lives. That is wrong and must be stopped.We are not harming anyone or taking anything that isn't offered, by accepting credit cards to pay for our products. On the contrary, as sovereigns, we are exercising our God-given right to transact in commerce and provide our goods and services using whatever medium of exchange society has most agreed upon. The fact that a corrupt cabal has tried to insert itself as a fraudulent party to the transaction is the reason for our withdrawing our support from that behavior.Further, for every debt cancellation system a new customer implements, the economy is improved by that much. The economy is improved because money that was otherwise going to the international crime syndicate -- which they then use to hire armies of mercenaries to organize the banking and court systems against us -- is money that is now going instead to one's own (presumably) harmless and life-supporting home living and household expenses and perhaps education or creative and constructive projects. It is withdrawing money from what is harmful in the world and redirecting it to what is helpful. That is a most beautiful fulfillment of the purpose of ethics.Question: Can I selectively cancel some of my credit cards like the ones with the highest balances or interest rates and keep one or more cards?Answer: Yes. As stated in the Instructions, you can use the Liberty system on as many of the cancellable categories of debts as you wish, without limit. If you need to keep at least one credit card still working, then don't cancel that. Obviously the cards on which you apply the Liberty cancellation system will have their accounts closed and the cards will no longer work.3282950481965So, for example, let's say you have three Visas, two MasterCards, and one Discover card. Let's imagine that you have come pretty close to maxing out all the cards except the Discover card. On your Discover card, you still have plenty of credit and wish to keep it as a reserve in case you need it. So, don't use the Liberty system on that one. Use it on the Visas and MasterCards, and those accounts will be closed sometime in the months following the commencement of your Liberty letter-sending campaign.Question: What unsecured debts does the Liberty system NOT work with?Answer: It doesn't work to cancel debts that are legitimately owed -- such as money your friend or father loaned you, or say a department store credit card where you received merchandise from that store AND the store did not sell the paper to another loan servicing company. If the department store kept the loan paper in-house, then that is a legitimate debt. The invalid debts, which this set successfully cancels, are the money-out-of-thin-air debts under the Federal Reserve system such as Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and other institutional credit issues.Question: Would a peer-to-peer lender (ie. Lending Club) qualify for debt elimination thru this program? It is an unsecured loan; however, the lender matches borrowers with investors rather than directly loaning out the money from themselves.Answer: If the "investors" you speak of -- and the term would be more accurately stated as "lenders" -- but in any case, if they are individuals, then the money they are lending is coming out of their accounts, and reducing their accounts by the amount loaned. Those are real and legitimate loans that should ethically and legally be repaid.The loans that can be cancelled are really magic tricks. They are the vast majority of instances where Visas, MasterCards, and other unsecured lines of credit received money that the financial institutions created under the Federal Reserve System, and never had any deduction out of their accounts. Rather, they simply did a computer entry, where they created it out of thin air. This is called the Mandrake Mechanism. They have nothing at risk. The fact that they pretend otherwise is fraud.Thus the reason we have a 100% success rate in cancelling those debts is that we challenge them to prove that they really loaned something, that money really came out of their accounts, and that they had something at risk. They can't do it.The type of loans you are talking about would legitimately be repayable, UNLESS they were made by banks or financial institutions under the Fed system, using the Mandrake Mechanism.Question: I was sued for not paying my credit card debt. I had to go into court and got a judgment against me. Will the Debt Elimination Program still work for me with this judgment against me?4762578740Related Question:What happens if for some reason one does get a judgment against them; is there help for them then?Answer to both questions above: Yes. Previously we used to say that this is an administrative process only, and that we don't assist with litigation, because it was so rarely ever needed, and we are not lawyers. However, we now have an unusually powerful and successful legal team to assist with such matters, and we have only wins and victories with no failures or losses. There are nominal additional fees for litigation, depending upon how simple the matter is, but suffice it to say, we do make