Class ___________________________________ Unit

Literacy Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan

|Class: Middle School FACS |Unit: Financial Literacy |

|Lesson Topic: Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Credit and Debt |Day of Week: |Date: |

|Indiana Family & Consumer Sciences Academic Standard(s): (number and words) |

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|FCS-MS 2.2.3: Managing credit and debt, credit cards vs. debit cards |

|Indiana Common Core Standard(s) (number and words) If for a middle school course, use Common Core specific standards for 6th, 7th, or 8th. If for a high school |

|course, use Common Core Standards for Technical Subjects CTE). |

|6-8.LST.4.1: Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text with a version of that information expressed visually (e.g., in a |

|flowchart, diagram, model, graph, or table). |

|6-8.LST.3.2: Analyze the structure an author uses to organize a text, including how the major sections contribute to the whole and to an understanding of the topic|

|Objective/s: The students will be able to. . . |

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|Analyze pros and cons of using credit cards and debit cards. |

|Create their own songs/pictures/skits for key vocabulary terms. |

|Describe key concepts covered in the textbook reading by completing the REAP chart. |

|Compare and contrast attributes of credit and debit cards using a Venn diagram. |

|Methods / Learning Experiences |Content |

|Time |Activity: Include labels for before, during and after activities | |

|1 minute |Interest Approach/Opening | |

| |Video- “Frog Protection” | |

|5 minutes |Discussion |Discuss why knowing vocabulary terms is important (tie into video, frog/fraud |

| | |protection) |

| | |Ask students: |

| | |What words might be challenging when talking about credit cards/debit cards. |

| | |Why is it important to know the words now and in your future? |

|15 minutes |Vocabulary Game |Students are paired together and are assigned one vocab term on the worksheet. |

| | |Before: Students look up their assigned word in the textbook or on the website |

| | |listed using their iPad. Students have 5-8 minutes to come up with a creative |

| | |way to describe the word (skit, song, picture, etc.). |

|12-15 minutes |Vocabulary Definition Presentation |Students have to present their creative idea to the class (30 seconds to 1 |

| | |minute per pair). Students fill out vocabulary chart with the definitions or |

| | |creative idea. |

|20 minutes |Textbook Reading |During: Students will read three pages independently from ‘Applying Life |

| | |Skills’ about credit and debit cards filling out the literacy REAP chart. |

| | |Fill the ‘R’ column on the REAP chart and skim the pages. Read and encode the |

| | |text and summarize the readings, ‘E’ and ‘A’ boxes on REAP chart. Discuss text |

| | |with class about the main points. Ponder the text and ask students what they |

| | |learned, ‘P’ box. |

|15 minutes |Venn Diagram |After: Hand out the Venn diagram document. Give students 5 minutes to fill out |

| | |as much as they can about credit and debit cards. Project the diagram on the |

| | |board and have student come up and write their answers on the board. Ask why |

| | |that information pertain to that card compared to the other. |

| | |References: |

| | |Janet Allen Literacy Chart |

| | |YouTube |

| | | |

|5 minutes |Lesson Summary / Closure Activity |Evaluation of Student Learning: REAP Chart, Venn diagram, Reflection question |

| |Have students write a paragraph regarding the questions, ‘Would | |

| |you rather have a credit card or a debit card?’ Explain three | |

| |reasons why in your response using three key vocabulary terms. | |

|Teacher Preparation / Materials Needed (Attach copies if possible; list large items) |

|YouTube video link: |

|Vocabulary Words hand-out: attached |

|Vocabulary definitions: attached (only need if students do not have access to the internet) |

|REAP Chart- attached |

|Venn Diagram: attached |

|Venn Diagram- teacher edition- attached |


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