available formidable additional resources as backup support for anyone who gets sued or who may like to commence a suit as plaintiff.Question: What happens to the status of the credit card after this process is complete? Are the credit cards cancelled or are they still useful?Answer: Good question. After the debt has been cancelled, the credit card institution will close out that account. So no, that card will not be useful anymore. As a matter of fact, that institution would probably not want you again as a customer. After all, they're making a pretty lucrative racket by pretending to loan money when nothing -- not a penny -- EVER came out of their accounts to ANY credit card customer! So when they realize you're not going to play that game anymore, you're no longer a viable source of free money for them.2562225117475They can't prove that they didn't commit fraud . . . and so that is why they will let the debt go away when you challenge them head on. But on the other hand, they're going to keep their free gravy train going as long as possible. Customers who wise up to it are no longer welcome.Further, in good conscience, it would not be ethical for the customer to deliberately create credit card debts and then cancel them, knowing in advance that it is a fraud. The action outlined by the Liberty system allows you to act in good faith, showing that you have learned about the fraud only AFTER having already unwittingly allowed the so-called "debt" to exist for some time, and after having mistakenly honored it by making payments to it.Question: Some customers have received responses to the Liberty letters with statements like the following: "When your account was opened with us and you used the credit card, you made a promise to pay for all goods and services provided through the related credit card transactions, as well as any associated fees. You renewed that promise each time you used your credit card."Answer: These customers have felt hurt, guilty, and accused by such statements, and have wondered how to respond. The key principle in law to be aware of in this context is this:"Fraud vitiates the most solemn Contracts, documents and even judgments" 3857625-304800- - [U.S. vs. Throckmorton, 98 US 61, at pg. 65]. This means you can rely on the federal courts for your justification. When you originally signed the loan agreement, they had committed fraud by failing to disclose to you that they were not loaning any money at all, out of their accounts. They further failed to disclose to you that they were in violation of various lending acts and failed to perform under those definitions.They play on your conscience, by avoiding answering to those allegations, and instead distracting your attention over to your so-called "promises" -- just like a magician trick. DON'T FALL FOR IT!! If they had truly, genuinely, actually, and authentically loaned real money out of their accounts, DON'T YOU THINK THEY WOULD BE HAPPY TO PROVE IT AND THE COURTS WOULD UPHOLD THEIR EVIDENCE?Thus it is through no fault of yours that these facts were not fully disclosed to you at the time of signing. Since opening the account, YOU HAVE COME INTO NEW INFORMATION. Hence do not fall for their tear-jerking pull at your honest heart strings.Why do you think the Liberty system enjoys a 100% success rate? Why do you think it has never failed to eliminate the debts to which it is addressed? Do you think this would happen if there were a genuinely moral, ethical, or legal obligation on your part to repay something?Basically, YOU OWE NO RESPONSE TO THEIR DECEPTIVE STATEMENT at all.Just continue with the Liberty system, wherever you happen to be in following the Instructions and the Flow Chart.Question: Other customers have received letters with statements like: "Please be advised that under Section 226.13 of the Truth in Lending Act, you must notify us in writing within 60 days after we sent you the first statement regarding any suspected error or requests for additional information regarding specific transactions made on your account. As long as the detailed transaction information is provided to you on your statement, we do not need to provide you with copies of your receipts during that billing cycle." These customers ask how to respond to this.31527753658235571501838325Answer: This does not address the foundation, which is that no loan ever existed. All the Truth in Lending Act cite is referring to is if there are errors in the charges. If there are erroneous charges on the account, then one is required to notify them within 60 days. That has nothing to do with the fact that no loan ever existed in the first place, and the fact that they are in default on proving otherwise. And the Liberty documents do not request "receipts". The above effort on the pretender lenders' part to try to distract you into thinking you did something wrong, is just a sleight of hand - anything to get your attention off the central issue - that they never loaned anything. That's why in an instance like this, your job is simple: to just "rinse and repeat". Remember, it is the CONSTANT REPETITION of our central allegations that eventually makes them give up and go away. Stay firm and focused like a laser beam on following the Liberty instructions. No one who has ever done so, has lost.Question: Those who understand American sovereign status, HJR-192 of June 5, 1933, the Uniform Commercial Code, and commercial remedies such as our rights as creditors to create money in accordance with the UCC, know that debts can be set off or discharged by the issuance of proper credit instruments. Why then do you speak of creating money out of thin air as if it is some kind of wrong or illegal or unethical act?Answer: There is nothing unethical about creating money out of thin air -- IF it were to be offered equally across the board to everyone, openly with full disclosure, with equal opportunity, and with publicly sanctioned assistance in implementing it to all people without discrimination.What is unethical is to do it like a magic trick, hidden behind the scenes, keep it a secret from everyone, pretend that the loans came out of their supposedly already existing, genuine, and limited funds, and that they would therefore be financially harmed if you don't pay it back. That is harmful dishonesty, plain and simple. It is deliberate and unjust enrichment designed to benefit the few at the expense of the many. Read books like The Creature from Jekyll Island, by G. Ed Griffin, or Secrets of the Federal Reserve, by Eustace Mullin. They explain in crystal clear, irrefutable terms exactly how the “Mandrake Mechanism" works . . . how they create money out of thin air and pretend that it is real.Further, most people don't realize that in all 50 states, it is illegal to loan credit. It is legal to loan money, but not credit. And yet that is exactly what the pretender lenders have been doing.Thus the commercial remedies rightfully provided to us under the UCC have not worked for most people, even when presented properly, for the simple reason that the egomaniacal controllers have monopolized the benefits of the system for the insiders, at the exclusion and the expense of everyone else. It is for that reason that our credit card debt cancelation system challenges the fraud, rather than attempting to discharge the debt . . . and it is for that reason that this approach has been 100% successful, to our knowledge.Question: How long does it usually take to get process started and finalized? (Or asked another way:) Once I complete your paperwork, how long does it take for the debt to be completely eliminated?Answer:You can get started immediately upon receiving the documents from the website. Most people only need 20 or 30 minutes to create the customized versions of the documents for each debt that is to be cancelled. Then after sending them certified mail restricted delivery,within a few weeks a rebuttal will come from the pretender lender or their collection agent. The rebuttal will show that YOU HAVE WON, because it will FAIL COMPLETELY to even address any of the points in your dispute letter . . . much less answer them or prove that the debt is381001066800 valid by fulfilling your demands for compliance with the law. Their letter will beat around the bush, claim this and that, but will strategically avoid answering the allegations made in your dispute letter. They are now caught, and they cannot escape. But, they hope that you will be intimidated and will acquiesce, or will get distracted and get off point.So, you very calmly just print out, sign, and send registered mail the very same letter, as you will see in the instructions. Just follow the simple instructions that come with the program. Very simple. Like washing your hair, "rinse and repeat". A few weeks later, they will probably send another silly rebuttal. Once again it will completely fail to even address any of the points. So, repeat the same process. Send the letter again, according to the instructions. Very simple, very easy, and it doesn't take much time to do.4121150368300This process may go on for a few months. Gradually you will hear from them less and less. Most customers stop hearing from the pretender lender and their agents within 3 to 6 months. It is when you have not heard from them for a while, that you know they have given up. Question:What happens to my credit rating after the debt is cancelled?Answer:Most of the people who have gone down this path of canceling their debts have learned to live without credit, and use debit cards instead. However, for those who wish to make use of GOOD debt, for investment and business purposes, or purchasing a home, the good news is, actually, users of this system usually do NOT have any blemish on their credit rating . . . for the simple reason that Liberty users send a Cc copy of the letters to the heads of the credit reporting agencies. In other words, whatever you are sending to the pretender lender(s), you are also sending copies of to the three main credit reporting agencies. That shows them that you are not in default . . . but rather, the debt is in dispute. As long as it is in dispute, it cannot be considered to be in default. So blemishes on credit ratings are much more rare now, and even when they occur, they are erroneous and can be corrected.Question: What if someone already has a credit card process in with another company that's in the World Court now but the debt elimination is not final as of now? Can I still use your remedy?38100771525Answer: It sounds like you are referring to procedures like those provided by Divine Province or Gold Shield Alliance / Freedom Club. They have the right approach and we applaud them for their efforts to make the cabal do the right thing. The problem is, as you know, that their success rate is very low. The cabal has just not been allowing those procedures to work most of the time.Yes, you could engage the Liberty process simultaneously, and it would create a win-win-win situation for you. On the one hand, in practically all of the many hundreds of previous cases, it has resulted in the pretender lender ceasing their collection efforts. They go away and the card holder no longer is harassed or bothered by the phony bogus debt collection attempts.On the other hand, in your case, it would also box the pretender lender into a corner. They have the choice of either honoring the process of creation of funds under public policy to liquidate the debt, as you are trying to enforce via the World Court; OR, they face being confronted with the alternative -- which is being caught in their fraud -- which the Liberty system does. So the Liberty system would both add to your enforcement, as well as liberate you from their collection attempts.Question: What are tax implications of this kind of freedom?Answer: Why would the two be related? Are your supposed debts, or your payments on them, presently tax deductible? I am not a taxpayer, nor a tax advisor, so you would need to consult a tax professional for such answers. All Liberty does is cancel your unsecured debt. Unless you are a taxpayer and the debt is tax deductible, I don't know what implications the cancelation would have.Question:Can the Liberty system work in countries other than the USA?2676525201295Answer:Most likely YES, potentially . . . because all countries in the world operate under the same general monetary system as the US, more or less. The problem is, the legal cites in the Liberty system have never been adapted for other countries.The Liberty system has laws cited, like "USC § 1692 et seq", and people in other countries would have to have a lawyer or paralegal find the equivalent for their nation and replace it in the Liberty documents. "USC" is the United States Code, and that only applies in the US -- that's why the introduction said at the top "Mainly for card holders in the USA".However, this system SHOULD work for people in other countries 100% successfully, just as it does in the US, if one replaces the US laws in the set with the laws from that country. Do you have a lawyer or paralegal who can do that?So to clarify, it's not the citizenship of the card holder that matters. It is from what country the card itself was issued. For example, if someone is Canadian but has a Visa from a U.S. bank, then that qualifies. The cardholder agreement must be under the U.S. jurisdiction, thus meaning the card has to have been issued in the U.S. for the Liberty system to apply as is, without legal modification.Also, another method that can possibly work for non-US citizens and residents, is if the card holder in the foreign country can transfer the card balance to a US card. For example, if someone from Australia has $7000 AUD in Visa or MasterCard debt on an Australian card, and if that same person were to acquire an American Visa or MasterCard from a US bank, that person could ask the US institution if it would transfer the $7000 AUD balance from the Australian card to the US card. Most institutions are more than happy to do so . . . because it gives them more business, and therefore more revenues. To them, it really doesn't much matter what country the debt comes from.Then once the debt is on the US card, it can be cancelled using the Liberty program.Question: Do we have to buy your docs twice, or can we buy one set and adapt for both my husband's credit cards and mine?85725131445Answer: You only need to buy the docs once. The rule is, one purchase per household. For friends and other households, another purchase is required.(Similar) Question: If I purchased your system would I be able to use it to help settle the debts of other people such as relatives, friends or neighbors?Answer: No, you can only use the Liberty system for yourself and a spouse or someone in your household who shares your accounts and household expenses with you. The reason is that there is ongoing customer service, and we can't afford to provide customer service to people outside your household who didn't buy the program. If we allowed everyone to do that, it would mean we would have five or ten times as many customers to support, with no extra income to pay for it. So the others outside your immediate family and household each have to buy their own Liberty system. If you were to share it with them without our permission, then when they run into questions or perceived problems and need help, they would have no access to us to help them. You wouldn't want that to happen.Question: I have a friend that is considering going though the program. He has a signature loan with a small credit union that he also keeps his personal funds in. He is wondering if there would be any blowback from sending the letter to eliminate the loan. Have you heard of any repercussions as far as personal funds being confiscated or frozen by an institution as receiving the letters?Answer: We have never heard of any institution confiscating the checking account of a customer who is cancelling their credit card debt with the same institution. And at the same time, to prevent any possibility of it happening, we have recommended that they consider removing their checking account . . . or at least most of the money in it . . . from that institution and moving it to another institution. That is just simple wisdom to be prudent and cautious. "Better safe than sorry."Question: If I have a judgment on a credit card, can I still pursue with applying through Liberty to be debt free from that card?3914775162560Answer: Yes, but you will have to sue them, as a supplemental action in addition to purchasing the Liberty system. The Liberty system by itself is just a letter writing campaign. That is sufficient to get pre-judgment debts cancelled, but it is not sufficient to reverse a judgment. To reverse a judgment, you will have to read the Liberty documents, and then use the services of our recommended lawyer to sue your opponents based on the Liberty content. The allegations in the Liberty system are undefeated and undefeatable by the pretender lender institutions, but only if litigated by clients who cooperate with one of our trained lawyers who is familiar with the Liberty system and skilled at court procedure. For further information about this, read our legal section at . Question: Does Liberty cancel debts on AMEX (American Express) cards as well?Answer: It works the same on AMEX as it does on the other cards. We just don't talk about it as much because a much smaller minority of our customers have AMEX and need to cancel the debts on it. Usually most people pay off their AMEX balances each month, as you know, but the "credit" AMEX issues is the same money-out-of-thin-air fraud that the Visas and MasterCards do. So yes, it can be cancelled just the same.Question: Can your system be used to settle a SALLIE MAE loan? I believe they are a private corporation and not affiliated with the US government.Answer: Yes, if it is an unsecured loan . . . meaning signature only -- not a mortgage secured by real estate or other hard assets. In other words, was a boat, a car, real estate, or other asset pledged as collateral, such that they could "legally" take that item from you if you don't repay the so-called "loan"? If not, then yes -- the Liberty system can cancel it.Question: Is there is specific time frame that I need to send the letter once I have received correspondence from the bank / cc company?66675130175Answer: Not really. Even if they give a deadline, you're not legally bound by it, because remember, their fraud made the signed agreement null and void. But just for maintaining the effectiveness of the campaign, it makes sense to respond within a reasonable time, like a week or two. In my own case, I usually responded within 2 or 3 days. In controversies like this, the one who is on the offensive usually has the advantage, so it is good to hit right back quickly . . . to give them the strong impression that you are absolutely on top of them and you are neither wavering, unsure, wishy-washy, or lenient towards them. If you take too long, they might get the impression that you're weak, or apathetic, and you might be easier to push over.Your strategy is simple. One a 1:1 basis, for each thing they send you, you send one response right away. The response will always be the first dispute letter and affidavit, until and unless they get more belligerent and threatening. Then use the second letter. That's it. It's as simple as that. If they don't respond point-for-point to the dispute letter and satisfy what it demands, and if they fade away from contacting you, then you have no need to pursue them any further.Question: If I am current on the particular credit card I wish to cancel and am not in default, then how would I modify the process?Answer: There is no change to make. The first sentence is "Thank you for the statement of [date], that your institution recently sent me, expecting payment for an alleged debt." That remains true whether you are current on your payments or not. In any case, do NOT include a payment with it, because that would contradict the point of the dispute letter and remove the credibility of your challenge.Question: Does one purchase include unlimited credit card cancelations?Answer: Yes. Once you have the system, you have it for life, to use on as many unsecured debt cancelations as you wish.Question: Is there a limit to the amount of debt that I can cancel from one purchase of the system? What is the limit?638175661670Answer: There is no limit. In fact, it wouldn't make sense to cancel just a portion of a debt. It's all or nothing. It doesn’t matter how large the debt is. Fraud is fraud. Question: My credit card account is with a major corporation with which I worked, however, the statement and payments go to the card services division of a credit card institution. Do I make the parent corporation the addressee on the first dispute letter, or the credit card institution?Answer: Send your Liberty documents always to the top management of the parent company. This takes care of all parties connected with it. Notice what is at the end of the dispute letter -- this sentence: "Notice to the Principal is Notice to the Agent, and Notice to the Agent is Notice to the Principal." "Principal" in this case not only refers to the parent company, but also to the entire hierarchy of the Federal Reserve System. Thus your letter to the superiors is simultaneously, legally, also notice to whoever is collecting.Question: If I cancel the debt on a card at an institution at which I also have another card, will that institution also cancel or call due the card that I have not cancelled? Or would other institutions at which I have cards hear about my cancellation at the first one, and cancel those cards?Answer: We have never heard of Visa or any other credit institution cancelling, freezing, or restricting any remaining cards that you have not cancelled, for any other Liberty customers. The logic is this: even if they learn that you have challenged the illegitimate debt on the other cards, as long as you're still paying on the one card, why would they shoot themselves in the foot? It's pure gravy to them . . . so they're not going to stop you from keeping that account open and continuing to send in those payments.1828800268605Question: Is there a money-back guarantee on the Liberty system?Answer: We will certainly refund your money if the documents don't get delivered to you for some reason. This has never happened. But once they are delivered to you, either by download or email, whatever the method, you cannot return them. Now the information is yours. We cannot control what you do with the information. Nor can we control how the pretender lender institutions will respond to your filing of the documents with them. Thus once you have received the Liberty documents, there cannot be any refund thereafter. The good news is, since 2002, only once did a customer ask for a refund, and that was for personal reasons – not because of any defect of the system. That is testimony to the 100% success rate of the Liberty program. It is extremely unlikely that the Liberty system will fail.Question: I do not have any credit cards. My purpose for using the Liberty system is to cancel my student loan debt. In the affidavit, do I switch the "name of bank" with Sallie Mae or Nelnet, the loan servicer?Answer: Yes, thank you for asking . . . we haven't modified the letter or the affidavit for that purpose. But as you have suggested, just use common sense . . . modify it wherever necessary. Wherever either document refers to a "bank" or "credit card", etc., just change it accordingly. It is important that this be your own document, your own wording, because we're not providing legal advice, or legal services, paralegal services, etc. We're just providing a product, and the intelligence in it WORKS. So yes, adapt it as needed, without altering the basic concepts in it, and you should be fine.62865233680As to whether to put the name of the originator of the loan or the loan servicer, normally it is best to put the name of the servicer - the one who is corresponding with you, sending you statements, and trying to collect. This is because, as stated at the end of the dispute letter, "Notice to the Principal is Notice to the Agent, and Notice to the Agent is Notice to the Principal."Question: We are currently working with a debt consolidation company. Can I transition from them to work with your company? If so, how would I go about this?3003550243205Answer: The concept of debt consolidation is contradictory to the debt CANCELATION that Liberty offers, because it assumes that the debt is valid, and therefore merely negotiates how to pay it. Hence if you wish to switch from consolidation and negotiation to complete cancellation and elimination, you will simply have to completely cancel all involvement with the consolidation company.It is probably best not to even mention to them the existence of Liberty or its cancellation product, because the people who do consolidation make their living and their livelihood from the philosophy that the debt is valid. That is the foundation assumption on which their whole industry is based. It is an assumption which the Liberty system disproves, which could be frightening to the consolidation people. When they are frightened, they will react with any kind of frivolous arguments to try to refute what Liberty is doing and discourage you from doing it. In other words, like any animal, they will defend their territory. It is sad.Liberty rises to an entirely higher level of truth and success. It is at once more freeing, because it eliminates 100% of the debt, AND quicker, AND easier, AND more successful . . . 100% successful . . . PLUS is usually much less expensive than consolidation.So being, if you wish to switch, you would have to simply abandon, cancel, and withdraw from the entire consolidation relationship. Give them any reason you feel is truthful but not too revealing -- just something vague like "I've found another approach I prefer to pursue -- thank you very much." Then come back to our website and enroll.Question: Can the Liberty system aid me in clearing offenses off my credit report?01811020Answer: Yes. First, the Liberty system provides the essential prerequisite to cleaning up your credit report. The essential prerequisite is to get the debts cancelled. Once they are cancelled, the Liberty system has done its job. Then you will need to do other things to clean up the credit report. We are not in the credit repair business. But if you send us a Help Desk Ticket asking us for credit repair, we can refer you to a consulting firm that will help you with that. However, if you were to skip directly to credit repair, without first cancelling the existing debts, their job would be more difficult. They can't do much to improve your credit score with those debts still standing there. They need to be eliminated. Then the credit repair is much easier. Liberty handles the debt elimination. We call it debt "validation", because it sounds nicer . . . we're giving the pretender lenders a polite opportunity to validate the legitimacy of their so-called debts. When they can't, then the debts are cancelled.Question: Can the system handle issues of debit card debt?Answer: No, because those are not loans or “debt”. Even though the words "debt” and “debit" are similar, they are opposites. A debit card simply accesses what is in your checking account. There is no debt to cancel, and the bank doesn’t even pretend that there is. Question: Can the system handle debt issues that have been sent to a third party collector?Answer: Yes of course, providing they are the kind of unsecured debts for which the Liberty system is designed -- as specified inter alia -- i.e. issued by U.S. institutions, not secured by collateral, etc. Just because it went to a 2nd or 3rd or 4th party collector means nothing. It doesn't matter who bought it and who is trying to collect on it. If it was a fraud in the beginning, it continues to be a fraud. Fraud nullifies debt ab initio (from the beginning).Question: I do understand this program but I am not sure that I am ready to live without my credit cards. Some of the companies that I have credit cards with I also have debit cards with. What assurance do I have that they will not get revenge and close out my checking accounts? Answer: You have asked some good and intelligent questions. The good news is, we have never heard of any institution raiding another account of the customer to compensate the credit card debt that they claim the customer owes.This is due to the strength of the Liberty program. The questions, accusations, and challenges in the Liberty dispute letter and accompanying affidavit show the pretender lender that they are caught. If they were to take money from another account belonging to the same customer, they would be compounding their crime, and they know the likelihood is very high that the customer would then sue, using the arguments in the Liberty documents. 4051300593725Just be sure that the original agreement you signed didn’t include fine print saying that you gave the bank the right to repay the “debt” from any accounts you may have with them. Even if you did, don’t worry – the Liberty system can still cancel the debt. But, it might be more risky in the meantime that the bank might think it has the legal right to confiscate your funds. Anywhere along the way, you could sue the bank using our legal team, and thus using the argument template that comes with the Liberty system. Against such a suit, the pretender lender could not possibly win. We suspect that is the reason we have never heard of a single instance where such an institution went after another account of the customer to satisfy the so-called "debt".Nevertheless, it can still be prudent to close any accounts you may have at an institution where you also plan to cancel a debt with the Liberty system, or at least remove most of the money from such accounts. Even if we have never seen an institution raid a Liberty user’s account, there could always be a first time. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”Further, if you have read these Q&A carefully, you will have seen that for most Liberty customers, negative entries usually do not get entered on their credit reports. This is because copies of all correspondence are sent to the credit reporting agencies, thereby showing that the account is not in default -- it is in dispute. Until the dispute is resolved, they cannot designate it as a default. 8064553594000-488950-1524000If you have any further questions not already answered herein, contact us any time at: purchase the Liberty system, go to: 3143250359410-4889502451103702050-114300419100-228600-6985028181303352800258953014668504875530 ................

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